#Charlie Carver playboy
thetruthaboutnolan · 7 months
So gotten a quite a few asks from accounts. Most of you were nice or just mature so I'll take the time to answer your asks without with publishing your blog names but publicly not privately. As for those obvious burner accounts that were vile, go touch grass.
Do you remember the groups you've been on?
Yes and no. I remember the groups that lasted more than a few weeks and the ones I was on for more than a few days. After Raven's now deleted callout there were a series of them I was on for anywhere between a few hours to a couple of days that I don't remember the names to at all. So I'll start that trail where I can.
Delta Prime
Now digging into this last night I noticed I was actually wrong about when I joined Tumblr all these years ago. I thought it was early 2014 (like January of that year) But now I know the exact date was December 15, 2013. I know this as looking into the first group (it was called Delta Prime) deleted the main a long time ago. However, I know character accounts still existed. Going through them I remember the face claim of the first account I ever got a reply from mostly because I had a thing for Matt Lanter for a few years around this time. So here it is the first ever post I made and the first ever reply. Can't view it from my blog's end since it was one of the few I revamped for my Griffin O'Callahan character. Because it only says '9 years ago' I went through the archive to find it and make it easier for you all to see its the same post and then see the date itself.
Anyway, there was in-character drama here but nothing out of it at least from me. The main mysteriously disappeared in mid-February and when I contacted everyone I regularly spoke to they told me that the admin was getting harassed by some of the members who complained aggressively to the admin every time they did an event and people didn't like how often they were or their character didn't have an immediate reason to care about it etc etc.
After that, it was a series of Teen Wolf roleplays that were pretty great and fun. Don't have any screenshots of this as I can't even remember the account just that I used Charlie Carver and his character from the show and had a ship with a Jensen Ackles character. I say its a series of groups as it was the same group made by the same admin who was just moving it to a new blog. She did this because apparently, and I didn't learn this til years later when I learned there were tags and blogs for rpc topics like 'rpt' and such. She was known for being insanely toxic and obsessed with the character Derek Hale. They kept getting found and she would reopen and close them til she ultimately stopped.
After that, it was two RPs I can't quite remember the names of. I just remember one has something to do with a giant red tree called 'The Blood Tree' I was there for a couple of weeks before just bouncing out of boredom. I heard it reopened years later then shut down for drama and some members made a continuation group without the admin's permission I would join when it popped up. Then the other I think was called Wolves of War or War of Wolves. I used a Stephen Amell face claim and left when someone using the actress who played Felicity joined specifically to ship with whoever was using Stephen and went mad when they saw I was already in a ship.
A Legend Reborn
After this came the first pain in the ass also known as A Legend Reborn. Now, I admit this place impressed me with how in-depth its lore was. Some liberties were clearly taken when it came to staff's characters regarding the powers but their roleplay, their choice to make their characters specifically OP. I joined taking this skeleton character and talking to both staff and all those connected to him in the bio. It was my understanding through those talks that Julian was just some former druggie playboy who was the pretty face poster boy for the Original who would be the one that taught him how to use his ability of Memory. Think photographic memory with the ability to invade and perfectly recall the memories of others. He was to slowly start being a spy for the rebel organization using his charisma and memory ability to make connections and learn skills needed to be a good spy. The players of Zach and Rachel Teer also were interested in making Julian a close friend to both of them. Close almost besties with Zach and close in a different manner with Rachel which in the game, as we posted, moved to being close romantically. Julian's Original mentor was not in play so I was told just to pretend she was 'around' and just try to avoid bringing her up so anyone who took her wouldn't feel forced into going along with something, not in the bio. She was one of the Originals that had 'all the abilities' but they were at omega or 'just learning them' levels while Julian was at Alpha or 'the highest level' with his single power and technically would have been more powerful in a sense.
Everything was fine the first few weeks here. I had plots, a lot of threads, and was talking to quite a few people on Skype. Can't remember if it has an OOC space but I know I had like six players' contacts on Skype at the time. The first event hit and I didn't know in a three-way thread you only got the activity alert for the person who reblogged you not the one who reblogged them and you had to know when that person posted. So the group I was in basically went nowhere and I was screamed out for not posting in it. Then a few weeks later came my single drama on here. Zach Teer who again was supposed to be the BBF of Julian according to the pre-accepted plotting we did and the staff approved of; had a player that was given special treatment. Now I was never told directly why, I just got various stories. Admin Mary said that she lived in the Middle East and 'I know what that place is like' so we're lucky she has internet at all. The admin I normally spoke with said she was a student in NYC and sometimes focused on classes and Mary allowed her to pass all activity checks so long as she posted anything even if it was just a reblog of a photoset. Rachel's player told me they were friends with Mary and just allowed to be active for a day or two to pass every activity check and she was used to not posting her character with her brother for at least a month before the player decided to post again. I heard her activity got a lot better like seven months after I was long gone.
Anyways, as stated numerous times before. She wasn't posting in our thread which was one where Julian was supposed to take some skill knowledge from him. Sent three messages each 7 to 8 days apart asking if she was going to post, and she said yes and she was sorry, I said forget in the last one and that I wouldn't be posting with her anymore til I trusted the activity would go up. Within hours I was kicked out for sending three messages so far apart and being obsessed with the face claim trying to get my character with her's and not playing mine right. This is funny since he was all but in a relationship with the sister. It also explained why the character that was with Zach was hostile to Julian and why the player would respond to me in DMs passive-aggressively. They revamped Julian using everything I was doing as the character to make him a former pretty boy turned spy. Other than the starting 'thing' with Rachel, they basically made him exactly how I left him off but changed his original mentor.
War of the New Age
Once I was 'invited to leave' there, I did indie RPing with some of the people I had plots with there until they were threatened for doing it. I quickly found WOTNA, mostly do regret it, but also kind of don't since I got one of my best online buds from there. This one is even more epically long so I'll try to keep it short.
Basically, I met a guy I'll call G, don't need to hide his name he has no plans to ever return to roleplaying on tumblr but happy with indie Discord RPing. But I respect the guy and if he ever changes his mind I don't want him hounded like others are who don't have anything awful to post about me. He had a character that was extremely similar to a canon I made on Sequence back on Jcink. He admits to knowing of the character and he did forum RPs before. He then later adds this to the story. We thread and plot together and everything is great for a few weeks. Eventually, G begins to complain to the main admin about something but never tells me til years later. What was this thing? Well, I moved my character too much in a post. Literally, in the post that triggered this, his character knocks on the door to my character's home. I have my character answer the door, greet his character, and then move to sit back down and continue eating his breakfast. G felt I was 'power playing in a way' as even though I moved my character and my character alone, he felt he had to react to everything my character did and move the thread along based on my direction. So Admin M takes this to her staff and a handful of people in their friend group and tells them that G says I'm forcing him into things. G admits this never was said. On my end all G asks me is if I can edit a post here and there, he doesn't say why just if I can. I'm happy to but it gets annoying on the fourth time and not being told why so I can avoid it. This only gets G more and more mad that it keeps happening and he keeps feeling a loss of control, complaining to admin M and going from asking to demanding.
Now bare in mind that at this time G and I are both talking and posting regularly. When we're both online we're chatting and posting almost nonstop. We're pretty close as friends outside of the group even exchange pictures here and there. And in the group, we're both able to post 200-400 word replies to each other within like 4 to 5 minutes. When one of us is posting, the other is typing their replies to others but we are flooding the dash and even discover that there is a limit to how many posts you can make in one hour as we both hit it a few times. We both love this. At this time there was also another drama G apparently was in but that source is questionable at best. Admin M was also taking every time that G complained to their clique and twisting what G told her riling them up. Even G knew of the clique. Another person decides to insert themselves as a way of 'helping' G and suddenly she and I are both getting really hateful anon messages. I tell the admins but they ignore me, she tells them and claims she believes them to be from me. So members start being openly hostile, the admin team is hostile and even G is being hostile to me and I'm getting told I'm hated, worthless, suck at writing, no one likes me, I'm stupid etc etc. I grew up with a father who was very abusive, verbally, physically, emotionally, and mentally. As well as a mother who enabled it as she was raised to believe the man of the house was the be-all and end-all. With this treatment, my past, and my own mental health issues, I eventually left the group willingly and it was the first time I made an attempt on my own life.
None of this is even touching on the person who I mistakenly made a co-admin of Sequence who admitted to being the one sending the anon hate to everything. Had to say whatever I could get keep that confession going. Or the drama of a stolen character that place pulled on a former clique member. And for good measure I'll include a few of me talking to Admin M after some time of having aired things out. Now these are out of order and the conversation had multiple topic shifts. They were on a flash drive that got damaged during a move so only recovered a few and I put them in order via the time stamps. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
After that I joined Mount Prospect for a couple of weeks max before it closed down the second of like four times. No drama when I was on it but the admin did steal my characters after I asked they be deleted. Did go back to it before its last shutdown and played the second character I had made there since someone else had my Griffin and became friends with that player, think Jo forgot all about that though haha. Then I had Sequence for almost six months but really is was more like four. The last two it was open my friend was actually playing all my characters as I recovered from my second RPC-triggered S attempt. After that, it was like 20 or 30 groups I joined for like a day before someone ran that call-out post to the admins and I was kicked out either because they believed it or because they didn't or didn't care but were getting harassing anons about me so I had to go. A few stand out though from that time as I had been there a while. Project Guardian, Project Gaia, and Badlands were all ability RPs I was on til they closed. Crystal Cove, I was there maybe a month before its main dead. SALUTEM, for a few weeks, nice people, still talk to a couple of the gals I met there it was just boring after a few weeks. lykos which was a questionable choice I admit. Cursed Blood, that place was toxic, Mutates, oh and Astoria loved that place but ship drama where I didn't want to do a poly relationship. and with good ol' G I were on Lynx and academy abilities RP but he left it after they allowed uber strong powers. There was a second one but can't remember what it was called for the life of me. Oh and I was on Colony 22 for a long time.
Honorable mentions that I'm sure I'll be accused of not mentioning. Empire which I was on for like 4 days. Had a few plots then got messaged by a staff member that apparently was supposed to kick me out but they didn't. They spoke to me about the situation with Raven and apologized for how it affected me. But they did tell me the other staff members wanted me gone as one was friends with Raven so I thanked the admin and told them I would luckily by suing Raven soon then left after telling my plot partners bye. I guess the other admins spread that I threatened to sue them? I dunno. I did have my lawyer draw up a subpoena on Raven's blog but within hours they had put out a post asking everyone to stop posting, commenting, mentioning, and caring about our drama. Then either deleted or private their call-out posts and it kind of sunk the case unless I wanted to go after them for emotional damage and defamation which are much harder than just showing they were a liar. Hollow Grove. A disgustingly toxic group. I already have my Google doc out there showing all the DMs I got of staff telling me one thing, making stuff up, making drama with other members and being shut down. To this day I still hear how people either really liked it there or hated it and were traumatized by the staff. Then Corinth Bay where there was no actual drama other than staff not having clear lore, deciding to change bits of lore mid-game and claiming I was 'writing my own' as if you didn't know my character was conjuring fire as a witch since DAY ONE and only brought it up and added it to the lore witches couldn't conjure their element shortly before kicking me out for 'activity'. The two who ranted about me after that were later revealed to be psychopathic stalkers and their friends blocked them.
Since then it was just small groups and my own two groups. Its been pretty fun and peaceful thankfully.
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yecgaytravel-blog · 7 years
Charlie Carver: Exist!
We love and adore Charlie Carver – and he recently wrote an interesting article for the Playboy! Here’s what he had to say:
“Remarkable or unremarkable, we queer people too resist by existing. That quiet history of existence is monumental, even alongside historic victories like the passage of marriage equality and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. While I certainly owe my decision to come…
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Personae Dramatis:
Worlds Beyond Elseworlds-Edition:
 Für den Fall, dass ihr nicht alle Serien schaut und nicht alle auftretenden und erwähnten Personen kennt, hier eine kleine Orientierungshilfe:
  Team Arrow und die Bewohner von Star City:
 Oliver Queen, The Hood, der Bogenschütze, die Kapuze, Arrow, Green Arrow, Al-sa-Him, Spectre, Mitglied der Bratva, Gründer von Team Arrow, Mitglied der Liga der Assassinen, ehemaliger Bürgermeister von Star City, ein Held
 Laurel Lance, Dinah Laurel Lance, Black Canary, Staatsanwältin, Schwester von Sara, erste Liebe von Oliver, Mitglied von Team Arrow, verstorben
 Laurel Lance von Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, Bezirksstaatsanwältin, ehemalige Superschurkin, die das Leben ihrer Doppelgängerin übernommen hat
 Felicity Smoak, Overwatch, Hackerin, Mitglied von Team Arrow, Ehefrau von Oliver Queen
 Thea Queen, Speedy, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow, Schwester von Oliver
 John Diggle, Spartan, Agent von Argus, Soldat, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow, Olivers bester Freund
 Rene Ramirez, Wild Dog, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Dinah Drake, Tina Boland, zweite Black Canary, Polizeicaptain von Star City, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Mia Smoak, Mia Queen, Darkstar, Green Arrow, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak, lebt im Jahr 2040
 Quentin Lance, Captain Lance, Detektive Lance, Officer Lance, The Detective, Vater von Sara und Laurel, ehemaliger Polizist und verstorbener Bürgermeister von Star City
 Tommy Merlyn, bester Freund von Oliver, Sohn von Malcom Merlyn, Halbbruder von Thea Queen, Geliebter von Laurel Lance, verstorben
 Lyla Michales, Harbinger, John Diggles Frau, Direktorin von Argus
 Connor Hawke, Sohn von Ben Turner, Ziehsohn von John Diggle, ein zukünftiges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Moira Queen, eine Geschäftsfrau, Olivers und Theas Mutter, verstorben
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, Geheimagent, Fremenie von Oliver
 Anatoly Knyazev, Bratva Hauptmann, Freund von Oliver Queen
 Zoe Ramirez, Tochter von Rene Ramirez
 Emiko Adachi, Olivers Halbschwester, verstorben
 Malcolm Merlyn, Dark Archer, Theas und Tommys Vater, verstorben
   Team Flash und die Bewohner von Central City:
 Barry Allen, The Flash, die Schemen, Gründer von Team Flash, forensischer Analyst beim CCPD, der schnellster Mann der Welt, der Paragon der Liebe
 Iris West-Allen, Barrys Ehefrau, Anführerin von Team Flash, Reporterin, Gründerin des Central City Citizen, dem sie sich später nach einem traumatischen Verlust hauptsächlich widmet
 Nora West-Allen, XS, Tochter von Barry und Iris, kommt aus der Zukunft um diese zu ändern, ein Speedster
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt ihren Körper mit Frost, ihrer alternativen Persönlichkeit
 Frost, Eismeta, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt ihren Körper mit Caitlin Snow
 Cisco Ramon, Wissenschaftler, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Mitglied von Team Flash, Privatdetektiv, Meta der seinen Körper dehnen kann
 Joe West, Ziehvater von Barry, Vater von Iris, Polizist, später Captain vom CCPD, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Cecile Horton, Mitglied Team Flash, Joe Wests Lebensgefährtin, Mutter seiner jünsten Tochter, Anwältin, Empathin
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe West und Cecile Horton, Tante von Nora West-Allen
 Eddie Thawne, Polizist, ehemaliger Verlobter von Iris, verstorben
 Sherloque Wells, der größte Detektiv des Multiversums, hilft Team Flash, stammt von einer anderen Erde
 Renee Adler, Erde-1 Doppelgängerin von Sherloques Ex-Frauen
 Kamilla Hwang, eine Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, Mitglied von Team Flash, arbeiter für den Citizen
 Wally West, Kid Flash, Sohn von Joe, Bruder von Iris, ehemaliges von Team Flash und den Legends
 Harry Wells, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, Wissenschaftler, stammt von Erde-2
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, Tochter von Harry Wells, ein Speedster, stammt von Erde-2
 Nash Wells, Harrison Nash Wells, Pariah, ein Archäologe von einer anderen Erde auf der Suche nach Rache
 Allegra Garcia, besitzt Lichtkräfte, eine aufstrebende Reporterin, arbeitet für Iris West-Allen, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Julian Albert, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash
 Chester P. Runk, ein Nerd und Verbündeter von Team Flash
 David Singh, Captain Singh, Polizist, später Polzeichef von Central City, Verbündeter von Team Flash
 Jay Garrick, der Flash, Doppelgänger von Henry Allen, stammt von Erde-3
 Breacher, Josh, ein Meta von einer anderen Erde
 Sue Dearborn, geheimnisvolle verschollene Erbin mit diebischen Fingern
 John Deegan, ein frustrierter Wissenschaftler
 Eobard Thawne, Harrison Wells, Reverse Flash, Barrys Erzfeind
 Shaewna Baez, Peek-a-Boo, Mitglied der Rogues, eine Teleporterin und Diebin
 Axel Walker, Trickster Junior, Sohn von James Jesse, ein Mitglied der Rogues, der größte Fan seines Vaters
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloodwork, ein Arzt und Wissenschaftler
 Orlin Dwyer, Cicada, ein Fabrikarbeiter mit einer tragischen Familiengeschichte
 Sam Scudder, Mirror Master, Rivale von Leonard Snart, Krimineller
 Rose Dillon, Top, Partnerin und Omega von Sam Scudder
 Mark Mardon, Weather Wizard, Mitglied der Rogues, Stammgeist in Iron Heights
 Amunet Black, große Nummer in der Unterwelt von Central City, hielt sich Jahre lang bedeckt, kontrolliert Metall
 Goldface, Amunents Ex-Freund, Mob-Boss, seine Haut ist mit Gold überzogen
 Godspeed, ein geheimnisvoller Speedster aus Noras Zeit
 Spencer Young, Spin, Bloggerin und Pseudo-Journalistin, die Nachrichten machen kann bevor sie passieren
 Joseph Carver, der CEO von McCulloch Technologies, Eva McCullochs „Witwer“, der Chef von Black Hole
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Mistress, eine Wissenschaftlerin, die in einer Spiegelwelt gestrandet ist
 Grodd, ein telepathischer Riesengoilla
 Alex Danvers Erde-1, eine Angestellte von Superman
 James Olsen Erde-1, Supermans schlechtester Freund
 Winn Schott Erde-1, ein Angestellter von Superman
 Barry Allen Erde-90, der Flash von einer anderen Erde
 Iris West-Allen, eine Spiegelversion von Iris, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 Kamilla Hwang, eine Spiegelversion von Kamilla, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 David Singh, eine Spiegelversion von Singh, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 Ray Terrill, the Ray, ein Widerstandskämpfer von Erde-1, der auf Erde-X lebt, Leo Snarts Ehemann
   Die Legends und ihre Freunde und Feinde:
 Sara Lance, The Canary, White Canary, Captain Lance,  Anführerin der Legends, Paragon des Schicksals
 Ray Palmer, The Atom, Wissenschaftler, Mitglied der Legends
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane, Dieb, Bestsellerautor, Mitglied der Legends
 Nate Heywood, Steel, Historiker, Mitglied der Legends
 John Constantine, ein Magier, Mitglied der Legends
 Ava Sharpe, Agentin und spätere Direktorin des Time Bureau, Ava-12, Geliebte von Sara, Mitglied der Legends
 Zari Tomaz, Hackerin, Gebieterin des Windtotems, Mitglied der Legends, stammt aus der Zukunft
 Charlie, Clotho, die Weberin, eine Gestaltenwandlerin, Punk Rockerin, Mitglied der Legends, in Wahrheit eine der drei Schicksalsgöttinnen
 Mona Wu, Wolfie, aufstrebende Autorin, Angestellte des Time Bureaus, Mitglied der Legends
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, Meisterdieb, Partner von Mick Rory, Gründer der Rogues, Mitglied der Legends, verstorben
 Leo Snart, Leonard Snart X, Citizen Cold, Widerstandskämpfer, Mitglied der Legends, stammt von Erde-X
 Nora Darhk, eine Hexe, die zu einer guten Fee wird, Damien Darhks Tochter, Rays feste Freundin, Mitglied der Legends
 Behrad Tarazi, Wirtschaftsstudent, Gebieter über das Windtotem in der neuen Zeitlinie, Zaris Bruder, Mitglied der Legends
 Zari Tarazi, Social Media Star, Schwester von Behrad, Mitglied der Legends
 Astra Logue, John Constantines Patentochter, wuchs in der Hölle auf, später sozusagen Mitglied der Legends
 Gary Green, ein Zeitagent, John Constantines Assistent, sozusagen Mitglied der Legends
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, Mitglied der JSA, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, stammt aus den 1940ern
 Gideon, KI der Waverider, Mitglied der Legends
 Damien Darhk, Noras Vater, ein unsterblicher Magier und ein Mitglied der Liga der Assassinen, zur Zeit in der Hölle
 Neron, ein Dämon
 Anna Loring, Rays tote Verlobte
 Konane, ein mystisches Werwolf-artiges Wesen, Monas Geliebter
 Rebecca Silver, Mick Rorys Pseudonym
 Lita, Tochter von Mick Rory
 Ali, ihre Mutter
 Ryan Choi , ein Wissenschaftler, Paragon der Menschlichkeit
 Ryan Chois Frau, eine junge Mutter
 Lachesis, Schwester von Charlie, eine der Schicksalsgöttinnen, residiert in der Hölle
 Astropos, Schwester von Charlie und Lachesis, eine der Schicksalsgöttinnen, schneidet den Fanden durch
   Kosmische Wesen:
 Monitor, Mar Novu, ein kosmisches Wesen
 Anti-Monitor, Mobius, ein kosmisches Wesen, sein Gegenstück
 Jim Carrigan, Spectre, will seinen Mantel weitergeben
   Die Bewohner von Gotham:
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, die Beschützerin von Gotham, Chefin von Wayne Industries, Paragon der Tapferkeit
 Jacob Kane, General Kane, Commander Kane, Soldat, Gründer und Anführer der Crows, Vater von Kate Kane
 Beth Kane, Alice, Zwillingsschwester von Kate Kane, Anführerin der Wonderland Gang, verrückt
 Catherine Hamilton-Kane, Jacob Kanes zweite Ehefrau, Kate Kanes Stiefmutter, Geschäftsfrau, verstorben
 Mary Hamilton, Adoptivtochter von Jacob Kane, Kate Kanes Stiefschwester, aufstrebende Ärztin
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Beschützer von Gotham, Erbe des Wayne-Imperiums, Playboy, Cousin von Kate Kane, verschollen
 Sophie Moore, Mitglied der Crows, Jacobs rechte Hand, Ex-Geliebte von Kate Kane
 Luke Fox, sein Sohn, Tech Support von Batwoman
 Pyscho Pirate, ein verrückter Krimineller
 Nora Fries, Ehefrau von Viktor Fries, steht auf Kälte
   Erde 38:
 Team Supergirl und die Bewohner von National City:
 Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, Agentin des DEO, Gründerin der Superfriends, Kryptonierin, Reporterin, Paragon der Hoffnung
 Alex Danvers, Leiterin des DEO, Ziehschwester von Kara Danvers, Mitglied der Superfriends
 J’onn J’onzz, der Marsianer, Martian Manhunter, ehemaliger Direktor des DEO, Privatdetektive, letzter grüner Marsianer, Mitglied der Superfriends, Paragon der Ehre
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, Brainy, Mitglied der Legion der Superhelden, Agent des DEO, Mitglied der Superfriends, eine synthethische Lebensform
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, Reporterin, Außerirdische mit Traumkräften, Mitglied der Superfriends
 Winn Schott, ehemaliger Agent des DEO, Mitglied der Superfriends, Informatiker, ging in die Zukunft
 Mon-El, Valor, Prinz von Daxam, ehemaliges Mitglied der Superfriends, ehemaliger Agent des DEO, Gründer der Legion of Superheroes, ging in die Zukunft, Karas große Liebe
 James Olsen, ehemaliges Mitglied der Superfriends, Fotograph
 Lena Luthor, eine Geschäftsfrau und Wissenschaftlerin, Freundin von Kara
 Andrea Rojas, Arcata, Soldatin von Leviathan, eine Geschäftsfrau, Karas Chefin
 William Dey, ein berühmter Reporter, Kollege von Kara
 Kelly Olsen, James Olsens Schwester, Soldatin und Therapeutin, Alex Danvers Partnerin
 Russell Rogers, Rip Roar, ein Soldat von Leviathan, vermutlich tot
 Lex Luthor, Bruder von Lena Luthor, Geschäftsmann, Wissenschaftler, Mann von Morgen, Intimfein von Superman, stahl den Mantel des Paragons der Wahrheit für sich
 Lillian Luthor, Mutter von Lex Luthor, Adoptivmutter von Lena Luthor, Anführerin von Cadmus
 Livewire, Leslie Willies, Angestellte von CatCo, später Superschurkin, verstorben
 Winslow Schott, Toyman, Vater von Winn Schott, Spielzeugmacher und Superschurke, verstorben
 Rama Khan, ein Anführer von Leviathan
 Gamanea, eine Anführerin von Leviathan
 Eliza Danvers, Ärztin, Mutter von Alex, Ziehmutter von Kara
 Jeremiah Danvers, ihr Ehemann, assoziert mit Cadmus und dem DEO, verschollen
 Cat Grant, Gründerin von CatCo, Pressesprecherin, Reporterin, Karas ehemalige Chefin
 Clark Kent, Kal-El, Superman, ein Reporter, Cousin von Supergirl
 Lois Lane, Reporterin, Ehefrau von Clark Kent, Mutter seines Sohnes
 Martha Kent, Ziehmutter von Clark Kent, Farmerin
 Jonathan Samuel Kent, Sohn von Lois Lane und Clark Kent, Halbkryptonier
 Lana Lang, Clarks Ex-Freundin aus Smallville
   Bewohner von Erde-96:
 Clark Kent von Erde 96, Kal-El, Superman einer anderen Erde, sieht verwirrender Weise aus wie Ray Palmer, der originale Paragon der Wahrheit
 Jason White, Sohn von Lois Lane und Clark Kent von Erde-96
 Lois Lane von Erde-96, Jasons verstorbene Mutter
 Richard White, Jason Whites Stiefvater
   Von anderen Erden:
 Leonard Snart K.I, K. I. einer alternativen Waverider, von Erde 74
 MickRory, ehemaliger Verbrecher und erfolgloser Schriftsteller an Bord der alternativen Waverider, von Erde-74
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, ein Vigilant mit Handicap von einer anderen Erde, von Erde-99
 Courtney Whitmore, Stargirl, eine Highschoolschülerin von einer anderen Erde
 Freeland (TUD5 und Earth Prime):
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held von einer anderen Erde
 Lynn Stewart, seine Frau
 Anissa Pierce, Thunder, Blackbird, seine ältere Tochter
 Jennifer Pierce, Lightning, seine jüngere Tochter
 Peter Gambi, Jeffersons Ersatzvater, ehemaliger ASA Agent
 TC, Terrence Carson, ein Meta der mit Computern reden kann
 Tobias Whale, ein unsterblicher Unterweltboss, der Jeffersons Vater ermordet hat
 Agent Odell, der Leiter der ASA
 Tyson Sykes, Gravedigger, der erste Meta, der von der US Regierung geschaffen wurde, Jeffersons Großvater, arbeitet für Markovia
 Latavious Johnson, Lala, der Chef der Unterwelt von Freeland (im Moment)
 Bill Henderson, der Captain der Polizei von Freeland
 Dr. Helga Chase, eine verrückte Wissenschaftlerin, entführt von Markovia
 Grace Choi, eine Gestaltenwandlerin, Anissas Geliebte
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