#Chibnall era
twelfthdoctorwho · 3 days
feel free to add commentary/visual examples of what you really liked!!
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The 13th Doctor was so private, she totally didn’t tell her friends her age for probably months. They totally thought she was just a normal aged alien until she slipped up one day and casually said something like “I haven’t had a cheese ball in 400 years”
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vroomvroomwee · 9 months
Doctor Who started off with terrible CGI but with stunning writing and as it progressed the two switched places. The CGI might be phenomenal but the writing is a dumpster fire.
I think that's partly why everyone is so excited for the 60th special. You've got the CGI and the writing this time now that RTD is back.
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thedorkdionysia · 5 months
if i made a post comparing thasmin to destiel i would be hunted for sport. but i would have spoken my truth and that's all that matters
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leikeliscomet · 28 days
Honestly, Ryan wasn't even a bad companion he just wasn't utilised properly. His YouTube channel should've been a central part of his character. Maybe have him been the one to record everything. Maybe have him actually know Two Girls Roaming in Praxeus because he watched their videos or gets filming tips from them. His relationship with his dad should've been threaded throughout s11 so his appearance in Resolution stuck. Maybe he shouldn't have forgiven him in the person-forgives-neglectful-parent-because-family-can-do-no-wrong trope but chosen Graham as his new father figure so that 'call me grandad' actually hits harder. Maybe have Thirteen be his father figure instead, building on the way Ryan tends to follow her instructions the most out of the fam. His feelings about Grace should've been in the spotlight. Maybe have him find Grace in the alt universe. Maybe have him be the one to try and kill Tim Shaw. Maybe have him be the one dream about Grace in Can You Hear Me. Maybe take the Graham scenes and replace him with Ryan.. y'know.. Grace's whole grandson...? Maybe also address the fact his mum died and bc his dad left he was left all alone as a child??? And that should've been his Can You Hear Me nightmare instead of throwing in the dregs unprovoked?? His mechanic skills should've been a key trait too. Maybe have him fix the ship with Thirteen in Tsuranga instead of Yaz. Maybe have him, Tesla, and Thirteen talk about the joy of building and fixing things. Maybe have him go with Nevi and Silas in Orphan 55 to work together on mechanic stuff but also show Ryan's longing for a father-son relationship like theirs. (And make Yaz fight the dregs instead bc wasn't she the one with police training...).
His feelings for Yaz and Bella could've been sorted out properly. Maybe have Ryasmin for a few eps but stop bc space-time travel overcomplicates things or to set things up for Yaz' coming out and Thasmin. Maybe address the fact Bella likely died on Orphan 55 and have it cause tension between Ryan and Thirteen bc she refused to help her. And Ryan's Blackness. Maybe have Ryan be the one to disagree with the plan and try to help Rosa instead. Maybe have him explain who she is to the others instead of having the only Black guy in the cast not know who Rosa Parks is.
There was so much potential man. So so so so much...
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stere0typical · 8 months
Say what you want about 13 but her outfits were great. The coat WITH a hood? The cropped pants? The BOOTS? Amazing, practical, wonderful in every way I love her <3
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cynical-canidae · 4 months
One thing Chibs did that was literally peak was whatever that telepathy contact thing the Doctor and the Master had going on. Like yeah Time Lords are telepathic; we knew that. LOVED seeing them have a little conversation!! I know they abused the fuck out of that in school!! I KNOW THE DECA GOSSIP WAS CRAZY!!!!
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estherwordnerd · 4 months
Everyone talks about how hit or miss the writing was in 13's era but never about how it had so much HEART. And HUMOUR. Some brilliant moments and great concepts and a doctor who (lol) clearly loved every SECOND of being there. They paid attention and let the doctor and her best friend fall in love because of how much we loved them together. And it had such a positive impact on me and so many queer whovians because of that!!
It's probably been said but I'll say it again: no era is without flaws and the things I love about 13's era outnumber the things I would have changed. This era broke new ground and reignited my love for the whole show and I know I'm not the only one. I will defend it until after everyone else has stopped caring. No one else got to be us. That is all thank you!!
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someonecalledyes · 7 months
Even though the Master said he destroyed Gallifrey out of rage because of his jealousy for the Doctor's past as the Timeless Child, I can't take my mind off the fact that he's obviously done it because he hated the Time Lords for having treated the Doctor with such cruelty.
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butchthirteen · 5 months
this is why i'm so mad we never got to see thirteen really let loose by the way. we were robbed
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twelfthdoctorwho · 2 months
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Wet Beast(alien) Wednesday ?
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princetenkoo · 1 year
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The Flux (2021)
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If you are doctor who showrunner and there is not at least one episode per season that seems like it was written by a five year old who had way too much sugar than you are bad at your job and should be fired
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Every era is to be celebrated!
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13thdoctorposts · 5 months
The amount of bias against 13 era Who is a real WTF, it was like people just wanted to be negative. We've all heard 'tHe WrItInG WaS bAd'. But people also just choose to be more negative and hostile towards it... for example
Legend of the Sea Devils... people couldn't stop talking about how bad it was. It got a 3 star review from Radio Times...
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The title and first line are...
Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils review – classic monsters resurface in maritime mediocrity
The Sea Devils are faithfully resurrected but the adventure on the South China sea is wishy-washy.
Do you know what else got a 3 star review? The Star Beast...
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But how did they frame this even though it has the exact same star rating? As wishy washy? as mediocre?... of course not it's framed in a positive way 👇
Doctor Who - The Star Beast review: Saturday night magic is back
There's a very big adventure coming.
Even though its not relevant they also had to take a dig in the first couple paragraphs of The Star Beast review at the previous era 'You'd be forgiven for wondering if we've travelled back in time, but no, this is Doctor Who in 2023, and how sorely it's been missed... Doctor Who hasn't been at its very best for a long while'... like I said this was rated the same as tLotSD... in tLotSD opening paragraph... "I feel a bit sorry for today’s young viewers. I grew up watching Doctor Who in the 1970s and, while it might not have been immense every single week, we could rely on a fairly steady stream of classics – and scares and chills agogo. Sitting through Legend of the Sea Devils is like watching seaweed dry." Same rating different framing... this put the viewer into a different mindset before watching it, it primes them to see the negative rather than the positive.
And for good measure The Power of the Doctor which got 4 stars was framed in a 'oh its good but still not great' way... 👇
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor review – A satisfying finale to an erratic 4-year chapter
Despite an abundance of distractions, Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill remain the throbbing heart of the story.
According to this star rating this episode is better then The Star Beast but you wouldn't now that from the words. The bias against 13 era Who and the writing is both real and insane and nothing will change my mind on that because we are constantly shown evidence of it.
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