#Chihara Junia
cinemaobscura · 6 months
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Tokyo Rampage/Pornostar | ポルノスター (1998) dir. Toshiaki Toyoda
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dare-g · 3 years
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Pornostar (1998)
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cinemaronin · 3 years
Tokyo Rampage (1998)
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ポルノスター Tokyo Rampage (1998)  directed by Toshiaki Toyoda cinematography by  Norimichi Kasamatsu
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aramajapan · 7 years
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Kanjani8 and Guests Cover Ikimonogakari on KanJam Kanzennen SHOW for September 24
This week’s guests were Mizuno Yoshiki, Honma Akimitsu, Furukawa Masayoshi, Takegami Yoshinari, Asakura Shinji, Tomada Tom, Adachi Takashi, Okabe Machi, Chihara Junia, and Izumi Rika. The musical guests then joined Kanjani8 for a song. Kanjani8 x Musical Guests – Kaze ga Fuiteiru...
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manjuhitorie · 4 years
Shinoda’s Instagram Q&A July 18th 2020 - Part 1
👋How are Retro Tone’s Saddles? 🗣The steel saddles are way worth a shot   👀 http://astronauts69.com/retrotone/ - https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1019548356383682561
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👋What bandsmen have you been keeping in touch with? 🗣I got calls from Hiroki-san of Lego Big Morl And Adam Touch Takahashi of Bed In (honorifics omitted) I’m usually never the one to hit people up first... 
👋What are you doing awake this late? (approx 3AM JST) 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio  👀 Audrey are a manzai comedy duo! https://wow-j.com/en/Allguides/other/tips_manners/02304_en/#2
👋 Have you eaten any pudding lately? 🗣I deeply apologize for waiting so long to make this clear. The pudding phase has long ended. We had a good run everyone.
 👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1245973638550917121 Shinoda had found a pudding recipe on cookpad which requires only a microwave, a single egg, then milk, sugar, and a sprinkle of vanilla essence! This discovery sparked a trend among Hitorie fans, as many were giving it a shot themselves and joining in on the sweetness!
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👋 What is your favorite? 🗣My favorite what?
👋 Are you sleepy? 🗣No problems here
👋 What’s your opinion feeling on cicadas? 🗣My opinion is that they’re dogshit
👋 I’m knee-deep in depression right now, what do I do.. 🗣Watch Audrey videos on youtube You’re bound to laugh and whisk the time away, it’s ideal
👋 How are you? 🗣Physically I’m healthy. Mentally I’m so-so.
👋 Did you get ygarshy any presents for his birthday? If you did, what did you get him? 🗣I can’t tell ya bastards.
👋What happened to your smoke machine? 🗣I still have it  👀 https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1269167465499521025 
For SND’s birthday, ygarshy had gotten him a smoke machine. The kind commonly seen at concerts to add effects.
 To quote Shinoda’s reception, he said, “I’m sure y’all got a taste of the level of insanity our bassist is, judging from the MC chat reports of last year’s tour but… This should really set in stone just how insane he is.” 
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👋Any new song recs? 🗣SUTENEKO by Siamese Cats  👀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVSBarQH6ZY
👋Are you still working out? 🗣If it’s okay to say that I’m still at it then.. Yeah I’m still at it.
 👀 He had been developing aches/feeling like he had muscle atrophy due to drawing so much manga. Thus, after even Hitorie’s manager urged him about the necessity to work out, he finally picked it up. Though he did tweet “I was working out while I slept last night, and now I can’t stand up… Fuckkkk thissssss!!” https://twitter.com/sho_do_teki/status/1264486160211951617  So… Fight on, SND!
👋I want to know what you’ve been eating lately! 🗣I’m cooking hamburgers and hotdogs at home
👋What have you been up to? 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋What are you up to right now👀 🗣Listening to Audrey on the radio
👋 Do you create distortion by using your amp, or by stomping around by your feet? 🗣By my feet
👋 What’s next after the pudding phase? 🗣I’m in a hamburger phase now
👋 Who manga artist you especially like 🗣I’ve always loved Douman Seiman sensei  👀 https://myanimelist.net/people/12266/Sayman_Dowman
👋 What’s good about Jaguars? (*the car I think) 🗣They look all robotic
👋 What cigarettes have you been smoking? 🗣Marlboro gold
👋 You strike me as the type who talks to himself a lot, so I ask, do you talk to yourself a lot? 🗣Kinda, yeah
👋 What Hitorie songs are best to start out with? 🗣Like Senseless Wonder Or any relatively simple one
👋 What shampoo do you use? 🗣The Seven Eleven one
👋 I can’t make a song.. The day is going to end in vain again..
🗣The day you finally make it will answer everything Or at least we can hope...
👋 How’s your kitty? 🗣I don’t fucking have one
👋 I want to go to a concert 🗣I wanna go tooo
👋 Any RPG recs? 🗣Landstalker You can play it on a SEGA Genesis Mini, go ham on the ungodly maps
👋 I like you? 🗣What?
👋 Do any movies hold a special place in your heart? 🗣9 Souls probably  Chihara Junia is so awesome  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370244/
👋Please take a selfie 👣 🗣I can’t right now fella
👋What onigiri filling do you like? 🗣Spicy cod roe and/or tuna
👋I just want to give up on studying for entrance exams. But I can’t. How do you achieve that which you don’t want to do? 🗣I feel like I’ve never ever even achieved that which I don’t want to do.. 👋 Any recent purchases?
 🗣 *https://www.jimdunlop.com/cry-baby-mini-wah/
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👋 Who’s the greatest genius you know? 🗣Shimoyaka  👀 Check them out here: https://twitter.com/simoyaka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9qsoxiPKaY - Tanaka Bunko is the name of Shimoyaka’s doujin group.
👋 Do you ever have troubles or worries? 🗣I do
👋 Which do you recommend out of the great Ghibli 4 playing in theaters? 🗣Well, anything but Mononoke Hime..
👋 My ex girlfriend introduced me, so when I listen the memories come flooding back... 🗣What are you talking about?
👋 I’m torn on whether to cut my hair or not, should I? 🗣Enough already, just cut it.
👋 Do you have a favorite Tanaka Bunko song? 🗣High Score Girl (👀 https://ch.nicovideo.jp/simoyaka/video/so36488388) It sounds like Dinosaur Jr. ( 👀 The western band)
👋 Have you gotten good at any cooking recipes lately? 🗣Do hotdogs count as cooking?
👋 What to do when you can’t sleep 🗣Listen to the radio and stuff
👋 Why don’t you get a kitty?
 🗣Laziness and allergies as a joint force are preventing my kitty endeavors
👋 Will you sleep after this? 🗣I don’t know
👋 For my Coming of Age Ceremony, I’m not sure if I should cut my hair into a short bob or let it grow long so I can style it. Which suits your tastes more Shinoda-san?
 🗣The short bob 100%
👋 So you like girls with short hair.. Then, what hair color do you like? 🗣I don’t really care as long as it looks good
👋 I slept as this time yesterday, but I woke up at this time today. I want to be reborn as a Marlboro gold cigarette.
🗣It may be wise to not aspire to turn into consumables much
👋 What kind of gear is on your current pedal board? 🗣 *A picture consisting of a BOSS TU3W, Xotic EP Booster, WEED MDW-1 wah, Crowther Hotcake, Electro-Harmoni Nano Bass Big Muff, Arion SCH-Z Stereo Chorus, and BOSS DD-20.
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👋 I just woke up, good morning 🗣Good morning
👋 Then I want to be reborn as a bed or sofa 🗣Chill
👋 Time to go to work! Cheer me on! 🗣Have a swell day
👋 I’m job-hunting right now, tell me something 🗣I hope it all works out…
👋 I’m a fan from Taiwan and a guitar newbie, do you have any tips and tricks for pressing chords? 🗣Make sure you’re pressing cleanly, I think
👋 Good morning~ Due to various circumstances I’m living in Tokyo for one month starting today, cheers to our battles to come 🗣Battles!?
👋 After drinking all night yesterday, I fell back to sleep 3 times before finally waking up just now. I woke up out of fear after remembering the news about the man who’s bladder exploded. 🗣That shit’s scary as hell?  👀 https://nypost.com/2020/06/23/mans-bladder-explodes-after-holding-pee-for-18-hours-after-beer-binge/
👋 As a guitarist/vocalist what are you most careful of? 🗣Don’t wiggle around too much and wear yourself out
👋 Alco and Peace’s radio segments are just too damn good, ain’t they…? 🗣I’ve listened to the skit about Ichiru at an international tournie so many times that I’ve lost count, they’re seriously the best  👀 They’re a manzai comedy duo too!
👋 What temperature do you keep your air-conditioning at? 🗣It depends but, when I do use it I’ll bring it all the way to 24 degrees celsius.
👋 What are you going to do now? 🗣No idea
👋 Have you ever been approached by fans at festivals or out in town? On that note, is it okay to approach you? (;.Д.) 🗣I have. It depends on the time and place.
👋 I love you. Time to go to work… 🗣Have a nice day
👋 Do you ever go to cat cafes and stuff? 🗣I’ve been.
👋 I’ve been job hunting with no resolution in sight, please give me words of encouragement! 🗣You can do it~
👋 Good morning,,, I bombed my mock exams and would love a picker-upper,,, 🗣Well, mock exams aren’t the end so
👋 What do you think of girls who cheat? 🗣I think they’re girls who cheat
👋 I keep doing Hitorie cover bands but I can’t seem to improve the skill* (I’m the drummer) 🗣I’m amazed that you’re even trying at all
👋 Good morning.. Please cheer me on,, 🗣You can do it~
👋 Can you tell me what entertainer you like! 🗣Kamomental  👀 Another nother manzai duo!
👋 How to restore absolute exhaustion 👀Find something immersive, or laugh-inductive, or just go to sleep…
👋 What’s your favorite out of all the Hitorie merch released thus far? 🗣The album art pins
👋 What is the philosophy behind men who have affairs? 🗣They’re the type who can do it and stomach it, so they just do it, I think
👋 The album cover pins are so cool that I hesitate to use them, Shinoda-sensei what pins do you use? 🗣I always lose pins in a matter of minutes so I’m too scared to use them..
👋 I miss Shinoda-san’s girl and cat drawings 
🗣I haven’t been drawing much huh
👋 Do you listen to anything besides Audrey on the All Night Nippon radio station? 🗣Not much, only like Creepy Nuts (👀 They host a hip-hop/rap battle station!) or Sakuma (👀 He takes letters from listeners and digs into various hypothetical or real events)
👋 What’s the most recent movie you’ve watched? 🗣Lost Paradise in Tokyo  👀 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1519647/
👋 It’s Sunday yet I have to wake up early and go to work, please put my heart at ease,,, 🗣I pray for your health…
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amazarashi-eng · 5 years
Hi, did you know that amazarashi's 14years is based on a book of the same name by the Japanese author Chihara Junia? Has anyone read this and can tell me what the story is about? 14 is my favourite amazarashi song so I really want to read this book now. It's kinda hard to find but you can find it on amazon if you search from google. Anyways, just wanted to share that knowledge with the english speaking amz community!
Wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks for the information! I haven’t heard of the book before, it seems tricky to find.
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24movieworld · 8 years
Toshiaki Toyoda’s “Unchain” proves that a documentary about a loser can be utterly compelling
Films and documentaries about underdogs that manage to win, or people who were winners all their life is something common in cinema. Toshiaki Toyoda though, chose to deal with the exact opposite subject, a group of people (Tetsu Garuda, Seichiro Nishibashi, Osamu Nagaishi) headed by “Unchain” Kaji, who do not seem to get a break from the day they were born.
As the story unfolds starting with Kaji, we learn of his unfortunate life, which actually initiated from birth. His parents abandoned him when he was an infant and he was raised by his uncle, although he did not know that until he became 18. His uncle eventually died and he took up boxing, without, though, managing to win even once, as he retired with a record of eight losses and one draw, after severe damage to his eye. As he tries to start a new life as a civilian, his situation becomes even worse, despite the efforts of his friends.
Toyoda followed Kaji and his friends for four years, recording their lives, which, despite their occasionally desperate efforts, do not seem to improve. Particularly in Kaji’s case, his life is a never-ending downward spiral, as he seems to survive just by the faithfulness of his friends. Even that though, is not absolute.
The documentary includes slideshows from the plethora of photographs the four friends have taken together and individually, while a large part of the duration shows live video from their fights in the ring. There are also some cinematic sequences with actors, which, as Toyoda explains in an interview included in the release, were used where the actual testimonies were not “strong” enough.
Once more in a Toyoda production, music plays a very important role, with the recurring theme of a Japanese remix of “Unchain my Heart” by Ray Charles (Kaji actually took his nickname from this song), being the perfect soundtrack for the footage presented on screen, along with a number of others alternative tracks. Chihara Junia’s narration is also a perfect fit for the film’s aesthetics.
As the 98 minutes of the film ended, I could not exactly describe its appeal and the reason I could not take my eyes off the screen for its whole duration. Evidently, Toyoda manages to appeal to a sentiment that I did not even know existed, and that is, in my opinion the film’s biggest success.
Third Window Films presents this film along with Pornostar and 9 Souls in a limited edition digipack of 2000 copies that features new HD masters with optional English subtitles. The collection is titled Toshiaki Toyoda: The Early Years, and the extras include new audio commentaries by Midnight Eye’s Jasper Sharp & Tom Mes, a new interview with Toshiaki Toyoda, Making Ofs, music videos and other extras from the films’ original releases. 
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2iboOlP
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cinemaobscura · 6 months
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Tokyo Rampage/Pornostar | ポルノスター (1998) dir. Toshiaki Toyoda
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dare-g · 3 years
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1-Ichi (2003)
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cinemaronin · 3 years
Young Thugs: Innocent Blood (1997)
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岸和田少年愚連隊・血煙り純情篇 Young Thugs: Innocent Blood (1997) directed by Takashi Miike cinematography by Hideo Yamamoto
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aramajapan · 8 years
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Boku no Lyric no Bouyomi Performs with Kanjani8 on KanJam Kazennen SHOW for March 5
This week’s guests were Chihara Junia, Hyadain, Mofuku-chan, TeddyLoid, DOTAMA, Toyama Daisuke (Grunge), Matsubara Kobe, Tateyama Koji, and Boku no Lyric no Bouyomi. Boku no Lyric no Bouyomi also performed with Kanjani8. Boku no Lyric no Bouyomi x Kanjani8 – after that Watch here  
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24movieworld · 8 years
Toshiaki Toyoda’s feature debut “Pornostar” was a distinct sample of what was about to follow
Using crime-filled Shibuya of the 90’s as his setting, Toshiaki Toyoda presents a true guerilla film, which frequently functions as a music video.
The film starts with a mysterious, almost catatonic young man named Arano, walking in the street and bumping everyone around him, in a more violent edition of The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” music video. Eventually, he stumbles upon Kamijo, a young club-owner who struggles to stay away from the Yakuza, despite the fact that he is kind of a gangster himself. Through a series of violent episodes, Arano ends up in Kamijo’s group, as the latter appreciates his knack for violence. Their relationship though, is anything but smooth.
Toshiaki Toyoda presents a world where violence is the rule,  where every man seems to be a gangster or on his way of becoming one. This world seems to be a perfect fit for Arano, who emits ferocity and blood from every pore of his body. Despite the fact, he does not seem to enjoy the setting or his circumstances, since his only purpose is violence, particularly against Yakuza, for no apparent reason at all. In that fashion, the film contains a number of extremely brutal scenes, where knives seem to be the weapon of choice, with the one where Arano comes across Kamijo’s archenemy being the most impressive and the most savage of all.
As usual in Toyoda’s films, some surrealism is also involved, while the characters’ motives are not always clear, particularly in the case of Arano. Women, clearly, hold a secondary role, and Toyoda seems to mock the sultriness that usually characterizes them in similar films, particularly with the character of 5-star Pussycat.
Music plays a very important part in the film, with a number of alternative rock tracks by Dip providing a fitting background for the ragtag surroundings of Shibuya and the many action scenes. Along with some slow-motion sequences that occasionally appear in the movie, “Pornostar” frequently functions as an extreme music video.
The production is obviously low budget, but Norimichi Kasamatsu does a great work of portraying the decaying and moody atmosphere of Shibuya on the streets and the motley colors of the interior settings, like clubs, and toilets in bars. Toshihide Hukano’s editing keeps the film flowing and exemplifies the violence of the action scenes by rapidly changing perspectives of the same scene. Overall, the production values seem to benefit the most by Third Window’s HD edition, which makes the film seem and sound better than ever.
Chihara Junia gives a great performance filled with aggressive silences, as Arano, impressively portraying a character whose sole purpose seems to be violence. Onimaru also looks good as the smooth but struggling low-rank gangster Kamijo. Akaji Maro provides a cult element as the Yakuza Boss. Kiyohiko Shibukawa holds a small role as one of Kamijo’s underlings, but still manages to stand out, with his goofy smoothness.
“Pornostar” is not a masterpiece, but it is a very entertaining film that flows smoothly, and a great place for someone to start his association with Toyoda’s filmography.
Third Window Films presents this film along with Unchain and 9 Souls in a limited edition digipack of 2000 copies that features new HD masters with optional English subtitles. The collection is titled Toshiaki Toyoda: The Early Years, and the extras include new audio commentaries by Midnight Eye’s Jasper Sharp & Tom Mes, a new interview with Toshiaki Toyoda, Making Ofs, music videos and other extras from the films’ original releases. 
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2j7QARc
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badmovieihave · 12 years
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Bad movie I have. 1 Ichi   2003
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dare-g · 3 years
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Pornostar (1998)
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teyytb-blog · 13 years
Kaminari hashiru natsu Movie Summary
Kaminari hashiru natsu movie download
Chihara Junia Shigemitsu Ogi Ayano Tachibana Takashi Tsukamoto Anri Ban Tokitoshi Shiota Kiyohiko Shibukawa Eddie Rica Matsumoto
Download Kaminari hashiru natsu
he. For Sale - Any Serious Offers - Any PricesTakashi Tsukamoto - Tsukamoto Hashiru Natsu - Kaminari Hashiru Natsu (Making of movie DVD) TAKI 183 Takashi Tsukamoto Photobook TAKI183 Movie - Lent to a friend. arimi_skywalker @ 2008-04-03T23:48:00Unfair The Movie [yesasia.com] [amazon.co.jp] [cdjapan.co.jp] - Sai no Kuni Shakespeare - Yukio Ninagawa x William Shakespeare DVD Box 4. Tsukamoto Takashi - 100% Japon 100%Shinku ( (2005) Au sujet de l;amour ( (2005) ~ Ikarusu de Koibumi Hiyori aucun Koibitotachi comme Sasaki Kenji (2004) Kaminari Hashiru Natsu. like that movie you mentioned..Kaminari hashiru natsu, i soo can;t find it and i heard it was like dedicated to the movie "blue spring". . azn movies: Takashi TsukamotoKaminari Hashiru Natsu (2003) Koibumi Hiyori ~ Ikarusu no Koibitotachi (2004) 戀 愛 地 圖 About Love Shanghai Story & cameo in Tokyo Story (2005) Shinku (2005) TAKI 183 (2006) Taiyou no Uta (2006) Fugaku Hyakkei (2006). tsukamoto_: For Sale - Any Serious Offers - Any PricesTakashi Tsukamoto - Tsukamoto Hashiru Natsu - Kaminari Hashiru Natsu (Making of movie DVD) TAKI 183 Takashi Tsukamoto Photobook TAKI183 Movie - Lent to a friend. Tsukamoto Takashi | Music Asia | Actor - Asia Music PortalMovies. request open.. .. Kaminari hashiru natsu (2003)Director: Masato Tanno; Release Date: 13 December 2003 (Japan); Run Time: Japan:88 min; Country: Japan; Genre: Drama.qoxobalk - Download The Wind in the Willows MoviesPosted by Glenn A. kaminari hashiru natsu (2003) * kisarazu cat;s eye: nihon series (2003) ★ * kuzenni mo saiyakuna shounen (2003) * guuzen nimo saiaku na shounen (2003, cameo) ★ * robot contest / robokon(2003) ★ * rockers (2003) ★. Recent projects include his latest drama Taiyou no Uta and the movie Tegami ( both with co- star Sawajiri. JDrama - Tsukamoto TakashiMovies. Ikigami (2008); Yesterdays (2008); Kagehinata ni Saku (2008); Fugaku Hyakkei (2006); Smile Seiya no Kiseki (2007, cameo); Sono Toki wa Kare ni Yoroshiku / That Time I Said Hi to My Boyfriend (2007); Enma (2007)
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