#Chimera in Wonderland (ffu)
dragonofthestone · 2 years
A thought:
Tim after meeting him follows Kumo back to where the others are (Mustsng/ Fuery/ Riza / Cid ect) much the same as a puppy (or kitten)
He's both terrified but also has 0 idea how to be on his own so kinda will latch on to anyone so long as they don't seem like a threat
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dragontamer05 · 2 months
Thinking amount Dimensional shenanigans fir tp and I have 2 perfect scenarios
1) Ffu/ final fantasy unlimited in general, its a world made up of many destroyed abd force ably conjoined worlds so you know
2) my lad Namir from Twisted Wonderland basically a reverse on what happened with Yuu in the series ending up in twst instead someone from there winding up in someplace else
Namir ending up in Amsstris though- being a Beastman he'd have to hiiide people would think him a Chimera
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
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I would die for you, Cross the sky for you
Sir Timaeus, Dragon Knight and Protector of Wonderland.
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Bonus little details I like.
The cape itself is really just ceremonial - majority of the time he wouldn't be wearing it cause it'd get in the way.
Completely coincidental that his hair band matches with the sword- I honestly just chose purple cause I thought it'd would be a nice contrast to the Greens and Blues. I do however like the idea that either he intentionally chose it or was perhaps given it.
Originally it was going to just be a regular sword, idea that maybe it's the one he'd be given after to go in the empty scabbard he's wearing. But couldn't get it to look right from a side perspective.
Think it looks better this way.
Without the cape below
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
If everything has a name then..
"Do stars have names?"
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dragonofthestone · 10 months
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The voices came in like the ebb and flow of the changing tide,
It hurts. It hurts, make it stop. Why does it hurt?
Where am I? Please let me out.
It's so cold and dark.
Those were the clearest ones amongst the tempest of pitiful cries. Most were inaudible, voiceless screams and wails, screeches and howls. The final echoes from those whose lives had been sacrificed, forced into a place lingering between life and death.
Breathing heavily he closed his eyes tight trying to focus, while in anticipation of the potential disorientation he'd experienced in the past.
Lies, lies. A trick.
They took my child
'I'm sorry. I know I'm sorry'
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He finds himself apologizing to the cacophony of cries, wanting nothing more then to ease the pain. It hurt so much, more so then the voices were the overwhelming feelings carried.
Their pain. Their sorrows. Their fears.
I'm scared. Let me out, I wanna go
'Shsh, Please quiet. I know, I know.'
Hands rest either side of his head, all the while trying to comfort and quiet the restless voices. Frantically calling out over each other desperate to have their voices heard.
Make it stop.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
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A Quick Easy Guide To The Various Names Of Timaeus
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I've definitely gone over them before but they were mostly focused on FFU verse/ Lab!life Tim with names themselves not the main focus and I just wanted to make something real easy to show the various names used across all verses - and who might use them.
Figured some might like to know but of course I don't expect anyone to try and memorize or make themself familiar with everyone of them. Nor is it mandatory that you have to use any of them either, I love seeing what others come up with and just go with whatever vibes you know.
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Timaeus- Regular name used through all verses, anyone can use it.
Tim - All verse, All can use
Maeus - Given by Bido; mostly used among the Devil's nest, but not entirely exclusive to them. All verse open (Definitely a name reserved for close friendships)
Vihreä / Vi : FFU verse only, used only by Kumo and Sielu, may be open to some exception for those they have strong bonds and relationships with.
Ryu: Verse - Mainly FFU and open to others, used by Ai and Yuu but not exclusive to them if anyone else wants to pick up using it that's fine.
Chimera: Any verse, technically open for use by anyone but definitely something better used by antagonists/ if you want to be an ass to him (With exception of FFU before he gets a name/ anyone who doesn't know their name but knows what they are)
Bonus: Names not to use.
Timmy: I mean technically you are welcome to try and use it and is open to all verse. Just know he hates that name. Used by Levi.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
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What's in a Name
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In a lab one doesn't need a name, even under the best care and proper conditions it's simply how things are. Even if they were the only one being put through that specific set of test in a large building there will be many many other different tests going on as well so to keep things separate and easy a few letters and numbers to identify them is generally satisfactory.
Now and again someone may come along and use a fun little nickname, pulled usually from some unique trait of the animal or chimera involved but it's nothing official by any capacity.
Of course it also helps to create something of a divide and hopefully prevent any attachment, far less personal.
And that had been Tim's life for as long as they'd known it, sure they heard those refer to each other in different ways but was hardly worth thinking about - especially with bigger problems to grab their attention. As such the mere idea that there could be anything more behind what was heard or there being any difference between how they addressed each other and that which they used for him would never have occurred.
It would be quite awhile before the thought truly set in, after arriving in Wonderland slowly they came to gain different 'names' from different people, at first rather indifferent to it. The names themselves didn't matter so much as the tone of voice that got used and the context which made hearing them far more preferable then what had been in the past.
Of course that does make it hard to respond when asked, not having a preference as to what to be called leaving it up to others to decide what they want to call.
They'll likely never fully grasp or understand exactly what it is others find so important about names.
So what was it that changed, that made them want something they previously held little desire for?
Not even they know, though likely a collection of piling reasons- Chimera or simply You/Hey you are still the most common and easiest ways to address them,
Vihreä (*Vee-ray-ah/uh): Although not immediately accepted as a name, at first feeling no different much else they'd been called it grows on them and makes them feel different.
Used almost exclusively by Kumo, although likely in part due to his own inability to properly pronounce it so doesn't tend to share it with others. A small part of them kind of likes it just between them. Being also from Misterica he'd for sure share it with and happily allow Sielu use of it if they so chose- really anyone they consider part of their close group of Friends-Family.
Anyone else? Well he won't get upset over it or stop anyone else from using it perse but something about it always sounds a bit odd.
Given by twins and the one more easily and likely to get picked up and used by others around. They do like how short it is and easy for even them to pronounce. Sort of fun and a playfulness to it, should they meet any other kids they may choose that and basically anytime he's around them just kinda lets them introduce him as such (Even after being given the name Timaeus)
Timaeus (Tim);
A name not just given but the name wanted and in a way chosen by him.
The others had been given out of want or necessity, the intentions were good but at the end of the day he'd accepted them without argument as had done so many times before when captive.
They are good names, with Ryu and Vihreä being of the few that would still be allowed use after being named by Kain but there's something missing.
Although the importance of a name may elude them one thing that does come to stick is how they are often (if not always) given by one who is family, or otherwise someone with meaning in their life. Something that they weren't, at least at the time leaving it no different then if one of the White Coats had done the same.
In truth the name itself matters little, Kain could have called him anything. What's really important is what it represents, the meaning it holds. A name not given because it was needed, nor asked for because someone else wanted them to have one. No. For the first time they'd made an active choice for themselves, a first step to finding their own identity, a sense of self and not just following what every one else wants.
It's a bit of an odd name but then their an odd fellow so it's a good fit- more often then not most tend to use Tim and being easier for him to say as well is frequently what he'll introduce himself as anyway.
Other nicknames are still acceptable and he won't exactly stop others if they end up calling them something else because really it doesn't matter now. Because they are Timaeus and nothing can change that no matter what other name gets used from there on out.
[*After listening to the audio clip I was given several times that's the best way I can describe/explain to pronounce it and at this point how I can remember it- at minimum it's probably how anyone else not familiar with Misterican language may end up pronouncing it]
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
Home like many things is pretty foreign in concept to one who's not familiar with the word, and rather unlike things like love or family is truth be told something of a low priority on the list of things they want and are trying to understand (not to say they don't want to know or aren't curious but in the beginning doesn't feel all to important)
After awhile he does start to refer to the Comodeen as 'home' , a habit quite picked up likely from his reading sessions with Kain and seeing/hearing it used, specifically in the most often heard phrase from him "Welcome Home" or some variant there of as he'll greet people when the return / come to the Comodeen.
Simply believing / coming to the conclusion that, that's clearly just what people say when someone comes back / arrives at the place where you are - in that even if he was in a cave or staying at an inn or something he would still greet you with 'Welcome Home' / 'you're home'
There's quite the debate to be had on his overall feelings toward the Comodeen and whether or not he actually feels / considers it 'Home' by definition. (Maybe one day he will) None the less that's just what he chooses to say and you probably won't get him to change it.
Not as frequently used but if in a situation making him uncomfortable / wants to leave, not uncommon for to hear him say "Want to go home" - Which to them gets understood / contextualized as 'Thing to be said when one wants to leave ' or 'doesn't like thing'
In this case it's really less the specifics of the words that matter but instead what's being expressed/the feeling.
Which in that case would be his way of trying to express a discomfort or distress toward a situation - As he struggles trying to, usually verbally, explain or express himself in a situation. Or even as he does learn and grow would just become things he uses only around / with those who know and are close with him as a subtler means of communicating things you know.
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
If anyone at the Comodeen needs him, He'll be napping / just with Sielu
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dragonofthestone · 10 months
So I've talked at length more then once about Tim's lengthy list of body / self image issues- with a strong case to be made of him having some form of body dysmorphia going on because of it,
However I've never fully been able to get into exactly why he feels this way, at least beyond a surface level. In part because I couldn't figure it out and he wasn't telling or showing any other reason, but while sorting out details and thinking more on Tim's journey of self discovery and acceptance that's when I saw where the root of his problem lies.
Perhaps there is a small part that genuinely wishes he could fit in easier, knows life would be easier not looking the way he does but any attempts to do so only leaves him more unhappy and frustrated because in truth deep down he doesn't want to hide or have to try to appear like everyone else.
Doing so is uncomfortable, stuffy and feels even less like himself doing so quite likely having only made those body image issues worse as the harder he tries to appear "normal" (Human) the more it hurts knowing he's not and can never be.
Even when surrounded by those who accept him for all he is, he still just finds himself choosing to hide to scared to let that side of themself show.
For as much as he torments Tim there's actually something Levi was right about with him, as he frequently keeps poking and asking Tim Why he keeps trying to pretend to be something he's not.
Now while Levi certainly has ulterior motives and would love nothing more then to see his other half, his "big brother" just snap and turn into a murderous beast he's not wrong (and Tim hates him for it)
Yet the truth still scares and alludes him,afraid of the animal, the beast within. Afraid that more then just his appearance would change and of losing control
Even at the Comodeen where such fears are rather unwarranted, even Wonderland itself. Fear still wins out with a tight grip, even if chance are slim to none he still doesn't know for full certain exactly how everyone around will react so chooses the safer option. Instead trying to be as, whatever his version of normal is.
Fear of himself but also fear of facing the past. Seeing the beast, those animalistic/less human parts of him can be triggering at times as he's reminded of those days in a cage where at times he was treated no better then a simple beast.
Forced to endure what may have been closer to torture then experiments. All to satisfy their own desire. To him any that's what it means to be a beast and never wants to return to that so believes the only way to avoid such is to repress and suppress anything/everything to do with it.
At the end of the day;
In his eyes being different only means pain, that for him specifically to appear in anyway that isn't seen as "Normal" or "Human" puts himself in danger and decides it safer for all to keep that side of him hidden at all costs.
Until the day he can finally accept and embrace that side, realizing accepting the beast doesn't have to mean letting it win. That it doesn't have to control or define him
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
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Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
Caught in the act
In hindsight telling someone who's basically without out portion control he can eat whenever he wants may have been a bad idea.
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dragonofthestone · 11 months
At the Comodeen; someone coming across a distraught / upset Tim and telling him 'hey it's okay to cry'
Tim; ........ But I can't
(bonus if that's the reason for seeming distraught)
Of course he has other ways to express sorrow and feelings without tears but it's just another thing that makes him different and unlike other physical differences that one is just harder for him to understand WHY.
Why is it he can't cry when everyone else around him can shed tears.
Is there something wrong with him? Broken?
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Tim wants to try a Dress. The way they sit so loose and move do free it looks far more comfortable then what he's wearing now.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
As they grew more confident it hadn't become unusual for them to pop outside for a bit of fresh air. Lounging for hours in the warm sun, learning to love the new found freedom they had.
However Vi had a secret; on days that were really nice he'd wander off in search of their friend, able to track them down by scent. While normally not a problem, their speed allowing them to leave and return without causing to much worry, if any noticed at all.
The Rain was coming down hard, quite the storm having brewed up and was unknown when it might stop.
The kind of day that would have had them huddled inside usually not far from Kain, except there was one big problem; Vi / The Chimera was nowhere to be found inside or out of the Comodeen.
[Just a little thing to help connect this]
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Random thoughts on his Knight Outfit/Knight things;
While I'm not sure who all would have made it there's definitely some magic involved to allow it to adjust and change with his body.
On the back there are to slits/openings subtly made in where his wings can come out.
Kain was totally the one to help him put it on for the ceremony.
Although he has the sword and would become quite adept at using it, he actually rarely will draw it. If you do see it drawn then you know it's serious.
When being made he requested having Vihrea inscribed on the blade (may or may not have something else written on it as well). And because swords sometimes have names that's the name he chooses for it.
The hilt wouldn't be anything fancy, since it's gonna get used and that would get to be bitch to clean, however it's not without any design.
Working closely with whoever made it, with every/any detail is purposeful and with some sentimental meaning.
On either the sword itself or on the opposite side of the scabbard from the dragon, is the transmutation circle used to make him. At this point he's come to terms with what he is and the circumstances of his existence, it's not something he'll openly talk about (memories are pretty scattered and fragmented anyway) but has at least come to accept it as a part of themselves- while also not allowing it to define them.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Oh horrific thought/realization,
To some degree Tim is able to communicate/ understand, not all but many different animals.
From the outside it just appears as him and an other animal, for example Chicken, simply making various - chirps and other Chocobo-birb noises at each other.
But his brain is able to take those sounds and essentially translate, understand the meaning of them.
(Hearing two birds twittering and sing to him may sound like an actual song, although still untranslatable/would be hard to describe using spoken language)
Taking that into account- consider the howls, wails, all the pained cries- in the lab and those of the souls trapped that echo, it's not just animal noise to him. To him their cries for help, can hear the pleas to make it stop and begging to be freed.
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