#Sex sponsors Kenya - Nairobi
Kenyan Sponsors & Sex
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A once respectful title given to large organizations that would give financial assistance to smaller, promising enterprises has been tarnished by the recent craze of calling older, rich, promiscuous men who love to lure younger women. The title: SPONSOR
Also Check Out: Rwandan rich sugar mummy sponsors
Why are men gladly taking up this title and why are women not ashamed to admit that they are enjoying this current trend? MONEY: God made man, man made money, money made man mad. Young ladies especially in university are pressuring each other to give in to this madness. It usually starts with a once simple lady from the village who comes to the city to be educated but along the way she meets an old rich man who promises to give her all the material possessions she desires. Her equally struggling friend realizes that she too can acquire material wealth if she finds an old rich man willing to give her what she wants. The two then use their social media to brag about all they have acquired and are not ashamed to say how they acquired it, encouraging other young girls to follow the same trend. Then to make it worse we have the likes of the singer Akothee going ahead and asking ladies what they call their “benefactor”. I have admired Akothee’s strength and resilience for a long time but after that song was released, I am no longer a fan.
The older perverted men on the other hand have discovered an easy way to get the ‘young, innocent p*ssy (for lack of a better word) that they have been desiring. They know all they need to do is spend money, & they completely disregard the impact on their wives and children. After all, who cares if you have an affair with your daughter’s age mate? Who cares about the humiliation your family will go through, the example that you set for your children, the diseases you will spread, or the reduced time, attention and love shown to your family? All that doesn’t matter to this mannerless babas because their daily 1.5 minutes (I doubt any of these bastards can go longer than this) of pleasure is what matters most to them.
So now we have men with mistresses and neither are ashamed of it. There is a detrimental effect to our society already witnessed by increased family killings. The likes of Joseph Kori and his mistress Wangui Mungai who are the main suspects behind the murder of Kori’s wife. If we continue this ‘sponsor’ trend, we will have the number of “deaths by mistress” competing with “death by road accidents” in this country. I wish I could give a concrete solution for this, but all I can say is we need to make it clear to our loved ones what’s most important in life. Fancy cars, holidays and houses are nice, but they have never and will never make anyone achieve self-actualization. If you are having issues with your wife, discuss it with her honestly and find a way to solve the issue instead of running away from the issue and blaming her for the failing marriage (same goes for women having issues with their husbands). The issue here being sex, since apparently that’s the only reason people have affairs. Communicate! Say what the issue is, discuss solutions, find a way to go about it…Sex is a two-way street, if it is not working, both are to blame in one way or another. Don’t go blaming the other person, there is something that YOU can do to make things better, & it’s not cheating.
“Money had never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.” Benjamin Franklin
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Meet sugar mummies from Nairobi, Mombasa and Major towns
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Hello Guys, Are you Lonely, Heartbroken,single-searching,looking for mapenzi, Admiring Classy & lavish lifestyle? Well Join our Interracial Sponsors Connect Kenya dating club and meet wealthy and influential sugar Daddies/mummies who are interested in having sex with young hot blooded and sexy males and females. Many Sponsors who are wealthy but have unfulfilled sex lives are looking for you! They want you to give them the only thing that they cannot buy at the supermarket: sex. To many sex may seem to be something readily available but to someone who has a public image to keep, it can be very hard to get some good sex without being labeled as trashy. These Men and women are very horny and they would do anything to satisfy their sexual urges. Most sponsors are looking for young toys who are stallions in bed and who can make them feel like little boys/girls again. To qualify for a Sponsor /sugar Daddy/mummy/cougar hook up: • You must be very good in bed or willing to learn. • Available on weekends and evenings when Sponsors is away from work. • Ready to move into an apartment if the Sponsor decides to rent one for you. • No girlfriend or baby mama drama. You must be single or able to keep secrets. • Ready to travel to romantic places with Him/her when is ready.. • Be discreet and able to socialize with famous Men/women without exposing them. • Be mature and business oriented • If you are a good driver it is added advantage • Not a player or in a long-term relationship with other Men/women. • Don’t take pics of the cougar secretly and try to manipulate the cougar.
To get a sugar mummy SMS hook up to +254788044939. Our charges are Kshs. 530 only
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Date Valery, Beautiful Sugar Mummy from Nakuru Looking for a Young Sex Partner
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"Today is my lucky day. I am genuinely overjoyed to have stumbled upon this awesome website that links toyboys with sugar mummies for dating and romance. Ever since I hooked up with a young man while out clubbing with my friends by accident, I have lost all interest in dating men my age. Though the experience lasted only a single night, it left me with a new outlook on dating and relationships. Picture me, Valery, a 38-year-old lady ravished beyond imagination by a boy in his twenties! I never imagined by playing the proper, well-mannered woman I was missing all the joy and excitement in the world! Not to say I have thrown all caution to the wind! No way. I am a respected businesswoman in Nakuru. I don't want to be labeled a cougar, sugar lady, or worse, cradle robber. This is why I have taken this route admin. Please connect me with a strong, attractive, young gentleman who is excellent in the bedroom. I don't care much about ethnicity, religion, or financial status. I just want someone to romance me and satisfy my sexual desires fully. As I have stated, I have a reputation to protect so he must be completely discreet.  If he meets my requirements I am willing to sponsor him financially and keep him comfortably living the soft life, with me of course. Looking forward to a positive response."
Meet sugar mummies, sugar daddies, sugar babies, etc. in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret and other major towns in Kenya. SMS hook up to +254788044939.
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People are not living here, they are only surviving,” says Father Maurizio Binaghi as he surveys the sprawling, smoking Dandora landfill site from an elevated position on the grounds of the school he runs in Korogocho slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Dandora is one of Africa’s largest unregulated landfill sites.
“The people who live near the dump have a saying,” says Father Binaghi: “‘I don’t know when I will die, but I do know what I will die from.’”
Korogocho literally means “crowded shoulder to shoulder” in Kiswahili. It is one of the largest slums in Nairobi, home to 150,000 to 200,000 people and no larger than 1.5 square kilometres. The place is known for its high rates of poverty, crime, alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence, widespread HIV/Aids… and the nauseating smells coming from Dandora.
Father Binaghi’s St. John’s School is located mere metres from Dandora. Moreover, illegal dumping has meant that smoking debris has encroached closer and closer to the school grounds, so acrid smoke constantly wafts into the classrooms.
Large marabou storks scavenge on the dump swarm and squawk overhead while students practice a variety of instruments including violins, trombones and saxophones in the school’s playing field.
Even in the library, the turnover of pages of well-worn textbooks and whispered voices are the only sounds in the school’s library. Children keep their heads down into the books as they prepare for exams. However, the unpleasant smell of rubbish, particularly burned plastic, pervades the room.
“Smoke from the landfill comes into our classes and even hinders our visibility,” says a student, Dalton Okoth.
“You get sick here often, coughing and breathing difficulties, and some of the children have eye problems from the pollution in the air,” says Felicia Alouch, another student. “Sometimes children don’t come to school because of illness and breathing difficulties such as asthma and allergies to smoke,” adds her classmate Antony Okinda.St. John’s school in Korogocho is literally and metaphorically a pillar of the community. It provides education to children from 5 to 18 years of age. While the school’s ethos is Catholic, it is open to children of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. It offers much-needed hot meals to undernourished students while sex education is also offered. Meanwhile, its well-stocked library is open to all members of the community while a computer room offers students the chance to develop new skills.
Dalton and Antony are sponsored by the Tumaini Trust which was founded in 2014 by Talitha Puri Negri. The Tumaini scholarship, which has sponsored 90 children so far, aims to allow a larger number of students to access secondary and tertiary education even though their parents are not able to afford school fees.
However, one of the problems that stands in the way of students like Dalton and Antony is the air pollution emitted by Dandora landfill and the wide-ranging health risks it poses, particularly to children.
Recent studies have found that air pollution is linked to childhood cancers and cognitive impairment in both children and adults. According to the World Health Organization, up to 14 per cent of all children aged 5 to 18 years have asthma and every year, over half a million children younger than five die from respiratory disease linked to air pollution. It may also affect fetal brain growth.Dandora landfill, which covers approximately 30 acres, is the destination of about 850 tonnes of solid waste generated daily by Nairobi, which has a population of about 6.5 million people.
Despite being declared completely full in 1996, dumping continues on the landfill. One of the reasons that it continues to operate is that people make money from the waste.
Described as a “perilous recycling economy”, the landfill puts food on the tables of around 3,000 families. Men, women and children pick through waste from trucks that arrive in the dump. They are looking for plastic, food, clothes, paper and bottles that they can sell for much-needed income. Scavenging on the dump is done manually with no protection gear and equipment, thus exposing the dumpsite workers to serious health complications.
“People have very large families and are forced to go to the dump to find food that has been discarded by others,” says Antony. Directly outside St. John’s school, people sell scavenged leftovers from makeshift stalls or from tarpaulin laid out on the ground.
Leftovers for sale outside St. John’s School. Photo by Duncan Moore/ UN Environment
…or health hazard?
Air pollution is not the only source of contamination around the school area.
Waste from the dump has tainted the water supply. In May 2018, health officials in Nairobi issued a cholera alert following the death of two people, including a 13-year old girl from symptoms associated with cholera in Korogocho.
Mercury from the landfill also represents a danger to the local community and UN Environment found high levels of heavy metals in children living close to Dandora landfill.
What can be done?
Plans to relocate Dandora landfill to another site, away from the dense population centre that is Korogocho, have not happened as land is unavailable.
Other plans to locate recycling plants in Dandora have not come to fruition. Various initiatives from international partners to close the dump have also fallen through.
Locals complain that Dandora landfill is governed by gangs. Given that so much money is made from the dump, there is no incentive to close it. “Life here is a bit good but we have insecurity due to the dumping site because most of the gangs usually hide in those places,” says Dalton.
Non-governmental organizations are working to find other sources of employment for those who currently live off the dump.
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newscheckz · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/men-golden-breast-part-six/
Admin, it is at this point when i came to realize some of these shemales are just men who failed to get rid of their breast and that’s why they have a fully functional and normal dick but also have breasts as well.
I was not only after a kiss but also determined to have my day and make love to her so as to make sure that our love journey have kicked off.
I did not struggle much and after some deep kissing; she was lost in happiness as i caressed her all the sensitive body parts: where finally I managed to land my hands in her pant and begin romancing her pussy.
She was wet already and decided not to waste any valuable time as she was ready to eat. I removed her blouse that she had and then proceeded to the skirt and she was now left with her under pants only.
For me, i had only my sport short pant but no underwear and I had a baggy sport vest. I removed her underwear as i also removed my short sport pant but did not remove my top baggy sport vest.
I again started caressing her while kissing her deep, till we were all in the mood of sex, and i finally slided my dick inside her pussy.
She was sweet as i pushed my dick inside slowly while she was moaning. She was not virgin but i didn’t care as my only wish was to have her. I had finally done it.
She was now mine after a few minutes of pumping we both released and cum at same time, it was a good moment. She then requested to go as she would be late. I showed her way to bathroom for shower and then prepare herself to leave.
She bid goodbye to the rest and i escorted her to get a matatu back to her home…  We lived in different towns.
That was our beginning of our long-term relationship that proceeded well as we met several times after that, and finally got married in 2010. After several years later of our relationship.
To me, it was love at first sight and finally I had got the one who had true love for me and never bothered about my condition even after discovering my little secret, she just ignored and concentrated on the relationship.
She however one time decided to ask me why one of my breasts is bigger than the other, and i was just honest, explained to her the situation how it happened, and that it is a rare situation in men but he should not worry as it will soon come to an end since i was working on it to get rid of it.
I know there are men who are facing this condition just like me though in different scenarios..
When i got married to her, i would still find some time alone while she was not home to crush my tit as she had train in early childhood education and she worked as nursery teacher. At this point of time, the remaining breast had decreased too much in size.
  In 2011, i got a job in the gulf countries, this is after my services as an accounts assistant were terminated and had been jobless for almost 1year.
The opportunity came to me as new door being opened for me. My financial status was completely grounded.
There were several things to do before traveling and all needed money, but because God was opening the new chapter for me, i managed to overcome every challenge with the help my family and few good friends who stood by me during my difficult times.
When traveling to the gulf countries, usually there is a medical test that the travel agency will need you to perform to ascertain your health status before proceeding with the Visa process.
I didn’t have any problem with my health as i knew I’m perfectly ok. But my only worry was my left breast, though it had reduced in size, it was still not looking normal for a man and i couldn’t take off my shirt In front of other people.
I did not discourage myself, i paid for the medical test. I was then scheduled for the test in one hospital within our city which i attended.
At the hospital,l i met the representative of our agent who had a list of those who were attending the medical.
When all people arrived we were directed to a waiting room where we were supposed to wait and only go in the testing room when your name is called.
One by one, we were called in. My turn also came to go in. The first test was a blood test. They took my blood sample for testing, then i was given two small bottles to bring my urine and stool for sampling.
I was then told to proceed to another room for chest x-ray where i was told to take off my shirt and was given an apron to wear and cover my chest.
After the x-ray we were to stay and wait for our medical results before going home.
When the test results were out after about 2hrs later, we were again called one by one to get our results from the Dr. in charge.
All my results were perfect except for the x-ray which revealed i had a swollen mass on my left side breast.
The Dr. inquired from me about the condition and i explained to him. He then made a final report that I was fit to travel and also put the remarks of my breast mass on the left side but because it was not a disease, this could not make someone not to go to work. I was cleared.
I went home a happy man and explained to my wife about the whole issue and also told her that now i was fit to travel.
She was excited by the whole issue but also sad on the other side as she have to wait for 2yrs before we can meet again after I travel.
Working in the gulf is another challenge for couples especially for young couples, who are still enjoying their new marriage time.
But i had no option since i had try all means to secure a job locally but was not lucky for the past 1year.
Two weeks later after my medical test, i received a call from my agent that my Visa was ready and have to clear my balance for the agency fees/ Visa Commission to get my ticket as soon as possible.
I contacted my Dad who was my main helper on the issue and helped me raise the required amount. After 3 days, i paid the full amount.
3 days later my flight ticket was ready and was informed that i can download from my email both ticket and Visa and had 3 days to prepare and travel to Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where we were to board our flight to Dubai.
On my preparation, i did not forget my crushing sticks. I carried them along with me so that i would not stop crushing till i completely get rid of the breast.
When traveling, i was in the company of other 7 guys so we were 8 people in total.
When we landed in Dubai, it was almost 24.00hrs midnight and someone was there to pick us from the airport to our destined accommodation.
After about an hour drive, we were at the company accommodation where we were received by the management in charge and shown to our rooms.
One single room accommodated six people with 3 double deckers and since it was midnight we went straight to bed and sleep.
We were waken up at around 6am to go for our tea as breakfast hours were to close by 7am. After breakfast we were called to the accommodation management Office where we were allocated our new company employment numbers that we should use for any company communication and queries.
We were also given food coupons which we will use to get food from the company mess for breakfast, lunch and dinner for full month.
The food coupon is given for monthly basis and without a coupon you can’t get food. We were then allowed to go back to our rooms and rest.
In the evening we were called again and informed that our medical test is scheduled for the next day so we have to be ready and report to the office by 7am…the next day.
I was again worried of my condition and hoped that it will not be a barrier for me to take my new job.
Same test like which we did in Kenya was conducted on us all, but we were not to wait for our results as they are directly sent to your employer or sponsor of the test.
However, my test turned out to be fine and the next day we were scheduled for our induction of the company in head office of the company.
We were therefore told to get ready the next day by 7am to go to head office for induction.
The next morning after breakfast, we headed to the head office and we were taken to a boardroom where the induction was to be conducted.
The induction was in English. So it was not an issue to me where we were given a briefing on few things about the company, management, where to get help and our work related issues.
We were also given a general test on English where we were to answer 50 general questions for 15 minutes and also given a title about something to write a composition.
I received a tilted to write about my pet. To me, it was not a big deal and i scored excellent marks.
After that induction, the next to follow was to be deployed to our work area where we were supposed to undergo another training of 3 days before we can fully begin our duties.
The job was not a well-paying but because we Kenyans lack good job opportunities back home, we are left with no options.
Sometimes i used to ask myself if I’m the same accountant who was now exposed to manual work which best qualified for a standard 8 pupil or a form 4 drop-out; but alaas! There i was with all my qualifications but have to bend and do it.
Sometimes i would be supervised by a person especially the Asians who even can’t construct a good sentence in English grammar and i would just look at him, without any comment because he is my senior by position. i just accept the situation and move on.
During my stay in the gulf, i tried several places to secure a good job of my status but was not lucky to get one even after attending several open interviews and online applications.
During my 2 years of stay in the gulf, i used to continue with my crushing since i could get enough time to do the exercise.
I also joined a gym session so as to build my muscles and strong chest and try to hide the breast under the muscles, which did work properly for me to bring my chest in good shape.
Gradually the breast reduced at a great speed such that by the end of the 2years, my chest was completely okay and well built.
This time, i could stand on a mirror and look at myself and see a man In front of me standing with a well-built muscle chest. I was happy for myself as my efforts had finally bear the fruits i was longing to see.
After the end of my 2 years contract, i terminated my contract and decided to go back home and look for a better opportunity.
Reaching home, my wife could notice the challenges in me and she was so happy to see a well-built man in her arms; now without any defect on his body but just a handsome man.
Though my struggle was tough and challenging i finally managed to yield what I wanted.
My advice to all parents, especially the father, watch your boys as they turn to adolescence so that if you notice him with such condition and he have no Idea what to do please guide him, help him get rid of the tits at the earliest stages possible. For the boys who don’t get this problem of Gynecomastia, they have nothing to worry as they are fine.
For the single mothers in this platform you can also observe your boys as they grow up to adolescence stage and see if they get this condition.
You can as well tell him to get rid of them by crushing the tits at the earliest stages possible to avoid embarrassment in future.
It will be disturbing to both you and your child being in such condition where he will have to live with it for the rest of his life and would be man with breasts.
Some boys get help from friends or older relatives who help to show them how they can wipe out the tits at an earlier stage when they begin to grow on their chest..
From this experience i came to understand why we have shemales, as men can also grow breast just like women yet they have a fully functioning penis.
Those who have money, can undergo a surgery and have the breast tissues removed. But if your family can’t afford it, you will have to go it the hard way or live with the embarrassment all your life.
Recently, i saw an interview by a certain blog on the same condition for a boy whose mother was appealing for financial help to have her boy undergo a surgery to get rid of the problem so that he can pursue his dreams of becoming an international footballer.
Thank you for reading my life story. I hope it will help someone else with same condition or escape the condition in future.
That’s My Side of The Story. #THE END
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biofunmy · 5 years
A Writer’s Favorite Spots in Nairobi
The prominent author Zukiswa Wanner, born to a South African father and a Zimbabwean mother in Zambia, has a complicated relationship with Nairobi, the Kenyan capital and her adopted city of seven years.
“In its many layers, Nairobi has the beauty and the frustrations of all African cities I love,” said Ms. Wanner, 43, a former columnist at Daily Nation, Kenya’s leading newspaper. “With the added convenience of being a gateway to the rest of the world, I miss it when I stay away for too long but it also tires me when I stay too long without leaving.”
The award-winning author of nine books, with themes revolving around gender, sex, race and nationality, is also the moderator of regular talks with African artists in a series sponsored by Goethe-Institut Nairobi, a nonprofit cultural association.
Ms. Wanner says Nairobi is a magnet for a reason. “What I love about Nairobi is how accessible it is to the rest of the continent and the world. I often feel like I’m staying in the center of the world. Its people, across the economic brackets, also have beautiful appreciation of art that warms the heart.”
She is drawn to out-of-the-way places that make her forget about the city’s intense traffic. Here, Ms. Wanner shares her five top spots.
1. Ole Sereni Hotel
This popular 134-room hotel has four restaurants overlooking Nairobi National Park, a game reserve where you can feed baby elephants and see giraffes and other wildlife. Ms. Wanner says she enjoys watching the animals and unwinding at sundown with a cocktail or beer. Her frequent drink of choice there is the Kenyan Tusker beer.
Mombasa Road; ole-sereni.com
The bookstore, founded in 1988, has a wide selection of books from across the globe, including influential authors such as Chinua Achebe from Nigeria, Ngugi wa Thiong’o from Kenya, and Charles Mungoshi from Zimbabwe. Situated in the middle-class neighborhood of Hurlingham, the shop is also well-stocked with both the latest books and classic works, in addition to a large children’s collection.
“In a city that prides itself on being digital, Bookstop defies any and all arguments of the book being dead by constantly, quietly, stating, through its continual presence, ‘long live the book,’” Ms. Wanner said.
Argwings Kodhek Road; Bookstop at Yaya Shopping Centre
3. Kuona Trust
Visual artists work in the studio space of this nonprofit organization started by the National Museum of Kenya in 1995. They also showcase and sell works that include paintings, ceramics, sculptures and bags.
“A visit into the space is like attending an exhibition that’s continually in progress. And it’s a great thing. Reserve at least two hours to go through the space, to truly enjoy the experience,” Ms. Wanner said.
Likoni Close, Kilimani; kuonatrust.org
4. GP Karting Events Centre
At this spot, you can either participate in paintball or go-karting, called GP karting in Kenya. Both activities require protective gear for safety. “I prefer GP Karting. I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie and unlike paintball shooting, which is a team sport, in GP Karting one’s win is entirely in their hands.”
Carnivore Road, Racing Circuit; gpkarting.co.ke
In Swahili, nyama choma means grilled meat. In a city with many options for nyama choma, this restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating in the gated residential South C neighborhood has a menu that’s hard to beat, Ms. Wanner says.
“What really sets them apart from most choma joints is their exceptional poussin chicken wings. The wings will appear dry when one first sees them but at first bite, they are the softest, most delicious wings one is likely to find in Nairobi.”
Kenya Motor Sports Club, Red Cross Road
Sahred From Source link Fashion and Style
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reseau-actu · 6 years
Sida, les nouvelles armes de l’Afrique (4). Le Kenya est l’un des rares pays du continent à proposer le PrEP, un traitement préventif contre le sida, quatrième cause de mortalité dans le pays.
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Le risque, Zuhura Waithera Njuguna connaît. Celui de ne pas parvenir à répondre aux besoins de ses deux enfants, abandonnés par leur père. Celui de ne plus avoir de toit. Celui de tomber sur la mauvaise personne, à cette époque où, comme elle le sous-entend pudiquement, plusieurs « partenaires sexuels » l’aidaient à s’en sortir financièrement. Alors, depuis qu’elle a commencé à prendre la « PrEP » il y a deux ans, la jeune femme de 25 ans a éliminé un risque de sa vie. Celui d’être contaminée par le VIH, quatrième cause de mortalité par maladie au Kenya avec 9 000 décès annuels.
Présentation de notre série Sida, les nouvelles armes de l’Afrique
C’est dans une petite clinique communautaire de Kawangware, un quartier pauvre de Nairobi où une tante l’amène un jour qu’elle entend « pour la première fois parler du traitement préventif », raconte la jeune femme. « J’ai tout de suite commencé à le prendre, car j’avais des relations sexuelles à risque », poursuit-elle, visage maquillé et léger voile clair. « Aujourd’hui, même si je n’ai plus qu’un seul partenaire, je suis encore exposée », poursuit Zuhura, en ménage avec « un petit ami » avec qui elle a eu son troisième enfant, mais dont elle sait « les autres relations ». Avaler chaque jour cette pilule, dit-elle, c’est sa « protection », pour elle et ses petits.
Société très patriarcale
Le Kenya est un pionnier en matière de traitement préventif contre le VIH (prophylaxie pré-exposition – PrEP). Selon le ministère de la santé, plus de 25 000 Kényans l’utilisent, soit beaucoup plus que dans les autres et rares pays africains qui l’autorisent. En Afrique du Sud, par exemple, on ne compte que 9 000 utilisateurs (6 000 en France). Destiné aux séronégatifs qui vivent avec un risque élevé d’infection, ce traitement a marqué un tournant en matière de prévention du virus depuis sa sortie aux Etats-Unis en 2012. Après des essais ciblés, le Kenya qui compte 1,4 million de personnes adultes infectées (4,8 % de la population), l’a rendu disponible à l’échelle nationale en mai 2017, investissant l’équivalent de 30 millions d’euros.
Pour Nelly Mugo, de l’Institut public de recherches médicales (Kemri), cet avant-gardisme n’est pas une surprise. « Notre pays est très ouvert aux découvertes scientifiques et nous bénéficions d’un système solide de réponse au sida, c’est une chance », explique cette docteure qui a participé aux études préalables.
Episode 1 Du sexe et des tests pour les prostituées de Ouaga
Sous la marque Truvada ou en générique, la pilule préventive est désormais disponible dans les pharmacies et les hôpitaux, mais peut aussi être délivrée gratuitement dans le cadre de programmes ciblés, menés par l’agence nationale Nascop et par des ONG. Leur objectif : aller au-devant des populations les plus touchées, comme les travailleurs du sexe, les homosexuels, les utilisateurs de drogues par injection, et, surtout, les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes.
Entre 15 et 24 ans, ces dernières concentrent chaque année 30 % des nouveaux cas de contamination au Kenya. « La situation globale du sida s’améliore au Kenya, mais pas pour elles, au contraire », note Nelly Mugo. A l’échelle continentale, 75 % des nouvelles infections en Afrique subsaharienne touchent d’ailleurs les filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans, selon le dernier rapport d’Onusida.
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Adolescente de 13 ans séropositive. En Afrique subsaharienne, 75 % des nouvelles contaminations touchent les jeunes femmes de 15 à 19 ans. SIMON MAINA/AFP
Si les causes de cette vulnérabilité sont multiples, le poids d’une société très patriarcale figure en haut de la liste. « Il leur est difficile de réclamer leurs droits, de parler de sexe ou d’accéder, sans leur famille, à des soins avant leur majorité », explique Lillian Otiso, directrice de l’ONG kényane dévolue à la lutte contre le sida LVCT Health, qui s’occupe de 50 000 jeunes femmes, dont Zuhura. « Cette situation est éminemment culturelle et elle joue sur les systèmes de pouvoir. Si votre partenaire est plus âgé, ou qu’il est votre “sponsor”, c’est-à-dire quelqu’un qui vous soutient financièrement mais a souvent plusieurs “filles”, qui êtes-vous pour lui demander d’utiliser des préservatifs ? », ajoute-t-elle à propos de la dépendance financière, un deuxième facteur intimement lié au premier.
Episode 2 « En Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, une personne sur deux ignore encore si elle est séropositive »
Au-delà des « sponsors » et des relations tarifées fréquentes ou ponctuelles, un « sexe transactionnel » s’est installé, profitant de la pauvreté. Sexe contre trajet en motos-taxis, sexe contre serviettes hygiéniques (tendance dont s’est récemment alarmé l’Unicef) ou encore sexe contre poissons, sur les rives du lac Victoria. « Les femmes sont contraintes de coucher avec les pêcheurs pour pouvoir obtenir leurs poissons et gagner ainsi leur vie en les revendant », ce qui contribue à la propagation du virus dans cette région où le taux de contamination atteint par endroits 20 %, décrypte Daniel Were, de l’ONG américaine Jhpiego, qui travaille dans cette zone.
Superstitions et espoirs
Dans ce contexte, prendre la PrEP n’a rien d’une évidence pour les jeunes femmes. Beaucoup, d’ailleurs, le cachent à leur conjoint ou partenaire. C’est le cas de Rahima (son prénom a été changé), qui ne l’a jamais dit à son mari volage, et père de leurs deux enfants : « Il le prendrait très mal, alors j’ai une cachette, et je prends la PrEP le soir quand il part travailler au restaurant. »
Beaucoup de mythes et de superstitions circulent aussi. Autour de Rahima, on regarde avec méfiance celles qui prennent un médicament mais affirment ne pas être contaminées. On les soupçonne de cacher leur séropositivité, ou de prendre une contraception. Pis, on croit capable cette pillule d’inoculer le virus. « Au début, j’étais effrayée, mais plus j’ai reçu d’informations, plus j’y ai cru, raconte cette jeune femme menue qui travaille dans un magasin de réparation d’ordinateurs. J’ai eu des effets secondaires, des maux de tête, mais seulement pendant quelques jours, comme on me l’avait dit. »
Episode 3 Comment la circoncision a conquis l’est et le sud de l’Afrique dans la lutte contre le VIH
Même lorsqu’elles acceptent la PrEP, raconte Lilian Otiso, de LVCT Health, rien n’est gagné. Le taux d’abandon peut atteindre 75 % « soit parce que la personne a peur des effets secondaires, soit parce qu’elle finit par penser qu’elle ne court plus de risque, soit encore parce qu’elle se lasse de prendre une pilule tous les jours ». Heureusement, le développement en cours d’une nouvelle version de la PrEP en injection tous les deux mois fait naître de nouveaux espoirs au sein de la communauté médicale kényane.
Cet article fait partie d’une série réalisée dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec Unitaid.
Sommaire de notre série Sida, les nouvelles armes de l’Afrique
Dépistage, prévention, traitement et recherche : Le Monde Afrique propose une série de reportages, décryptage et interview pour raconter l’énorme travail de terrain réalisé sur tout le continent.
Présentation de notre série Sida, les nouvelles armes de l’Afrique
Episode 1 Du sexe et des tests pour les prostituées de Ouaga
Episode 2 « En Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, une personne sur deux ignore encore si elle est séropositive »
Episode 3 Comment la circoncision a conquis l’est et le sud de l’Afrique dans la luttre contre le VIH
Episode 4 Un cachet révolutionnaire pour protéger les jeunes Kényanes très exposées au VIH
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newscheckz · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/wp/men-golden-breast-part-six/
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Admin, it is at this point when i came to realize some of these shemales are just men who failed to get rid of their breast and that’s why they have a fully functional and normal dick but also have breasts as well.
I was not only after a kiss but also determined to have my day and make love to her so as to make sure that our love journey have kicked off.
I did not struggle much and after some deep kissing; she was lost in happiness as i caressed her all the sensitive body parts: where finally I managed to land my hands in her pant and begin romancing her pussy.
She was wet already and decided not to waste any valuable time as she was ready to eat. I removed her blouse that she had and then proceeded to the skirt and she was now left with her under pants only.
For me, i had only my sport short pant but no underwear and I had a baggy sport vest. I removed her underwear as i also removed my short sport pant but did not remove my top baggy sport vest.
I again started caressing her while kissing her deep, till we were all in the mood of sex, and i finally slided my dick inside her pussy.
She was sweet as i pushed my dick inside slowly while she was moaning. She was not virgin but i didn’t care as my only wish was to have her. I had finally done it.
She was now mine after a few minutes of pumping we both released and cum at same time, it was a good moment. She then requested to go as she would be late. I showed her way to bathroom for shower and then prepare herself to leave.
She bid goodbye to the rest and i escorted her to get a matatu back to her home…  We lived in different towns.
That was our beginning of our long-term relationship that proceeded well as we met several times after that, and finally got married in 2010. After several years later of our relationship.
To me, it was love at first sight and finally I had got the one who had true love for me and never bothered about my condition even after discovering my little secret, she just ignored and concentrated on the relationship.
She however one time decided to ask me why one of my breasts is bigger than the other, and i was just honest, explained to her the situation how it happened, and that it is a rare situation in men but he should not worry as it will soon come to an end since i was working on it to get rid of it.
I know there are men who are facing this condition just like me though in different scenarios..
When i got married to her, i would still find some time alone while she was not home to crush my tit as she had train in early childhood education and she worked as nursery teacher. At this point of time, the remaining breast had decreased too much in size.
  In 2011, i got a job in the gulf countries, this is after my services as an accounts assistant were terminated and had been jobless for almost 1year.
The opportunity came to me as new door being opened for me. My financial status was completely grounded.
There were several things to do before traveling and all needed money, but because God was opening the new chapter for me, i managed to overcome every challenge with the help my family and few good friends who stood by me during my difficult times.
When traveling to the gulf countries, usually there is a medical test that the travel agency will need you to perform to ascertain your health status before proceeding with the Visa process.
I didn’t have any problem with my health as i knew I’m perfectly ok. But my only worry was my left breast, though it had reduced in size, it was still not looking normal for a man and i couldn’t take off my shirt In front of other people.
I did not discourage myself, i paid for the medical test. I was then scheduled for the test in one hospital within our city which i attended.
At the hospital,l i met the representative of our agent who had a list of those who were attending the medical.
When all people arrived we were directed to a waiting room where we were supposed to wait and only go in the testing room when your name is called.
One by one, we were called in. My turn also came to go in. The first test was a blood test. They took my blood sample for testing, then i was given two small bottles to bring my urine and stool for sampling.
I was then told to proceed to another room for chest x-ray where i was told to take off my shirt and was given an apron to wear and cover my chest.
After the x-ray we were to stay and wait for our medical results before going home.
When the test results were out after about 2hrs later, we were again called one by one to get our results from the Dr. in charge.
All my results were perfect except for the x-ray which revealed i had a swollen mass on my left side breast.
The Dr. inquired from me about the condition and i explained to him. He then made a final report that I was fit to travel and also put the remarks of my breast mass on the left side but because it was not a disease, this could not make someone not to go to work. I was cleared.
I went home a happy man and explained to my wife about the whole issue and also told her that now i was fit to travel.
She was excited by the whole issue but also sad on the other side as she have to wait for 2yrs before we can meet again after I travel.
Working in the gulf is another challenge for couples especially for young couples, who are still enjoying their new marriage time.
But i had no option since i had try all means to secure a job locally but was not lucky for the past 1year.
Two weeks later after my medical test, i received a call from my agent that my Visa was ready and have to clear my balance for the agency fees/ Visa Commission to get my ticket as soon as possible.
I contacted my Dad who was my main helper on the issue and helped me raise the required amount. After 3 days, i paid the full amount.
3 days later my flight ticket was ready and was informed that i can download from my email both ticket and Visa and had 3 days to prepare and travel to Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where we were to board our flight to Dubai.
On my preparation, i did not forget my crushing sticks. I carried them along with me so that i would not stop crushing till i completely get rid of the breast.
When traveling, i was in the company of other 7 guys so we were 8 people in total.
When we landed in Dubai, it was almost 24.00hrs midnight and someone was there to pick us from the airport to our destined accommodation.
After about an hour drive, we were at the company accommodation where we were received by the management in charge and shown to our rooms.
One single room accommodated six people with 3 double deckers and since it was midnight we went straight to bed and sleep.
We were waken up at around 6am to go for our tea as breakfast hours were to close by 7am. After breakfast we were called to the accommodation management Office where we were allocated our new company employment numbers that we should use for any company communication and queries.
We were also given food coupons which we will use to get food from the company mess for breakfast, lunch and dinner for full month.
The food coupon is given for monthly basis and without a coupon you can’t get food. We were then allowed to go back to our rooms and rest.
In the evening we were called again and informed that our medical test is scheduled for the next day so we have to be ready and report to the office by 7am…the next day.
I was again worried of my condition and hoped that it will not be a barrier for me to take my new job.
Same test like which we did in Kenya was conducted on us all, but we were not to wait for our results as they are directly sent to your employer or sponsor of the test.
However, my test turned out to be fine and the next day we were scheduled for our induction of the company in head office of the company.
We were therefore told to get ready the next day by 7am to go to head office for induction.
The next morning after breakfast, we headed to the head office and we were taken to a boardroom where the induction was to be conducted.
The induction was in English. So it was not an issue to me where we were given a briefing on few things about the company, management, where to get help and our work related issues.
We were also given a general test on English where we were to answer 50 general questions for 15 minutes and also given a title about something to write a composition.
I received a tilted to write about my pet. To me, it was not a big deal and i scored excellent marks.
After that induction, the next to follow was to be deployed to our work area where we were supposed to undergo another training of 3 days before we can fully begin our duties.
The job was not a well-paying but because we Kenyans lack good job opportunities back home, we are left with no options.
Sometimes i used to ask myself if I’m the same accountant who was now exposed to manual work which best qualified for a standard 8 pupil or a form 4 drop-out; but alaas! There i was with all my qualifications but have to bend and do it.
Sometimes i would be supervised by a person especially the Asians who even can’t construct a good sentence in English grammar and i would just look at him, without any comment because he is my senior by position. i just accept the situation and move on.
During my stay in the gulf, i tried several places to secure a good job of my status but was not lucky to get one even after attending several open interviews and online applications.
During my 2 years of stay in the gulf, i used to continue with my crushing since i could get enough time to do the exercise.
I also joined a gym session so as to build my muscles and strong chest and try to hide the breast under the muscles, which did work properly for me to bring my chest in good shape.
Gradually the breast reduced at a great speed such that by the end of the 2years, my chest was completely okay and well built.
This time, i could stand on a mirror and look at myself and see a man In front of me standing with a well-built muscle chest. I was happy for myself as my efforts had finally bear the fruits i was longing to see.
After the end of my 2 years contract, i terminated my contract and decided to go back home and look for a better opportunity.
Reaching home, my wife could notice the challenges in me and she was so happy to see a well-built man in her arms; now without any defect on his body but just a handsome man.
Though my struggle was tough and challenging i finally managed to yield what I wanted.
My advice to all parents, especially the father, watch your boys as they turn to adolescence so that if you notice him with such condition and he have no Idea what to do please guide him, help him get rid of the tits at the earliest stages possible. For the boys who don’t get this problem of Gynecomastia, they have nothing to worry as they are fine.
For the single mothers in this platform you can also observe your boys as they grow up to adolescence stage and see if they get this condition.
You can as well tell him to get rid of them by crushing the tits at the earliest stages possible to avoid embarrassment in future.
It will be disturbing to both you and your child being in such condition where he will have to live with it for the rest of his life and would be man with breasts.
Some boys get help from friends or older relatives who help to show them how they can wipe out the tits at an earlier stage when they begin to grow on their chest..
From this experience i came to understand why we have shemales, as men can also grow breast just like women yet they have a fully functioning penis.
Those who have money, can undergo a surgery and have the breast tissues removed. But if your family can’t afford it, you will have to go it the hard way or live with the embarrassment all your life.
Recently, i saw an interview by a certain blog on the same condition for a boy whose mother was appealing for financial help to have her boy undergo a surgery to get rid of the problem so that he can pursue his dreams of becoming an international footballer.
Thank you for reading my life story. I hope it will help someone else with same condition or escape the condition in future.
That’s My Side of The Story. #THE END
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newscheckz · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/men-golden-breast-part-six/
Admin, it is at this point when i came to realize some of these shemales are just men who failed to get rid of their breast and that’s why they have a fully functional and normal dick but also have breasts as well.
I was not only after a kiss but also determined to have my day and make love to her so as to make sure that our love journey have kicked off.
I did not struggle much and after some deep kissing; she was lost in happiness as i caressed her all the sensitive body parts: where finally I managed to land my hands in her pant and begin romancing her pussy.
She was wet already and decided not to waste any valuable time as she was ready to eat. I removed her blouse that she had and then proceeded to the skirt and she was now left with her under pants only.
For me, i had only my sport short pant but no underwear and I had a baggy sport vest. I removed her underwear as i also removed my short sport pant but did not remove my top baggy sport vest.
I again started caressing her while kissing her deep, till we were all in the mood of sex, and i finally slided my dick inside her pussy.
She was sweet as i pushed my dick inside slowly while she was moaning. She was not virgin but i didn’t care as my only wish was to have her. I had finally done it.
She was now mine after a few minutes of pumping we both released and cum at same time, it was a good moment. She then requested to go as she would be late. I showed her way to bathroom for shower and then prepare herself to leave.
She bid goodbye to the rest and i escorted her to get a matatu back to her home…  We lived in different towns.
That was our beginning of our long-term relationship that proceeded well as we met several times after that, and finally got married in 2010. After several years later of our relationship.
To me, it was love at first sight and finally I had got the one who had true love for me and never bothered about my condition even after discovering my little secret, she just ignored and concentrated on the relationship.
She however one time decided to ask me why one of my breasts is bigger than the other, and i was just honest, explained to her the situation how it happened, and that it is a rare situation in men but he should not worry as it will soon come to an end since i was working on it to get rid of it.
I know there are men who are facing this condition just like me though in different scenarios..
When i got married to her, i would still find some time alone while she was not home to crush my tit as she had train in early childhood education and she worked as nursery teacher. At this point of time, the remaining breast had decreased too much in size.
  In 2011, i got a job in the gulf countries, this is after my services as an accounts assistant were terminated and had been jobless for almost 1year.
The opportunity came to me as new door being opened for me. My financial status was completely grounded.
There were several things to do before traveling and all needed money, but because God was opening the new chapter for me, i managed to overcome every challenge with the help my family and few good friends who stood by me during my difficult times.
When traveling to the gulf countries, usually there is a medical test that the travel agency will need you to perform to ascertain your health status before proceeding with the Visa process.
I didn’t have any problem with my health as i knew I’m perfectly ok. But my only worry was my left breast, though it had reduced in size, it was still not looking normal for a man and i couldn’t take off my shirt In front of other people.
I did not discourage myself, i paid for the medical test. I was then scheduled for the test in one hospital within our city which i attended.
At the hospital,l i met the representative of our agent who had a list of those who were attending the medical.
When all people arrived we were directed to a waiting room where we were supposed to wait and only go in the testing room when your name is called.
One by one, we were called in. My turn also came to go in. The first test was a blood test. They took my blood sample for testing, then i was given two small bottles to bring my urine and stool for sampling.
I was then told to proceed to another room for chest x-ray where i was told to take off my shirt and was given an apron to wear and cover my chest.
After the x-ray we were to stay and wait for our medical results before going home.
When the test results were out after about 2hrs later, we were again called one by one to get our results from the Dr. in charge.
All my results were perfect except for the x-ray which revealed i had a swollen mass on my left side breast.
The Dr. inquired from me about the condition and i explained to him. He then made a final report that I was fit to travel and also put the remarks of my breast mass on the left side but because it was not a disease, this could not make someone not to go to work. I was cleared.
I went home a happy man and explained to my wife about the whole issue and also told her that now i was fit to travel.
She was excited by the whole issue but also sad on the other side as she have to wait for 2yrs before we can meet again after I travel.
Working in the gulf is another challenge for couples especially for young couples, who are still enjoying their new marriage time.
But i had no option since i had try all means to secure a job locally but was not lucky for the past 1year.
Two weeks later after my medical test, i received a call from my agent that my Visa was ready and have to clear my balance for the agency fees/ Visa Commission to get my ticket as soon as possible.
I contacted my Dad who was my main helper on the issue and helped me raise the required amount. After 3 days, i paid the full amount.
3 days later my flight ticket was ready and was informed that i can download from my email both ticket and Visa and had 3 days to prepare and travel to Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where we were to board our flight to Dubai.
On my preparation, i did not forget my crushing sticks. I carried them along with me so that i would not stop crushing till i completely get rid of the breast.
When traveling, i was in the company of other 7 guys so we were 8 people in total.
When we landed in Dubai, it was almost 24.00hrs midnight and someone was there to pick us from the airport to our destined accommodation.
After about an hour drive, we were at the company accommodation where we were received by the management in charge and shown to our rooms.
One single room accommodated six people with 3 double deckers and since it was midnight we went straight to bed and sleep.
We were waken up at around 6am to go for our tea as breakfast hours were to close by 7am. After breakfast we were called to the accommodation management Office where we were allocated our new company employment numbers that we should use for any company communication and queries.
We were also given food coupons which we will use to get food from the company mess for breakfast, lunch and dinner for full month.
The food coupon is given for monthly basis and without a coupon you can’t get food. We were then allowed to go back to our rooms and rest.
In the evening we were called again and informed that our medical test is scheduled for the next day so we have to be ready and report to the office by 7am…the next day.
I was again worried of my condition and hoped that it will not be a barrier for me to take my new job.
Same test like which we did in Kenya was conducted on us all, but we were not to wait for our results as they are directly sent to your employer or sponsor of the test.
However, my test turned out to be fine and the next day we were scheduled for our induction of the company in head office of the company.
We were therefore told to get ready the next day by 7am to go to head office for induction.
The next morning after breakfast, we headed to the head office and we were taken to a boardroom where the induction was to be conducted.
The induction was in English. So it was not an issue to me where we were given a briefing on few things about the company, management, where to get help and our work related issues.
We were also given a general test on English where we were to answer 50 general questions for 15 minutes and also given a title about something to write a composition.
I received a tilted to write about my pet. To me, it was not a big deal and i scored excellent marks.
After that induction, the next to follow was to be deployed to our work area where we were supposed to undergo another training of 3 days before we can fully begin our duties.
The job was not a well-paying but because we Kenyans lack good job opportunities back home, we are left with no options.
Sometimes i used to ask myself if I’m the same accountant who was now exposed to manual work which best qualified for a standard 8 pupil or a form 4 drop-out; but alaas! There i was with all my qualifications but have to bend and do it.
Sometimes i would be supervised by a person especially the Asians who even can’t construct a good sentence in English grammar and i would just look at him, without any comment because he is my senior by position. i just accept the situation and move on.
During my stay in the gulf, i tried several places to secure a good job of my status but was not lucky to get one even after attending several open interviews and online applications.
During my 2 years of stay in the gulf, i used to continue with my crushing since i could get enough time to do the exercise.
I also joined a gym session so as to build my muscles and strong chest and try to hide the breast under the muscles, which did work properly for me to bring my chest in good shape.
Gradually the breast reduced at a great speed such that by the end of the 2years, my chest was completely okay and well built.
This time, i could stand on a mirror and look at myself and see a man In front of me standing with a well-built muscle chest. I was happy for myself as my efforts had finally bear the fruits i was longing to see.
After the end of my 2 years contract, i terminated my contract and decided to go back home and look for a better opportunity.
Reaching home, my wife could notice the challenges in me and she was so happy to see a well-built man in her arms; now without any defect on his body but just a handsome man.
Though my struggle was tough and challenging i finally managed to yield what I wanted.
My advice to all parents, especially the father, watch your boys as they turn to adolescence so that if you notice him with such condition and he have no Idea what to do please guide him, help him get rid of the tits at the earliest stages possible. For the boys who don’t get this problem of Gynecomastia, they have nothing to worry as they are fine.
For the single mothers in this platform you can also observe your boys as they grow up to adolescence stage and see if they get this condition.
You can as well tell him to get rid of them by crushing the tits at the earliest stages possible to avoid embarrassment in future.
It will be disturbing to both you and your child being in such condition where he will have to live with it for the rest of his life and would be man with breasts.
Some boys get help from friends or older relatives who help to show them how they can wipe out the tits at an earlier stage when they begin to grow on their chest..
From this experience i came to understand why we have shemales, as men can also grow breast just like women yet they have a fully functioning penis.
Those who have money, can undergo a surgery and have the breast tissues removed. But if your family can’t afford it, you will have to go it the hard way or live with the embarrassment all your life.
Recently, i saw an interview by a certain blog on the same condition for a boy whose mother was appealing for financial help to have her boy undergo a surgery to get rid of the problem so that he can pursue his dreams of becoming an international footballer.
Thank you for reading my life story. I hope it will help someone else with same condition or escape the condition in future.
That’s My Side of The Story. #THE END
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