lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: White Queen!Jin x fem reader
Word count: 2,655
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"Y/n! Look at this!" Jungkook laughed.
Lifting your gaze, you saw him making a silly face while balancing a teacup on his bunny ears.
Joyous laughter bubbled up and slipped out of you while you clapped your hands, applauding him for his entertaining trick.
"You're so cute, Kookie!" You gushed. "Will you let me pet your ears?"
"Of course." He laughed and walked over, bending down to let you stroke his soft and fuzzy bunny ears.
Another happy giggle spilled out of you.
What's going on? You wondered. Is this a dream? Why am I so little?
You were seeing things from your point of view, but you couldn't control what you were saying or doing. Was this a memory, perhaps?
"Would you like more tea, Miss Y/n?" Taehyung offered.
"Yes! Your tea is the best, Tae."
"The best in Wonderland." He winked as he poured you a cup of tea.
Scampering along the table was the dormouse, who pushed the container of sugar cubes over to you. You giggled, thanking the small animal before taking a couple and dropping them into your tea before taking a sip of it.
Looking over, you saw Namjoon blowing smoke in different shapes that grabbed your attention, your eyes following them as they dissipated into the air.
"Joonie, you're so talented!" You gushed. "How do you do that?"
He grinned, showing his dimples. "Lots of practice."
All of a sudden you were lifted up onto someone's back. It was Jimin. He started to run around the tea party, lightly jostling you as he did so.
"Jiminie, run faster!" You giggled.
Before he could fulfill your request, you were abruptly lifted off his back and into the air.
"Hey!" Jimin frowned.
"It's my turn." A deep voice spoke.
You recognized it as Yoongi.
He held you bridal style and floated around.
"Cat boy!" You squished his cheeks.
"I told you to call me Yoongi."
"I like to call you cat boy."
He rolled his eyes but laughed anyway.
Gathered at the table below were the boys, all of which you recognized except one. A handsome man with dark brown hair sat at the table, laughing happily with a small pastry in his hand. Little you waved at him to which he returned the gesture, blowing you a hand kiss.
Childhood you seemed to know who he was, but current you had no idea.
All of a sudden, you were no longer in Yoongi's arms and were stood in the rose garden at Hoseok's castle. There was a bucket of paint in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. Hoseok was standing over you smiling brilliantly as you painted the white roses red, coating them in the crimson hue.
"Good job, Y/n. You're so smart for suggesting this." He grinned brightly.
Your eyes slowly opened only to be met with a gray, cloud-covered sky. Glancing around, you realized you were in some sort of outdoor execution area. You could see Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook in front of you. All five boys were stuck in guillotines, their hands and necks bound in place.
Sitting up high in a theater balcony and looking down on them was none other than Hoseok. His eyes met yours and it felt like he was piercing daggers through you.
You tried to go after the boys to free them, but you were being held firmly in place by the card knights.
"Please let them go, Hoseok!" You pleaded desperately.
"It's too late for that my dear Y/n." He said.
All five of the imprisoned men looked at you and your heart sank with an overwhelming sense of guilt. Somehow you felt this was all your fault.
"Off with their heads!" Hoseok shouted and all the blades on the guillotines fell down.
"No!" You shrieked and shot upright at such a brisk speed that it almost made you dizzy.
Your chest heaved with each heavy breath you took and a thin layer of sweat covered your forehead as your frantic gaze moved hastily about to room only to realize you were in an unfamiliar place. Everything was white except the tiles on the floor, which were black and white checkered. You were lying on a couch of the same chalky shade as everything else, still in your dress from Hoseok, which was tattered and stained with dirt.
The sound of heels clicking against the floor reached your ears. When you looked up, you saw a woman in a short, white dress. Her hair was the same snowy hue as her attire and she wore dark makeup that stood out from her pale appearance. In her hands was a tiny tray with medical supplies lined along it. When she finally saw you were sitting upright, she let out a gasp, immediately exiting the room in a hasty manner. A few seconds later, a handsome man in a white turtleneck and thin wire frame glasses walked in carrying the tray of medical supplies. Your gaze was glued to him, mesmerized by his beauty. It was then that something connected in your head, like two wires coming together to form a spark.
"Jin!" You uttered the name like second nature, shifting to stand up.
"Whoa. You don't need to move." He advised, pulling a chair over to sit in.
The supplies were set on a nearby table and Jin carefully pulled your dress up to your knees, revealing multiple cuts and scratches on your legs.
"So you remember after all." He stated.
"I guess I do." You spoke quietly.
The way his name left your mouth like you'd said it a hundred times was strange. When you saw him in that dream—that flashback, you didn't know him, yet when you awoke and laid eyes on him, you knew exactly who he was.
"Your friends are here."
You couldn't help but feel a sense of both relief and happiness. Everyone was okay.
"They came to me after Hoseok's knights took you away. They were very worried." He grabbed a washcloth and dipped it into a bowl of water before wringing it out. "This might hurt." He warned before carefully cleaning your injuries.
You winced as the cloth passed over the tender and damaged skin, pulling your lip between your teeth in an attempt to get through the stinging sensation.
"You took a nasty fall out there." Jin commented.
"How did you find me? I was alone."
"You weren't far from my castle. One of my loyal subjects was out walking and found you passed out in the grass. You're very lucky."
He set the stained cloth aside and took some ointment on a small cosmetic spatula, gently spreading it over the cuts. He then retrieved some bandages and wrapped them around the injuries on your legs, touching you with the utmost caution, acting as if you were delicate porcelain that would break if he was too harsh.
"Thank you."
"It's no problem, my dear." Jin smiled.
Your heart fluttered. Wow. He's dreamy.
"I'll go get you some fresh clothes." He excused himself, walking out of the room.
He returned moments later with a stack of white garments. You thanked him once again and started to stand up only to fall down onto the floor, the cuts on your legs hurting more than you thought.
"Here. Let me help you, princess." Jin offered, bending down to help you up off the marble floor.
You slung your arm over his wide shoulders as he pulled you to your feet, slowly walking out into the hall and bringing you to a small room.
"You can change in there. I'll be right out here." He informed you, taking a seat on a small bench in the corridor.
You stepped into the room where you changed out of the dirt-stained dress and into the fresh clothes Jin had so kindly provided you with. While in the room, you removed the red extensions that had been clipped into your hair, glancing in the mirror to check your appearance.
The outfit Jin gave you was casual, but not anything frumpy-looking. It consisted of a fuzzy cardigan, a white tank top, and loose pants. For shoes it was a pair of simple slip ons. The drawstring pants he provided you with were extremely loose in the legs and made of soft fabric that you couldn't seem to keep your hands off of.
Jin stood up and looked at you as soon as you emerged from the room, a bright smile spreading across his face.
"You look lovely."
"I know I keep saying this, but thank you... for everything. You brought me fresh clothes and took care of my wounds." To further convey your gratitude, you wrapped your arms around Jin, giving him a light squeeze.
He hugged you back, humming softly in contentment. "You're welcome, Y/n."
When you pulled away, he gazed down at you with a fondness in his eyes that made your stomach flip. Leaning down, Jin placed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"C'mon. Your friends will want to see you."
Jin's hand took hold of yours, careful to walk at a more leisurely pace since your legs were injured and more than likely in pain. He escorted you down a wide set of stairs that led to the common room located at the entrance of his castle.
As you descended the staircase, you spotted all five of the boys sitting around, all of them looking worried as they waited. When they heard footsteps approaching, they all looked up to see who it was.
A cheery chorus of your name was exclaimed as all of them started making their way towards you.
"Hey! Be careful. She's injured." Jin scolded before they could get any closer.
The five of them stopped and let you get to the bottom of the steps before engulfing you in a group hug.
"Thank goodness you're okay." Taehyung sighed.
"I was worried." Jungkook spoke. "I didn't know if you'd made it to Taehyung after you left us."
"Me too." Jimin agreed, his eyes looking glossy.
"Thank you all for worrying about me. Really. It means the world."
"Jin said it seemed like you tripped over a tree root and passed out." Namjoon shook his head. "Clumsy girl."
Though his words were a bit brash, you could see concern and relief behind his brown eyes.
"Well, when you're scared and running from an army of knights, you're bound to trip over something." You shot back playfully. "Ah. I have news! While I was unconscious, I had the strangest dream. That dream turned out to be memories of this place from when I was little."
"You remember?" Taehyung's face lit up.
Unable to hold back the grin on your face, you nodded, smiling brightly.
"Oh. Yoongi, sorry I called you cat boy all those years ago."
He chuckled and shook his head. "It's okay, darling. You were little."
"Jungkook and I heard Hoseok captured you. What happened?" Jimin asked.
"Did he hurt you?" Taehyung inquired.
"Did he throw you in a cell?" Jungkook questioned.
"No. None of that. He was actually very nice."
"What?" Everyone's eyes went wide, their mouths agape in disbelief.
"Don't be like that." Jin chastised. "Let her talk. I'm sure she has an explanation."
"He's got some anger issues." You began.
"Tell me about it." Yoongi grumbled under his breath.
In turn, Jin shot him a warning glance which shut him up.
"He told me how you all used to be friends and that you made him feel left out. He said you all preferred to hang out with Jin rather than him and it made him sad."
"That's not true!" Jungkook protested.
"Yes it is and you know it." Namjoon crossed his arms. "It's our fault he is the way he is."
"That's true." Taehyung agreed. "There's not a day that goes by that I don't feel bad for the way we treated him."
"Hobi was actually really fun to be around. I guess we all just forgot about him when Jin joined the friend group." Jimin voiced. "We never meant to cast him aside."
"You all know that was a pretty crummy thing to do." You frowned softly.
They all nodded, agreeing silently.
"Hoseok still seems really upset by it. Though I'm no different than you all."
"What do you mean by that?" Yoongi inquired.
"I ran away from him. He figured out at least one of you had... kissed me." You uttered the last part quietly. "He wasn't happy about it. In fact, he was enraged. It terrified me, so I took off. As I was fleeing, he called for his knights to capture you five so he could cut off your heads."
The group shared a brief look of concern.
"Cut off our heads?" Jimin echoed.
"He wouldn't do that." Said Namjoon.
"How do you know?" Yoongi challenged.
"Hoseok was never like that."
"We haven't spoken to him in years. He could have changed."
"Yoongi has a point." Jungkook spoke up.
As the five of them bickered back and forth, Jin stepped forward, gently tapping your shoulder.
"Y/n, will you come with me for a moment? I'd like to talk to you in private." Jin requested, pulling you away from the group. "Let's walk."
You fell into step with him, walking into a separate room that put some distance between you and the commotion.
"You probably think I'm the bad guy after hearing Hoseok's story." Jin sighed.
"Not really. Truthfully, I think it's just a big misunderstanding that never got fixed. I think you all went about it the wrong way."
"I believe you're right. I still feel awful about it. Hoseok was my best friend. I should have apologized and fixed things already."
"Why haven't you?"
"To be honest, I'm scared."
"What's there to be scared of?" You inquired.
"Facing Hoseok after all these years, I suppose. That's what I'm scared of. He could refuse to accept my apology, and he has every right to do so."
"I'm going to be totally honest. Is that okay?"
"Of course it is." He spoke sincerely, reaching out and grasping your hand.
"I think Hoseok is still open to an apology. He's still hurt. If you apologize, it would be the first step to rebuilding your friendship. You should make amends."
"You think he'll accept it?"
"I know he will. I could see the hurt in his eyes and an apology would begin to fix that."
"Thank you, Y/n. You truly have grown up to be a brilliant and beautiful young lady." Jin leaned down, kissing your cheek softly. "Let's go back to your friends."
On the way back down to the common room, concern for the boys' safety crossed your mind. Jin agreed to apologize, but Hoseok didn't know that. For all you knew, he was still in a blind rage.
"Jin, are the boys safe here? Hoseok won't come and try to behead them will he?" You questioned fretfully.
"Of course they're safe here. And no, Hoseok isn't that violent." Jin said. "He's all bark no bite—and I mean that in the best way. I know he seems scary, but he wouldn't hurt a fly."
When the two of you rejoined the group, you filled them in on what you and Jin had discussed. If anything were to change, the boys would have to do something.
"Are you all open to apologizing and making amends with Hoseok?" Jin asked.
There was a resounding and collective yes from the group, all five of them in agreement.
"Good." He gave a nod of finality. "We'll all go together."
Before anyone could move an inch, the front doors to the castle burst open and in stormed Hoseok, looking angrier than when you had left him.
"Give her back to me, Jin!" He demanded.
➯ Finale
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Masterlist ᝰ
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz
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girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 2
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: Name calling.
Notes: Read to the end and then read my ‘ending notes’ for some explanations on the characters and why I made them how/who they are.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n feels like she's floating. Like she's drifting through time and space, entering a black void into nothingness. She can't open her eyes, but she knows she's no longer in her car. Somewhere in-between living and dying.
When her body finally lands somewhere, it's on top of a hard surface. Her whole body is paralyzed, but she feels like she is on top of something wooden. Tiny prickles of wood poking at her fingers and neck.
Her body slowly starts to gain control. Starting with a wiggle of her fingers, then her eyes fluttering slowly open. She's looking up into a purply sky, which confuses her since she's never seen an atmosphere with a purple tint before. Then three heads come into view. Their faces are blurred since her vision is slowly coming back, but she knows it's three males from the sounds of their voices.
"I-is it, Y/n?"
"I don't think it's, Y/n. Look what's she's wearing! Last time we saw her, she wore nothing like this."
"It must be Y/n. Who else would land at our table like dis’, other than her?"
Each time they spoke, Y/n gained a searing headache. She groaned and finally was able to move her appendages fully.
When she moves her hand to her head, the three males scatter away from her vision. She slowly sits up, feeling an ache in her back from laying down on a hard surface too long, and looks down at her knees. Not yet looking at the three people around her.
"W-what… what happened?" You ask the three strangers.
"See! It must be her! She sounds just like our Y/n!"
"Welcome to Wonderland… Y/n?"
Y/n shakes her head, finally getting her vision to focus. Her suspicions were correct. She was lying down on a table. How she got to that table, though, she’s not very sure. But despite her confusion on where she was, what one of the mystery guys just said struck her.
"Wonderland? What do you mean-" Her words catch in her throat. Looking around to see three males, as expected, but their gender didn't surprise her. It was who they were that made her speechless.
Right in front of her, wearing funky clothing, was three out of the seven BTS members. All starting at her with mixed emotions and curiosity.
J-Hope waves at Y/n, slouching in his seat at the head of the table.
"Y-your… your J-Hope!" Y/n points a shaking finger at the rapper. He raises a curious eyebrow in response.
"Tis' I wee lad." What the fuck is that accent? "We were wonderin' when ye' would wake up. The name might be J-Hope, but you used to call me the Mad Hatter if my memory is correct."
The Mad Hatter? It's now you realize, as J-Hope tips the top-hat on his head, that he's wearing the same clothing as the Mad Hatter did in the storybook you used to read when you were younger.
He has a tattered coat, white gloves with holes, a weird green-colored undershirt with patches on all the sleeves, and his top hat to match. Just like the Hatter.
You blink a few times, mouth wide open, and slowly turn your head to a sulking Jimin on your right.
"And your-"
"Jimin! Don't be calling me no dormouse, now! That's just insulting," Jimin huffed in his spot.
You gasp. 
Jimin's appearance made you even more god stuck. His two front teeth were bucked, and he wore close to the same attire as J-Hope, but there were no patches, and it was more form-fitting without the suit. It wasn't his attire or even the buck teeth that made you gasp, though, it was the tail that flicked back and forth as he talked behind him.
"You have a tail!" At your outburst, the three of them raised an eyebrow at you. Moving in complete unison as they look at Jimin's tail.
Then they all start laughing. Gut churning, falling out of their seats, laughing! Like what you just said was the funniest thing they’ve heard all week.
"No shit, dumb ass! Why do you think I said don't call me a bloody dormouse. You used to call me that back in the day… if you're even the real Y/n." His eyes scan you up and down with heavy suspicion. He has a British accent… that’s definitely isn't the real Jimin’s voice.
"Real, Y/n? What does that even mean?" 
"It means we don't know if you're the real one or not, silly willy nilly!" Your attention is now on Jin, who practically shoved his face into your personal space and popped the bubble with a safety pin.
His hair is light brown, which is weird since you know personally he has it black right now for their tour. He also has bucked teeth. Way more prominent and way more crooked than that Jimin has right now. As well as, one of his eyes is now blue and the other still brown. Making him have a crazed look always in his eyes.
His attire is also uncharacteristic to what he usually wears. Y/n always considered him very stylish and deserved the nickname 'worldwide handsome' for his looks and fashionable attire. But right now, he looks nothing like what you see on social media and in the magazines you stockpile at home.
Jin has an all-brown suit on that's oversized but one sleeve is ripped clean off. He's wearing a polkadot tie, but it's not tied on straight. Making him look crazy... he's the March Hare.
J-hope is the Mad Hatter, Jimin is the Dormouse, Jin is the March Hare...
Y/n glances at each of them, turning her head as she goes, then realization dawns on her.
"Ohhh!" All three of them jump in their seat at her outburst. "I get it! I must be in a coma or something, thinking up the members of BTS as Wonderland characters. I'll be waking up any second now and thinking this is all a bad dream."
Y/n giggles at herself, thinking she understands what's happening, but no one else is laughing. The three of them look at her with a crazed look, then they look at each other.
"Jus' like you said years ago," J-hope sighs. "I wonder how long it will take dis' time."
Y/n's smile falls.
"Dis' time - I mean - this time?"
"Yeah, silly willy-"
"Jesus, Jin! Stop with that shit."
Jin cackles and bangs on the table with his fist as each round of laughter goes through him. Eventually, Jimin and J-hope start chuckling too. Slowly laughing at total volume until they all laugh in unison. Creeping Y/n out beyond belief.
Out of all the scenarios Y/n imagined meeting the members of BTS for the first time, this was not one of them.
"Okay, so… I'm gonna go." Y/n then gets off the table, finally stretching her legs for the first time. Once her feet hit the ground, J-hope stops her by grabbing onto her bicep. Pulling it and bringing her face close to his face.
Y/n gasps, and he smiles widely at her. She just now notice's the chip on his front tooth that makes his smile look even more crazed. Making a chill run down her spine as he glances at her own regular, clean teeth.
"Maybe she will remember when de' old cat is around."
Jimin sputters and brings Y/n's attention to him. His cheeks are now beat red, and you swear you see smoke come out of his ears.
"No, no, No! That pesky cat has no business around here! Almost bit off my tail last time," Jimin cradles his tail close to his chest and glances around. Like at any moment, this cat they're mentioning, will eat it off.
J-hope and Jin start cackling again. J-hope finally lets go of her arm, and she backs away as soon a possible. Rubbing the part on her bicep he had a tight grip on.
"What cat?"
All laughter dies. Y/n suddenly feels self-conscious as they all look at her again. This constant flip of emotions makes her head spin, bringing on the headache she had when she first woke up. Even Jin's smile that has been wide and welcoming since she first woke up, vanished.
"Thee cat that let you go free."
You furrow your eyebrows and just became more confused by the second. Jin breaks a teacup on the table and makes you jump, and slowly back up from his outburst.
"How can he do that! How could he let our Y/n leave!" Jin yells. 
"Because he's a mangy pussy, that one. Always appearing and disappearing whenever he pleases. I don't think you're our Y/n - I really don't - but he let our Y/n leave this place when we needed her most."
All three of them bow their heads in sorrow. Acting like they’re morning the loss of this other Y/n that's clearly not the one currently standing near their table.
That's what she thinks, at least.
Y/n looks at all of them one at a time, repeatedly. Not knowing what to say or how to act in this situation.
"Welp!" J-hope claps his hands together suddenly. "Can't be a query about the past now! I say… time for tea!"
The three of them start jumping around carelessly. Throwing dishes and banging on the table. Completely forgetting Y/n's existence.
She slowly starts to back away from the table. Turning her back to them only when her butt hits the gate. Once she closes the gate behind her, she sighs.
"What the fuck was that?" She asks no one in particular.
When Y/n looks around, looking at the space around the gated garden for the first time, she realizes it's all forest. A thick, tree upon tree, forest.
She glances back at the three BTS members, debating if she should just stay with them instead of venturing into the unknown. But when she sees Jimin fall off his chair, and Jin start banging his head on the table, both laughing, she makes her choice.
Walking into the unknown it is, then!
Once she gets far enough away from the gated garden, she finds a yellow-bricked path that stretches all the way into the forest.
"This must lead somewhere," She enquirers out loud.
The second her foot touches the path, she gets trampled by a rigid body. Screaming as the person impacts with her, and they both go falling to the ground. Someone running at full speed and falling on top of her because she crossed their path at the worst moment. Whoever hit Y/n is now crushing her with their weight, even though they have not a lick of fat on them, and now laying fully on top of her.
When the dust starts to settle, since apparently there was a bunch on the path, the person coughs and pushes his weight off of her to stand. Putting a hand out to gesture they want to help her stand up.
"Oh, dear! I'm so, so sorry!" The person squeaks in embarrassment.
Y/n flops her hand back and forth, trying to get rid of the dust crowding her vision, then takes the strangers hand in hers.
"It's fine. Not the worst thing to happen to me today."
When the person pulls her up, the dust ultimately settles, and Y/n sees the person who ran into her at full speed.
When she sees his face, her eyes go wide.
CH 3
Ending Notes: For J-hope, I made him the Mad Hatter because even though he’s everyone’s sunshine and the person that always puts the other BTS members in a good mood, there’s a bit of a dark side to him too. No one is happy 24/7, and that’s what made me think J-hope would be a perfect Hatter! I gave him the Scottish accent because I thought it just fit the character 🤷🏼‍♀️ That, and when Johnny Deep used a Scottish accent in the movie, I thought it was really hot XD
For Jin, honestly, it was because he’s always so bubbly. Obviously, he’s not a bloody lunatic like the March Hare is made out to be, but I always thought Jin was a bit louder and prouder than the others. That’s why I made him the March Hare. He doesn’t have an accent, but his appearance needed to change a bit to fit the March Hare imagine. Can’t have our worldwide handsome looking totally kissable in this story now, lmao!
Now for Jimin, I feel like some people will hate how I changed his personality. He’s still our cute little mochi, but we all know Jimin has a sassy side. And that’s how I look at the dormouse. Sassy but adorable! The tail just needed to happen, though, for the fact that it makes me imagine him looking even more precious and because he’s got to have something to make him look like a mouse. His accent, on the other hand, just came to me while writing. Not much of an explanation behind that difference other than it totally fits, in my opinion.
Next chapter, I’ll be explaining Jungkook, and maybe another character 😉
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pars-ley · 4 years
Umbra (part one)
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Pairing: Demon Jimin x Angel Reader
Summary: An encounter with a mysterious demon leaves you reeling from an unexpected discovery.
Rating: 18+ (sfw) future chapters may be (nsfw)
Genre: Fantasy au / Demon Jimin au / Soulmate au / Strangers to lovers au / Angst / Fluff / Series 
Word count: 1585
Warnings: fight scene / bloody injury / mentions of loss of blood / Talk of Demons / Description of non human demon
Tag list: @jungkooksbroski​  If you would like to be added to the tag list for this series let me know.
A/N: This is for the @btswritersclub monthly mini project and the prompt was "magic". Also used my @btsholidaybingo sqaure "dark alleys". Keep reading line before 500 words as description of Demon.
Beta reader: @unoriginal-username15432​ thank you! You're a goddess as usual. 
Mood board: @wheresmymoniat​ Thank you Elle for making this "just for fun" and somehow having delved into my mind to make it exactly how I would have imagined, your big brain continues to astound me.
The blinding white flash lit up the night sky as you wrap your long coat around you tighter, to shield yourself from the fierce wind this evening. 
You know this isn't normal lightning and there's no storm on its way to wreak havoc, it was the work of a demon creating chaos, as they usually do. 
You quicken your pace, aiming for where the burst of brilliant light slices through the inky blanket covering the city. 
Another bright flash - closer this time - as you watch the veiny patterns it momentarily leaves behind in its path, your face being pelted with heavy rain drops as you force your eyes away from the sky. You're so close, you run, letting your coat open and flap wildly either side of you with each step you take, one foot bounding in front of the other. 
An explicitly dark alleyway has you halted in your tracks. Not just any dark. Thick, inescapable dark. You've been into this kind of darkness before and it almost cost you, but that was different, you were young and naïve. 
You'd made a mistake. 
You'd tried to face a notorious demon on your own and almost lost, you got lucky. Now you were prepared, you could do this.
You take a confident step forward into the black before you and leave your fears on the pavement.
Wandering blindly for what feels like an eternity, something's presence lurking all around you, encasing you in a sickly, choking embrace, you have to remind yourself to concentrate and look for the way out, the edge of the emptiness. The end of the cloak.
Breathe. Focus. 
You see the tiny slither of light and force your body in its direction, urgent and wild, pushing past the rim of the ebony cover. You're out and it's over, you can breathe again. 
A menacing growl beside you has you spinning sharply on your heels, reeling to find two demons fighting in the alley.
One a human form and one far from it. Recognition of this monster clicks in your mind, one of the most dangerous and wanted demons of our time, here, right in front of you, quarrelling with another similar of its kind but not the same. 
Could you face two of them and survive? 
It's too late to back out now. 
The giant monster springs, long, sharp claws out and aiming for his victim, only, at the last moment he spots you. You brace yourself as he lunges straight at you, his body slamming into yours. 
Sharp pain gouges in your side, pulling a loud cry from your lips as anger bubbles hot in your chest. Your hands clasp around his hairy arms, keeping them firmly away from you. As he fights against your vice grip, large fangs snapping his snout viciously mere centimetres away from your face.
In one swift moment his heaviness is gone and your lungs fill frantically with air, you shoot up on your feet, wincing at the resistance from your side. You don't want to look, if you ignore it then it's not there.
The human figure crouches protectively in front of you, you're perplexed but far too distracted by the grotesque creature preparing to attack once again.
"Stay behind me!" The human demon orders you.
How strange. 
You are not his ally and yet he's treating you as one. 
"I can handle him." You retort, bringing your power to the surface ready.
He laughs, the sound infuriating. "Yea sure, looks like it from the blood you're losing."
Fury blinds you for a moment, before snapping you back into the present, you have to focus your attack on one demon at a time and this man can wait.
The creature dives forward towards the two of you, using your ability to hoist him off his feet and into the air, your pale smoky vines of power suspending him and snaking around his ankles above you. 
You notice the man glance sideways at you, surprise evident in his features. 
He uses his dark, wispy tendrils of magic to wrap around the monster's limbs, binding him in mid air before you both slam him into the ground, the hairy beast disappearing into nothing, banished back into another realm.
The cloak of darkness lifts as does the rain. 
"What are you?" You demand. Curious as to why a demon would be banishing others of his kind. That's your job.
He slowly turns to you, eyes wary and narrowed. "You know what I am." 
What kind of demon could he be? You’ve  never come across one like him before. Even as he stands a distance away, you feel yourself drawn to him, drawn to his movements, to the way he stares at you, watching you behind heavy lids. 
He moves closer. "Look, if you're going to banish me, I'd rather we just get this over with." He says nonchalantly, dusting off his hands, looking at ease and quite frankly bored with the conversation already.
You frown. You should do exactly that. No talking, no hesitating, just get rid of him. However, something stops you, holds you back from doing what you know is right but something inside you is screaming that it is   wrong.
"Why did you banish him?" You fire back, needing some answers for this unexplainable feeling deep in your gut.
"You already know the answer to that too." His eyes are fixed on yours as he begins to close the distance that stretches out between you. 
You retreat until your back is met with cold hard brick. 
"He was a demon, he doesn't belong on this plane. There. Is that the answer you're really looking for?" His perfectly arched eyebrow lifts as he throws the question at you.
You watch his pillowy lips pull up into an arrogant smirk. "Come now," he leans in closer, only a breath away, his sweet scent intoxicating your senses and whispers, "what is it you really want to know?" 
You're frozen, unable to move and run like your head is telling you to, unable to cast him away or banish him. All you can do is ball your hands into fists at your sides to stop yourself from reaching out to him, from running a finger along his flawless, smooth skin. 
Angels are not affected by demon powers, they can't be charmed or willed or seduced, it's one of your perks and yet here you stand, immobile like a frightened little dormouse. But not because of this demon or his powers, this is entirely your own doing, your own cage you've built yourself. 
He studies you over curiously, you wonder if your eyes mirror the very look in his. "Why are you not banishing me?" He asks, utterly perplexed.
"Why are you not trying to kill me?" You finally find your voice, stronger and braver than you hoped for.
His dark, smoky tendrils snake their way up your legs and body, until they're forcing your arms in the air above your head. 
Your own pale vines of smoke meet his and entwine around them, halting them in their tracks.
He frowns at you, wide eyed. "What is this? What magic are you enticing me with?"
You scoff, hardly believing those words came out of his mouth and not yours. "I was going to ask you the same question."
Something clicks inside you, something deep down within your soul. Suddenly, you feel at ease, comfortable, at home. Your chest swells with a feeling you can't quite place, like being in love, only more than that. You feel complete. 
His powers release their grip and your arms are freed, but your powers are still joined, still embracing.
"What's happening?" You ask bewildered. 
He takes the one last step towards you, your bodies now touching, pressed firmly against each other. His thumb slides softly across your cheek, a caress that has you feeling dizzy and your knees weak. 
"Tell me angel, do you have a mark?" He whispers, searching your eyes as if they held the answers to life's questions.
All you can do is nod, frozen in place, unable to tear your gaze away from his.
"Could it be, I've finally found you?" He says quietly, more to himself you think.
You question him with your eyes, pleading with him to elaborate, wondering if this is all a trick before he slaughters you right here. 
He lifts the sleeve of his dark shirt and reveals his mark, an intricate, pink little pattern, almost like a scar. We are all born with these marks, none are alike, except for your life mate, which matches yours like a puzzle piece. 
He looks at you with wildly desperate eyes.
You lift your sleeve, hands trembling. 
You don't even have to look to know it matches. The overwhelming adoration in his eyes fills your heart to the brim, fit to burst. 
"It's you. I've actually found you, and an angel at that." He lets out a small laugh. His smile is more beautiful than any scene or sunset.
Your soulmate, the one who will be bound to you in this life and the next and follow you for eternity. You've found him.
But it's not that simple, for a moment later he has disappeared, your magic clutches to thin air, nothing but emptiness fills the space around you and consumes your insides as you frantically look around. He's gone without a trace and you have no idea where to begin looking to find him again.
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Wonderland Moodboard Masterlist
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Kim Namjoon - The Caterpillar
Kim Seokjin - The Queen of Hearts
Min Yoongi - The Dormouse
Jung Hoseok - The Mad Hatter
Park Jimin - The White Rabbit
Kim Taehyung - The Cheshire Cat
Jeon Jungkook - Alice
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gothminyoongi · 5 years
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Jimin as Alice
Taehyung as The Cheshire Cat
Yoongi as The Dormouse
Jungkook as The White Rabbit
Hoseok as The Mad Hatter
Namjoon as The Caterpillar
Seokjin as The White King
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
BTS Mooboards Pt1
Part 2 | Main List
🍑 = My faves
Aesthetix: Aesthetics/moodboards that I have made
Suga as Adam from Beauty and the Beast
V (Taehyung) as Aladdin from Aladdin
RM as Li Shang from Mulan
Jimin as Naveen from Princess and the Frog
Jungkook as Flynn Rider from Tangled
J-Hope as Peter Pan from Peter Pan🍑
Jin as Tarzan from Tarzan
Namjoon as Cinderella x Princess
Hoseok as Aladdin
Winnie the Pooh
Jungkook as Roo
Hobi as Piglet 🍑
Jimin as Pooh
Jin as Rabbit 🍑
Yoongi as Kanga
Tae as Tigger
Namjoon as Owl
V (Taehyung) 2017
Hoseok 2018
Yoongi 2018
Jungkook 2018
Namjoon 2018
New Years 2018 (Black Tie)
Christmas 2017
Valentine’s Day 2018
White Day 2018
Friday the 13th (April 2018) 🍑
Friday the 13th (July 2018)
Mythical Creatures
Unicorn J-Hope 🍑
Vampire Jin
Centaur Jungkook
Merman Jimin 🍑
Incubus RM
Dragon Suga
Werewolf V
Yoongi Mermaid
Jimin + Fairy Prince
Unicorn Suga
Elements (1)
Suga & Ice
J-Hope & Air
RM & Earth
Jin & Earth
Jimin & Water
V & Lightning
Jungkook & Metal
Elements (2-Requested)
Jungkook & Fire 
Song Lyrics
Jimin + “I Like Me Better” by Lauv
RM + “Ride” by SoMo
RM + “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande
Alice in Wonderland
Jimin as Alice and Dormouse
Taehyung as Mad Hatter and Absolem
Jungkook as White Rabbit
Jin as Queen of Hearts 🍑
Yoongi as Cheshire Cat
Hoseok as Mad Hatter
Namjoon as Alice and Absolem
Gods/Goddesses (April Theme)
Namjoon as Posidon 🍑
Yoongi as Zeus
Taehyung as Hera
Yoongi as Nyx
Hobi as Ra
Jin as Aphrodite
Jimin as Artemis
Jungkook as Eros
Taehyung as Hestia
Yoongi as Tibetan Snow Lion
7 Deadly Sings
Hobi as Pride  🍑
Jungkook as Envy
Namjoon as Greed
Jimin as Lust  🍑
Suga as Sloth
Jin as Gluttony
Taehyung as Wrath
Circus AU
Normal Route- (Y/N), Jimin, Taehyung, Jin
Mafia AU
Supreme Boi
OC: Desta
Demon AU
Chapter 5 Outfits
Chapter 7 Outfits
Chapter 9 Outfits
Chapter 10 Outfits
Chapter 15 Outfits
#Flowers + Yoongi  🍑
#TeasingSex + Jin (NSFW)  🍑
#Protective + Namjoon
#Dom + Jimin (NSFW)
#Bondage + Namjoon (NSFW)  🍑
#AirplaneSex + Hobi (NSFW)
#WaxPlay + Yoongi (NSFW)
#TrainSex + Taehyung (NSFW)
#Puppers + Taehyung  🍑
#ShowerSex + Jungkook
#Wanderlust + Jin  🍑
#Koya + Namjoon
#Koala + Jimin (ft. Others)
#Soft + Jimin
Pride Colors 
Jimin + bi colors 🍑
Yoongi + pan colors
Namjoon + Ace colors
Jin + Demisexual colors
Kookie + trans colors
Hobi + Intersex colors
Hobi + Autosexual colors
Namjoon + Pan colors 🍑
Yoongi + Trans colors  🍑
Taehyung + Trans colors
POC bf (Trope)
Jungkook + Travel bf
Namjoon + Pink UwU bf
Yoongi + Minty shy bf  🍑
Jin + Techie bf
Taehyung + Flower bf
Hobi + Tennis bf
Jimin + Pastel bf  🍑
POC gf (Time period)
Yoongi + Rennaissance gf  🍑
Jungkook + 90s gf
Jin + Ancient Greek gf  🍑
Hobi + Roaring 20s gf
Taehyung + 70s gf
Namjoon + 50s gf
Jimin + 80s gf  🍑
Moodboard Challenges (Others in series x x x)
Jin + Nightcrawler (1/?)
Pastel Pink Jungkook (2/?)
Nature Witch Yoongi (3/?)  🍑
Hobi + Hummingbird (4/?)
Jin + Yeehonk Wedding (5/?)
Taehyung + London at Night (6/?)
Jimin + Beach (7/?)  🍑
Jungkook + Zoo Date (8/?) [Not the right number but eh]
Namjoon: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
Jin: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
Yoongi: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
Hobi: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
Jimin: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
V: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
Jungkook: Raven, Huffle, Slyth, Gryf
For Friends
Beach Date with Jin
Club date with Hoseok
J-Hope’s studio
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ministryofkpopaus · 7 years
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BTS Alice in Wonderland AU | Inspired by @gabsondraws Army in Bangtanland collection | By @jeanchevaljean and @confessionsofashyfangirl
Kim Seokjin as Queen of Hearts Min Yoongi as Dormouse  Park Jimin as Cheshire Cat Kim Namjoon as The Caterpillar  Jeon Jeongguk as White Rabbit Jung Hoseok as March Hare Kim Taehyung as Mad Hatter 
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yuudetama · 7 years
Malice // Chapter 2
Romance, thriller, Wonderland!BTS. Pairing: Namjoon x Reader Chapter 1 → Chapter 2
“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”
You step over a log dotted with tiny mushrooms and glance at your peculiar companion. He’s walking a step ahead of you, shielding his expression from your view, but you imagine that he has on his face a look of pondering that accompanies his contemplative and rather out-of-the-blue question. Either that, or he’s wearing that mischievous grin which you’re beginning to associate all things Cheshire with.
You realize that he’s waiting for an answer, so you clear your throat. “I believe the question is, why would you even want to compare the two to begin with,” you respond, and shrug your shoulders although you know he can’t see it.
The Cheshire clucks his tongue mockingly. “You know, it really isn’t good for you if you keep talking with such skepticism,” he admonishes, but you can hear the amusement colouring his voice. “If one is going to live or even stray in the land of the Wonder, then one must always keep one’s mind open to all things, no matter how puzzling or insignificant the question may be.”
“But I don’t live here,” you tell him after a while, “And I’m certainly not straying.” I have a goal to accomplish, you add silently, but the latter part, you choose to keep to yourself.
“Whatever one claims not to be, one always is, little bird,” Jimin hums. “You might not think you’re straying but that is precisely how I see you. Lost, with only a faint thread showing you where to step next. And while there are many things you don’t want to be in this world- addled, sickly, or a python’s next and very helpless meal, for example- Lost is the number one thing you don’t want to be. It isn’t pleasant, and sometimes you’ll wish that you were a python’s meal instead. Because, at least that way you would know what you are, instead of floundering around helplessly in the state of everything that is Lost. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
You stare at him. The two of you have been walking together for nearly three hours now, and for the first time since your initial meeting you can sense a shift in his demeanour. There is a sort of seriousness to his words that takes you by surprise, as unforeseen and startling as the appearance of the Cat himself. Perhaps there’s more to this unusual man, this extraordinary place that they call Wonderland, than you’d originally thought. “Alright, then. Enlighten me, Mr. Cheshire- why is a raven like a writing desk?”
Jimin laughs, obviously delighted that you’ve decided at last to join his funny little word game. “I haven’t the slightest idea. I thought you would know.”
Never mind. You’re tempted to throw your canteen at the back of his head, but seeing as you need to save what little amount of water you have left, you decide against it. It’s already bad enough that the back of your throat is beginning to burn with a subtle thirst; you can’t go around wasting the precious liquid on irritatingly strange men who like to talk in labyrinthine tongues.
Your thoughts turn to the marble fountain you had seen in the town earlier that day. Crystalline water bursting from the spouts, creating a pool of liquid so clear and cold that your chest would have ached at the mere touch of it. And the baker’s cart- soft, sweet, buttery bread heaped into little puffy mountains, warmed by the lingering heat of the oven flames. Just the thought of it alone is enough to make your stomach suddenly grumble aloud. The noise abruptly cuts through the quiet air, and, embarrassed, you press a hand to your abdomen. You hope that Jimin hasn’t heard it but evidently it fails to go unnoticed by the Cat’s sharp hearing, as he immediately glances over his shoulder with a look of interest.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” you admit reluctantly. “I haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday.”
He nods thoughtfully. “Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon enough,” he promises, but the dubious part of your mind can’t help but question his words. Jimin had assured you that you would both be out of the forest by the time night arrived, but already the sky is beginning to darken, with still no sign of the Rose City in sight. Had he had ill intentions, then, when he’d offered himself as your guide? Had you been played for a fool, following this man blindly without an escape plan or means of self-protection?
(Fingers, firm and assured, grasping yours so hard that you fear your bones might break under the pressure. A voice, speaking right in front of you but sounding oddly muffled, as though your ears are filled with bundles and bundles of cotton. “You won’t be able to stop the pain like that,” it’s saying, and you have to strain to hear the words. “I can help you. Let me help you. I can make the pain go away, but only if you’ll let me. You trust me, don’t you?”)
After another twenty minutes of hiking (this time with no mentions of ravens nor writing desks), the trees begin thinning out at last, revealing a small clearing just beyond a grand, ancient-looking willow tree. The air is much more open here without the cluster of treetops to bombard it, yet it somehow seems more hushed, more heavily guarded with its secrets. The grass is speckled with an array of wildflowers and toadstools- a meadow, you realize- and beside it lies a river which flows quietly over alabaster rocks and golden sand.
At the edge of it all sits a single stone-walled cottage. Like everything else in the clearing it appears small, and silent, as though it wishes to pass under the eye of the universe without any notice. It’s so still and lonesome, in fact, that a part of you wonders if anybody actually lives in it, but before you can make the comment the Cheshire gives a nod of approval.
“As promised, out of the woods before nightfall. And with three minutes to spare, too. Time will be pleased; He’s been quite a sore after the Dormouse lost track of the seconds and nearly burned down his kitchen. Said he’d gotten too sleepy to watch the soup boil and I’m not surprised, but Time, if you didn’t know, doesn’t much care for excuses- this way, now, and do mind that you don’t step on any of the flowers. The Rabbit is quite fond of them, see.”
“What-” you begin to ask, but Jimin only grins and sweeps his arm towards the cottage.
“After you, little bird.”
You narrow your eyes in his direction but he offers no other explanation. When he urges you forward once again you slowly tread towards the stone house. Thoughts begin to whirl in your mind- perhaps it was a bad idea after all, a terrible one at that, to place all of your confidence in him… But as wary as you are of him, the Cheshire Cat is at the moment all you have to rely on, and therefore you have no other choice but to follow his questionable lead.
Jimin trails closely behind as you approach the cottage. It stands before you, still silent and devoid of any human (or perhaps non-human) activity. Jimin reaches out a slender hand and you expect him to knock or make your presences known somehow, but all he does is merely twist the doorknob and push the door open.
“Aren’t you going to at least knock first?” you ask him, and inwardly wince at how your voice seems to pierce the foreboding air. “Even if there’s nobody inside, it’s not very polite to just walk in like this.”
“It’s not Nobody who’s inside,” he corrects, ushering you in, “It’s Somebodys, and they won’t mind at all. Besides, what good is a door for if one can’t even walk through it?”
Inside, the front foyer is dimly lit. The Cheshire Cat leads you to the end of it, past an array of shut doors and a staircase that winds up to somewhere you can’t see, until at last he stops in front of yet another closed door. You think that you can hear a snatch of murmurings behind it but they come to a stop as you and the man approach. The Cheshire makes an after you gesture and smiles, but his teeth are so pearly white that it looks more like a grin floating in the darkness. If he’d intended to come across as friendly, you think as you warily push through the door, then the overall effect has much to be desired.
Pots, pans, a dining table, a row of neat little cupboards… It appears that the Cheshire has led you to, oddly enough, the kitchen of the house. It’s just as dim in here as it was in the corridor, for the blinds are pulled firmly across the windows, but you can still make out the general layout of the room, and more importantly, the three figures who occupy it (you assume that they were the cause of the murmuring before, as they are the only three in sight).
They all watch with varying degrees of interest as you slowly enter the room: a man with a top hat who sits at the centre of the table, a second man with tousled hair who leans back lazily beside him, and finally, a third. He’s standing a little aways behind the other two, so shrouded by the shadows that all you can make out of him is a pair of hands concealed by satin gloves.
The man in the hat is the first to speak. “It’s about time you got here. I was starting to think you’d gotten lost along the way.”
“In these woods? No, my dear Hatter, the woods are my home. I’ve never once lost my way in them, and I’m not about to make a habit of it now.” Chuckling, the Cheshire approaches the table. It’s been set with teapots and plates of food (whipped cheese sandwiches, almond-and-chocolate squares, lemon scones with squares of butter melting slowly on top of them, your stomach eagerly takes note), but for the most part it looks untouched, as though waiting for more guests to arrive at its party. Jimin motions for you to dig in, obviously remembering the way your stomach had growled pitifully earlier, but when you don’t move from your spot he helps himself to a scone. Your hunger berates you, urges you to take some of the food while it's being offered, but your appetite is beginning to ebb away, replaced by a combination of bemusement, apprehension, and great irritation. Any fool can see that this isn’t the way to the Rose City, and tonight it appears that you are that fool.
“You tricked me,” you state plainly, not bothering to hide the anger from your voice. Thinking back now, you realize it had sounded too good to be true- I know a shortcut, we’ll be out of these woods before nightfall. How much time have you wasted here, you wonder, when you could have been halfway to the royal castle by now? “You said you would show me the way to the castle, and you lied to me instead.”
Jimin shrugs. “Sorry,” he says through a mouthful of flour, but the twinkle in his eyes says that he doesn’t mean it one bit. “But if you’ll recall, I never said I would take you to the castle. I only said I would show you the right path, that’s all. At any rate, I did you a favour. You would have only run into trouble over there.”
“He’s right,” the man called the Hatter adds when you narrow your eyes at the feasting man. “The Queen is in a frenzy. She’s gone positively mad- well, madder than she already is- yelling about this and that and threatening to off the entire kingdom if things don’t start tidying up soon. You’re better off here in the White Rabbit’s house-” he points to the man hidden in the shadows- “Than you would have been in the Rose City.”
You follow his finger to the Rabbit, who still hasn’t moved from his position behind the chairs. Inwardly you wonder how he feels about this situation, about allowing a stranger to invade his personal home, but if he feels any injustice towards it then he doesn’t show it. He only says nothing, although you sense that he’s closely watching all that’s happening with a careful, guarded eye.
“So,” you say when nobody else speaks, “Why have you brought me here, then? What could you possibly want from me?” As you talk you look from one person to the next. The Hatter sizes you up and nods with a finality.
“Alice,” he says, and he does so with such an air of conviction that you find yourself feeling taken aback.
“Alice?” you repeat, frowning, and he nods again.
You look from him to the others. There’s that name again, the one that had followed you through the forest as a whisper of the wind. If you concentrate hard enough, you think that you might be able to follow its trail through your mind. But the trail is dim, oh-so dim, and it slips away from your grasp like a wisp of silver smoke. “Why are you calling me that? I’m not Alice,” you tell him. Am I? you ask yourself silently, but realize too late that the question has pushed its way out of your mouth.
A silence follows your words, and then-
“You? You think you're Alice?” the man with the messy hair asks skeptically, while the Hatter scoffs.
“Don’t be daft,” the Hatter tells you, waving his arm impatiently. “Of course you’re not Alice. Alice is dead.”
“I don’t understand,” you say after another moment of silence. Pretending as though you hadn’t blurted out those two words, you turn to look at the Cheshire. He’s watching you with a knowing smile, and when you meet his eyes his grin only grows larger. But you’re still vexed at how easily you were conned into coming here, so you only frown at him before turning away again. “Who is this Alice person? And who are you people? What exactly is it that you want from me?”
“Introductions first, and then we’ll talk,” the Hatter decides, and begins to make the rounds. “This here is the Drooping Dormouse-”
“- just Yoongi is fine, there’s no need to call me such an insulting name-”
“- standing behind me is the White Rabbit, you already know the Cheshire Cat, and I am the Mad Hatter,” the hatted man finishes. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Or you could also call him Jungkook, that’s what I like to do,” the Cheshire adds helpfully. The Hatter stares disapprovingly at him.
“Yes, thank you, Jimin,” he says with a touch of acidity. Jimin snickers.
“He’s not very fond of his real name,” Jimin confides to you, and you glance at the man in question.
“You don’t look mad,” you say, almost to yourself, and the Hatter shrugs.
“We’re all a little mad here. Everybody who lives in Wonderland is,” he says in a matter-of-fact voice, as though commenting on something as banal as the weather. He reaches for a pot and pours himself a cup of steaming green tea. Without waiting for it to cool down he takes a sip of the jade liquid, then sits back in his chair to study you further.
Jungkook shakes his head. “No, you’re not Alice,” he repeats his words from before. “And that’s precisely why we need your help.”
The words of the baker woman suddenly appear in your mind. The first one was a year ago, she’d said. A blonde girl, found with nearly all of her head chopped off.
“She was that blonde girl,” you realize out loud. “The one who’d been killed. Alice.”
Jimin looks pleased, as though satisfied that you had managed to draw the conclusion on your own. “Yes, Alice was the first,” he says almost in a singsong voice. “The unfortunate beginning in a series of quite unfortunate events.”
His manner of speaking really is beginning to give you a headache. “Could you please tell me in a straightforward manner what you mean by that?”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. Things only happen in twists and turns and upside-downs here in this world,” the Cheshire laughs.
The Hatter ignores his friend’s tomfoolery and leans forward. “You may or may not be aware of it, but there have been deaths happening in this land. Killings, a kind of violence unlike anything we’ve ever seen. With every passing season a new body appears somewhere- in the spring it was the High Duchess, found in her garden in the Orchid City. In the winter before that, a boy from the Lilac Town; autumn, a man notoriously known as Mr. Carpenter. And last summer it was, as you correctly pointed out, ‘the blonde girl.’ Alice.”
“Always going off on her own to taste adventure, that was her.” Rolling his eyes, the Dormouse props his chin up on one hand. “She had a bad habit of landing in trouble nearly everywhere she went- one time she’d wandered off to see the Walrus and was made to shuck oysters for him for nearly four days straight- so if you think about it, you can’t say that it was entirely bad luck that she ended up the way she did. Luck, fortune, circumstance- the way Alice disregarded all of that, you would have thought she was making up her own circumstances as she went along.”
“And what’s that got to do with me?” you ask quietly. You glance around the room again, and this time, you wind up staring at where the White Rabbit stands. He’s as still as a statue, hardly moving, hardly even seeming to breathe, but for some reason you find yourself swallowing hard and breaking your gaze away from him. “I’m sorry to hear that this has been happening, I truly am. But these murders… Whatever your business is with them, I don’t see why I have to be involved.”
Yoongi sighs. “Haven’t you been listening at all, girl? Jungkook just told you- we need your help.”
“There’s nothing I could possibly do-”
“And that’s where you’re wrong,” Jungkook cuts you off. “We’ve been waiting a long, long time for you. It was foretold that you would arrive in Wonderland for a reason, and that reason is this: you’re the key to solving this puzzle. For the past year now everybody’s tried everything to put an end to these killings. The guards have tripled their patrol, the hounds have tried following the scent of death to all corners of the land, and the Queen has threatened beheadings for all if the deaths don’t stop soon. Yet nobody’s been able to figure out the identity of the killer, or even come close to it. If we don’t stop this madness then the murders will continue, surely and steadily, and nobody will be safe here anymore. Wonderland will become a mass grave for the living.”
You open your mouth, but when nothing comes out to refute his words you close it again. The whirlwind of thoughts resumes its pace, spinning around in your mind so quickly that you fear your head may come blasting off. Everything about the situation is rushing at you at once- the story of the murders, this strange group of people who are seemingly convinced that you’re the answer to their grisly problems- and you have to blink hard to process all of it.
Perhaps the Cheshire senses your agitation, because he gently clucks his tongue. “The part of the woods where I found you,” he says, smiling, but it contains none of the lighthearted laughter which he’d shown before. Now, the Cheshire regards you with the same seriousness that he’d had when he’d spoken of the acclaimed land of wonder. “That was where Alice’s body was discovered. You couldn’t have known about it, it looked just like any other part of the forest did. But I saw you, little bird. You felt something different about that spot; I could see it in your eyes. Do you understand? You’re meant to help us. To save us.”
Listening to him speak, you suddenly feel a wave of exhaustion wash over you. Your hunger, your frustration with the Cheshire and his friends- it’s all so insignificant now. You’ve been wandering in this land for more days than you can remember, with only yourself to rely on, and it seems that this world is determined to interfere with your journey, throwing obstacles your way one after another. Home. I want to go home. The words are on the tip of your tongue, threatening to melt away like spun sugar if you don’t grab hold of them, but you’re far too tired to even acknowledge their existence.
You make to leave. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. This isn’t why I came here. I’m only meant to do one thing, and that is my business alone.”
“The Red Queen can’t help you. She doesn’t have the power to recover lost memories,” the Hatter muses as you reach for the door. Your hand freezes in place and slowly, you turn to face the group once again.
You barely move your lips. “How do you know about that?”
Jimin hums. “There are many things we know about you, little bird.”
You stare at him. Realization dawns on you for a second time, exposing light into yet another area which you’ve been blind to. A quick and fleeting shadow, like the flicker of a cat’s tail. “That was you. Back in the town plaza, when I was talking to the baker woman. I thought I was imagining things, but it really was you, following me.”
He tilts his head. “You have quick eyes. There aren’t many who can follow the movements of a Tracker.”
Something begins to unfurl inside your chest- fear or dread, you’re not sure which, but either way it spreads uneasily throughout your body, like an eruption of lava that inches closer and closer to a patch of desperately pleading grass. You, however, refuse to let it reflect on your face, and only jut out your chin in a show of defiance. “Well, Tracker or not, I would appreciate it if you no longer followed me around. A good night to you all, gentlemen. Best of luck taking care of your matters, and I sincerely hope we won’t have reason to cross paths again. Especially not with you, Mr. Cheshire Cat.”
This time nobody makes a move to stop you from leaving. As you stride through the doorway you can feel their eyes staring after you, burning little holes into your back, but you don’t dare acknowledge them as you leave the house.
Outside the sun has disappeared completely from the sky, replaced by an inky canvas with a silver light shining brilliantly in the middle of it. The moon, singing so sweetly and sorrowfully to its children that all of the stars weep for its loss. But as lucent as the moonlight is, it’s unable to penetrate through the thick throng of treetops. In the dark of the night every inch of the woods looks the same as the other, with no indication of which way you are supposed to go or which way you had even come from.
Just as you (reluctantly) debate whether or not you should return to the cottage, you see a figure standing on the path ahead of you. A man, wearing a pair of familiar gloves, leaning against a tree in an unhurried manner. The White Rabbit, you think with a jolt. How had he gotten there before you? You could have sworn he was still in the house when you’d left.
He’s the first to break the silence. You’re startled by how low and husky his voice is, and realize belatedly that he hadn’t spoken at all during your short stay at his cottage. “Are you planning to cross these woods alone? You’ll get lost without the Cheshire to guide you.”
“... Better to be lost alone than to be led to strange places with him,” you answer after a pause. The thin moonlight and open air allows you to better see his features, but even those aren’t much of a help. The expression he wears on his face is smooth and fixed, flawless in a way that refuses to yield to you his inner and utmost thoughts. “Even without his help I’m sure I could get to the Rose City eventually. There’s always a way out if you look hard enough.”
The Rabbit crosses his arms and regards you carefully. You will yourself not to fidget under his gaze but his eyes are dark and searching, as though they have the power to see through every bluff that slips off your tongue, every secret that buries itself within your body. “You’re scared. I understand, it’s only natural. I’m sorry we approached you the way we did, but you must know, we had no other choice. We need your help.”
“I’ve already given you my answer. I can’t help you, I have things of my own to do. Besides, I wouldn’t be of any use. I don’t know the first thing about this land. I’m not even from here. So why do your friends think otherwise?” As you speak your right foot begins tapping on the ground. A nearly imperceptible motion, but it urges you to hurry and leave before you can get tangled up in any further trouble.
“Because,” the Rabbit says, and his eyes flicker towards your concealed neck, “You have the mark.”
Your foot stills. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“There’s no point in hiding it,” he informs you. “Even with that cloak of yours we could tell that you were the one from the prophecy. You have the mark of the sunflower on your neck. Alice, the boy, Mr. Carpenter, the Duchess- all four of them were found with a near identical mark somewhere on their bodies. A black symbol in the shape of a multi-petaled flower. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, your fate is intertwined with that of the slaughtered Wonderlanders, as well as those of the ones remaining.”
At this, your hand automatically flies up to the side of your neck. The collar of your cloak is still wrapped securely in place, preventing nosy eyes from scrutinizing your appearance. “But mine isn’t black,” you blurt out, then immediately regret your hasty reveal. But it appears that the Rabbit has been expecting it, because he only nods in agreement.
“I know,” the White Rabbit says quietly. “Yours is white, isn’t it?”
There are many things we know about you, the Cheshire had said. Suddenly your mouth is dry. Your missing memories, your sunflower mark… What other secrets of yours had they managed to catch hold of, then, when you weren’t looking? You want to pull back and protest and tell him that no, you must have the wrong person, but what comes out instead is, “Like I said, I don’t know anything about this world. And I wouldn’t know the first thing about leading a murder investigation. There’s not much I could do for you and your group.”
“We’re aware of that,” he admits. “None of us know much about hunting down serial killers, either. The Cheshire is a Tracker, yes, but so far his attempts at catching the killer have led to a dead end. All we know is that we need you, and the killings will keep happening if you don’t work with us.”
You think that he can sense your lingering hesitation, because he adds, “Help us, and in return we can help you. The Hatter was right when he said that the Red Queen wouldn’t be able to fix your situation. The Queen is a monarch, not a sorcerer. She wouldn’t have the first clue about retrieving lost identities. And anyway, what would you have done by yourself? It’s not as though you can just march into the castle and demand the Queen’s help. She would have your head in two seconds flat.”
You’re grateful for the cover of the night, for you can feel the tips of your ears flushing with shame. That had been your initial plan, but after hearing it being scorned by somebody else’s voice of reason, you have to admit that it’s a trifle too naive to carry out.  
The two of you stare at each other for a moment longer, until finally you exhale a defeated breath. “Fine. I’ll join your group. I’ll help you and your friends put an end to these deaths. But in exchange you have to help me find my lost memories. Is that a deal?”
The Rabbit takes a few strides towards you. Biting the inside of your cheek, you have to steel yourself not to back away as you had with the Cheshire. At this close of a distance the Rabbit nearly towers over you with his imposing height, but you stand your ground and meet his gaze with an even stare of your own.
“You have my word,” he says in that low voice of his, as though afraid of being overheard by the trees themselves.
“Will that be enough?” you find yourself murmuring back. This man, he has something strangely magnetic to him. A quality that draws enough of your attention that you half-forget the reason behind your wariness. He elicits responses from you that you don’t particularly want to give, reactions that you don’t want to show on your body. Helpless, you think silently, remembering what Jimin had told you earlier. That’s another thing you don’t want to be in this world.
“Of course. I never break my promises.” By now he’s standing right in front of you, so close that you can see the flecks of gold scattered in his brown irises. In the silver light they almost look akin to fireflies, glowing and beating their wings in a search for something you can’t quite identify.
You look away. “Alright, Mr. White Rabbit. Show me the way back, then. I suppose my memories will have to wait a little bit longer.”
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girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 3
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: NONE.
Notes: Read to the end and then read my ‘ending notes’ for some explanations on the characters and why I made them how/who they are.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n and Jungkook have the same expression. Wide-eyed, mouth ajar, and utterly stunned by the person in front of them. She only shakes her head, knocking herself out of her stunned state, when she realizes he said her name.
"How do you-" But she stops mid sentence and rolls her eyes. Completely forgetting for a second that this is her headspace, so of course Jungkook knows her. He's a figment of her imagination, after all. If J-hope, Jimin, and Jin knew her, then it would make sense that this Jungkook would know her too.
What didn't make sense was what he looked like. Jungkook already has rabbit-like features, but his eyes are now pink. He's wearing a purple trench coat, over a green top and trousers. In his pocket hanging out by a chain is a silver pocket watch. When Y/n looks down at their conjoined hands, she realizes his nails are extra long. The type of nails some girls would kill for, except there far from fabulous since there tinted yellow and have a bit of dirt under them.
This is what confuses her because she's not sure who he's precisely supposed to be. Jin is already the March Hare, so who could Jungkook be? He’s got to be a rabbit like character. That would make sense. But who could he…
Before Y/n could put two and two together, Jungkook pulls his hand out of hers, and she looks up at him. Jungkook’s now sporting a faint blush on his cheeks. Good to know he's still the innocent bunny you know he is in the real world. At least, that's what social media and some YouTube videos make him out to be.
"Y/n?!" He parrots himself from earlier. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook sounds so urgent and worried. Like the fact that you are here in front of him is the most dangerous place you could be.
"Well!" You clap your hands together. "I got into a car accident and fell down this deep hole-"
"Was it a rabbit hole?," Jungkook interrupts.
Just by that one statement, Y/n realizes who he is. Forgetting to continue her story.
"You're the white rabbit!" She beams, and her smile stretches. How could she forget about the white rabbit? He's only one of the most essential characters in the Alice in Wonderland story. "You can show me the way out of here!"
Jungkook shakes his head, then walks past Y/n, and continues to walk in the direction he was originally going. She follows close behind as they both start walking down the yellow path. Her not giving up on wanting him to help her leave. As much as Wonderland would be such a fun place to explore, she rather find the hidden key inside this madness that could wake her up.
"You don't understand, Y/n. I haven't made any portal rabbit holes since you were last here."
Y/n groans in frustration. Not another person claiming she's been here before! You would think she would remember if she's ever been to a place full of BTS members acting like Wonderland characters? Right?
"Not you too! I've never been here. Trust me when I say, I would rememberer coming to a place like this."
Y/n glances around the forest and rubs her arms as a chill crawls up her skin. Now that she and Jungkook are walking deeper into the woods, she realizes it's getting darker with each step they take. Giving off a creepy aura radiating off of the trees.
But Jungkook doesn't seem to mind or care at all about the light change. To focused on the trail ahead of him, and he’s done this walk everyday since he become of age. Became of age to serve the Queen of Hearts, that is.
She gets closer to Jungkook until their elbows bump together. She watches his face heat up again from the go contact, and it honestly looks so adorable.
"T-trust me, Y/n. How else would I recognize you?"
Y/n rolls her eyes at his explanation.
"Because you're a figment of my imagination."
Jungkook smiles, and it makes her raise a curious eyebrow at him.
"You said that last time too."
Of course he would say that, she thought. This is honestly starting to get really annoying to her. Y/n knows she's never been here before, and she's sick and tired of everyone telling her she has.
"Listen, dude." She stops walking, and he stops to face her. Hearing the annoyance in her voice clear as day and keeping him off his path ahead. “I've never been here before, but I do know one thing for sure: I want out. I was literally on my way to a concert - your concert - before my car fell off a bridge. It fell down a hole, void, thing, whatever but it wasn't no rabbit-"
"A void?!" Jungkook interrupts with urgency, but Y/n ignores his tone.
"Yes, and that leaves me at the obvious conclusion that I am currently in a coma and would really like help to get out of this mind trap."
Jungkook is now shaking like a leaf and glancing around in fear. Like at any moment, a monster is about to come out and eat him alive.
Y/n steps forward cautiously and brings her hand up to his shoulder. He jumps back from her touch and acts like she just struck him.
"Jungkook... are you okay?"
"I can't be here. You shouldn't be here!" He starts to back away from her, getting ready to sprint, but she grabs his hand, stopping him.
"Wait! Why are you so scared? Who are you afraid of?"
Jungkook franticly shakes his head. Like even mentioning his fear out loud will bring it to life. Is he scared of fricken Voldemort or something?
Y/n steps forward, getting more into Jungkook’s space. But instead of him blushing like she expected, he continues to shake with fear as he looks down at her.
"I understand I shouldn't be here. I don't want to be here. But I need help with getting out of here, and you could do that with one of your rabbit hole, thingies."
Jungkook shakes his head and looks down at the ground, again. Y/n then sighs in defeat because it's evident that Jungkook isn't going to help her. She then remembers J-hope mentioning a cat. A cat that would help her 'remember' being here before, but maybe he can help get her out of here instead!
"J-hope mentioned a cat." Jungkook looks at her again, freezing in his spot. "Can you at least help me find him so-"
"Stay away from that cat!" 
This is the third time he's interrupted her and the second time someone warned her about this cat. She’s not sure if she should be annoyed from his third interruption, or cautious about these warnings… or both.
Y/n knew it was probably the Cheshire Cat they were all referring to. Still, that cat in the storybook never did anything to create these reactions out of people. He just helped - and I put the word helped very lightly - Alice’s way out of Wonderland. Sounds exactly like what Y/n wants now.
"Why?” She asks with laces of anger in her tone. “What did that cat do? Your the second person now with this warning but no explanation.”
Jungkook shakes his head, once again not wanting to answer or explain anything further. Being absolutely no help to Y/n at all, it seems. 
"I don't like talking about the time before - before you left us."
"Jin said he was the reason I 'left,' why is that such a bad thing?" 
Jungkook looked into a random point in the forest, and you glanced in the direction to see what he was looking at so distantly. But there was nothing there. Like he was having a flashback from the past. Jungkook's aura suddenly changed. Into something you couldn't quite put your finger on, but you knew it was not good. Angry, even.
"I-if you wouldn't have left… If you would have just stayed a few more days, he would-" Jungkook swallows, and you lean in closer. Wanting to know precisely why this cat was so dangerous or unwanted in a place that seemed so joyful, somewhat. He looks back at her, and she feels like she’s about to finally get some information. "He would still be-"
Jungkook was interrupted by trumpets going off in the distance. It sounded like it was coming from far away, but everything was so quiet around here you could hear it clearly. 
Jungkook’s ears twitch, and you watch his distressed face turn into surprise. He lets go of your hand, which was still holding his when you stopped him, and he took out his pocket watch that was handing out of his pants pocket.
When he moved the watch to in front of his eyes to check the time, you swore his eyes bulged out of his head. Completely shocked by the time it read.
Jungkook then runs down the path without a second thought. 
"Wait! Who's this he?!" You yell and run after him. But this time, you can't catch him. His long legs make him run faster than your short and un-athletic pair.
She runs as far as she can until his form turns into a blur inside the dark forest. Y/n only stops running, finally catching her breath, when she makes it to a crossroads. The path split in two between a tree. There was no tracks since he ran on a solid path. Making it impossible to know which way he went.
Y/n stomps her foot on the ground and moves the hair out of her face. Grunting in frustration, she curses at herself for not going to the gym when Charlie offered her to go with him.
She sits down on a rock on the side of the path, and for the first time since she woke up, she's has peace and quiet. It's a bit unsettling, but it also finally gives her the chance to think about everything that transpired in the past hour.
It doesn't make sense why she would imagine this place while she was in a coma. Granted, she understood the BTS part a little bit. They were her favorite band, after all. But why Wonderland?
Besides, when she was a kid, she never even watched the movies that came out about the story a few years back. It was only a childhood story that her father and mother would read to her before bed every night when she couldn't go to sleep. She used to have such bad nightmares as a kid. About a lady trying to chase her out of her kingdom and chop off her head. It would scare her so much, she wouldn't be able to fall asleep without having a story read to her until she was 13. 
She found other ways to cope, eventually, and one of those ways was BTS. They debuted around the same time her nightmares finally went away. Helping her fall asleep by listening to their music every night. Their music still helped her to this day, just with daily stresses instead of night terrors.
Maybe that's why she imagined Wonderland, out of all places. The story helped her before BTS came along, but Wonderland was also not the only story she read as a child.
Y/n rested her chin on her hand that was propped up on her knee, and as these swirling false explanations went around in her head, they cleared when she looked at the tree. The tree in the middle of the crossroads. It had three signs bolted on the trunk of it. Each pointing in a different direction.
The arrow pointing to the left: J-hopes Party.
But that didn't make sense since J-hopes garden area she just came from was not that way. The complete opposite, actually.
The arrow pointing to the right: Taehyung's House, DO NOT BOTHER!
This didn't make sense either, but not for what the sign said. Y/n had a feeling all the BTS members would pop up eventually, so the fact Taehyung was here too didn't boggle her mind. What didn’t make sense was what those two signs specifically said on them, and it made her read the two signs over again.
Because this wasn't a part of the story.
That's not what the story from her childhood said the signs had written on them. It mentioned the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, but nothing about houses and parties.
After contemplating the two signs for a while, she glanced at the sign pointing up into the sky. It was blocked by some leaves on a tree branch, and curiosity got the best of her, so she got up to check it out. As she walked the few steps towards the tree, she heard rustling come from behind her, but when she whipped herself around no one was there.
She turned around hesitantly, and put her hand out to move the branches away from the sign. Before she moved the sign, she had the strangest feeling of deja vu. Like she's been here and done this exact same thing before. Like this wasn't the first time she's gone to check this very sign out and read what it says.
Y/n just shakes her head, thinking it was just her head playing tricks on her, and then she moves the leaves. When the complete sign was finally in view to her, she sucked in air sharply. Her breath catches as she sees the sign has been scratched up beyond repair. Like someone purposely clawed the Hell out of it to make a point of whoever's name was on this sign... they did not belong here.
Y/n blinks a few times, then tries squinting her eyes to read the writing still able to be read. There wasn't much, but she could just make a name out under all the scratches.
Is that an S? Sun... Sur... Sug...
Her eyes go wide when she realizes whose name is most likely on the sign. Her heart almost stops when that exact person's unmistakable voice speaks behind her.
"Someone seems lost... poor little thing," The man behind her purrs.
Y/n turns around, and she finds out her speculations are correct.
It's Suga.
CH 4
Ending Notes:
Ughhhh! My hand kinda hurts from writing so much, but it was so worth it, LOL! That's right! Suga is here, and he's ready to fuck shit up with the reader. Just in case you didn't notice, this story very much is going to revolve around Y/n and Suga together. A lot of confused reader parts, and Suga being all mystical and 'I'm telling you nothing’ type of attitude. I'm so excited to introduce him in the next chapter XD.
But for now... let's talk about our bunny Jungkook! He just HAD to be the white rabbit. It wouldn't make sense if he wasn't, in 100% my opinion. I wasn't ever going to give him ears or a tail, but I feel the pink eyes and long fingernails gives him more of the vibe of being a rabbit character. It's subtle, but it's there. That's kinda why the reader didn't understand who he was at first - because it's so subtle - but the rabbit hole conversation made it undeniable! I also added the pocket watch to fit the white rabbit ecstatic. Can't have the white rabbit without the fancy pocket watch always telling him he's late! 
As for the blush thing, I know Jungkook (in real life) is an adult and all that. Still, the white rabbit is an innocent/child in adults body-like character, and Jungkook tends to be one of the more shy people out of all the members, so I make him blush a lot. It's not because he has a crush on the reader or anything like that. Just girls make him nervous. And the reader is Fem! so female she is LMAO!!!
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girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Chapter 1
Suga x Fem!Reader
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung, KingOfHearts!RM
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Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Warnings: Psychic predictions, Car accident.
Notes: NONE
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Y/n holds the tickets in her hands and already feels the happy tears fill my eyes. Having this purple piece of paper feels like a dream. Finally being able to say she's going to their concert has been something she wanted since she could remember. And it's not the nose bleeds; it's not seating where you can barely even see the stage; it's front row.
Front row, at a BTS concert.
As much as Y/n would love to say she saved every penny of her savings, stopped paying rent just to get these, or fought every last crazy mom off to prevent their daughters from going… she didn't. She was just at the right place at the right time.
Although, being with her friend that's rich while she broke her ankle, and having her parents tell her straight to her friend's face that she can't go anymore, isn't exactly the best place and the best time. But still, she gave them to Y/n with tears in their eyes while Y/n was trying not to jump for joy.
She definitely did when she got home though.
One ticket to meet up with other friends that also could afford the concert. One ticket to see the concert Y/n has been waiting years to see. One ticket that will change her life forever because she's finally going to see them up close. Hear their song live, and get the opportunity to wave the blue ball in the air like she sees in every fancam.
Y/n tighten the strings on her hoodie, getting ready to drive from her apartment to the concert arena - that's two hours away - to meet up with her friends and wait in the long line for another 5-6 hours. But she didn't care about the waiting part. She didn't care that most of today would be spent waiting to go into the concert itself. She just cared about being there.
Being around fellow ARMY'S, feeling the electric aura of the concert scene, and finally - oh finally - seeing a BTS concert.
"It's finally here," Y/n cheers to herself. Jumping up and down in her spot.
She's just about to walk out the door - more like run - so excited for this two-hour drive to the arena when she gets a call on the house phone.
I have a house phone?
When Y/n goes to find where the ringing is coming from, and she remembers she got this house phone when she first moved into her apartment. It ended up just becoming another bill to pay. Another bill she can't afford but keep around anyway because she wants to feel like a responsible adult. 
An adult that's a month behind on rent, but we won’t mention that…
Y/n picks up the house phone and sees on the collar ID that it's Sammy, one of her friends meeting her at the concert, so she answers the phone.
"Y'ello? Residents of the future BTS concert-goer, speaking."
Sammy's laughter booms into the phone, and Y/n hears some squealing in the background. Indicating Sammy's with their other friend Charlie who’s also going to the concert.
"Are you ready for the best concert of our lives!?" Charlie screams into the phone, interrupting Sammy when she's about to say hello.
"Bitch!" Sammy shoves Charlie's face away from the phone, then brings her attention back to you on the phone. "Are you on your way?"
"Yeah, I just have to grab my phone and go."
Sammy rolls her eyes, and she wishes she could shove Y/n in the shoulder too. She's been trying to call her for the past twenty minutes wanting to warn her about the storm heading her way.
"Alright, and be careful! We just checked the weather, and it says theirs a storm coming. You can't exactly go to a concert if you die from a car accident."
Y/n laughs at Sammy's dark humor and promises to not do just that.
"Are you guys excited? Because I'm feeling fucking electric right now!" Y/n questions.
"You know it, chick! I can't wait to see them up close again. I'm telling you now, Y/n, it's going to be the best concert you've ever gone to."
"Oh, I know it is! I wonder what songs they're going to play. I hope they sing everything off of the new album! AHHHH!"
Y/n couldn't hold in her excitement anymore. Screaming into the phone and heard both her friends laugh on the other side.
"Mhmm, girl, I feel you. I'm also excited we're in the front row, too. Last time we couldn't even see them from where our seats were at! And now will be so up close… I can already see it now. Me and Jimin locking eyes and me fainting, so they have to stop the show for me, and he whisks me away,” Charlie theorizes dreamily. 
Y/n laughs at Charlie's dramatic scenario. He always had a soft spot for Jimin, and Y/n thinks it's so comical.
"Why are you laughing? You know you would feel the same way if Suga locked eyes with you!" Charlie says acting fake offended that Y/n laughed at him talking about his celebrity crush.
"Yeah, but I wouldn't full-on faint."
"Oh please!" Sammy intervenes. "Both of you are helpless, and we need to get going. You said you're leaving now, dude?"
"Yup, out the door now," Y/n says as she grabs her phone and car keys from the kitchen table. The stuff she almost forgot if Sammy didn't call her.
"Okay, drive safe."
"You too."
Then they both hung up. Y/n had an extra pep in her step while walking out the door. Not even the rain pouring buckets on her head was keeping her mood down. She was on her way to see BTS live for the first time! Nothing can sour her mood.
If she only knew…
About an hour into her drive, Y/n is squinting out her front window to see the road. Even after she turned the windshield wipers on high, the rain was still clouding her vision a tad.
She decided to turn the music up a little higher. Hearing the song, Cypher pt.3 starting to play. Already making her relax. BTS always helped cure her anxieties. Singing along to the music, especially when Suga started rapping, keeps her mind from going to the worst-case scenarios.
Weather always spoked her while driving. Ever since she went to a psychic three months ago, rain and driving have never been her friend. Always being extra cautious during weather like this.
The psychic told her three months ago that she would get in a car accident while it was raining, and it would change her life forever. Y/n wasn't sure if she believed it, but that 'change my life' part always scared her.
The psychic didn't say she would die or even get paralyzed from the accident. It would just change her life which was confusing since it never made sense how a car accident could do that, in a positive way like the psychic was leading on.
She never asked further, just left the psychic after she paid in a rush. Never going back, no matter how many times Sammy wanted to unlock her "spiritual side" with you. It was all just mumbo jumbo, in Y/n’s opinion.
Sammy admitted it was also a way for you to gain back some past memories you lost. After Y/n’s parents died a few years back, she spent a lot of time in bed. Sleeping days away until she eventually put herself in a coma and forgot how she got to that state in the first place. When she woke up, three months later, Sammy said she was crying and didn’t know why. Like she just woke up from the worse nightmare of her life.
Sammy and Charlie became intrigued by this, in a weird mystical way. They wanted to understand what made her go into this coma in the first place. Doing research, seeing specialists, and even dragging her to a psychic three months ago. Thinking someone who can predict the future, can let her understand her lost past. Again, all mumbo jumbo to Y/n’s ears.
But still, in the back of her mind, she became an extra cautious driver, after that. Better safe than sorry.
Once she saw the bridge up ahead, she cheered to herself when Y/n's car passed the welcome sign next to it that said the town's name she had just entered. Indicating it's only another hour left until she reaches the concert arena.
Once her car hit the speed bump, indicating she was now on the bridge, her phone started to ring in the cupholder. Her ringtone boomed in the speaker since it was hooked up to the AUX cord.
She glances at it and sees it's an unknown number. She ignores the first call, but then they call again. Her brows furrow after the call disconnects, and they call a third time.
She thinks maybe it’s Charlie or Sammy calling off their parent's phones. Sammy’s mom said she would drive them both to and from the concert, mostly because Charlie wanted to sleep on the way home, and Sammy didn’t have her license. So Y/n decided she should just answer the phone, thinking this was the scenario.
Y/n picks up her phone and quickly unplugs the AUX cord from it so she can press the device to her ear and hold it on her shoulder while she drives.
"Anyone there?"
"…Y/n… we- need…."
Y/n hears her name clear as day, but the rest is cut off by weird static. She's about to ask whoever it is on the other side of the call to repeat themselves, but then the call disconnects.
Y/n takes her phone off her shoulder and looks at the device curiously.
"Hmm… that was weird."
She puts the phone back in the cup holder, taking her eyes off the road for a brief second, but just as she looks back up, there's a bright light that waivers her vision. Y/n cuts the steering wheel, not trying to hit whatever the light is. But the light stays in her eyes until she feels her car gets lifted in the air.
Y/n starts screaming at the scene in front of her. Her not thinking she drove right off the bridge and into what looked like a dark abyss.
She covers her eyes, expecting a harsh impact. When she didn't feel a thing, she didn't understand how she continued to fall, and her vision went black. Something knocking her unconscious. But not before she hears a mysterious voice say into her ear,
"Welcome to Wonderland, Y/n."
CH 2
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girl8890 · 3 years
BTS in Wonderland | Index
CheshireCat!Suga, Alice!Reader, MadHatter!JHope, WhiteRabbit!Jungkook, Dormouse!Jimin, MarchHare!Jin, Caterpillar!Taehyung,  KingOfHearts!RM
Tumblr media
Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Pairing: CheshireCat!Yoongi/Suga x Reader
Genre: Wonderland!au, Violence, Angst
Rated: V
Warnings: Alternative dimension, Reader is big BTS fan, Car accident, Psychic predictions, Name-calling, Blood
Last Updated: 11/19/21
Notes: This story is currently on a Hiatus! As much as I wished I did, I did not create any of the Alice in Wonderland characters. Alice in Wonderland is public domain so I can do whatever I want with the characters. Not sure how many chapter’s I’m going to write, but each time I update/post a chapter I will add it here ⬇️
{ BTS ML }
CH 1
CH 2
CH 3
CH 4
CH 5
➳ 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: 𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕟
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peaches-of-1 · 7 years
This is the BTS Masterlist. Other lists include:
Blackpink  🐨
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
KARD   🐨
Multifandom (Also acts as a Catch All for Fandoms I don’t stan)  🐨
Monsta X  🐨
SHINee  🐨
Pentagon   🐨
🍑 = My favorites | 🐨 = Updated Last Week
Aesthetix: Aesthetics/moodboards that I have made
Suga as Adam from Beauty and the Beast
V (Taehyung) as Aladdin from Aladdin
RM as Li Shang from Mulan
Jimin as Naveen from Princess and the Frog
Jungkook as Flynn Rider from Tangled
J-Hope as Peter Pan from Peter Pan🍑
Jin as Tarzan from Tarzan
Winnie the Pooh
Jungkook as Roo
Hobi as Piglet 🍑
Jimin as Pooh
Jin as Rabbit 🍑
Yoongi as Kanga
Tae as Tigger
Namjoon as Owl
V (Taehyung) 2017
Hoseok 2018
Yoongi 2018
New Years 2018 (Black Tie)
Christmas 2017
Valentine’s Day 2018
White Day 2018
Friday the 13th (April 2018) 🍑
Friday the 13th (July 2018)
Mythical Creatures
Unicorn J-Hope 🍑
Vampire Jin
Centaur Jungkook
Merman Jimin 🍑
Incubus RM
Dragon Suga
Werewolf V
Yoongi Mermaid
Jimin + Fairy Prince
Elements (1)
Suga & Ice
J-Hope & Air
RM & Earth
Jin & Earth
Jimin & Water
V & Lightning
Jungkook & Metal
Elements (2-Requested)
Jungkook & Fire
Others  🐨
Nature Photographer RM 🍑
Nyctophilia Suga
Bias Tag RM
Sugar Daddy Tae
Yoongi’s indoor day ft. coffee
Date with photographer Tae
Travelling with Jin
Amusement park date with Jungkook 🍑
Namjoon Amusement park date
High School Sweethearts with Jungkook
Dinner Date with Hoseok
Rainy day Study Date with Jimin
Jimin at a Masquerade Ball 🍑
Jin and a Sheep/Soft Jin (Request)
Namjoon as Rhysand from A Court of Thorns and Roses
Jimin + Space
Yoongi + Trans BF
Beach Day with BTS
Fall Jungkook
Star Alien Hobi
Alien Invasion Taehyung
Hoseok Camping Trip  🍑
Jin Proposal
Jin Wedding, peony version
Hobi and goth gf
Taehyung Plus Size Barbie gf
Hoseok at his Studio Apt
BTS Barista!AU  🍑
Namjoon’s Crabs  🍑
Arctic Tundra Adventure with Taehyung  🍑
Aftercare with Jin
Hobi and femme Alien s/o  🍑
Back to School with Jungkook
Song Lyrics
Jimin + “I Like Me Better” by Lauv
RM + “Ride” by SoMo
RM + “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande
Jin + Hot pink
Taehyung + Lilac
Jin + Pink Variety
Jin + Silver 🍑
Jimin + Pastel pink
Suga + Orange
Jimin + Black
Namjoon + Purple
Tae + Aqua blue
Hyung line + grayscale
Tae + Aqua blue (2.0)
Namjoon + Black
Tae + Gold  🍑
Jimin + Pastel Blue
Hobi + Gold and red
Taehyung + Pastel Blue  🍑
Jungkook + Blue
Yoongi + Teal/Turquoise
Yoongi + Pink
Hobi + Silver
Jin + Grey
Namjoon + Yellow
Hobi + Black Lace
Jungkook + White and Ivory  🍑
Jungkook + Lavender
Alice in Wonderland
Jimin as Alice and Dormouse
Taehyung as Mad Hatter and Absolem
Jungkook as White Rabbit
Jin as Queen of Hearts 🍑
Yoongi as Cheshire Cat
Hoseok as Mad Hatter
Namjoon as Alice and Absolem
Gods/Goddesses (April Theme)
Namjoon as Posidon 🍑
Yoongi as Zeus
Taehyung as Hera
Yoongi as Nyx
Hobi as Ra
Jin as Aphrodite
Jimin as Artemis
Jungkook as Eros
Taehyung as Hestia
Yoongi as Tibetan Snow Lion
7 Deadly Sings
Hobi as Pride  🍑
Jungkook as Envy
Namjoon as Greed
Jimin as Lust  🍑
Suga as Sloth
Jin as Gluttony
Taehyung as Wrath
Circus AU
Normal Route- (Y/N), Jimin, Taehyung, Jin
Mafia AU
Supreme Boi
OC: Desta
Demon AU
Chapter 5 Outfits
Chapter 7 Outfits
Chapter 9 Outfits
#Flowers + Yoongi  🍑
#TeasingSex + Jin (NSFW)  🍑
#Protective + Namjoon
#Dom + Jimin (NSFW)
#Bondage + Namjoon (NSFW)  🍑
#AirplaneSex + Hobi (NSFW)
#WaxPlay + Yoongi (NSFW)
#TrainSex + Taehyung (NSFW)
#Puppers + Taehyung  🍑
#ShowerSex + Jungkook
#Wanderlust + Jin  🍑
#Koya + Namjoon
#Koala + Jimin (ft. Others)
#Soft + Jimin
Cartoon Characters (June+)  🐨
Taehyung as Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Jungkook as Deku (Boku no Hero Academia)
Namjoon as Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Jin as Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as L (Death Note)
Jungkook as Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight)
Jungkook as Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Neji Hyuga (Naruto)
Taehyung as Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Makoto (Free!)
Hoseok as Woody Woodpecker
Jimin as Pikachu (Pokémon)
Jin as Johnny Bravo
Jin as Link (Legend of Zelda)
Namjoon as Mushu (Mulan)
Suga and Hoseok as Kiki and Lala (Little Twin Stars)
Taehyung and Jungkook as the Hitachiin Twins (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Hello Kitty
Taehyung as Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
Yoongi as Batman
Jin as Princess Bubblegum
Suga as Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Jungkook as Inuyasha
Jungkook as Chihiro (Spirited Away)
Jungkook as My Melody (Hello Kitty)
Taehyung as Keith Kogane (Voltron)
Hobi as Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Yoongi as Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Namjoon as Kyoya (OHSHC)
Pride Colors  🐨
Jimin + bi colors 🍑
Yoongi + pan colors
Namjoon + Ace colors
Jin + Demisexual colors
Kookie + trans colors 
Hobi + Intersex colors
Hobi + Autosexual colors
Namjoon + Pan colors  🍑
Yoongi + Trans colors  🍑
POC bf (Trope)
Jungkook + Travel bf
Namjoon + Pink UwU bf
Yoongi + Minty shy bf  🍑
Jin + Techie bf
Taehyung + Flower bf
Hobi + Tennis bf
Jimin + Pastel bf  🍑
POC gf (Time period)
Yoongi + Rennaissance gf  🍑
Jungkook + 90s gf
Jin + Ancient Greek gf  🍑
Hobi + Roaring 20s gf
Taehyung + 70s gf
Namjoon + 50s gf
Jimin + 80s gf  🍑
Moodboard Challenges (Others in series x x x)
Jin + Nightcrawler (1/?)
Pastel Pink Jungkook (2/?)
Nature Witch Yoongi (3/?)  🍑
Hobi + Hummingbird (4/?)
Jin + Yeehonk Wedding (5/?)
Taehyung + London at Night (6/?)
Jimin + Beach (7/?)  🍑
Jungkook + Zoo Date (8/?) [Not the right number but eh]
Writinx: Things I Wrote
You fall asleep while BTS records
Red Carpet Wardrobe Malfunction
Request- BTS finding out you smoke
You’re Scared of the Dark
Accidentally Confessing
Catch You Dancing Like No one is Watching 🍑
Request- BTS Giving Aftercare
Request- Abusive ex
Request- Using a Safword
Request- Shy Strip Teasing
Request- BTS Finds You Writing member x member Smut
BTS- Finding your Fandom Tumblr 🍑
Request- Interpreter GF to BTS
Request- Birthday Sex Slave 🍑
BTS- You Put Gifts into their Luggage
BTS- They See You in Their Clothes
Request- S/o Gets Cat-called 🍑
Request- You Have Small Boobs (body positivity)
Request- You Like being Called Names in bed
Dating a Theatre Nerd- Vocal Line, Rap Line 🍑
They Hear You Sing for the First Time
Request- You take Them to a BDSM club
Request- They visit you in the hospital
Request- You’re exhausted after play rehearsal 🍑
Request- They Don’t Know you’re a professional Dancer
Request- They Spoil You with gifts 🍑
Request- You Get in a fight and they pick you up from the police
Bias Line: You’re Quiet until You’re Horny 🍑
Request- Figure Skating S/O
Request- Spoiled GF
You Send a Panty Pic
Request- Angry Sex
Request- You are in a Kid’s car and offer bf BTS a juice box
Request- Airport Goodbye 🍑
Request- See You in Wedding Dress 🍑
Request- Food Sharing S/O
Request- Food Porn in public 🍑
Request- Stuck with S/O inside car during snowstorm
Request- Denying sexytimes
Request- Teach Blowjob 🍑
Request- Rain on wedding day 🍑
Request- You call them beautiful during a casual moment
Request- Boys comfort you from having a bad day at work
Request- They see themselves as your phone wallpaper
Request- Clingy gf 🍑
Request- Nervous Around guys
Request- S/O tells them to go fuck themselves
Request- Outside date
Request- Plastic Surgeries GF
Request- BTS finds out Kookie is a Little
Request- Long Distance Relationship
Request- Meeting up with fellow ARMY who doesn’t know you’re dating a member (Vocal line)
Request- S/O working too hard to produce an album
Request- GF has scary dog that’s a teddy bear (Hyung Line) 🍑
Request- You have a big scar on your leg
<<BTS Reactions- Part 2>> 
Most to Least (MtL)
Drop Food on the Floor and Eat it
To Eat Cold Pizza
Green Room Quickie
BTS as...
BTS as Musicals 🍑
BTS voices as Type of Fabric
Undertale Characters
Mystic Messenger Characters
NekoPara Characters
Full Stories
Training (NSFW) 🍑
Love at first sight (Fluff)
(V) Taehyung
Unexpected pt1 (NSFW)
Unexpected pt2 (NSFW)
First Valentine’s Day Together:
Jin | Suga | V (Tae) | Jimin | Hoseok | Jungkook | Namjoon
Theatre Kid Series- Paused
She/Her: Prologue 1
He/Him: Prologue 1
They/Them: Prologue 1
🎪BigHit Bigtop (Circus AU)- Currently Ongoing
Prologue: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3
Choice #1.1
Choice #2.3
Choice #3.1
Choice #4.2
Choice #5.4
Choice #6.1
🌹666 So Fresh (Demon AU)- Active
Chapter 1: 
Chapter 2: 
Chapter 3: 
Chapter 4: 
Chapter 5: Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 6: 
Chapter 7: 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: 
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
🌇The Trusted (Mafia AU)- Finished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
👔Bad Manager- Idol!AU while dating BTS member and having an abusive manager
Adrift (Mermaid AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
7 AUs
Jin + CEO!AU
Yoongi + Florist AU
Jin fluff for a friend
Raffle Winner 1 (Jin pov)
Raffle Winner 2 (Hoseok wedding)
Raffle Winner 3 (Monsta x Wonho)
Writing Challenges
Day 1- Elementary Card Exchange (Reader x Jin) 🍑
Day 2- Flowers (Reader x Suga)
Day 3- First Kiss (Reader x Hoseok)
Day 4- Love Letters (Male!Reader x Taehyung) 🍑
Day 5- Bad First Date (Reader x Namjoon)
Day 6- Already Taken (Jimin) 🍑
Day 7- First Time to Meet (Reader x Taehyung)
Day 8- Long Distance (Jungkook x Reader)
Day 9- Meet the Pet (Namjoon x Reader)
Day 10- Candy ( Reader x Yoongi)
Day 11- Perfect Date (Jimin x Reader) 🍑
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