#Charlie Carver out actor
The Schrödinger's SPN Revival
So, recently there’s been a lot of talk on here and twitter because a couple articles have been published citing Jared and Jensen (or just Jensen in one POS article) mentioning discussing possibilities for a revival. Does this make it any more likely to happen or closer to being realized? I don’t know, but the guys have been mentioning it off and on for years already, so I’m not sure it’s any more likely now than it ever was. Also, with networks and the whole industry in seeming disarray, even if J2 want to get a revival going, I’m not sure it will happen.
But, let’s speculate anyway. Shall we?
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(I CANOT get the link to work for some reason!!)
My thoughts on this, under the cut.
I’m no authority on anything in the TV industry, but I have watched our little show a lot, so I have thoughts. Let’s take look at each person on this poll.
Kripke - Obviously, he understands Sam and Dean. He created them after all. But, would I trust him with the revival? Well, judging by The Boys, he seems more focused on shock value than tight storytelling these days, so I’m not sure I would want to see an SPN on a streamer that he ran. It might become a case of all fireworks and little to no heart. Also, if he had ended the series in Season 5, both Sam and Dean would have been trapped in the cage forever. Not exactly a happy ending. Still, is he capable of manning a revival snd doing a decent job? Yes. Would I totally trust him with it? Maybe. Maybe not. Do I think he even has time to do it? Not really.
Jensen - Come on, people! If you want him to reprise his role as Dean, then he isn’t going to be the showrunner. Also, he’s an actor, not a writer, so it’s not even in his wheelhouse. So, no. This wouldn’t be a good idea. And after The Winchesters, I think it’s extremely unlikely that he’d be put at the helm in this way. The only upside to Jensen being a show runner? We know damn well Destiel would be ignored as vigorously as it deserves.
Robbie Thompson - Exhibit One: The Winchesters. So, no. Also, while he has written some episodes that I like of SPN, he was always trying to make the show something it wasn’t, whether it was Fairytale time with Charlie or trying to shoehorn romance into a platonic brother love story, he’s shown that he shouldn’t be trusted with the OG show in a position of power.
Sera Gamble - Season 6 while having some absolute bangers, was also a bit of a mess in some ways. And Season 7 was more so. How much of this was due to Gamble hersel and how much was due to Singer tugging at the reins, I don’t know. She is a proven showrunner, so I believe she could do it. She actually understands and enjoys Sam, so that would be a huge relief for those of us who actually care about Sam and want to see him get his due on screen. Also, she has never written Dean badly from my observations, despite certain past claims by “some people” on women not writing male dialogue well. In a lot of ways, I think she could be a good choice. But, would she be interested even? I have no clue.
Andrew Dabb - NEXT!!
Jeremy Carver - For reasons relating to Season 11, I would like to see him helm a revival. He can clearly follow through with a connected and coherent arc. However, for reasons relating to Season 8, where he had characters do a few hugely out of character things for the story’s sake? No. For Season 10 snd the bore thst it was for me personally (though that potentially had something to do with pressure that came from Singer)? No. All in all. I think he’d be capable of ruining a revival, but something tells me he isn’t particularly interested and they guys may not be that ready to chose him, either (purely just my gut).
Robert Singer - No. I believe he interfered with Gamble and Carver’s plans; I just don’t know to what extent. And worst of all, he did nothing to help steer Dabb away from the mess that was much of Seasons 12 to 15. Also, he’d probably bring Buck-Lemming with him. And can I just say a big, “Fuck no,” to that.
Again, all of this is just me rambling. I have no real idea how likely any of them would be to come back for a revival. And I also don’t know how much J2 would want any of them to run a revival, or whether they’d want to just get someone new who might be more likely to listen to their ideas. I don’t even know if J2 would have an easy time agreeing on who would make a good show runner from that list because I think they might not even agree on who they considered to be better writers, or be better candidates to showrunner. For example, I think Jared might be more enthusiastic about Gamble than Jensen would. And Jensen would probably welcome Singer more than Jared would. Again, I don’t know any of this for certain, but it just my impression based off of things they’ve said over the years.
If a revival happens what do I want?
First, it sounds to me like if there is one, J2 want to be a big part of it with Sam and Dean as central focus. This is what I would want. I watched the show for them. I stuck it out through the rough seasons for them. The only way I would watch a revival was if it heavily featured both Sam and Dean. Second, I think I would enjoy if they did a revival during the years (according to J2) between Episodes 19 snd 20. I would like this because it would make the likelihood of angel or demon interference minimal. And this would be the more likely scenario for us to get a more old-school creature hunting revival. We could still see Jody and co for those who care about that. There would be no need for Cas or Jack to show up, which I would prefer. Yet, it would be easy enough for them to make a brief appearance if J2 wanted to pander in that way. Also, I’m so very sick of Angel BS, and this seems like the best way to avoid it. Third, I could be interested in a bit of a prequel with John and the boys, if they could find a way to include J2 without making it convoluted and pointless. Finally, if they come back from heaven for some reason, I think it would be hard for the revival to have much in the way of stakes. And I really wouldn’t want a huge dose of Cas, which we’d potentially have in that case.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the potential revival, thoughts thst no one asked for admittedly. Lol.
If anyone read this far, what are your thoughts on a revival. If it happens, who should run it and what would you want to see happen?
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cxncordia · 4 months
Another thing that I wanted to point out is: Have you seen how gay Teen Wolf is? and not only that, how some of their actors seem to be into relationships with age gap?
This train of thought started when I realized that this poster had at least four gay guys, a bisexual and a queer man front and center while the other six were straight.
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And that made me wonder, how did we get here? Because having six male queer actors front and center sharing space with other six straight actors seems like a VERY inclusive space.
But then I started to go through their dating story:
We know that Colton, who was the first to came out, was dating and eventually married Jeff Leatham who is currently 52 years old while he is 35.
We know that Charlie Carver came out too a few years ago, but we don't know his dating history, so I'll leave him out of this.
We may infer also that Andrew Matarazzo is not straight. We don't know for sure what gender he prefers, but it's been rumored that he's queer. Some rumors also indicate he used to date a 47 year old man, but again, these are rumors.
We know Posey is bisexual. We don't know what are the names of his male partners, so I'll leave him out of this equation too.
Michael Johnston came out next and he's dating a man who is 36 years old currently with him being 27.
Froy Gutierrez, my baby boy, is dating Zane Phillips. Zane is 30 years old while Froy is 25. If rumors are to be considered, this is not Froy's first partner who has an age gap with him, as one of the issues I had with Richard Madden and Froy's relationship was the obvious age difference.
Now this would not be much if not for some key elements that I have learned about the show:
Crystal Reed (Allison Argent) is 6 years older than Posey. And I know she looks the part of a teenager but it's kinda interesting that Posey was the only "teen" in Teen Wolf back then.
The whole thing with Derek and Kate (and later between Derek and Jennifer Blake).
That thing between Parish (who was supposed to be at least 20+ something) and Lydia (who was 18 at most during the season they wanted the ship).
The rumored "kiss" between Theo and Liam that didn't came to happen because Dylan Sprayberry didn't feel comfortable with kissing Cody Christian. Mainly because they were friends and mainly because of the age gap between them.
So... am I again trying to find a thread here or is there something going on we should be aware?
I mean, I know that we homosexuals tend to get in tons of power dynamics and relationships that are quite unbalanced. And I expect that in places like my country where gay culture is still "hush hush". But not in the USA which is supposedly much more forward and inclusive: one would expect that given the openness of the culture gay relationships would be much more horizontal. And the fact that this seems to be a theme in three of the gay cast member's love life and a constant in Jeff Davis' work (another gay man) makes me wonder if there's a thread here.
What was Stilinski's saying?
One is an incident, two is a coincidence, three's a pattern, and four is enough for a warrant.
Just sayin'...
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exposewolf13257 · 8 months
i understand Ricky cornish its Gay Idol to Interview but The dude only focus On Posey Just because Posey Said he’s cute ONE time… Now You Posting about him But then not focusing on REAL gay actors on Teenwolf like Colton haynes Gay, Charlie carver Gay as Well EVEN froy is gay too But NO! Its posey posey posey posey… Quote Out Actor dished Out HES NOT EVEN OUT.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for season 11, first episode titled "Something's Coming" which originally aired on October 19, 2022. "Something's Coming" was written by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk and directed by John J. Gray. Spoilers ahead!
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Finally! The moment we've been waiting for all year is here! The latest season of American Horror Story debuted last week. This new season of AHS called "NYC" features a mix of old and new. We have AHS alums Billie Lourd, Denis O'Hare, Leslie Grossman, Patti LuPone, Sandra Bernhard, and Zachary Quinto joining some newcomers to the series - broadway actors Joe Mantello (Angels in America) and Isaac Powell (West Side Story) and television actors Russell Tovey (Being Human, Looking) and Charlie Carver (Desperate Housewives, The Leftovers, The Boys in the Band). We also have a new setting - New York City. 
Having watched the first two episodes, I have some thoughts as well as some theories about where this season is going. So, let's talk about it!
It's very rare I start a new season of American Horror Story not knowing the premise. I think not knowing what to expect is one of the main reasons as to why I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes. Speaking of episodes, let's begin with episode one, "Something's Coming". Without any fanfare, we're dropped right into early-80's New York City - 1981 to be exact. We see a pilot named Captain Ross (Lee Aaron Rosen) and a few flight attendants exit a cab and enter a hotel. While walking to his hotel room, Captain Ross is confronted by one of his coworkers, Tawny (Kelsey Lea Jones), and she comes on to him like gangbusters. Captain Ross flashes his wedding band and tells her thanks but no thanks and proceeds on to his hotel room where he proceeds to shower and dress in his finest leather gear. 
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Captain Ross makes his way to a sketchy part of town and goes into a seemingly abandoned warehouse where men in various states of undress are hooking up in darkened passages. The last time we see the captain alive on screen is when we see him being watched by a muscular, masked man dressed in head to toe leather. The next thing we see is a headless body by the river. The NYPD, including a cop by the name of Patrick Read (Russell Tovey), are on the scene investigating. And if I didn't already know we were back in the 1980's, then it was made abundantly clear the moment one of the cops made a derogatory joke about the victim who is presumed gay. It's a harsh reminder that even though this scene is taking place over 40 years ago, homophobia is still an issue in 2022. 
To make matters even more bleak, we head over to Fire Island where a scientist and doctor by the name of Hannah Wells (Billie Lourd) is investigating a new virus that is threatening to wipe out the deer population on the island. Hannah suggests killing off the remaining deer before the virus has a chance to jump to humans. With this being 1981, I have a sneaking suspicion what this new virus could be.  
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We learn that Patrick is gay and is living with his older partner, Gino Barelli (Joe Mantello). The two appear to be polar opposites. Patrick used to be married and is now living as a gay man, though he is closeted at work for obvious reasons. Gino is an openly gay and works as a journalist for a newspaper called 'The Native' which reports on issues concerning the gay community. They both have different approaches when it comes to the string of murders involving local gay men. While Patrick is content to quietly investigate, Gino wants to use the newspaper to shine a huge spotlight on the issue. There's obviously some tension between these two but they do seem to genuinely care about each other. 
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We then meet Adam Carpenter (Charlie Carver), a young gay man currently in the middle of a breakup. His friend and roommate, Sully (Jared Reinfeldt) attempts to cheer him up by taking him to a cruising spot in the park. What I like most about Adam is his innocence which is a striking contrast to many of the characters we are introduced to in this episode. He's a romantic at heart and isn't really interested in anonymous hookups.
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Adam is left alone after Sully goes off to hookup with a total stranger and that is when he sees the same muscular, masked man in the leather get-up we saw earlier in the episode. He runs away calling after Sully. Sully goes after him and is confronted by the mysterious, possibly murderous leather daddy. We hear him scream and that is the last we ever see of Sully.
Adam reports Sully's disappearance to Patrick at the police department. Adam thinks that Patrick doesn't want to help him but Patrick assures him that he does care about the situation and he does want to help but he can't and it's not because Sully is gay, it's because he hasn't been missing for more than 48 hours. He tells Adam to come back if Sully hasn't turned up in a couple of days and Adam leaves the station. 
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Patrick then goes to talk to the captain, Mac Marzara (Kal Penn) about Sully and all of the recent murders but gets nowhere. I do find it interesting that we have a POC character in a position of power who could honestly give a shit that a bunch of homosexuals are being murdered. I imagine it couldn't have been easy for him to get to the position he is currently in, yet he seems intent on shitting on an entire community instead of trying to do right by them. P.S. - I love Kal Penn as an actor and as a person but the character he is playing in American Horror Story: NYC is a garbage human and I hope we get to see his comeuppance by the end of the season.
We then head over to Neptune Baths Health Club where the resident chanteuse Kathy Pizzaz (Patti LuPone) is performing "Fever" by Peggy Lee. Adam arrives and takes a seat at the bar. He notices a black and white photo of the same leather man ran into at the park and asks the bartender if he knows who the guy is. The bartender says he doesn't know who the man is but he knows who took the photograph. He points out Theo Graves (Isaac Powell) who appears to be pretty popular amongst the clientele.  
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At the other end of the bar, Gino overhears the conversation with Adam and the bartender. He beckons him over and introduces himself. Gino tells Adam that the police won't help him but he will. He gives Adam his contact information. Adam goes to Theo's studio the following day and learns the identity of the masked man he saw in the park as well as in the photograph he saw in the bathhouse. Adam tells Theo that he thinks the same guy is hurting people and gives him his number to call if he finds out any more information on him. Theo rushes Adam out of the studio just in time for Sam (Zachary Quinto) to arrive. 
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Sam is Theo's manager and boyfriend and it only took one line (no pun intended) for me to know this guy is bad news. Sam is every besuited businessman snorting coke off the coffee table we've ever encountered in an 80's movie and he and Theo have a really effed up romance. Sam accuses Theo of using him for his money and is trying to pressure him into going the porn route while Theo is content with the type of photography he is currently doing. Theo also senses that something dark is coming, which is where we first hear the title of the episode, but Sam seems unconcerned. Meanwhile, Patrick asks Gino about the significance of a blue handkerchief (a blue handkerchief was stuffed in the mouth of the severed head found earlier in the episode) and Gino tells him about the hanky code, a way for gay men to communicate their sexual interests. Patrick then tells Gino he is not authorized to investigate the recent murders and that he has to be careful about leaking information. He asks Gino to go to The Brownstone Bar on his behalf to gather information.
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Patrick meets with his soon-to-be ex-wife named Barbara (Leslie Grossman) and presents her with divorce papers. The two of them have a pretty decent relationship considering the circumstances behind their relationship coming to an end. I also get the sense that Barbara is being as suportive as she can regarding Patrick being gay. She asks him why he married her and his answer seems genuine. Patrick, like so many gay men of his ilk, wanted to have the wife and family but ultimately he couldn't make it work. He tells her that he still loves her. It's a bittersweet scene but ultimately both of them seem better off apart than together. 
Gino heads over to the bar and chats with a regular named Henry (Denis O'Hare). Henry refuses to go on the record for Gino but he does give him a valuable piece of information: all of the serial killer's victims drink Mai Tais. When Gino goes to leave, he realizes he's been drugged. As he stumbles out of the bar, he is ushered into a car by a strange man. 
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Sam is also at the Brownstone Bar and he's talking with an up and coming actor named Freddy (John Bubniak), arranging for him to be photographed by Theo as a means of garnering him exposure. Freddy arrives at Theo's studio and what starts as a homoerotic photoshoot turns into something a bit more scandalous when Sam flips over a wooden stool and asks him to sit on it. Freddy does follow through and Sam is pleased with the photos. When Freddy leaves, Theo asks Sam about Big Daddy. Sam gets upset and tells Theo that Big Daddy is dead. It should be noted that Big Daddy was standing outside of Theo's studio and that Sam seemingly acknowledges his presence. 
Adam meets up with Theo at the bathhouse and tells him about Big Daddy. Adam is perplexed because the person he saw in the photo is the same person he saw at the park the night Sully disappeared. Theo lives to go hook up and Adam is propositioned by Freddy. Adam declines his offer for sex and Freddy heads off to the steam room where he runs into Big Daddy. We end the episode the way we started with a very bleak scene and a sign of things to come. We find ourselves back on Fire Island with Dr. Hannah Wells as she watches a group of infected deer get slaughtered by the police. It's a harsh reminder of the storm that's about to come in the form of the AIDS epidemic. 
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I'm gonna pause my reaction here and do my reaction to episode two in another post. This first episode feels very different from previous first episodes of American Horror Story. The characters, whether you loved them or hated them, felt really grounded. I really like Gino and a lot of that is due to Joe Mantello's acting. I also like Adam who reminds me a lot of myself in my earlier years. It's fun to see Leslie Grossman play someone so understated this season and I wonder how Barbara will be used in future episodes. The only character I dislike and it has nothing to do with the actor is Sam. Sam is a sleeze ball and I wonder what dark secrets he's hiding. The only character I'm truly on the fence about is Patrick. Patrick is giving me John Lowe (Wes Bentley) in "Hotel" vibes. I get the feeling he's a troubled individual but is he a bad guy? Cops, historically, on this show have turned out to be bad guys.
As for the episode itself - it felt surprisingly restrained in a way I'm not really used to with American Horror Story. As an avid fan of the show, I can also be one of its biggest critics. I've been a fan of Ryan Murphy since Popular and I have no problem admitting that while he swings big when it comes to film and television, he has just as many misses as hits. The same can be said about this show. Many would argue the show has lost the magic of the original seasons, but I think this episode is a promise of that magic returning. We're off to a great start. I just hope the writers can stick the landing at the end. 
I will post my reaction to episode two tomorrow. Until next time ...
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zooterchet · 12 days
Suicide is Painless
Preschool: SKI Sheriffs, through Katie Stevens, childhood girlfriend. The interdiction of international arrests, through the marijuana and arts community. Blocked by Christophe Stevens, theft of mail and data circuits, to defraud collegiates into writing careers. Christophe Stevens, held in national prison, alongside HJ Carver.
Elementary School: German Nationalist, the removal of elders not serving the common poor, their new class of race and proclivity. The trap of the old and poor, to repeat their lives, through children, to bring us a Greatest Generation. Blocked by Alexandra Gaetano, report of her great uncle, Joseph Biden, as under threat, and resulting strip of library and book goods, a Rabbinical shutdown of Hopkinton OSS (Office of Strategic Services).
Highschool: Central Intelligence Agency, a fat pornography actor in love with a cheerleader, seeking to serve in political science unions to prevent George W. Bush from being slandered in the press; despite being a sitting United States President, the founder of the Air National Guard; ground boots experience, at Waco, avenging the Oklahoma City Bombing, with Albert Gore on helicopter overwatch. Blocked by Jenna Williamson, through the Mossad, arrest on grounds of anti-Semitism; mocking King George, and Adolf Hitler, through class elections saluting George Washington and George Soros, two Gypsy Irish.
UMass-Amherst: Exxon-Mobil, as a Sonatech employee out of Dupont Petrochemical, real representative family member, Sarah Dupont, on campus to clear recruitment. The colonization of the Middle East, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, for future trade between Arabs and Muslims, and Jews and Catholics, with Calvinist Protestant axis strategem as center of program. Blocked by Matthew Lennox, seeking to become a Rabbi, necessitating gay sex and theft of job, to prove loyalty to MI-6.
Bridgewater Triangle: Professional MUSHer, at print of materials through MUD, MUSH, MUX, and MUCK, with cybersex and prostitutes and drug dealing; the life of a diletente in poverty, like any American under the Obama years, loading a truck and working on hard pavement, in factories and warehouses and hospital programs, buying grass and drinking beer; the hardest times in Massachusetts history, the height of the gay rights and pink pride movement, funded by Boston mobsters out of Friends Stand United. Blocked by Michael Charlebois, own father, horrified at the prospect of son visiting a Japanese dominatrix and marrying into the Japanese Imperial Family, as a hidden Noble, through grandmother, Georgette Charlebois, a Mussolinist operative out of Providence, Rhode Island.
Southern New Hampshire University: Alterna Comics, a freelance writer's career out of Boston under Charlie Baker, the new hope for the state of Massachusetts; away from nicotine bans, marijuana busts, and prostitute's sanctions, an internet led by physical obstrusive laws of location being origin of violation, without Germans or unions interfering with Massachusetts business, and open attendance of college under the Trump Era. Blocked by John Remby, seeking to marry woman courting, Kara Williamson, to cheat on her husband, a bigot out of the warehousing community, that had attempted to punk author out under 2003 referendums through Sharon, Massachusetts, and the Comcast Israeli investment.
Twitter: Employ of Elon Musk, through Joseph Biden and INTERPOL. Report of spy's dealings, to inspire country.
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michaelgabrill · 6 months
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the-active-news · 1 year
Stranger Things Season 5 Release Date: Unlock the Mysteries of the Upside-Down
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It has been a long wait, but the day when Stranger Things Season 5 will finally be available to stream online has finally arrived. Get ready to go back to the upside-down because it's almost here! The return of Eleven and the rest of the group is something that fans of the hit supernatural series eagerly expect. With the promise of even more spine-tingling thrills and nostalgic 80s vibes, this is one release that you won't want to miss out on.
Stranger Things Season 5 Release Date
There has been no announcement regarding a premiere date for Stranger Things Season 5. Nonetheless, hints have been dropped in conversations with the show's stars about when the season would begin and a potential release window. According to Noah Schnapp, production could start as early as May 2023. Next, Finn Wolfhard suggested that Stranger Things Season 5 could premiere in early 2024,as per the reports. The lengthy post-production time required for Season 4 means there will be a significant lag between the filming of Season 5 and the actual release. Whether or whether Stranger Things season 5 will be broken into two parts, like season 4, is also up in the air. That wasn't done maliciously, even if the decision was met with criticism (especially after the first section concluded).
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Given the unusual length of the season, the Duffer Brothers have admitted the binge format has been introduced in order "to get it to you as fast as possible." It's unlikely that Netflix's flagship show's final season will be shorter than the previous one. Thus, the finale may be stretched out over a more extended period.
Stranger Things Season 5 Expected Cast
While there have been no confirmed cast updates for Stranger Things Season 5, fans can be assured that their favorite characters will return. Season 5 of Stranger Things should continue that trend of not including polarizing casting changes. Characters that have died or may have perished, such as Sadie Sink's Max, whose fate was left unknown in the season 4 conclusion, are likely to return as well. The following actors and actresses are confirmed to return for Season 5 of Stranger Things: - Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) - Finn Wolfhard (Mike) - Noah Schnapp (Will) - Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas) - Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin) - David Harbour (Jim Hopper) - Winona Ryder (Joyce) - Joe Keery (Steve) - Maya Hawke (Robin) - Natalia Dyer (Nancy) - Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) - Eduardo Franco (Argyle) - Bret Gelman (Murray) In the fourth season of Stranger Things, they introduced several memorable supporting characters who may return for the series conclusion. Amybeth McNulty, Tom Wlaschiha (Dmitri), and Eduardo Franco (Argyle) are all part of this ensemble (Vickie). Jamie Campbell Bower's portrayal of Vecna, the show's new primary antagonist, was the most anticipated addition. There were other stories about the release of a completely different series. - Killers of the Flower Moon Release Date: The Countdown Begins! - MHA Season 7 Release Date: Time to Start Counting Down Interestingly, Bower has already hinted that he may return: Let me put it this way: I know about season five. Infer what you will from that. ...according to The Hollywood Reporter. The characters killed off in the second half of Season 4 of Stranger Things are not expected to return. Eddie Munson, played by Joseph Quinn, died in the Upside Down, while Jason Carver, played by Mason Dye, was a secondary adversary. Until the afterlife takes a turn powered by Vecna, considering that Jim Hopper lived through being evaporated, anything seems feasible. Furthermore, it looks unlikely that Dr. Brenner will return for season 5 despite Matthew Modine's recent proposal. When to expect Stranger Things and related details. Stay tuned to our website, theactivenews.com, for updates as they become available if you want to learn more about this series. Read the full article
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mybrainproblems · 3 years
It's actually kinda fucked that CW has encouraged so much parasocializing with fans and the actors on Supernatural because it's lead to this fever pitch need for fans to know how Jensen feels about the confession and whether Dean reciprocates and he's in the hot seat in terms of responding and not like, the writers or other behind the scenes creatives.
Because yeah Jensen has put a lot of himself into Dean but ultimately it's the writers making story decisions and the producers and network guiding that as well. And by all accounts, he had little to no say in how the show ended and how the last couple episodes played out. (Like actually it sounds like the last major impact that Jensen had on filming/acting choices was in 15x18 which is insane and probably due to covid but also the metanarrative of it all.) So to put him (and Misha) front and center on responding to the confession and basically saying "these men are these characters and can tell you how they feel" while they're also stuck in this absolutely batshit in-universe narrative of Chuck the authorgod and the metanarrative of CW the authornetworkgod is just... well. It's a lot to unpack tbh. You might even call it an unparalleled media experience.
And like, CW and Supernatural have absolutely thrived and profited off of fans parasocializing with the actors (sometimes to an unhealthy degree) and I think there is the potential for cons to get ugly and for there to be a lot of fandom backlash because of it. I hope there isn't and I think the mood would largely be disappointment about not getting clear answers but I do think there are people within the fandom who feel a certain amount of entitlement to access and answers because of the degree of parasocializing that has been encouraged which has de-centered the writers/producers/network in the conversation even though they have the majority of the impact on guiding the story.
Not sure if all of that made sense but regardless of what Jensen has said about destiel in the past, I do feel for the guy and the fact that he has a pretty narrow "safe" path in terms of not pissing anyone off when talking about the confession and finale. Maintain your sexy silence, Mr. Ackles.
but also, pspspsps heller king jackles drop the tapes
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yecgaytravel-blog · 7 years
Charlie Carver: Exist!
We love and adore Charlie Carver – and he recently wrote an interesting article for the Playboy! Here’s what he had to say:
“Remarkable or unremarkable, we queer people too resist by existing. That quiet history of existence is monumental, even alongside historic victories like the passage of marriage equality and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. While I certainly owe my decision to come…
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stellina-4ever · 6 years
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Charlie Carver for OUT Magazine - November 2018
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vorepred223311 · 2 years
At the end of filming, the following list of male actors from Teen Wolf are locked in a room together and only one can leave. Who eats who and how?
Charlie Carver, Max Carver, Colton Haynes, Tyler Hoechlin, Keahu Kahuanui, Dylan O’Brien & Tyler Posey
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Tyler hoechin tackled tyler posely and swallowed him down to his belly while max slowly pulled his brother charlie up his ass and colton made ball bulges out of keahu ad dylan soon posley was just bellyfat carter was his ow brothers ass fat and kaeu and dylan was jizz in coltes balls colten then swallowed up max only to be swallowed by hoechin and digested
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No idea if you're still willing to be serious for 5 seconds, but do you have some big fleshed out takes about Dabb era ? I agree 100% with you about the lack of emotional weight many things had in it - I liked a lot of the themes it explored but watching the show for the characters and their relationships, that era was almost never really pleasant to watch for me ? I didn't really care about Jack, I understand what they were doing with him but they just never got me to really care about this whole new character and his storyline - they had cool side characters they could have brought back more instead (Jody, Donna, Claire, Linda Tran, Garth, Aaron Bass, Krissy), and honestly new characters like the Banes twins or Lily Sunder were much more interesting imo than Jack ever was - I did LOVE what they did with Rowena, and loved the idea to bring Mary back, but at some point they just didn't do any meaningful shit with her and it was so frustrating ? I think the only episode that was truly fully pleasant to watch for me was Mint Condition... there's just a lot of heart missing in that era (and it was plagued with constant boring Nick/lucifer shit), that funnily enough I felt was more present in Carver era despite all the continuous angst. Got some thoughts you want to share on all this ?
TL;DR my big fleshed out take on the Dabb era:
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I agree with pretty much everything you said. Seasons 13-15 are easily my least favorite of the entire show. They are a mess narratively imo, with a real feel to them like things were just being thrown at a wall each episode to see what would stick, and anything that didn’t was just wooshed away as if it never existed... except it had, and this was happening right up to the final episodes with seemingly dropped plots with The Empty, Kevin, whatever the hell happened to Adam in the end, etc. I lost a lot of interest in actively watching current episodes over that time and no lie I didn't even want to finish the show after watching 15.17 despite there being only 3 episodes left to air, because I was so fed up and done with everything that had been written by that point. I was disappointed with the writing choices that had been made with Sam, Dean, and Cas. I absolutely felt a huge decline in quality over Dabb's run, I hated how Lucifer seemed to pop up everywhere, I hated how many characters were brought back as shadows of their former selves for cheap fan service (there was no understanding of what people actually liked about the original Bobby or Charlie for example), writing of Sam and Dean seemed to change drastically from one episode to the next, continuity issues seemed to get much worse, there were some plot moments that were too contrived even for the campiness of SPN. I felt that the leader plot line for Sam really fell short of actually framing him as an actual good leader, his reactions to things in some episodes felt extremely lifeless and off to me (god bless Jarpad it wasn’t his fault he didn’t get any LINES when things happened), Dean by contrast in some episodes was reduced to to an irrationally angry person who was constantly being told he was irrationally angry both when he was and was not being irrationally angry, who was made to throw far too many lamps, and I am still bitter about how Castiel's tendency to run off to lone wolf/fall on a sword/ghost everyone/sideline Sam and Dean was never really addressed in a way that lead to any sort of resolution and change and catharsis for his character but just went on for his entire run on the show. I was excited for Mary, I enjoyed the storyline with her in season 12 but I didn't feel they showed much growth after that and it just felt like rehashing the same things, and again, just kind of directionless until they killed her off again and did a tribute episode that made me feel nothing, stuffed with scenes it was far too late to show me (not Samantha’s fault, and while I didn’t always think she was a strong actor, she acted her socks off toward the end). Completely agreed that Rowena's characterization is the one shining beacon of the last few seasons, though I would have liked to see her again after the "Queen of Hell" reveal, in the final Chuck confrontation that lives in my head.
...That said, I hate the “Chuck is the final villain” reveal as a concept. It really feels like it spits on the work of previous showrunners. It tramples on the concept of Team Free Will as the underdog group who stood up to beings far more powerful than them and came out on top by making it the machinations of puppet master Chuck. “The Heroes Journey” pisses all over Sam and Dean’s characters and the show for a cheap laugh. Then the whole meta-ness of the writer of the story being evil and trying to ruin it and killing Becky for disliking what’s being written makes me wanna tear my hair out. 
Jack... *sigh* I like Jack as a character. I really do. I think he is extremely good hearted, and I find him sympathetic, and he's a cute lil' nougat dude. In many ways he reflects Sam, Dean, and Cas (though I never see the Dean part acknowledged—their feelings about good and evil, the treatment of others emotional boundaries, and sacrifice are very closely aligned imo). I think that having a character like Jack brought into the fold could have been a great move... but it didn't work out as one overall. What I feel happened is that the thing people loved and watched all these years for, the relationships between the original Team Free Will, started to warp and distort around Jack after he was introduced. I don't like how much drama between Sam, Dean, and Cas came from this need to make them continuously circle around the concept of Jack's powers and volatility and upbringing and his place in the family and whether or not he could be saved, and whether Dean could bring himself to love him as part of the family and in what way (there’s a whole separate essay there). Significant screen time was also seeded away from Sam, Dean, and Cas and their relationships with one another for Jack's development, and then more time was also taken away for conversations between AU characters amongst each other that no one cared about and felt pointless as they didn’t do anything meaningful with these side characters anyway. These made the dramatic conflicts among TFW and TFW 2.0 even more dragged out and frustrating, and sucked more of the show’s heart out. Tbh everything felt so inconsistent at times it felt like Dabb just handed everyone a couple episodes and said, “write whatever the hell you want. I don’t care” and made no attempts to form a cohesive storyline. 
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
What's in a name? (Analysing all the names in stranger things)
*I'll be repeating some names more than once as I break down categories .
Show , book, and tv easterggs
Alot of character names may have deeper meaning but some are also refs to stories they liked. The stranger writers twitter posted a list of movies said to inspire s4 (which I’ll be referencing).
Dart- dustin names him this after d'artagenean (a 3 musketeers book character) and one of Dustin's fav candies (3 muskateers). Similarly his pet turtle yurtle is implied to be named after the dr Seuss’ story 'yertle the turtle'.
Brenner- main character from 'the birds', which was on the st s4 list.
Byers- john byers from x files. The duffers mentioned x files was an inspo for the show. Although John byers (from x files) resembles Murray as an unhinged conspiracy theorist. The documentary paradise lost was also cited as inspo for st- john byers and his son, terry, Michael, and Steve were names in said film
Jim Hopper- in Predator (another st inspo) he was a soldier who was flayed to death in the woods. Another character in the film with a similar fate was “Hawkins”.
Detective Wheeler and elle Holloway- from silent Hill franchise. Another ref mentioned by the Duffers. Holloway was the surname of st's Heather. Elle (is el) and Wheeler is Mike's surname. Wheeler was also on the ep of twiglight zone (another cited ref by the duffers) . In the ep 'mute' sheriff wheeler takes in a mute psychic girl as his foster daughter. So some hints at hopper too . Hopper even mentions el-anor (gilipse) in s1. The surname of a main character in the silent hill series.Lt. Colonel Sullivan (s4) could be a eastergg of silent hill 4 which had a Sullivan character.
Henderson- st twitter mentioned how all the bond films were on the s4 inspiration list . So Dustin's surname being the same as one of the bond characters is a nod. Duffers also mentioned ‘freaks & geeks’ as inspo- and 1 character’s surname was also Henderson (another nod).
Mrs Driscoll (from s3) - a nod to invasion of the body snatchers which was mentioned as inspo by the Duffers. And clear inspo for s3.
Powell (cop and partner of hopper ) - diehard films also on s4 list. He's named after the cop powell.
Callahan (cop and partner of Hopper) - father Callahan ref. He shows up in many of Stephen King novels. The Duffers have cited over 10 novels and books from him as inspo for st
Nancy- she's called ‘Nancy drew’ (from the novels). And the duffers have mentioned they are fans of elmstreet - who's main character was Nancy. Nancy also references 'Oliver twist" ,and that book has a character named Nancy in it. Nancy was also a first Lady in the 80s similar to her friend Barbara- who was also a first Lady in the 80s.Nancy's name might also be inspired by "Nancy Wheeler", a secondary character in the 1970 book Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret written by Judy Blume.
Fred (s4)- apparently a high-school journalist who may be friend or foe. This one is a stretch but given nancy maybe being an elmstreet ref- and her enemy being fred-die kreuger. Fred may have animosity to Nancy and that's why his name is Fred. I mean ... they even cast a new s4 character with Freddie kreuger's original actor.so...
Jason (s4) - is in the 1986 Nancy drew novel (when s4 takes place). He is similar to the duffers description. In the novel he's a rich, popular, arrogant jock and blackmailing students at the high-school . S3 even named one of its episodes after a nancy drew novel- so wouldn't surprise me.
Christie carpenter (s4/reffed in s1 by hopper)- christie is the main character in the hellraiser series (which is on the s4 st list). Carpenter is the surname of the director of 'the thing' name dropped in s3. (The flesh monster in s3 also resembles the thing) , and in s1 mr clarke watches it ,and mike has the thing movie poster in his basement.
Argyle (s4) - die hard 1-2 were on the s4 st list. And is a name of a diehard character.
Max- her name is 'mad max' like the 80s film. But since the Duffers like videogames. Her name may be a ref to max caufield from the ‘life is strange’ game as well. She has a 'never Maxine rule' similar to max in st. But the game character is similar to jonathan as she is a teen photographer and says similar words to jonathan in s1 saying she would rather watch people through a camera than interact with them.
Eddie munson (s4)- not going to lie. I have no proof of this but I immediately thought of the TV character Eddie Munster (the friendly monster ).
Possible comic book easteggs
The duffers are no stranger to comic book references. The duffers have already directly reffed xmen, wonderwoman, and green lantern. Kali's place also has a comic book ref to 'the invisibles' on the wall. While the s4 movie list mentions thor ragnock , age of ultron, and 2 batman films. Some of these refs will go over your head if you haven't read my DID theory. But a lot of this analysis will still be enjoyable. :)
Jane st ives (jane ives aka el). marvel. (jane st ives sees her dad k*ll her mom and vows revenge against him.Sort of similar to what brenner did to terry).
Stephanie harrington (Steve harrington)- 80s marvel comic. DP.7. Will DID ref. Antibody, is a medical resident who can project from his body a dark figure of himself (also called an "antibody", a word play on the medical term) that flies, can become intangible, and transfer its memories to another person by physical contact (mindflayer).  He later merges with the antibody. like how susie refs ‘wizard of earthsea’ -the novel where the young wizard Ged releases a shadow monster (said to be an ancient evil) but it turns out to be the dark aspects of his personality and the only way for the chaos to stop is to accept his darkness and merge as 1.
Barry bauman (Murray bauman) . marvel comics - Will did easteregg.Bauman lived in never ending darkness. He felt, that there was a realm outside the darkness and started to explore the entire content of his brain thus using now more than the usual 10 % .Also had telekinesis.He turned his attention to the stars in order to exact revenge on the human race which spends billions of dollars to kill each other, but wouldn't spend the mere million or so it would have cost to cure him. For his vengeance he transported the suns near our galaxy into his omnipotent brain. As the people of Earth would learn of the disappearing of the suns they would panic and feel Bauman's loneliness before he would destroy Earth.Despite the death of his physical body, Bauman's consciousness somehow survived and began hopping from body to body throughout the galaxy, his powers growing until the Star Thief was recognized as a major threat to galactic society.
Sinclair- last name of xmen rhaine.  Will Did ref. storyline Rahne Sinclair is mentally bonded to Havok against her will(Will/mf).She is subsequently manipulated by the Shadow King. Her bond with Havok causes her to act irrationally, sometimes threatening teammates, sometimes by flirting with them.  She undergoes more than one attempt to undo the bonding, with varying results. Her instability also manifests in many odd dreams, in which her identity is merged into pop culture figures. What’s funny is charlie heaton (jonathan byers) was just in an xmen movie with this Rhaine character.
Victor creel (s4)-sounds like mutant victor creed of the xmen comic. x men Mutant with ab*sive dad and poor socioeconomic background. He had a "birthday tradition" of ab*sing his young relatives on their birthdays. Which reminds me of Lonnie making jonathan cry for a week (because he forced him to k*ll a rabbit on his b-day). Not to mention Lonnie is prob coming back for Will’s b day in s4... so... the name is prob a ref to that ‘birthday tradition’. Could also be a stephen king reference -since Duffers love him. The Creel family was in sk’s book “pet cemetary’-which fun fact (the actress who plays El’s aunt is in the recent remake)!
Yuri (s4)-Yuri Topolov (Russian: Юрий Тополов) was a Soviet scientist and the first foe of the Hulk. 
Dimitri (s4)-Dmitri Bukharin was born in Kuibyshev, Russia (some sources say Moscow).  First appeared in Iron man.
Peter ballard ( s4 character) may just be a hellfire ref . since I guy with last name ballard was a double agent for the hellfire club (name of st s4 ep 1). And ballard means bald which the actor is certainly not lol. I don't think he's literally associated with hellfire but its just a ref. And because its implied in his st character summary despite working for the mental hospital-where brenner is most likely at- he's horrified by the treatment of the psych patients. So that may be where the double agent aspect would come into play.
Ian Hargrove (billy hargrove)- batman comics. had a history of mental health problems dating back to childhood, which his parents were unable to afford treatment for. His brother John hargrove tried to keep him out of trouble but Ian developed an uncanny talent for explosives (will the wise fire powers). He ends up at Archam asylum. Cough billy is Will's alter. Why he has the name billy (a nickname for William) . Jonathan in s2 mentions how he likes the writer vonnegut- who wrote slaughter house 5- the main character was Billy. Already mentioned how it connects to my did theory .
Jason carver (s4)- carver is the last name of the comic hero thunderbolt (in the flash)-the first name of thunderbolt is Will and his brother is named Lonnie. There was also a John carver in the comic.
Holland (barb's last name) last name of Swamp thing. I think its plot has quite a few s4/5 spoilers but Im not diving into it right now.
Names associated with religions or mythology 
(if you’ve read my DID theory- some themes will appear relevant in relation  WIll’s alters or to WIll’s past/tr*uma).
-‘Kali prasad".Kali  is the name of a Hindu goddess . Kali’s iconography and mythology commonly associate her with death,  violence, s*xuality, but also paradoxically -motherly love. In myths ‘she only k*lls demons’ and is described as  ‘overflowing with incomprehensible love for her children’ - (aka ST’s Kali k*lling people from hawkins lab for hurting kids). Her third eye stands for wisdom (like Will the wise).Kali is called at times ‘ the bright fire of truth’ (will the wise/fire powers).The devotee makes her image in his heart and under her influence burns away all limitations and ignorance in the cremation fires. This inner cremation fire in the heart is the gyanagni (fire of knowledge), which kali bestows (cough Will the wise-fire powers). The goddess also could create a darkcloud of lightning (similar to the mf). The phrase “brilliant as a dark cloud” is a snippet of one such prayer dedicated to Kali.The name Kali is derived from the Hindu word that means “time”. Kali receives her name because she devours ‘kala’ (Time)- like clocks ticking when El sees demogorgan/clock being wonky when Will see mf/clocks in s4 promos.’ After devouring time she resumes her own dark formlessness. “This transformative effect can be metaphorically illustrated in the West as a black hole in space” (cough mf cough hopper blackhole/time refs). Kali’s s2 butterfly-“Kali is the Hindu goddess associated with eternal energy. ... The cocoon, butterfly and the karmic golden wheel reflect Her deep connection with life.”And Prasād (her last name) is a material substance that is a religious offering to gods in  Hinduism .
-While, EL is the name of a Cannanite (male) god associated with “salt water “ (pool filled with salt in s1) who “dwelled in a tent” (in s1 Mike’s blanket fort) .And his gray-beard was described as " "full of wisdom.” él’  in Spanish means ‘he’- which could be a nod at her ( androgynous) presentation in s1. El can also be translated to "God" or 'god'. The el character has various mythologies depending on which culture/ religion is using the term 'el'. In the post-biblical period, "el" became a regular element in the names of angels such as "Gabri·el," "Micha·el," and "Azri·el," to denote their status as divine beings.And Jane translates to " Yahweh (god) is gracious/merciful". The cannanite god El was also dubbed “Compassionate God of Mercy.”  Earlier, a ninth century B.C.E. inscription  identifies Ēl- the name of the Babylonian water god Ea, lord of the watery subterranean abyss (cough watery  dark void in st). Terry (el’s mom-aka Teressa) was originally used in the Middle Ages for a “child baptized in holy water” (El in the sensory water tank/Terry used it too,according to Becky in s1). Eleanor (called this in s1)- can mean "sun ray" (possible the opposite of the ‘shadow monster’ or Kali who can represent a “black hole”). 
-Will-the s4 st movie lists (‘red dragon’, gods of monsters, & ‘blade runner’ ) mention the artist and writer William Blake  (specifically his painting of the angel michael fighting a dragon in revelations - reffed in st s1). He was one of many painters part of the exhibition of “ The World Turned Upside Down: Apocalyptic Imagery.”The World Turned Upside Down explores the myriad ways that artists in England visualized the apocalypse in a period fraught with political, religious, economic, and cultural change. 
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During this period Blake was commissioned to create over a hundred paintings intended to illustrate books of the Bible along with revelations .  He also drew illustrations for the novel Dante’s inferno. Blake’s brutally satirizes oppressive authority in church and state.He said those who proclaim restrictive moral rules and oppressive laws as “goodness” are in themselves evil. Hence to counteract this repression, Blake announces that he is of the “Devil’s Party” (cough hellfire club ref-and dissing the satanic panic of the hellfire club and other marginilised groups) . He also says “men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast.” So Instead of looking for God on remote altars, Blake warns, man should look within.He produced a diverse and symbolically rich œuvre, which embraced the “imagination as “the body of God.” He wrote his own stories based on biblical writings- one includes the fire wielding character of Los (will the wise) who represented jesus. Los (like jesus does in revelations) causes the destruction of the world and the second judgment unfolds. The poem ends with Los’s unfallen state rising up and shepherding in science and removing the dark religions. I also talked about  how this story ‘book of los’ hints at the DID theory-but this is getting long-so you can just read the explanation here if interested. Also, hellooo Both names are William B(yers/lake). Billy (a alter of Will-sharing the name William) in s3 he even wore “lady of pillar” medallion- i.e about jesus/mary.
JOHN (supposedly Jesus’ blood relative- who wrote ‘revelations’.) In scripture John was called “the disciple whom Jesus loved as a brother” .Fire is the most typical element associated with the Saint John's Eve celebration (Jonathan did light the demogorgan on fire). Many scholars consider John & Jesus ("apocalyptic prophets"). Jonathan itself translates to " yahweh (god ) has given" in Hebrew.
Michael- Similar to kali, he’s a religious figure known for killing demons. He’s the arch-angel from the book of revelations (Apocalypse). A evil Beast (with seven heads usually translated to ‘satan’ or ‘dragon’) appears .“it was a 7″ causes Will to be attacked by the demogorgan ( which in d&d is a demon with multiple heads). The Archangel MICHAEL fought and defeated this 7 headed beast/satan. Corresponding with Mike at the end of s1 writing a fictional d&d story for Will (based off defeating the demogorgan) which was about helping kill a 7 HEADED MONSTER! Michael is also the archangel who oversees on Earth the natural element of fire (Mike telling Will the wise to use ‘fireball’ to defeat this same 7 headed monster in the game, at the end of s1)! Ironically though Jesus /Christian god is also associated with 7s a lot (he has 7 angels and during the apocalypse causes 7 plagues , he has 7 candles etc .)cause the number seven, represented ‘perfection’ according to ancient numerology . Will’s b day is March 22- (3) +2+2 =7 (“it was a 7”). Will’s bday even falls in what christians call “the holy week”( the week immediately preceding Easter.)  At the end of s1 they even defeat this 7 headed monster because Will rolls a 14 (which can be broken down into two 7s). Michael & William also have 7 letters in each of their names respectively- equating to this 14. This dragon biblical story (of Michael) is also William blake’s most popular painting. Also, random fact in revelations god has a rainbow throne (with thunder /lightning -will the wise powers- coming from the throne, and seven lit torches next to it ) . He also wears a rainbow halo. Lol. Michael also roughly translates to  ( 'Who like el?' The answer being roughly translated to ' no one like el' ... which i mean literally is saying there is no one similar to her. But I still think its a linguistic pun/ burn that Mike is not actually into El romantically).
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Jim (James) hopper- According to the s3 script Hopper’s real name is James. JAMES (JIM) was an apostle to jesus- brother of john. And in the bible was called a ’son of thunder ’. Will’s powers/ hopper being an alter of Will's so technically brother of jonathan and thunder powers. Not to mention David on Instagram saying hopper has " he has risen. like bread" is a Jesus ref to 'he has risen"... even the bread ref could be a catholic ref to the last supper.
  Martin Brenner/marsha holland-  have their first name reference the roman god Mars who was originally a ‘thunder or storm deity’ (will the wise/mf powers). EL (in cannanite mythology) also allowed Baal the storm god to rule the entire earth.
ROBIN- was the God of Thunder’s- Thor’s- favorite bird. And Dustin also means ‘Thor’s stone.’The red belly robin is also an important bird in Christianity. Legend has it that the robin got its red belly from a fire in which it was trying to protect Jesus. Robin also name drops the greek god prometheus- the god of fire (will the wise) who brought human beings life and knowledge. And Steve looks at Robin and says "let there be light" a biblical passage. The robin represents selflessness for a higher truth. 
Barb- Saint BARBara- dad kept her locked away from the outside world (like el/brenner) . He tried to k*ll her when he learned she didn’t believe in his religion- so the dad was punished by “god” who electrocuted him with lightning/lit him on fire. (Will the wise powers).
Nancy- is derived from a medieval diminutive of Annis, an English form of Agnes.  There’s the christian saint Agnes- who was beautiful and from a wealthy family. She was the Christian saint of girls and v*rginity . And the duffers subverted this along with the problematic horror movie trope of the ' v*rgin female heroine surviving while her more se*ually liberated female friends are punished by the villain' ( by having her survive specifically because she decided to have s*x).Agnes was also led out and bound to a stake, but (allegedly) the bundle of wood would not burn, or the flames parted away from her (will the wise fire powers). Also people claimed that any man who tried to r*pe her was struck blind.
Hopper's wife’s name -Dianne- is also the roman goddess of ,nature, hunting and wild animals( and greek equivalent to Artemis) .Becky  means ‘snare’ -for hunting animals .Teressa (Terry) means ' huntress'.  The name was originally used in the Middle Ages for a child baptized in holy water . Name of 2 saints-Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux. Lonnie’s gf (Cynthia) was originally an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, as well.
Power couple Angela & jake (s4) - Angela means 'messenger of God". And Jake (also means ”supplanter”) is derived from jacob. Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebecca in genesis. El’s aunt,Becky (Rebecca) is wife of isaac.Other theories claim that Jacob is in fact derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect".The name jacob is also where the names James/jim is derived from.
couple Steve spies on in s3- Anna Jacobi & Mark Lewinsky. Anna ( name of the mother of the Virgin Mary) Jacobi ("he who supplants"-aka same meaning as jim since both names are derived from jacob). Mark (”the god mars”-same meaning as martin brenner) .Lewinsky (lion-same name meaning as Lonnie). Also derived from the Hebrew root לוי‎ (leví, “priest”)
Joyce means "lord". Could also be a ref to the ('unofficial') saint Joyce who gave up wealth to live in poverty.
Ted-is the short form of the names Theodore and Edward. Theodore is a Greek name meaning "gift of God", Edward has an English origin and means "wealthy guard." Eddie (from s4) also means ‘wealthy guard”
Holly (nancy and Mike's sis)- Holly meanings are 'One who is pious' or 'sacred'
Karen- can be short for Katherine-one of the first christian saints.”Saint Katherine of the Wheel “(er). A 4th century martyr who suffered t*rture on a spiked wheel.  Wheeler does mean ‘occupational name for a maker of wheels’ after all. 
Gospel of LUKE (lucas?) , or simply Luke, tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
Sinclair- Catholic saint of computers and TV screens (i mean... he is in the av club).
MAXimilian was deemed a saint in the 1980s- saint of journalists and radios. (Both aspects of s3)
Saint stephen/steven ( STEVE)-an early disciple and deacon . Considered one of the first m*rtyrs of the church.Stephen is first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food (lol icecream) .According to Orthodox belief, he was the eldest and is therefore called “archdeacon”.
Sara- Her name is a feminine form of sar (Hebrew: שַׂר‎), meaning “chieftain” or “prince."  She was the wife and sister of Abraham (ew -given her being an alter of Will though, such a name doesn’t surprise me). Similar to st Barabara’s dad - Abraham tried to k*ll his son isaac in the name of god. Becky (El's aunt) - is derived from Rebecca - wife of Isaac.
Claudia (Dustin's mom)- Christian woman of Rome greeted by Paul in his second letter to Timothy (in the bible).
Sam mayfield (max's dad) -  Short for Samuel or Samantha, from the Biblical name Shemu'el, which means "God has heard", from the Hebrew shama, meaning "heard" and el, meaning "God". Samuel is rumored to be argyle first name.
Marsha Kelly (s4)- Kelly means "frequents churches" or " bright headed". Given she's a counselor the bright headed pun makes sense. But maybe she's not to be trusted if she frequents churches during a satanic panic arc which was fueled by Christian religious extremism . Or she's someone who contrasts the rest of the religious people in town since she's not originally from hawkins...who knows. x files’ main character was catholic but in one ep she criticized a small town for the satanic panic occurring-and says how accusing these kids who listen to rock as satanic or being k*llers is ludicrous.
Peter ballard (s4) - Peter was also the name of an apostle. 
Tina (side character s2)- like christy (s4) it’s short for Christina which translates to "follower of christ" or 'stream'. Tina was the gal who hosted the t halloween party and also the name of one of Erica’s friends in s3.
Samantha (goth girl jonathan talks to in s2 party) translates to "told by god".
Tommy (s1-2) "God's gift" or "twin".Thomas is the Greek variation of the Aramaic name Ta’oma’. It came about because there were too many apostles named Judas; Jesus renamed one Thomas—meaning "twin"—to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot and the Judas also known as Thaddeus.
carol (tommy’s gf)- Carol is the short form of Caroline and the meaning is derived from the English vocabulary word for “song” or “hymn". A hymn being a religious song or poem.
Benny ( who helped El at his dinner) - originally derived from latin bennedictus which means "blessed"
Stacey (s2-3 ) rejected dustin at dance. Stacey- "resurrection "
Grigori (the guy following and tracking hopper, Joyce, and alexi)- The name was adopted by early Christians heedful of the Biblical passage located in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded; be watchful."grigory now means 'watchful and vigalent'
Alexi- prob based on the russian folklore story of alexy. A clever priest's son who tricks a dragon.
Harrington- similar to Robin's religious animal iconography. Harrington means 'he goat'.The most popular image of the Satanic goat dates back to the ever-mysterious Knights of Templar, who were accused of worshipping an idol known as Baphomet (a 1/2 human 1/2 goat man). Roman Catholic society decried it as a demon that demanded human sacrifice — but it would take a few more centuries before the goat became a truly occult symbol.Anton Lavey adopted Baphomet as the sigil of the Church of Satan in 1966, and it has appeared on countless metal album covers. But, Baphomet isn't the lone source of inspiration for our goat-like depictions of Satan.it's also believed that early Christians, seeking to demonize preexisting Pagan traditions, drew comparisons between the Devil and the Greek god Pan (god of nature), who happened to resemble a goat.Some cited how in revelations- during the apocalypse- Jesus separates the 'lambs from the goats'. ( supposedly Good vs bad)
Given the fact s3 alluded to the satanic panic. A Christian movement in the 80s that demonized and said d&d ,rock music, homosexuality, other religions, stephen King,horror films, wearing black,and non conservative ideology were 'satanic.' I wouldn't be surprised by this possible ref. Heck even William Blake criticized similar religious movements in his own time period. Several movies from the s4 list allude to this. The most obvious being the documentary paradise lost (named after the fictional retelling of satan/adam and eve story) - the documentary directly focuses on a witch hunt of rock loving teens (wrongfully accused of m*rders) in a small town during the satanic panic. Not to mention ironically s4 is hinted to be around easter. So Using such symbolism to address religious fundamentalism and the bigotry/hysteria it can cause isn't surprising. No i’m not lumping all religious people into this negative category- obviously.
Other Names with similar definitions
*Hunting /forests woods, nature, animals
Hunters and people in forrests
name meaning : becky - snare (a trap for catching birds or animals). Teressa-huntress. Dianne/Cynthia (Hopper’s ex wife/Lonnie’s gf) - is a roman/greek goddess of hunting and wild animals.  Rhadaghast- Will's password for cb is a lothr wizard who protects forests/wildlife.martin/marsha- previously god of agriculture/plants.As an agricultural guardian, he was believed to directed his energies toward creating conditions that allow crops to grow, which may include warding off hostile forces of nature (pumpkins rotting in s2). El in phoenician culture was called Elus and its Greek equivalent Cronus (god of agriculture) steve- he goat- associated with pan- god of fields, groves, wooded glens . brenner- ‘someone who cleared forests by burning’. the blond women, Brenner worked with,  Fraizer-  “of the forrest men”
* FUN FACT: Kali’s name originally was going to be ‘Roman’ (which is derived from Romulus-the son of Mars... aka Martin Brenner) .
Ives and owens- ives means 'yew wood' while Owen means 'yew tree. ' bauman- nickname for someone who lived near a tree.comes from the German word "baum," or "boum" in Middle High and Old German, meaning "tree’. Jennifer hayes- Jennifer  derived from Old English words "jenefer", "genefer" and "jinifer", all of which were variants of Juniper used to describe the juniper tree.Lonnie means "oak tree; or lion". Lion plushie in cb and the lion el has along with the tree establishes a connection between all 3 maybe? Oak groves were especially sacred to  the goddess dianna too. Buckley (it has many different translations) - Old English "boch ley" (with boch meaning beech tree and ley meaning wood, glade or clearing).
buckley if translated from "bok lee," means meadow, or field. mayfield- open country (field) where madder (mæddre) grows. Holland- wood land, Bruce (who was also possessed) - means WILLow lands . Keith (s2-3) : woods or forrest.Hargrove- meadow filled with rabbits (Jonathan’s hunting story).Holloway is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, or type of tree. Tina means 'river' . Burness (guy who claimed he jumped into quarry)-stream. Neil- cloud. Lowe (Bruce's last name)-This surname is derived from a geographical locality 'at the low,' i.e. the hill. Hayes means "hedged area'.
Flo (hopper's secretary)- means flower. Suzie-  lily flower. Susan (Max’s mom)- means lily, lotus flower or rose. Karen (in Japanese can mean)- flower, lotus, or water lily. Heather is also a variety of small shrubs with pink or white flowers which commonly grow in rocky areas.  Erica is a type of "heather" plant. martin/marsha: in the legend of Mars,his mother become pregnant with him using a magic flower- which was given to her by the goddess flora.
Bright (aka intelligent)
Bob- nickname of Robert . Both Bob and Robert mean 'bright, shinning or fame'. Aka smart -he's called ' Bob the brain ' for a reason.
Robin- is also diminutive of Robert . And we all know robin is smart too. Being multilingual/ cracking the code.Robin (like Robert) also means 'bright, shining , or fame.'
Lucas- means "bright" or "shinning" aka he's also a smart cookie. His firework plan saving the day.
Lonnie and Larry (the mayor) can both be nicknames for Lawrence which also means ' bright one' or 'shinning one'. Well... both are cunning I'll give them that. Lonnie is unfortunately ...smart. I think this detail had other foreshadowing. Joyce to Will about Will the wise ' if he's so wise why does he need the fireballs? can't he just outsmart the bad guys? " Will: " yeah. Usually. BUT sometimes the bad guys are smart too." I never understood why on earth Joyce would be with someone as awful as Lonnie in the first place- than be with his literal opposite Bob- but maybe she just found intelligence attractive?
Names associated with thunder/lightning/fire (Like Will/mf/Will the wise)
Byers-reprsents Greek Zeus (god of thunder/lightning). Martin - references the roman god Mars who was originally a ���thunder or storm deity’ .ROBIN- was the German God of Thunder’s- Thor’s- favorite bird. And Dustin also means ‘Thor’s stone.’Jim- “son of thunder”. Christian god- has throne (surrounded by thunder /lightning). Kali- could summon thunder storms.Nancy/Barb-both saints associated with fire. Kali-is called at times ‘ the bright fire of truth’ /and bestows the fire of knowledge. Robin also name drops the greek god prometheus- the god of fire. Mars -the keeper of Rome's perpetual flame . The Robin bird in a Christian story myth protects Jesus from hell's fire. William Blake- wrote about a fire wielding character of Los who represented jesus. Jesus during end times wields fire. Michael is the archangel who oversees on Earth the natural element of fire. Fire is the most typical element associated with the Saint John's Eve celebration (Saint John- called Jesus’s brother).
Animals (and their symbolism)
Byers- means ‘ cattle shed’.The Greeks considered the bull animal totem to be a symbol of Zeus (god of thunder and lighting - will the wise powers). He is the head of the gods and the almighty ruler of Olympus.  I”n hinduism, Shiva is known as Gorakhnath, means the lord of the cows.  And is also known as, Pasupathinath, the lord of all animals (similar to Rhadaghast). According to some scholars, Shiva’s association with cows and bulls might date back to the Indus Valley period. Cows have a special significance in Hinduism, as aspects of Mother Goddess and as symbols of selfless service. Mahatma Gandhi declared the protection of cows a central feature of Hinduism.Hindus worship cows as the Mother Goddess and symbol of motherhood, kindness and forbearance.”
Tigers: (Sarah’s plushie/ Hawkin’s macott/ Will & Mike have tiger posters in their rooms): The goddess Kali & God Shiva wore a tiger skin (this fact was actually mentioned by Kali in the prequel novel ‘suspicious minds’ ).”In many tribal traditions of India, the tiger (or lion) is worshipped as a god. In some Hindu hymns the domestic fires are compared to the tigers that guard the house.Tigers also figure prominently in many Indian folk-tales, Jataka-stories, and the Panchatantra.”
Lions:(Lonnie means ‘lion’ and el and Will have matching lion plushies)- In the Bible, the lion has two opposite meanings: it is compared to the Devil (1 Pet 5:8) and to Christ (Rev 5:5). Aka: Lonnie is the devil. The kids are the opposite. Nancy also compares the demogorgan to a lion. “In many tribal traditions of India, the lion is worshipped as a god.One of the ten incarnations of Vishnu is Narasimha, who has the head and shoulders of a lion, but the torso of a human.Goddess Durga, a fierce form of Parvathi or Shakti, has a golden lion as her vehicle, while Rahu, a planetary guard, rides upon a black lion as his vehicle.Lions form an important part of Hindu religious art. The face of the lion (simha-mukha) is used in images and sculpture in many Hindu temples to decorate the doors, walls, arches, and windows.The memorial pillar at Saranath  contains four beautifully carved standing lions at the top on a round abacus representing the imperial power. They now constitute the official emblem of the government of India.”
El almost k*lling a cat- “Some superstitious beliefs are also associated with cats in Hinduism. For example, killing a cat is considered a grave sin, for which one may have to offer prayers and give in charity at least seven golden images of the killed cat. “
Harrington- he goat. Buckley- has various translations. Anglo-Saxon: ‘bucc and leah’ meaning goat and wood respectively. And obviously there’s the robin-bird. And I've already discussed their symbolism. Goat= baphomet/pan. 
Robin- thor's fav bird/ helped Jesus from hell's fire.
Buckley- can also translate to " field filled with deer" (like the deer attacked by the demogrogan or the bambi film jon reffed in relation to the hunting story about lonnie).And Karen ( when from it’s Hebrew origins) can mean- antler or horn. Also the caananite God el was usually depicted with animal horns on his head.Diana in Roman art usually is accompanied by a hound (demo dog) or deer.  Because of the story of her turning an attempted r*pist-hunter into a deer/ and then causing dogs to attack him.  Deer is also one of the symbolic animals accepted since early Christianity as an allegory of Jesus Christ and the Christian Disciple. And when associated with Shiva (kali's husband) in Hindu iconography, the deer omen denotes sovereignty over nature and symbolizes the lord of all animals, humans, and the King of the Forest. In many visual and written illustrations, human beings and deer appear as close companions and in some cases, humans adopt the face or antlers of a deer, in images more common in stories of human strife. Deer also have a supernatural significance and appear as apparitions of divinity and in legends of spiritual awakening.
Hargrove- meadow filled with rabbits (like the rabbit lonnie made jonathan k*ll.) Hopper sounds like thumper the rabbit- which jonathan mentions in relation to bunnies . And ... idk... Hopper did make that pun in s3 about bunnies to Larry (lawerence) ? We also have rabbit refs elsewhere like with- el in Benny's. They play the song 'white rabbit' a song referencing Alice in wonderland and in el's room at Terry's house is the white rabbit from that story. Also paralleling to jonathan- el was almost made to k*ll a cat by her father (Cheshire cat aka Alice in wonderland ref + cats are associated with magic powers/witch craft).In Celtic folklore, the rabbit is seen as a supernatural being from the Otherworld.The rabbit symbolism in Christianity has found its way through the Germanic deity Eostre from which the name Easter came to be (s4 will most likely have the Easter holliday).One tale describes the rabbit as the pet of Jesus Christ. And rabbits were often inserted into art of jesus' mother .
Creel- basket or container of fish.fish is taken as symbolizing Christ’s faith, charity, and abundance. A biblical story goes how Christ fed his disciples with 2 fishes and called them “fishers of men.”  The Christians made an acrostic from the Greek word for fish, “ichthys” as early as the first century and it is, “Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter”, meaning Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
Names hinting at character traits (which are very literal)
Mr clarke (science teacher)- clarke means 'scholar'
Dottie (in kali's gang)- she was in an insane asylum . And ‘Dotty’ is a very old British slang term  for 'crazy'
War (usually relates to ‘villains’)
Troy- means ' foot soldier'. Martin brenner: Martin means 'war like'. Lonnie is diminutive of Alonzo or Lawrence. Alonzo means 'ready for battle'.
In contrast to Lonnie, Will can mean "desiring peace. " Axel  who is part of Kali’s crew (who i think Will created along with others ) even means "father is peace."
Tom (Heather's dad) and Tommy mean ‘twin’. Robin's crush Tammy ('twin') Thompson ( 'son of tom’).
* Besides similar/identical name meanings.There’s also a lot of other repeated names that go into this whole twin/mirror imagery which i find strange... makes me wonder about @strangertheory ‘s version of the did theory. If not...maybe it’s just a allusion to the whole Will vs Will the wise arc (possibly) coming up?
Jennifer hayes (popular girl) & Jen (Mr clarke’s gf). Tina (highschool gal) & Tina- erica’s friend- Tina & christy are also nicknames of christina (s4 character). Susie (dustin’s gf) & susan (max’s mom). Sam (max’s dad) and Samantha (girl at party)/ samuel (possibly argyle). Billy Hargrove, Bill (dianne’s new huband),  and Will-all being nicknames for William. Robin & Bob-nicknames for Robert. Lonnie & Larry-nicknames for Lawerence. Ted  & Eddie being nicknames for Edward.James (Will’s bully), Jim Hopper (real name James), jacobi, and jason- all 4 are derived from jacob . Marsha Holland (barb’s mom) and marsha kelly (therapist s4)/martin relate to mars. Tom (reporter), tommy (highschooler), thompson (other highschooler).
it’s definitely peculiar to repeat names like this in a story. Unless it means ...something... I talked about how David was mentioning alot of doppelganger/twin imagery recently-here. So the name mirroring could just be an allusion to the Will/WW arc coming up ...possibly?
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alphawolfice1989 · 3 years
LGBT Actors in Teen wolf
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adeline kane is bisexual 
She recently came out as bisexual and is dating a female dutch model
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charlie carver is gay
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colton haynes is gay 
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Gage Golightly is bisexual 
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haley webb is bisexual
Haley webb is openly bisexual and is happily married to her husband
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tyler posey is bisexual 
Tyler Posey admitted on October of 2020 that he has been romantically involved with men and women
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zelda williams is bisexual  (guest actor)
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Starring Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy Serkis, Colin Farrell, Jayme Lawson, Barry Keoghan, Alex Ferns, Rupert Penry-Jones, Jay Lycurgo, Gil Perez-Abraham, Amber Sienna, Elena Saurel, Iana Saliuk, Todd Boyce, Charlie Carver, Max Carver, Con O'Neill and Joseph Balderrama.
Screenplay by Matt Reeves & Peter Craig.
Directed by Matt Reeves.
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. 176 minutes. Rated R.
The character of Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in May of 1939. Over the years since, even though the series has revolved around crime, the whole “detective” and mystery aspects of the character have been downplayed for action.
The Batman works – a lot better than many people may have expected – because it returns the character to that root aspect. It is not all about the action and the depravity of Gotham City – although those things are very much in evidence. And thank heaven they did not revisit yet again the Batman origin story of Bruce witnessing his parents shot to death by muggers.
However, for the first two hours of the overly long but otherwise mostly extremely entertaining The Batman boils things down to the film noir basics of the film and character. For much of the film it actually does show the Black Knight doing some detecting. He is chasing down a mad serial killer (The Riddler is certainly more menacing here than he was in the old Frank Gorshin and Jim Carrey days) who is very publicly executing some of Gotham City’s most famous residents and streaming the murders on the dark web.
These parts are much more interesting than the last hour or so, when it settles into a much more standard cliched comic book movie vibe and goes on and on much longer than needed. Honestly, much of the last hour could have been left on the cutting room floor and The Batman would have been an even more entertaining film.
Which is not to say it isn’t still very well-done as is, just that after the fairly intriguing unique take on a character which has been revisited over and over again in pop culture, it all slips back into the expected comic blockbuster stuff. (Robert Pattinson is the sixth famous actor to play Batman in a major motion picture just in the last 33 years, and that isn’t even touching on the TV shows, the animated series, the Lego movies and the video game Batmen.)
Pattinson is just fine despite the doubts raised from his hotly debated casting in the role of the Caped Crusader. Still, honestly, he does not really bring anything to the character that many other actors could have as well. And the alter-ego character of Bruce Wayne, who is honestly mostly ignored in the film anyway, is played at the same close-to-the-vest numbed remove as the inscrutable Batman. Which is actually a shame, because while I realize I am in a minority with this opinion, I have always found Bruce Wayne a much more interesting part of the character than his Batman alter-ego.
However, Batman was always much less intriguing than his villains, and there is a rogue’s gallery of classic baddies (and even misunderstood anti-heroes) here. These include The Riddler, The Penguin, Catwoman and even a brief cameo appearance by another fan favorite villain.
As stated above, Paul Dano gives a deranged darkness to the character of the Riddler. (Even his costume has changed from the traditional olive green and purple to pitch black and off white.) An unrecognizable Colin Farrell plays the Penguin, under tons of makeup, but still capturing the character’s mobster vehemence. And Catwoman, as played by Zoe Kravitz, is actually something of a good-guy character here, an avenging angel who is not above breaking the law, but mostly seems to be working for good.
The Batman is receiving a lower-key rollout than many of the DC films, which is a shame because it is arguably the best Batman film since The Dark Knight. Give it a chance. You may be shocked to find out that there are still some surprises left in the old bat yet.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 4, 2022.
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So as it turns out most of the Teen Wolf cast is either 5’10” or 5’8”. No, really. Look.
Tyler Posey/Scott: 5’10”
Dylan O’Brien/Stiles: 5’10
Dylan Sprayberry/Liam: 5’8”
Shelley Hennig/Malia: 5’8”
Crystal Reed/Allison: 5’8”
Ian Bohen/Peter: 5’10”
Cody Christianson/Theo: 5’8”
JR Bourne/Mr.Argent: 5’10”
Charlie Carver/Ethan: 5’10”
Jill Wagner/Kate: 5’8”
Gideon Emery/Deucalion: 5’10”
Meagan Tandy/Braeden: 5’8”
Gage Golightly/Erica: 5’8”
Like, c’mon dude, did they say “most of our actors must be 5’8”-5’10”, regardless of biological sex!” or something?
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