#CheshireCat!Suga x Fem!Reader
girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 2
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: Name calling.
Notes: Read to the end and then read my ‘ending notes’ for some explanations on the characters and why I made them how/who they are.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n feels like she's floating. Like she's drifting through time and space, entering a black void into nothingness. She can't open her eyes, but she knows she's no longer in her car. Somewhere in-between living and dying.
When her body finally lands somewhere, it's on top of a hard surface. Her whole body is paralyzed, but she feels like she is on top of something wooden. Tiny prickles of wood poking at her fingers and neck.
Her body slowly starts to gain control. Starting with a wiggle of her fingers, then her eyes fluttering slowly open. She's looking up into a purply sky, which confuses her since she's never seen an atmosphere with a purple tint before. Then three heads come into view. Their faces are blurred since her vision is slowly coming back, but she knows it's three males from the sounds of their voices.
"I-is it, Y/n?"
"I don't think it's, Y/n. Look what's she's wearing! Last time we saw her, she wore nothing like this."
"It must be Y/n. Who else would land at our table like dis’, other than her?"
Each time they spoke, Y/n gained a searing headache. She groaned and finally was able to move her appendages fully.
When she moves her hand to her head, the three males scatter away from her vision. She slowly sits up, feeling an ache in her back from laying down on a hard surface too long, and looks down at her knees. Not yet looking at the three people around her.
"W-what… what happened?" You ask the three strangers.
"See! It must be her! She sounds just like our Y/n!"
"Welcome to Wonderland… Y/n?"
Y/n shakes her head, finally getting her vision to focus. Her suspicions were correct. She was lying down on a table. How she got to that table, though, she’s not very sure. But despite her confusion on where she was, what one of the mystery guys just said struck her.
"Wonderland? What do you mean-" Her words catch in her throat. Looking around to see three males, as expected, but their gender didn't surprise her. It was who they were that made her speechless.
Right in front of her, wearing funky clothing, was three out of the seven BTS members. All starting at her with mixed emotions and curiosity.
J-Hope waves at Y/n, slouching in his seat at the head of the table.
"Y-your… your J-Hope!" Y/n points a shaking finger at the rapper. He raises a curious eyebrow in response.
"Tis' I wee lad." What the fuck is that accent? "We were wonderin' when ye' would wake up. The name might be J-Hope, but you used to call me the Mad Hatter if my memory is correct."
The Mad Hatter? It's now you realize, as J-Hope tips the top-hat on his head, that he's wearing the same clothing as the Mad Hatter did in the storybook you used to read when you were younger.
He has a tattered coat, white gloves with holes, a weird green-colored undershirt with patches on all the sleeves, and his top hat to match. Just like the Hatter.
You blink a few times, mouth wide open, and slowly turn your head to a sulking Jimin on your right.
"And your-"
"Jimin! Don't be calling me no dormouse, now! That's just insulting," Jimin huffed in his spot.
You gasp. 
Jimin's appearance made you even more god stuck. His two front teeth were bucked, and he wore close to the same attire as J-Hope, but there were no patches, and it was more form-fitting without the suit. It wasn't his attire or even the buck teeth that made you gasp, though, it was the tail that flicked back and forth as he talked behind him.
"You have a tail!" At your outburst, the three of them raised an eyebrow at you. Moving in complete unison as they look at Jimin's tail.
Then they all start laughing. Gut churning, falling out of their seats, laughing! Like what you just said was the funniest thing they’ve heard all week.
"No shit, dumb ass! Why do you think I said don't call me a bloody dormouse. You used to call me that back in the day… if you're even the real Y/n." His eyes scan you up and down with heavy suspicion. He has a British accent… that’s definitely isn't the real Jimin’s voice.
"Real, Y/n? What does that even mean?" 
"It means we don't know if you're the real one or not, silly willy nilly!" Your attention is now on Jin, who practically shoved his face into your personal space and popped the bubble with a safety pin.
His hair is light brown, which is weird since you know personally he has it black right now for their tour. He also has bucked teeth. Way more prominent and way more crooked than that Jimin has right now. As well as, one of his eyes is now blue and the other still brown. Making him have a crazed look always in his eyes.
His attire is also uncharacteristic to what he usually wears. Y/n always considered him very stylish and deserved the nickname 'worldwide handsome' for his looks and fashionable attire. But right now, he looks nothing like what you see on social media and in the magazines you stockpile at home.
Jin has an all-brown suit on that's oversized but one sleeve is ripped clean off. He's wearing a polkadot tie, but it's not tied on straight. Making him look crazy... he's the March Hare.
J-hope is the Mad Hatter, Jimin is the Dormouse, Jin is the March Hare...
Y/n glances at each of them, turning her head as she goes, then realization dawns on her.
"Ohhh!" All three of them jump in their seat at her outburst. "I get it! I must be in a coma or something, thinking up the members of BTS as Wonderland characters. I'll be waking up any second now and thinking this is all a bad dream."
Y/n giggles at herself, thinking she understands what's happening, but no one else is laughing. The three of them look at her with a crazed look, then they look at each other.
"Jus' like you said years ago," J-hope sighs. "I wonder how long it will take dis' time."
Y/n's smile falls.
"Dis' time - I mean - this time?"
"Yeah, silly willy-"
"Jesus, Jin! Stop with that shit."
Jin cackles and bangs on the table with his fist as each round of laughter goes through him. Eventually, Jimin and J-hope start chuckling too. Slowly laughing at total volume until they all laugh in unison. Creeping Y/n out beyond belief.
Out of all the scenarios Y/n imagined meeting the members of BTS for the first time, this was not one of them.
"Okay, so… I'm gonna go." Y/n then gets off the table, finally stretching her legs for the first time. Once her feet hit the ground, J-hope stops her by grabbing onto her bicep. Pulling it and bringing her face close to his face.
Y/n gasps, and he smiles widely at her. She just now notice's the chip on his front tooth that makes his smile look even more crazed. Making a chill run down her spine as he glances at her own regular, clean teeth.
"Maybe she will remember when de' old cat is around."
Jimin sputters and brings Y/n's attention to him. His cheeks are now beat red, and you swear you see smoke come out of his ears.
"No, no, No! That pesky cat has no business around here! Almost bit off my tail last time," Jimin cradles his tail close to his chest and glances around. Like at any moment, this cat they're mentioning, will eat it off.
J-hope and Jin start cackling again. J-hope finally lets go of her arm, and she backs away as soon a possible. Rubbing the part on her bicep he had a tight grip on.
"What cat?"
All laughter dies. Y/n suddenly feels self-conscious as they all look at her again. This constant flip of emotions makes her head spin, bringing on the headache she had when she first woke up. Even Jin's smile that has been wide and welcoming since she first woke up, vanished.
"Thee cat that let you go free."
You furrow your eyebrows and just became more confused by the second. Jin breaks a teacup on the table and makes you jump, and slowly back up from his outburst.
"How can he do that! How could he let our Y/n leave!" Jin yells. 
"Because he's a mangy pussy, that one. Always appearing and disappearing whenever he pleases. I don't think you're our Y/n - I really don't - but he let our Y/n leave this place when we needed her most."
All three of them bow their heads in sorrow. Acting like they’re morning the loss of this other Y/n that's clearly not the one currently standing near their table.
That's what she thinks, at least.
Y/n looks at all of them one at a time, repeatedly. Not knowing what to say or how to act in this situation.
"Welp!" J-hope claps his hands together suddenly. "Can't be a query about the past now! I say… time for tea!"
The three of them start jumping around carelessly. Throwing dishes and banging on the table. Completely forgetting Y/n's existence.
She slowly starts to back away from the table. Turning her back to them only when her butt hits the gate. Once she closes the gate behind her, she sighs.
"What the fuck was that?" She asks no one in particular.
When Y/n looks around, looking at the space around the gated garden for the first time, she realizes it's all forest. A thick, tree upon tree, forest.
She glances back at the three BTS members, debating if she should just stay with them instead of venturing into the unknown. But when she sees Jimin fall off his chair, and Jin start banging his head on the table, both laughing, she makes her choice.
Walking into the unknown it is, then!
Once she gets far enough away from the gated garden, she finds a yellow-bricked path that stretches all the way into the forest.
"This must lead somewhere," She enquirers out loud.
The second her foot touches the path, she gets trampled by a rigid body. Screaming as the person impacts with her, and they both go falling to the ground. Someone running at full speed and falling on top of her because she crossed their path at the worst moment. Whoever hit Y/n is now crushing her with their weight, even though they have not a lick of fat on them, and now laying fully on top of her.
When the dust starts to settle, since apparently there was a bunch on the path, the person coughs and pushes his weight off of her to stand. Putting a hand out to gesture they want to help her stand up.
"Oh, dear! I'm so, so sorry!" The person squeaks in embarrassment.
Y/n flops her hand back and forth, trying to get rid of the dust crowding her vision, then takes the strangers hand in hers.
"It's fine. Not the worst thing to happen to me today."
When the person pulls her up, the dust ultimately settles, and Y/n sees the person who ran into her at full speed.
When she sees his face, her eyes go wide.
CH 3
Ending Notes: For J-hope, I made him the Mad Hatter because even though he’s everyone’s sunshine and the person that always puts the other BTS members in a good mood, there’s a bit of a dark side to him too. No one is happy 24/7, and that’s what made me think J-hope would be a perfect Hatter! I gave him the Scottish accent because I thought it just fit the character 🤷🏼‍♀️ That, and when Johnny Deep used a Scottish accent in the movie, I thought it was really hot XD
For Jin, honestly, it was because he’s always so bubbly. Obviously, he’s not a bloody lunatic like the March Hare is made out to be, but I always thought Jin was a bit louder and prouder than the others. That’s why I made him the March Hare. He doesn’t have an accent, but his appearance needed to change a bit to fit the March Hare imagine. Can’t have our worldwide handsome looking totally kissable in this story now, lmao!
Now for Jimin, I feel like some people will hate how I changed his personality. He’s still our cute little mochi, but we all know Jimin has a sassy side. And that’s how I look at the dormouse. Sassy but adorable! The tail just needed to happen, though, for the fact that it makes me imagine him looking even more precious and because he’s got to have something to make him look like a mouse. His accent, on the other hand, just came to me while writing. Not much of an explanation behind that difference other than it totally fits, in my opinion.
Next chapter, I’ll be explaining Jungkook, and maybe another character 😉
19 notes · View notes
girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 1
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: Psychic predictions, Car accident.
Notes: NONE
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n holds the tickets in her hands and already feels the happy tears fill my eyes. Having this purple piece of paper feels like a dream. Finally being able to say she's going to their concert has been something she wanted since she could remember. And it's not the nose bleeds; it's not seating where you can barely even see the stage; it's front row.
Front row, at a BTS concert.
As much as Y/n would love to say she saved every penny of her savings, stopped paying rent just to get these, or fought every last crazy mom off to prevent their daughters from going… she didn't. She was just at the right place at the right time.
Although, being with her friend that's rich while she broke her ankle, and having her parents tell her straight to her friend's face that she can't go anymore, isn't exactly the best place and the best time. But still, she gave them to Y/n with tears in their eyes while Y/n was trying not to jump for joy.
She definitely did when she got home though.
One ticket to meet up with other friends that also could afford the concert. One ticket to see the concert Y/n has been waiting years to see. One ticket that will change her life forever because she's finally going to see them up close. Hear their song live, and get the opportunity to wave the blue ball in the air like she sees in every fancam.
Y/n tighten the strings on her hoodie, getting ready to drive from her apartment to the concert arena - that's two hours away - to meet up with her friends and wait in the long line for another 5-6 hours. But she didn't care about the waiting part. She didn't care that most of today would be spent waiting to go into the concert itself. She just cared about being there.
Being around fellow ARMY'S, feeling the electric aura of the concert scene, and finally - oh finally - seeing a BTS concert.
"It's finally here," Y/n cheers to herself. Jumping up and down in her spot.
She's just about to walk out the door - more like run - so excited for this two-hour drive to the arena when she gets a call on the house phone.
I have a house phone?
When Y/n goes to find where the ringing is coming from, and she remembers she got this house phone when she first moved into her apartment. It ended up just becoming another bill to pay. Another bill she can't afford but keep around anyway because she wants to feel like a responsible adult. 
An adult that's a month behind on rent, but we won’t mention that…
Y/n picks up the house phone and sees on the collar ID that it's Sammy, one of her friends meeting her at the concert, so she answers the phone.
"Y'ello? Residents of the future BTS concert-goer, speaking."
Sammy's laughter booms into the phone, and Y/n hears some squealing in the background. Indicating Sammy's with their other friend Charlie who’s also going to the concert.
"Are you ready for the best concert of our lives!?" Charlie screams into the phone, interrupting Sammy when she's about to say hello.
"Bitch!" Sammy shoves Charlie's face away from the phone, then brings her attention back to you on the phone. "Are you on your way?"
"Yeah, I just have to grab my phone and go."
Sammy rolls her eyes, and she wishes she could shove Y/n in the shoulder too. She's been trying to call her for the past twenty minutes wanting to warn her about the storm heading her way.
"Alright, and be careful! We just checked the weather, and it says theirs a storm coming. You can't exactly go to a concert if you die from a car accident."
Y/n laughs at Sammy's dark humor and promises to not do just that.
"Are you guys excited? Because I'm feeling fucking electric right now!" Y/n questions.
"You know it, chick! I can't wait to see them up close again. I'm telling you now, Y/n, it's going to be the best concert you've ever gone to."
"Oh, I know it is! I wonder what songs they're going to play. I hope they sing everything off of the new album! AHHHH!"
Y/n couldn't hold in her excitement anymore. Screaming into the phone and heard both her friends laugh on the other side.
"Mhmm, girl, I feel you. I'm also excited we're in the front row, too. Last time we couldn't even see them from where our seats were at! And now will be so up close… I can already see it now. Me and Jimin locking eyes and me fainting, so they have to stop the show for me, and he whisks me away,” Charlie theorizes dreamily. 
Y/n laughs at Charlie's dramatic scenario. He always had a soft spot for Jimin, and Y/n thinks it's so comical.
"Why are you laughing? You know you would feel the same way if Suga locked eyes with you!" Charlie says acting fake offended that Y/n laughed at him talking about his celebrity crush.
"Yeah, but I wouldn't full-on faint."
"Oh please!" Sammy intervenes. "Both of you are helpless, and we need to get going. You said you're leaving now, dude?"
"Yup, out the door now," Y/n says as she grabs her phone and car keys from the kitchen table. The stuff she almost forgot if Sammy didn't call her.
"Okay, drive safe."
"You too."
Then they both hung up. Y/n had an extra pep in her step while walking out the door. Not even the rain pouring buckets on her head was keeping her mood down. She was on her way to see BTS live for the first time! Nothing can sour her mood.
If she only knew…
About an hour into her drive, Y/n is squinting out her front window to see the road. Even after she turned the windshield wipers on high, the rain was still clouding her vision a tad.
She decided to turn the music up a little higher. Hearing the song, Cypher pt.3 starting to play. Already making her relax. BTS always helped cure her anxieties. Singing along to the music, especially when Suga started rapping, keeps her mind from going to the worst-case scenarios.
Weather always spoked her while driving. Ever since she went to a psychic three months ago, rain and driving have never been her friend. Always being extra cautious during weather like this.
The psychic told her three months ago that she would get in a car accident while it was raining, and it would change her life forever. Y/n wasn't sure if she believed it, but that 'change my life' part always scared her.
The psychic didn't say she would die or even get paralyzed from the accident. It would just change her life which was confusing since it never made sense how a car accident could do that, in a positive way like the psychic was leading on.
She never asked further, just left the psychic after she paid in a rush. Never going back, no matter how many times Sammy wanted to unlock her "spiritual side" with you. It was all just mumbo jumbo, in Y/n’s opinion.
Sammy admitted it was also a way for you to gain back some past memories you lost. After Y/n’s parents died a few years back, she spent a lot of time in bed. Sleeping days away until she eventually put herself in a coma and forgot how she got to that state in the first place. When she woke up, three months later, Sammy said she was crying and didn’t know why. Like she just woke up from the worse nightmare of her life.
Sammy and Charlie became intrigued by this, in a weird mystical way. They wanted to understand what made her go into this coma in the first place. Doing research, seeing specialists, and even dragging her to a psychic three months ago. Thinking someone who can predict the future, can let her understand her lost past. Again, all mumbo jumbo to Y/n’s ears.
But still, in the back of her mind, she became an extra cautious driver, after that. Better safe than sorry.
Once she saw the bridge up ahead, she cheered to herself when Y/n's car passed the welcome sign next to it that said the town's name she had just entered. Indicating it's only another hour left until she reaches the concert arena.
Once her car hit the speed bump, indicating she was now on the bridge, her phone started to ring in the cupholder. Her ringtone boomed in the speaker since it was hooked up to the AUX cord.
She glances at it and sees it's an unknown number. She ignores the first call, but then they call again. Her brows furrow after the call disconnects, and they call a third time.
She thinks maybe it’s Charlie or Sammy calling off their parent's phones. Sammy’s mom said she would drive them both to and from the concert, mostly because Charlie wanted to sleep on the way home, and Sammy didn’t have her license. So Y/n decided she should just answer the phone, thinking this was the scenario.
Y/n picks up her phone and quickly unplugs the AUX cord from it so she can press the device to her ear and hold it on her shoulder while she drives.
"Anyone there?"
"…Y/n… we- need…."
Y/n hears her name clear as day, but the rest is cut off by weird static. She's about to ask whoever it is on the other side of the call to repeat themselves, but then the call disconnects.
Y/n takes her phone off her shoulder and looks at the device curiously.
"Hmm… that was weird."
She puts the phone back in the cup holder, taking her eyes off the road for a brief second, but just as she looks back up, there's a bright light that waivers her vision. Y/n cuts the steering wheel, not trying to hit whatever the light is. But the light stays in her eyes until she feels her car gets lifted in the air.
Y/n starts screaming at the scene in front of her. Her not thinking she drove right off the bridge and into what looked like a dark abyss.
She covers her eyes, expecting a harsh impact. When she didn't feel a thing, she didn't understand how she continued to fall, and her vision went black. Something knocking her unconscious. But not before she hears a mysterious voice say into her ear,
"Welcome to Wonderland, Y/n."
CH 2
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girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Index
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung,  KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Pairing: CheshireCat!Yoongi/Suga x Reader
Genre: Wonderland!au, Violence, Angst
Rated: V
Warnings: Alternative dimension, Reader is big BTS fan, Car accident, Psychic predictions, Name-calling, Blood
Last Updated: 11/19/21
Notes: This story is currently on a Hiatus! As much as I wished I did, I did not create any of the Alice in Wonderland characters. Alice in Wonderland is public domain so I can do whatever I want with the characters. Not sure how many chapter’s I’m going to write, but each time I update/post a chapter I will add it here ⬇️
{ BTS ML }
CH 1
CH 2
CH 3
CH 4
CH 5
➳ 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: 𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕟
14 notes · View notes
girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 3
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
Tumblr media
Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: NONE.
Notes: Read to the end and then read my ‘ending notes’ for some explanations on the characters and why I made them how/who they are.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n and Jungkook have the same expression. Wide-eyed, mouth ajar, and utterly stunned by the person in front of them. She only shakes her head, knocking herself out of her stunned state, when she realizes he said her name.
"How do you-" But she stops mid sentence and rolls her eyes. Completely forgetting for a second that this is her headspace, so of course Jungkook knows her. He's a figment of her imagination, after all. If J-hope, Jimin, and Jin knew her, then it would make sense that this Jungkook would know her too.
What didn't make sense was what he looked like. Jungkook already has rabbit-like features, but his eyes are now pink. He's wearing a purple trench coat, over a green top and trousers. In his pocket hanging out by a chain is a silver pocket watch. When Y/n looks down at their conjoined hands, she realizes his nails are extra long. The type of nails some girls would kill for, except there far from fabulous since there tinted yellow and have a bit of dirt under them.
This is what confuses her because she's not sure who he's precisely supposed to be. Jin is already the March Hare, so who could Jungkook be? He’s got to be a rabbit like character. That would make sense. But who could he…
Before Y/n could put two and two together, Jungkook pulls his hand out of hers, and she looks up at him. Jungkook’s now sporting a faint blush on his cheeks. Good to know he's still the innocent bunny you know he is in the real world. At least, that's what social media and some YouTube videos make him out to be.
"Y/n?!" He parrots himself from earlier. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook sounds so urgent and worried. Like the fact that you are here in front of him is the most dangerous place you could be.
"Well!" You clap your hands together. "I got into a car accident and fell down this deep hole-"
"Was it a rabbit hole?," Jungkook interrupts.
Just by that one statement, Y/n realizes who he is. Forgetting to continue her story.
"You're the white rabbit!" She beams, and her smile stretches. How could she forget about the white rabbit? He's only one of the most essential characters in the Alice in Wonderland story. "You can show me the way out of here!"
Jungkook shakes his head, then walks past Y/n, and continues to walk in the direction he was originally going. She follows close behind as they both start walking down the yellow path. Her not giving up on wanting him to help her leave. As much as Wonderland would be such a fun place to explore, she rather find the hidden key inside this madness that could wake her up.
"You don't understand, Y/n. I haven't made any portal rabbit holes since you were last here."
Y/n groans in frustration. Not another person claiming she's been here before! You would think she would remember if she's ever been to a place full of BTS members acting like Wonderland characters? Right?
"Not you too! I've never been here. Trust me when I say, I would rememberer coming to a place like this."
Y/n glances around the forest and rubs her arms as a chill crawls up her skin. Now that she and Jungkook are walking deeper into the woods, she realizes it's getting darker with each step they take. Giving off a creepy aura radiating off of the trees.
But Jungkook doesn't seem to mind or care at all about the light change. To focused on the trail ahead of him, and he’s done this walk everyday since he become of age. Became of age to serve the Queen of Hearts, that is.
She gets closer to Jungkook until their elbows bump together. She watches his face heat up again from the go contact, and it honestly looks so adorable.
"T-trust me, Y/n. How else would I recognize you?"
Y/n rolls her eyes at his explanation.
"Because you're a figment of my imagination."
Jungkook smiles, and it makes her raise a curious eyebrow at him.
"You said that last time too."
Of course he would say that, she thought. This is honestly starting to get really annoying to her. Y/n knows she's never been here before, and she's sick and tired of everyone telling her she has.
"Listen, dude." She stops walking, and he stops to face her. Hearing the annoyance in her voice clear as day and keeping him off his path ahead. “I've never been here before, but I do know one thing for sure: I want out. I was literally on my way to a concert - your concert - before my car fell off a bridge. It fell down a hole, void, thing, whatever but it wasn't no rabbit-"
"A void?!" Jungkook interrupts with urgency, but Y/n ignores his tone.
"Yes, and that leaves me at the obvious conclusion that I am currently in a coma and would really like help to get out of this mind trap."
Jungkook is now shaking like a leaf and glancing around in fear. Like at any moment, a monster is about to come out and eat him alive.
Y/n steps forward cautiously and brings her hand up to his shoulder. He jumps back from her touch and acts like she just struck him.
"Jungkook... are you okay?"
"I can't be here. You shouldn't be here!" He starts to back away from her, getting ready to sprint, but she grabs his hand, stopping him.
"Wait! Why are you so scared? Who are you afraid of?"
Jungkook franticly shakes his head. Like even mentioning his fear out loud will bring it to life. Is he scared of fricken Voldemort or something?
Y/n steps forward, getting more into Jungkook’s space. But instead of him blushing like she expected, he continues to shake with fear as he looks down at her.
"I understand I shouldn't be here. I don't want to be here. But I need help with getting out of here, and you could do that with one of your rabbit hole, thingies."
Jungkook shakes his head and looks down at the ground, again. Y/n then sighs in defeat because it's evident that Jungkook isn't going to help her. She then remembers J-hope mentioning a cat. A cat that would help her 'remember' being here before, but maybe he can help get her out of here instead!
"J-hope mentioned a cat." Jungkook looks at her again, freezing in his spot. "Can you at least help me find him so-"
"Stay away from that cat!" 
This is the third time he's interrupted her and the second time someone warned her about this cat. She’s not sure if she should be annoyed from his third interruption, or cautious about these warnings… or both.
Y/n knew it was probably the Cheshire Cat they were all referring to. Still, that cat in the storybook never did anything to create these reactions out of people. He just helped - and I put the word helped very lightly - Alice’s way out of Wonderland. Sounds exactly like what Y/n wants now.
"Why?” She asks with laces of anger in her tone. “What did that cat do? Your the second person now with this warning but no explanation.”
Jungkook shakes his head, once again not wanting to answer or explain anything further. Being absolutely no help to Y/n at all, it seems. 
"I don't like talking about the time before - before you left us."
"Jin said he was the reason I 'left,' why is that such a bad thing?" 
Jungkook looked into a random point in the forest, and you glanced in the direction to see what he was looking at so distantly. But there was nothing there. Like he was having a flashback from the past. Jungkook's aura suddenly changed. Into something you couldn't quite put your finger on, but you knew it was not good. Angry, even.
"I-if you wouldn't have left… If you would have just stayed a few more days, he would-" Jungkook swallows, and you lean in closer. Wanting to know precisely why this cat was so dangerous or unwanted in a place that seemed so joyful, somewhat. He looks back at her, and she feels like she’s about to finally get some information. "He would still be-"
Jungkook was interrupted by trumpets going off in the distance. It sounded like it was coming from far away, but everything was so quiet around here you could hear it clearly. 
Jungkook’s ears twitch, and you watch his distressed face turn into surprise. He lets go of your hand, which was still holding his when you stopped him, and he took out his pocket watch that was handing out of his pants pocket.
When he moved the watch to in front of his eyes to check the time, you swore his eyes bulged out of his head. Completely shocked by the time it read.
Jungkook then runs down the path without a second thought. 
"Wait! Who's this he?!" You yell and run after him. But this time, you can't catch him. His long legs make him run faster than your short and un-athletic pair.
She runs as far as she can until his form turns into a blur inside the dark forest. Y/n only stops running, finally catching her breath, when she makes it to a crossroads. The path split in two between a tree. There was no tracks since he ran on a solid path. Making it impossible to know which way he went.
Y/n stomps her foot on the ground and moves the hair out of her face. Grunting in frustration, she curses at herself for not going to the gym when Charlie offered her to go with him.
She sits down on a rock on the side of the path, and for the first time since she woke up, she's has peace and quiet. It's a bit unsettling, but it also finally gives her the chance to think about everything that transpired in the past hour.
It doesn't make sense why she would imagine this place while she was in a coma. Granted, she understood the BTS part a little bit. They were her favorite band, after all. But why Wonderland?
Besides, when she was a kid, she never even watched the movies that came out about the story a few years back. It was only a childhood story that her father and mother would read to her before bed every night when she couldn't go to sleep. She used to have such bad nightmares as a kid. About a lady trying to chase her out of her kingdom and chop off her head. It would scare her so much, she wouldn't be able to fall asleep without having a story read to her until she was 13. 
She found other ways to cope, eventually, and one of those ways was BTS. They debuted around the same time her nightmares finally went away. Helping her fall asleep by listening to their music every night. Their music still helped her to this day, just with daily stresses instead of night terrors.
Maybe that's why she imagined Wonderland, out of all places. The story helped her before BTS came along, but Wonderland was also not the only story she read as a child.
Y/n rested her chin on her hand that was propped up on her knee, and as these swirling false explanations went around in her head, they cleared when she looked at the tree. The tree in the middle of the crossroads. It had three signs bolted on the trunk of it. Each pointing in a different direction.
The arrow pointing to the left: J-hopes Party.
But that didn't make sense since J-hopes garden area she just came from was not that way. The complete opposite, actually.
The arrow pointing to the right: Taehyung's House, DO NOT BOTHER!
This didn't make sense either, but not for what the sign said. Y/n had a feeling all the BTS members would pop up eventually, so the fact Taehyung was here too didn't boggle her mind. What didn’t make sense was what those two signs specifically said on them, and it made her read the two signs over again.
Because this wasn't a part of the story.
That's not what the story from her childhood said the signs had written on them. It mentioned the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, but nothing about houses and parties.
After contemplating the two signs for a while, she glanced at the sign pointing up into the sky. It was blocked by some leaves on a tree branch, and curiosity got the best of her, so she got up to check it out. As she walked the few steps towards the tree, she heard rustling come from behind her, but when she whipped herself around no one was there.
She turned around hesitantly, and put her hand out to move the branches away from the sign. Before she moved the sign, she had the strangest feeling of deja vu. Like she's been here and done this exact same thing before. Like this wasn't the first time she's gone to check this very sign out and read what it says.
Y/n just shakes her head, thinking it was just her head playing tricks on her, and then she moves the leaves. When the complete sign was finally in view to her, she sucked in air sharply. Her breath catches as she sees the sign has been scratched up beyond repair. Like someone purposely clawed the Hell out of it to make a point of whoever's name was on this sign... they did not belong here.
Y/n blinks a few times, then tries squinting her eyes to read the writing still able to be read. There wasn't much, but she could just make a name out under all the scratches.
Is that an S? Sun... Sur... Sug...
Her eyes go wide when she realizes whose name is most likely on the sign. Her heart almost stops when that exact person's unmistakable voice speaks behind her.
"Someone seems lost... poor little thing," The man behind her purrs.
Y/n turns around, and she finds out her speculations are correct.
It's Suga.
CH 4
Ending Notes:
Ughhhh! My hand kinda hurts from writing so much, but it was so worth it, LOL! That's right! Suga is here, and he's ready to fuck shit up with the reader. Just in case you didn't notice, this story very much is going to revolve around Y/n and Suga together. A lot of confused reader parts, and Suga being all mystical and 'I'm telling you nothing’ type of attitude. I'm so excited to introduce him in the next chapter XD.
But for now... let's talk about our bunny Jungkook! He just HAD to be the white rabbit. It wouldn't make sense if he wasn't, in 100% my opinion. I wasn't ever going to give him ears or a tail, but I feel the pink eyes and long fingernails gives him more of the vibe of being a rabbit character. It's subtle, but it's there. That's kinda why the reader didn't understand who he was at first - because it's so subtle - but the rabbit hole conversation made it undeniable! I also added the pocket watch to fit the white rabbit ecstatic. Can't have the white rabbit without the fancy pocket watch always telling him he's late! 
As for the blush thing, I know Jungkook (in real life) is an adult and all that. Still, the white rabbit is an innocent/child in adults body-like character, and Jungkook tends to be one of the more shy people out of all the members, so I make him blush a lot. It's not because he has a crush on the reader or anything like that. Just girls make him nervous. And the reader is Fem! so female she is LMAO!!!
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