#Chimera Drive (OC Fic)
chimeradrive · 3 years
Triton's Terrible 80s Phase
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waterloou · 2 years
2,5,8 for the fic ask game! - ocobsessed
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
I gather them from all over: movies, web weaving (heavily), shows, poems, prompts, songs, etc
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
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I genuinely don’t know there are so many docs in my drive with just a paragraph written like this
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Yes it’s mostly thiam. But there’s some morey, berica, scira, trayden, stand alone chimera gang fics, and that’s not even counting oc content
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
He’s forgiven
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Author’s Note: I’ve been working on this fic since August because I’ve been shipping my Doctor OC named “ArtFall” which is my username in Arknights jfhdks and been shipping her with an Operator codenamed Shining.
Anyway, after a few revisions and showed it to two close friends of mine, I think I’m ready to share it. Enjoy!
Ao3: Link coming soon!
Series: Arknights
Summary: Dr. ArtFall doesn’t know how to express her feelings for a particular Sarkaz. More or so, it seems her powers start to awaken despite having amnesia. With some encouragement from a certain Chimera, she finds a way to finally confess.
Words: 4.6k
Genre(s): Fluff, Romance
Confessing isn’t easy, ArtFall is well aware of that. She’s very attuned with the other’s emotions despite being the brains behind most of Rhodes Island’s operations. Over a few months, she had taken a liking to one specific Operator. Though some of the Operators noticed, they still don’t know exactly who she’s flustering over. Rumors spread around like wildfire and ArtFall tends to dismiss anything related to the subject if asked by a curious R.I. staff or an Operator. Unfortunately for her, Amiya is the only one who figures it out and flashes a teasing smile towards the Doctor. ArtFall is impressed and flustered at the same time; Amiya having empathy powers isn't helping the Doctor’s situation. Thankfully, she always has her helmet to cover her furious heat present on her cheeks.
They are inside the briefing room at the time, occupying two chairs near the board with the written previous strategies by the Doctor herself. Amiya initiates a conversation while the rest of the squad is on the way, a spark present in her eyes.
“I think I have an idea who it is, Doctor,” Amiya starts with a mischievous smile forming on her lips. Much to ArtFall’s slight annoyance and panic, Amiya opens her mouth to say her crush’s name, “It’s Sh-“
“Hey, Amiya, Doctor!” an operator’s voice came from the doorway that remained open since the duo had entered the room. It’s Matoimaru, unbeknownst saving the Doctor’s skin.
“Hey,” Amiya and ArtFall greet in unison, the latter glancing at the Chimera who still has the playful smile.
The Oni stares at both of them and says, “Not to interrupt or anything; but what are you two talking about?”
Amiya could only giggle and ArtFall recomposes herself, saying, “Nothing important in particular. Anyways, we have important things to discuss for today’s operation. Take a seat.”
Matoimaru takes a seat on the opposite side of the table and starts chatting with Amiya. As they talk, the other Operators come in one by one - including ArtFall’s assistant, Shining, whom she gave a day off to spend time with the Followers. The Sarkaz has a pleasant smile on her face and glances at the Doctor who nodded wordlessly, taking her seat beside her.
With all the squadmates in the room, ArtFall begins to discuss the tactics against the enemies they are going to face today.
After another successful operation, Amiya keeps insisting ArtFall to confess to her assistant. The Doctor wonders why she hasn’t deployed her friend somewhere on the battlefield so she could have a momentary peace. Unfortunately for the Doctor, the Operators executed her plan too well. They had seized the situation in no time, so ArtFall and Amiya could sit back and watch Reunion’s minions get obliterated.
ArtFall received reports from the squad that the area is secured and clear of hostiles, she announces the operation was successful before commanding her unit to meet her and Amiya at the rendezvous point. Gentle as ever, Amiya pulls the sleeve of ArtFall’s and somewhat drags the Doctor out of enjoyment as they go down the stairs. The Doctor keeps rolling her eyes and blushing furiously as the Chimera keeps teasing her about the particular Sarkaz.
After meeting at the rendezvous point, Amiya and the medics available make sure everyone’s injuries are treated before they get back on their designated vans. ArtFall takes one last look at her squad before taking the front seat, glancing at Texas the driver of their van. She greets her with a nod before the vehicle in front of them drives away and they too move along.
The Doctor is expecting to have a lot of files dumped on her table per usual. She shakes that thought off by leaning on her seat and listening to the chattering from the backside of the van. Most of the conversations are all about the recent operation and overhearing a few Operators are talking about their other interests. In two hours, they finally reach the Ark, and ArtFall retreats to her office along with her assistant who walked by her side, greeting her with a diffident but friendly smile.
ArtFall opens the door to her office and finds her desk piled by files again. Her shoulders hunched forward as she marched towards her desk, her eyes lingering on different files awaiting for her to read them.
“Do you need any help, Doctor?” the Sarkaz asked, almost amused; settling down her things by a cabinet and putting down her sword on a weapon rack that is mostly found in every single dorm that the Doctor has decorated.
ArtFall sits on her chair and starts reading a file, “I can manage but snacks would help me through this pile of dogsh- things…”
Shining didn’t insist any further but asked, “Shall I bring you tea and cookies?” ArtFall looks up from the file, surprised that she knows her favorites and almost sinking on the chair out of pure embarrassment. “Er, sure. T-thank you.”
With that, Shining takes her to leave, closing the door behind her. ArtFall is left alone with the files she needs to work on. After a few minutes, her assistant is back with a tray containing two cups of tea and a bowl of cookies. Shining places the tray down on the table before picking up her cup of tea. Nodding in acknowledgment, ArtFall grabs a cookie and munches on it while skimming through a file.
The Sarkaz finds it intriguing that the Doctor can keep up with work just as long as she has food to munch on and not make a mess on the table either. She pulls a book from ArtFall’s shelf and begins reading to distract herself.
        - A few hours later -
It’s night time and only a few familiar lights are open in the hallway, including the familiar lights in ArtFall’s office during these hours. She mutters to herself as she tries to focus her eyes on the document on the table, fingers massaging her temples. She leans back against her office chair, closing the file at hand. ArtFall glances at her assistant, sitting on the couch and sleeping upright with a closed book clutched within her fingers.
ArtFall’s eyebrows furrowed together and attempted to remember if they had really met before, her Arts were vaguely familiar. She shakes off those thoughts, removing her helmet from her head, letting her messy hair down. She settles her helmet carefully near the pile of documents almost without care. ArtFall touches her eyepatch which conceals her power, the source of her Arts which she forgot to use; internally cursing her amnesia for the umpteenth time since she had got it.
Maybe she could ask someone around Rhodes Island to regain the control back? Dobermann is not an option, she is too harsh to recruits she contacts every week and would force her on a strict schedule. Amiya is off-limits, ArtFall could tell as she was warned by Kal’sit not to put another responsibility on the poor girl’s shoulder. Wait, what about her assis-
“Is something wrong, Doctor?” A gentle voice made her snap from her thoughts. The Doctor’s hands scrambled for her helmet with some files slipping off the edge of her table and immediately shoved it back on her head, feeling the beads of cold sweat on her forehead. Seemingly unfazed by the Doctor’s quick reaction, Shining sets the book on the couch and approaches the panicky ArtFall.
“Uh, help me pick up the files first.” ArtFall stands up to pick up the damn files scattered on the floor. Sure, she’s always been highly intelligent, but her clumsiness is all the same as Amiya describes a couple of times. Shining helps her pick up the papers and keeps them in an orderly fashion, which ArtFall doesn’t have any complaints about. After stacking them on her table, she sits on her chair again, even more exhausted.
“Doctor” Shining places her hand on ArtFall’s shoulder, “Are you alright?”
A simple question it seems but there’s a concern in her voice or… maybe she’s just imagining things? She rarely sees Shining being worried, always having calm yet have an unreadable expression.
“I’m just tired” she half-lies, hoping her assistant wouldn’t take notice. She could’ve sworn that Shining frowns at her response, not out of anger but out of iota of discontent - the corners of her lips slightly dropping from its thin line. Her hand stayed on the Doctor’s shoulder, almost squeezing as if begging and not letting her off until she told the truth. They both know that.
ArtFall gulps silently and immediately finds herself feeling guilty for lying. Well, half-lying – for the most part, she’s tired from the recent operation and scanning the files on her table for hours. The gaze of her assistant starts to weigh down her shoulders as if she could feel the unflappable intensity coming from Sarkaz's scarlet eyes.
Without a word, ArtFall sighed and reluctantly removed her helmet, Shining removing her hand from its firm place as she watched the Doctor settle her helmet yet again and, only this time, she placed it on the table carefully to not knock off the files. ArtFall sees small sparks inside Sarkaz's eyes - as if she’s amused - before looking away and awkwardly blowing off stray hair from her face.
“…I see” Shining mutters. ArtFall noticed her tone relaxed like her calm gaze, though, she’s uneasy as the medic inspects her covered eye. The Doctor gently grabs the medic’s hand and lets her touch the eye patch, her thumb brushing against the other’s calloused fingers.
“It contains a power I possessed that I had forgotten.” In response, the touch against her covered eye softens, “Perhaps you could… well, help me to regain control of it?”
The Sarkaz smiles warmly as if it’s glowing. “Of course, Doctor.”
ArtFall smiles back sheepishly and says,“Thank you.”
She subconsciously leans against the medic's palm, secretly craving for her touch, “I should get some rest now”
With that, Sarkaz pulls her hand away and ArtFall gets up from her chair. Pain suddenly began surging through her temples; crippled by the sudden feeling, she lurches forward and collapses into Shining's arms.
“I hate it when this happens,” the Doctor mutters and blushes when she realizes the Sarkaz caught her by her ribcage. She’s thankful the medic doesn't notice as she guides her to the bed on the other side of the office, ArtFall sitting while her assistant is checking on her once again.
“Nothing odd.” the Sarkaz says and prompts the Doctor to lay down. ArtFall obliges and lies on her back, staring at the blank ceiling while Shining within her peripheral view.
“Doctor, close your eyes.” the Sarkaz says softly as if whispering. The Doctor follows along and senses the medic’s hands on her temples, her headache gradually fades away and the only thing left is her fatigue. As she drifts off to sleep, she feels Shining’s hand brush some of her stray hair and feels something on her forehead in a second as if the medic leans in for a moment, followed by a peculiar scent of tea and metallic tang, possibly coming from Shining’s necklace. An embarrassing thought gradually forms in her mind but she refuses to believe it.
“Good night, Doctor”
It can’t be.
“Good night, Shining.” she mustered to say though almost like a whisper and she felt her heart flutter at the realization: Shining just gave her a kiss… on the forehead. She lays still and is tempted to open her eye after she felt Shining get up from her bed, unbeknownst that the Doctor is becoming a flustered mess.
A question boiled in her mind as her blush spread across her cheeks to the tip of her ears. Does the Sarkaz aware of her feelings or she’s feeling things because of Shining’s Arts?
She prays that the Sarkaz doesn’t see how red she is and turns her back away from her assistant, focusing on her drowsiness. Her heartbeats slow down as she gradually falls asleep.
        -Time: 7:45am -
The next morning, ArtFall wakes up by the alarm followed by a short greeting from PRTS and groans as she covers the entirety of herself with the blanket. She suddenly remembers what happened last night and sits upright, cheeks flushing and she scans her office. She is relieved that Shining isn’t there; she probably just woke up before her. ArtFall pushes herself up, walks to her office table, and puts her helmet on to cover her flushed face.
The door opens behind her and she whips around to look at who it is. It’s a good thing she covered her face in time: It’s Amiya who’s holding a clipboard and a pen, wearing a usual smile on her face.
“Good morning, Doctor!” Amiya says cheerfully, closing the door behind her, “How's your eye? Shining told me you requested her to regain control over your Arts.”
“Well,” ArtFall starts, cheeks still flushing underneath her helmet, “I just wonder how my Arts works or at least get the hang of it”
“Mhm,” The Chimera hums teasingly. “To spend time with her?”
ArtFall remains silent for a while and raises a finger. “Yes and no”
Amiya grins wider this time and clutches on the Doctor’s sleeve. “I genuinely believe that you are planning to confess during one of your private sessions, is it not?”
Wait, was that a suggestive joke, or Amiya is messing with her on purpose? She couldn’t hide anything from her empath friend that she likes Shining that much and there’s no point in lying. She mentally caved to her defeat and is ready to deal with the fallout as much as she hates to admit it.
“Amiya, please don’t let anyone know,” ArtFall admits, embarrassed as a smug Amiya clings to her shoulder and shakes it ever-so-slightly. “I don’t want the other Operators to know, hell, even Kal’sit”
Amiya lets go of her grip on ArtFall’s shoulder, looks at her clipboard, and walks towards the door whilst facing the flustered Doctor. “I won’t tell anyone, Doctor. If you don’t, I’ll make sure everyone will know about it!”
It’s a tease, ArtFall knows her friend is teasing but she had her arm outstretched to stop the Chimera from hiding from her sight.
“Amiya, don’t-!” Doctor shouts so suddenly and Amiya only giggles before closing the door behind her, ArtFall let her outstretched arm down in frustration and quietly cursed herself for being so bad at this.
      -Time: 1:17pm-
It’s already afternoon and ArtFall heads to the cafeteria to grab a quick lunch. Shining is dealing with a debriefing along with other Control Center assistants so the Doctor has to do things on her own for an hour or two.
The cafeteria isn’t packed as she expected, Operators probably dealing with their respective tasks or it’s already late to have lunch. A few Operators greet her as she passes by and go back to their conversations. ArtFall scans the available meals and frowns at the choices. Though not a particularly picky eater, the choices provided by the assigned chefs are needed to be consumed in the cafeteria. She grabs two sandwiches and packs of coffee sachet because she ran out of stock in her office.
“In a hurry, Doctor?” Gummy says, holding up her pan, “I made that one special!”
“Thanks, Gummy,” ArtFall says as she begins to walk away.
“No problem, Doctor!” Gummy exclaims and continues with her cooking, happily humming a tune.
ArtFall walks on the hallway alone with her helmet’s shield up, munching on her sandwich. She holds Gummy's cooking in high regard, recipe blending so well as they melted perfectly in her mouth. Before she could enter the office, Shining is on the other side of the hallway, having a conversation with Amiya. The Doctor slips into her office speedily when Amiya sees her and closes the door back to its frame, with her leaning against it. She sighs and continues eating her sandwich on her hand while staring at the files on her table, she is halfway through everything.
As she pushes herself away from the door, it opens - bumping on her back. She immediately steps out of the way and comes face to face with her assistant who seems to have been slightly tired from the debriefing.
“I apologize for bumping on you, Doctor,” she says with a hint of fatigue though her face remains calm as she closes the door - the doctor only noticing she’s holding a laptop that’s obstructed from her view due to the Sarkaz’s robes.
ArtFall gulps a lump of chewed sandwich and says, “Hey, it’s no big deal”
She gets back on her chair and continues to work as usual while her assistant checks on the logs recorded on a laptop she probably borrowed from the Control Center. ArtFall glances at her and the Sarkaz’s face remains blank most of the time until she sees something. She began typing swiftly, - almost unnoticeable to most people - but the perceptive Shining doesn’t miss a particular log. ArtFall’s mentally notes to herself she’s going to read the updated logs later and continues to finish signing the file on her hand.
The Doctor began to feel sleepy, her eyes struggling to focus, and fell asleep on the table, her head resting on her folded arms.
After scrolling through her medical logs, Shining glances at the Doctor and sighs, signing off the R.I. network before shutting the device. She placed it in one of ArtFall’s cabinets since the latter needs to read the logs she had typewritten.
The Sarkaz hears the Doctor snoring from the desk and finds herself amused that the Doctor could sleep like a log. A long-forgotten, warm feeling resurfaced from her chest; the one she felt from years ago which is dampened by the wars she participated in.
“How...za… feeling…?” the Doctor murmurs in her sleep. Shining has never seen this before throughout the many months of working with her. “It’s...no...good...zzz”
The Sarkaz sighs to herself and carries the sleeping Doctor onto her arms; she’s surprised that ArtFall is lighter than she looks. She carefully lays the Doctor on the bed, thankful that she isn’t awake and still sleeping like a baby - which she finds adorable. The helmet is removed carefully, ArtFall’s purple strands scatter on the pillow in all directions and Shining settles the helmet on the nightstand.
After putting a blanket on ArtFall, she heads to the office desk to sort everything out. A few files left astray, she notices, and most folders are already alphabetized. Three, yellow sticky notes are placed on the top of the desk once she cleared everything up, the writings are a bit messy but eligible enough to be read if one looks closer.
   Note 1: Files of Dur-nar is chek chek, no need to worry :)    Note 2: Reminder: Received private logs from different Operators, I’ll read them later.
The last one, however, has strikes on it.
   Note 3: Am Amiya, if you’re reading this note, I’m hoping you keep your promise. And, no, not yet.
The Sarkaz isn’t the type of person who’ll intrude into people’s lives, especially with the promises. She wondered no longer and stood up from the desk to sit on the sofa, glancing at the Doctor, who was facing away from her, still snoring softly.
She stays up until it’s late, distracting herself with books - keeping her awake long enough before she starts to doze off. The still quietness was interrupted by another murmur from the Doctor herself from the other side of the room.
“...Can’t...say…” ArtFall murmurs slurrily but intelligible enough to understand, “...Do…love...her. Don’t… be.. Silly, Amiya...erkkzzz”
It’s obvious at this point: ArtFall likes her from the very start. Shining feels the low glow of her Arts due to her welling feelings at the thought of the Doctor, small contentment, and relief rest upon her chest. The feelings are mutual and she couldn’t help but smile to herself as she lays down on the couch and drifts off to sleep, her glow remains the same.
-A few days later-
ArtFall is pumped to test out her Arts for the past few days even though she wasn’t sure if it’s going to work or not. Only a handful of Operators that she trusts know her condition and she’s thankful that they still keep their promise up to this day.
With enough motivation, she finished all the files - ranging from recruitment to operation debriefing - given to her with the help of coffee sachets she got from the cafeteria days ago. Still hyperactive from the caffeine, ArtFall sits back and stares at the two stacks of files on the right side of her desk, amazed such motivation would make her finish the files within four hours of that day.
ArtFall slips a hand on one of her pockets, pulling out a comm device to call her assistant. She waits for a few minutes after pressing the button, nervous and excited at the same time: she’s going to learn Arts… for the second time if it counts.
There’s a knock on her door that made her snap from her gaze. 
“Come in”, the Doctor says almost enthusiastically, her intuition telling her it’s her assistant. The door opens. Shining walks in and stops momentarily at the doorway, there is a spark of astonishment in her eyes.
“You seem to have finished everything early today, Doctor,” she says, closing the door. 
ArtFall smiles sheepishly behind her helmet. “I am just excited about learning Arts, well, for the second time, I guess?”
The Sarkaz chuckles softly and smiles. “Let’s get started.”
The Doctor removes her helmet for once and becomes nervous to remove her eyepatch, afraid to unleash her Arts. Shining keeps reassuring the Doctor that simple Arts like hers wouldn’t even hurt a fly. That encourages ArtFall to finally remove her patch, exposing her scarred, red-eye to her assistant. The medic takes a closer look at ArtFall’s eye, she could see some uniqueness within the eye but she doesn’t question any further.
At first, the Doctor struggles to grasp the concept. It only took an hour for ArtFall to make any progress by projecting the Arts through her pen. The two have experimented with the available materials inside the office and ArtFall chose her pen out of all things. The energy released from the tip of the pen is small, circular energy which dissipates in a matter of a few seconds.
“I did it,” ArtFall says, partially exhausted from releasing energy, “Ugh, I’m still getting used to this.”
“I’d recommend taking a rest, Doctor,” the Sarkaz says calmly as she guides the Doctor to the couch. As she sits, ArtFall lifts a hand on her right eye, her small smile still present from the small accomplishment. 
“I didn’t know I’d lose a bet I have with Amiya that fast,” ArtFall chuckles to herself, looking at Shining. “I...I’m still a bit nervous about saying it.”
The medic could only stare at ArtFall before the warm feeling on her chest rose yet again; Shining truly enjoys her company and knows the fact that the Doctor is ready to admit her feelings.
ArtFall begins to fidget, looking away from her assistant, her lips tight and tapping her free hand on her knee. After gathering enough courage, she stands up, her mind coming up with words she had kept at the back of her mind for months.
“I...okay, don’t be surprised.” ArtFall inhales, preparing for anything that will come out of her dry lips, “I… think... l...love you.”
ArtFall’s got to admit, there’s no other way out but to steel herself and take a shot. Even for a tactical genius like her, Amiya outsmarted her with the bet.
For now, all she could do is hide her face entirely on her palms and attempt to hide the blush spreading on her cheeks. She anxiously waits for Shining to react, any reaction will do. They have been standing still seemingly for ages until she is pulled into a hug, almost flinching from the sudden touch.
“I know, Doctor,” the Sarkaz leans close to her ear to whisper. “I found it out myself.”
ArtFall settles her head, along with her hands, on the other’s shoulder. “...How?”
Shining smiles warmly at herself, amused that the Doctor, a genius, hasn't even figured out what happened yet. “I heard you talking in your sleep. I apologize for listening in.”
With that, ArtFall opens a gap from her fingers to peek. “Y-you… what? Well, uh, talking in my sleep isn’t in my control so...”
“I would’ve guessed,” the medic replies delicately. “I find it… endearing.”
They stayed still for a few more seconds before the Sarkaz whispered once more to ArtFall by her ear, “Close your eyes, Doctor.”
ArtFall almost didn’t catch her words but she obliges, settling her arms on the medic’s shoulders, almost clutching on the Sarkaz’ black robes out of nervousness.
These are the same words she said nights ago before receiving a forehead kiss.
She could feel the medic’s whole upper body leaning down slowly and steadily. Her assistant’s scent greets her like that night, this time, however, with the reminiscence of a book that has been recently bought with an underlying scent of metal.
It’s a mere second before she could register what the Sarkaz would do, the Doctor felt her lips pressed against the medic’s. ArtFall tenses at the contact and melts on the kiss right away, her assistant pulling her in a tight embrace to calm her down. The Doctor feels her heart hammering against her chest as if it likes to burst out of her ribcage and lets out a small whimper against the medic’s lips.
Shining momentarily opens her eyes half-lidded and makes sure to pull the Doctor in a deeper kiss before closing her eyes once more, her embrace loosens as she relaxes. ArtFall eventually finds herself relaxing her tensed shoulders along with her fingers, unclutching the robes and held to the Sarkaz’s shoulders. She leans her head further to her left as their tongues momentarily entangle before ArtFall pulls away from their kiss for both of them to have a breathing room and settles her head on Shining’s shoulder once again, catching her breath. She’s captivated yet flustered on what just occurred as she never experienced this before or… has she forgotten entirely how it feels to love someone romantic wise? She buried the said thought under and pressed her head further into Shining’s embrace.
Shining, on the other hand, rests her head against the other’s hair and lips almost press against the Doctor’s forehead. After a whole minute of enjoying each other’s embrace, Shining finally breaks the silence.
“Doctor ArtFall, I do find myself enjoying your company and have mutual feelings for you,” the Sarkaz says, corners of her lips pulled into a small smile. “I cherish you like nothing else.”
ArtFall, despite being flustered and still having her head pressed on her assistant’s shoulder, figured out that the Sarkaz is speaking in a different language of “I love you”.
The Doctor lifts her head from the other’s shoulder to meet her beloved’s scarlet eyes. She smiles at the realization and every fear in her mind slipped away, finally able to say the words without any weight of dubiety attached to it.
“I love you too.”
♫♫(music stops)♫♫
Thanks for reading!
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dreadlord-mr-son · 2 years
Man. This is a terrible time for it because my mental health took a major blow recently and my brain’s lifting power is like 2lbs right now but. I need to get back to writing all my silly fun OC-insert fics with Wynn throwing into any canon I think she’d be fun in. Some brief details about Wynn: A magic user who specializes in and has a deep magical connection with plants. Loves to travel and make friends and feels restless if she settles down for too long. Lives in the woods more than in towns. Looks a lot like Ed Eric from FMA if he was female and around 6′ tall, down to taste for red coats (eyes are green instead of gold though). Age varies by AU. Distrusts authority and resents being controlled. Favored weapon is a scythe but actual weapon varies by AU. Her default setting is Modded Minecraft (with crossovers with FMA and Trigun), but there’s a bunch of original setting versions for her, too. -- The “bookverse”, a “off-brand European” setting fantasy with demons (otherworldly monstrosities) and undead (one of whom is her ex girlfriend) and an evil dragon. Named because it’s the version I’m most likely to be able to write and turn into a saleable book. This and the Minecraft version are the “main” versions of Wynn from which we tend to start crossovers. -- The “City AU”, a mixed modernish fantasy setting where we stole the abandoned original Zootopia idea of shock-collars on the “dangerous” types of magic users and Wynn is part of a social movement to stop enforcing collar wearing. -- The mer au. Low magic setting around the industrial age (ambiguous). Wynn is out on a fishing trip with her husband and meets and befriends a starving merman who gets tangled in their fishing net. She then gets dragged into the attention of an anti-human merfolk gang. -- The villain AU. Very cliche off-brand European fantasy where Wynn is one of the generals in the army of her adoptive father who is the main villain of the plot. Her love interest is the destined hero prophecied to save his homeland from destruction. ...turns out it’s by falling in love with her and turning her and her army against her father. Special note: If I talk about “mage Wynn” I almost always mean either “Minecraftia-verse” or “Book-verse”. They have a lot in common and can sometimes be interchangeable depending on context. And with all those original AUs you probably won’t be shocked to find there’s some fandom AUs: -- Reaperverse. An FMA au that actually has a fic started for it. Be Thou For the People. Wynn is a State Alchemist called The Reaping Alchemist, who works in agricultural science. She gets sucked into the shenanigans of the Brotherhood/manga plot but like, on the backend where Roy is not in the front with Ed and co. ---- Chimera AU. AU of Reaperverse. The chimera labs made way more human chimera than in canon and in fact, Roy is a secret chimera. Wynn and her sister Alphys are given their first assignment outside the labs, and Wynn is meant to become a State Alchemist but fails, and Roy takes her in as an apprentice in a bid to block the labs from taking her back as a failure. ---- War AU. AU of Reaperverse. Wynn is born earlier and is a contemporary with Roy and ends up also apprenticed to Berthold but is judged unsuitable for learning Flame Alchemy. Ends up in Ishval with Roy and starts up a romance with him after. Despite being a “trunk” AU, this is more notable for its sub AUs and we rarely discuss the main version any more. -- Soul Eater AU. Wynn and her boyfriend (who’s her weapon (sword)) and her ex girlfriend are in the year above Maka. Wynn is a two-star Meister and she’s a witch’s soul away from creating a death scythe and it’s driving her absolutely batty. I have a lot of Soul Eater still to watch so this AU is subject to a lot of change as I learn more about the plot and setting. -- D.Gray-man. This one is still pretty new and I don’t recall all the special terms but Wynn is one of the Innocence-wielding Akuma fighters and a lot of what she’s up to that we talk about takes place a bit before and during the first part of the manga plot. I’ve read through 199 so this is another AU subject to change as I learn more about canon. Then there’s the crossovers. -- Hollow Knight. MC mage Wynn falls through the void after fighting the Minecraft dragon and ends up falling OUT of the void in Hollow Knight, down in the Ancient Basin. She then has to find her way through Deepnest, and the Queen’s Gardens, and then I petered out of steam before she crossed paths with the knight as it went through the plot of the game. -- Kingdom Hearts. We haven’t touched this AU in a while and I forgot a lot of the details but I just want to mention that it is, in fact, a thing. Mary got me sucked into KH and we’re going to make it our OC’s problem. -- Avatar: The Last Airbender (Embers). Mage Wynn falls through the void and ends up getting noticed as she passes by a spiritual realm where the great spirits grab her with the idea of using her as a tool to help untangle a mess of fate that they’re dealing with. They already have pieces in place, but another will bent to the cause can’t hurt, right? This isn’t canon Avatar, though. This is set in Embers, by Vathara. Zuko has healing fire and [spoilers]. And Wynn is granted the ability to bend in ADDITION to her magic as she’s dropped into the middle of Ba Sing Se on the very night Zuko is granted a very special apprenticeship. THIS one is the reason I’m writing this post right now. Because I am getting the urge to return to this AU, redo the parts I’ve already written, and take this story further. So I’ll see if I can follow through on that desire because dang it. I do miss writing. For the record Every. Single. One. of those AUs have variations where this or that happens differently, and many of them have full sub-AUs. For example, both mage Wynns (MC and book) have werewolf AUs where one of more of the main characters get werewolves curses and have to do a ritual to gain control of the curse. In the latest version we discussed, they found a whole village of secret werewolves who helped them and they ended up joining that village and just becoming part of the extended pack. The War AU has basically be overshadowed by its sub AUs and we only bring it up in the context of those sub AUs or for making a new one. Many of the AUs also have “angel” variants which is a whole other post. ...I’m going to be talking about this A LOT more.
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