#Chairman of the muzaffarnagar
chairmanmuzaffarnagar · 4 months
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर
मुजफ्फरनगर की नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी ने अपने कुशल नेतृत्व और समर्पण से शहर को नई ऊंचाइयों पर पहुंचाया है। नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर के रूप में उनकी भूमिका ने शहर में विकास, सफाई और समृद्धि के कई नए आयाम जोड़े हैं। आइए, जानते हैं कैसे मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी ने नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर की जिम्मेदारियों को निभाते हुए शहर का कायाकल्प किया है।
विकास के कार्य
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर, मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी के नेतृत्व में शहर में अनेक विकास कार्य किए गए हैं। सड़क निर्माण, सार्वजनिक पार्कों का विकास, और शहरी बुनियादी ढांचे का सुधार जैसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्य शामिल हैं। इन सभी कार्यों का उद्देश्य नागरिकों को बेहतर जीवन सुविधाएं प्रदान करना है।
स्वच्छता अभियान
स्वच्छता के क्षेत्र में भी नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर ने कई प्रभावी कदम उठाए हैं। शहर को साफ और हरा-भरा बनाने के लिए नियमित कचरा संग्रहण, सार्वजनिक शौचालयों का निर्माण और स्वच्छता अभियान चलाए गए हैं। मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी के नेतृत्व में मुजफ्फरनगर ने स्वच्छता के क्षेत्र में नए कीर्तिमान स्थापित किए हैं।
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शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर के कार्यकाल में शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं में भी सुधार हुआ है। सरकारी स्कूलों और अस्पतालों की स्थिति में सुधार के लिए कई योजनाएं लागू की गई हैं। शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं की बेहतर उपलब्धता ने नागरिकों के जीवन स्तर को ऊंचा उठाया है।
सामुदायिक सेवाएं
मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी ने नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर के रूप में सामुदायिक सेवाओं पर विशेष ध्यान दिया है। सामुदायिक केंद्रों का निर्माण, खेल और सांस्कृतिक गतिविधियों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया गया है। इन सेवाओं से समुदाय में एकता और सहयोग की भावना बढ़ी है।
पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर, मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी ने अपने कार्यकाल में पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही को प्राथमिकता दी है। विभिन्न योजनाओं और परियोजनाओं की जानकारी सार्वजनिक की गई है, जिससे नागरिकों को नगर पालिका के कार्यों में विश्वास और सहभागिता महसूस हो।
भविष्य की योजनाएं
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर, मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी के पास भविष्य के लिए कई महत्वाकांक्षी योजनाएं हैं। शहर के बुनियादी ढांचे को और मजबूत करना, नई परियोजनाओं का शुभारंभ करना और नागरिकों की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए नीतियों का विकास करना उनकी प्राथमिकताओं में शामिल है।
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर, मिनाक्षी स्वरुप जी की इस प्रतिबद्धता और समर्पण ने मुजफ्फरनगर को एक विकसित और समृद्ध शहर बनाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। उनके नेतृत्व में शहर ने प्रगति की नई राह पर कदम बढ़ाया है और आने वाले समय में और भी बेहतर विकास की उम्मीद है।
नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष मुजफ्फरनगर
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currenthunt · 7 months
Law panel imposes heavy fine to tackle property damage
The 22nd Law Commission has recommended significant changes in the law to deal with damage to public property on February 2, 2024.The Law Commission has submitted its report titled "Review of the Law on Prevention of Damage to Public Property" to the Government of India.Keeping in mind the seriousness of the issue and the loss it would cause to the country's revenue, the Law Commission had taken suo motu cognizance of this issue.The report suggests measures ranging from tampering with evidence to imposing fines equal to the market value of damaged public property. Highlights of 284th report - People involved in damaging public property should get bail only after recovering an amount equal to the damage caused by them. - The Commission has recommended amendments in the 'Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984'. It also recommended making new laws to deal with 'intentional damage to public property' as follows - - by making a separate law - Or by amending the Indian Penal Code, 1860 - or the newly enacted Indian Judicial Code (BNS),Amend in 2023 The Commission has based its report on the following incidents - Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013 - Jat Reservation Movement of the year, 2015 - Patidar Reservation Movement of the year, 2016 - Bhima Koregaon protest of the year, 2018 - Anti-CAA movement of the year, 2018 - Agricultural Law Movement of the Year, 2020 - Violence spread after comments made on Prophet Mohammed in the year 2020 - Clashes in Manipur in the year 2023 Highlights of 285th report - The Commission recommended retaining the offense of criminal defamation. - Open speeches need to be balanced to protect individuals from malicious falsehoods, which cause irreparable damage to a person's reputation. - The matter was referred to the legal panel by the Law Ministry in August, 2017. - This panel upheld the Supreme Court's 2016 decision in 'Subramanian Swamy vs. Union of India'. - In this decision, the Supreme Court had upheld the constitutionality of the offense of criminal defamation. - The Supreme Court had said that the right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 19(2) of the Constitution is subject to certain reasonable restrictions. - The Indian Judicial Code has protected the interests of victims by making punishment for crime a matter of community service and has also reduced the scope for abuse by providing alternative punishment. 22nd Law Commission - The 22nd Law Commission was notified on February 24, 2020. - Its tenure was to end on February 20, 2023. - On 22 February 2023, its tenure was extended till 31 August 2024. - The Commission is headed by Justice Ruturaj Awasthi, retired Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court. Law commission - The Law Commission is a non-statutory body. - It is constituted from time to time by the Government of India. - The first Law Commission was constituted in the year 1955 for a period of three years. - It works as an advisor to the Ministry of Law and Justice. - Its main function is legal research and review of existing laws in India. - Its report helps the central government in making new laws. - The Law Commission consists of a whole-time Chairman, one Member-Secretary and four whole-time members. - The number of part-time members cannot exceed five. - A retired judge of the Supreme Court or a retired Chief Justice of a High Court is the chairman of this commission. Read the full article
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baitdragon · 1 year
Yogi magic fails in Meerut-Saharanpur as BJP loses 64 of 90 municipal seats
The poll result has become a major concern for the BJP as the data showed that Yogi Adityanath’s magic did not work in the rural and semi-urban areas.
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In the recent UP civic polls, the BJP may have been able to win all the 17 Nagar Nigam seats and logged a landslide victory but the numbers in the western part of the state, especially in Meerut, Ghaziabad and Saharanpur divisions, did not signify the impact of the Yogi wave at the Nagar Palika and the Nagar Panchayat levels.
This has become a major concern for the party as the data showed that Yogi Adityanath’s magic did not work in the rural and semi-urban areas.
In the Meerut-Saharanpur division, except for the mayor’s seat, the BJP’s magic did not work. The saffron party lost 64 of the 90 seats in the municipality and the panchayat presidentships in both the mandals. The BJP candidates could win only on 26 seats and independent candidates have worked their magic in cities like Baghpat, Muzaffarnagar, and Ghaziabad. Importantly, these are the districts where the BJP was reduced to just one seat each.
In both the mandals, the BJP got the maximum number of seats in the municipal bodies from Bulandshahr. Of this, nine chairmen are from the BJP. Even though the BJP’s campaign revolved around the impact of Yogi Adityanath’s governance and benefits of flagship schemes, it could not transcend into votes in these divisions.
Talking about leaders, General VK Singh (Retd.) is an MP from Ghaziabad. Sanjeev Balyan is a Union minister from Muzaffarnagar. Apart from these, Narendra Kashyap from Ghaziabad, Somendra Tomar and Dinesh Khatik from Meerut, Kunwar Brijesh Singh from Deoband, KP Malik from Baghpat, Jaswant Saini from Saharanpur are also state ministers. Also, there is one Rajya Sabha MP each in Ghaziabad-Noida and two in Meerut. But this could not get the numbers in their favour.
Similarly, the BJP’s state organization general secretary Dharampal is from the Bijnor district. State vice president of BJP Mohit Beniwal Shamli, state ministers Dr Chandramohan and Amit Valmiki are from Bulandshahr, state minister Basant Tyagi is from Ghaziabad. The exercise to deploy ministers on ground could not work for the BJP.
As the reason for BJP’s defeat has been said to be about the ticket claimants damaging approach, there was a huge uproar in the party over the distribution. There were open allegations of money exchanging hands in the distribution of tickets. In Bulandshahr, the BJP gave tickets on two seats to candidates who joined the party just a year back. The old workers, who did not get the chairman’s ticket, contested the elections as rebels and got the votes.
On the other hand, in Noida’s Jewar seat, a candidate who joined BJP a few days before the election was given a ticket. The BJP cadre turned revolted and the result was that the candidate finished at the fourth spot. The BJP also lost Loni, Khoda and Muradnagar seats in Ghaziabad due to infighting. The candidates who did not get a ticket fought against the party as independents, creating a triangular fight.
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forblogmostly · 2 years
Vikas Lifecare’s subsidiary Genesis Gas Solutions enters into Joint Venture Agreement with Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL)
Genesis Gas Solutions Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary company of Vikas Lifecare Limited, has entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) to establish India’s first Integrated Smart Meter Manufacturing Plant. The Capital Expenditure for this project is set at Rs. 1100 million. This partnership will enable the manufacturing of Diaphragm Gas Meters with advanced IoT technologies like LoRa, LoRaWAN, Bluetooth, NFC, NB-IoT, and other state-of-the-art features.
The Smart Meters produced by the plant will provide much-needed solutions for managing energy demand and metering with accuracy and real-time monitoring. The manufacturing plant will initially have the capacity to produce 1 million meters annually and is expected to be operational by April 2024. The rise in disposable incomes, rapid urbanization, climate stability challenges, and the government’s emphasis on clean energy usage have led to an increase in the market for gas distribution companies, thereby driving the demand for smart metering solutions.
Through this Joint Venture, IGL and Genesis aim to cater not only to domestic consumers but also to the international market by providing the latest technology-based metering solutions. These solutions will enable long-range communications, low-power networks, and automated and pre-paid metering, among other features. Presently, the Gas Metering Solutions market in India is dominated by offshore suppliers, and this Joint Venture will be instrumental in favor of Indian players, in line with the Government of India’s Make in India — Make for World initiative.
In addition to manufacturing smart meters, the Joint Venture will also develop necessary software, and interface with in-built smart analytics, dashboards, and predictive maintenance protocols. Such systems are becoming a necessity for running any gas distribution business efficiently. The proposed Joint Venture will have equity participation from both partners in the ratio of 51:49, respectively.
Mr. Sanjay Kumar, the Managing Director of IGL, said that the state-of-the-art plant will be the manufacturing hub for Smart Gas Meters for both domestic and export markets, showcasing IGL’s capabilities in manufacturing and asset management fields. He believes this venture will be a fruitful and growth-enabling diversification move for IGL and Genesis. Mr. Pawan Kumar, the Director (Commercial) of IGL, added that this major step towards diversification into the allied manufacturing business is in line with the company’s mission and vision, aiming for green, clean, and sustainable growth. He hopes that this joint venture will help in import substitution and give impetus to the Make in India initiative. Dr. Vikas Garg, the Chairman of Vikas Group and Director of Genesis, considers this joint venture to be a game-changer that will revolutionize Smart Metering technology in India and be a step forward toward Atma Nirbhar Bharat. He thinks that this investment in the growing gas sector will be meaningful in nation-building.
Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) has well-laid-out city gas distribution infrastructure in various cities, including Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Rewari, Gurugram, Karnal, Kaithal, Ajmer, Pali, Rajsamand, Fatehpur, Hamirpur, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, parts of Kanpur, and Meerut, consisting of more than 18,000 Kms of the pipeline network. IGL is meeting the fuel requirements of over 1.7 million vehicles running on CNG through a network of more than 750 CNG stations. The company has connected over 2 million households in these cities with PNG. It has also been authorized to undertake city gas distribution projects in Chitrakoot, Mahoba, and Banda districts of Uttar Pradesh.
Genesis Gas Solutions Pvt Ltd, co-founded in 2017, is a smart gas and water metering solutions provider in India, commanding about 15% of the domestic gas metering share. The company has supplied over 7 lakh gas meters of Hangzhou Beta Meter Co. Ltd to various CGDs of India and has also developed India’s first Meter Data Management and Head End System for gas utilities, which run more than 150,000 smart meters in India.
Vikas Lifecare Limited, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, trades and manufactures polymer and rubber compounds and additives for plastics, synthetic and natural rubber. The company has diversified its business interests beyond raw materials and forayed into the B2C segment with various consumer products, including FMCG, Agro, and Infrastructure Products.
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Interview with Anju Agarwal - governance, development & future plans
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As part of our interview series, we asked Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika Chairman, Anju Agarwal a few questions related to the administration process of Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika overseen by her. Being the chairperson of the local urban body, she has achieved significant progress in terms of development and cleanliness.
We discussed topics like the impact of elevation of city MLA Kapil Dev Agarwal to a Minister, cleanliness efforts, new beautification plans, etc. We also talked about some political challenges being faced by her administration.
Below is an edited version of the interview.
Muzaffarnagar has become more significant in terms of political power. Now the area has 3 state ministers and one central minister. City MLA Kapil Dev Agarwal has been inducted as a Minister with Independent Charge. What prospects do you see for Muzaffarnagar after these changes?
Anju Agarwal:
Muzaffarnagar has always been important to national politics. Now the area has become a power bastion and the city will certainly benefit from it.
I'm hopeful that development in the area will speed up and we are expecting more projects – both from the state and central governments.
We are really fortunate to have 3 state ministers and one central minister.
With this, I hope, our challenges like scarcity of funds will be properly addressed.
Anju Ji, we've heard people praising your pro-activeness for cleanliness. Recently, you met with the Roorkee Road Trade Association and resolved their grievances. Can you tell us what happened exactly?
Anju Agarwal:
Yes. I met with the officials of the Trade Association in a conference. They told me about the drainage problem and other issues being faced by them on Roorkee Road.
A drain was blocked for nearly 30 years. I instructed officials to make necessary arrangement for cleaning the drain the next day.
I personally monitored the cleaning process. 
The drain got badly encroached. The entire area faced waterlogging problems due to the blocked drain.
All nearby wards often got flooded as a result of water blockage.
I also promised them to repair the road with interlocking construction. 
Another major drain in the area has been encroached and blocked for years. This drain is outside Nagarpalika's administration.
So I requested the DM's office to take necessary action.
A number of new development projects and initiatives have been proposed under the 14th Finance Commission. Can you briefly tell us about some of the major projects proposed under this Finance Commission?
Anju Agarwal:
Under this Finance Commission, we're planning to repair damaged pipelines. 
This will serve two purposes: improved water supply to residents, and water conservation by preventing leakage.
An atomization plan for improving water supply has also been proposed.
Another important proposal is a rainwater harvesting project. The water harvesting infrastructure will be set up in Nagar Palika office premises.
We will also buy new garbage collection vehicles. An increased number of vehicles will improve the efficiency of waste collection.
Lastly, tell us about your future planning for the development of Muzaffarnagar.
Anju Agarwal:
As part of my beautification mission, all major intersections of the city will be redeveloped.
The city-wide beautification plan will not only make the city more attractive but will also help to reduce traffic congestion.
Design plans for these intersections are at the initial stage, but we're planing create some new designs.
Watch the complete video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1LiHjB332s
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Anju Agarwal – Summary of Monthly Achievements July 2019
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Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson Anju Agarwal spent a busy month of July. She was busy overseeing, leading and inaugurating various projects and initiatives. From preparations of Kanwar Yatra to the inauguration of a beautification project at Ahilyabai Chowk, July was a month of activities and achievements. Below is a summary of her achievements in July.
Clearing Blocked Drains for the City's Cleanliness
A smoothly flowing drainage system is crucial to proper management of sewage cleanliness in the city. Blocked drains create a number of problems including waterlogging and contamination of groundwater. The chairperson supervised drain cleaning works on Roorkee Road.
Ensuring Convenience & Safety During Kanwar Yatra 2019
Anju Agarwal inspected the Kanwar route from the Ahilya Bai Chowk to the Shiv Chowk via Madina Chowk. She also visited the Kanwar Yatra control room with her entire team. The chairperson wanted to ensure the convenience & safety of Kanwariyas
Micro-surfacing on Kanwar Road
Kanwar road of Muzaffarnagar was repaired with micro-surfacing technology. Local residents are extremely happy about this high-tech road construction work. This improved transportation in the busy area.
Plantation Drive for a Greener Muzaffarnagar
Anju Agarwal did tree plantation on a long stretch of divider between Ahilyabai Chowk to Madina Chowk. She said that cutting of trees has resulted in the rise in temperatures up to 50 degree and above. The chairperson urged people to pledge for planting at least one tree.
Inauguration of Ahilyabai Chowk After Beautification
Nagarpalika chairperson Anju Agarwal inaugurated the redeveloped area at Ahilyabai Chowk, marking the completion of her dream beautification project. On the occasion, she talked about her plans to redevelop and beautify all the major intersections of the city. She also described why she wanted to inaugurate the project before the beginning of Kanwar Yatra.
'Samuhik Vivah' under Chief Minister's Collective Marriage Scheme
Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika hosted marriages of 11 couples under the Chief Minister's Collective Marriage Scheme. The event was held under the supervision of chairperson Anju Agarwal. The chairperson gave certificates of marriage and other gifts to the newly-wed couples.
School Inspection for Better Quality in Education
Anju Agarwal inspected the Municipality Girls Inter College school along with other officials. Following the inspection, she attended a meeting with the principal, the school manager, and the entire teaching staff. The chairperson instructed everyone to improve the quality of education in the school.
Visiting Kanwar Camps Throughout the City
The municipal council chairperson visited several Kanwar Seva camps throughout the city. She was not just monitored all arrangements but also personally serving the devotees of Lord Shiva. She also inaugurated a Kanwar Control Room along with Muzaffarnagar DM Selva Kumari, SSP Abhishek Yadav.
Free Medical Camp for health & fitness of Kanwariyas
A Free Medical Camp set up at Shiva Chowk for Shiva devotees participating in Kanwar Yatra. The camp was Organized by Vaishya Samaj and completed under the supervision of Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson.
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Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika Chairman Anju Agarwal dreams of a fully developed city
Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika Chairman Anju Agarwal entered public service with a strong willingness to work for society. She has long dreamed of making this diverse city a fully developed, beautiful place with a vital economy.
When she was elected as the Chairperson of Muzaffarnagar Municipal Council, her dreamed seemed achievable. Muzaffarnagar is already a commercial hub with a variety of business transactions taking place among independent businessman, wholesale traders, and industrialists.
The sugar industry provides extra fuel for the economic growth of Muzaffarnagar. Now Anju Agarwal wants to use this economic power of the city to make it one of the most developed places in the state.
Her vision for development is comprehensive. She believes true economic development should equally benefit every class of society. That's why she has made a broad development plan that covers both rich and poor, men and women, and educated and uneducated alike.
The chairperson is working on a number of initiatives that air aimed at road construction, beautification of the city, and making the waste management system efficient. Besides, policies are also being made to ensure that education reaches to every child in the city.
Women empowerment and safety of women also get special attention in Anju Agarwal's administration. Installing CCTV cameras, improving street lights, and making the police more vigilant are some of the major steps being taken by Anju Agarwal.
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Nagarpalika Chairperson Anju Agarwal  on importance of environment
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Anju Agarwal, Chairperson of Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika, is a strong supporter of improving cleanliness and overall cleanliness of urban areas. Since the beginning of her role as a Nagarpalika Chairman, she has faced cleanliness and environmental hazards as major challenges. She is determined to strategically deal with all these environment-related problems.
Today, environmental hazards are the most challenging problem faced by all cities and towns across the world, and Muzaffarnagar is no exception. An unsafe environment further contributes to the growing burden of environment-related diseases. These diseases are mainly caused by polluted water, poor sanitation, vector-borne diseases and air pollution caused by various sources.
In fact, air pollution has become the most prominent threat to the global environment. It is creating a dramatic change in the environment by adding hazardous elements to the air. These together create a dangerous combination of air pollution, environmental degradation, and poor urban health.
Until now, most of the cities and governments were ignoring the problem of environmental degradation. Today most of us are aware that environmental hazards may be unseen and may emerge slowly over time. A growing number of government agencies are now are either planning or working to deal with the problem of environmental hazards.
Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika has also introduced a number of initiatives to fight the problem of pollution. Cleanliness and beautification projects led by Anju Agarwal are making remarkable effects in the city's environment.
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chairmanmuzaffarnagar · 4 months
Current Chairman of Muzaffarnagar
Muzaffarnagar, a vibrant city in Uttar Pradesh, has seen significant development and progress under the leadership of its chairman, Meenakshi Swarup. As the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar, Meenakshi Swarup has been instrumental in driving various initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for the residents of the city.
One of the primary focuses of the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar, Meenakshi Swarup, has been to enhance the infrastructure of the city. Under her leadership, numerous road construction projects have been completed, making transportation more efficient and safe for the citizens. The Chairman of Muzaffarnagar has also prioritized the development of public amenities, including parks, community centers, and recreational facilities.
In addition to infrastructure, the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar has taken significant steps to improve the education system in the city. Meenakshi Swarup has worked tirelessly to ensure that schools are well-equipped and that students have access to quality education. Her efforts have led to the renovation of several schools and the introduction of new educational programs.
The Chairman of Muzaffarnagar, Meenakshi Swarup, is also dedicated to promoting health and wellness among the city's residents. She has initiated various health camps and awareness programs to educate people about preventive healthcare and healthy living. Under her guidance, the city's healthcare facilities have seen considerable improvements, with better equipment and more medical staff being made available.
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Environmental sustainability is another area where the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar has made a significant impact. Meenakshi Swarup has launched multiple campaigns to promote cleanliness and green living. Tree plantation drives and waste management programs have been implemented to make Muzaffarnagar a cleaner and greener city.
Community engagement is at the heart of Meenakshi Swarup's approach as the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar. She regularly interacts with the citizens to understand their needs and concerns, ensuring that their voices are heard and addressed. This inclusive approach has helped build a strong sense of community and trust between the citizens and their leaders.
In conclusion, the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar, Meenakshi Swarup, has brought about significant positive changes in the city through her dedicated efforts and visionary leadership. Her focus on infrastructure, education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and community engagement has set Muzaffarnagar on a path of continued growth and development. As the Chairman of Muzaffarnagar, Meenakshi Swarup continues to inspire and lead the city towards a brighter future.
Chairman of Muzaffarnagar
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news4me · 5 years
UP Rights Panel Visits Muzaffarnagar Over Alleged Atrocities on Children During CAA Violence
UP Rights Panel Visits Muzaffarnagar Over Alleged Atrocities on Children During CAA Violence
The team, led by Uttar Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights Chairman Vishesh Gupta and member Jaya Singh, visited the affected area and recorded statements of some people. PTI
Updated:March 8, 2020, 11:41 AM IST
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A view of after Clashes broke out between anti-CAA protesters and police at Uparkot jama masjid Aligarh, Sunday, Lucknow: A team of the…
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Development efforts making Anju Agarwal a popular leader
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Anju Agarwal,  Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson, is being called the “Iron Lady of Muzaffarnagar” by many residents of the city. Through her tireless work, the municipal council chairperson has won the hearts of many people.
For the continuous beautification of Muzaffarnagar, with the complete transparency and relentless efforts, her popularity of the city has increased in the city. Every day, chairman Anju Agarwal inspects the Kanwar Marg, then takes stock of the city's cleanliness system.
The chairperson constantly strives to beautify the city and make it fully developed. This is the main reason why Anju Agarwal can be seen in the whole city due. Her hard work, determination, and enthusiasm have earned her the title Iron Lady.
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Recently, Anju Agarwal inspected ward number 14 and ward number 2, along with municipal council members and officials. She also went to Ramlila colony. There she oversaw cleaning work with JCB machine. She inspected the cleaning processes of several drains. She directed officials to speed up the drainage maintenance work.
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She also inspected drain clearing work in Ladhwala and Rampuri colonies. This was done to ensure the cleanliness of the main drains and avoid the problem of waterlogging. Cleaning work underway across the city to ensure a hassle-free rainy season.
Read more>> http://www.royalbulletin.com/category/e-newspaper-muzaffarnagar-news/news-184349?fbclid=IwAR0Y-dav4j08L1xkKk5x1IspjLPNmXKjYMotmBkuAn980SSdGSgXMHxnJN4
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sarkarimirror · 6 years
UP government transfers 64 IAS officers, including 22 District Magistrates
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The UP government has transferred 64 IAS officers including 22 District Magistrates and several Divisional Commissioners, Secretaries and Special Secretaries. District Magistrate of Bulandshahr Anuj Kumar Jha was posted as DM of Ayodhya while DM, Etawah, Selva Kumar J was made the new DM of Firozabad. Special Secretary (Home) Jitendra Bahadur Singh was posted as DM of Etawah. MD of Pradesh Cooperative Federation Pramod Kumar Upadhyay was posted as the new DM of Mainpuri. Special Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Sanjeev Singh was posted as DM of Fatehpur. DM and Municipal Commissioner of Ferozabad Neha Sharma was made the new DM of Rae Bareli. DM of Pratapgarh Shambhu Kumar was posted as DM, Bahraich replacing AK Singh, who was made DM of Rampur. Awaiting posting, Abhay was posted as DM of Bulandshahr. Markenday Shahi Special Secretary (Home) will be DM of Pratapgarh. Member (Judicial), Board of Revenue, Sujit Kumar is posted as the DM of Bijnor. DM of Bahraich Mala Srivastava was posted as Special Secretary in the Housing department, Lucknow. DM of Rampur MB Singh was made Special Secretary of Housing department. DM of Bijnor AK Rai was posted as Special Secretary (Home). AK Singh DM of Sonebhadra was posted as Special Secretary, MSME, while DM of Mau Prakash Bindu was made Special Secretary of Finance department. R Kumar DM of Bagpat was posted as Special Secretary, Rural Development while DM of Amroha Hemant Kumar was made Special Secretary of Medical and Health.DM of Kasganj RP Singh and DM of Sant Kabir Nagar BS Chaudhary were posted as Special Secretary (Home). Shakuntla Gautam DM of Amethi was posted as Special Secretary in Women’s Welfare department while DM of Auraiya Srikant Mishra was posted as Special Secretary in the Housing department. Sudesh Kumar Ojha Commissioner of Devipatan division was posted as Secretary in Revenue department. Secretary in Secondary Education, Preeti Shukla was posted as Commissioner of Devipatan division replacing MM Lal, who was posted as Secretary of Revenue and Member (Judicial), Board of Revenue. Transport Commissioner and Managing Director of UP State Road Transport Corporation P Guru Prasad and Excise Commissioner Dhiraj Sahu swapped places. Anand Kumar Singh formerly Member (Judicial) Board of Revenue has been posted as Commissioner of Vindhyachal division. Kanak Tripathi Vice-chairman of Moradabad Development Authority has been posted as Secretary of Secondary Education department. Special Secretary of Industry and Infrastructure AK Agarwal was posted as DM of Sonebhadra, while Special Secretary, Industry, GP Tripathi was made the DM of Mau. Special Secretary of MSME Pawan Kumar was posted as DM of Baghpat while Special Secretary of Medical and Health Umesh Mishra was made the new DM of Amroha. Municipal Commissioner of Ghaziabad CP Singh was made the DM of Kasganj, while Special Secretary of MSME Ravish Gupta was posted as DM of Sant Kabir Nagar. Municipal Commissioner of Varanasi Nitin Bansal was made the DM of Gonda.Special Secretary of Food and Civil Supplies, Abhishek Singh was posted as DM of Auraiya. Mission Director of Skill Development Mission Pranjal Yadav was posted as Special Secretary of National Integration. Special Secretary of MSME RM Mishra was posted as DM of Amethi while Special Secretary, Minority Affairs, DP Giri was made the DM of Sultanpur. Ajay Shankar Pandey and RS Prem were posted as DM of Muzaffarnagar and Member (Judicial), Board of Revenue respectively. Another officer, awaiting posting, Radhey Shyam was made Additional MD of UPSRTC. Similarly, RK Tyagi was made Special Secretary (Home). Manoj Kumar was posted as Regional Food Controller in Moradabad. Municipal Commissioner of Ayodhya, Ravi Shankar Gupta was posted as Special Secretary of Medical and Health. AK Chaurasia was posted as MD of PCF. DM of Rae Bareli SK Khatri was posted as Special Secretary (Home). DM of Mainpuri Pradeep Kumar was posted as Special Secretary, MSME. DM of Sultanpur Vivek was posted as Mission Director of Skill Development Mission. Read the full article
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Anju Agarwal - Driven by comprehensive development plans for Muzaffarnagar
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Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson Anju Agarwal entered public life with the sole intention of doing something big and meaningful for society. Even though it was politics through which she entered the public service world, social work has been the main inspiration for her.
The municipal administrator is guided by the principle that people elected to serve society should be more concerned about socioeconomics than politics. With this ethos, she is overseeing a number of projects aimed at socio-economic development of the city. Her development plans are designed in such a way that every aspect of urban life is covered.
From healthcare to transportation and from education to space for leisure, every single aspect is covered in her development policies. The latest development plan created by Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika aims to beautify all the major intersections of the city.
Initially, 5 intersections (chowk) have been identified for beautification – namely Meenakshi Chowk, Bharat Mata Chowk, Rani Jhansi Chowk, Fakkar Shah Chowk, and Shaheed Chowk. The beautification plan includes broadening of roads, enhancement in street lighting and measures like plantation and gardens.
Lately, Anju Agarwal has received significant appreciation from city residents for transforming a central intersection – Ahilyabai Chowk. This was a dream project of the chairperson and successful completion was another milestone for her. Successful completion of this project boosted her confidence and she decided to expand the beautification project.
Watch complete interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACMYJDoHxTQ
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Anju Agarwal - modernization of waste management in Muzaffarnagar
Muzaffarnagar Municipal Council chairman, Anju Agarwal says that waste management has been a big challenge for her team. However, these challenges are not unique to Muzaffarnagar, as municipal waste management is a widespread problem in the country, she says. But the good news is that Muzaffarnagar city has made considerable improvement in waste management since Anju Agarwal took office. 
Improper waste management and cleaning practices not just creates environmental hazards for residents but also damages a city's beauty. Hence every municipal administration should focus on improving the processes of collection, transportation, and disposal of waste. The methods of collecting, transporting and disposing of waste are still carried out with low efficiency in many cities and towns across the country. However, the situation of Muzaffarnagar's waste management system is improving dramatically. 
With new equipment and workers, a closely monitored cleaning system and continuous modernization, the city is becoming cleaner than ever. The credits for this achievement goes to Anju Agarwal and her team at Muzaffarnagar Municipal Council . 
The sewage system of the city is also being updated continuously.  Drain cleaning has become a common part of the cleanliness drives. Ultra-modern machinery like robotic equipment are being used to clear drains and make disposal of liquid waste more efficient.
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Anju Agarwal inspires students to use the power of knowledge
Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika Chairman Anju Agarwal believes in the transformative power of education. Education can foster effective change and social development. It empowers individuals by providing intellectual and practical skills that are crucial to the socio-economic development of a society. Education also plays a major role in creating equality and social justice.
The importance and popularity of formal education grew exponentially after the emergence of nation-states around the world. It eventually became a central part of modern economies, strengthening its roots in society.
Today, we cannot imagine a modern society without a well-established education system. In fact, education has become a hallmark of how much a country or a society is developed. This system of modern-day education is built on a web of academic institutions.
Governments that are serious about development and accountable for social progress gives immense importance to policies for education. The Sustainable Development Goal framework of the United Nations also make education a priority.
Government agencies and municipal bodies like Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika Parishad should give heightened importance to education policies. They should improve the quality of education in schools, including encouraging students to interact with the learning process. The student-teacher ratio has always been a problem in this country. It needs to be solved by any means.
The role of educators needs to be enhanced. Teachers should not only be educators but role models for students. They are the ones having a great treasure of knowledge that is passed on to students.
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juudgeblog · 6 years
Why Can’t Centre Create High Court Bench In West UP?
This article is written by Rajendra Singh Jani, President Meerut Bar Association, Chairman Of The Central Action Committee For Establishment Of High Court Bench In Western UP.
To begin with, it is deeply disgusting, shocking and frustrating to see that BJP which is holding the helm of affairs in Centre as well as in State of UP is not listening to the repeated legitimate demand of its own MPs both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as well as its own Union Ministers with considerable experience like Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh who are all repeatedly and unitedly demanding the creation of a high court bench in West UP yet Centre is just refusing to relent! Why is Centre so intransigent about not relenting to what is the legitimate and popular demand of the more than 9 crore people of West UP by which the litigants and seekers of justice would be saved from the unnecessary trouble of travelling so far more than 700 to 750 km on an average all the way to Allahabad to seek justice by creating a high court bench in any of the 26 districts of West UP? Why Centre pompously inaugurates 14 lane national highway by which time spent in covering the distance between Meerut and other districts to Delhi stands reduced by one or two hours but is not ready to do anything by which the people are saved from the trouble of travelling so far to Allahabad to seek justice?
Why Centre is not listening to even its own BJP MP and former Union Minister Sanjeev Baliyan who candidly pointed out to Lok Sabha Speaker in Zero Hour that from his Muzaffarnagar constituency, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Rajasthan High Court, Madhya Pradesh High Court and above all even Lahore High Court in Pakistan which is about 498 km is nearer than Allahabad High Court which is 730 km away? He pointed out that about 15 lakh cases of West UP were pending which is more than many states pending cases! He pointed out that Maharashtra with 8 crore population has bench and 3 benches and Madhya Pradesh with 7 crore population has high court and 2 benches but West UP with more than 8 crore population has not even a bench! Taking the bull by the horns, he did not shy away from even saying that the stiff opposition by lawyers from Allahabad High Court is no ground to deny West UP a bench and said that for 10,000 lawyers of Allahabad, the neck of 8 crore people of West UP cannot be stifled!
Why Centre is not listening even to Kanta Kardam who is Rajya Sabha MP and Mr Kanta has even said that she will raise the demand for a bench in Rajya Sabha? She said that this is not a demand just of lawyers but is a justified demand of the people of West UP and creation of a bench here is imperative. Why Centre is not listening to its own BJP MP Vijaypal Singh Tomar who so elegantly raised the demand for a high court bench in Rajya Sabha? Rajinder Agrawal who is BJP MP from Meerut rightly said that all MPs from West UP are united in demanding a high court bench for West UP.
Even General VK Singh who is Union Minister and BJP MP from Ghaziabad has supported this legitimate demand and made the lawyers meet Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad in March and he too supported the demand for a bench in West UP! Even Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh too has reiterated time and again his firm and full support for the creation of a high court bench in West UP! Amit Shah too had assured his support for bench in West UP while meeting a delegation of lawyers in Meerut! Still why even after more than 4 years of being in power in Centre and nearly one and a half year in UP is Centre not taking any step to create a bench in West UP?
 We all know how Sampoornanand who was UP CM had demanded the creation of a bench in West UP from Centre in 1955 but Centre refused even though a bench was created in Lucknow in 1948 for just 12 districts but for nearly 40 districts of West UP including those now in Uttarakhand not a single bench was approved by the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru! Even ND Tiwari as UP CM had proposed the creation of a bench in West UP but Centre again didn’t accept it! Mayawati as UP CM even proposed the creation of West UP as a separate state but again Centre didn’t accept it!
The lawyers of West UP are fighting people’s struggle who are worst affected as they have to travel more than 700 to 800 km on an average all the way to Allahabad to attend court hearings and many times trains get late and many times have to travel without reservation! How many people can afford to go by plane as some lawyers of Allahabad argue? Very few!
What purpose is served by creating a single bench for such a large state like UP which has maximum population more than 22 crore as UP CM Yogi Adityanath keeps mentioning repeatedly, maximum villages more than one lakh whereas no other state has more than 5000 villages, maximum MPs for Lok Sabha at 80, maximum MPs for Rajya Sabha at 31, maximum MLAs in Vidhan Sabha at 404, maximum MLAs in Vidhan Parishad at 104, maximum towns more than 900, maximum pending cases more than 10 lakh and here too West UP owes for more than half of them, maximum hate crimes, maximum Judges in high court at 160, maximum PM since independence, maximum Mayors, maximum elected representatives at all levels and is among the largest states still has just one high court bench created by Jawaharlal Nehru more than 70 years back on July 1 in 1948 but not a single for West UP even 70 years later in 2018! How can this be ever justified?
Why even six months continuous strike by lawyers of 26 districts of West UP thrice as they did in 2001, three to four months strike as they did in 2014-15, two months as they did in 2010 and one month as they did in 2009 apart from the strike every Saturday and even many times on Wednesday apart from the many strikes for weeks every year has failed to shake Centre in taking any concrete step for creating a high court bench in West UP? Why is Centre unmoved even after the lawyers have unitedly decided to go on strike from 6th to 8th August in protest against Centre’s nonchalant approach in not setting up a high court bench in West UP? Why is PM Narendra Modi not ready to give at least a sympathetic hearing to the more than 50 year old legitimate demand for a high court bench in West UP?
Why even the right and laudable legal advice rendered by one of the most eminent jurist of India Soli J Sorabjee in his capacity as Attorney General that, “Centre is empowered to create a high court bench in West UP without any recommendation from the Chief Justice or Chief Minister or anyone else in this regard” failed to shake Centre in creating a bench in West UP promptly? Why Centre even disregarded what former Chairman of Supreme Court Bar Association BN Krishnamani said so eloquently that, “Only by the creation of a high court bench in any of the districts in West UP will the people living there get real justice”? If UP can’t be given more benches and West UP can’t have even one bench then all benches in India must be disbanded right now because it is the people of West UP who are suffering the most because of no bench here and have to travel the most!
It is indisputable that as per the Section 51 of the States Reorganisation Act of 1956, the Centre can create a high court bench in any of these 3 states – UP, Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir directly by bringing it up in Parliament. BJP Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Pal Tomar himself on 25th July very rightly and forcefully raised his voice demanding creation of a high court bench in West UP at the earliest and wondered why when Centre is empowered to create a bench in UP without any recommendation from the Chief Minister or Chief Justice is not taking necessary step in this direction! Centre does not need any recommendation from State Government or the Chief Justice as has been very wrongly propagated for many decades by Centre as it wants to just avoid it on any specious pretext! After Centre declares bench for West UP, State Government has to just allot land for it.
What a national disgrace that these very 3 states – Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Bihar keep on grabbing the national news headlines for all the wrong reasons as crime incidents keep multiplying very rapidly and what is worst is Centre’s irrational stand to not allow a single more bench in any of these 3 states! Why Centre even disregarded what former Chairman of Supreme Court Bar Association BN Krishnamani said that, “Only by the creation of a high court bench in any of the districts in West UP will the people living there get real justice”? Why Centre is ignoring even what Atal Bihari Vajpayee demanded the setting up of a bench in West UP as Opposition Leader way back in 1986 right inside Parliament?
Why Centre fails to appreciate that if bench is created in any of the 26 districts of West UP, all the more than 9 crore people will stand to gain equally irrespective of religion, caste, creed, community or gender? Why Centre fails to appreciate that when 2 high court benches more can be created for just 4 and 8 districts of Karnataka at Dharwad and Gulbarga which already had bench at Hubli and which has just 6 crore population and not even two lakh pending cases whereas West UP has more than 5 lakh pending cases and UP more than 10 lakh similarly Maharashtra already had 3 benches at Nagpur, Panaji and Aurangabad and one more now created at Kolhapur, Assam with just about 2 crore population had 7 high court benches before Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura were given high court itself for just 27, 29 and 36 lakh population, Sikkim with just 6 lakh population and less than 100 pending cases has high court and above all even Port Blair with just 3 lakh population has bench then why is West UP with more than 9 crore population and more than half of the total pending cases of UP has not even a single bench of high court?
Why Centre is ignoring even the legitimate voices of its own leaders from West UP like Union Minister Satyapal Singh who demanded 5 benches for UP at Meerut, Agra, Jhansi, Gorakhpur and Varanasi and not prepared to create even a single bench not just in West UP but in any hook and corner of UP except continuing with the one already at Lucknow? Why Centre is clinging with the recommendation made by the Law Commission in 1956 in its fourth report that more benches should not be created while not caring for the 230th report of Law Commission made in 2009 which recommended creation of more benches and here too why just UP is being singled out?
Why can’t one bench at least be approved straightaway for West UP at any of the 26 districts? Why should the more than 9 crore people of West UP be denied “speedy Justice”, “justice at doorsteps” and “affordable cheap justice”? Why should they be made to travel so far even after more than 70 years of independence? Why Lucknow has high court bench since 1948 for just 12 districts with just 62,000 square km area even though it is so near to Allahabad just 200 km away but West UP with 26 districts and more than 98,933 square km has not even a bench 70 years later in 2018? If Lucknow is capital then so are Bhopal which is capital of Madhya Pradesh, Bhubaneshwar which is capital of Odisha, Dehradun which is capital of Uttarakhand and Thiruvananthapuram which is capital of Kerala but they have neither high court nor bench! Then why both high court and bench only for Eastern UP and nothing for West UP? Not even a single bench of high court for West UP! Why can’t this be remedied right now?
The post Why Can’t Centre Create High Court Bench In West UP? appeared first on iPleaders.
Why Can’t Centre Create High Court Bench In West UP? syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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