#HC: Ironina
acanthemp3 · 1 year
3, 4, 12 + Shu for the ask game :3
3. a song that reminds me of them
ohohohoho ill do you one better and give you MULTIPLE!! ironina by niru kajitsu, humpty by mitski, oh no by marina, all the rowboats by regina spektor, and uhhhhh probably more ill come back to this
4. how many people i ship them with
the two that live in my brain and slowly kill me from brain poisoning are shumika and rinneshu. thye are both very very special to me. but idrc ill entertain any hcs if its funny and/or soulcrushing
12. sexuality hc
gay 🏳️‍🌈 in a bigender way 🏳️‍⚧️ dont worry about it
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hi !! i keep misreading hc as headcanon instead of header credit because of "im just a girl" after also i read every name starting w m as the same name sometimes so i thought u had the same name as someone else butt you dont
anyways :O waait,, i want to know more abt the nilfruits lore since i like ironina n heine kleine...
HELPPP thats so silly headcanon: Im just a girl
alsooooo to be honest im not sure if i can sum up nilfruits lore well enough for you but if u wanna learn more about traffic jam(my favorite) read this post i think it does a good idea of describing the plot and also nilfruits has a lore website centered around tricologue and heaven dopes mv though i also recommend just scrolling through heaven dopes comment section for good theories tbh if you have any specific questions though you can ask me
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the Qun, and qunari such as Bull, who fear life without it? What about elves and human who choose to follow the qun later in life?
“Self control isn’t set in some religion, self control is something you yourself create,” Ironina stated. “The Qun is where everything is decided for you, planned ahead from the moment you’re too young to even begin to question it. It’s a rigorous, controlling system with no room for movement in your life. At least in the clan, we can choose what we apprentice as. There’s no connections to be made or kept, there’s no respect of individuality save for the nicknames given to each other.”
“It’d be a sorry life to have, no matter what they say. Bull claims it keeps Qunari nature in check, but everyone has a dark side, a violent side when it comes to it. And they create their own self restraint, without the Qun. A person’s willpower isn’t tied to some religious belief.”
“I don’t really give a damn what humans do with their lives and if they want to put the yoke of the Qun on their necks, that’s their business. But an elf that does so...They’re a fool.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the rite of tranquility?
It took a moment or so for Ironina to answer that. She thought about her words carefully, furrowing her brow in deep thought.
“I’m more of the sort to prefer the idea of killing someone dangerous than leaving them alive,” she stated plainly. “But I can see why some people who may be squeamish at that idea or want to believe to have some moral high ground would use the rite of tranquility. I don’t think it should be utilized as often as it is in recent years, especially in cases where there’s no proof of someone’s guilt or not.
But what if someone does choose to willingly become Tranquil? Isn’t that their right to make that choice? Who are we to judge that? And with recent events, there is apparently a way to reverse it, which needs to be perfected but...”
She gave a shrug.
“I suppose my thoughts are I think it’s a coward’s option to deal with a dangerous person, but if someone decides to be Tranquil of their own free will, that’s on them.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of spicy foods?
“I love spicy foods,” Ironina affirmed. “The spicier, the better. I used to have contests with other clan members on how spicy of peppers we could eat. I always won.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the Dalish’s general refusal to acknowledge city elves as their people?
“The view tends to vary from clan to clan,” Ironina corrected. “Some clans are more than happy to welcome a city elf into their clan and want to teach them our ways and welcome them back. There is some concern about the quickening, but then again, I have some questions about that theory. There are some other clans who will gladly chase off or even kill a city elf who comes near their clan. They’re very much more interested in some purity idea.”
“My clan, Lavellan, is a larger clan and tends to be a bit more welcoming for city elves. We even do business with humans, so we’ve a different view on a few matters than other clans have. But I do think it’s nonsense for us to hold city elves as inheritly different. They’re lost and if they wish to come back, they should be able to.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of the mages who resist freedom from the circles?
Ironina stroked her chin in thought at that. She considered the people she’d met, the various sides she’d heard on matters before responding.
“I’ve spoken with Vivienne on and off. We don’t see eye to eye on...Many things, but she does give some insight into that matter. The Chantry creates an atmosphere of fear and worry over the use and the abuse of magic. And there is some concern, at times. I heard of what happened with the Sabrae clan.”
“But while I can see their reasoning, it doesn’t mean I agree with it. I don’t think the circles are justified and I don’t believe there’s a need to isolate mages from other people. And for them not to want to assist to make things amenable for both groups is cowardice. Perhaps they may want oversight or feel there’s a need for it, but obviously something was going wrong for it to get to the point it is. Perhaps one Circle was ‘fine’ but not all of them were, from what I understand.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
What do you think of Templars?
“The current Order? Or what they’re supposed to do?” There was a quip in her voice, a smirk on her lips. “Because as all organized groups go, they aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do.” With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair, folding her arms.
“The current order act like a group of overpowered fools who think they can do as they like to whomever they like. They try to force their beliefs on my people, push us around, and try to act as if they’ve got the proper course of action and any crimes or cruelty they show is forgiven because they’re just ‘doing as they’re told.’“
She tilted her head a bit, preparing for the next remark.
“As for the original intent, I think it’s interesting...It plays a counter balance to the Fade and one could view them as meant to be a stabilizing force. It’s just a shame their heads have gotten too big for their helmets. It’s cut of the circulation to their brains, I believe.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
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@fadewalking and I were talking about white haired ocs and we’ve discussed the amount of white haired elf ocs in the past and I decided I wanted one
Everyone. Meet Myrrdin, Ironina, and Ceridwen’s grandma, Vunora  Istimaethoriel Lavellan
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
🙃 @ironina. Emphasis on the embarrassing, thanks
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets | ACCEPTING
“I assume you’ve never had a younger brother,” Ironina remarked dryly, but the ghost of a smirk glided across her features. “Especially not one as energetic as Myrrdin could be. He had a habit of unintentionally causing trouble and since I tended to watch him while Mama and Papa were working, I had to contend with the outcomes of it.” The curse of being 5 years Myrrdin’s senior.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed he has a habit of, sometimes, just speaking what’s on his mind. He’s gotten much better with age, but let’s just say he’s blurted out a few things which my younger self did not wish to be said in front of certain people. To pick just one would be…Difficult.”
She paused, thinking over the multiple times. She didn’t embarrass easily much anymore, but when she was a teenager, she had her moments just as any young woman did.
“I suppose the worst was when I was 15 and Myrrdin was 10,” she began, “he’d overheard me speaking to a friend about a person I had attraction to and the typical style of discussion occurred. I was not aware he was there…And he ran to tell the person of said attraction everything he had said.”
She bit back a groan.
“He has an impeccable memory.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
Ironina has no issue dressing in slightly more revealing clothes made out of leather and furs and so on. She’s not shy about her midriff or showing some leg or cleavage and generally thinks if someone has an issue with it, it’s their problem, not hers.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
sometimes I think how lucky for Solas it was that Myrrdin was at the Conclave instead of Ironina
Because...Ironina would have been like
‘oh how convenient for you to just show up and have all this knowledge of the Fade’
‘oh how convenient you know all of this’
‘how convenient’
Instead of the constantly suspicious Lavellan sibling, Solas was blessed with the bright eyed easily impressed one.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
Nightmare Taunts Round 1
Nightmare: “You really think you can amount to anything? You know you should have been the one to die at the Conclave...A waste of space and time.” Seigfried: “That’s not what I’m told at night, at least.”
Nightmare: “You’re weak. You’ve always been weak. You can’t take care of yourself or those you care about. You have no worth; you’re just cursed, after all.” Aurora: “Perhaps. Although, only weak people speak as you do.”
Nightmare: “How are your dreams, da’len? Can you keep the walls up? Can you keep the nightmares out? For how long?” Ironina: “Tel’athim.”
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
fadewalking replied to your post: sometimes I think how lucky for Solas it was that...
Constantly suspicious Lavellan /would/ be super interesting tho
Ironina, by default, trusts no one but her family. So some non-Dalish elf showing up, knowing all these things, saying certain things would make her go ‘something’s...off...’ She’s still a bit like that in default verse setting when she joins Inquisition to help Myrrdin, but not to the extent she would be if she had been the one at the Conclave and the Herald/Inquisitor. Just because she hasn’t been there from the start.
the worst thing is she’d probably still romance him.
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lcgacyofages-a · 6 years
the only people who can touch Ironina without her saying they can are elves and anything more than a hand on the shoulder and that has to be people she’s close with.
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lcgacyofages-a · 7 years
SEDUCTION STYLE. For Ironina Lavellan
You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don’t need any one person to make you complete. And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you.
Tagged by: I saw @enasaliin do it so I did it Tagging: u
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