#Chef Bubba. Ly
booklover223 · 2 years
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poetloveses · 6 years
Worlds Collide Chapter 7 & 8
Chapter 7
               Flynn, Eve, Ezekiel, and Jenkins gathered around the table in the annex. “We need to figure this out,” Flynn said.
               “I did a google search on the name he gave us. Hmm, no results. I’ll try hacking into the NSA database to see what I can find on Eliot Spencer,” Ezekiel said.
               “Do you think we should have left Cassandra alone with him,” asked Eve. “What if he is dangerous?”
               “Oh, come on, how many chefs do you know that can hurt someone,” Flynn said. Eve gave him a look. “Besides, he’s unarmed and Cassandra’s smart enough not to be fooled, again.”
               “Flynn, all we know about this man is what he told us. For all we know he could be lying to us. If he really is a chef, what was he doing at that office building? Jenkins, what do you think?” Eve said turning around to face Jenkins.
               “I’m sorry, what? Sorry I wasn’t listening. I’m trying to see if I can find something that might help us locate Mr. Stone.”
               Eve looked annoyed, “Jenkins, try to back me up here.” She sighed, “Have you found anything yet to help us?”
               “Not yet,” Jenkins replied.
               “Guys, you need to see what I found. I searched for Eliot Spencer and I couldn’t find a chef with that name, but it came up with this,” Ezekiel said and showed them the screen.
               “Eliot Spencer, Retrieval Specialist, wanted on many accounts by the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Interpol. He’s got a bounty on his head.” Flynn read from the screen. “Look at that, he does look like Mr. Stone. Hair is a bit longer there though.” He said as he gave a little laugh.
               Eve read on, “Known associates are, Alec Hardison, Parker, Sophie Devereaux, and Nathan Ford. Last known location, Boston. Still think he’s not a dangerous man, Flynn?”
               “Fine, let’s go check on Cassandra,” Flynn and Eve go to find Cassandra and Eliot.
               Meanwhile, Cassandra and Eliot are walking outside the building. They walked in silence for a little while before Cassandra spoke up. “How are you feeling?” She asked Eliot.
               “I’ve been in worse shape than this,” he said.
               “Worse shape than being in an explosion?”
               “Not my first time being in an explosion.”
               Before she could ask, what he meant by that, a man came up and pulled a gun. “Give me all your money,” the mugger told them.
               “Listen, Bubba, you don’t want to do this.”
               “I said give me all your money or the pretty little lady is going to get hurt.”
               As the mugger pointed the gun at Cassandra, Eliot grabbed his arm and disarmed him. He took the gun and emptied the bullets out. He looked at the mugger who stood there in shock. “This is your one chance to leave before you really get hurt.”
               Cassandra looked at Eliot as the mugger ran away. She was staring at him in disbelief. “What? I don’t like guns,” Eliot said.
               “How did you do that?” Cassandra asked.
               “It’s what I do.” Eliot said and smiled.
               “What? Do you come across a lot of armed men in your kitchen?” Cassandra asked.
               “Listen, Cassandra, I need to tell you something. I didn’t exactly tell you the truth. But I want to tell you now.” Eliot turned to face Cassandra. He put one hand on her shoulder. “Cassandra, I’m…”
               They turned to see Eve and Flynn coming towards them. Eve pushed Cassandra behind her and Flynn. Eve spotted the gun still in Eliot’s hand. She pulled her gun. “Drop the gun!”
               Eliot dropped the gun and said, “This is not what it looks like.”
               Eve picked up the gun and gave it to Flynn. “Mr. Spencer, we need to talk about who you really are. We found out all about you. Now are you ready to tell us the whole truth.”
Chapter 8
               Jacob looked around the room. He tried to get up and move around but he was still sore from the explosion. Even if he could figure his way out of the room doesn’t mean the doors would be unlocked. If what the woman, Parker, said was correct he would need someone like Jones to help him escape. What did she say they all were, grifters, hitters, hackers, and thieves? He sat up when Parker came in the room. She was carrying something on a tray.
               She sat the tray on the table next to him. “I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some of Eliot’s chili.”
               “Thanks. Is there any news on when I can call my friends?” Jacob asked.
               “I think Nate is still trying to figure out what happened. It is still amazing how much you look like Eliot.” She said. “Would you like to see a picture?”
               Jacob nodded as he reached for the chili. He doesn’t remember when he ate last. He wasn’t sure how long he was knocked out for or how long he was in this room. He took a bite while she pulled up a picture on the tv screen in front of him. She was right, this was great chili. He looked up when he her say there is a good one. He stared in disbelief at the picture on the screen. The guy in the photo could be his twin.
               “Is that Eliot?” he asked her.
               “Yep. I think this was taken a few months ago.” Parker said.
               Jacob looked at the door and could see Hardison peeking in the room. When Hardison saw him looking he quickly walked away. Jacob looked at Parker and said, “Can I ask you a personal question?”
               Parker hated personal questions but said sure anyway.
               “Is that guy, Hardison, your boyfriend?” Jacob asked.
               “Yes. How did you know that?” She said as she eyed him suspiciously.
               Jacob laughed and said, “I heard him call you Babe earlier when you all didn’t know I was awake yet.” He looked at Parker. “Also, he keeps peeking in through the door thinking I can’t see him.”
               Parker turned around and saw Hardison standing near the door. She shook her head and motioned for him to go away. “Yeah, he gets that way sometimes.”
               “And Nate and Sophie are a couple, too? I can tell by the way they look at each other.” Jacob said. If Flynn were here, he could tell them in full detail all about their relationships.
               “What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?” Parker asked him.
               “No.” he said.
               “Have you ever been in love?” she asked him.
               “I’ve had a few serious relationships, but they didn’t end well.” Then he said, “It’s a very long complicated story.”
               “Sounds like something Eliot would say.”
               Just then Hardison came in the room. “Babe,” he said, “Nate wants to see us in the other room.”
               “Ok.” She turned to Jacob, “If you need anything else just call out and one of us will come check on you.”
               “Bye. Thanks for talking with me. Thank you for the food also.” Jacob said as Parker and Hardison left the room.
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