#Chat: Jaehee's Doubt (Participant)
mysmestranscripts · 2 years
02:12 Jaehee’s Doubt (Participant)
Another Story, First Day
Jaehee: Greetings, MC.
Jaehee: What brings you here at this hour?
Choice 1: I couldn’t sleep!
Jaehee: Did something keep you up?
Jaehee: Oh…
Jaehee: Perhaps it’s because you’ve become our member.
Choice 2: I’m usually up at early morning.
Jaehee: Then perhaps we’ll get to see each other often.
Jaehee: I tend to log in a lot in early mornings.
Jaehee: Good to find someone like me ^^
Jaehee: In my case
Jaehee: MC, after you joined us, I was so engrossed in work.
Jaehee: I had no idea what time it was.
Jaehee: When I regained my senses, it was already this late…
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Choice 1: So this character called Jaehee Kang is set to work until late…
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Jaehee: Character?
Jaehee: I’m no character. I’m a person…
Jaehee: Anyways, I don’t work this late every day.
Choice 2: You mean you work until this hour?
Jaehee: Yes… sometimes this happens.
Jaehee: But luckily, this is not a daily routine.
Jaehee: Today I have a good reason why.
Jaehee: Though Luciel said that he’ll so some research about you,
Jaehee: I must do some research on my own as well, as Mr. Han requested.
Choice 1: You can ask me.
Jaehee: If it doesn’t bother you…
Jaehee: Can you tell me where you are at this moment?
Choice 1A: I’m inside your heart!
Jaehee: ...
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Jaehee: Now that is even more suspicious.
Choice 1B: I can see the polar star out the window!
Jaehee: But you can see the polar star anywhere on Earth…;;
Jaehee: I see. Presuming that you’re telling the truth, right now you’re at a place with a weather clear enough to see the stars.
Choice 2: You’re researching about me? I don’t like the sound of that… Can’t you just drop it?
Jaehee: It’s because we can’t locate your current whereabouts…
Jaehee: Or could you tell me right now where you are?
Choice 2A: I can’t tell you. I promised I wouldn’t tell.
Jaehee: …I figured you wouldn’t tell us…
Jaehee: But anyways, a promise…?
Jaehee: I’d like to ask you to whom you made your promise… But you won’t tell me, will you?
Choice 2B: I’m not sure where I am right now, either.
Jaehee: Luciel also couldn’t pinpoint the location where the access to the app took place…
Jaehee: Additionally
Jaehee: I would love to know how you got to install this messenger app.
Jaehee: Can you answer this question?
Choice 1: Someone installed it for me. Someone I know.
Jaehee: And who is this someone?
Choice 1A: That’s a secret
Jaehee: …I see.
Jaehee: I see that you have no intention of answering my questions.
Choice 1B: Somebody that created you?
Jaehee: …?
Jaehee: Somebody who created me? Are you talking about my parents? I don’t understand why you would bring them up now.
Jaehee: Both of them died when I was still young.
Choice 2: I got it from the store lol
Jaehee: …I should ask Luciel for a confirmation.
Jaehee: As far as I know, this app isn’t available for download at a store
Jaehee: and if that’s true, we should have more people accessing other than you, Luc…
Jaehee: How you installed this app, where you are right now…
Jaehee: I believe we’ll be able to welcome you more sincerely after all these questions are answered.
Jaehee: I’d like to ask you if you’re using any C&R card…
Jaehee: but then it’d be too obvious that I’ll check your personal information.
Choice 1: I know how desperate you are, but I don’t have much that I know. I don’t even have a card. (Jaehee)
Jaehee: I see…
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Jaehee: Thank you for understanding.
Choice 2: Buddy - can you make me a card?
Jaehee: Uh…
Jaehee: Um…
Jaehee: …I would have sent you the clerk if I knew where you are…
Jaehee: What a shame.
Jaehee: I’ll do anything that can help the sales of the C&R.
Choice 3: I’ll report you if you check my background info!
Jaehee: Oh, I wouldn’t check your background without your consent.
Jaehee: I won’t do a thing that can cause a legal issue.
Jaehee: I was asking you just in case…
Jaehee: My apologies if I offended you.
Jaehee: Allow me to ask one more.
Jaehee: Could you just tell me
Jaehee: how you managed to get in touch with Rika?
Choice 1: Please don’t suspect me, and let’s just be friends. T-T You’re asking me too much.
Jaehee: I wish I could, too…
Jaehee: But as you’d also know…
Jaehee: You haven’t managed to answer a single question provided to you.
Choice 2: I’ve met a guy of my type, but his name wasn’t Rika… So—
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Jaehee: A guy…?
Jaehee: …
Jaehee: Hmm… since you said it’s not Rika, I won’t ask for your personal life.
Jaehee: Anyhow
Choice 3: I’ve never seen her.
Jaehee: I see…
Jaehee: So you haven’t seen her but heard her name, and you also heard that you should carry on her role regarding the parties.
Jaehee: So if you haven’t met her before… I should keep in mind that there’s a possibility that a third-party relayed that information to you.
Jaehee: Anyways…
Jaehee: This is all just procedure to trust you.
Jaehee: so I hope you’re not offended, MC.
Jaehee: There will be a lot of things we must work together on to coordinate the parties…
Jaehee: Mr. Han is also curious about you, MC.
Jaehee: Very curious…
Choice 1: Then he could have called me lol
Jaehee: He didn’t because it’s late.
Jaehee: He might give you a call or two once the sun is up.
Choice 2: What does he want to know about me?
Jaehee: He wants to know what I just asked you
Jaehee: he also wants to know if you like cats, what’s your favorite type of wine…
Jaehee: all that typical questions about a new face.
Jaehee: In Mr. Han’s case, he wouldn’t ask you directly but get to know you little by little without showing any sign he’s getting to know you.
Jaehee: He’s the type of man who draws out maximum info through minimum question to analyze them most logically.
Choice 1: I want to know more about the RFA. I hope you can teach me a lot.
Jaehee: Oh, of course.
Jaehee: I feel like we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. We gave you nothing but questions.
Jaehee: If you’re fine with me, I’ll tell you anything you want anytime.
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Choice 2: Then I’ll analyze Mr. Han too! Lolol
Jaehee: I can imagine what kind of face he’ll make if he reads this.
Jaehee: If you want to know about him…
Jaehee: I recommend searching on the web or magazines.
Jaehee: RFA members have starkly different opinions regarding him.
Jaehee: If there’s anything you’d like to know about us, feel free to ask.
Jaehee: Either through the messenger or over the phone.
Jaehee: I’ll answer your questions as long as they don’t cause any trouble.
Choice 1: Okay.
Jaehee: Very well.
Choice 2: I’ll work hard too. So please don’t be so wary of me…!
Jaehee: …We should work together on that part.
Jaehee: I will also try to be as less wary as possible.
Choice 3: I knew it. This game is a treasure box of secrets.
Jaehee: Game…?
Jaehee: …Don’t tell me you’re thinking holding parties as a game;;
Jaehee: To be honest… I feel more complicated now that we’ve talked.
Jaehee: I’m even more bothered by the thought that you don’t look like a bad person.
Jaehee: But I believe I’ll feel more comfortable once we get to know more about you, MC.
Jaehee: I pray that day would come as soon as possible.
Jaehee: Well then…
Jaehee: I will get going… for the morning.
Jaehee: Speaking of which… when do you plan on going to bed?
Choice 1: I’m going to stay up some more!
Jaehee: I see.
Jaehee: But if you sleep too late, it is definitely not healthy.
Jaehee: I recommend going to sleep more early. 
Choice 2: I’m about to head to bed. Good night!
Jaehee: Thank you. Good night to you too.
Jaehee: I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Jaehee: Now then, I wish you a good night.
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hi it's me again 😔🙏 i miss you all so much still, i hope we can chat again ! also , i'm having a bit of a stressful time lately. don't get me wrong i enjoy everything i'm participating in but i have my studies and then play rehearsal and then work and then volunteer stuff and then violin work and aaa my brain is gonna explode. could i possibly request RFA + Saeran how they'd comfort a stressed / overworked s/o ? sorry if it's too much trouble eee
Yoosung has worked himself into a corner when he’s multi-tasking many times. He’s actually pretty good at being able to maintain his composure and get things done. Even though it seems like he burns himself out playing games most of the time, he knows how to juggle everything right to where he needs it to be. When it comes to you, he’s got no doubt in his mind that you’ve got your habits to figure and sort out. He would notice that you’re working yourself up and burning out faster then you know how to stop it. What he wants to do is put his hand on top of yours and remind you that you don’t have to do everything on your own.
Yoosung’s bright idea to get you to stop working for the evening. He would make the time to set aside dinner for you that he made himself, of course, it’ll be a bit messy but it’s made with love. He wants you breathe and remember that even though you’ve got a hundred things to do, you’re a person like everybody else and you need to be able to enjoy your life, too. Once you breathe, you can work on figuring out how to make sense of it all.
Jaehee worked hard all throughout her life. She’s burnt herself out time and time again. It’s overwhelming but when you’re someone that wants to get things done the right way and ensure that you feel good about what you’ve done, she knows where you’re coming from when it means the world to you. She knows that you just want to be able to feel good about your accomplishments, but having come to know you, she now understands that working yourself that hard isn’t healthy to do. You need to cut back on certain things and you need to find time to be you instead of a running machine. 
Her best suggestion is that you take the night off. You can work out deals and compromises with people when it comes to work. If someone doesn’t respect that you need time to take care of yourself, then those people don’t deserve your time in the first place. It’s time for an evening in with Jaehee so you can enjoy a Zen film together and some dinner. That’s the best way to make sense of what you’re dealing with. 
Zen has always seen work as a hobby and passion for himself. He is a beast when it comes to getting things done and for that matter, he hardly ever gets exhausted. It just doesn't seem fair when you think about it that way. However, that doesn't mean that he doesn't notice when other people are truly overworked and overwhelmed... especially, you. He would know when something was wrong with you because there are do the smallest downward drift to your mood and he knows how to pinpoint those things. He would know when you’re upset or out of touch with yourself. That's his job as your knight in shining armor.
What he does is set aside an hour where you don’t do anything but let him spoil you rotten. He runs you a hot bath and he spends that entire time making sure that your hair is done, your face is done, and hey, that you get a few snacks in there just because. Zen knows that you’re a hard-worker and you’ve got a lot that you need to do but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve an hour to breathe and be yourself. 
Jumin has been in this boat before. He has to put in as much as he expects from anyone that works for him. Though, while he knows what it feels like to be on the edge and underneath a time crunch, he also knows what it feels like to take down time for yourself. There’s always going to be something that needs to be finished and completed, but if you always focus on them, you’re not going to be able to live your live. Even if it’s just a five minutes for you to slow down and lay on the couch with Elizabeth, you need to take those few minutes to sort out your feelings.
His idea is to help you focus on what needs to get done right away but as soon as that is completed since you’re so adamant, you’re going to inform others that you need to take a few days off. He’ll cover for you if it’s needed, but here comes your man Jumin with a weekend getaway. He wants you to only think about the needs that you have instead of the requirements of life. You need to see the sun and smile now and again. Your shoulders need to relax instead of tense when you sit up. 
Seven has worked himself in the ground time and time again knowing that he had to work or someone was going to hurt him for not doing it. It’s not a life or death struggle for you as it was for him. So, the circumstance is different in this case but the exhaustion that you feel is what he understands very well. What he wants to do is make sure that you’re able to take care of everything you need to do without hurting yourself. He would offer to help you study or set out time to get things done in a reasonable amount of time. Even if he’s unable to focus on doing that for himself, he’s actually great at making schedules and keeping all the ducks in a row. 
When it comes to you, Seven wants you to rest and live soundly. If you don’t need his help with setting up a path to get your tasks done, he can focus on self care, too. This man is willing to drop everything at the tip of a hat. If you don't think that you can carry yourself around the house, well don't worry about that, he'll be there to make sure that somebody can carry you to bed. He'd even do his best to make sure that you got something to eat. Just don't expect anything fancy because he's not the best chef.
GE Saeran has gotten bumps and bruises before. He would want to tend to your wounds himself even after you’ve gotten it all checked out. He would spend his time wrapping and cleaning your burns whenever it’s time to check it out. This is his perfect excuse to kiss your hands and dote on you as much as he wants. It’s what he wants more than anything. He wants to make sure that you feel warm and cherished. You don’t need to worry about taking care of anything. If you need your hands, he’ll offer to do whatever you need, even if he needs to sit down and write things for you.
He’s determined to ensure that you’re safe and sound. An evening with him to ease your exhaustion comes with making sure that you put yourself first. You’re the one that taught him that. So, expect him to treat you from the minute you walk in the door. He’s got a bath, dinner, and a movie ready. You’re going to enjoy yourself and you’re going to like it. Don’t worry, he’ll help you piece all of the work together after the break.
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nanoko-aishino · 3 years
Helllooooo~ <3 12, 21, and 35 for the ask game, please!
Ooh Hello and thank youu hehe ^^
Tbh I haven't played MM for a while because I am one of the people cheritz decided(?) to delete acc for whatever reason plus not enought space on the phone orz but I wanna do it anyway ^^
12. Favorite chat
Hmm first thing that comes to my mind is chat in AS with Ray after kiss <3 But I like as well one of the first chats at night CS where Yoosung comes for a while and he tries to pretend he is a wolf? but eventually give up on it haha I always choose to tease him lol.
21. Favorite character interaction with each other
Except for Saeran and Saeyoung brothers moment (which is very rare) hm... Can't decide between Seven teasing Yoosung or Zen. Sometime I feel bad for Yoosung.
35. First impression for each character
Yoosung I thought he is cute and kinda similar to me. When I started playing MM he was 1 year older than me I guess. He was cute, sweet and adorably clumsy haha but back then I couldn't understand why he was failing classes all the time and thought "get a grip dude, for once. You go to the library more or less regularly. What do you do there, sleep? You could do a little bit better than F..." Now I know haha ^^; But I don't fail classes... also I'm not med student in Korean Ivy uni(?) so...
Jaehee Tbh the very first time I thought she is guy... sorry lol and Later she seemed to be very nice although reserved(?) or rather serious, until someone mentioned Zen or his musicals, and I thought "okay, so you are more normal than I thought... sort of ^^;;" An I actually treated her like big sister or good friend to almost very end. I finished her route as one of the last, because while playing I messed up something with participation, got BE , started another route and forgot about it.
Zen So he always have been the cool popular sexy flirty type... so not my taste. Since I remember I never liked such people because in the past I met at least few who were like that and they were just judging, narrow-minded, and couldn't understand that I am different from them and feel good with that (f.ex. I am introvert). For long I felt like I can't even trust too much such people. I rather avoided them if I could, no grudge, just two different worlds. I noticed Zen is okay. Still two different worlds, but I alway treated him like an older brother.
Jumin he was from the world of 'adults' so serious, boring and something I totally couldn't get. Until he tried to tell a joke sometimes, It often was awkward but I appreciated it lol I picked Jaehee over him because I was pretty sure I never could even keep up with her workload. I am allergic to cats so I have never been a cat person... First he felt distant because his seriousness, but I felt him and supported him when I noticed he doesn't want to nececerly date just anyone, he is just waiting for someone he can trust, probably doubting such person exists. I know this might be because his father's relationships and such, but back then I felt almost like "yeah, you don't nececerly need to be in a relationship or desperately crave to be in one. As a single you are not less worthy as a human". That many craves for physicality and such, which is cool, but understanding, love, apreaciation support and even platonic feeling in romantic relationship? Gosh I feel like those thing are underpreciated. And we shared the need not to just date someone but find someone who understand them. For a short moment I wanted to be such person.
Seven/Saeyoung I don't really remember, but probably I thought that for such people I am too quiet and boring so If by any chance there won't be much interaction MC with him, that's fine, but there was, he was funny, I thought about him as a good friend untill I come across breaking 4th wall thingy and got more interested, like we share a secret *sink wink* Eventually I liked him more and more and even planned to stop playing after his SE but soon after they announced something new. I am IT highschool graduate (I sucked pretty much OTL so I felt similar to Yoosung) and I still remembered thing or two and well... I choose such hs for some reason so I kinda liked his tech-savvy IT programming jokes and I was more religious than I am today so I apreaciated the christian part. I wanted to help him so badly i think. And he is kinda weirdo(in a good way), I consider myself shy weirdo, but probably less than he is.
Saeran/Ray *cracking knuckles* so... When I first met him as an Unknown my common sense tried to keep me from him as far as possible, I gave up to this but kinda I was almost like peeking throught the keyhole in the locked door lol I-it's not like i like him, he is so sus > :-( and a bit later I-I defenitely am not into bad boy kind of characteres, others might be, but I am NOT (but peeking throught keyhole of the locked doors). I was kinda interested, but never let myself actually be really interestedin him, untill the end of SE where he is back with his brother. Then I was thinking more like "preacious (angy) bean, must protect uwu". And I mostly wanted to play his route for A. curiosity because new mode(AS), B satisfaction for myself that I actually finished the game, but most importantly C. To save HIM for SAEYOUNG :)
But when I played AS for the first time, when there was only V route, I forgot everything, got few times bad relationship ending because of him. V who? Saeyoung who? Head empty only him. And then It was almost like in case of Yoosung that I saw in him part of me, plus head empty, only Ray.
Sometime I feel like it was so shallow of me, but then I think that this is a game, and maybe, just maybe I can be 'a little' shallow in that case.
Especially since for the very first time I was... obsessed? with a fictional character. I've never understood such thing.
>>MM ask game<<
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Yoosung’s Match
Doing something different-ish, focusing on a series without the smut, lolol. After starting Yoosung’s route, I am so soft for him! I wanted to a series where him and mc share interests, including LoLoL. 
Pairing: Yoosung x OC (Dove)
Summary: When a stranger enters the RFA chat, no-one expected an almost female version of Yoosung to be the participant who would be the key to beginning their parties one more. Will their similarities pull them together or will another come in and sweep her away?
Warnings: None, only reference to game from day 1-11 so spoilers for those not played Yoosung.
Note: This chapter is based off day’s 1 and then day 5 from Yoosungs route. Written in the form like the chatroom. Features clips and conversations from the game but also own created content. Focuses on certain chatrooms rather than every individual one, wish to focus more on developing a storyline with Yoosung than the whole party and gameplay.
Chapter 1: Dove has entered the chatroom.
[Dove has entered the chat]
 Yoosung★: Failed my midterms fml T_T
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707: Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.
Jumin: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.
Yoosung★: I’m still on the list?! +_+
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Jumin: Yes.
707: Nice~ Can’t believe u get to work straight after college lol
707: In this day and age!
Zen: Lame. It’s nepotism.
Jumin: It’s called recruitment actually.
Zen: It’s giving a free pass instead of actually training the worker.
Jumin: Whatever. I couldn’t care less what you say.
Zen: What’s the difference between recruitment and nepotism?
707: Thought they r the same? O_O?
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Jumin: It’s nepotism if you recruit a person you know and they aren’t of any help.
Yoosung★: Oh… So you become a candidate for nepotism the same time you’re recruited!
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707: Wait!!
Yoosung★: Why?
Zen: ??
707: Think someone entered the chat room;;
Jumin: Dove…?
Zen: Wtf. How did it get in here?
707: Hacker!
Yoosung★: Hacker!? Therae’s a hacker in ouer room!!!
Yoosung★: Sevnee do somethign!!
Zen: Hey, typos. -_-;;
707: Wait a sec. I’m searching.
Jumin: Who are you? Reveal yourself. Hey, Assistant Kang.
Jaehee: Yes, I am here.
Zen: You were so quiet I thought you went somewhere.
Jaehee: Nothing was out of the ordinary so I was just watching
Jaehee: but I see something has just happened.
Yoosung★: omg
Jumin: Why is a stranger in our chatroom?
Jaehee: No one can enter this chatroom without installing the private app we use… It seems someone has downloaded the RFA Messenger.
Yoosung★: I thought Seven let only us download it?
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Dove: Hello…
707: I traced the IP…
707: It’s from Rika’s apartment.
Yoosung★: Rika’s apartment?
Jumin: Where was it?
Jaehee: The location is not revealed. I know it to be classified.
707: Anyways, someone must have broken into her apt.
707: It talked now, so it must be a person ^^;
Jumin: Quit shitting around.
Jumin: Dove… Who are you?
Jumin: Reveal yourself, stranger.
Jumin: If you do not reveal yourself, you will pay.
Yoosung★: Yeees! Who are u?!
Zen: Use proper english please.
707: If it doesn’t say anything I’ll hack in and find out.
Zen: …Maybe
Zen: one of my fans?
Dove: Reveal yourselves first. I’m the most confused one here…
Jumin: How fierce.
Zen: Are you a woman?
707: Zen. Be more serious, plz?
707: And wait a sec on the woman thing.
707: Looking it up.
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Yoosung★: Should we… introduce ourselves?
Jumin: Are you serious…?
Jaehee: I think it is a bit too early for that.
Zen: Hi. I’m Zen. (24 yrs old) Musical actor… Don’t look me up on the internet.
Zen: It’s embarrassing.
Yoosung★: Zen, you’re so brave!
Jumin: Guess he wanted to show himself off.
Zen: No way~!
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Yoosung★: Omg… a photo too.
Jaehee: My eyes have been cleansed.
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Dove: Oh, I haven’t heard of you, sorry…
Dove: Yes to before, I am woman.
Zen: What?!
*Heart break appears on screen*
Jumin: I see that he has zero interest in his privacy.
707: Lolol
707: My nickname’s 707.
707: Real name is a secret.
707: Fyi, Zen’s real name is Hyun Ryu.
Zen: Your name’s a secret but not mine?;
707: U don’t care anyways lol.
Jaehee: 707 does have the strangest name so I understand the secrecy.
707:  The name’s too holy to be spread around~ I’m gonna pray after I finish hacking.
707: Just remember me as the 22yr old young hacker lol
707: Where I live is also a secret.
Zen: So many secrets;;
Yoosung★: I’m Yoosung Kim! I’m a college student… 21 yrs old.
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707: So warm and fuzzy here
Zen: Lol. Seven, you don’t have any selfies to show?
707: Nothing recent.
707: Oh and also!
707: Jumin’s the heir of a pretty famous corporation and Jaehee is his assistant. 27 and 26 yrs old respectively.
707: You have a better sense of who we are now, Dove?
Jumin: Why did you say that…?
707: Doubted you’d do it urself.
Jumin: Stop shitting around.
707: Oh, fyi, Jumin has the cutest cat.
Jumin: Hey.
Jumin: Why are we talking about Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger?
707: The cat’s name is Elizabeth the 3rd.
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Yoosung★: That info’s a bit useless…
Yoosung★: We’re not even close with this Dove person yet lol
Jumin: Can’t believe he showed a photo of Elizabeth the 3rd to a stranger…
Jumin: Idiot…
Zen: Stop talking about cats. Giving me goosebumps.
Jaehee: I suggest that we take care of this stranger first.
Jaehee: Could it be that we have a security breach?
Zen: True. Dove, how did you get in here?
Yoosung★: Is it really in Rika’s apartment?
707: Yup. It’s for sure…
707: How did it get the apartment password?!
Zen: Where the hell is the apartment?
Dove: I came here while chatting with a personal called ‘Unknown’. Do you know him by any chance?
Dove: But anyway, I’m Dove. 
Jumin: Unknown?
Zen: Maybe he just didn’t set a username?
707: It’s mandatory to set a username so he must have set it that way.
707: Maybe…
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Yoosung★: How did you end up chatting with that person?
Jaehee: I see.
Jaehee: Where did you download this messenger app?
Jaehee: Dove, you are quite strange as well.
Zen: Do you think this person’s a creep? No way.
Dove: I got it in the app store, I just downloaded it and then was suddenly in a room with unknown and now all of you…
Dove: I just wanted to play games lolol
Yoosung★: You like games too!
Yoosung★: I love games.
Yoosung★: Wait!
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Yoosung★: Did you say lolol as in LoLoL?!
Zen: Dude. A girl won’t play that game;
Zen: Don’t ask stupid questions.
Yoosung★: T_T
Dove: Does the wizard of Tarth ever lie?
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Yoosung★: Yoousung.exe has stopped working.
Yoosung★: You play?!
707: Anyways.
707: I should trace the person who distributed the app.
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 [Day 1]
[7:00 am]
Yoosung★ entered the chat
Dove entered the chat
Yoosung★: Do you know that Zen always complains about being single these days?
Yoosung★: But I’ve never even been in a relationship T_T
Dove: Are you not interested in girls?
Yoosung★: …I guess…
Yoosung★: I feel better when I team up with a girl character when playing games.
Yoosung★: And it makes it more interesting if there’s a girl in the guild…
Yoosung★: Was you serious when you said you played?
Dove: Level 69 Mage at your service
Yoosung★: I…
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Yoosung★: I’ve rarely met a girl who plays! 
Yoosung★: Are you in a guild?!
Yoosung★: I’m hoping to be a guildmaster one day.
Dove: Ever heard of ‘Tribe of War’?
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Yoosung★: We are sworn enemies!
Yoosung★: But my special talent is defending the peace! So I guess I can let our guild war slide
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Dove: You bring peace to the world young sir!
Yoosung★: 707 play’s sometimes!
Yoosung★: Maybe we could have an online meet up!
Yoosung★: Since we can’t in real life.
Yoosung★: I wish he would give us the address to Rika’s apartment…
Dove: I’d like that!
Dove: But we have the party to focus on!
Yoosung★: I really like you T_T
Yoosung★: It’s only been a day and I can’t wait to meet you lolol.
Yoosung★: I have class at 9 so I have to go take the bus now.
Yoosung★: The poor fate of a college student…!
Yoosung★: I have to go now. I’m almost running late!
Yoosung★: Dove, let’s talk soon! >_<
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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 Dove entered the chat
Yoosung★ entered the chat
 Dove: Hey Yoosung★.
Yoosung★: Dove, hey^^.
Yoosung★: Today’s the day you joined the organization.
Yoosung★: Usually at this hour, I would have been playing games…
Yoosung★: but I couldn’t really calm myself down.
Yoosung★: Why don’t we talk more about ourselves?
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Dove: Well what would you like to know?
Yoosung★: Well, all Seven told us is that
Yoosung★: you’re a cute girl.
Yoosung★: I want to know… your interests, what you do, and things like that in detail.
Yoosung★: I do want to ask you directly.
Yoosung★: But it does feel a bit too soon for that…
Yoosung★: I would just like to talk to you like this and get to know you gradually.
Dove: I’d like to get to know you better as well.
Yoosung★: A girl who plays lolol and wants to know me
Yoosung★: Are you really real? 
Yoosung★: This isn’t a whole thing of 707 playing a prank is it…?
Dove: Lol I hope not.
Dove: I’m very real, even though I don’t really feel real living in someone else's apartment…
Dove: But I’m excited for the party, I hope I do right by you all.
Yoosung★: I think all the organization members are thinking the same thing.
Yoosung★: If you could do what Rika used to do
Yoosung★: we’d get to host parties again!
Dove: I’ll do my best!
Yoosung★: Do you feel pressured because of everything I’m saying?
Yoosung★: If V donates his photographs, then I’m sure a lot of people will come.
Yoosung★: So you don’t have to worry so much.
Dove: Thank you! 
Yoosung★: Sure!
Yoosung★: Tell me whenever it gets hard!
Yoosung★: I should go play games now!
Yoosung★: There’s a pretty important showdown today.
Yoosung★: Wish me luck so I can win!
Dove: Good luck oh mighty defender of peace!
Yoosung★: Thank u >_<
Yoosung★: Then see ya~!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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Yoosung★ entered the chatroom.
 Dove: Yoosung★ your still up?
Yoosung★: Hey, you here too! 
Yoosung★: I can’t believe I’m talking to the new member~
Yoosung★: I still feel dazed.
Yoosung★: I can’t even focus on gaming today.
Yoosung★: I have so much on my mind because of you…
Dove: All good I hope Lolol.
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Yoosung★:  My mind’s going blank now -_-…
Yoosung★: I can’t get thoughts of you out of my head…
Yoosung★: Haha
Yoosung★: Thank you so much for helping.
Yoosung★: Even tomorrow… you could escape Rika’s apartment…
Yoosung★: Delete this app
Yoosung★: and never talk to us again.
Yoosung★: I would really miss you if that happens.
Yoosung★: Please… don’t abandon us.
Dove: I won’t.
Dove: I promise.
Dove: Beside you owe me a meet up on LoLol!
Yoosung★: Yes! Yes. 
Yoosung★: As soon as everything is settled with party.
Yoosung★: I don’t want to feel like I’m pressuring you too much.
Yoosung★: Oh the time! I best be off, I have an early start tomorrow.
Dove: Goodnight~
Yoosung★: Goodnight!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom.
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[Day 5]
Yoosung★ entered the chat
 Dove: Goodmorning Yoosung!
Yoosung★: Dove, goodmorning^^
Yoosung★: I’m just brushing my teeth!
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Yoosung★: Did you… see the photo Seven posted?
Yoosung★: I really miss it…
Yoosung★: It would have been nice if Rika was in the photo too…!
Yoosung★: Seeing the photo makes me get excited about the next party ^^
Dove: You looked so young and different!
Dove: I like your hair blonde, it suits you better!
Yoosung★: You do?!
Yoosung★: I kinda dyed it because....
Yoosung★: I thought it would help get a girlfriend.
Yoosung★: But since you like, that’s got to be a good sign right?
Yoosung★: I’m curious to know what colour hair you have.
Dove: I mean I would show you if 707 gave me image permission.
Dove: But I guess for now you see me like this Dove: [Website Link]
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Yoosung★: THAT'S YOU?!
Dove: That was me at the LoLoL convention in the fall.
Dove: I cosplayed as my character.
Yoosung★: C-Cosplay!
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Yoosung★: This is all too much.
Yoosung★: A pretty girl who plays LoLoL and cosplays.
Yoosung★: I-
Yoosung★: I have to go! My break is almost over!
Yoosung★: And just when it was all getting good.
Yoosung★: Bye Dove! Yoosung★★ has left the chatroom.
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707 entered the chat.
 Dove: 707~ Hello!
707: Hello!
707: I was scrolling through the chatrooms and saw you almost kill Yoosung★ earlier.
707: I’m still struggling to believe that that's you.
707: Especially since I’m the only one whos seen the real you.
Dove: Well if I could send photos to you all.
Dove: You can’t laugh but…
Dove: I love sharing photos of my food.
Dove: I really want to send some to Yoosung★, he’s always asking and checking I’m eating.
707: For the sake of the apartment location I can’t allow it.
Dove: Oh come on, Mr.Defender of justice!
Dove: I just want to share some snack photos every now and then.
Dove: There’s a vender outside who sells these buns in the shape of fish, stuffed with chocolate!
707: They are-
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707: My favourite.
707: Beside HoneyBuddha Chips.
Dove: HoneyBuddha Chips…?
707: You’ve never…?
707: I’ll bring you a bag to the party.
707: Only a bag though.
707: But once you start them, you’ll be addicted to them.
707: Like me.
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Dove: I look forward to it!
707: Gahhh.
707: Just got work again….
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707: About the photo’s… I’ll see what I can do.
Dove: Thank you 707~
Dove: You're the best!
707: Lol, tell me something I don’t know.
 707 left the chat.
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 Dove entered the chat.
 Dove: Yoosung, how was the library?
Yoosung★: Dove, you're here!
Yoosung★: I missed you hehe.
Jumin: You two are really warming it up.
Yoosung★: What are you talking about~!
Dove: Did you guys see about Zen?
Jumin: I saw Zen injuries himself.
Yoosung★: Yeah I saw too.
Yoosung★: Don’t worry Dove, Zen is the kinda guy to bounce straight back!
Jumin: I’m sure it’s torture for him to rest right now.
Jumin: Haha…
Yoosung★: Jumin… I feel like you’re enjoying this…;;
Jumin: Being with Elizabeth the 3rd is always enjoyable.
Yoosung★: Oh, you’re with your cat right now;;
Dove: I once went to a cat cafe!
Dove: I feel like you’d enjoy it Jumin.
Jumin: A cat cafe…
Jumin: I’d rather spend time with that narcissist then eat cat.
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Dove: No you silly!
Dove: It’s a cafe where you get to go and eat with cats.
Dove: You can feed them, pet them whilst taking loads of cute photos! It’s really cute.
Dove: Hold up, let me just…
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Dove: Look the one fell asleep atop of my head!
Yoosung★: Wait, you can send us photos now?!
Jumin: I need…
Jumin: To ask assistant Kang about investing into one of these…
Jumin: I fear if I went to one, Miss.Elizabeth would become jealous of smelling other cats upon me.
Jumin: But I like this, very much.
Jumin: If you’ll excuse me, I need to make a phone call about producing one of these for Miss.Elizabeth.
Jumin left the chat.
Yoosung★: You are really cute~
Dove: Aha thank you! 
Dove: I had the best time when I went.
Yoosung★: I can’t believe I get to see the real you.
Yoosung★: Before anyone else as well!
Yoosung★: Well except 707 and Jumin… 
Yoosung★: But before the others and the party as well!
Dove: I asked 707 about it earlier.
Dove: I wanted to be able to send you photos of my food, to prove to you I’m eating.
Yoosung★: You asked him so you could send me photos?
Yoosung★: Thank you. MC.
Yoosung★: For appearing in front of me.
MC: Yoosung, you’re cute.
Yoosung★: Me?!
Yoosung★: Guys tend to not like being called cute…
Yoosung★: but why do I feel so strange hearing it from you?
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Yoosung★: I should go to bed now. I don’t know if I’ll sleep though…
Yoosung★: Are you going to stay up?
MC: Yes.
Yoosung★: Okay.
Yoosung★: Don’t work too hard ^^
Yoosung★: I feel bad if you’re tired.
Yoosung★: Then I’ll get going!
Yoosung★ has left the chatroom
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saey-bae · 7 years
I have another one lol. The RFA falling in love with their childhood best friend? I saw that you’re wobbly with Baehee so it’s okay if you don’t want to include her!😊
o man bless this childhood friends are The Best™
thank you for your lovely request, darling, and i hope you like this (i will be answering the other one at some point)~
edit: i’m sorry how troll-ish yoosung’s turned out to be ;; and apologies if jumin is ooc this was actually so hard to write what the heckle
under the cut because it’s pretty long
check out my masterpost here
your parents were good friends and the two of you were born within a month from one another, so the two of you were friends since birth, really
he had always been the person to stick up for you without any if, buts, or doubts he was always defending you blindly first and asking questions later, which got him into quite a bit of trouble
you were always the one who stayed by his side through thick and thin and you taught him how to do cool tricks like riffle shuffling cards or magic tricks he really liked those
and the two of you were inseparable throughout elementary school and high school and, in some ways, neither of you could live without the other; you were the yin to his yang
even after you moved away for uni, the both of you stayed in contact via skype, calling, and texting. every. single. day.
aside from his family, you were the rock in his life which made you family, even if it wasn’t legally or by blood
because your families were connected, he always took that fact for granted and never really acknowledged that you were family
but he never felt that so deeply until rika’s funeral
you flew back to attend the funeral, dropping everything to be there for him
and he relied heavily on you
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times is this considered plagiarism if i cite it in mla
it was during one of those 4 am phone calls when he found out he had fallen for you
one of those badum-badum moments, where he could hear his heart pounding and if it was a manga, you could see it too !!
he still distinctly remembered it– it was a little embarrassing because he recalled that it was the night after rika’s funeral and he was crying poor bby missed her so much
and he called you blindly, not really expecting you to pick up because you were probably dead tired and wanted to sleep before your flight at 9 am
but you did, and you answered in a sleepy, “hey yooyoo, do you want me to come over? i can bring some ice cream”
he said yes
you brought ice cream over
the two of you sat side by side on the couch in the den, eating ice cream from the tub
you whispered comforts to him in the dark and he reached over to take your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze
your smile, illuminated by pale moonlight, lifted his heavy heart
yoosung knew he would be okay as long as you were with him, and by the way his heart constricted when you gave a squeeze back, he also knew that he had fallen for you at some point
and he would tell you someday
the two of you met shortly after zen ran away from home
you went to the same school, and he just happened to catch you playing the entertainer on the piano in the music room during lunch while he looked for an empty room to practice his singing
you played it ridiculously faST HOW DO YOUR FINGERS MOVE THAT FAST WAT
was very impressed
you taught him piano and, subsequently, learned the musical pieces he performed so you could help him practice
while his love for music and acting were shunned at home, you encouraged it– heck, you were a musician yourself, having grown up at home with a father who was a conductor and a mother who was a pianist
you even tried to take up acting with zen, though you were terrible at it and quit shortly thereafter
you were there with him through his struggles
best friends 5ever
he found comfort in you because you never paid much attention to his looks
while you didn’t deny that he was handsome, you were more interested in his music and his projects, and he appreciated that more than you knew
and he never judged you for being a music geek because he was an even bigger music geek
he spent a lot of nights at your home, and he found a family in you and your own family
even after you found a career as a professional pianist and you were a fairly renowned musician, you still found time for him
he swore that your dedication to him was what first made him realize his feelings for you, but that was when he was dating another girl
zen dated countless numbers of girls, but none of them ever seemed to hold a candle to you
when he finally realized he loved you, it was hard for him to hold back… but he did for the sake of your friendship
if you didn’t love him back, it would break his heart and ruin the most meaningful relationship in his life
but during one practice session, you were playing a new piece you learned for his new musical, rent heck yes it was seasons of love, and you were so close to him
he could smell the delightful scent of your shampoo and feel your warm body pressed against his side as you taught him how to play it
your hands were all over his as you tried to position his fingers right like an apple, zen, your hands should look like you’re holding an apple
his heart was pounding in his chest and he couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing
when the lesson finished, his hands were clammy and he had never felt so unnerved
and in the spur of the moment, he leaned over and kissed your cheek
froze up when he realized what he had done
“huh?” you blushed heavily
“i… uh…” for an actor, he wasn’t very good at acting “thanks for the lesson”
“of… course”
then you kissed his cheek ohgod his face was burning
his eyes searched yours, unable to fathom why you would reciprociate until he saw your gaze dart to his lips briefly
slowly cupped your cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a sweet, chaste kiss
when you parted, the two of you professed your feelings in rushed words, lips still brushing against one another’s
and he was quite sure you were his fate
I will be able to write all the lovely headcanons for you one day, Jaehee– I swear it. That day is… just not today.
jumin never had many friends as a child
sure, his father’s associates had kids and he was forced to mingle with them
but aside from v, he was pretty lonely
until he met you, another rich man’s child
you were so different from all the corporate children– you were unruly and dressed sloppily and you came to formal functions with paint stains on your fingers and cheeks
somehow, you were all smiles, your small frame full of boisterous laughter that he had never heard before
and he found himself curious… drawn to you, even at the age of ten
you were an engine of chaos, a tornado, sucking in all those who got close enough
the two of you became good friends, but he found that there was still a barrier you put up that prevented him from getting closer
he always wondered why, but knew better than to bring it up
though he did find out several years later, when he saw you and your father talking in closer proximity down a deserted hall during a function
it was more like him shouting at you, telling you to behave and stop embarrassing him, while you listened
he waited until your father left before coming to comfort you
and he found that, under your chaos and unruliness and happy façade, you were broken and depressed
you hated yourself and you hated your life
you purposely disobeyed your father and refused to fit the mold of a perfect corporate daughter, and he hadn’t quite realized that until he found you like this
the shame jumin felt was only matched by his fierce need to protect you
in his trade, you were unique– an eccentric flower that bloomed against all odds
and he was going to protect you, his flower
under his nurturing care, you did continue to bloom
he took care of you, and you soon moved out of your father’s house to live with him
somewhere along the way, you brought out the playful parts of him that he didn’t know existed
and while he knew his wealth of feelings for you were profound, he couldn’t bring himself to tell you
you brightened up his life like the flower he considered you to be, and he couldn’t bear for you to leave if you didn’t feel the same
aside from his hidden feelings, everything was going fine until the two of you were in your early twenties
that was when your father was caught participating in inside trading– he even went to jail briefly for it
your reputation and family name was irrevocably damaged, but jumin was there to help you through it, despite his own reputation being on the line
and when he stood up to his own father about the issue, he realized he was prepared to lose face and name just to save you
he was going to do anything to protect his flower, anything to keep you in his life because he couldn’t live without you
he loved you
and unbeknowst to him, you loved him, too
he was locked away for most of his childhood, and didn’t have any friends as a child, aside from his twin
leaving home tore him into two– and it left him utterly alone
seven longed for proper human company, for friendship– god, he just wanted to stop feeling so lonely
while he perfected his hacking techniques, he found chatrooms off the grid, specifically made by hackers for hackers
although he never spoke, he watched a specific chat on the side– the people there seemed friendly, though he was too nervous to participate
after a year of watching, he had a a good sense of the personalities of the people who frequented the chats
and there was always one username that caught his eye: x
whoever it was, the person was kind, but sarcastic, and had a dry sense of humour
he found himself logging in at all kinds of hours just to see if x was around
and one night, he caught x alone in the chat, spamming computer science memes that the other members would surely appreciate
feeling a surge of courage, he said hello
“hey :)” your smile emoticon made him smile involuntarily, too
there was another human! a living, breathing human somewhere in this world –who he admired– talking to him!
their conversation was brief, but entertaining, and seven found himself wishing he could talk to x again
after a few more late night chats, he voiced the desire
you offered to write an algorithm for a private chat, which he hesitantly agreed to, but only if he was allowed to work on it as well
the two of you ended up writing your own code for a private chat –again, off the grid– and you spoke often
often became all the time
throughout the years, the two of you exchanged info that he was never meant to be speak about– names, numbers, addresses
he found out that you were a university student around his age who learned programming and hacking for fun
you showed him other things you learned in high school– fascinating things that he regrets not having learned, like biology and chemistry
in exchange, he created small robots for you and promised that one day, the two of you would meet so he could give them to you
at one point, he grew bold enough to watch you on cctv with your permission
you waved at the camera you knew he was watching, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of your smile– he’s never seen something so blindingly beautiful
he knew at that point, he would hack anything just to get another glimpse of you
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H e y I know you already did parents but could you do RFA + v + saeran with male Mc??? Btw I rlly love your account and enjoy reading your stuff!!! ❤
This is such a sweet request anonny, I love it! I tried doing something different and wrote this in third person point of view so I hope that’s okay! Thank you very much for the request and I hope that you enjoy!! ^^
Yoosung was dead set on getting a girlfriend, especially after hearing a mysterious person joined the messenger
So when Yoosung went to the party and saw that MC was a male, he was stunned to say the least
He had fallen in love with another man through the messenger, making Yoosung throughly question his sexuality
But when Yoosung saw how kind and caring MC was, just like in the messenger, he didn’t mind at all that MC was male
Once Yoosung and MC made their relationship official, Yoosung became a clingy puppy
Yoosung absolutely adores holding hands with MC in public, he loves showing off that MC is his
MC is typically the one to make dinners, he doesn’t completely trust Yoosung’s skills in the kitchen but loves having Yoosung help with guidance
He’s also the King of Cuddles so MC is in for a surprise when Yoosung randomly starts cuddling him
Not that MC minds, having Yoosung in his life has been one of the best things to ever happen to him and the two’s love for each other is known by all
Zen had always imagined himself having a girlfriend that would shine just like him
So when he heard about a new member in the chat room, Zen eagerly anticipated meeting them especially after the heartfelt words they exchanged
He was utterly shocked when he found out that MC was a male and that Zen had in fact fallen in love with him
But Zen knew he could never fight the feeling of love so soon after the party, Zen and MC officially started dating
MC loved seeing Zen’s domestic side as Zen would cook, clean, and make sure that MC was always happy
Zen gave MC the best fashion advice and the two were soon known as one of the most stylish couples
When MC would feel any doubt about himself, Zen would always be at his side to comfort and encourage him, even singing from time to time
Zen would always be thankful that MC would practice his lines for musicals with him, the two of them usually ending up sleeping on top of each other on the couch from a long night’s work
While Zen never imagined himself dating a male, he knew that MC was the love of his life and that he wouldn’t trade him for any person in the world
Jaehee’s love life was something that was long forgotten whenever she started working for Jumin
But she was interested whenever she heard about the new member on the messenger who she ended up having feelings for
When the day of the party arrived, Jaehee was a bit surprised to see that MC was male in her mind, she always imagined MC to be female
Neither Jaeheee or MC could hide their feelings for each other and soon enough the two started dating
MC had helped Jaehee’s stress significantly decrease by lending her a listening ear
Talking out her struggles helped Jaehee so as a thank you, she would make all kinds of hot drinks and pastries for MC
Jaehee was their for MC whenever he had any doubts or insecurities, she’d give him the best advice followed by comforting cuddles
Since both of them were on the shy side, Jaehee and MC usually never showed any public affection
It was mostly standing close to each other and enjoying their presences and on the rare occasion, small kisses on their cheeks
Jaehee never thought that she’d be able to find love, so she would be forever grateful to have MC in her life and promised to always be there for him
Jumin’s emotions were locked tightly within his heart as he was too scared to show anyone his true self
He never would have thought it, but the new person in the chat room, MC,seemed to have the key that would lead to his happiness
So Jumin was silently stunned whenever he saw that MC was a male
It seemed that Seven’s petty jokes about Jumin being gay were right, Jumin had fallen in love with another man
Once the two realized that their love for each other was clear, Jumin and MC started dating
MC was worried that he would ruin Jumin’s reputation but the latter would always reassure him that negative opinions didn’t matter, what mattered was that they loved each other
Jumin helped MC pursue his passion, giving him all the materials needed to ensure MC’s happiness
The two would go out in public bombarded with the media asking rude questions about MC so Jumin decided to passionately kiss MC in front of everyone, proving that their love was real and true
Jumin didn’t care what sex his partner was, he loved MC with all of his heart as the emotions locked away were all finally released thanks to MC
Seven really never thought about his own love life so he usually just ignored all things related to love
But the new person in the messenger peaked his interest and as he did more research on them, he found out that MC was male
But Seven didn’t treat any differently, but something about MC caught his attention
MC was the most understanding and caring person that Seven had ever met and he eagerly waited for the party to finally meet him in person
Seven gave MC the biggest hug imaginable, blurting out his feelings to MC without even thinking
But MC had the same romantic feelings towards Seven and soon enough, the two started dating
Seven made MC constantly laugh with his obnoxious jokes and pranks
In return, MC taught Seven how to make a proper meal and the two of them became cooking pros
Some nights when Seven was feeling down about himself, MC would always be there to hold Seven in his arms and let him cry
The two boys would see who could pull off the biggest way of public affection, Seven won when he tried to have sex with MC in a park but MC refused
Seven and MC lived a life filled with laughter and joy, with Seven being the happiest man alive when he’s with MC
V wasn’t sure if he’d ever find love again after being with Rika
He had lost almost all interest in the messenger until he was notified of the new person in the chat room
Even though V usually didn’t participate in the chats, he loved reading all of MC’s messages and found himself slowly falling in love with him
When V saw MC at his first party, V realized that this love was different from his past one, V had fallen deeply in love
MC had admitted his feelings to V first and V happily agreed and soon the two started dating
V made MC his new muse for his photos, MC would get embarrassed by the hundreds of photos all around the house of himself
MC would giggle as he’d find V sitting down hunched over on his desk with photos spread across the table, sleeping peacefully as MC put a blanket over V’s shoulders
V in return would teach MC how to take care of cacti, brew him the best tea, and found that MC would like to steal his cardigans no matter what season it was
The amount of love that V felt for MC made his heart happy, and V promised to always make MC feel loved
Saeran never cared for anyone after his brother abandoned him and didn’t believe in love
He snickered off to the side when he led some idiot named MC into the RFA chat room
Saeran would watch the other male from security cameras as ordered by the savior but he soon found himself checking on MC because he genuinely cared about him
Curiosity got the better of Saeran as he went to visit MC one day in secret
He knocked on the door but when he didn’t receive an answer, he kicked it open and went to find MC
Saeran nearly passed out when he saw MC walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering his waist as he patted his hair dry
Instead of freaking out, MC quickly got himself dressed and invited Saeran in for something to drink
Saeran couldn’t deny the feeling of happiness he felt whenever he was with MC and over time, shyly asked MC to be his boyfriend
MC helped Saeran get out of Mint Eye and lead a happy life full of love and ice cream
The two boys would often spend entire days staring at the sky or cuddling together inside, neither of them wanting anything different
Saeran would go to sleep every night smiling, knowing that he found true happiness whenever he met MC
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nysanormalna · 7 years
Another Story chat and phone call log
this thing will be updated as i progress the game
log under ‘read more’ in case you want to experience the anxiety on your own
00:00 - “New Face”
Participants: Yoosung, Zen
Calls: Incoming - Zen; Will pick up - Ray, Jumin, Yoosung
02:12 - “Jaehee’s Doubt”
Participants: Jaehee
Calls: No incoming; Will pick up - Zen, 707
06:30 - “The Open Sea Between 0 and 1″
Participants: 707
Calls: No incoming; Will pick up - I DON’T KNOW because I slept through this one BUT V probably won’t pick up since all his other phonecalls get terminated so far
08:26 - “Cats and Dogs”
Participants: Zen, Jumin
Calls: Incoming - Jumin; Will pick up - Jaehee
11:49 - “Importance of Meals”
Participants: Jaehee, Yoosung
Calls: Incoming - Yoosung; Will pick up - Jumin, Zen
14:08 - “Zen’s Consideration”
Participants: Zen, Ray
Calls: Incoming - Ray; Will pick up - Jaehee
16:33 - “Dear Party Coordinator”
Participants: Yoosung
Calls: No incoming; Will pick up - Ray, 707, Zen
18:17 - “I need healing time”
Participants: 707, Jumin
Calls: Incoming - 707; Will pick up - Yoosung
20:02 - “Subject of Interest”
Participants: Zen, Jaehee
Calls: Incoming - Jaehee; Will pick up - Ray, 707
21:34 - “Richness in Wine”
Participants: Jumin
Calls: Incoming - Jumin; Will pick up - Jaehee
23:25 - “Intriguing Person”
Participants: V
Calls: No incoming; Will pick up - Jumin
After the Visual Novel: Incoming - V
01:19 - “Expectation and Uneasiness”
Participants: Jaehee, Yoosung
Calls: No incoming; Will pick up - Yoosung, Zen, Ray, V
After the Visual Novel: Incoming - Yoosung
02:44 - “Night of Reminiscence”
Participants: V, Jumin
Calls: Incoming - Jumin; Will pick up - Zen, Jumin
07:50 - “Unexpected Visit”
Participants: “”””V””””
Calls:  No incoming; Will pick up - Yoosung, Zen, 707
No calls after the VN
09:37 - “The Act of Hacking God”
Participants: 707, Jaehee
Calls: Incoming - 707; Will pick up - Jaehee, Ray
(NOTE EDIT: 707′s voicemail is bugging and disconnects immediately when it should start playing)
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sassyspoon7 · 7 years
V's Route Day Six Chat Times!
1:17 (AM) 707 Cyber News
•Participants: 707, Jaehee
2:43 (AM) V's Concern
•Participants: V
•Story Mode after chat
•Jumin, Jaehee, and V will answer after the story mode
7:55 (AM) Changes Jumin Sees
•Participants: Jumin, Jaehee
•Jaehee calls after chat; V will answer
10:24 (AM) Don't Want To Be Hated
•Participants: Ray
•V calls after chat; Ray will answer
12:33 (PM) Need Some Fresh Air
•Participants: 707, Yoosung
•Story Mode after chat
•Seven calls after story mode
14:42 / 2:42 PM Passion Red
•Participants: Jaehee, Zen
•Story Mode after chat
•Ray calls after story mode; Zen, 707, and Jaehee will answer
16:19 / 4:19 PM Yoosung's Heaven
•Participants: Yoosung, Jumin
•Story Mode after chat
•Yoosung calls after story mode; V will answer
18:23 / 6:23 PM Headinf Towards 2020
•Participants: Zen, 707
•Story Mode after chat
•Zen calls after story mode
20:00 / 8:00 PM Doubtful Family
•Participants: Jaehee, Yoosung
•Story Mode after chat
•Jumin calls after story mode
22:02 / 10:02 PM His Idea of Family
•Participants: Jumin, V
•Story Mode after chat
23:11 / 11:11 PM What Happened To V?!
•Participants: V, Jumin, Yoosung, Jaehee
•Story Mode after chat
•Ray will answer
3 notes · View notes
sassyspoon7 · 7 years
V's Route Day One Chat Times!
0:00 / 12:00 A.M. New Face!
•Participants: Zen, Yoosung
•Zen calls after chat; Jumin, Yoosung, and Ray will answer
2:12 Jaehee's Doubt
•Participants: Jaehee
6:30 The Open Sea Between 0 and
•Participants: 707
• Jumin calls after; Jaehee will answer
11:49 Importance of Meals
•Participants: Jaehee, Yoosung
•Yoosung calls after; Jumin and Zen will answer
14:08 / 2:08 PM Zen's Consideration
•Participants: Zen, Ray
•Ray calls after; Jaehee will answer
16:33 / 4:33 PM Dear Party Coordinator
•Participants: Yoosung
•Zen, Seven, and Ray will answer
18:17 / 6:17 PM I Need Healing Time
•Participants: 707, Jumin Han
•Seven calls after; Yoosung will answer
20:02 / 8:02 PM Subject of Interest
•Participants: Zen, Jaehee
•Jaehee calls after; Seven and Ray will answer
21:34 / 9:34 PM Richness in Wine
•Participants: Jumin Han
•Jumin calls after;
23:25 / 11:25 PM Intriguing Person
•Participants: V
•Story Mode after Chat
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