#Character: Ironina Lavellan
lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
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Insp ( @fadewalking )
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lcgacyofages-a · 5 years
👤+ Felassan @ironina
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character | ACCEPTING  
@despiour based on discussion for @dafenlin
“I recall the first time he came here...I held a blade to his throat,” Ironina responded dryly. “He’s eccentric, blunt, and a troublemaker...I’m not surprised he’s connected to Solas in the slightest. But...” She gave a pause, letting out a breath, shaking her head. “Fenvir has abilities neither I nor the keeper can help him with. It can be dangerous to him if untrained so I suppose I have no other option than to tolerate his presence.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
@ironina would you rather date Nethra or Eluamat?
Send me the names of two characters and I’ll tell you which one my muse would rather date. | ACCEPTING
She considered the question for a good moment or so, not keen to jump right to a response. She continued to delegate her attention to the journal in hand, sketching a bit.
“I’ve had few interactions with either,” she stated plainly. “But I suppose I would choose Nethra over Eluamat if it came down to it. At least at this point. I’ve at least spoken a bit more with Nethra than Eluamat.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the Qun, and qunari such as Bull, who fear life without it? What about elves and human who choose to follow the qun later in life?
“Self control isn’t set in some religion, self control is something you yourself create,” Ironina stated. “The Qun is where everything is decided for you, planned ahead from the moment you’re too young to even begin to question it. It’s a rigorous, controlling system with no room for movement in your life. At least in the clan, we can choose what we apprentice as. There’s no connections to be made or kept, there’s no respect of individuality save for the nicknames given to each other.”
“It’d be a sorry life to have, no matter what they say. Bull claims it keeps Qunari nature in check, but everyone has a dark side, a violent side when it comes to it. And they create their own self restraint, without the Qun. A person’s willpower isn’t tied to some religious belief.”
“I don’t really give a damn what humans do with their lives and if they want to put the yoke of the Qun on their necks, that’s their business. But an elf that does so...They’re a fool.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the rite of tranquility?
It took a moment or so for Ironina to answer that. She thought about her words carefully, furrowing her brow in deep thought.
“I’m more of the sort to prefer the idea of killing someone dangerous than leaving them alive,” she stated plainly. “But I can see why some people who may be squeamish at that idea or want to believe to have some moral high ground would use the rite of tranquility. I don’t think it should be utilized as often as it is in recent years, especially in cases where there’s no proof of someone’s guilt or not.
But what if someone does choose to willingly become Tranquil? Isn’t that their right to make that choice? Who are we to judge that? And with recent events, there is apparently a way to reverse it, which needs to be perfected but...”
She gave a shrug.
“I suppose my thoughts are I think it’s a coward’s option to deal with a dangerous person, but if someone decides to be Tranquil of their own free will, that’s on them.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
@fadewalking cont from Solas being dumb
Ironina instinctively reached out a hand to his shoulder to steady him. She raised a brow at him, shaking her head a bit. She gave an unimpressed sigh, grabbing a cool cloth and running it against his forehead.
“Uh-huh, you’re absolutely fine,” she said dryly. “In fact, you could probably trek a fifty mile trip blind folded in a blizzard.” She put the cloth back in the bowl and turned to him. “Now, do you intend on to continue being stubborn or will you rest willingly? And no, you don’t have a choice on whether you rest or not.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
ironina, which trevelyan is Worse: seigfried or florian
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“Seigfried at least knows his place and is properly intimidated by me. So I would say Florian is worse.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
fadewalking replied to your post: What do you think of the rite of tranquility?
“If there is ever an effort to save any man from taking his own life even as he argues that it is his own choice, how would we then would we simply accept him to choose a fate /worse/ than death? There are some choices too dreadful to exist, and for which there will never be an appropriate use.”
“If, and if, this were prior to the discovery my brother made with Cassandra, I may be inclined to agree with this. Emotion and dreams are important to a person and to cut one’s self off from them could easily be seen as death.
But there is now a known way to reverse it and while it is still needs to be researched and perfected so it will not cause such distress to the mage as it currently does. So it is reversible, while death is not. That means your argument runs into a wall in that allusion.
So if a mage currently feels as if they are not equipped to content with their connection to the Fade and feels it needs to be severed until, perhaps a time comes when they’ve learned and researched enough to be more knowledgeable and it can be reversed? Then who are we to judge their own personal choice?
You forget a fate worse than death they might suffer if they don’t; possession and being contorted beyond who they really are and maybe even cause harm to those they care about.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of spicy foods?
“I love spicy foods,” Ironina affirmed. “The spicier, the better. I used to have contests with other clan members on how spicy of peppers we could eat. I always won.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the Dalish’s general refusal to acknowledge city elves as their people?
“The view tends to vary from clan to clan,” Ironina corrected. “Some clans are more than happy to welcome a city elf into their clan and want to teach them our ways and welcome them back. There is some concern about the quickening, but then again, I have some questions about that theory. There are some other clans who will gladly chase off or even kill a city elf who comes near their clan. They’re very much more interested in some purity idea.”
“My clan, Lavellan, is a larger clan and tends to be a bit more welcoming for city elves. We even do business with humans, so we’ve a different view on a few matters than other clans have. But I do think it’s nonsense for us to hold city elves as inheritly different. They’re lost and if they wish to come back, they should be able to.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of humans and elves “cavorting?”
“We’re dying out.”
It was blunt, to the point, and even sharp in her statement. A clear scowl was on her features, eyes narrowed.
“Humans act like they can take whatever they want, their way is the only good and proper way, and anyone else can be walked on. I don’t understand an elf who would want to ‘cavort’ with a human for this very reason. But beyond that, a human and elf match doesn’t create elves. It creates humans. Our numbers are few enough as it is. Our traditions are being taken away. Who we are is being written over by humans.
I’ve no warmth for the idea at all. We need to keep who we are alive.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the mages who resist freedom from the circles?
Ironina stroked her chin in thought at that. She considered the people she’d met, the various sides she’d heard on matters before responding.
“I’ve spoken with Vivienne on and off. We don’t see eye to eye on...Many things, but she does give some insight into that matter. The Chantry creates an atmosphere of fear and worry over the use and the abuse of magic. And there is some concern, at times. I heard of what happened with the Sabrae clan.”
“But while I can see their reasoning, it doesn’t mean I agree with it. I don’t think the circles are justified and I don’t believe there’s a need to isolate mages from other people. And for them not to want to assist to make things amenable for both groups is cowardice. Perhaps they may want oversight or feel there’s a need for it, but obviously something was going wrong for it to get to the point it is. Perhaps one Circle was ‘fine’ but not all of them were, from what I understand.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of Templars?
“The current Order? Or what they’re supposed to do?” There was a quip in her voice, a smirk on her lips. “Because as all organized groups go, they aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do.” With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair, folding her arms.
“The current order act like a group of overpowered fools who think they can do as they like to whomever they like. They try to force their beliefs on my people, push us around, and try to act as if they’ve got the proper course of action and any crimes or cruelty they show is forgiven because they’re just ‘doing as they’re told.’“
She tilted her head a bit, preparing for the next remark.
“As for the original intent, I think it’s interesting...It plays a counter balance to the Fade and one could view them as meant to be a stabilizing force. It’s just a shame their heads have gotten too big for their helmets. It’s cut of the circulation to their brains, I believe.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
@fadewalking | Introductions and Discussions
It was safe to say Myrrdin had felt a relief at his sister’s arrival at Skyhold with his daughter in tow. Yet there was another concern, beyond the relief, he had learned of. Ironina had, for his memory, always had peculiar dreams. She had told him it related to her stumbling about once in an ancient ruin, having gotten lost as a child. She did not recall much of the event, but since then she had a whisper of an ability.
Peculiar, as far as Myrrdin was concerned. But he figured one of his companions may be of assistance. Especially since Ironina had confessed to him the dreams had changed since the Breach. Myrrdin was sure with Solas’s knowledge, he could help somehow.
And so he’d resolved to properly introduce them. That was what brought him into the rotunda that day, his sister accompanying him. Ironina paused as she entered the area, her eyes going to the frescoes in the work.
“Solas,” Myrrdin greeted and Ironina moved to enter the room, observing her surroundings. “This is my sister, Ironina. Ironina, this is Solas. I’ve written to you about him.”
“Yes, I recall,” Ironina said, coming up beside him. “The one well versed in matters of the Beyond.” She seemed to be examining him, trying to discern what she could about him from his appearance.
“Ah, good then!” Myrrdin continued. “As much as I am fond of the two of you being acquainted, there is a matter of which I believe would be good for you and Ironina to speak over, Solas.”
Ironina glanced to her brother, her brow knitting ever so slightly. She typically preferred to state her case, but Myrrdin had a habit of jumping ahead at times.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
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What this ship call means is:
You’re interested in doing a plotted out relationship, platonic, romantic, or otherwise.
We can send each other ship memes to see how they fit if the interest ins romantic
We can exchange discords and yell about ship stuff
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
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Ok now i'm going to sleep
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