#Characteristics Of Kenyan Sponsors
Kenyan Sponsors & Sex
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A once respectful title given to large organizations that would give financial assistance to smaller, promising enterprises has been tarnished by the recent craze of calling older, rich, promiscuous men who love to lure younger women. The title: SPONSOR
Also Check Out: Rwandan rich sugar mummy sponsors
Why are men gladly taking up this title and why are women not ashamed to admit that they are enjoying this current trend? MONEY: God made man, man made money, money made man mad. Young ladies especially in university are pressuring each other to give in to this madness. It usually starts with a once simple lady from the village who comes to the city to be educated but along the way she meets an old rich man who promises to give her all the material possessions she desires. Her equally struggling friend realizes that she too can acquire material wealth if she finds an old rich man willing to give her what she wants. The two then use their social media to brag about all they have acquired and are not ashamed to say how they acquired it, encouraging other young girls to follow the same trend. Then to make it worse we have the likes of the singer Akothee going ahead and asking ladies what they call their “benefactor”. I have admired Akothee’s strength and resilience for a long time but after that song was released, I am no longer a fan.
The older perverted men on the other hand have discovered an easy way to get the ‘young, innocent p*ssy (for lack of a better word) that they have been desiring. They know all they need to do is spend money, & they completely disregard the impact on their wives and children. After all, who cares if you have an affair with your daughter’s age mate? Who cares about the humiliation your family will go through, the example that you set for your children, the diseases you will spread, or the reduced time, attention and love shown to your family? All that doesn’t matter to this mannerless babas because their daily 1.5 minutes (I doubt any of these bastards can go longer than this) of pleasure is what matters most to them.
So now we have men with mistresses and neither are ashamed of it. There is a detrimental effect to our society already witnessed by increased family killings. The likes of Joseph Kori and his mistress Wangui Mungai who are the main suspects behind the murder of Kori’s wife. If we continue this ‘sponsor’ trend, we will have the number of “deaths by mistress” competing with “death by road accidents” in this country. I wish I could give a concrete solution for this, but all I can say is we need to make it clear to our loved ones what’s most important in life. Fancy cars, holidays and houses are nice, but they have never and will never make anyone achieve self-actualization. If you are having issues with your wife, discuss it with her honestly and find a way to solve the issue instead of running away from the issue and blaming her for the failing marriage (same goes for women having issues with their husbands). The issue here being sex, since apparently that’s the only reason people have affairs. Communicate! Say what the issue is, discuss solutions, find a way to go about it…Sex is a two-way street, if it is not working, both are to blame in one way or another. Don’t go blaming the other person, there is something that YOU can do to make things better, & it’s not cheating.
“Money had never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.” Benjamin Franklin
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Day 3 actually
DAY 3 Kitungure 15/04 Sim, Andrea, Dave, Ali
Woke up to music going on in the surrounding village, there is a Muslim wedding over the valley, we have been told that this noise will be going on for 7 days, woooow, that’s going to make me wear my earplugs at night time, what an incentive, thought it may have been the music to push all the wild animals away from this village we are staying in, apparently a couple of years ago, there was a baboon problem, they would come thru & ruin all the crops, so they had guards out in the fields on shifts getting rid of the baboon problem, this has been solved due locals moving in & taking up the land
We had a quick breakfast of pancakes, orange looking fruit, where you don’t eat the fruit, you grind the pulp to make the juice and a coffee, if you put the orange juice onto the pancakes it tastes quite nice & oh yeah…. A coffee 😊
Then jumped in a vehicle with Ali, Dave & Diane and headed to an ecclesia approx. an hour away by car, the roads were extremely dangerous due to the rain, that it was getting harder to keep the car on the road & not ending up in the ditch, we jumped out of Sammy’s car and took all our supplies by foot about another 5km walk, getting closer to our destination, we passed a Muslim school, these kids started to walk with us as we ventured up the road further & further, than the Kenyan time of ‘just 5 minutes up the road!’
Having reached the hall in sight, we were joined by Bro Festus, the kids running up & taking the goods from us to make our burden lighter, eventually reached our destination and ushered into the Kintugure ecclesia local hall, the mud, grime & exhaustion was then taken over by sheer delight in the faces of the kids that have seen some white people invade their hall for a day, we had achieved the photo taking of the day, taking photos today of approx. 45 sponsor kids, today was the photo taking of Luke & Alisha’s sponsor child, he was a very nice polite boy, he opened his gift from them, a couple of books & a letter, HE LOVED IT!! The other kids milled about him, they all clambered to have a look at to what he had received, we then had a study on the …….., followed by a 15 minute break, where the kids of the area performed songs for us to enjoy, was brilliant to listen to what they had prepared for our listening pleasure, lovely to hear them sing in harmony
Then the exhort was done by myself, was based on ‘God’s Breathe’ or ‘God breathed’, positive comments from the local B&S of this area, was the first time the bread & wine was biscuits & coke though, was a funny moment, then a lizard was running all over the biscuits, stopped the translation & the chairman was trying to rid this little runner from eating a biscuit, following this episode, the meeting fished, we had a bit of lunch, it was a local vegetable root from the ground, cut up & mashed to make a little bit thicker consistency than potato, without milk, or margarine, with a coke, which was lovely & refreshing.
Hygiene kits were given to each family, a wash bowl, 2 toothbrushes, wash cloth and some toothpaste, 44 in all were handed to the families in this ecclesia.
We then started walking back to the kids school where we were staying, when along came the car, picked us up, 3 people across the front, couldn’t change gears as he was sitting on the gear leaver, 4 people across the back, with Festus & myself in the boot with the luggage in the Pajero, arrived at a closer Ecclesia where Deb, Jared, Mel, Mia & Jude, Maxine, Seth & Jasmine had been for the day, half the team walked home, the other half jumped into the car & headed home again…in daylight this time!
A bit of down time, visited the elderly sisters across the court yard, handed over some laminated coloured in cards that were brought along to hand to these living in Amani (peace), had a brief team meeting about how each team got along & what was achieved for the day, so were all up to speed with what was accomplished. Dinner was served, cabbage, potato in a really delish sauce, rice and some banana mixed with maze and some sweet banana in the peal. Downloaded todays photos: 777 of them
Having eaten, went for a shower, this involves standing in a wash bowl, full of cold water and pouring the water from a jug over your head, whilst lathering, scoop the water up again & again, till washed overall, walked about 400 meters up the well-trodden path to the kids home, for an evening meditation, done by me on Characteristics: Patience, the kids performed another couple of songs for us to enjoy, before we closed off with a song again. Walked back down the path to our room, brushed pearly whites and let another day wash over us.
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theaveragekenyan · 5 years
Blinded by your Grace...
In terms of Europe’s best looking Women (Fittest Birds), this is how I would rate them within a top 5.
1 = Sweden (standard stereotype, but essentially any of those Nordic Scandinavian hotties)
2 = Republic of Ireland (the jet black or fiery red hair and the feckin accent)
3 = Italy (oodles of class and they can knock up an amazing salad in seconds)
4 = Great Britain (not the ones faggin it outside school waiting for their kids)
5 = Australia (Eurovision Song Contest Rules)
Of course, the above list is shamefully discriminatory and sexist, it’s not even a bit of fun anymore #metoo, I just I enjoy the stereotypical nature of it all, #bantz I believe is the excuse these days.
I just did a Google search of the above topic, except I widened it to ‘worldwide best looking women’ and the top hits include the above 5 countries within their lists, except new countries like Brazil, Philippines, Venezuela, Thailand and USA are added, well done to those countries, excellent DNA’ing.
So, something I’d like to point out, NO African countries feature in the lists.
Ok, there was one list that included Angola, but that was the only African country featured in just one list from many.
In the featured countries, NO black faces represent their beauty, Brazil is about as dark as you’re going to get, but essentially there was no recognition of diversity from their respective country. Each country’s ‘most beautiful face’ is depicted by a “typical” comfortably indigenous (whatever that represents) white looking woman from their country, sorry Archie, Naomi and Nathalie, but you’re not the considered look of Britain and that also is same for any other country with diverse genetics.
The world has proliferated so much these days, so for example, what does a British woman look like? That’s of course my liberalism shining through, but unfortunately for the majority of people in the UK, they still consider Victoria Beckham or Fiona Bruce as their default British Women, sorry no blacks, browns or yellow’s please, we’re British.
When I’m back home in the UK, I especially like to study the Black women I see, I like to see how they compose themselves, how they talk and especially how they look. I know this sounds super creepy, but this is of course as I live in Kenya, so I like to see how the women compare to what I have here.
The main reason for this is that Kenyan women are truly beautiful.
Now I come from a very small village in the UK and from the three schools I attended, they all represented very typical demographics for rural England.
Primary School = 40 children - 0 BAME.
I was the brownest in the school, although we did have three children of Indian origin move into the village, but not in my school year, they took over the village shop, obviously.
Secondary School = 500 children – 3 BAME
Upper School – 1000 Children – 10 BAME
In each case, roughly about 1% were, you know “one of them”
Now I know times have changed and that area has become more diversified, but back in the late 80’s, I grew up with pretty much no other interesting faces other than pale zitty white ones.
It wasn’t until I moved to London in 1997 that opened my eyes to such a variety of faces and furthermore when I moved to Johannesburg in 2011 when I saw the full concentration of South African Women, and it was an eye opener to say the least.
I remember walking around Sandton City Mall and thinking to myself, in such high concentration, this must be where the best looking African Women on the continent are. Then I moved to Kenya and realized there are beautiful looking women everywhere you go.
I’m think it’s fairly safe to say, without any research or any factual evidence sought that my next assumption is correct. Kenyan Women’s beauty stems from a gene pool that, on the whole, has had little genetic dilution.
For many years, most of the reproduction has remained inter-tribal and only in recent years has outer-tribal reproduction become more acceptable. So, identifying features and characteristics have remained particular.
You see a lot of defining tribal looks and characteristics, that with a keen eye, can determine where the person originates, whether it be Western, Coastal, Central, Northern or Southern. This is a game my wife loves to play. 
Yes, this happens in certain cities in England like Brighton, Liverpool, Bristol etc, but it’s largely down to make-up, clothes and style defining a look, rather than a type of nose or eye shape, I mean perhaps a “big gob” in Newcastle, but that’s about it.
It was only until I came to Africa that I noticed how many different skin shades there are. From Albino right through to dark blue-black, there’s a colour for everyone.
Sadly though, many Kenyans believe a lighter skin is more beautiful, so skin lightening creams and treatments have become a thing and have generated an overall negative effect on skin tone empowerment.
Most of the billboards here, featuring ladies, are almost white. They are presented with a polished skin, highlighted and dodged, removing just about all of their darker tones.
Therefore, darker girls grow up thinking they’re not as attractive, they’ll have less career opportunities, they won’t get the best men and so on. This then creates a troubling discriminatory outlook, which occurrs on a daily basis, not just in Kenya, but throughout Africa.
However, when it comes to Kenyan Women being attracted to men, there’s one particular skin tone many find appealing, the white one.
There are plenty of white men in Kenya, myself included who’ve seen the Kenyan beauty and thought, Well Jambo!
I’m not being modest when I say that my partner and I have an equal amount of attractiveness, (she’s way hotter than me) we’re of a similar age and have all the classic similarities to have fallen in love, but when looking around in Kenya you start to see many other couples where their...well...their similarities must be very unique to them.
I’m talking about “Sugar Daddies”, of course I am. 
I love to see these couples as they are clearly so happy together.
He has a smoking hot-assed chick pushing his shopping trolley, whilst she can add into that trolley whatever the freak she wants, because she ain’t paying, PARTY!!!
It's so blatant and obvious what the arrangement is, yet many people find it embarrassing or jocular. People definitely like to judge and be jealous, I prefer to just give a little condescending nod and wink showing nothing but pure respect.
We’re talking 70-80 year old men with 25-30 year old women. The men are wearing their cardigans and orthopedic sunglasses, whilst the women are dressed like an extra from a Jay-Z promo, when in fact, of course, she should be wearing a nurse’s uniform. You’ll see them in restaurants staring into space as he sips on his Tusker, whilst she’s avoiding eye contact from all the younger playboys drooling over her.
Of course, it’s not just the white blokes that get to play Sugar Daddy. Many young Kenyan women find attraction in older men with a closer skin tone to theirs.
Again, for the women, this is purely down to the money and for men the sex, the perfect arrangement, everybody wins.
The older men are called “Sponsors” and they provide anything from Cars and Houses to Ugali and Cheap Booze and there exists a variety of financial classes within. It’s the polygamous society of Kenya that flexes its muscle, and I find it fascinating how it completely goes against everything the average Kenyan preaches in church, but then again the average Kenyan is just as big as the biggest hypocrite in the world.
Kenyan’s love stereotypes, that’s because for the majority of the time the stereotypes are completely correct.
The stereotypically looking Kenyan woman for a white guy is slim, petite, peachy butt-ocks, anti-gravity boobs, not too short and bearing mildly western facial features.
This type of woman is known as “Muzungu Bait”.
It’s not clear how the Kenyan women discover they are “Muzungu Bait”, perhaps there’s a “Finishing School” for this type of lady, but make no mistake there is a look and any lady possessing such features knows they have a permit to flirt with white men.
In the opposite stereotype, It can be said that, Kenyan men generally prefer a heavier lady. 
I feel sorry for the chubbier, larger girls, I can only assume they have no right to flirt with white guys and they are the ones who can only be taken by the Kenyan men.
One comment I regularly hear, is that white men come to Kenya and steal the best looking women.
Steal, STEAL???, like the women have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. It’s such a ridiculous and humungous insult to women, it’s shocking.
I mean the fact we can cook, clean, and tell stories about mid-nineties heavy metal should never be overlooked.
I think what is it though, to the average Kenyan, Women are considered property, something that’s purchased. I know this has a lot to the doury marital system of buying women with animal livestock, but mostly women are treated as property, or 6 cows and 4 goats in most instances. So perhaps when a white man talks to a lady on her own level and doesn’t feel the urge to treat her in such a proprietary way, then I’m sure it has to have an appeal.
There is a downside though and a fascinating murder case is currently in the news and it’s not the first time such a murder has taken place. Now though, Kenyan media outlets can see views, likes and share values in real time therefore they can quantify a news story and suck it until it’s dry, so that explains why the current ‘Praying Mantis’ story is so accessible, because everybody wants a piece of it.
Unlike the Kenyan News agencies, I won’t go down the illegal route of naming and shaming and spilling out every detail rendering any Jury Court irrelevant, but this is how the story went.
Rich White Man murdered by his younger Kenyan Wife with possible involvement from her associates.
This is not the first time this has happened and not the last time.
It happens enough for it to be almost like another air strike in the middle east, erm yes, how many properties? which tribe was the woman? how much money is involved? where do they live? Sadly, the taken life of the man is overlooked and the story just fades away until the next replica story comes along. It’s not just Rich White Men though, Rich Black Men disappear as well, you see the connection? Let’s just say their are many wealthy Kenyan widows getting away with murder. 
Sadly, the average Kenyan has a different outlook to women, it is changing, but still, women are viewed here as second class, need to obey, generally a subordinate creature. Yet, they are the baby makers, the food providers, the water carriers, the planners and the total backbone of Kenyan society.
I think the average Kenyan needs to be far more respectful and understand just how beautiful the women are in this country. I can 100% vouch for that, all I got to do is hope I don’t end up hidden in a septic tank one day.  
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Wayne Rooney will return to motion for Everton in Tanzania on Thursday
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/wayne-rooney-will-return-to-motion-for-everton-in-tanzania-on-thursday/
Wayne Rooney will return to motion for Everton in Tanzania on Thursday
Wayne Rooney has significant anticipations for his upcoming time with Everton and is adamant that he is got lots left to establish.
Wayne Rooney will make his to start with visual appeal again in an Everton shirt in the club’s pleasant from Kenyan opponents Gor Mahia in Tanzania on Thursday.
Supervisor Ronald Koeman has confirmed all players building the vacation to East Africa, arranged as section of their partnership with new sponsors SportPesa, will characteristic for at least 45 minutes.
“I am wanting forward to it — it should be a excellent vacation,” explained Rooney, whose return to his boyhood club was confirmed when he signed a two-yr deal at the weekend to close his 13-yr remain at Manchester United.
“It will be wonderful and ideally I am going to get on the pitch and get some sport time.
“It is really excellent when you go away with the team. It is really excellent to be all-around the lodge with the players, devote more time with them and get to know them more.
“I have under no circumstances been to Tanzania prior to, so I am truly wanting forward to it.”
Koeman will consider new signings Davy Klaassen and Michael Keane on the vacation but goalkeeper Jordan Pickford and Sandro Ramirez are nevertheless on extended leave right after their involvement in the European Underneath-21 Championship.
Wayne Rooney could make his to start with visual appeal in an Everton shirt since his return in a pleasant in Tanzania.
The Toffees boss explained: “It is really usually difficult in preseason to go a long way abroad because it will be warm over there and we want to participate in the pleasant.
“But with the way we have organised it, we leave on Tuesday night and are again on Friday — that is excellent because it is not also long and it would not have a adverse result on our preseason.
“It is really a vacation that is not all about football. There is the professional aspect as properly, which is excellent for Everton. We will help the club in what we want to do over there.
“The most critical detail is how we start off our pre-time. It is about what we want to do to get to our finest at our football and actual physical levels.
“This is our to start with pleasant and all people will be associated for 45 minutes in the sport. You participate in football to win and we will do that in Tanzania.” finishes
Striker Oumar Niasse, just one of 5 out-of-favour players not to be allocated a shirt selection very last summertime right after showcasing for just 45 minutes in a preseason pleasant, has been handed the No. 34 right after Everton confirmed their squad’s shirt list.
Having said that, it appears unlikely Niasse, who scored 5 times in 19 appearances right after signing up for Hull on bank loan in January, will characteristic a lot for Koeman’s aspect as the Dutchman has brought in almost £40 million-worth of attacking expertise and is nevertheless fascinated in Swansea’s Gylfi Sigurdsson and Arsenal’s Olivier Giroud.
Rooney’s No. 10 was confirmed a few of days back, but fellow forward Ramirez has taken the No. 9 shirt, injured winger Yannick Bolasie has swapped 14 for the departed Gerard Deulofeu’s No. 7 even though goalkeeper Joel Robles has surrendered his No. 1 shirt to Pickford. 
For all the recruitment — with shut to £100 million expended so much — the club have done, captain Phil Jagielka admits the signing of Rooney is a “little bit unique.”
“To get Wayne in so early is fantastic. He will be ready to go on the preseason visits we have and turn into as suit as feasible,” Jagielka explained.
“It will be fantastic to have him all-around the gaff because he is aware of what it normally takes to be an Everton participant.
“He has experienced to faux not to be for a tiny even though but, as you can see, he is delighted to put on the blue shirt.”
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