topmodelrealm · 1 year
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9: Li Si Jia’s I.AM. Lookbook
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Almost a year later: More underrated YGO character dynamics that must exist.
Gozaburo and Mokuba How does Mokuba feel about betraying his stepfather? Can he ever come to terms w/ it? What about Gozaburo? Is he secretly proud of Mokuba despite his interference in his plans? A very underrated dynamic. Their story is basically ‘how the innocent creature made a corrupt king fall.’
Serenity and Noah I don’t know why, but ever since I wrote them working together to rescue Mokuba in my mermaid AU, I’ve thought they make quite the duo!
Kaiba and Ishizu They’re opposites in every way - one’s a skeptic, the other a strong believer - and yet they’ve got so much in common. From their protectiveness over their siblings, to their heights, to their ‘I’m right’ attitudes.
Bakura and anybody Give my boy some love he’s so precious and deserving of screentime~! But especially let him bond with other people who like rpg / non card games.
Joey and Tristan They’re best friends, but I see so little about them!! Like, c’mon, they made The ChinTM together!! They’re two of the only friends who can act goofy around one another and tease/torment the other playfully w/o any feelings being hurt.
Mai and Tea Girl sacrificed a card game she was winning so Tea could help her friends. And this is a proud gamer we’re talking about. Like, one of the top in the world! If that isn’t respect for her opponent, I don’t know what is!
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Li Hao Ting
Place: 5th
Average: 6
Like a few others, the body of work of Li Hao Ting is inconsistent, with only acing 3 shoots in particular which were his flower beauty shot, I.AM Lookbook and OK Girl. Other than these highlights, his journey wasn’t noteworthy in any way other than he consistently got a 5th or 6th call-out. He was normally around the middle of the rankings.
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Makeover: 10/10
Portfolio/post-show work: N/a
Weibo account ⬅️
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Huang Si Qi
Place: 6th
Average: 4.4
Huang Si Qi’s photographic journey was one of the more noteworthy ones. The ultimate quirky girl this cycle imo, rooted in her very first shot that I literally gushed over. She very innovative and unconventional in her approach in shoots. Always having something different and new to offer; regardless of whether the shot lacked or scored for the week! I knew with her, she’d produce a photo far from mundane. She’s an expert with shaping her body to form different poses too. I wasn’t a fan of her makeover and I would’ve preferred it flat-out darkened to black. But she made it work overtime, and it grew on me. I love her face. It’s features are so distinct and ethereal-looking. One of her best assets as a model! So far, I’ve been very invested in her post-show portfolio. She’s been killing it!
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Makeover: 7.5/10
Portfolio/post-show work:
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Weibo account ⬅️
Instagram: @_huangsiqi_
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Zhao Zhuo Nun
Place: 7th
Average: 4.625
Zhao Zhuo Nun had a pretty smooth run. He was consistent with his photos. Despite this, I’ll also say that he is in the top 5 at most of my favourite looks this cycle! His facial features remind me of Tsolmon’s from MoNTM cycle 3 effortlessly! He’s been able to deliver photos in the top 5 at least multiple times. Although he couldn’t finish his journey on top, his run was most definitely one of the most colourful and harmonious.
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Makeover: 6/10
Portfolio/post-show work:
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Weibo account ⬅️
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Yu Ling Yun
Place: 11th
Average: 11
From the get-go, I wasn’t invested in Yu Ling Yin’s performances in the photos he produced. He always failed to capture my attention in a worthwhile way with his photos which is unfortunate. Although I disliked it, in his flower beauty shot, it does display his very nice facial features; soft jawline, pointed nose etc but he couldn’t put this into practice or use it to his advantage.
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Makeover: 7/10
Portfolio/post-show work: N/a
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Best photo: Li Si Jia
Passing through this shot is the sweet smell of success as Li Si Jia delivers a soundly incredible photo. The quiet confidence is virtually contagious. The minor details and tweaks of her hand positions really elevate the shot, her facial expression is subtle but overflowing with power and control and the tiny turn of her head to the side is the chef’s kiss. I can’t stress enough how straight-up REGALLL she appears here, through her aura alone! Her gracefully positioned hands is just REMARKABLE, I live for it!
(Judges’ call-out: Winner)
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Best Photo: Li Si Jia
She just be slaying these folks like it’s a sport! I mean, every inch of this leaves me absolutely gobsmacked! In awe. It’s not even a dramatic pose that she’s formed her but instead it’s effortless. I mean, I can name every advantage from her delicate facial expression, the arched forward shoulder, graceful elongated arm and I can go on and onnnn😂 but one of my favourite things that she’s got the jackpot with is the form of her body and how it compliments the ripples around her. She’s managed to even get the gown in check and not cause it to look chaotic underwater, it’s flowing in sync with her and that’s imaginably hard to do. From this shot alone, I don’t even need to second guess a darn thing. This is honestly an out of this world ELITE shot and I can’t get enough of it!
(Judges’ call-out: FCO)
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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Runner-up: Huang Si Qi
It’s dreamy, it’s incredibly gentle and soft. The pose at first didn’t leave a positive impression on me at first but overtime it grew on me. At this point, I can’t see anything wrong with it. The only flaw is her facial expression because it’s strained and the affect of holding your breath underwater is vividly showing in her face. I like how she’s used her hand to interact with the bed frame and the other to do a ballerina-like gesture with. And that’s it! She looks like a water bellerina. The leg floating out adds to the mystical feel.
(Judges’ call-out: Eliminated)
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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3rd: Liu Xian Xia
Throughout her photographic journey, this is by a mile her most successful photo. It’s an outside the box idea for a pose and for the most part it works for an underwater shoot. She looks innocent and kinda mysterious. Maybe if she pointed her toes even just slightly, the body position as a whole would look more up to standard. In conclusion, it’s one of the better photos this week!
(Judges’ call-out: Runner-up)
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topmodelrealm · 1 year
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4th: Wang Ren Chuan
I guess what I like about the way he’s positioned is body is the angular nature of it. For me, gives a fascinating contrast to the essence of the water. He took advantage of the boldness of the black pants, created this cool position with it to where it looks like a silhouette underwater. I like it in an unconventional way.
(Judges’ call-out: 5th)
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
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3rd: Li Si Jia
This photo is for the most part successful for what it set out to be. In other words, it fulfilled the purpose. However, I felt the need to put her in 3rd place call over the top two this week. This is because I get the sense that she didn’t go all out in this specific shot. It doesn’t look much different to what I’d imagine an average version of a photo from this shoot would look like. Even her facial presence couldn’t compensate because she looks completely overpowered by the rush of adrenaline or wind in her face. There’s not as much power as I would’ve liked to see from her. Facially, she looks a little too content and at times unreadable; emotionless. But her legs look sensational and she advertised the bag in a way that fits the composition.
(Judges’ call-out: FCO)
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
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Best Photo: Yi Chen
I’m super proud to see that Yi Chen has finally seized the limelight and it turns out this is week is all his! He managed to embody a very poetic and artistic photo and I would’ve never thought that Yi Chen would be the one to deliver like this! I just adore the shape he’s created with his body. It’s a cool zig zag shape (his arm on the bar and knee bent) including the poise of his other enlongated leg. I know ya’ll can tell the shape I’m trying to get at here once you really observe it. Proper genius! It synchronises with the triangular shape of the bars. And the cherry on top with this is his facial expression. It’s like he’s in the midst of dancing and the smirk just shows that he is 100% liberated and content! Whoa, Yi Chen blew my socks off! So proud he’d been able to produce a bomb shot like this!
(Judges’ call-out: Eliminated)
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
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Runner-up: Zhao Zhuo Nun
Another impressive week for Zhao Zhuo Nun. His efforts have paid off. The photo holds the same poise as Yi Chen’s shot does and gosh is he owning this even more with his success in coordination. Every aspect of his body and elongation is coherent and even. He creates this imagery of a swan-like aerial dancer! It’s a moving shot and he totally outdid himself once again.
(Judges’ call-out: 5th)
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
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3rd: Li Si Jia
She’s back! I know she has this level of model ability in her and right here in this photo, she’s manifesting it! It’s proof. Where do I even start? Her interpretation of the brief is interesting and compelling. Her pose isn’t elaborate and in-your-face but in her case, it’s more in the simplistic side or at least she’s taken a more gentle mode of execution. There’s a story there; she looks like a timid creature but with a hint of defence and self-protection through the toughness of her hunched stance. I adore her downcast and blue, more or less vacant facial expression but the borderline vacancy in her face isn’t the lazy or boring type. Instead, you seem (myself anyways) curious in sense that you wanna know what’s perhaps troubling her or why she looks so down. I hope this makes sense, kinda hard to explains I guess 😂 All these factors she’s displayed plays into the fact she’s told a story through this shot. Splendid job! The light radiated onto her body amazingly too!
(Judges’ call-out: 6th)
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
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4th: Li Xue
The “S” shape curve she’s formulated with her body is the WOW-factor here, without a shred of doubt. It’s gorgeously done and mesmeric! And by the looks of it, it seems to me that it wasn’t at all deliberate. What it communicates to me is that the photographer happen to capture her in a moment where she was perhaps cautiously changing up her position and fortunately, she exudes grace, composure and stays level-headed whilst doing it! The positioning of her arms on the metal is perfect and visually artistic to me! With her head down, calmly scrutinising where she’s stepping, the expression in her face adds to that demure aura I’m getting. Pretty breathtaking how’s she’s given this shot which looks sorta ‘accidental’ but in the end, still paid off! However, this can arguably be a ‘lucky shot’? Ultimately, I still stand by what I feel with this still being a success of a photo!
(Judges’ call-out: 6th)
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