#Chacha Lin
cantsayidont · 6 months
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January 2024. This hugely disappointing Spanish revamp of the venerable pulp hero seems to have much to recommend it — an attractive cast, colorful cinematography, lots of stylish slow-mo action, and an array of truly excellent hats — but is far too much of a mess in too many directions to readily enjoy.
Like the 1998 movie THE MASK OF ZORRO, the show makes Zorro a multigenerational figure, albeit presented here as a previously indigenous champion. When the latest Zorro (Cristo Fernández) is killed, white preppie Diego de la Vega (Miguel Bernardeau from ÉLITE, where he also played a preppie jackass) is improbably chosen ("by the spirits," it says here) to take his place, shutting out the dead man's vengeful sister Nah-Lin (Dalia Xiuhcoatl), who defiantly sets herself up as a meaner rival Zorro, dealing with abusive colonizers by murdering them rather than just carving a "Z" on their foreheads. This inevitably creates a conflict between her and Diego, who deplores her brutal methods. (Admittedly, Nah-Lin does nearly murder him, but she's not wrong, and since Diego also kills a fair number of people as Zorro, his disapproval seems hypocritical.) A certain amount of "good colonizer" paternalism is hard to avoid with the Zorro character, but instead of just treading lightly, the show works overtime trying to rationalize Diego's appropriation while relentlessly punishing Nah-Lin for her unwillingness to either give it up or become Diego's sidekick.
Tellingly, the show evinces far more sympathy for Capt. Monasterio (Emiliano Zurita), a Spanish army officer who's caught between his own sense of honor and his duty to cruel governor Pedro Victoria (Rodolfo Sancho), and who eventually steals the heart of Diego's once-and-future crush, the plucky Lolita Márquez (Renata Notni). There's also an uncomfortable subplot involving a Chinese woman named Mei (Chacha Huang), a former sex worker who insists on becoming Diego's servant after Zorro rescues her. (A running gag is that Mei doesn't speak Spanish and Diego doesn't speak Cantonese, and while Diego's servant Bernardo (Paco Tous) can understand both, he's mute.)
This doesn't even touch on the show's headache-inducing central plot — involving secret societies, nefarious Russians, and a mysterious woman (Cecilia Suárez) who gets a ruthless mercenary (Joel Bosqued) to pose as her son for reasons unknown — which is convoluted without ever being interesting or compelling.
With a lighter touch, clearer character motivations, and less racism, ZORRO could have been a winner, but it felt like a slog. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Nary a one. VERDICT: Good-looking flop that never fails to underwhelm. I really wanted to like this show, which would have taken very little, but it was so bad I kept having to turn it off for a while to build up my tolerance.
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atletasudando · 2 years
Orjuela y Toaquiza, vencedores del Sudamericano de Maratón en Kourou
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El colombiano Yesid Alexander Orjuela y la ecuatoriana Carmen Amelia Toaquiza ganaron el Campeonato Sudamericano de Maratón, realizado este domingo 19 de marzo bajo duras condiciones climáticas (calor y casi 100% de humedad) en Kourou, en la Guayana Francesa. Fue en el marco de la 31ª. edición del denominado “Maratón del Espacio”, una prueba tradicional en esa ciudad, instituida a principios de la década del 90 con motivo del lanzamiento del cohete Arianne. Se largó en Pointe-des-Roches, con llegada en el Centro Espacial de Guayana. “Sabía que iba a ser una carrera muy dura por el factor climático; así que salí buscando un ritmo constante hasta donde mi cuerpo más me lo permitiera; tratando de llevar un ritmo promedio entre 3'32"-3'30"/km; y así fue hasta prácticamente el kilómetro 35", aseguró en sus redes sociales el hijo de Ana Matilde, al final de la competencia de 42K”, escribió Yesid en sus redes sociales.                         Terminó con un tiempo de 2 horas y 34 minutos, 3 m. por delante del argentino José Félix Sánchez (no puntuable para el Sudamericano). El tercer puesto en 2:40, y con medalla de plata para el Sudamericano, fue para el también argentino Luis Ariel Molina, ex campeón de maratón de su país y representante olímpico en Rio 2016. En damas, Toaquiza empleó 3:08:02, mientras que la argentina Chiara Mainetti abandonó hacia el km. 15. Orjuela, de 35 años, tiene un antecedente de 2:18:44 en Houston 2016, aunque posteriormente, por problemas físicos, estuvo un tiempo alejado de la actividad. Es también guía técnico de su destacada hermana y maratonista olímpica Angie Rocío Orjuela. Toaquiza cuenta con una marca personal en maratón de 2:40:08 (Lima 2017), que la clasificó para el Mundial de ese año en Londres, donde quedó 61ª. con 2:48:45. Tiene marcas personales en pista de 16:13.49 en 5.000 y 34:43.53 en 10.000, ambas en esa misma temporada, en la que fue medalla de plata de 5.000 en los Juegos Bolivarianos. En los Odesur del 2018, en Cochabamba, consiguió la medalla de bronce de la misma distnacia y el cuarto puesto en 10.000. Historial del Campeonato Sudamericano de Maratón 11.10.2009 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Marco Antonio Pereira BRA 2:17:56, 2 Herman Oscar Cortinez ARG 2:20:06, 3 José Ramón Romero ARG 2:23:23 Mujeres: 1 Sirlene Souza de Pinho BRA 2:38:08, 2 Natalia Romero CIH 2:44:31, 3 Andrea Graciano ARG 2:46:00   8.8.2010 Asunción Varones: 1 Elias Rodrigues Bastos BRA 2:27:51, 2 Paulo da Silva BRA 2:28:04, 3 Gustavo López PAR 2:33:18 Mujeres: 1 María Gabriela Almada ARG 2:55:02, 2 Janette Gomes Barbosa BRA 2:56:48, 3 Leone Justino da Silva BRA 3:09.51 15.5.2011 Lima Varones: 1 Miguel Mallqui PER 2:17:10, 2 Marco Antonio Pereira BRA 2:19:40, 3 José David Cardona COL 2:25:17 Mujeres: 1 Jimena Helen Misayauri PER 2:42:40, 2 Sandra Mercedes Ruales ECU 2:48:01, 3 Mary Emanuelle da Costa Oliveira BRA 2:54:29 26.6.2012 Caracas Varones: 1 José David Cardona COL 2:19:18, 2 José Everaldo da Silva Mota BRA 2:24:22, 3 Eduardo Aruquipa BOL 2:26:06 Mujeres: 1 Conceicao Maria de Carvalho Oliveira BRA 2:53:15, 2 Ruby Milena Riativa COL 2:53:22, 3 Ana Joaquina Rondón COL 2:55:04 13.10.2013 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Eliezer de Jesús Santos BRA 2:18:09, 2 Darío Edgardo Ríos ARG 2:20:01, 3 Osvaldo Ezequiel Barreto ARG 2:31:31 Mujeres: 1 Rosa Alva Chacha ECU 2:42:03, 2 Karina Elizabeth Neipán ARG 2:45:52, 3 Maria Laura Bazallo URU 2:48:58 6.4.2014 Santiago de Chile Varones: 1 Roberto Carlos Echeverría CHI 2:16:58, 2 Marcos Alexandre Elias BRA 2:20:29, 3 Eugenio Galaz CHI 2:20:35 Mujeres: 1 Erika Alejandra Olivera CHI 2:36:08, 2 Carmen Patricia Martínez PAR 2:38:05, 3 Hortensia Arzapalo PER 2:42:12 9.8.2015 Asunción Varones: 1 Juan Huamán PER 2:28:23, 2 Marcos Alexandre Elias BRA 2:30:46, 3 Renildo Batista BRA 2:32:05 Mujeres: 1 Wilma Arizapana PER 2:50:39, 2 Gladys Machacuay PER 2:51:13, 3 Antonia Bernadete Lins BRA 2:58:37 10.4.2016 Montevideo Varones: 1 Aguelmis Rojas URU 2:17:32, 2 Matías Silva CHI 2:22:40, 3 Lucas Emanuel Villanueva URU 2:28:17 Mujeres: 1 Gladys Celia Machacuay PER 2:42:18, 2 Hortensia Arzapalo PER 2:46.28, 3 Rosangela Raimunda Pereira Faria BRA 2:48:31 19.3.2017 Temuco Varones: 1 Enzo Diego Yáñez CHI 2:18:39, 2 Darlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:19:03, 3 Manuel de Jesús Cabrera CHI 2:20:19 Mujeres: 1 Mirella Saturnino de Andrade BRA 2:44:52, 2 Rosa Angélica Romero PER 2:50:01, 3 Olga Adela Barrios ARG 2:50:58 23.9.2018 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Cristhian Pacheco PER 2:11:19, 2 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:13:41, 3 Nelson Ito PER 2:16:29 Mujeres: 1 Rosa Alva Chacha ECU 2:35:29, 2 Clara Canchanya PER 2:39:27, 3 Gladys Celia Machacuay PER 2:40:58 22.9.2019 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:10:27, 2 Joaquín Emanuel Arbe ARG 2:11:02, 3 Eulalio Muñoz ARG 2:12:21 Mujeres: 1 Daiana Alejandra Ocampo ARG 2:34:12, 2 Marcela Cristina Gómez ARG 2:34:52, 3 Simone Ponte Ferraz BRA 2:38:10 2.5.2021 Asunción Varones: 1 Andrés Ruiz COL 2:21:07, 2 Héctor Garibay BOL 2:22:25, 3 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:25:39 Mujeres: 1 Silvia Patricia Ortiz ECU 2:48:08, 2 Ruby Milena Riativa COL 2:54:02, 3 Fátima Viviana Romero PAR 2:56:06 22.5.2022 Asunción Varones: 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:13:58, 2 Martín Ezequiel Méndez ARG 2:23:08, 3 Carlos Alejandro González PAR 2:26:37 Mujeres: 1 Mirella Saturnino de Andrade BRA 2:39:57, 2 Fátima Romero PAR 2:50:29, 3 Karina Fuentealba ARG 2:52:58         Read the full article
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Epic sound to match their epic name: Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea 旅人
Voc/Synth-Maggie, Gtr-Ann, Bass-Ben, Drums-Pan
特別感謝;我們的製作人 Yuchain Wang,很慶幸有位像這樣只會說真話的良師,每每錄完音都能收穫良多。感謝心思細膩又可愛的導演 Chacha Lin,陪著我們上山下海到處闖。感謝兩位美麗的演出者,陶藝家Phoebe Ken 耳邊,與花藝家 戴菊,她們獨特的內在給予我們許多的靈感。最後也感謝看完的你們。”
六月演出 06.11 Revolver w/ Ruby Fatale 鹿比 ∞ 吠陀 06.24 The Mercury 水星酒館 w/ Troy Lin - Recorded, mixed & produced by Yuchain Wang at Rooftop. Mastered by John Davis, Metropolis Studios, London, UK.
This new song MV is dedicated to those who strive to live outside the system, and may we all find the way to live in this society.
Special thanks; our producer, Yuchain Wang, is glad to have a good teacher who can only say the truth, and all the music has been able to gain a lot. Thanks for the delicate and lovely director Chacha Lin, with us going to the mountains to the sea. Thanks to the two beautiful performers, the potters, Phoebe Ken 耳邊, and the spend they are unique in giving us a lot of inspiration. Finally, thanks for the end of the day.
So good to have this band back, I’m very pleased!!   By the way Yuchain (Green!Eyes) also produced their 2014 ep, Half​-​naked journey; please go listen/purchase at bandcamp. Only $3 bucks, waaaa so inexpensive! (Seriously, I’ve listened to it many times, that was money well spent.)   =D
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
catching up
rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
thank you for the second tag today, @vishcount 💞 since i dunno what to do with myself anyway, these are very welcome 
i am tagging @cortue , @intyalote, @the-cloud-whisperer (yes two tags in a day, i am sorry, please don’t feel pressured!!) @sassyassassy, @isabellaofparma
my ramblings under the cut: 
Three Ships: am going with the ones that have been giving me The FeelsTM  recently
WenZhou [Word of Honor] - if you’ve been following me, i am evidently going through it. they are just so good. i’ve been considering if i should read the novel because it seems quite different and i want to know the dynamic there? but do i have the attention span for it? idk. let’s see. all that matters here is that they hurt me in the best way possible
Lin Shu/MCS & Xiao Jingyan & Mu Nihuang [Nirvana in Fire] - after my rewatch of NiF, the emotions i have over these three people (and honestly, the rest of the characters as well), just crashed over me again. they love each other so much? and each time i curse MCS for doing what he did, but at the same time i know where he is coming from. it just hurts so much, seeing Nihuang embracing him and hoping for a future where they could be together, seeing Jingyan going through all that and then? ending up alone once again. they just hurt me. and honestly i like all interpretations of their relationships, but my personal take on it is that Xiao Jingyan is head over heels in love with both Lin Shu and Mei Changsu, while Mu Nihuang loves him as her dearest friend, as a platonic soulmate that she could spend her entire life with - and Mei Changsu? honestly, he is so torn inside i don’t think he knows himself what he feels, except fear and overwhelming love for his friends that he doesn’t want to face. In my mind, i see Nihuang and Jingyan supporting each other, sharing the burden and the heartbreak. (also at this point i want to mention Lin Chen because god, does he care for Mei Changsu and that last episode just broke me all over again) thanks for coming to my ted-talk, i don’t think i will ever be done with it.
Cha Cha/ Li Jia/Shi Cheng [The Journey Across The Night] - another very good trio, and Vishie could talk about them with more eloquence than me, but i just? love their dynamic so damn much? please just let them be in love with each other? i think it is one of my favourite friendship groups in any drama. they are such a delight and go through ups and downs, have fun together and there is just so much love radiating from the screen when i watch them. it’s a shame there is barely content for this drama because i need more people to appreciate it and i want to thank Vishie again for recommending it. chacha my beloved, you’ve never left my mind ever since
Last Song: SHILLET HAMAL بشار مراد - شلة همل (Bunch of Bums) by Bashar Murad - this song has been a bittersweet companion to my life for the past month. please go check out this artist! he is amazing and i hope he will publish more music in the future.
and as I was writing this 盲—王晰 from the WoH OST came on which I’ve been absolutely obsessed with. It’s probably my favourite song from the OST? 
Last Movie: Honestly I can’t remember the last movie i watched because i don’t watch that many? So i decided to list some video essays on youtube that i watched recently: 
Meghan and Harry by Khadija Mbowe
Race-baiting, queer-baiting, colorism, featurism, and performative diversity by Khadija Mbowe
What is *Good* Queer Representation in 2020? by Melina Pendulum
“Killing Stalking” and The Romancing of Abuse by James Somerton 
Other than that i’ve been watching AvenueX’s livestreams on WoH, which are a blessing because i miss this stupid drama. 
Currently Watching: The Sleuth of The Ming Dynasty - after the ending of WoH and finishing my NiF rewatch, i’ve been in a slump and don’t really feel like watching a new show? so am slowly continuing TSoTMD - so far it still needs to grab me properly but it is a solid and entertaining drama so far? i love my cutie Tang Fan or course, but honestly right now i just want to get properly into Wang Zhi because he??? i love this shady bastard. and my Oirat duo are my absolute faves, if anything happens to them i will kill everyone in this room and then myself. 
Currently Reading: i’ve talked about my native nations poetry anthalogy often already, so am not gonna go into that again. but hey, i got back to slowly doing research for my course on materiality in viennese modern design (1880-1930). currently i am reading Dagobert Peche by Max Eisler which is hilarious, because when i started reading this i was wondering why it was written so fairy-tale-like and subjective, until it dawned on me that this Dr. Eisler was a friend of Mr. Peche? So he just wrote a biography on our boy Dagobert and he has a...questionable way of describing him; don’t we all just describe our bros as a ‘gothic countenance of anguish made of ivory’ as said bro lies in his bed being sick with a fever? idk, you do you, dear Max. but please stop talking about his godly hands and elegant demeanor, if you really wanna convince me y’all are just guys being dudes. am here to learn about ceramics, damnit.
apart from that i am rereading War of The Foxes by Richard Siken because i finally ordered the physical copy and i love it more than ever. 
thank for the tag dear 💞
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camullia · 4 years
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i’m happy.. hehe
i’ll associate my inner self as a retriever from now on bc they r SO DAMN CUTE LOOK AT THAT SMILE 
im cute <3
anw.. aku kangen berada di kosku, siang-siang mendung sambil doing my chores atau ngerjain tugas kuliah atau ngerjain disain.. sambil duduk di mejaku. wangi vanilla, karena abis mandi aku selalu pake dikit parfum vanilla yang aku beli di guardian jatos. terus nanti sorenya aku rapat jam 4 di masjid fakultas alias al-amanah, atau sekedar ke kampus buat nepatin janji. bisa jadi mentoring, bisa jadi emang ketemuan mau makan, bisa jadi ngomongin kerkel. di wasabi, sumur, dower, bu lin, jatos, mru, kosan baso, atau namira center.. atau cuma di kos aja sampe malem, beli chocolate changer dulu buat naikin mood, trs selepas maghrib beli nasi goreng ciseke, atau deliv chacha, atau ambil laundry, atau ke alfa beli printilan yg abis.. atau kalo udah selesai nugas, i’d just freely enjoying my time alone, walking to jatos by myself, liat-liat sheetmask di guardian atau watson, megang-megang barang kimso (karena ga bakal beli), atau naik ke XXI iseng cari film bagus dan nonton.. kelarnya jatos udh sepi, trs aku akan beli coca cola sama ayam gila di warung. aaargghhhh. such a good timeeeeee :)
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anakiyori · 5 years
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LOTD#510 “ You wanna play too? “
Head : GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 - Mocap
Hair : Tableau Vivant \\ Elegy hair *
Visor : EVIE - ActiveBabe - Visor Cap @ Equal10 *
Racket : EVIE - ActiveBabe - Tennis Racket 1L @ Equal10 *
Glasses : Evermore. Baxter Glasses (Neutrals)
Earring : NamiiChu ~ Cyanna Earring - L *
Choker : CHACHA. sailor holic / choker 5
Top : EVIE - ActiveBabe - Polo Crop Top - Fatpack @ Equal10 *
Skirt : EVIE - ActiveBabe - Jacket&Skirt - Fatpack @ Equal10 *
Tattoo : [RAKATO] Hope Tattoo
Backdrop : Pewpew! & kiwi / 2. Tennis Club - Skybox RARE @ backdrop city
Pewpew! & kiwi / 3. Tennis Club Trash Can
Pewpew! & kiwi / 4. Tennis Club Locker - Pink
Pewpew! & kiwi / 10. Tennis Club Plastic Bench
Pewpew! & kiwi / 12. Tennis Club Clock - Pink
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Hari Merdeka (Malaysian Independence Day) on August 31st, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 190+ Malaysian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Maria Menado (1932) Malaysian - actress.
Adibah Amin (1936) Malaysian - writer, columnist, teacher, translator and actress.
Sarimah / Sarimah Ahmad (1942) Malaysian - actress.
Ida Nerina (1964) Malay Malaysian, English  - actress, producer and director.
Fairuz Hussein (1965) Malaysian - singer, songwriter, producer.
Sheila Majid (1965) Malay Malaysian, Mandailing / Javanese - singer.
Ella / Nor Zila binti Aminuddin (1966) Malay Malaysian - musician, singer, actress, model and entrepreneur.
Ziana Zain (1968) Malay Malaysian - singer-songwriter, model, entrepreneur and actress.
Noraniza Idris (1968) Malaysian - singer.
Adibah Noor (1970) Malay Malaysian - singer, actress, master of ceremonies, voiceover and ad talent.
Fauziah Latiff (1970) Malay Malaysian, Arab - singer and actress.
Amy Mastura (1971) Malaysian - singer and actress.
Nasha Aziz (1971) Malay Malaysian - model and actress.
Claire Ross-Brown (1972) English, Italian, Malaysian - actress.
Eja / Siti Shahrizah bt Saifuddin (1972) Malaysian - actress.
Sherie Merlis (1972) Malay Malaysian Arab / Indonesian - actress.  
Ling Tan (1974) Malaysian, Chinese - model.
Camelia / Dayang Noor Camelia Abang Khalid (1974) Malaysian - singer and model.
Erra Fazira / Fazira Wan Chek (1974) Malay Malaysian - actress, singer, fashion model, TV host, film producer and former beauty queen.
Ning / Ning Baizura (1975) Malay Malaysian, English, Japanese, Italian, French, Mandarin, Cantonese - singer.
Natassia Malthe (1974) Malaysian / Unknown - model and actress.
Joanna Bessey (1976) Malay Malaysian / British - actress and director.
Danielle Peita Graham (1977) Malaysian, Chinese / Irish - actress and model.
Elaine Tan (1979) Malaysian, Chinese - actress.
Sarimah Ibrahim (1979) Malaysian [Banjar, Malay Malaysian], Irish - television host, actress, singer and radio announcer.
Maya Karin (1979) Malay Malaysian, Chinese, Indian / German - actress, television host, and singer.
Farah Asyikin Zulkifli (1979) Malaysian - singer.
Siti Nurhaliza (1979) Malay Malaysian - singer and businesswoman.
Betty Banafe / Betty Ibtisam Abu Bakar Banafe (1979) Malay, Arab, Javanese - singer and actress.
Nisha Ayub (1979) Malay Malaysian / Ceylonese, Indian - activist. - Trans!
Sazzy Falak (1980) Minangkabau Malaysian - actress, TV host, entrepreneur and fashion icon.
Lana Nodin (1980) Malaysian - model and actress.
Mizz Nina / Shazrina binti Azman (1980) Malay Malaysian - fashion designer, a host, humanitarian and the co-founder of Dopstv.
Hendra Ikram (1980) Malaysian - model and Miss International Queen Malaysia 2015. - Trans!
Dayang Nurfaizah (1981) Malay Malaysian - singer.
Amber Chia (1981) Malaysian, Chinese - actress, model, and tv host.
Misha Omar (1982) Malay Malaysian - actress and singer.
Michelle Ang (1983) Malaysian, Chinese - actress.
Scha Alyahya (1983) Malaysian Malay, Hadhrami Arab, Chinese - model, actress and TV host
Nana / Nurul Hana Binti Che Mahazan (1983) Malay Malaysian - actress, television host, radio announcer and singer.
Dynas Mokhtar (1983) Malaysian - model, actress, television host, fashion designer and entrepreneur.
Nur Fazura / Nur Fazura Sharifuddin (1983) Malaysian - actress, TV host and VJ.
Fasha Sandha (1984) Malay Malaysian - actress.
Hetty Sarlene (1984) Malay Malaysian - actress and singer.
Marsha Milan Londoh (1985) Kadazan-dusun Malaysian / Scottish, German, Irish - singer and actress.
Nikki / Nicolette Louisa Palikat (1985) Kadazan-Dusun Malaysian - singer.
Dina Nadzir / Faradina Mohd. Nadzir (1985) Malaysian - singer.
Bishamber Das (1985) Malaysian / Punjabi Indian - plus-sized model and actress.
Sharifah Sofia (1985) Malay Malaysian, Scottish, Arab - actress.
Mandy Lieu (1985)  Malaysian - actress, model, and TV host.
Nur Sajat Fariz (1985) Malaysian - Miss International Queen Malaysia 2013, Miss Universe Malaysia 2010, and Miss Tourism Malaysia 2008. - Trans!
Zee Avi / Izyan Alirahman / KokoKaina (1985) Malaysian - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and ukulele player.
Jacqueline Fernandez (1985) Sri Lankan / Malaysian, Unspecified Other - actress and model.
Heliza Helmi / Nur Heliza binti Helmi (1986) Malaysian - actress, singer, model, and motivational speaker.
Yuna / Yuna Zarai / Yunalis binti Mat Zara’ai (1986) Buginese Malaysian, Malay Malaysian - singer-songwriter, guitarist, ukulele player, and pianist.
Sharifah Amani (1986) Malay Malaysian, Chinese, Arab, Bengali - actress.
Angie Ng (1987) Malaysian, Chinese - model.
Sharon Alaina Stephen (1987) Malaysian [Kristang, Indian] - actress.  
Esther Applunius (1987) Malaysian - singer.
Tiz Zaqyah (1988) Malay Malaysian - actress, model and singer.
Mia Ahmad / Samihah Binti Ahmad Baderi (1988) Malaysian, Pattani - actress, model and brand ambassador.
Liyana Jasmay (1988) Malay Malaysian - actress and singer.
Dewi Liana Seriestha (1989) Bidayuh Malaysian / Chinese Indonesian - singer-songwriter, actress, model, and Miss World Malaysia 2014.
Neelofa / Noor Neelofa Mohd Noor (1989) Malay Malaysian, Pakistani, Iranian - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Shila Amzah (1990) Malaysian - singer-songwriter, actress, and producer.
Stacy / Ummu Syaikhah Stacy binti Anam (1990) Kadazan-Dusun Malaysian - singer.
Hanis Zalikha (1990) Malay Malaysian - blogger, model, actress and lawyer.
Siti Saleha (1990) Malay Malaysian / English - actress and model.
Lin Min Chen (1990) Malaysian, Chinese - actress and singer.
Syatilla Melvin (1991) Malay Malaysian / Japanese - actress and model.
Wawa Zainal (1991) Bruneian with Bajau / Filipino Tausūg - actress and model.
Adira / Siti Adira Suhaimi (1991) Malaysian - singer.
Izara Aishah / Izara Aishah binti Hisham (1992) Malay Malaysian / Pakistani - actress and model.
Diana Danielle (1992) Malaysian / Unspecified - actress.
Emma Maembong (1992) Malay Malaysian / Scottish - actress and model.
Tuti Noor / Nuraini Noor (1992) Malay Malaysian - model.
Uqasha Senrose (1992) Malaysian / Thai - actress.
Nina Nadira / Nina Nadira Naharuddin (1992) Malaysian - singer, actress and television host.
Ayda Jebat (1992) Malaysian - actress, singer, and model.
Shikin Gomez (1992) Malay Malaysian / Indian - model.
Mira Filzah (1993) Malaysian - actress, singer, and model.
Kimberly Leggett (1993) Kristang Malaysian, British - Miss Universe Malaysia 2012.
Brynn Zalina Lovett (1993) Murut Malaysian / Unspecified - Miss World Malaysia 2015, dancer, and swimming instructor.
Manika (1993) Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, Spanish - singer.
Nelydia Senrose (1994) Malaysian / Thai - actress and model.
Alicia Amin (1994) Malaysian - model and actress.
Elfira Loy / Nurul Elfira Loy (1994) Malay Malaysian - actress.
Sharifah Aryana (1995) Malay Malaysian, Chinese, Arab, Bengali - actress.
Najwa Latif / Imratul Najwa Binti Abdul Latif (1995) Malay Malaysian - singer and idol.
Chacha Maembong (1996) Malaysian / Scottish - actress.
Kiran Jassal (1996) Malaysian, Punjabi Indian - model and Miss Universe Malaysia 2016.
Farhanna Qismina (1997) Malaysian - actress.
Emily Bador (1997) Malaysian / English - model.
Erika Tham (1999) Malaysian, Chinese / Ukrainian, Dutch - actress, singer, and dancer.
Nur Fathiah Diaz (1999) Malaysian - voice actress.
Chloe Luthi (2003) Swiss, Chinese [Malaysian] - actress.
Shir Chong (?) Malaysian - actress and model.
Gwen Lu (?) Malaysian - actress and model.
Ein Tang (?) Malaysian - model.
Zzyra Zahry (?) Malaysian - Miss International Queen Malaysia 2016. - Trans!
Star (?) Malaysian - Miss International Queen Malaysia 2016. - Trans!
Cicie Sinclair (?) Malaysian - Miss International Queen Malaysia 2015. - Trans!
Patricia Asyeera Wong (?) Malaysian - Miss International Queen Malaysia 2013. - Trans!
Leifennie (?) Malaysian / Indonesian - actress.
Samantha Tan (?) Malaysian - actress.
Adeera Brar (?) Malaysian / Indian - actress.
Petcharnin Srisuwan Cowden (?) Thai, Indian, Malaysian, Portuguese - producer.
Anu Ramamoorthy (?) Malaysian - actress and model.
Zairaini Sarbini (?) Malaysian - voice actress.
Abby Abadi (?) Malay Malaysian - singer.
Zara Agus / Zaharah Agus (?) Malay Malaysian - singer and actress.
Sherry Ibrahim (?) Malay Malaysian - actress, model and TV host.
Daphne Iking (?) Kadazan-Dusun Malaysian - television personality, an emcee and an occasional actress.
Nadine Ann Thomas (?) Malaysian - actress, model, and DJ.
Mina / Nur Azmina Jeff (?) Malaysian - singer and Instagrammer (nurazminajeff).
Riana Adams (?) Malaysian, Unspecified - Instagrammer (rianaevett).
Atikah Karim (?) Malaysian - model and Instagrammer (tiksg).
Danielle Graham (?) Malaysian, Irish - model and Instagrammer (daniellepeitagraham).
Nicholas Gecks (1952) Malaysian - actor.
Jalaluddin Hassan (1954) Malay of Banjar - actor.
Jamal Abdillah (1959) Malay Malaysian, Banjar - singer and actor.  
Indi Nadarajah (1959) Malaysian - actor and comedian.
Aziz M. Osman (1962) Malaysian - actor and producer.
Meor / Meor Aziddin Yusof (1967) Malay Malaysian - singer.
Awie / Ahmad Azhar bin Othman (1968) Malay Malaysian - singer, host and actor.
Sean Ghazi (1969) Malaysian - actor, singer and dancer.
Saiful Apek / Mohd Saifulazam b. Mohammad Yusoff  (1969) Malay Malaysian - actor and comedian.
AC Mizal / Mizal bin Zain (1971) Malaysian - actor, singer, comedian, TV host and former radio presenter.
Zamani Ibrahim (1971) Malaysian - singer.
Afdlin Shauki / Chief Kodok / Alf (1971) Malay Malaysian - producer, screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, singer, songwriter, and television presenter.
Pete Teo (1972) Malaysian - singer songwriter, film composer, filmmaker and actor.
Watt Marcus (1973) Iban Malaysian - musician.
Willy Edwin / Will Masterpiece (1974) Iban Malaysian - musician.
Kennedy Edwin (1976) Iban Malaysian - musician.
Riaad Moosa (1977) Malay Malaysian / Indian - comedian and actor.
Bront Palarae (1978) Malaysian, Punjabi-Pakistani, Thai - actor, screenwriter, director and producer.
Shanon Shah (1978) Malay Malaysian - singer-songwriter, playwright and journalist.
Ahmad Zamil (1978) Malay Malaysian - singer, television host, master of ceremonies, voice talent and actor.
Que Haidar (1979) Malaysian - actor.
Beto Kusyairy (1980) Malaysian - actor.
Depha Masterpiece (1980) Iban Malaysian - rock musician, songwriter, arranger, and producer
Awal Ashaari (1981) Malay Malaysian - actor, model and TV host.
Farid Kamil (1981) Malay Malaysian - actor, director and screenplay writer.
Iqram Dinzly (1981) Malaysian - actor, model and television host.
Mawi / Asmawi Ani (1981) Malay Malaysian, Javanese - singer.
Pekin Ibrahim / Mohd Iznan bin Ibrahim (1981) Malay Malaysian - actor.
Remy Ishak (1982) Malay Malaysian  - actor.
Shaheizy Sam (1982) Malay Malaysian - actor, singer and producer.
Godfrey Gao (1984) Malaysian / Taiwanese - actor and model.
Syamsul Yusof (1984) Malay Malaysian, Pakistani - actor, film director, scriptwriter, film producer, rapper and singer.
AG Coco / Mohd Hezry Mohd Hafidz (1984) Malaysian - musician.
Zizan Razak (1984) Malaysian - comedian, television host, actor and singer.
Tomok / Shah Indrawan Ismail (1984) Malay Malaysian - singer.
Zain Saidin (1984) Malay Malaysian, English - actor and model.
Sharnaaz Ahmad (1985) Malaysian - actor.
Aril / Khairil Azam Pilus (1985) Malaysian - singer, actor, dancer and TV host.
Pierre Andre (1985) Malay Malaysian / French - actor, director and writer.
Kaer Azami (1985) Malaysian - singer and diesgner.
Osric Chau (1986) Malaysian / Hongkonger - actor and martial artist.
Johan As'ari (1986) Malaysian - actor.
Riz  / Mohd Idris bin Mohd Zaizizi (1986) Malaysian - singer.
Amar Asyraf (1986) Malay Malaysian - actor.
Remy Hii (1986 or 1987) Malaysian, Chinese / English - actor.
Henry Golding (1987) Iban Malaysian / English - actor.
Aarif Rahman (1987) Malaysian, Arab, Chinese / Hongkonger - actor, singer-songwriter, bassist, guitarist, and drummer.
Shukri Yahaya (1988) Malay Malaysian - actor.
Shahir / hmad Shahir Zawawi (1988) Malaysian - singer.
Alif Hadi (1988) Malay Malaysian - actor and TV host.
Aiman Hakim Ridza (1989) Malay Malaysian / Arab - singer and actor.
Aiman Hakim / Aiman Hakim Ridza (1989) Malaysian / Arab - actor and singer.
Saharul Ridzwan (1989) Malaysian - actor and model.
Aizat Amdan / Muhammad Aizat Amdan (1989) Malay Malaysian - singer.
Talha Harith (1989) Malay Malaysian - actor.
Izzue Islam (1990) Malaysian - actor and singer.
Alif Satar (1990) Malaysian - singer, actor, and TV host.
Hafiz / Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Suip (1990) Melanau Malaysian - singer.
Juzzthin / Mohamad Nazreen Norzali (1990) Malay Malaysian - actor and rapper.
Amirul Hakim (1991)  Malay Malaysian - actor.
Syafiq Yusof (1992) Malay Malaysian, Pakistani  - actor, director, screenwriter and filmmaker.
Jordan Rodrigues (1992) Malaysian - actor, singer, and dancer.
Aedy Ashraf / Addy Ashraf (1993) Malay Malaysian.
Nik Adruce / Nik Muhammad Farith Adruce bin Nik Adelin (1994) Malay Malaysian - actor and TV host.
Ashmen / Ashmen Iskandar Weiss (1994) Malay, Chinese, Pakistani, Austrian - actor and model.
Naim Daniel (1997) Malaysian - actor, singer and Instagrammer (naimdanielx)
David Price-Gore (?) Malaysian, Welsh / English - actor.
Norman Atun (?) Malaysian - actor.
Chacko Vadaketh (?) Malaysian - actor, writer, television personality and MC.
Azri Iskandar (?) Malay Malaysian - actor.
Fattah Amin (?) Malaysian - actor.
Joshua Benedict (?) Malaysian, possibly other - model, Mister Tourism World Malaysia and Instagrammer (joshuabenedict007).
Hairul Hellas (?) Malaysian - model, 2nd Runner-up Mister Inspire Malaysia 2017 and Instagrammer (hairul_hellas).
Jay Manuel (1972) Malaysian, Indian, Dutch / Italian, Czech - tv host, creative director, and makeup artist - Condoned blackface during an ANTM episode, “The challenge here really is taking on the persona of that other ethnicity while in the photograph and owning it”.
Ross Butler (1990) Malaysian, Indonesian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese / Irish, Dutch British - actor and model - Accused of attempted murder.
16 notes · View notes
dwtspd · 7 years
DWTS Season 25 FINALE night 2
Pretty cool stage at the Grove.
LOL at Tom driving the sleigh.
DJ Nikki. Nice.
round 1 - Favourite dances
I don’t remember this dance being scored for a few seasons. Usually they just perform a shortened version of it. Why the sudden change? Not enough boring musical acts to fill up the three hours?
Lindsey and Mark - Jive I’d actually forgotten about this dance, it having taken place all the way in week 3. Mark’s hair is waaaaaay too flat and gelled for having just gotten out of bed. 10-10-10 T30
Frankie and Witney - Argentine Tango Frankie is probably the most memorable contestant of the final 3 for me. Lindsey and Jordan are fantastic dancers and performers both, but for some reason it is Frankie’s dances that stick with me the most. Funnily, the AT isn’t my favourite of his dances even though its regarded as one of their best. The choreography to the music is great. 10-10-10 T30
Jordan and Lindsay - Samba I’m so glad he picked the samba. I thought this was one of his more underrated dances. Both Lindsay and Jordan have such good SPINS. LIN-MANUAL MIRANDA. Also his nephew’s stage whisper. 10-10-10 T30
For some filler, other contestants performing some of their dances. Derek and Sharna redo their basketball routine. I wish they’d done the Bel-Air routine instead. Derek had a good bit of potential, too bad he was let go prematurely.
The male pros routine was pretty bland until Terrell came in and showed off his touchdown dance moves. Then the dance really picked up.
Lindsey performed her upcoming Christmas song with Becky G, who I don’t ever remember looking like that. What did the make up team do to her hair?? I remember it being pretty thick.
Debbie Allen also sang/performed, with Nikki and Artem and Sasha and Gleb making appearances. Sasha still moving very gingerly. Alan’s intro was kinda cute. Jordan sings too. Oh man his voice sounds so good.
Drew and Emma redo their jive with Jonathan.
And finally...
Round 2: Fusion
Lindsey and Mark - Chacha/Tango Oh gosh I love this song. Nice and sharp. I’ve given up on these 24-hour fusions having a nice blended mix of both styles but I’m glad Mark didn’t choose to just do one then the other and did some switching back and forth in the final few bars. Lindsey is one of the few rare people who can make this style of costume skirt work, in my book. 10-10-10 T30
Frankie and Witney - Foxtrot/Tango This dance is so cute. Yes Frankie was still kinda skippy in the foxtrot. i thought the tango was perfectly fine, though. I really wanted them to get a final perfect dance. 10-9-9 T28 I wonder if Frankie had gotten one or two more tens, if he could have done an upset and sneak into second place.
Jordan and Lindsay - Salsa/Paso Doble The hardest fusion combination of all three fusions. Good to see Jordan see doing exquisite paso movements even without the werewolf character. 10-10-10 T30 I don’t think anyone expected anything besides perfect.
Nick’s song is pretty nice...
3rd place - Frankie Muniz. Ah well, HE’S GOING TO BE ON TOUR WITH JORDAN.
Champion - JORDAN FISHER!!! Congratulations to Jordan and Lindsay! They’ve been fantastic.
I love how Terrell already had his phone out ready to video everyone. And I wonder if the red phone case was given to him for the occasion lol.
Apparently next spring there will be DWTS junior and a 4-week mini-season of regular DWTS featuring only athletes...why? What can they do in 4 weeks? Even season 1 wasn’t that short.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Help quen dt nt ct etc
Hieu idol jihu help
Chi chi bay nguoc ms
Bach huy nhin luc em ko deo kinh no vay a xiu kinh vl
E mubg cjo atd tuong mat het anh
Vl cau chu nhu kinh luon
Nl bai u
Bh help do
All non
J help cipy mine
Os ko yinh xiu thois nua co aw non a xiu
Bao em nghia la xiu hl do gia voi 10 cax a con poke diwy roi
J team e q mat nao roi ne em
Em huy gia dung tr gf bh bon nl
Vl fj can vay ha em mot minh luon luon
Qi g attacj fjs scy
Haiz sc co do sao ko xai sung ne
Bh ma no cjoi bai tag la thya lyon a
Tt ra voi xc do
Fjs ranh em di ea oi gium
Bo ra dat cjo di dao
Than tiwn sao lai fjs hihi ht giau nghe
Fjs dn tjui vl no hoc o dau ra vay wm lam dai
Fjs vl si cya tui nibh ko hai no lyon gelp uscdi cm
Nt nu ct qua
Help mat copy
Atd cipy bh no qua ziu nl
Pp hey day con lai roommate bh bp now hihi
Bh kieu vung vabg con nho nay kueu sao cubg duoc vo dich ly kieu em rao xiu bp phe no em la em do jihi ml
Em wwww lu bh lu la kieu em la ao mit con tui anh bp a hihi nl
Helo nhi nay chua trai doi tgat na thua no vu khi ngon lanh canh dao xiu moi vi ban do de manh ko hwt
Em yea yea
Kieu vu khi thich thi theo a fj nao cung vay
Bh co em a xiu
Lu sao len em deo biet s tr
Yea yea
Bhlu kay thanh nu kbgh that chuyen soi mong tay sieu deu hihi nl thua nhuc nha ma cu danh hoai do tot hihi nl etc ne huhu tui anh sr pao chu luon luon hehe mbu
Em moi ghi nya a
Nhin giong ma ba dua bi editor cua nl etc xiu dp vay ma cung len dc sane huhu thuong tui minh qua thuong em di huhu bi no ld roi all fjs toi em no co tpt lanh gi fay aztr
Team bonbdua az a sc jy mbu
Qua xiu nha
Sao em bay noi hihi nhuc qua bay lwn huhu ko noi nl
Nguyen cai nhat no bao entwrtaibment help fan clyb mini ba dua nhap team vo hihi bp vl ai xua no lupn bihi nhuc qua bi thot gium huhy nc tot ...
Nt im la thua hihi pk j dung hihi nl
E thich gi ko yui anh bao
J ko thich hihi thich anh ko
Dap hsd1 ne
Help idol tien gioi truot bamg tuyet dinh lam mau kheo to ve hinh tuong bam than etc
Lu gisl roi bh d dobthat
Bh d sao dung xa vay huhu nhuc qua de noi tieng o tien gipi luon ma ko ai care xo ba cjoo xhubg a hehe mbu thieu su chu y ba shate het nhu dua q tnt sx jy qua tnt q bach
J team help can...
Fjals do que mya hu
Yea yea hihu mbn
Fjs sao em ko thich su chu y o day cung vay em kp biwt nua cu vay tjoi gio nao kk tuywt dinh luon kho con tot lam ngoau le dn
J kt vai ko dam de chu all tume so sc giong tui anh em cua huy gia etc anh nua huhu nh qy nl
E ma 17 lon roi hihi nl
Bh help huhu anh em toan hoc cap 1 nhuc ko huy gia ma 17 j biet het roi em that bun tr vl giau gi nua
Xiu ltt
Atd help hihi nl em biet bc hihi att nho hn mon the duc
Vl cai lon gi the em deo biet s goc huhu help
Em bao vl nl
Do cm team
Xiu con em help aa do az tr nk do cm
Bhlu ehuhu sao co gi ko ko ksu chpi quen roi a a a a tutor voi hut do ma sc no hoc do lam mon td a help bho rpu em too ma chu s la gi vat j danh lin a ai lam ko ai hieu het mbvp xiuti nang len em gwr max lun att vk cua em sae huhu xai tu cung cua em nfan ma de xai hehe giet nha mai hihu tet mung hai xiu do cm by full team
J fubg xa phai roi . S gic help her huhu nl hop li vl ma ra
J ko hpp q same jihi ml nho do again bon dua sach nhat o moi noi di voi nhau an toan max
Atd help anh sacj rop em anh la ai...
Bhlu team wwww anh la ai anh la nguoi nhu the nao main by hdr att
Atd sach hon em j dc nguoc do bang bhlu j help logic huhu nl fail mon roi help
Nam sya nghia la sach nhu nhau a do ngu hu
Vl song nhu fj con bon mang la vang do may cung
Bhlu hwlp idol nc sane hihi nl fan qua choi fan a su dhung hop ba noi ko a tui tui im hehe mby
J doc ngupc help anh nl sach qua qyen nhuc etc roi mbh att
S goc e sao cai gi cung phui vo tay no vay huy gia gioi noi tro ma qua bua nay kho o do de lam hai lp. G sc roi
J quay qua ngu de mayvem anh ve phong em tum lai thay qua bhlu hihi mbm
E rien full canh ma hihi vay lwn ghe kibh mbm
M goc do only nua hihi mbu
Hihi len hinh xiu het nha may cung help em j oi
Bhlud e sao j no vung qua ha kieu insect dac thu luon dot chua hihi luoi tet
Ko len hinh nua ha em so insect aa vl
Team db help de thuong qua cha chacha
Help us dt insect luon mbu
Oi ra mau nha by em
Bh oi ra luongvthux nha copy tjois
Lu help me cnm thing dei lq gi luon
Bhdlu e di ngu ha met doi hihihi
J gwlo sach xant skerp now aztr
Dbhlu e huhuhu idol o tien gioicung vay do dou lia lua tai tay lau lua ma hihi di chng nhux qua
Dbhlu chiem song again mbu
J q twam e em edit nang ko ah ko con nha k too em ko
Dbhlu nghi sao vay etc em hihi bb
Dbhlu o tien gioi cung vay a ko co thoi gian xai yien luon an nam dila moi ngay bang 300 ngan usd o day gelp cmm de thuong qua
Ma 17 see huhu lo roi j may di ra sai goc att mbt
Dbhlu help atd tinh join team help us huhuhuhu nl
J e em di voi dam nay... Q thi canh tu bay theo nhu gio giay tu di thoi dt cmm giobg
All tru dbh lucca do haiz biet history cua lucca do do kinh bo me luon toan chay tgeo em huhuhu nl ne
J e em ... Q rhi nhay thso xiu mbt
All the resr tru why herw not as good
Help bp huhu phan vl
Em bao bar cac gian giobg atd mbt
Bhlud thi no lam leader ko a
Thuonh br huhu
Xiu do help mr
Nt sc xl em qien doi mv moi du ra khi cc co cg a cc dioc new idioms kill
Hirt ne. Ham nhu no roi mbn
Ko duoc em oi hien ghe xm hen la ko con hihi. L oi
Muk muk poison 1s
Team wwww
Em team vl
J bhlu d nho nay chyyen pha team ne huhuju cuoc doi bat wm phaai vay seo dung doz yeah nguu shit m shit gio ko dam ngu do met la
Team tirn than tho dia vo thuong thuc hihi mbn
Atd help love tt again em tum lai o fay
Atd dd sao em bo hinh vay thay vai giong ko a em thi cai guong jelp do wia hihihi ko buet dao co no nua s that do nl
Atd kfdd fja helo fan too em sao xung duoc vo dich
Vang vang vang em dungchung ke sang sach do la do a do hg sc mau
T3 ghe ranh vu nay tt tio aTr soc
Atd rieng nha bhlu d rieng luon nha wwww
J sao co em tronh do nua xiu bp goi nbo mbi q hwlo xopy vi em bsd att em co tinh lan nay
Xiu team help em ne chung nap hrt atdlY chong la het vl that moi jii ml that ddp hts that do ...
Hrlp insrct fill max etc lo b insect do hio roi by ghdlu e dung mgoai di hihu by lu
Hieu team chun no co dua xung phonh lay
J thi ba ngay nua tui len thoi moi layy buon ngu that theo em luon hay. Vl moi toi nhha ihimbu
K im ma17 hihu ...
Bhdlu haizngi nha di an actually
Jn aa vl em tr j t q t ewww vi do em bet dd tibg xiu fung di an nha rm hujihu ngu oochai nioc yra idpl lem hinh hihi ml
Tien nhac nha by nt
J bai eii fykk volume
Dang cao byy bhlud
Nhin chu d la viet hien vang helo nh
Dang cap again byy dbhku att whe. Sadness ariise aroubd the worlx
J dung r21 sap nl
Do cua p do cho no di bui si
Em tr
Vl doi 180 do do cm aui
Chung nao hwt 18/8
Help. Dinh doat j
Em ra roi wwww
Bhlu suu ziu wtc j wwww q do do em kp
Hai trs di chyyen tg att em biwt mlt
Atd no do att mbh
P max ko thei nua em con
Atd ko im hihi nl em ai key nhlu nhuc goum ne
J vai em la ai... Bhlu copy ma quen foi vung ma longs fang do ma run nhu bi parkinson a huhu
Ma no huv dung kuon kia em att thua
Atd tui no thua bhlu biet att
J team vl no nhu cai giong a buon de so
Bhlu copy biet lau roi huhuhu
Atd sMe huhuhy lan nay thoi nhe
Cdc chua het xiu team em biet lau roi kho diet lan co 18/8 moi hwt math genius
Fi nua ko em ko nen tr ve roi hoi no di
Nghia la di thi ko co em a p lam chu voi s roi
S tr
A dau qua cac anh s team tr nen ko di
Em tyi ni lay em ra du arr
Tay tring huy gia s
Em von the all em kb aztr
Xiu no ve roi hoi no di
Huy gia helo me att
Em do a
Di vien di tr nua
Em dubg la than dobg em tr att nen co tui no hihiji
S15 heko ki di noi bua
Em ctn att
Nt too em mbs
Ngiai nha tro tuy y hanh dong dp cao nhat tu luc dac fao rtc nv la co san bao phu ho
Huy bubg me yoan axit ko a us too
Bach di nhienroi noi gu ki
Lu la tg nay dn a
J hay vl than dong
Why s15 here helo whi em s15 p chwt jy
Help ngoai nt copy
Niem akia
So tg
Em cipy
My helo bar lanh voi akia em biet
Team em dung la sao xubg duic vo dich M nua
Std dung huhuhu no do S la anh only
Do hai anh em
We dont wan to livr forevrr like bp etc vk tu theo
Nguu ma vuobg moi huy gia
Em nghi le thoi
Huy gia help hwwr
Carn doc lap niw tan cong
Snore hyowr punch
Nhin do ay tan cong 0s jy
1 note · View note
adultstories4u · 5 years
Farah: ary aapi aap kya kahin jaa rahi thin tyaar ho kr……..
Saba is sawal pr ghabraa gai…… nahi nahi…. kahin bhi nahi…….. wo to to bus aisy hi…….
Farah …….. Saba ko chairty hoy…….. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh achaaaaa ggggggg to Jijju g ky lye tyaar ho rahi hain………
Farah ki baat sun kr Saba sharmaa gai……….. ab usy kya jawab daiti ky yeh to usky doosry jijju ky lye tyaar ho rahi thi…….
Farah: aain aapni main aapko tyaar kr daiti hoon acha sa make up kr doon gi aap ka……. aisa kroon gi ky jijju bus dekhty hi rah jain gy aap ko………..
Saba nahi nahi krti rahi lakin Farah ny usy ly jaa kr dressing table ky saamny bethaa dya……. or uska make up krny lagi……. Saba ki nazar baar baar apny haath main pakry hoy mobile pr jaa rahi thi.. jis pr woh time bhi dekh rahi thi or soch rahi thi kaisy Major ko bataay ky usy kyun dair ho rahi hai…… Farah Saba ky chehry pr halki halki base laga rahi thi ky Saba ky haath main pakra hua cell baj uthaa….. uski taiz awaaz sun kr Saba ko aisy laga jaisy phone ki bell sy hi Major ky gussy ka pata chal raha ho……… Saba ny call cut kr di……. or phir jaldi sy aik message likhny lagi…
Saba: sorry…………. main nahi aa sakti… Mansoor sahb ki baiti Farah aai hoi hai…… plzz aap call na keejey ga………..
Saba ny message send kr dya……
chand lamhon ky baad hi Major ka message aagya……..
Major: tu nahi aa rahi to main khud aajata hoon…… aaky tujhy bhi chod doon ga or us saali Farah ko bhi…. bari patakha cheez hai saali
Saba ko pata nahi kyun thori si jealousy feel hony lagi……. us ny dobara message kr dya……….. yeh kameena to hai hi ghatyaa aadmi har kisi ky peechy lag jaata hai…… kameeny ko itna bhi khayal nahi hai ky ten gunaah choti hai is sy Farah bechaari or us pr bhi apni gandi nazar rakhy hoy hai…. hoon to main bhi us sy aadhi umar ki mujhy pr kon sa us ny reham khaya hai…….. kaisy zaleel kr ky rakha hua hai….. kitni baar mera rape kr chuka hai……. kitni baar mujhy nangi kr ky zaleel kr chuka hai……. or aik main hoon ky pata nahi kyun or kaisy jub bhi usky haath lagty hain to be bus ho jaati hon…….. behakny lagti hoon…….. usky haathon ka khilona ban jaati hoon…………. jaisy woh chahta hai waisy hi krny lagti hoon…….. mera apna hi jisam bhi mera hi saath chor jaata hai…… pighalny lagta hai usky haathon main…….. pata nahi kyun hai aisa….
Saba: nah plz aap yaha na aain…. jaisy hi woh jaay gi main aajaati hoon……. agar aap kahty hain to…..
Major ka reply aaya…..
Major: haan theek hai……. lakin jaldi aana ……. warna tujhy pata hi hai na…….
ab Saba ny koi bhi jawab na dya… jawab daiti bhi kya…… pata to thaa usy sub uski kameengi ka……….. or yeh bhi pata tha ky woh kya khuch kr sakta hai…….
thori dair tak Farah Saba ky chehry pr mahnat krti rahi or uska acha sa make up krti rahi……
Farah: aapi lagta hai aap ky sajaan ky message aa rahy hain..
Saba thora ghabraa gai phir sanmbhalty hoy boli… haan haan unky hi hain..
uska make up krty hoy Farah gungunaany lagi…….
Sajna Hai Mujhe, Sajna Ke Liye zara Uljhi Latein Sanwaar Loon Har Ang Ka Rang Nikhaar Loon ….. Sajna Hai Mujhe …… Sajna Ke Liye
Farah yeh gaana jaan boojh kr Saba ko chairny ky lye gaa rahi thi……. taky usy or bhi apny husband ki yaad aaye……. lakin Saba soch rahi thi ky is ko kya pata ky jis sajna ky lye main ban sanwar rahi hoon or saj rahi hoon woh mera husband nahi balky mery husband ka dushman hai……. Major sahb………. jisky paas usy suj sanwar kr jaana par raha hai…….. jo khuch hi dair ky baad usky jisam ko poori trah sy nanga kr dy ga…….. phir apni marzi sy apna dil bhar ky chody ga……….. har tareeqy sy………. bina mera khuch bhi khyal kye hoy……… or mera apna jisam bhi madhosh ho jay ga………. hamesha ki trah tarapny lagy ga usky sakht or solid jisam ky lye……….. choot machalny lagy gi usky usi moty lund ky lye……….. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffff kya kroon….. kaisy rokoun khud ko……….. jaisy hi usy Major ki yaad aany lagi or usky sath hi Farah ka gaana sunty hoy Saba ny aankhain band kr lin……. usky dil main khuch hony laga tha…… jisam main khuch hony laga tha…….. dil ki dharkan taiz ho rahi thi…… sirf or sirf Farah ky gaany ki wajah sy jis ny Major ko aik baar phir uski band aankhon ky saamny laa khara kya tha………. kya mujhy such main us Major ky lye tyaar kya jaa raha hai….. mera to aisa koi irada nahi tha…. yeh to bus aisy hi achanak sy ho gya hai sub khuch ky Farah aagai or mujhy tyaar krny lagi……. anjaany main Major ky lye…… ab yeh uski qismat…
Farah ky honton sy nikalny waly agly jumloon ny to jaisy jalti py tail ka kaam kya…… usky tan badan main aag hi to lagaa di…….
Farah: Paani Pade Tan Pe To Shola Nikle Jaane Kaisi Agan Mein Badan Jale, Din Bhar Ki Thakan Utaar Loon Har Ang Ka Rang Nikhaar Loon, Sajna Hai Mujhe …… Sajna Ke Liye
in jumloon ny to jaisy usky jisam main aag hi lagaa di…… uski choot sulag uthi……….. choot ky garam garam paani sy ………..geeli hony lagi……… garam hony lagi……….. aankhain band thin….. usy feel hony laga ky jaisy Major uski choot ko choo raha ho……………. Saba tarap uthi………… ang ang hi to nikhar raha tha uska Major ky lye…. us ghundy ky lye….. or phir khuch hi dair main usky ang ang ko tor kr rakh daina tha us kameeny ny…………
itny main Farah ny apna kaam mukamal kr lya or boli……… aapi aaj to aap ki khair nahi……….. jijju aaj aap ko nahi chorain gay………….
Farah ny hansty hoy kaha or Saba sharmaa gai….. or khud ko aainy main dekhty hoy sochny lagi…….. such main ……. jitni khoobsorat main lag rahi hoon……. Major kaha aaj chory ga mujhy………..tor ky rakh dy ga mera badan……… phir achanak sy khayal dil sy awaaz nikli…. na hi chory to acha hai…… pahly bhi to itni baar bina khuch kye pyaasa hi chor gya hai mujhy…….. kameena insaan…………. chand minute or beth kr Farah apny ghar chali gai……….. Saba khud ko aainy main dekh rahi thi… Farah ny kamaal ka make up kya tha… uska chehra khil utha tha… surkh rang ki shinny lipstic sy usky lips chamak rahy thy… dekhny mai aisa lagta tha jaisy ky pata nahi kitny pyaasy hoon…. or dekhny waaly ko khud ko choosny ki dawat dy rahy hoon…….. aankhon main kaajal lagaya tha jis sy uski aankhain or bhi nasheeli or pyaari ho gai thin…… halka halka gulaabi rang goory gaalon pr chalak raha tha…….. kya yeh sub khuch Major ky lye hai……. aaj to pagal hi ho jaay ga……. mery haseen roop ka yeh andaaz dekh kr……….
Farah ky jaany ky baad aik baar phir Saba ko unhi khayalon ny ghair lya…..ky woh Major ky paas jaay ya na jaay…usy dar lag raha tha.. major sy bhi or apni building ky dosry logon sy bhi…… agar kisi ny mujhy dekh lya to….. or phir kyun baar baar jaoun main usky paas…….. abhi woh isi soch main hi thi ky bahir ky darwazy main chaabi ky ghoomny ki awaaz aai…. Saba chounk kr bahir ky gate ko dekhny lagi… or agly hi lamahy gate khula or Saba andar daakhil hony waly ko dekh kr ghabraa gai…….
Saba: ohhhhhh nooooooooooooo
Saba ky monh sy nikal gya….. kyun ky woh usky itni jaldi aany ki umeed nahi kr rahi thi jo gate sy andar daakhil ho chuka tha………….
Saba ghabraai hoi awaaz main boli: aaaaaaaaa……aaaaaaaapppppppppp
Major Saba ki traf barhty hoy bola.. haan main ny socha ky main khud hi aajata hon tery paas tu khud to dair hi kye jaa rahi hai pata nahi tu mujhy kya chootya samjhti ho ky jo main kahta hoon woh maan ky hi nahi daiti….. easy hi ly laiti hai mujhy tu…….
Saba: dar kr kaanmpty hoy…… nahi nahi aisi baat nahi hai….. wohh.. woohhh main aa rahi thii… bus………. lakin aapp…appp….. kisi ny aap ko dekh lya hua aaty to………..??????
Major Saba ky qareeb aaya or bola fikar na kr tu kisi ny nahi dekha mujhy… … aur agar dekh bhi lya hua na to… mera kya kr lya ga saala……. tu mujh sy abhi waqif nahi hai…..
Saba dil main sochny lagi… waqif to buhat achy sy ho gai hoon main tumhary bary main Fazloo chacha sy sun kr…. badmaash ghunda hai tu…
phir Major ny Saba ki chin ky neechy apni ungli rakhi or usky chehry ko thora ooper kr ky uski aankhon main dekhty hoy bola
Major: bari mast cheez hai tu saali……… make up ky saath to or bhi qyamat ho gai hai tu………..
Saba ko us ghundy ky monh sy apni tareef achi lagi…… ya buri…… wo khuch decide na kr saki…. lakin uska dil zaroor dharak utha tha…… hamesha jo woh usy gaalyaan nikalta rahta tha usy zaleel kr ky khush hota tha aaj usky monh sy…… gandy monh sy apni tareef sun kar usy shayad thori khushi ho rahi thi….. lakin yeh khouf bhi khaay jaa raha tha ky wo aaj phir usky flat main ghuss aya hai ……. or aaj phir uski izzat ko taar taar kr dy ga……….. chod dy ga usy…… ya pata nahi phir sy wohi aag jisam main laga kr chala jay ga usy pyaasa chor kr…..
apni ungli sy usky chehry ko ooper uthaay hoy hi Major ny apny hont aagy barhaay or Saba ky patly patly lipstick sy chamakty hoy honton pr apny bhady moty hont rakh dye or usy choom lya………. Saba ny thora sa apna peechy hatna chaha to is baar achanak sy uski monh ko apni sakht grift main ly lya Major ny or woh peechy ko na hil saki…… usky hont Major ky saamny saakit ho gay……. Major ny apni zubaan bahir nikaali or Saba ky surkh honton ko apni zubaan ki nouk sy chaat ny laga…. … monh ko jabry ky neechy sy dabaany ki wajah sy saba ky dono hont sukad kr gol sy ho gy thy….. Major ny apni zubaan ki nouk usky is trah sy khuly huy monh ky andar daakhil kr di………. Saba ko ajeeb sa laga……. lakin uski aankhain band ho gain………..
Major: kaisy rundi ki trah tyaar hoi hai saali jaisy kisi customer ky paas jaana ho tu ny……
Major ny apny haath ki grift main hi usky patly patly honton ko apni unglyoon sy masalty hoy kaha…….. ssssssssssssssssssssssssss.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… Major itni zoor zoor sy usky honton ko masal raha tha ky Saba ko thori takleef hony lagi…. Saba: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Major gandi si hansi hansa or foran hi aagy ho kr Saba ky nichly hont ko apny honton main lya or choosny laga……. Saba ky honton ki lipstick utar kr Major ky monh main ghul rahi thi…… Major uska taste mahsoos kr raha tha……. or badly main Saba ko apny monh ki gandi smell or ciggrette ki smell dy raha tha…… karwa sa ganda sa thook Saba ky monh main jaa raha tha…. lakin Saba apna chehra hataany ki position main nahi thi…….
aik haath sy usky chehry ko pakry pakry hi doosry haath ko peechy ly jaa kar Major ny Saba ki gaand ko daboch lya…… usy zoor zoor sy dabaany laga…….. masalny laga…… takleef sy saba machalny lagi… apni gaand ko idhar udhar ghumaany lagi. jaisy naach rahi hoo Major ki bahoon main…….. tarap rahi ho……….. lakin isi wahsyaana pun ky bawjood bhi ……….. or is takleef ky bawjood bhi Saba ki choot garam hony lagi…… aaj aik baar phir us sy bewafaai krny lagi…… geeli hony lagi………. itni jaldi??????? kya ho gya hai mujhy aakhir?????????? kyun pighal si jaati hoon is kameeny ka haath lagty saath hi main……….. kaisy rookun is choot ko paani chorny sy……….. ya phir khud ko chor doon haalat ky rehm o karam pr…….
Major ny apni zubaan nikaal kr Saba ky poory chehry ko chaat na shuru kr dya….. woh usky gaaloon ko geela krny laga apny thook sy……Saba ko thora ajeeb sa lag raha tha……….. thori ghin aarahi thi…… kitna ganda andaaz hai isky pyaar krny ka bhi…. aisy bhi bhala koi pyaar krty hain kisi ko…… janwaron ki trah chaat ty hoy
Saba: plzzzzzzzzzzzz aisy na kroooooooooo aap…….. acha nahi lagta …..
Major uski traf dekhty or uski gaand ko dabaaty hoy bola…….. kya acha nahi lagta tujhy…….
Saba thora ghabraa kr……. woooo woooooooo ……yeeeehhhhhhh ……. aapp joooo thok lagaaty hooo…………. wooooo
Major thora gussa hoty hoy….. acha to tujhy mera thook acha nahi lagta…… yeh kahty hoy us ny apny haath main pakry hoy usky chehry ko thora seedha kya or apna monh sukaid kr usky gaal ky ooper thook dya…….. ab boll
Saba ny aankhain band kr lin….. Major ky monh sy gira hua thook saba ky gaaloon pr phisal raha tha…… dheery dheery neechy ko aaraha tha….. Major ny apni zubaan aagy ly jaa kr usky gaal pr sy apna hi thook khud hi chaat lya……….. saba ko buhat ajeeb lag raha tha……. aisi cheezain uski zindagi main kabhi bhi nahi hoi thin……..
Major ny usky chehry sy haath uthaya or peechy ly jaa kr usky baloon ko apni muthi main lya or yakdum peechy ko kheench kr usy neechy bethaa dya…. or bola……. monh khol apna……….
Neechy beth kr Saba ny ghabraa kr uski traf dekha……. oh no…… phir sy yeh gussy main aaraha hai kya………. uuuffff phir sy ghalti ho gai na mujh sy….. kyun resist krti hoon main isky saamny…… kun chup kr ky maan nahi laiti uski har baat……kyun nahi seh laiti main sub khuch apni marzi sy….. ab phir isy raam krna pary ga……..
itny main Major ny aik or jhatka dya…. or Saba ny jaisy hosh main aaty hoy apny gulaabi honton ko aik doosry sy juda krty hoy apna monh khol dya….. Major ny apni do unglyaan Saba ky monh ky andar daal din or usky zubaan ko sahlaany laga…… choos inko rundi……….. Saba ny apny monh ko band kya or dheery dheery uski gandi unglyon ko choosny lagi….. Major ki aankhon main dekhti or phir us sy nazrain churaa laiti….. pata nahi kya jaadoo tha us kameeny ki aankhon main jo woh usky jisam ki saari mazahimat or saari taqat hi khatam kr daita tha…..
Major ny thora sa zoor lagaaty hoy Saba ka monh khola or phir usky khuly hoy monh sy thora ooper apna monh laaty hoy dheery dheery thook nikaalny laga jo ky buhat hi ahista ahista neechy ko aany laga…… sufaid thook… lamba hi hoty hoy…. Saba ki aankhon ky saamny usky khuly hoy monh ki traf barhty hoy…. lakin saba main apna monh hataany ki himmat nahi thi…… sufaid thook seedha Saba ky monh main aaya to Saba ko buhat ajeeb sa laga…… jis trah Major Saba ko aik neech or khud sy kamtar cheez ki trah treat krta tha woh Saba ko alag hi ahsaas daiti thi………. ab apny monh main Major ky thoonky sy us ny or bhi khud ko neechy girta hoa mahsoos kya……. lakin Major ki yeh authority…… uski taqat…. uska behaviour…….. uska is trah usy beizzat or humilliate krna …….. pata nahi kyun usy acha lagta tha…….. pata nahi kyun uski choot geeli hony lagti thi……. jaisy ab ho rahi thi……….
Major ka thook usky halaq ky andar utar chuka hoa tha…. or ab Major usky honton ko choom raha tha…… choos raha tha……….. phir Major ny usky baloon sy pakar kr hi usy oper khara kya………. or usky nazuk sy jisam ko apni mazboot bahoon main bhar lya…… apny naram or nazuk jisam ky Major ki taqatwar bahoon ky hisaaar main mahsoos krty hoy Saba khud ko aik alag hi dunya main mahsoos krny lagi thi.. woh madhosh hony lagi thi….. kisi alag hi nasy main doobti jaa rahi thi…….. aankhain band hony lagin thi…. Major ky baary main saari ghalat or khoufnaak batain woh bhool chuki thi…..bhool chuki thi ky woh kitna bara ghunda or badmaash hai…. bhool chuki thi ky us ny isky shouhar ko maara tha…….. bhool chuki thi ky woh yeh sub uski marzi ky khilaaf kr raha tha……. yaad tha to bus uski mazboot bahoon ka lamas ……….. yaad tha to usky taqatwar seeny ka touch jo usky boobs ko dabaa raha tha….. yaad tha to uska taqatwar lund jo ky uski choot pr chipakta jaa raha tha……. kapron ky ooper sy hi uski choot ky andar ghusny ki koshish kr raha tha…….. Saba ki halat kharab ho rahi thi…… uski choot paani chod rahi thi…….. uski choot usky dimagh ka saath chor rahi thi…… uska jisam usky apny control sy azaad ho kar Major ky control main jaa raha tha…… aik baar phir sy us gundy ky saamny khud ko surrender kr raha tha……..
Major ny apny dono haath peechy ly jaa kar aik haath Saba ki elastic wali shalwar ky andar daala or uski nangi gaand ko sahlaany laga….. doosra haath uski shirt ky neechy daalty hoy uski nangi kamar ko sahlaany laga……. khurdhry or taqatwar haathon ky gaand or kamar pr lamas sy Saba behaal hoti jaa rahi thi….. ahista ahista usky bazoo uthy or usny bhi apny haath Major ki kamar pr rakh dye or uski kamar ko ahsita ahsita uski shirt ky ooper sy hi sahlaany lagi…. Major ny apny hont saba ky honton pr rakh dye thy or masti main aagai hoi Saba khud hi Major ky honton ko choomny lagi…. Saba ko khud bhi ahsaas nahi ho raha tha ky woh kya kr rahi hai.. ahista ahista Major ky honton ko choom rahi thi… ankhain band ky hoy usky jisam pr haath phair rahi thi ooper sy neechy…… neechy sy ooper…. kitna mazboot jisam hai iska…… jaisy pathar ka bana hoa ho…… Kaash Ashraf ka jisam bhi aisa hi hota………. mazboot or taqatwar……. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm phir shayad main kabhi bhi khud ko is Major ky saamny itna majboor or be bus mahsoos na krti….. kabhi bhi khud ko is ky saamny surrender na krti…..Major ny apni zubaan bahir nikaali to Saba ny aik lamha bhi zaiya nahi kya or uski zubaan ko apny honton main lya or usy choosny lagi….. apni zubaan usky ooper phairny lagi……
Major ny ahista sy sargoshi ki…… meri traf dekho….. or dobara sy apni zuban bahir nikaal di….. Saba ny apni aankhain kholin or Major ki khoufnaak sharaabi aankhon main dekhty hoy apni zubaan sy Major ki zubaan ko choony lagi……. phir usy choosny lagi….. Major usky naram o mulayam jisam ko apny jisam ky saath dabaata jaa raha tha…. or apny lund ko uski choot ky ooper ragadta jaa raha tha…… ajeeb si masti or bekhudi paida ho gai hoi thi Saba ky andar……….. aaj bhi woh khud ko poori trah sy Major ky aagy surrender kr chuki hoi thi….. saari dunya ko bhool kr…….. apny pyaar krny waaly shouhar Ashraf ko bhi bhool kr…….. chahy khuch dair ky lye hi sahi…….. lakin woh bhool chuki thi Ashraf ko
Major ny neechy sy Saba ki shirt ko pakra or dheery dheery usy ooper ko uthaany laga…… shirt ooper ko uthny lagi or Saba ki goori goori kamar nangi hony lagi…….. jaisy hi shirt usky boobs sy ooper ko aai to Saba ny aik nazar Major ki traf dekha or phir apny dono bazoo oper uthaa dye…….. Major ny apny haathon sy uski shirt utaar kr door phaink di……. khoobsorat brassier usky sexy boobs ko or bhi sexy bana raha tha…… bra ky andar buhat hi tight ho rahy usky boobs buhat pyara sa cleavage bana rahy thy……….. Major ny Saba ki aankhon main dekha or bola…… saali buhat hi sexy maal hai tu qasam sy……… Saba ny sharma kr nazrain jhukaa din……..
Major ny jhuk kr usky clevage ko aik baar apni zubaan sy chaata or phir usky bra cups main sy nikalty hoy goory goory boobs ky thory sy hissay pr apny hont rakh kr itny zoor sy suck kya ky baad main waha pr surkh nishaan pr gaya……… phir Major ny achanak sy usky boobs main apny daant gaad dye or halky sy kaat lya…….. Saba ki cheekh nikal gai………. us ny foran sy apna haath Major ky sir ky ooper rakh dya……………. ooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Major ny apna monh hataya to usky boob pr usky daanton ka halka sa nishaan pr chuka hua tha……….
Saba: kaato to nahi…… plzzzzzzzzz phir nishaan nahi jaaty………. or Ashraf ny dekh lya to….
Major: to tu nahi chahti ky tery shouhar ko mery baary main pata chaly……..
Saba ny sharm sy apni nazrain jhukaa lin. ..
Major hansa or phir saba ki shalwaar bhi utaar di or saba ka jisam Major ky saamny aik baar phir sy nanga ho gya….. siwaay aik bra ky…
Major ny thora peechy hat kr usky nangy jisam ko dekhna shuru kr dya…….. Saba ny jub aisi nazron sy Major ko apna jisam dekhty hoy dekha to sharma kr apni nazrain jhukaa lin………..
Major ny aik zoor ka thapar Saba ki phooli hoi goori gaand pr maara or bola…… chul jaldi sy mujhy thori si Bitch Walk kr ky dekhaa……
Saba hairan ho kar Major ki traf dekhny lagi…….
Major: ary aisy kyun dekh rahi hai……. saali kuttya ki trah neechy beth jaa or kuttya ki trah hi chal ky dikhaa mujhy taky peechy sy teri choot or gaand ka nazaara kr sakoon…………saali isy kahty hain bitch walk
Saba khamoshi sy neechy ko jhuk gai or apny haath neechy rakh kr ghutno ky bal kuttya ki position main aagai………. phir peechy mur kr dekha to Major sofy pr betha uski traf hi dekh raha tha…. Saba ny ahista ahista apny ghar ky sitting room main kuttya ki trah chalna shuru kr dya……. apny gaand ko peechy ko nikaal kr…….. usy behad zillat or humiliation mahsoos ho rahi thi……. lakin pata nahi kyun isky bawjood bhi uski choot geeli hoti jaa rahi thi………..
Major : saali gaand ko thora ooper ko uthaa or choot ko bahir ki traf nikaal ky chul na…….. behnchood ko koi bhi kaam theek sy krna nahi aata…….dekha nahi kabhi kisi kuttya ko chalty hoy kaisy uski choot bahir ko nikli hoti hai …….. kutton ko dawat daiti hoi ky aao or daal do apna lund meri choot main….. chul waisy hi nikaal apni choot bahir
Saba khud ko sharam sy paani paani hota hoa mahsoos kr rahi thi. lakin phir bhi us ny jaisy Major ny kaha usi ky mutabiq apni gaand ko thora oper ko kr lya or darmyaan sy apni kamar ko thora neechy krty hoy apni choot ko peechy ko nikaal kr ghutnon ky bal aagy ko chalny lagi….. buhat hi ajeeb lag raha tha…… Saba samjh sakti thi ky peechy Major ko kyaa nazara nazar aaraha ho ga…….. uski choot Major ki aankhon ky saamny ho gi…��…. dheery dheery Saba ko ajeeb si lazzat milny lagi aisy rundyon ki trah sy chalny main bhi……..
Major ny apni t shirt utaari or khud bhi neechy ghutnon ky bal Saba ky peechy peechy chalny laga……. Saba ko buhat hi ajeeb sa laga…… Major ny Saba ky bilkul peechy pohnch kr bina haath lagaay hi Saba ki gaand ko kiss kya or phir uski gaand ky crack ko apni zubaan sy chaatny laga…… aik ajeeb currnt sa Saba ky jisam main phail gya or aik jhatky ky saath hi Saba ki gaand khud b khud hi bahir ko nikal aai……….
Major ki zuban neechy ko aai….. or us ny poori zubaan ko neechy sy ooper ko phairty hoy Saba ki choot ko chaat lya…….
Major: dekh rundi kaisy teri choot paani chor rahi hai…….. saali her waqat lund maangti rahti hai……… kaisy iski zaroorat poori krti hai tu………. such bata kis kis sy chudwaati hai
Saba tarap uthi……. Major ki zubaan sy bhi or usky jumly sy bhi……. nahi main aisi nahi honnnnnnnnnnn.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssss
Major apni ungli Saba ki choot main andar tak daalty hoy bola………… such such bata woh jo Molvi Mansoor hai us ny to choda hai na tujhy………..
Saba…… nahi nahi……….. aisi batain kyu krty ho aap…… main ny kabhi apny shouhar ky siwa kisi ki traf nahi dekha……. or mansoor sb to uncle hain……. mery baap ky jaisy……..
Major: saali ….. rundi…… mery aagy kuttya ki trah nangi ho kr apni choot nikaaly khari or kahti hai ky kisi sy nahi chudwaya……..woh behchod tery baap ki umar ka hai to main bhi to aisy hi hoon na….. mujh sy aik do saal hi bara hai woh rangeela molvi….. mujh sy to bary mazy ly ly ky chudwaati hai to us sy kyun sharam aati hai…..
Saba ny khamoshi sy apni nazar neechy jhukaa li…….wo Mansoor sahb ky mutaliq koi bhi bakwaas nahi sun na chahti thi or na hi usy koi jawab dy kr baat ko or barhaana chahti thi………. aik buhat hi shafeeq or buzrgiat wala image tha uski nazron main Mansoor sahb ka jisy yeh kameena aadmi tabah krna chahta tha apni baton sy….. wo jaanti thi ky Mansoor sahb is jaisy gandy aadmi nahi hain…… woh to buhath hi naik or perhaiz gaar aadmi hai…..
uski choot main moujood Major ki ungli usky jisam ky andar lag rahi aag ko or bhi barhaa rahi thi……. usy or bhi garam kr rahi thi….. uski choot ko or bhi paani nikaalny pr majboor kr rahi thi…………. Saba masti ky saath apni gaand ko hilaa rahi thi……. jaisy jaisy Major ki ungli hil rahi thi waisy waisy uski gaand lehraa rahi thi…….
Major ny Saba ko farsh pr sy uthaaya or usy sofy pr bethaa dya……. apni phoolti hoi saanson ko dharkaty hoy dil ky saath Saba sofy ki back sy take laga kr jaisy dhaay si gai………. major bhi utha or Sofy pr charh kr uski side pr betha gya……. Saba apny jisam ko dheela kye hoy sofy pr apni phoolti hoi saanson ky saath pari hoi thi…. aankhain kholy Major ko dekh rahi thi….. uska kaala jisam or ghinouna sa chehra usky jisam ky qareeb tha……. sochny lagi……. Ashraf ky muqably main yeh kitna badsoorat hai….. Ashraf kitna handsome, goora or khoobsorat hai………… lakin is kaaly or badsoorat jisam waly ki taqat ka to andaza hai hi mujhy ky kis qadar zalmaana tareeqy sy chodta hai……. choot ki pyaas bujhaa kr rakh daita hai……….. andar tak…….. yeh sochty hoy Saba ki choot paani chorny lagi…… jo ky pahly sy hi geeli hoi rahi thi…….
Major ny saba ki brassier ky ooper sy hi usky boobs pr apny haath rakhy or ahsita ahsita usky boobs ko sahlaany laga…. apni muthi main ly kar dabaany laga…….. phir Saba ki aankhon main jhaankty hoy usky honton pr jhukta chala gya….. apny hont usky honton pr rakhy or usy choomny laga…… usky honton ka rus peeny laga…… dheery dheery usky honton ko chaat ny laga…… Saba machalny lagi…… Major ka haath usky seeny pr sirakta hoa dheery dheery uski bra ky andar ghus raha tha…… bra ky cup ky andar haath daal kr Major ny Saba ky boobs ko masalna shuru kr dya….. phir usky nipple ko ragadny laga…… sssssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Saba ky monh sy siskaaryan nikalny lagin….. uska haath utha or us ny apny haath ko Major ky seeny pr rakh dya…… dheery dheery usky solid sakht or mazboot choury seeny ko sahlaany lagi……. usky kaaly jisam pr haath phairny lagi……… sub khuch bhoolty hoy….. Ashraf ki mohabat or uski khoobsorti ko bhoolty hoy………. Major ki nafrat, gussy or badsoorti ko bhi bhoolty hoy……. yaad thi to bus apny jisam or or apni choot ky andar uth rahi pyaas ki ……….. apny jisam ki aag ki…….. apny jisam ki tarap ki……….. or usy yeh bhi pata tha ky is pyaas ko yahi bujhaa sakta hai jo usky jisam ko choo raha hai……… or jisky jisam ko woh choo rahi hai………. uska or usky shouhar kr dushman no 1…… lakin uski choot ka to lover no 1 tha…..
Major ny ahista ahista Saba ki bra ky cups ko neechy sarkaaty hoy usky boobs ko nanga kr dya…… Saba ky jisam pr moujood wahid libaas ka tukra bhi dheery dheery usky jisam sy sirakny laga….. usky jisam ka saath chorny laga…… aik baar phir sy usky boobs Major ky bhooki aankhon ky saamny nangy ho gay…….. Major ny usky laboon ko chora or jhuk kr Saba ky boob ky gulaabi nipple ko monh main ly lya……. jaisy hi apny moty honton main ly kr usy choosa to saba tarap uthi…… uchal pari…. apny seeny ko ooper ko uchaal dya………. Major muskraya or ahista ahista usky boob ko dabaaty hoy usky nipple ko choosny laga……. apny daanton main ly kar dheery sy kaata………..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ggggggggggggmmmmmmmmmmmmm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssssssssssssss Saba ky monh sy siskaari nikal gai…………….. aankhain band or jisam major ky hawaaly……..
khcuh dair tak usky dono nipples ko baari baari choosny ky baad Major sofy sy neechy sirak aaya……. Saba ky pairon main uski tangoon ky darmyaan uski choot ky bilkul saamny…….. Major ny Saba ki dono tangain phailaain to Saba ki gulaabi choot ny apny laboon ko khol kr Major ko welcome kya……… Major ny ahista ahista uski choot ko apni ungli sy chooa or uski choot ky daany ko ragadny laga……. oper sy neechy ungli phairny laga….. Saba ki aankhain phir sy band hony lagin…… jaisy hi Major ny apni zubaan Saba ki choot ky laboon pr rakhi to Saba jaisy curnt ky maary tarap uthi… apni kohnyon ky bal apna nichla jisam ooper ko uchaal dya.. or saath hi uska haath Major ky sir pr aagya…. usky sir ko apni taraf kheenchny lagi…….. usky monh ko apni choot pr dabaany lagi……. choot paani ki dhaarain choor rahi thi…… tarap raih thi…………. Major ky lye…… uski zubaan ky lye….. or usky moty kaaly lund ky lye…………
Major Saba ki choot ko chaaty jaa raha tha…. ooper choot ky daany sy ly kar neechy uski choot ky soorakh tak…. phir jaisy hi Major ny apni zubaan Saba ki choot ky andar daakhil ki to……. Saba ky sabar ky band toot gay……….. woh apni sharam or apni bebasi sub bhool gai……. tarap uthi………………. taras uthi………….
Saba: bussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss or naheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ab daaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Major hansa or uth kr khara ho gya……. Major is waqat sirf aik underwear main tha….. sufaid underwear…….. jis ka agla hissa buhat ziada phoola hua tha…… jub Major usky saamny kahar hua uski choot ko chor kr to …. Saba ki nazar usky underwear ky usi phooly hoy hissay pr hi thi….. or woh achi trah sy jaanti thi ky underwear ky peechy kya hai…… or jo itna phoola hua hai woh haqeeqat main is sy bhi kahin ziada khatrnaak or pyaara hai……
Saba ko apny underwear ki traf dekhty hoy paa kr Major ny Saba ka nazuk sa haath pakra or usy apny underwear ky ooper sy hi apny lund pr rakh dya….. Saba ny apna haath hatana chaha lakin Major ny sakhti sy daba dya…… ab Saba ky haath main Major ka mota lund tha jisy woh usky underwear ky oper sy hi achy sy mahsoos kr sakti thi…….. ahista ahista sahlaany lagi thi……
phir Major ny ……………….apny underwear ko neechy ko kr ky utaar dya………. wo bhi bikul nanga ho gya…………. saba bhi bilkul nangi thi………. do jisam aik baar phir nangy ho chuky thy……….. aik doodh ky jaisy behad goora chitta or makhan ky jaisa naram…………… doosra koily ky jaisa kaala seyaah or pathar ky jaisa sakht……. lakin is sub ky faraq ky bawjood bhi dono jismon ko aikdoosry ki pyaas thi…….. aik doosry ki talab thi…………… Major ka kaala syah lund Saba ki choot ky saamny lehraa raha tha…. bilkul akra hua……… Saba ki nazrain usi pr jami hoi thin………… yeh lund jo usky shouhar ka nahi tha….. balky usky shouhar ky dushman ka tha………. jis sy Saba khud bhi nafrat krti thi………….. lakin is lund sy nafrat nahi kr sakti thi….. isy to woh chahti thi……….. isy to woh apni choot ky andar mahsoos krna chahti thi………… isy to wo apni choot ki gehrayoon main utarta hua dekhna chahti thi………….. lakin is sub ky lye us kaaly seyaah jisam waly insaan ka us pr chaa jaana bhi zaroori tha……. or us kaaly taqatwar lund ki khatir usy sub khuch qubool tha……..
Major ny Saba ki dono tangoon ko khol kr or bhi chora kr dya or apna lund haath main pakar kr uski choot pr ragadny laga……. Saba ki choot machalny lagi….. lund ky peechy peechy chalny lagi…… apny ooper uska touch mahsoos krny ky lye…….. usy apny andar lainy ky lye…….. Major ny Saba ki dono tanoon ko pakar kr ooper uthaya or Saba ka jisam jaisy dohra ho gya…….. uski choot……. gulaabi tight choot…… ka monh khul kr saamny aagya…… jaisy monh kholy usky lund ko pukaar rahi ho……… dono pairon ko …….. goory goory pairon ko apny kandy pr rakh kr Major thora aagy ko hua….. or bina pakry or bina chooy apny lund ki topi Saba ki choot pr tikaai or ahista ahista usy Saba ki choot ky andar dhaakil krny laga…….. Saba ki geeli ho rahi chikni choot main uska lund phisalta hua andar jaany laga…..
aik baar phir sy wohi mota or lamba kaala lund apni tight choot main jaata hoa mahsoos hoa to Saba phir sy sissak pari………………..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ggggggggggggggggggggg Major ki aankhon main dekhty hoy…… takleef or lazzat ky maary siskaryan laity hoy………. chehry ky expressions bhi badal rahy thy……… jaisy jaisy Major ka lund uski choot ko cheerty hoy andar tak ghusny laga to waisy waisy hi Saba ki takleef main izaafa hony laga……… dard ki shiddat sy saba ny apny dono narm o nazuk haath Major ky biceps pr rakh dye……. apni nazuk nazuk patli unglyon sy Major ky biceps ko dabochny ki koshish krny lagi…… aankhain band ho gain……. lakin choot ny dard ki prwah kye bina hi ooper ko uchalty hoy us badmaash Major ky badmaash lund ko jaisy or bhi apni choot ky andar invite krna shuru kr dya….. Major ka lund uski choot main ghusta jaa raha tha jaisy koi gunda kisi ky ghar main bin kisi ki ijazat ky ghusta chala jaa raha ho………… bina kisi ki parwah kye…
Major ky dhakoon main taizi aati jaa rahi thi……. Saba ki tangoon ko apny kandhon pr phansa kr Major ny usy buri trah sy bebus kr dya hoa tha….. woh hilny or khud ko churaany ky qaabil bhi nahi thi………Neechy sy Major ka mota lund dhana dhun uski choot main ghusta jaa raha tha…. usy chody jaa raha tha….. andar hi andar ghusta chala jaa raha tha…..
Saba ny bari mushkil sy apny jisam pr Major ki grift ko thora dheela kya or apny pairon ko usky kandhon sy phislaa kr peechy uski kamar pr lya aai or apny pair uski kamar ky gird kas lye……. Major ky jisam ko apni traf kheenchty hoy……. usky lund ko apni choot ky andar tak laity hoy…………
Major ki aankhon main dekhty hoy ……. usky lund ko apni choot ky andar bahir hota hua mahsoos krty hoy …….. Saba Major ky chehry ko dekh rahi thi…….. kya main ny such main khud ko is ky supurd kr dya hai…. apna jisam is ky hawaly kr dya hai….. Ashraf ko bhool kr……. apny Ashraf ko bhool kr……. yehi soch rahi thi usky chehry pr nazrain jamaay huy ky khud sy hi usky haath uthy or usky chehry ko apny haathon ky hisaar main lya or usky chehry ko neechy kheenchny lagi…… apny chehry pr…….. or phir apny hont khud hi usky honton pr rakh dye….. usy chomny lagi…… apny gulaabi patly patly honton sy us Major ky kaaly moty honton ko choomny lagi……… khud sy hi uski zubaan bahir ko nikli or us ny apni zubaan sy Major ky honton ko chaat na shuru kr dya…… apni zubaan ko usky honton pr phairty hoy ………. phir usky aik hont ko apny dono honton ki grift main lya or usy choosny lagi….. zoor zoor sy……… jaisy Major usky honton ko choosta tha… jaisy Major ny usy chosna sikhaaya tha……. peechy Major ki kamar ko Saba ki tangon ny apny ghairy main lya hua tha or aagy sy uski bahain uski gardan ky gird lipti hoi thin……..
khuch dair tak aisy hi chodny ky baad major ny saba ki choot sy apna lund bahir nikaal lya……….
Saba tarap uthi…… nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kyunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Major muskraya………… kahin nahi jaa raha……… aaj nahi jaaoun ga teri pyaas bujhay bina…….. fikar na kr…….. bus jaldi sy kuttya ban jaa yahin sofy pr hi……..
Saba ziada dair tak major ky lund ko apni choot sy bahir nahi rahny daina chahti thi…….. bina sochy samjhy or bina kisi aitraaz ky jaldi sy ulti ho kr sofy pr kuttya ki trah jhuk gai…….. Major ny uski choot ky andar apni ungli daali or poory zoor sy uski choot ko oper kheench dya…… jis sy Saba dard ky maary kraah uthi……..lakin uski gaand thori ooper ko uth gai……kameena monh sy bhi to bol sakta hai na ky ooper ko uth jaao zra……. main bhala inkaar krti kya…… lakin yeh to hai hi jangli or wahshi…….. kitni buri trah sy kheench dya hai andar sy meri choot ko……. Saba sochny lagi…… lakin Major ka sochny sy kya kaam……..us ny to peechy sy apna lund uski choot main daal dya…….. or uski kamar ko pakar kr ahista ahista dhaky lagany laga……. saath hi uski gaand ko apni traf bhi kheench raha tha…….
Saba ki goori goori gaand ka tang gulaabi soorakh Major ki aankhon ky saamny tha…….. Major ny apny aik haath ki aik ungli sy Saba ki gaand ky soorakh ko sahlaana shuru kr dya…. jaisy hi Saba ko apni gaand ky soorakh pr Major ki ungli ka lamas mahsoos hua to wo lazzat sy kaanmp uthi………… major ny thora bhi uski gaand ki thar-tharahat ko mahsoos kr lya tha….. muskraya…….. or thora jhuk kr uski gaand ky soorakh pr apny monh sy thook giraa dya…. jo ky uski gaand ki lakeer main gira…… Major ny apni ungli sy thook ko neechy laa kr usky gaand ky gulaabi soorakh pr malna shuru kr dya…… or us pr ungli phairty phairty ahista sy apni ungli uski gaand ky soorakh ky andar push kr di……… ooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Saba chilla uthi………. lakin Major ny uski choot sy apni twajah hataay bina hi dhana dhun uski choot ko chodty hoy ahista ahsita uski gaand ky andar apni ungli ko ghumaana shuru kr dya…… is double mazy or lazzat sy saba pagal hony lagi…….. tarapny lagi…… or bhi be-qrar hony lagi…… is double lazzat ko bardasht na kr sakiii….. apna sir sofy ki back pr rakha or aankhain band kr ky apni manzil ky qareeb pohnchny lagi……….. is position main hony ki wajah sy Major ka lamba lund buhat hi andar tak jaa raha tha…………. jaisy uski bacha daani main ghusna chah raha ho……..
Saba ki choot Major ky lund ky gird buri trah sy sukad rahi thi ��…. usky lund ko bheench rahi thi…….. Major ko bhi apni manzil qareeb aati hoi mahsos hony lagi…….. us ny dono haathon ko apny aagy jhuki ho Saba ky kandhon pr rakha or unko mazbooti sy pakar kr usky jisam ko apni traf kheenchny laga………. or khud zoor zoor sy aagy ko dhakky lagany laga….. itni buri trah sy chody jaany sy Saba ka poora jisam kaanmp raha tha……….. apny andar tak lund ko mahsoos kr ky usy or bhi takleef ka ahsas ho raha tha…. lakin is takleef main bhi aik alag hi maza tha………. Major ky lund ny achanak hi uski choot ky andar paani chorna shuru kr dya………. Major ky lund sy uski mani nikal nikal Saba ki choot ky andar gir rahi thi …… or uski bacha daani main bhi jaa rahi thi……….. itni shiddat ky saath apni choot main girny wali mani ny Saba ko madhoosh kr dya…… uski aankhain band ho gain or uski choot aik baar phir sy paani choorny lagi………. aik hi chudaai main doosri baar saba apni manzil ko pohnch chuki thi……..
Saba nidhaal ho kr wahin sofy pr ulti gir gai……. Major bhi apny kaaly jisam ko usky goory badan ky ooper litaa kr lait gya…….. dono haanmp rahay thy….. apny hosh o hawaas ko theek krny ki koshish kr rahy thy…….. major dheery dheery saba ki gardan ko choom raha tha…… or Saba apni aankhain band kye hoy pari usky jisam ko mahsoos kr rahi thi…….. dheery dheery jaisy behosh hoti jaa rahi thi………..
The post Major Sahb Ki Randiyan – Completed Update 23 appeared first on Desi Stories.
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serafinalovejoshua · 7 years
with hera, Cecilia, IreneLaureni, Steven, Hendrico, Guat, Bella, jerry, Meco, Cau, Aling, Feolita, Rosemary, randa ly, Ria, S. Meiriska, Lia, Wella, Theresia, Wella, Candra, Yap , Siau, Natasia, 李小明, devy, kevin, jeslynclarisa2002, Catherin, Van, via, Li Pei, Devi, Sandri, Angel, Michael, Jane, Orian, Atiin, Veren, Ayung, Rianty, Rudy, Nada, emilda, Donny, Shela, Nellalia, Meisiliaa, Fransiska, caca, Krista, Eunice Indah, yuliana, Rika, Neilya, Riri, Lianaa, Lis, Felicia, Devita, Tjhang, Denny, Devi, ILola, Jetta, Maria, SherenFei, Helena, Fara, liu, Ita, Yessie, Lia, Nova, Yin, Yanty, Ryko, Viandi, Michell, San ny, Elly, Chiedryan, vivie_tw(FULL), Ningsih nq, yulianti, Agnes, SELVI, Verdi, dionstore, Cindol, Monica, Juliannie, Michelle, William, ILola, fina, angga, Kelly, Febry, Michell, Nevry, dona, Joe, Junz, egan, hanna, Sianti, yulius, Melinda , Desy, rii, Jessy, Meilya, Novie, Stevanus, Lea, Betty, Veda, juwita, Bett, Ven, Ady, Wai Wai, Melia, Nicolas, fanly, Winda, Prinzessa, Ferry, Widiya, Christine, Aditya, Silviany, Jefry, Asiuw, Anda, Willson, Whisca, Welly, Hendra, Dessi, Vinna, Anas, Vinia, Ary, Angela, juliadi, Maggie, lennichang, Marga, Eliza, Mariana, yuli, Monica, Monika, Yuni, Siska, sam, linda, Shelfy Lin, Jonas, Ellen, laurensia, junie, Wella, Andrie, iryairya, Suzett🎀🌹, Tika, tiara, Hendra, Sam, FeliZ, Siska, Phin, Kartika, rudy, Suhendro, Yosep, Shanty, Diana, Gresia, Yositamarsela, Feisitria, Hendri bocin, Via, Alvin, Berlian Grace, Fina , yunita, Jessyca, Wanda, Ningsih_nq, Noryko, Sherlie, Oktaviani, mega, Lennichang, Fiandi, Muditha, Aditya, Hendrie, yuliana, Lvin, Vera, Christ, linda, Risky, Tians, Elvina, Alfonsus, Nick, feolita, Elizabeth, Riniechan, yuliiwang, Hendi, Fransiskus, Riri, Hendrik, Challista, Capt. Jack, Chika, silvia, Feifey, Benny, Agnes, kelvin, Newton, florencia, Ferdianto, angke, Irvan, Juanita, nazmi, jejak_ku, Lydia, juliannie, Shelli, elina, yiniatiferonica, Wenny, Evelyn, vita, Gavrila, Wandari, Fransisca, Bella, yeni, Shilvya, fransiskawen, Novie, budi, Novita, San, Lien, Sandy, Agnesancilaa, Herman, rendi, meiling, Valleria, Wina, Benediktus Raditya, Shindi, Cindy , Widia, Sella, Chacha, tata, herlie, Handi, Dedy, iryayu, andre, angela, mega, Luv, Sinyo, and LiiissssaaaaSa🍭🍭🍭 – Watch on Path.
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea 旅人 know that looking mysterious onstage means having to squint to see the keyboard & fretboard. [Luke, use The Force!]
感謝幫我們拍攝MV的導演- Chacha Lin ,在Revolver拍攝的照片,記錄了VJ的迷幻影像與溫暖的草燈,這些都會帶去高雄一起呈現,希望大家來玩喔! 如沒看過MV的朋友我們放在留言裡。
活動詳情: 6.24(六) The Mercury 水星酒館 【光乘暗湧高雄場】 Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea 旅人、 林昀駿 Troy Lin
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atletasudando · 2 years
El gran fin de semana del fondista paraguayo Derlys Ayala
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Derlys Ramón Ayala, el mejor fondista en la historia del atletismo de Paraguay, vivió un gran fin de semana. El viernes 20, durante el primer Evaluativo con vistas a los Juegos Bolivarianos en la pista sintética de Asunción, batió el récord nacional de los 3.000 metros llanos con 8m.16s.16, mejorando la marca de 8m.20s.4 que mantenía Jorge Cabrera desde el 2006. De este modo, Ayala ahora es el poseedor de todos los récords de pruebas de fondo en pista de su país, incluyendo la milla, 3.000 llanos, 5.000 y 10.000, además de sus récords en ruta como medio maratón y maratón. El mismo torneo en la pista de Asunción tuvo varias figuras más como el velocista César Almirón (10s.68 en 100 emtros), el juvenil Jhumiler Sánchez con 48s.69 en 400 -a una centésima del récord nacional de su categoría- mientras que los lanzadores de jabalina volvieron a exhibir su fortaleza, liderados por Larson Giovanni Díaz con 74.02, Antonio Ortiz con 66.80 y el juvenil Lars Flaming con 65.11, mientras que el ex campeón sudamericano Víctor Fatecha llegó a 63.57. En damas se destacaron la velocista Xenia Hiebert con 12s.03 en 100 y Fiorella Veloso con 42.84 en jabalina. Y en los 110 con vallas hubo buenas performances dle juvenil Kevin Mendieta con 14s.67 y el menor Fabrizio Jara con 14s.52. Dos días después se realizó el Sudamericano de Maratón en el circuito de la Costanera de la capital paraguaya y allí Ayala se proclamó campeón por segunda vez en su campaña. HISTORIAL DEL SUDAMERICANO DE MARATON Buenos Aires (ARG) – 11.10.2009 - en el maratón internacional de BA 1 Marco Antonio Pereira   BRA       2,17,56                                   1 Sirlene Souza de Pinho                   BRA       2,38,08 2 Herman Oscar Cortinez   ARG       2,20,06                                   2 Natalia Romero                 CHI         2,44,31 3 José Ramón Romero        ARG       2,23,23                                   3 Andrea Graciano                              ARG       2,46,00   Asunción (PAR) – 8.8.2010 1 Elias Rodrigues Bastos   BRA       2,27,51                                   1 María Gabriela Almada                   ARG       2,55,02 2 Paulo da Silva                   BRA       2,28,04                                   2 Janette Gomes Barbosa                  BRA       2,56,48 3 Gustavo López                 PAR       2,33,18                                   3 Leone Justino da Silva                    BRA       3,09,51   Lima (PER) - 15.5.2011 1 Miguel Mallqui                                PER        2,17,10                   1 Jimena Helen Misayauri                 PER        2,42,40 2 Marco Antonio Pereira                   BRA       2,19,40                   2 Sandra Mercedes Ruales                ECU        2,48,01 3 José David Cardona                        COL        2,25,17                   3 Mary Emanuelle da C. Oliveira      BRA       2,54,29   Caracas (VEN) – 26.2.2012             en el II Maratón CAF 1 José David Cardona                        COL        2,19,18                   1 Conceicao M. de Carvalho OliveiraBRA     2,53,15 (2 Shadrack Maiyo                             KEN       2,22,22)                  2 Ruby Milena Riativa                       COL        2,53,22 3 José Everaldo da Silva Mota         BRA       2,24,22                   3 Ana Joaquina Rondón                    COL        2,55,04 4 Eduardo Aruquipa                           BOL        2,26,06                   4 Sandra Sarmiento                             VEN        2,56,57   Buenos Aires (ARG) – 13.10.2013 en el Maratón Internacional de Buenos Aires 1 Eliezer de Jesús Santos                   BRA       2,18,09                   1 Rosa Alva Chacha                           ECU        2,42,03 2 Darío Edgardo Ríos                         ARG       2,20,01                   2 Karina Elizabeth Neipán  ARG       2,45,52 3 Osvaldo Ezequiel Barreto               ARG       2,31,31                   3 María Laura Bazallo                         URU       2,48,58   SANTIAGO (CHI) – 06.04.2014 en el Maratón Internacional de Santiago 1 Eriki Beyene                          ERI       2,11,50 2 Simon Kariuki                        KEN     2,12,11 3 Julius Karinga            KEN     2,13,38 4 Michael Chege                       KEN     2,15,21 5 Julius Keter                           KEN     2,15,52 6 Roberto Carlos Echeverría       CHI       2,16,58             1° cto. Sudamericano 7 Marcos Alexandre Elias          BRA     2,20,29             2° cto. Sudamericano 8 Eugenio Galaz                       CHI       2,20,35             3° cto. Sudamericano   Mujeres 1 Emily Chepkorir                     KEN     2,35,16 2 Shewargne Alene                   ETH      2,35,30 3 Lucy Karimi                           KEN     2,35,39 4 Erika Alejandra Olivera            CHI       2,36,08             1° cto. Sudamericano 5 Carmen Patricia Martínez        PAR     2,38,05             2° cto. Sudamericano 6 Hortensia Arzapalo                 PER     2,42,12             3° cto. Sudamericano   9.8.2015 – ASUNCION (PAR) (1        Saidi Juma Makula        TAN      2,26,37)            1 Wilma Arizapana                    PER     2,50,39 1sa (2         Elijah Kipkemboi Kemboi KEN   2,26,40)            2 Gladys Machacuay                PER     2,51,13 2sa (3         David Kiprotich Bowen   KEN     2,27,57)            (3 Nelly Jepkirui            KEN     2,54,29) 4          Juan Huamán                PER     2,28,23 1sa       4 Antonia Bernadete Lins da S.  BRA     2,58,37 3sa 5          Marcos Alexandre Elias BRA     2,30,46 2sa       5 Fabiana Gaitán                      ARG     3,21,57 4sa 6          Renildo Batista dos S.   BRA     2,32,05 7          Pedro Duarte                PAR     2,42,48 3sa   10.4.2016 – MONTEVIDEO (URU) 1 Aguelmis Rojas                      URU     2,17,32             1 Gladys Celia Machacuay        PER     2,42,18 2 Matías Silva                           CHI       2,22,40             2 Hortensia Arzapalo                 PER     2,46,28 3 Lucas Emmanuel Villanueva    URU     2,28,17             3 Rosangela R. Pereira Faria     BRA     2,48,31   19.3.2017 – TEMUCO (CHI) 1 Enzo Diego Yáñez                 CHI       2,18,39             1 Mirella Saturnino de Andrade   BRA     2,44,52 2 Derlys Ramón Ayala               PAR     2,19,03             2 Rosa Angélica Romero           PER     2,50,01 3 Manuel de Jesús Cabrera        CHI       2,20,19             3 Olga Adela Esther Barrios       ARG     2,50,58   23.09.2018 – BUENOS AIRES (ARG) en el Maratón Internacional de Buenos Aires 1 Cristhian Pacheco                  PER     2,11,19             1 Rosa Alva Chacha                  ECU     2,35,29 2 Derlys Ramón Ayala               PAR     2,13,41             2 Clara Canchanya                    PER     2,39,27 3 Nelson Ito                              PER     2,16,29             3 Gladys Celia Machacuay        PER     2,40,58   22.09.2019 – BUENOS AIRES (ARG) en el Maratón Internacional de Buenos Aires 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala               PAR     2,10,27             1 Daiana Alejandra Ocampo       ARG     2,34,12 2 Joaquín Emanuel Arbe            ARG     2,11,02             2 Marcela Cristina Gómez         ARG     2,34,52 3 Eulalio Muñoz                        ARG     2,12,21             3 Simone Ponte Ferraz              BRA     2,38,10   02.05.2021 – ASUNCION (PAR) 1 Andrés Ruiz                           COL     2,21,07             1 Silvia Patricia Ortiz                 ECU     2,48,08 2 Héctor Garibay                       BOL     2,22,25             2 Ruby Milena Riativa                COL     2,54,02 3 Derlys Ramón Ayala               PAR     2,25,39             3 Fátima Viviana Romero           PAR     2,56,06   22.05.2022 – ASUNCION (PAR) 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala               PAR     2,13,58             1 Mirela Saturnino de Andrade   BRA     2,39,57l 2 Martín Ezequiel Méndez         ARG     2,23,08             2 Fátima Romero                      PAR     2,50,29 3 Carlos Alejandro González      PAR     2,26,37             3 Karina Natalia Fuentealba       ARG     2,52,58 Read the full article
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