#Chance To Win VR Headsets
autoandro-meda · 3 months
coolest dude on the internet
A holiday bonus means you can finally get a VR headset and start playing one of those hub like chatting games like VR chat. You originally pick a default girl avatar that you like the most, she had cool hair but none really spoke to you. With time and knowing the community you pick out more avatars to play as and start getting really into it, losing any jetlag you originally had when wearing the console for long periods of time. Of course, you're still responsible, go to bed on time and all, but it becomes a fun hobby of yours to meet other people.
One day while looking at models online, you find a male avatar that you think looks absolutely incredible. The modeler's style is great, the clothes he's in and his hairstyle is right up your alley, and he's got just the perfect body to gawk at in one of those mirror rooms you like to hang out in. But, he's a boy model, clearly. You think about if it would be weird to put this on, but you've seen dudes playing as E cupped furries as wide as they are tall. You've seen grown women playing as NPC slimes from Dragon Quest. You once saw a guy with a Snoopy avatar pulled from a PS2 game who was incredibly committed to the silent bit; to say the least you quickly reconciled that in VR other people won't care about what skin you have on, male or female.
Maybe it's because it's your first time playing as such an attractive character, maybe it's the allure of people hearing your high pitched voice come out of his mouth, but that night you talked to so many new people and made so many new friends. After all, the avatar is really hot. Your hair color is the same, his is in a short but shaggy style that you'd worry about being able to pull off though. It's fun to watch your movements translate to his, how you can twist your hands and snap your fingers through his bigger and broader hands. You don't have full body tracking in your setup, as you enjoy sitting and blissing out while you play, but with strangers coming up to you asking to be stepped on it may have to be something you consider.
You have so much fun, he becomes your go to avatar. It's just a model, it's not like people will start acting like you're a boy! As time passes, you spend less time playing normal games and more time in VR. Forget about leaving the house, you've become so addicted to the attention you get in your VR community that you try to minimize human contact as much as possible. People stop seeing you, they probably would be shocked at how badly you're keeping yourself. 'A demure young woman shouldn't dress like a slob,' they'd say, probably. They didn't know how handsome the people online say you are.
They don't know how with time, less and less players recognize you as a girl. Your username is largely ambiguous, but you overhear he's and hims tossed about in reference to you all the time. You don't correct it, that takes time and effort, and it's not like they're misgendering you to attack you. You play as a boy, they call you a boy, you should reason that you had this coming. Sometimes, you try to sell it to fuck with people, throwing your voice down or using a filter to mask it. Sometimes, you forget to turn the filter off for days, it's not like it makes that big of a difference right? It just makes your voice sound a few tones lower.
Your online identity wins you compliments all the time, people constantly IM you thristing and fiending for a chance to RP or hangout. You reject what doesn't suit you and hang out with the degenerates who treat you fairly. They go one about how you're the hottest man they have ever met, and you remember for just a moment that you aren't supposed to be. God, you're a girl, this has to be a lie, what are you doing?
You wake up the next morning and stumble into the bathroom. You look yourself over in the mirror, your eyes are a bit worn and tired from the extended gaming sessions. Besides the fact that you had breasts, you weren't any sort of shining example of what a "woman" could be. Not to say that you had to maintain yourself to have some self-worth, but taking yourself in in this state felt wrong. Something about the image before you felt, uncannily, completely wrong.
You go to the kitchen, take a pair of scissors, and run back to the bathroom. You've dedicated many play hours to staring at your favorite avatar, surely you can replicate his haircut in the mirror by now.
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wafflesinthe504 · 1 year
The Rookie 5x11 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x11 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
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The cold open with Nolan and Celina responding to an online/ metaverse robbery was pretty funny. I mean honestly what would they even really be able to do. Like the stuff that was stolen in the metaverse probably did cost real money for the woman, but since its all online how would they even try to recover it? Get a programmer to get the stuff back.
Also when Nolan put the VR headset on and was just falling had me cracking up.
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Y'all, we are actually in Chenford secret dating era and I am loving it already. Tim is so head over heels for Lucy that he can't even make up a fake story for what he was doing last night other than hanging out with Lucy. The whole first scene with them in break room was just so cute. And Nolan being completely oblivious. Honestly, out of everyone in the Mid-Wilshire crew Nolan is probably the only one who genuinely has no clue about Time and Lucy. Also Tim and Lucy making plans for 'nothing' later on was great.
Everything that happened before the first commercial break just had me smiling so much.
Aaron basically volunteering Tim to coach the little league team when the third coach quits. Him trying to backtrack but the suggestion but its already too late Genny and Tyler both love the idea of Uncle Tim coaching the little league team. Seeing Tim just be so soft with the team and trying to make sure they're having fun was so cute. And then hearing Genny explain why just made my heart break a little for Tim.
Tim and Lucy co- coaching the little league was adorable. Lucy helping Tim give the kids some structure and being so competitive when it came to the actual game. It was funny to see them sort of switch places when it came to coaching because we've seen Tim yelling and jumping up and down while watching a football game but from what we know about Lucy she's not really into football. It seems like she has a bit of a deeper connection with baseball or maybe its because she has a deeper involvement with coaching that we got to see her being more open and competitive about it.
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Alright, now to more of the actual plot points of the episode. We get our introduction to the case by now other than Angela's older (and probably best looking) brother Damien. I was so happy to see Damien again. Really any time we get to see more of the team's families I always get excited. I really didn't think we'd see Angela's brothers again after the one episode they were all in.
Damien's reported missing person leads to the discovery of multiple bodies behind a fake wall and the potential start of gang war breaking along with everyone debating whether or not true evil exists.
I really enjoyed hearing the everyone's perspective on the debate and you could tell how their individual experiences and beliefs have informed them of their answers to the question.
When it was revealed that Elijah Stone was the one behind the murders and the setup I wasn't surprised. I figured The Rookie would end up circling back around to Elijah eventually since he was released from jail and forced Wesley to apologize on live TV. Come on the writers couldn't just let the bad guy win. Our protagonists have to get the chance to put Elijah behind bars.
I'm personally pretty excited to see how this storyline with Elijah ends. My one hope is that they don't kill Elijah like they did with Rosalind and La Fiera. There is more than one way to beat the antagonist that doesn't involve killing them.
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Lucy got her own case. I really enjoyed seeing her teach the Citizens Academy students. Yo, that one person who was stupid enough to go into a police station with an outstanding warrant was really bold. I was cracking up as she was arrested.
I liked seeing Lucy's empathy shine through as she tried to help the DA victim. She continually reached out to the victim and even tried to get the her to come to the stark reality of her situation. In my opinion I think that this DA storyline was handled better than Bailey's.
Seeing Lucy absolutely wreck that guy was awesome to see. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing Lucy engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
Bonus: Bailey and Nolan being to kind to be able to be landlords is too funny. I can't believe that Bailey really let the elderly folks go 6 months without paying rent. And then to find out that the elderly couple were renting it out for *that* was crazy.
Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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falsementor · 1 year
some discussions with ruby made me remember an analysis post i've been wanting to make regarding macaque's super hearing - primarily how i think he's utilized it in the past and how he would utilize it post season 4. aaand this will contain some vague spoilers for the special, so i'm gonna toss it under a read more! (it is also long and... kinda disorganized KDFGJS. i ramble so much. i just have so many thoughts. oops.)
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" You know.. this is the calm before the storm... right? " — Macaque.
how sharp his hearing is. / past vigilance. / why he hides his ears.
SO! i have thought about this some more, season 4 & the special have definitely given me more stuff to work with and think about regarding macaque's hearing, especially the omnipresent side of it. i still maintain that macaque's super hearing is selective - because he's learned to adapt, learned to tune out the noise to spare himself sensory overload hell - it took him a while to figure out how to deal with this ability when he first came into existence. he does still have moments, though, where the noise can paralyze him and render him stuck in a dissociative trance that can take him hours to come out of.
i like to imagine it's like having a radio receiver built right into your head, and he can tune into which things he wants to listen to (and which futures he wants listen to) simply by focusing on That Thing. but! it takes a lot of concentration on his part. the closer the sound is to present day, the easier it is for him to hear it and make out what it is. he can sometimes get rogue sounds from the distant future in his sleep or just plain out of nowhere, but the further ahead of present time it is, the rarer it is for him to hear it. he has to really sit and meditate on that in order to get clearer sounds.
his hearing is how he was able to know that the samadhi fire would burn away the curse that kept him chained to the lady bone demon. it's also how he was able to stage his past ploys to trick mk into giving him monkey king's power and to lure mk & his friends into his trap in shadowplay. it's what he meant when he warned mk about something he wasn't prepared for that was coming - but reassured him not to worry in a very ominous way (i genuinely think it was his way of being like 'dont worry mk, i'll keep an ear to the ground for you :) )
personally, i think LBD giving him a compass that would help him track the heroes down in season 3 wasn't really necessary - i think realistically, macaque wouldn't of had that hard of a time doing it on his own at all (he's like a bloodhound with that hearing) - BUT time was of the essence and it makes sense that LBD wanted to ensure macaque had every tool at his disposal to capture wukong and mk, so that he had NO REASON to fail. (that further explains why she was so pissed with him - the monkey was on thin ice because she KNOWS how damn good he is at tracking and deception. he has no excuse to fail her - which he knows too - and i think that plays into him ragging on mk for being willing to give himself up to protect sandy & mei during the winning side - macaque was intentionally pushing mk to get him to fight back, to motivate him to gain his powers back, to have a fighting chance against LBD - ANOTHER TESTIMATE to how damn cunning macaque is.)
moving on, he can hear things right before they happen - this lends to macaque's reflexes. it's why he's jumpy, why he bolted the minute wukong said 'YOU!' in samadhi fire - why he immediately jumped into action when LBD released her host. the noise of what's immediately to come reaches his ears first. he sensed the return of yellow tusk and peng and mk's distress and came to his aid shortly after. ( it makes me wonder if he knew about azure lion's return at the start of season 4... it's possible! i mean, macaque set up an entire fucking VR headset videogame for MK to play (with voice acting, intricate drawings and videogame sound effects) - which he couldn't of just pulled right out of thin air when he heard mk was stuck between a rock and a hard place. he claimed to of put a lot of work into it, so like. man had to of had time to kill in order to just HAVE that be a thing. )
WITH ALL OF THAT SAID, i really like to imagine that post season 4: with macaque having people in his life again (mk, maybe mk's friends, maybe wukong again also) that he cares about and wants to take care of & protect, he will put more effort into listening for them again. in the past, it was only to serve himself. to keep himself safe, because before he had his bastardization arc, he was still learning to utilize this ability and was also staunchly naïve to the idea that the people you love could become your greatest source of misery (he didn't believe that wukong would turn on him, even if he was hearing the warning signs. he wanted to believe in the future that wukong promised, not the future that macaque was beginning to sense - the source of his resentment, for putting so much faith in someone that amounted bitterness and being discarded)
that brings me back to that line of dialogue at the end of the s4 special - 'this is just the calm before the storm.' i think he is going to be paying greater attention to whats to come, now. ESPECIALLY now that mk is showing some concerning signs with his powers and behavior. i'm very interested to see how he navigates it in season 5, but also am gonna run with the idea that he's not just looking out for himself, now. he's gonna keep an ear on mk's future, and he's going to look into WHO set azure free in the first place and what their intentions are, because he's always six steps ahead of the enemy.
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VRStudio Review [Tim Verdouw et al] My Honest opinion
introduction VRStudio review
Wellcome to my Review blog this VRStudio Review. Tim Verdouw et al is Vendor of the ebook.
Promote A Brand New, A.I Fusion Based Technology To Create & Sell Engaging 360* Virtual Tours Video In Just 3 Clicks From A Single Dashboard!
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Vendor: Tim Verdouw et al
Product: VRStudio
Launch Date: 2022-Nov-15
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $47
Recommendatiom: Yes
Rating: 8.5 of 10
Get started Right Now >>>
what are the Features VRStudio Review
3D View
Create A 3D View and Show Your Tour In an Immersive and Interactive Mode
A new Way to Present Virtual Tour, Create Your Own Story Telling In A Simple Manner
Show A Dedicated Image’s Gallery on Your Virtual Tour
Virtual Staging
Show Before and After Version Of A PANORAMA IN The same view by Splitting The screen
POls Styles
Be creative With Extensive Customization of point of interest
EXPERIENCE virtual Tour in 3D Virtual Reality Mode Directly Inside the Browser
Powerful Hotspot Editor
Be creative with extensive point of interest customization with images, videos, links, 3ds and more.
Live Session & Meetings
Invite peoples to join your shared tour with video/audio call and chat.
Virtual Reality
Experience the tour in virtual reality directly inside the browser with a mobile or with a compatible VR Headset.
Built-In Shop
View your products and sell them directly inside the tour.
View all your tours in a single page.
360 Video
Support for 360 degree video as panorama.
View all your tours in the world map.
Some Other Valuable Features Like VRStudio Review
Voice Commands Support
Multi Language Support
QR Code Features
Room Measurements
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why buy VRStudio
A Brand New, A.I Fusion Based Technology To Create & Sell Engaging 360* Virtual Tours Video In Just 3 Clicks From A Single Dashboard!
It Provides Marketers The FULL POWER To Smartly Showcase a 360* Tours Of Their Business Or Product With Their Audience & Get Them Connected For Extended Durations With No Additional Investment.
Create Interactive 360º Virtual Tours In The Most Easy And Pleasant Way: 360º Views (Panoramas), 360º Videos, Embedded Sounds, Videos And Photos, Floorplans And Fully Customizable Frames. Start Telling Actual Stories With Multifunctional Hotspots And Clickable Objects That Your Audience Discovers When Walking Through The Tour.
New 3D Transition Effect And Unique Features, Such As Animated Panorama, Live Panorama (day-to-night effect), Adaptive HDR and 360º video with hotspots on top.
irtual Tours Can Be Seen On Any Computer, Tablet Or Phone (Android & Ios) – No Installation Or Plugins Needed. Online & Offline.
Final opinion
In conclusion, i want to say VRStudio is perfect for freelancer an online or offline business owner. its highly recommended. VRStudio software you can Create & Sell ” Engaging 360* Virtual Tours Video in just Few Click From A single Dashboard. its so easy and newer friendly. so you can choose this software.
Thank you read my VRStudio review
Read Full Review
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