#light on their feet; kumo
dragonofthestone · 1 year
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I would die for you, Cross the sky for you
Sir Timaeus, Dragon Knight and Protector of Wonderland.
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Bonus little details I like.
The cape itself is really just ceremonial - majority of the time he wouldn't be wearing it cause it'd get in the way.
Completely coincidental that his hair band matches with the sword- I honestly just chose purple cause I thought it'd would be a nice contrast to the Greens and Blues. I do however like the idea that either he intentionally chose it or was perhaps given it.
Originally it was going to just be a regular sword, idea that maybe it's the one he'd be given after to go in the empty scabbard he's wearing. But couldn't get it to look right from a side perspective.
Think it looks better this way.
Without the cape below
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 months
💁 with Mel and Leroy pretty please?
A rather clicheé meme
send 💁 for our muses to be stuck in a small space together
(as mentioned on discord we do another ships so...hehe)
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A light sigh of relief left Melanies lips as she chatted with some students... Grim caused some trouble before and she wanted to clear up the missunderstandings with them... however it wasn't the only chaos she had to deal with that day... turning the corner going back to the ramshackle dormitory a sudden flood of troublemakers roamed the halls... some of them enabled by the mispread information of the cat. And so they ran quickly into her direction as if nobody in the hallway mattered knocking other students almost over when she felt someone grip her hand and pull her away...
And there she was... squeezed in a small cleaning surply closet with none other than the Scarabian thief Kumo... who huffed rather quickly as if he just caught her last minute.
"You really... need to be more carefull."
A huge blush appeared on her face a she noticed how close he held her to his body but... he had not choice, they barely had any space to move at all... and seeing his purple eyes and gaze up close... was a lot to handle.
"Um... t-thank you for the safe."
She felt him place his hand on her head firmly.
"You are not hurt are you, right?"
"I a-am not... sorry for worrying you."
The warmth of his hand and his body got too much, the little breaths she heard of him... her heart was beating way to fast right now.
"You apoligize too much... just know I will try to be there if you need me."
"But why?"
He hid his face a little looking away, removing his hand from her head...
"Cause you matter to me... " As he tried to carefully move however she had a light slip of her feet as he catched her fall... lips and eyes only inches apart from another... the two red as a brim when Kumo used both his hands to slightly push her away.
"I said to be more careful- Let me move and get us out of here."
But even then she felt a shiver feeling his hand brush by her skirt by accident just to find the doorknob in the dark, while his other arm still held her close... the air was heavy in itself... but eventually the two saw a shimmer of light... stepping out still a bit awkward and red about what just happened.
"Kumo... you said I matter to you... why did you-"
"I said what I said... I will be there for you wether you like it or not. Now move on... those morons probably will cause more troubles for others... I get the staff involved."
And so he left as quick as he entered her situation... her heart didn't calm down yet... what did he really mean... never that she had to quickly fix this.
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twsted-princess · 7 months
‘ i didn’t mean to wake you. ’ KumoMel
‘ aren’t you cold? ’ Carol and any of the poly
Can do boss lady
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Midnight, a time when the earth is still and the people are lost in their dreams. The moon was full and its light caressed the lands below. One such place was the ramshackled dorm of Night Raven College. It's walls creaky and the ghosts roaming yawned as the students slept. One of the members, it's leader was curled up in her bed. A small stuffed rabbit in her arms and herself in the arms of her lover Kumo. The once traveler was wondering in the land of dreams, walking toward foggy memories of the past along with the whimsy that dreams can provide. However he felt something. A shift in the bed along with a soft noise. Violet eyes opened as he watched his starlight curl more into herself as if she was trying to be as small as possible. He was about to whisper when he heard it. "I- I'm sorry......" She was talking in her sleep, her voice soft and scared. "Please....please I'm sorry......" A sniffle came as he fully woke up to see tears form in her eyes. "S- Stop it, i- it hurts......it hurts.......I'm sorry....." This must end, he placed his hand on her shoulder and shook gently. "Melanie.....Mel wake up." One shake rouse her up from her nightmare, gasping as she shot up. Breathing hard and clutching her toy, tears pouring as she look at her moon. "Kumo......." The boy pulled her into his chest, kissing the crown of her head as she wept. She trembled as he squeezed her gently with his heartbeat loud against her ear. "I'm sorry......I'm really sorry. I- I didn't mean to wake you." He simply shushed her, combing her soft hair. "You're safe. I'm right here....I will always be here." He heard her sigh as they stayed there, quiet and still as the moon glowed offering them a blanket of her light.
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Carol smiled. She was at the good part of her book, it was from the main protagonist was about to find out that his lover was the faerie queen and to earn her hand embark on a series of trials but she yawned. The sleep slowly taking over as she looked to her left and smiled. Elias and James, two of her partners were curled up into each other with the knight spooning the white haired boy. On her right was her third boyfriend Metaron who's arm was resting on her thigh, the three of them already asleep but with her tiny reading light on she could see a golden eye open. "Sorry Eli, I'll sleep soon." Carol smiled as he yawned, just five more pages. "It's fine but....aren't you cold?" He asked sleepily while she patted his head. Wearing a simple tank top and pajama pants she chuckled. "No not really but thank you for being concerned." Metaron then grumbled from the talking. "If you want cold sleep next to James, his feet are fucking icicles." That caused the brunette to groan "Do not." "Ya do too." A giggle left her, even as they sleep these two bicker. "You are a little cold James...." Elias mumbled but they ignored him, simply squeezing the white haired lad to make him squeeze. Carol smiled before turning back to her book as the boys settled down. Just another normal night.
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fantasyqueen502 · 1 year
Spider Samurai
Author's note: Just a spider woman idea I had to get out. I do not know Japanese so please feel free to correct me.
Summary: Y/N aka Spider Samurai coming across a villain from another dimension and a certain leader of a spider society. Story idea that most likely has grammatical errors. Let me know. Feel free to comment, like, and enjoy.
Rated: PG-13
Angst, talks of suicide (Seppuku), murder, fighting, and serious injury.
Quick drawing of Spider Samurai done by myself in procreate.
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(New York)
"This world is mine to rule, and mine alone!"
The Avenger clan fights valiantly to adjust their greatest nemesis, Doctor Doom, whose silver Yoroi is dull from battle. America Sensei (Captain America), Tetsujin (Ironman), Kuro-Kumo (Black Widow), and Kumo onna-musha (Spider Samurai).
"We need to drain him." Kuro-Kumo breathes red streaks on her black armor coming from her shoulder.
"What do you think we’re doing?" Tetsujin scoffs at his armored suit, sparking the thrusters in his feet to turn off.
"Tony, can your suit siphon his energy?"
"Yes, but the bastard took out my thrusters. I’m grounded." 
"We can draw his attacks and lure his lightning bolts." Kumo onna-musha plans aloud.
"They're lightning bolts," the redhead says, pointing out the group bracing for a current strike right beside them.
"We need a constant current." America Sensei says, changing out her web canisters and staring at her wrists.
"Like the time Electro fried my web shooters. I web Doom and Gloom and shoot a web to Tony. Constant current." She brainstorms. 
"With a squishy human as a buffer."
"Out of the question!"
"I don’t hear any other ideas."
"This isn’t like electro! He was a newbie, Doom..." his breath hitched. "...he will kill you."
"It’s the only option we have," she swallows. A moment of silence. All is quiet. "Love you guys," she says, zipping into the trees and making her way to Doctor Doom, leapfrogging over his shoulder. He grumbles angrily, shooting lightning bolts from his metal fingers.
"Damn you!" he bellows. "Just die." extending his arm to her, she stands still. The tingle in the air fighting against her spider sense to move out of the way.
"I thought we had something Doomy." She cocks her head. Waiting for the right moment. Blue light blinds the clearing. Shooting her web onto his hand, the electricity crawled up her web. Shooting a web at Tony’s chest plate. Her body went stiff, and her teeth clenched as her body shook from thousands upon thousands of volts. Traveling from Doom through her body to the Tetsujin suit. The flickering light suddenly shines brighter. Doom lets out a pained exclamation, his body crumbling from his powers leaving him. A scream leaves her throat, the heat of her suit, her yoroi burning. 
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"Unfortunately, we are not able to have visitors today." America Sensei bows with a sad smile to the small group of citizens. The entire steps of the Avenger castle were covered in flowers, well wishes, thanks, and prayers for Kumo onna-musha.
"We just wanted to assure Kumo onna-musha good health." The woman meekly looked at the old man beside her.
"My daughter and I lived in Nyūyōku for eight generations, and thanks to you, we have plenty more," he smiles. Holding up a sack. "It fell from the sky, and where it landed, the food has been bountiful; mixed with tea, it heals any sickness; applied, it heals all wounds, even wounds that are reversible."
"My father was blind until we added the miracle to his tea."
"We had the best doctors, but I thank you for the thought."
"Please take it at least." He takes his hands and places the sack in his hands. "You’ve protected us this long; let us protect you."
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"It's nothing of this world." Tony says, inspecting a piece of meteorite with black goo leaking from it.
"Is it safe?"
"It's not of this world, so I don't know."
"So it could help her or kill her."
"She's already suffering, Steve."
"I want more tests."
"On what? We don't have months to test this on rats and guinea pigs."
"So we're gonna treat Y/N, our sister, as a guinea pig."
"Shut up, you two!" Natasha growls. With an arm full of bloody gauze. 
"How is she?"
"She's been complaining of not being able to breathe." She blinks the tears away. "The physician had to split the burned skin and muscle in her neck and chest, constricting her."
"Let's ask her." Tony says. "Lay out everything and let her decide." He shrugs. 
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"Hey kid." Steve smiles, training his face not to wince at the sight of the pink tendons and muscles on display around her throat.
"I'm (Your age)… old man." She grumbles, making the group chuckle.
"We got something to tell you."
"I'm so tired." Her eyelids droop.
"I know, and I'll make it quick."
"There's this alien goo from a meteorite that can help you."
"But it could make things worse; we don't know."
"If I don't take it," She whimpered as she swallowed painfully. "Will I get better?" She asks. Steven looks more toward Tony than Natasha, who steadies her expression.
"The physician says you'll have an extremely long road to recovery."
"And if I take the alien goo," She starts. "Could I die?"
"Yes." Steve nods, biting his lips to stop the sobs.
"It's your decision."
"I'll take the goo." She lets the tears fall.
They all support the decision. Boiling the meteorite in water, drawing out the black goo, and pouring it for tea. Helping her sip a fullcup,p they wait. The first night since the battle with Doom, she slept without pain.
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She awakes covered in blood. She looked at a clawed arm around America Sensei's throat, his eyes cloudy as his body hung limply. She gasps, letting him go, looking at her hand clawed and sharp. Looking at all the bodies of her friends. Her family. 
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Leaving. She walks until she can't go any more. Taking off her armor and placing her helmet on the ground, she took out her sword and looked at the reflection. A long, faint scar divided her face.
"I must." She swallows the reflection flickering to a monster with many teeth. "I have to." She steadyed her breath, gripping her sword, extending her arms above her head, and aiming her blade at her gut. A portal opens, then everything goes black.
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Waking up on a cot, she hissed, her lips pulling in distaste.
"Easy." A male voice cooed as she sat up, her head drooping. She looks around, eyes scawled, wondering if this was a dream. 
"The voice." She whispers, her eyes landing on a man standing in the doorway of the room.
"The symbiote, venom its name is, wasn't from your dimension."
She looks at him, having no idea what he is talking about.
"Sym---" she tries to repeat.
"The voice." He simplifies. "The goo that healed your wounds."
She nods in understanding now. "Why--" 
"Sounds weaken it to be able to capture and contain."
"--did you stop me?" She growls, her eyes filled with fury.
"I am a disgrace. I murdered my friends, my family I----" the flashes of their bodies, her monstrous reflection in the pools of blood. Crawling for the edge of the cot, she fell onto the floor. The pain that shot through her shoulder from her injured arm never had the time to heal on its own. The walls closed in on her hands, holding the sides of her head as she wailed. "I killed them, I killed them, why would I kill my family? I should be dead; why did you stop me?" she slurs one line are broken by heaving breaths and sobs. Lunging for a fork on a tray of old food. Going for her throat, the prongs go no further. A large fist gripping her arm the other pinning her body to a hard body. 
"No." The man grunts, tightening his clawed thumb and pinching a nerve in her wrist, and drops the utensil. "Lyla!" He barks.
"Way ahead of ya'."
A patch on her arm blinks blue, and her body goes limp the form cluttering to the floor. With a sigh, lifting her legs, her head hanging over his arm.
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She stares at a diploma framed on the wall. Dr. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, PHD, having read the name a couple of times.
Eyes darting at the reflection in the glass of Dr. Friendly lowering from the ceiling upside down, slowly flipping his body into his seat. 
"I'm Dr. Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman." He nods. 
"Y/N, Kumo onna-musha, Spider Samurai." She introduces it with a slight bow.
"Make yourself comfortable."
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"You must be, Y/N?" A pregnant woman eyes her.
"Seems like everyone knows me." She chuckles humorlessly.
"Heard about the Seppuku." The man next to her with a funny accent.
"Hobie!" She scolds. 
"Samurai live and die by their individual moral code. That's sick, bruv. Mad respect." He holds out a fist, which she flinches at.
Staring at it, he waits. "You hit it?' 
"Hit what?" 
"My fist. It's a code for awesomely cool blokes and misses like us. Now hit it." He explains. She slaps the top of it with furrowed brows.
"Against the norm, I like you." He nods, leaning back with respect.
"Ignore him. Hopefully he'll get bored and go away." She scolds. "That's Hobie, aka Spider Punk."
"Wassup." He up nods.
"Jessica Drew, Spider Woman."
"You're pregnant." 
"What?" She asks with furrowed brows.
Y/N freezes, eyes wide. "I'm so, so sorry. I just thought—I mean, I mean, I assumed—I, I." She stops at the woman's cackling.
"I'm just messing with you." She wipes a tear from her eye.
"Brutal." Hobie comments. "Good one, Jess."
"You think I'm bad; get used to it when you meet the others. Quip and joke central. C'mon, we're here to give you the grand tour."
"To be apart of something greater. To not be alone. Everything you've been through, we all have in some capacity."
"This is gonna be fun." Hobie chuckles now, casually walking on the ceiling. Slamming his fist onto a button on the wall. Giant door opening, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. Adjusting to the sight of people walking in all directions, she looked left, right, above, and below at everyone with a spider symbol that matched her own.
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It's been quiet in the dorms, cafeteria, and training room. Those who have introduced themselves to her were warm and kind.
Jessica and Hobie.
Everyone else keeps their distance once word gets around. Whispers and mutters as if she's a rabid animal that could get agitated at any moment. Waiting in line, picking up the metal tray, trying to ignore the side eyes and the not-so-subtle moving away from her.
"You must be new. Haven't seen you here before." The lunch spider lady smiles.
"Yeah, been here for almost—" she trails off, seeing another spider lunch person leaning over. It didn't take long for the friendly smile to fade into fear.
"What do you want?" She says rather coldly.
"What would you recommend?"
"Just pick something."
She blinks a couple of times at the hushed muttering. Looking to see a pair of spider people whispering and pointing at Y/N. 
"Yes, hi. Just to get everyone on the same page, I, Y/N, killed the Avengers in my dimension. The people called me Jorōgumo. So tell the kiddies to check their closets and under their beds." She cackles. 
"Is this funny to you?"
"She eyes him up and down."
"No, of course not." She shakes her head. "It's historical." She laughs. "And they didn't even put up a fight as I snapped the—" she finds herself on the floor. A throbbing in her cheek and the room spinning. "That's all you got?" She wheezes. Struggling to her knees than to her feet. She got slapped by one and punched in the gut, sending her to the ground.
"That's enough!" A voice barks as the crowd of spiders disperses. A shadow looms over her, watching a pair of blue feet than hands take her arms. "Get your hands off me!" She screams out of his grip, unfortunately falling back onto the ground. Groaning, she stifles her cries, getting to her feet with the squeak of sneakers as she leaves the cafeteria.
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"She was instigating confrontation. What the hell was she thinking?"
"It's a punishment." Jess sighs. "Y/N was in the middle of her seppuku after the death of her family."
"It wasn't her; how many times do we have to tell her?"
"Put yourself in her shoes. You wouldn't forgive yourself for having any hand in killing your family." She refers to suddenly realizing, "Sorry." She quickly apologizes.
"No, no." He shakes his head. "Where is she?"
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Y/N opens the door with bandages on her brow and a split cheek. Miguel stands there as Y/N looks around, not knowing what to do or say.
"Hi," she says.
"You wanna come in and arrest me?" she scoffs.
"What makes you say that?" He steps inside, closing the door behind him.
"You're not very good at this."
"No." He agrees. "Being a leader that people depend on, I try my best."
"What are you doing now?"
"My best." He answers by placing a block on her table: an orange hologram display of a little league girls soccer game.
Blue vs. Yellow
The shouts from the crowd. The feed zooms in on a girl on the blue team as a goalie. Six or seven years old with a look of determination. Upon catching the ball, the crowd erupts in cheers. She looks more at the video then at 2099, who shows no emotions. The video cuts to the girl happily holding up a trophy, panning out to her sitting on the shoulders of Miguel. Smile as bright and wide as it looked odd, never seeing it in person.
"In my original dimension, I had a wife and a daughter, Gabriela." He starts with a distant look in his eyes. "I lost them. In a moment of weakness, I searched for another dimension where their Miguel died, and I took his place."
Videos of dinner, soccer games, first days of school, and birthdays. She couldn't help, but smile along with the past Miguel.
"You look..." she trails off, not knowing if she should say it or not.
"Happy." He answers for her.
She nods. 
"I was," he adds. "Then the incursion happened. The complete and utter collapse of that world, erasing everyone and everything." 
She watches in horror at the screaming citizens and 2099 running away from the dissolving world with Gabriela in his arms. "Daddy." She calls weakly. "I don't feel so good." She whimpers, dissolving into his arms. "Because of me." He ends the video.
"I know the guilt and anguish of being responsible for the deaths of loved ones."
"I know it must have been…difficult telling that to a stranger. My family didn't know. I was hurt pretty bad, they found this goo. It helped. Than the voices started. I used to think it was another being or someone else speaking to me, but…it was myself. The more bold I became, the more violent I became. It took me until recently to release the voice that was me. Venom just became something to blame. My family they saw and they knew and tried to save me, but I didn't want venom to go." taking a breath. "Because I knew without it, I would be left with myself, and I couldn’t accept how ratchet, evil, and disgusting I really am." She cries, steadying her breath and standing tall. "Not once did my clan call me any ill names. They believed I could still be saved." 
"Don’t let their memory of you die in vain." his words whispered kindly. "There’s a place for you if you want it." He holds out a wrist watch, a more reliable and permanent dimension jumper than the flimsy wrist band she had been given.
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Training with a bunch of spider people using her sword and new yoroi. Webbing between enemies legs sliding and taking down the band of training spider people. A for effort, she praises giving everyone a pat on the shoulder.
"Gold star for everyone!" Peter B. Parker announced, with a sticker book. "Courtesy of Mayday." He adds. "Even Y/N." He smiles, placing a star on her chest. Mayday squeals, her chubby hands and face covered in gold stickies. "Loud and clear, Ms. Y/N gets all the stars." Peter nods in agreement. "Thank you, Mayday." She nuzzles her nose with the babe as she sticks a star on her forehead and cheeks.
"You headed to the cafeteria?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm starving."
"You're gonna love the new menu item." He chuckles to himself.
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At the cafeteria, she browsed the board of items. She giggles at the "NEW LIMITED TIME!!!" Burger. She orders two of the new menu items: two fries and two chocolate shakes, and she thwips off.
The west side of the headquarters is the housing complex where spiders rest or even live, not having a dimension of their own to go to. Finding the right door using a key, she zips inside. Turning around, wrinkling her nose at the musky smell and filthy apartment. Dropping the food on the table, cleaning up the apartment, opening up the windows, and letting in some light and fresh air.
 Shaking a can of Febreze, spraying almost the entire can. Flipping from the ceiling to the floor. Resting the bag and drinks on the table, mumbling to herself when the drinks had split in the bag. After saving the shakes and food, she goes to wash their hands.
The sound of shuffling from the bedroom sounds, looking up to see the boss man himself.
"Morning." Migaul yawns, showing off his fangs and stretching his arms over his head. Y/N made sure to sneak a glance at his V-line from his low-hanging sweatpants. "I swear I'm gonna take those rags and burn them."
"I'll burn them when you stop stealing my new ones." He answers coyly, giving her butt a pinch. She slapped his hand.
"I can't help it if they look better on me." She reasons. "It's afternoon, actually." She corrected drying her hands.
Checking his watch with furrowed brows. "How did I sleep in?"
"Maybe you set your alarms for the pm instead of the am," she shrugs, setting the plates nonchalantly. "Common mistake." She gives a smile. He glares at her, taking a seat and scooting up the chair. "You've been running on fumes and need a recharge and refuel," she lists, innocently batting their lashes. "C'mon." She kicks the leg of the chair across from them.
"I hate fast food," he grumbles.
"Tough, I don't know what to cook with protein powder," she quips, sipping their milkshake.
He raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Been sitting on that comeback for how long?" he chuckles.
"Like..." Y/N trails off "...a week." The crackling perks his ears as she unwraps a burger. "You wanna know something, boss man?"
"No, but my spidey sense tells me you're going to tell me anyway."
"You're very tasty."
He furrows his brow, believing he has heard you wrong. He fully turns his head and unconsciously exhales a breathy chuckle. Seeing them hold up a burger with a blue bun and red peppers from his mask markings "Look at the fins!" Plucking one of the four red peppers sticking out of the burger. "They got your arm fins," she said, inspecting the pepper before popping it into her mouth.
"I’m glad you find this amusing. I have dozens of spider people to send out for the anomalies that could be causing havoc as we speak."
"All taken care of," she says through her mouthful. "You leave notes and dates for everything. Jess and I took care of it." Finishing the burger, licking the trails of ketchup and mayonnaise from her hands. Now it was his turn to steal a glance. Her little kitten licks of white condiment. He had to shake his head to free his mind of the erotic images.
He steals a fry from her wrapper plate. She makes a sound of annoyance. "You have your own!"
"But yours tastes so much better."
He swipes another, scampering onto the table to his surprise, reaching for the fry he held over his head and out of her reach, causing the chair to fall and the two of them to fall flat.
"You’re so annoying!"
"Thank you. For taking care of stuff."
"We only have one of you, ninedy-nine," she smirked. He leans up to capture her lips, but they quickly push off of him. Forcing the air from his chest. "You stink; go shower, brush your teeth, and eat your lunch before it gets cold," she commands
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flameleads · 1 year
@shiroi---kumo + @forgotten-teammates
In the kitchen, packing the meals he prepared for himself in his bag, no one saw the Colonel’s hands shake. 
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Kain’s worsened injury was the last straw. He didn’t wander far from the Comodeen, and yet—and yet—if White Cloud hadn’t found him in time… Roy wanted to just be thankful. He was thankful he could still look into his friend’s eyes every day. But, that emotion brought friends he didn’t care for, and they overstayed their welcome. Guilt flooded his veins whenever he looked at Kain, and he couldn’t stop himself from wondering if he helped cause the man to flee their safe haven in the first place. Anger followed shortly thereafter, lighting his blood on fire, as he dared to answer in the affirmative. 
Fear, though, was the most unwelcome. Heavier than the albatross, it sat on his chest and made it nearly impossible for him to breathe. Something attacked Kain and nearly killed him—he nearly died. What else existed in Wonderland? What other beasts roamed the lands for easy prey like those already injured like Edward? It hadn’t been that long since their excursion in the south. Neither of them fully recovered since then, and Edward couldn’t breathe like he used to. He couldn’t fight like he used to, and that was detrimental.  
Never mind Gaudium. And White Cloud couldn’t be everywhere at once to save the day. That was far too much to ask from one being, never mind one a dying one. 
He couldn’t keep asking White Cloud to search for his boys like this when he had much more pressing concerns to deal with. He couldn’t do that to his friend. Not only that, but he couldn’t… he couldn’t keep staying safe within the walls of the Comodeen doing what felt like nothing. Cleaning probably helped, and he taught himself Wonderlandian, but it wasn’t enough. Edward and Alphonse weren’t in his arms. For all he knew, they could be fending off beasts like what Kain dealt with or worse, or… or…
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His breath hitched as he stopped packing for a few seconds. No, no no no no. He needed to push the memory down. He couldn’t let it resurface. All he needed to do was finish packing and—
Goddammit, she found him before he finished. 
Quiet as always, the Lieutenant appeared at his side without saying much, the question in her eyes as she met his gaze. Her stance said a lot for someone to someone who knew her: feet apart, as if ready to go at a second’s notice, but shoulders squared toward him to give him her undivided attention. Her eyes traveled to his bag and back to his eyes in milliseconds, a hint of concern present along with her business as usual. She wouldn’t say a word until he replied to her, and she wouldn’t leave his side until she got her answer. He knew that. With a heavy sigh, he stopped packing, and he turned toward her. 
“I only packed enough for me.” No, that was the wrong thing to say. She gave him a blank stare before she replied.
“I’ll be fine. When are we leaving?”
“… Ten minutes.” He raised an eyebrow. “You’re not trying to stop me, Lieutenant?”
“Trying to stop you will only end up with you being reckless without me. At least I can keep an eye on you this way.”
“As long as you’re sure.” His hands returned to packing the rest of his meals. Thankfully, he was almost done when the Lieutenant arrived. 
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“My duty to you doesn’t waver, Sir. I will see you in ten minutes.” With a formal salute, the Lieutenant turned on her heel and walked back to her room. She had her weapons to prepare along with Hayate. While she did just get him back, a trip out into Wonderland wasn’t the wisest idea for him. There was no telling what they’d find out in the wild, and they didn’t know how long they would be gone. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be more than a few days, and the Comodeen wouldn’t miss them that much. They did just get most of the team back together. That, and leaving without saying goodbye… 
She was not in charge of this pseudo-mission, though. The Colonel was, and he did not deem it important to tell anyone else that he was leaving. He had one thought on his mind and nothing else: his boys. After seeing the two of them return to Central… she wished she could blame him.
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redwaterruin · 9 months
@shiroi---kumo [ FIGHT ] : sender physically fights off receiver's attacker.
Russell barely dodged the fist flying at his face as a second set of hand caught him under the arms. He hadn't seen the second attacker at first, instead focusing on the wiry man weaving in front of him. The man flashed him a malicious grin and drew back his arm for a second blow.
"We've got you now, you little shit!" his spat, driving his fist into Russell's stomach full force, his grin widening as the blond stopped struggled and doubled over with a cough as he tried to catch his breath.
The second man tightened his grip to keep Russell from slumping to the ground. "Not so tough now, huh?" he taunted, lips barely an inch from his ear. "You gonna cooperate now, or what?" He turned to his comrade and ordered, "Grab his wallet."
Had the fight been one-on-one, Russell would have been able to hold is own, even down the dark, unfamiliar alley, away from the street light's glow. But when an unseen assailant and grabbed him and shoved him into the shadows demanding that he give him whatever he had on him, the second man had remained hidden from view behind a dumpster. Russell had managed to get a few good hits in before the man who grabbed him had gotten a hold on him, but there was nothing he could do against both of them together.
Sneering, the wiry man stalked forward, already reaching for his victim's pocket as he tried to struggle for air when a hard blow from behind knocked the assailant to the ground.
"Hey! What the-" He scrambled to his feet with a snarl and spun around to face whoever it was who dared to strike him. "Get lost, asshole! Don't interfere!"
Russell raised his eyes in hopeful relief toward the mouth of the alley where a man with a white crystal blade stood blocking its exit to the street. He couldn't see his face well in the darkness, but whoever it was appeared to be there to help. Gritting his teeth, he tried to jerk away from the tight hold, but though the second man's attention had shifted toward the newcomer, his grip never slackened.
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prettyiwa · 1 year
hi ix!!!! very curious abt this one if u would like to talk about it or post a snippet: aizawa - set you free 👀
both? both!
I love this story so much but put it down so I could try to better capture his character. (I also wanted to read a bit of Vigilantes for the bits of him & Nighteye we see throughout).
I wanted to play with Pre-UA!Aizawa, still hurting (if not knowingly) from Shirakumo's death, and a reader with a quirk that allows her to see how someone will die and no idea how to control her quirk. I think younger Aizawa wouldn't be immune to grief-driven assholery and I think it would be fun to give him someone who needed saving different from the traditional hero-beats-up-bad-guy way.
Sunlight finally breaks past the city skyline, casting everything in the early morning glow as Aizawa finally calls it for his patrol. After dealing with wannabe gangsters and low-tier villains for the last eleven hours, there’s little more he wants to do than go home and sleep. Before he can indulge in his respite, however, there’s one final stop for him to make. He can complain and put up a front that he doesn’t like this and that it’s a massive inconvenience for him (which he absolutely does every single time), but he’s too exhausted today to go through the mental gymnastics required. Even with his internal bemoaning, you’re not aware that he does this, meaning this errand, this problem is something entirely of his own creation. All this posturing and protesting he does is solely for himself and his stubborn pride, unable to admit that—despite the plethora of threats made months ago—he was never able to follow through. At this point, his key to your apartment is worn down from daily use. No one thinks twice about a pro-hero coming and going from the site of an ongoing investigation, from the apartment that can hardly be considered yours anymore. Especially considering that he is the hero responsible for initiating the investigation. The faint click of the lock precedes the light pouncing of the belled collar belonging to the reason for these visits. As always, Kumo’s eager to greet Aizawa after spending the last day in solitude. The moment Aizawa crosses the threshold, Kumo greets him with a low mrrp! as he circles the hero’s feet. His path to your kitchen is one carefully carved after continuous visits, one that seeks to maintain the state of the mess left behind by the police. It unnerves him how he moves as easily through your space as though it were his own, how all that’s left is the ghost of the lonely mangaka and her fear that still permeates every corner. Fear that sticks to its surroundings like the lingering stench of cigarettes or like sand that continues to stick to you hours after you’ve left the beach.
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slrsunfire · 2 years
MadaTobi WIP/ Space opera
Still working on wrapping up chapter 7 for LTD (I promise) but I got hit with a REALLY fun MadaTobi Star Wars-esque concept last night and I’ve been going after it like a madwoman. 
I’m very excited for this and wanted to share a little! I might try and write this all/finish it before posting depending on how long this gets. I do think it will be at the *least* a couple of chapters long if I want to do it justice. Or would you all prefer I post it chapter by chapter as I finish each installment? 
Let me know what you think! 
When the attack first comes, it wakes Tobirama almost immediately due to the way his body is nearly sent rolling straight off his mattress from the sheer concussive force of the hit that strikes the hull of the Susanoo. It’s all he can do to get to his feet as another blaster strike makes contact, and he has only just pulled on his earlier discarded robe when the door that separates his rooms from his husband’s slides open with a hydraulic hiss.
Lord Uchiha Madara, High Emperor of the Uchiha Empire, steps through and comes to a standstill in the doorway. Tobirama notes that Lord Uchiha is careful not to cross beyond the threshold of Tobirama’s quarters even in the face of the very real threat they are under.
For a moment Tobirama cannot help but think his husband looks almost like a wraith beneath the dim emergency lighting the ship has switched to. His heart cannot help the way it speeds up in reaction. The unnatural glow of Lord Uchiha’s red eyes has been made all the more apparent in the gloom, reminding Tobirama of long-ago nights spent evading the dangerous gaze of Uchiha soldiers back when their two peoples had still been at war.  
Even now, three years on into their arranged marriage with peace successfully achieved due to it and the Republic of Konoha well rooted and established, Tobirama still finds it hard to meet his husband’s dangerous eyes. But as always, he forces himself to. He knows it displeases his husband when he does not, and Tobirama is unwilling to displease Lord Uchiha beyond the limits of his patience. He has already given Tobirama far more latitude than he ever thought possible in personal matters, and he has not forced Tobirama to lay with him, or even so much as attempted to lay his hands upon Tobirama’s person in an unkind manner.
Tobirama knows he could of course, and though Tobirama would fight it every step of the way, Lord Uchiha is far stronger than him due to his alien physiology. The average Uchiha possesses the strength of four men and Lord Uchiha, easily double that.
It is not just Lord Uchiha’s strength that is a threat. His husband’s eyes possess the ability to thread into Tobirama’s own mind, to control him through telepathy, to read his every fleeting feeling and thought if he so wished. Tobirama knows there would be no way to stop his husband from doing so if Lord Uchiha was set upon such a course of action, but he has never crossed that line with Tobirama.
His lord husband is not devoid of morality, and that is perhaps the most unnerving reality he has been forced to accept since marrying the ruler of the Uchiha.
“Come,” Lord Uchiha commands him as his alien husband’s red eyes flicker over him quickly, as if he were checking for injuries, “we have been ambushed by a fleet of Kumo battle cruisers. Hikaku is routing them well from the Izanagi, but more are coming. I would have you join me on the bridge.”
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
As I always Love The Long Form Oc Relationship Analysis
what would your Ocs Think of Amais ?
Long post again :)
• Momo and Cweepy most likely end up very spooked :( Momo probably just goes BOLTING aisnalans
•Cho-Hee would be caught off guard at them popping in from time to time, but seems interested in what they draw (he's not much of an artist since he's scared of breaking the pencils/tools)
•Dallas pesters about the mind reading magic the moment he knows- 💀
•Dell and Aotome would try to calculate when they show up (Dell thinks its funny! Aotome does not...)
•Faust thinks its funny they come in out of seemingly nowhere, might also join in the mischief fun
•Hextian would be so sad if you made him live through memory lane✨ But otherwise, they enjoy their presence
•Benibara and Avery would think they're very annoying (Although Avery is lowkey curious about them in some aspects, she wouldnt persue it)
•Kenzo's really curious but also really mad at the mind reading aspect "TCH! Read anybody else but me!... Do tell me what it says though-"
•Venus wants to keep them out of trouble, but she's also very gullible sooo...
•Marinus thinks they're silly! /Pos Although you better be careful with the reliving memories/biggest fears aspect, you might just make a mess that you really dont want to be a part of...
•Kumo doesnt approve of this behaviour
•If you bump into Banji at the wrong time, he'll be a bit snappy, but I think they might work!
•Kamïk wants to join in on the mischief and questions what its like to read the minds of others (he'd stop if it bothers them though!)
•Clover gets spooked if they come in out of nowhere, but otherwise night also want to join in the mischief or ask about how they seem to be so good at conjuring magic
•Jolie definitely tried to snatch their hat once before hiding behind Clover and/or Avery to save herself
•Roan is intimidated by this amount of magic
•Pepper is even MORE paranoid, panicking if they could just come in out of nowhere and do something to him... Maybe spawning in front of him is a bad idea- pranks would be a WORSE idea-
•Wolfo does that dad laugh anytime they show up out of seemingly nowhere, if you stand around long enough, you might even see his tail flick and wag (as long as your pranks dont feature water or bright lights, you should be ok!)
•Creek thinks its fun they pop in out of nowhere! Definitely returns the mischief back though (as long as your pranks dont feature bright lights, it should be ok!)
•Poppet seems confused yet interested in the Kaiju art, trying to recognize them as people at the school- (Poppet will jump you if you use bright lights)
•Amos is spooked the first time, but eventually gets used to them suddenly coming in (or at least tries to, you'll notice his ears go back and his tail fluff up)
•Enid nags them for scaring her, but would want to keep them out of trouble
•Lorien would prefer they at least knock before showing up (as long as your pranks dont feature cats, it shoule be ok!)
•Jessica would almost accidently punch them the first few times (Also has a crisis at how they're seemingly effortlessly strong)
•Oceana is worried she might accidently crush them if they keep coming in with no warning!
•Jaiden would accidently prick his own finger and then apologize you had to see that
•You have a mildly annoyed, coffee soaked Mindel just by suddenly popping in...
•Frey would absolutely cause chaos with them
•Sylvester also wishes they would let themselves be known before popping in out of nowhere, but doesn't mind too much
•Mao accidently swings at them
•Cherokee and Amais sound like they'd cause chaos together-
•Shiloh gets very spooked when they pop in, thinks the kaiju art is neat though! Questions if they real/friendly though
•Midge thinks they're silly (/pos!), He likes them!
•Kendall leaps 5 feet into the air the moment the suddenly appear
•"Speckles", although spooked the first time, doesn't mind the sudden appearances! She considers them a sweet surprise and would love having them visit
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
@forgotten-teammates / @shiroi---kumo
Tim going back and forth asking questions between them like child goes between parents.
Obviously he by no means actually views them as such - just that vibe of
Asks question
Doesn't get an answer they like or has different question
Decides to go ask the other person
(Bonus points if at some point he asks one of them something and they suggest he go ask the other for whatever reason)
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒  . . . *when you get this, post theme songs for your muse! then tag 5 or more people!
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I. Lacrymosa of Evanescence. Out on your own // Cold and alone again // Can this be what you really wanted, baby? // Lacrimosa // (Blame it on me) // Dies illa // (Set your guilt free) // Lacrimosa // (Nothing can hold you back now) Now that you're gone // I feel like myself again // Grieving the things I can't repair and willing // Lacrimosa // (To let you blame it on me) // Dies illa // (And set your guilt free) // Lacrimosa // (I don't want to hold you back now love)
I can't change who I am
Not this time, I won't lie // To keep you near me and in this short life // There's no time to waste on giving up // My love wasn't enough // Lacrimosa // (And you can blame it on me) // Dies illa // (Just set your guilt free, honey) // Lacrimosa // (I don't want to hold you back now love)
II. Graveyard of Halsey. They say I may be making a mistake // I would've followed all the way // no matter how far // I know when you go down all your darkest roads // I would've followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper // I won't stop 'til I get where you are // I keep running when both my feet hurt // I won't stop 'til I get where you are // Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads // I would've followed all the way to the graveyard
III.   Stigma of V. Deeper, deeper, the wound just gets deeper // Like pieces of broken glass that I can't reverse // Deeper, it's just the heart that hurts every day // You who was punished in my stead // You who were only delicate and fragile
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my brother // Even if I try to hide it // Or conceal it, it can't be erased // "Are you calling me a sinner?" // What more do I have to say // I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry my sister // Even if I try to hide it // Or conceal it, it can't be erased // So, cry, please, dry my eyes, ooh
That light, that light, please illuminate my sins (Oh) // Where I can't turn back // The red blood is flowing down // Deeper, I feel like dying every day // Please let me be punished // Please forgive me for my sins // Please
IV.  The Sharpest Loves of My Chemical Romance. There's a place in the dark where the animals go // You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow // Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands // Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo
I've really been on a bender and it shows // So why don't you blow me // A kiss before she goes
Give me a shot to remember // And you can take all the pain away from me // Your kiss and I will surrender // The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead // A light to burn all the empires // So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be // In love with all of these vampires // So you can leave like the sane, abandon me
V.     Film Out of BTS. Don't have to be right // Just wanted you to stay the way you are // Kind-hearted, always smiling, but // If tears can be measured, it took this long but // I've barely made it by your side (Barely made it) // And found you (Ooh)
From all the memories stored in my heart // I gather up the ones of you, link them together // Gazing at them projected across the room (Ooh, oh, oh, oh, ooh) // I fall asleep with you vivid in my arms
The words you whisper, the resonance // Wander aimlessly around the room // The fragrance I smell, the warmth I feel // As long as it lasts, as long as it lasts
You, in my imagination // Are so vivid, oh // As if you are right there // But I reach out my hand // And you suddenly disappear
♡  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘.         I've stolen it from @valour-bound  ♡  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆.        @shiroi---kumo , @flameleads , @galeleads , @hmrtia, @infernal-ism, @zangyo , @wolvensden + anyone else who's interested!
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justaradioguy · 2 years
@shiroi---kumo has a gift ->
Over does the man of snow float to the small Amestrian with something hiding in his hands. White clothed feet drop gently on the ground and jade eyes smile brightly as thin lips spread out wide.
"Herra Fuery, I have come to learn today is the day of your birth." He sounds with song lacing his words. "As this is a day to celebrate please allow me to give you a gift."
His hands open revealing within a thin metal chain with small white stone affixed at the end. If one looks closely it almost seems alive with the way the clouds trapped within it seem to swirl about.
"In my culture, it is customary to present one's loved ones with such an item. We tended to fasten these gems to all sorts of jewelry but I felt a necklace would best as it would be easy to keep out of the way of your regular duties.
The gem is made from the compression of my Mist. So there is none like it within the space of all the universe. Even if I should make another gem they will continue to be one of a kind as I have to make these objects by hand.
I do hope this is to your liking despite it being rather odd compared to human customs. So as we would say in my tongue, Herra Fuery, Hyvää syntymäpäivää!"
|| happy birthday! | accepting for the day
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He's wrapped his scarf around his shoulders even though the Comodeen is not particularly cold.
And already, that was plenty enough for Kain to call this birthday the best one so far. Soft objects given to him by someone he loves? Surely, this is heaven.
But here comes Kumo, floating over to him with something enclosed in his hands. He doesn't even get the chance to greet the Misterican before he's launched into a ramble about the snow-colored crystal hanging on a chain that appears to be for him.
Slowly, he reaches out to take it by the chain, holding it up to the light to see the swirling Mist contained inside it.
Somehow, it reminds him of the Maken.
And somehow, it's comforting in a way.
His fingers work to undo the clasp of the chain so that he can put it around his neck as well, silent as he tries to think of what to say.
The words for what he feels are not easy. Kumo's trusted him with an object precious to his culture, one of a kind, and customary to give loved ones, and... honestly, he's not sure if any word in any language can sound thankful enough or fit how much he appreciates it.
Kain supposes he can just try his best.
"I think it's beautiful. I just don't think I can describe exactly how I'm feeling. I don't take the weight of something like this lightly. Thank you, Kumo."
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koizumicchi · 2 years
青へ (LIP×LIP) English Translation
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青へ Ao E To Blue LIP×LIP Aizou & Yuujirou
Julietta, LIP×LIP 4th Single TV Anime Heroine Tarumono Insert Song
watch the mv here! kanji from ジュリエッタ
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
位置についてドキドキを抱えて 合図で始まる青色 立ち塞がるハードル挑むのは 未熟で愚かな勇者だ
Ichi ni tsuite doki doki o kakaete Aizu de hajimaru aoiro Tachifusagaru hādoru idomu no wa Mijuku de oroka na yūsha da
Having the excitement to be in a position A blue that begins with a signal The one who challenges the hurdles blocking the way is An amateur and foolish hero
早く走れば向かい風吹く 高く飛んだら着地沈む 汗拭う間もなく加��して 誰の背中も見ずにテープを切れ 選手は君だ
Hayaku hashireba mukaikaze fuku Takaku tondara chakuchi shizumu Ase nuguu mamonaku kasoku shite Dare no senaka mo mizu ni tēpu o kire Senshu wa kimi da
If you run fast, the headwind blows (to meet you) If you jump high, the ground descends (off your feet) Accelerate shortly after wiping your sweat Cut the tape, not looking at anyone’s back You are the contender yourself
雲一つない青色が僕らの乾きに解けてく リタイアはないこのレース楽しんでいこうよ 今だけ見えてる まっすぐなコース 邪魔をされない ひたすらに走れ 息を吸って さぁ君が輝いてるこの瞬間
Kumo hitotsu nai aoiro ga bokura no kawaki ni toketeku Ritaia wa nai kono rēsu tanoshin de ikou yo Ima dake mieteru Massugu na kōsu Jama o sarenai Hitasura ni hashire Iki o sutte Saa kimi ga kagayaiteru kono shunkan
The blue with not a cloud in sight loosens into our dryness Do not retire and enjoy this race You can only see it now The course straight ahead Don’t let obstacles get in the way Run with all you have Take a breath Now, in this moment, you are shining
雨が降ってドロドロに汚れて 沈んで見えない青色 今日の普通明日には変わって ちっぽけ悩みは晴れるよ
Ame ga futte dorodoro ni yogorete Shizun de mienai aoiro Kyō no futsū ashita ni wa kawatte Chippoke nayami wa hareru yo
The rain’s pouring, and you’re dirtied with mud An invisible blue color sinking out of sight The ordinaries of today will change tomorrow The little worries will clear up
止まらなければ追い風も吹く 高く飛んだら景色変わる 休んでる間もなく加速して 大人の助けいらないんだAh 選手は君だ
Tomarana kereba oikaze mo fuku Takaku tondara keshiki kawaru Yasunderu mamonaku kasoku shite Otona no tasuke iranain da Ah Senshu wa kimi da
If you don’t stop, the tailwind will blow (to push you) If you jump high, the sceneries you see will change Accelerate without rest *You can stand on your own two feet, ah You are the contender yourself
勇気を灯す青色が またとない今を染めてく 失格はないこのレース何度だって挑んでよ 卑怯者が座る 汚れた近道 走りたくない 僕色のままで 息を吸って さぁ行こう自分らしくこの瞬間
Yuuki o tomosu aoiro ga Matatonai ima o someteku Shikkaku wa nai kono rēsu nando datte idon de yo Hikyōmono ga suwaru Yogoreta chikamichi Hashiritakunai Boku iro no mama de Iki o sutte Saa ikou jibun rashiku kono shunkan
The blue color that lights up the courage  Dyes the present which cannot be paralleled There are no disqualifications, challenge this race time and time again The cowards sit out A soiled shortcut I don’t want to run (away) I want my color to stay as it is Take a breath Come, let’s go, just as we are, in this moment
勝者が決まる その裏には涙が流れる 敗者が残すその想いは 誰かを強くするエナジー
Shōsha ga kimaru Sono ura ni wa namida ga nagareru Haisha ga nokosu sono omoi wa Dare ka o tsuyoku suru enajī
The victor is decided But behind that are tears falling The sentiments left behind by those who lost are The energy that strengthens someone
勇気を灯す青色が またとない今を染めてく
Yūki o tomosu aoiro ga Matatonai ima o someteku
The blue that lights up the courage Dyes the present which cannot be paralleled
雲1つない青色が 僕らの乾きに解けてく リタイアはないこのレース楽しんでいこうよ 今だけ見えてる まっすぐなコース 邪魔をされない ひたすらに走れ 息を吸って さぁ君が輝いてるこの瞬間 僕も輝いてるこの瞬間 青色に輝いている
Kumo hitotsu nai aoiro ga bokura no kawaki ni toketeku Ritaia wa nai kono rēsu tanoshin de ikou yo Ima dake mieteru Massugu na kōsu Jama o sarenai Hitasura ni hashire Iki o sutte Saa kimi ga kagayaiteru kono shunkan Boku mo kagayaiteru kono shunkan Aoiro ni kagayaiteiru
The blue with not a cloud in sight loosens into our dryness Don’t retire and enjoy this race You can only see it now The course straight ahead Don’t let obstacles get in the way Run with all you have Take a breath Now, in this moment, you are shining I, too, am shining in this moment Shining blue
光へ Hikari e Towards the light
*literally, you don’t need the help of adults
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Dating Headcanons: Kuwana Gou, Murakumo Gou, Kotegiri Gou
Whaaa, Gou Bros! Bros Gou! I’m so excited to do dissss. Dedicated to darling Mei Mei who is orchestrating my downfall further into swordboi hell.
Warnings: Well we are talking about the pasts of these sword bois and some of them aren’t too...pretty? But it’s mostly SFW. Me, projecting.
Kuwana Gou
Kuwa’s feelings for you are...rather quiet, creeping up on him like the ivy vines that snake up structures. He will notice them at a slow rate, as he values his relationship with you. It’s languid and takes its time to flourish and bloom like the flowers he sometimes works with, and Gods forbid it ever being destroyed. It’s a relationship cultivated over time, and when Kuwana falls for you, it’s a sudden free fall when the ground crumbles under him.
Kuwana is terrified of his feelings for you, terrified of confessing. He does think that he doesn’t deserve you, but most of all, Kuwana is terrified of destroying a beautiful relationship you two have. Consider him like the boy next door, your childhood friend that you always talk to. Kuwana is that boy, your first love, your first crush, your first kiss - oh so terrified to cross that line between love and friendship. What if you don’t like him back? The foundation of respect and trust and camaraderie you have built together just shattered like that? Destroyed? Nope. Bye. He can’t handle the thought of it.
If anything, you need to confess to Kuwana first. When he realizes that he loves you, it’s kind of obvious. He flushes around you, always giving you flowers and checking up on you with food - it’s not that different from his normal self, but sometimes your hands will brush each other and he jerks his hand away, timid and shy, terrified of such a thing. He loves it when you two do hold hands though. If Kuwana ever confesses, it’s because he probably talked with Tonbokiri about it. He has to make a move, or else he’ll only stew in his feelings in such an unhealthy manner.
His confession is planned, one day he’ll come talk to you, asking for some time alone in your office later that night. He comes to you with a bouquet of roses from the garden, cheeks flushed, still somewhat dirty from working in the gardens, and shuffling his feet. “T-These are for you. I...I wanted to tell you this for a long time but, I’ve fallen for you.” it’s short, straight to the point, and he almost leaves the flowers there on your desk before running away. You catch him in time though, tripping over your feet which leads him to catch you. And then you return his feelings and Kuwana’s eyes light up brighter than the stars! no tonbo and the rest of the gou bros are totally not crying in the corner, proud of kuwana
Oh the kisses with Kuwana are so sweet. He will always cup your cheek or chin before leaning in, pressing your foreheads together before kissing you. It’s always a slow and sensual kiss, full of love that he has for you. Rarely do they become any deeper than sweet pecks or quick make outs. He is always busy in the fields and you are always busy as well. He doesn’t wanna take up too much of your time!
Kuwawa’s PDA is always oh so sweet. Whenever he has to wake up and work in the fields in the morning or cook, he always gives you a peck on your lips before dashing off to do whatever. If you visit him in those areas, expect a sweet cheek kiss as well! Kuwana’s hands are big and warm so when you hold them, you feel so damn sAFE. He also really really loves hand kisses, washes his hands first before doing so.
Kuwana will love it when you two have a private part of the garden just for you two! He does work in the fields a lot but will make sure to take extra extra care of the flowers you two grow together. Hell, he always brings flowers to you! Missions, working in the fields, whatever! He is going to bring you some flowers and make a lil vase of them for you! He’ll always tuck a flower behind your ear whenever he sees you as well. It’s so soft guys.Will also tuck a pressed flower into an omamori whenever he’s away from you.
Kuwana was never really meant for battle, and he knows it. But after entering a relationship with you, expect him to be training more. He knows he has to become stronger to protect history and all, but he wants to become much more stronger to protect you too! It doesn’t hurt to see him oh so determined either! “I want to protect you for as long as I can. To do that, I need to become stronger. I know that I’m not as much as a weapon as Tonbokiri-sama or my brothers, but I have to try!”
Then there are days when Kuwana works shirtless in the fields. It’s....a damn good sight to say the least. He won’t tease you about it, but if you tease him about it, he’ll flush and stutter over his words. ITS GREAT, TRUST ME.
Kuwana is also quite the chef. He’ll always keeps you healthy, ensuring you go to bed on time, eat the healthiest of foods, exercise enough, it’s like having a personal trainer beside you at all times! If you do not feel confident in your body, Kuwana will always be there for you, whispering how much he loves you and that you’re perfect to him.
Kuwana also loves it when you take baths/showers together! It’s a great way to clean himself up and he just loves the intimacy! If you two are sexually intimate by this time, he won’t mind that either but if anything he just loves the feeling of always holding you close! He loves it when you help scrub him down and he does the same to you!
This leads us into massages! Kuwana is really good hands for this kind of shit, big and strong. He’ll happily take away your pain if he must, if only he could purge it in its entirety and push it on to himself. But he’ll melt if you massage him int turn! His body is built and slightly tanned from working in the fields all of the time, sun kissed as they say! He works really hard, so pamper him in turn!
Speaking of pampering, oh Kuwana spoils you but you need to spoil him in return! Give him love! Headpats! Kuwana secretly loves it when you pat his head! He’ll flush and mumble that it doesn’t suit him but he’ll lean into your touch!
Kuwana is also pretty touch starved as well, he doesn’t realize it until you two begin dating. Kuwawa will always glance down at your hands whenever you two are in the same room but doing something different. Or even in the same vicinity. He loves it when you two hold hands, or when you two are just cuddling and pressing your foreheads together. He’s also quite the cuddlebear.
Kuwana will give you nicknames based on flowers and crops. It may sound strange at first but him calling you his ‘pumpkin’ or his ‘rosebud’ just flows off of the tongue right and makes you flush with happiness every time.
Murakumo Gou
Kumo kumo’s feelings for you are...not taken well. Whenever he thinks about you, his stomach begins to churn in the most terrible of ways and he almost wants to vomit with how fast his heart is beating. How you make him feel. Kumo kumo tends to run away with his tail between his legs whenever he’s even near you. His feelings for you surprise even him! It makes his heart hurt much more then his tum tum so when he goes to Yagen or Samidare, they try their best. Of course it’s Yagen who’s like, “You’re in love, dumbass” cue shook Murakumo.
Murakumo will begin to avoid the shit outta you for a while. He can’t handle being around you when you make his heart beat like this! It’s almost too much for him, and he’s oh so terrified about falling in love as well. What if you give him away? Falling in love means pain, right? Why else would be feeling like this? Like he wanted to crawl further into a hole and die.
It’s because of this that you will need to confess to Murakumo, and it will honestly...be a venture. He will not take it well at first, thinking that you are lying, just trying to get under his skin. He won’t lash out at you, oh no. In his heart, he’s oh so happy! He’s loved! You love him back! His stomach will be doing flip flops and it won’t hurt as bad as it normally does. But give him some time, patience is very key in a relationship with Kumo-san after all. Wait for him to come around to you, it’ll take his brothers help to do that too.
“I...I...I don’t know how to deal with these emotions. But, if possible, I want to be by your side. It hurts a lot when we were apart, so...if it’s okay, can...can I be yours? Forever?” Murakumo’s biggest fear, after all, is you leaving him, abandoning him, sold off like a prostitution ring im sorry hfuigsgdh and just almost left to rot. When you still love him and prove that you will want to be by his side, Kumo kumo will almost be over the moon! His tummy will hurt a bit but he pushes past the pain as you two hug, a soft and gentle embrace, as the TouDan inhales your scent and holds you close. It’s super warm in his arms, oh so comfy.
Like Kuwana, Murakumo adores hand kisses and general hand holding! Maybe it’s the dog in him but you holding out your hand to him makes him happy, and whenever he does take your hand into his, he always laces the fingers together! He is rather sparse on his PDA though? Prefers the privacy of just being alone with you though. He also adores forehead kisses, especially if you are giving them to him! You can almost see an imaginary tail wagging whenever you to do.
To say that Murakumo is clingy is an understatement. He has severe abandonment issues from being sold off so Kumo Kumo has a habit of making sure and ensuring that you love him. Yes he trusts you, but that fear will not leave him, always staying at the back of his mind, haunting him, taunting him. These manifest as nightmares whenever you two are cuddling, to the point his tum hurts beyond belief and he wakes up with a start. He won’t want to wake you, worried that you’ll come to hate him more. But when you do wake up to your lover in tears, you bring him into your arms and he melts. His sobs are quiet, reaching in pitch every now and then but he keeps them quiet, hidden in the cloth of your clothing.. Hug him please, tell him that it’ll be ok in the end. He needs it.
He’s that partner who tends to apologize for every lil thing he does. He just worries that you’ll come to hate him, and sell him off. It’ll take time for him to get his confidence up, as said before, patience is very key in a relationship with Kumo Kumo. Of course as he changes and gains a lil more confidence by your side, his stomach aches will begin to slowly cease. He does get loop-de-loops whenever he plans something special for you, and he does have his fair share of worries, but he’s trying his best!
Yes Murakumo is a slightly jealous person, pouty whenever he sees you with another person. He trusts his brothers (Samidare especially) around you but anyone else? No fam, you got a guard dog right here. THe thought of you leaving him almost makes him want to vomit and of course you love him the most! Verbal praise is what gets him going the most, so do nothing but tell him that you love him.
As he moves on from his shortcomings, Murakumo is slowly becoming a bit spontaneous with his affections with you. One of his favorite things to do is to hug you from behind, burying his face into your shoulder or something and just...exist in the same space. Lap pillows are also his favorite thing in the world! He loves it when he can rest on your lap, and will do the same for you. Prefers just straight up cuddling though, is a smol spoon. Loves resting his head on your chest most of all, he loves the sound of your heartbeat.
Like Samidare, Murakumo will love animals! He loves much more calm animals, and while he does love puppies, he slightly prefers cats as they are more chill. If you take him to a petting zoo or a zoo in general, Murakumo will be so happy! He may get excited and his tum may hurt but if you hold his hand and take it one step at a time, he’ll be okay! He loves holding hands anyway.
Samidare will honestly be very happy for you two! He’s just happy that Murakumo found another person to be comfortable and safe around. He isn’t the kinda guy who will give warnings but he’ll probably shed a tear or two at how proud he is of you two!
Murakumo also tends to pick up random things that he thinks you’ll like. He loves it when you two go out on a walk together, sometimes he’ll bring back wildflowers for you, and if you two go shopping together, watch him look at stores he knows you’ll like. He’s pretty attentive to the stuff you like and likes to surprise you when he can!
He’s also very much into sharing clothing. He doesn’t care if your clothes are bigger/smaller than he is, he just finds your scent very comforting. If he’s on long missions away from you, he’ll ask to take your jacket or sweater with him because he’ll miss you! Uh yeah, gods help the person who gets it dirty or rips it. He loves it when you wear his clothes too! IT’s a way for him to be there when he is not.
The first thing Murakumo does when he comes back though is to run to your side and hug you! He missed you so much, he has to give you a hug! He also loves it when you tend to his wounds, whining and whimpering, leaning into your touch. Spoil him while you can, give him forehead kisses and nose kisses. He adores those.
Murakumo isn’t much for nicknames that are based around titles, “honey, darling, etc” he prefers making lil nicknames based off of your name instead! It’s really sweet.
Kotegiri Gou
Giri Giri aiiii ikenaii borderliiiie the song slaps im so sorry is a person who is always around you. He tends to your needs like Hasebe does and he knows your schedule like the back of his hand. But when he does get his feelings, he won’t notice it. He’ll think of it just wanting to be close to you, to be a better tsukumogami for you, and to help you as best as he can! It has to be someone who tells him that he is in love. You compliment him on his singing when he doesn’t notice? He flushes bright red and promises to sing for you from now on. What are you, his muse? Maybe.
Yes Kotegiri, you’re in love if you start making love songs for them/making songs with them in mind. Someone looks at his damn drafts and calls his ass out and he freezes. Oh no, is that what love feels like? To always be your little songbird and make you smile? Oh no. Oh no. Panic time engaged. Outwardly he’s fine! He’ll still be your attendant but will almost have his head in the clouds? He’ll flush whenever you come closer, almost running away.
It takes some time for Kotegiri to confess, and it’s probably with a love song. He won’t make a big show of it, even though he would, but he wants this song to be yours and yours alone. Will he rope his brothers into this? Maybe. Is he gonna rope the AWT48 into this? Fuck yeah. Of course it all depends. If you’re a more private person then it’s a private concert for you and you alone. It’s a sweet song and when he finishes, he kneels at your side what is this a marriage proposal holding out his hand, “I...I wrote this song for you, master. I poured all of my love for you into it. It’s okay if you do not feel the same, but I want to tell this to you now. I love you, and I will say it no matter how many times it takes.” and then you save his confession song as your ringtone and probably cry.
Giri giri claims he doesn’t like his hands, but they are indeed beautiful. Slightly calloused and all but they are soft and gentle. He does love holding your hand and adores yours though - no matter how dry or cracked or smooth they are, he’ll kiss your fingers and your knuckles. It’s one of his favorite ways to display affection. Other than cheek pecks and full on lip pecks. He knows that you two are always busy so he’ll always drop off some kinda kiss and then skedaddle, leaving you both wanting more.
Kotegiri takes great care of his appearance and this extends to you! After a good cuddling session during your sleep, he’ll wake up early and get you prepared for the day. Your clothes checked, breakfast in bed, morning time kisses, the whole shebang! It’s lowkey a married relationship anyway.
Kotegiri becomes a lot more confident in singing after you two enter a relationship. He’ll start humming and composing songs meant for just you two! Kotegiri has the lungs of a singer after all, this also means he can kiss you for a long time as well. Giri giri may make an entire album dedicated of songs for you! He can’t help it! He loves you so so much! It’s always signed with some sort of lovey dovey poem or something.
Kotegiri does enjoy shopping as well! He loves it when you two can shop together and find cute clothes to wear, he’ll make sure the said clothing will compliment you! Speaking of clothing, he will also love it if you two match! He highkey adores matching clothing with you! He also adores it when you swap clothing. Sure they may not fit...per say, but whatever the hell. Kotegiri is just happy to be connected with you in another way!
Date nights with Kotegiri are also kinda work nights? He’ll notice that you work too hard and suddenly murmur softly that you deserve a break. It’s just sitting in the same office together, working together, feeding each other snacks. It’s just soft and quiet, some good shit to be honest. Especially if you two just like cuddle on the couch, doing nothing, papers thrown to the side and just...existing.
Whenever Kotegiri is away for long, he always gives you a kiss before he leaves. He will also have something special from you to remind him of you while he’s away. It ranges from what he’s feeling. Maybe it’s the first drafts of his love songs for you, folded neatly and tucked into the protection charm. Maybe you wrote a song for him in turn and he keeps it in there? Who knows! He just likes the feeling of being close to you, no matter how far you two are apart from each other.
While he doesn’t mind lap pillows, he loves it more whenever you sit on his lap and fidget with your fingers. That being said, hugs from behind are also something he adores. He just loves being with you! Let him hug you!! Hugs are the besttttt.
Yes he’s going to be teased by the rest of the Gou bros, he’ll take it stride though. He’ll flush and mumble and fluster and stutter but dAMN IT HE’S SO PROUD OF BEING YOURS.
Oh dancing dates. Kotegiri adores aDORES dancing. Something about holding you close, hand in hand, as you lead each other through the steps, he may pull you closer on purpose with a sly smile but immediately flush when you do the same to him. I’m sorry but closely dancing with him like this, whether or not it’s a formal ballroom dance or just slowly waltzing to the music? It’s great, he just loves the closeness.
Most likely will know quite a bit about modern technology, computers, phones, so on and so forth. He has a phone himself and will take pictures of you two when he can! Most of the time the damn thing is used to download music and watch idols perform. Of course having a phone is mandatory whenever you two are out shopping together, getting lost is scary after all. His ringtone will be either his own love song for you, or just a recording of you humming his songs! He thinks of it as the biggest praise ever if you love his music.
Kotegiri calls you all kinds of sweet nicknames. His preferred one is muse tis because you are indeed his muse! You give him creativity and support and oh so much inspiration and he’s just....oh so happy that you approve of his love for idols.
Kotegiri may think that his hands aren’t good or anything, but to you, his hands and his everything is beautiful! His hands make the music he writes and they hold you with a sense of gentleness that no one could compare to. So really, a relationship with Kotegiri is just full of mutual support. He knows that you’re always busy but know when to give you a break. In the end, you tow start and end the day together and he’s ultimately happy.
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spield · 3 years
Picking Up - VIII
Summary: Sakura and Sasuke catch up. 
Notes: Life’s been busy (good busy!), so I haven’t had the chance to work on the series and on infinite universes. I do miss the fandom, Kakashi, and Sakura so I figured I’d try to write this one out. Hope you like it! 
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“So, I heard the honeymoon’s cut short. What happened?”
Sakura sits across her husband, hair loose and curling just above her shoulders. It’s one of the rare times that there isn’t a white coat hanging behind her chair, and her feet aren’t slipped into those horrible squeaky white shoes.
It’s been a while, but Sasuke still thinks his first love is beautiful.
They’re sat in one of the cafe they used to frequent, a stone throw away from the hospital and a 30 minute drive from the law firm.
It’s where they had their first date as a mother and a father and it’s where Sakura served him their divorce papers.
It’s also a place that serves really good black coffee.
“Father needed someone to take over the Kumo assets project,” Sasuke answers, looking away from what sure to be Sakura’s disappointed eyes.
Clucking her tongue, Sakura leans back and waves a waiter over. “One slice of strawberry cheesecake for me, and one lemon yogurt cake for him. Thank you.”
The waiter leaves quietly and Sakura holds the silence, far used to Sasuke’s. But still, she is who she is and she asks, “How did Hanabi take it?”
Sasuke thinks about Hanabi’s clenched jaw and narrowed eyes, and the determined set in her shoulders. “Not well, as expected.”
Sakura sighs, “Sasuke, seriously…”
Their jobs and the time they devoted to it are one of the reasons why they divorced. Sasuke knows that Sakura’s worried that his bad habits carried over to his new marriage, but it hasn’t.
He’s learned.
“That’s why I’m taking a leave next week for a month.” Sasuke smirks, “Hanabi brought war to father’s door.”
Sakura laughs at the image of Hanabi facing against Fugaku and feels relief at the thought. “I would pay for front row seats to that.”
It’s a relief that Hanabi’s unflappable to pressure the Uchiha is putting on her new husband. Probably because she’s way too familiar of how it feels, having grown up in a similar environment with the Hyuuga.
The girl’s got a back of steel, something Sakura didn’t have when she first married into the family.
Turning away to watch the people outside the cafe window walk under the afternoon sun, Sakura remembers how cowed and scared she was entering the family.
They were young, just straight out of high school. In love with each other and with the idea of love. It was no secret that outside the main family, the Uchiha didn’t like Sakura.
And Sakura felt small, those first few years, but then, Sarada came, and everything changed. She had to be strong, better.
“Enough about me,” Sasuke grins, pulling Sakura away from her thoughts, “So… Kakashi?”
Sakura rolls her eyes, the question so familiar and with Sasuke grinning, she’s reminded of just where Sarada gets her brand of cheek.
Still, her lips curve into a sweet smile at the thought of silver-haired male. He’s been up in the mountains for a “hike” with his “old officemates” for weeks now.
He was without any camping gear but Sakura didn’t ask. Kakashi will tell her when he’s ready.
“What about him?”
Sasuke regards his ex-wife with a softness in his gaze. It’s great to be able to talk this way. Light, teasing, just like when they were younger. It’s easy now, now that they’re older.
(But Sasuke still remembers the stares across the hallway. The new teacher, and the way Sakura’s eyes gravitate to him outside classes. The tutoring, the tension.
((And that one conversation he and Kakashi had.))
He loved Sakura then. The same way an Uchiha can love anything or anyone - truthfully, consumingly - obsessively.
It was true, it still is. That’s why they got married so young - because of love. And if their marriage kept Kakashi away for a decade, then that’s that.)
Sasuke shrugs slicing into his yogurt cake. It’s still his favorite, not too sweet. “You brought him to my wedding.”
“It’s almost as if I didn’t,” Sakura groused, remembering the whole night. She didn’t even get to dance a full song with the man! Lady after lady stole him away from her in the dance floor, sent by…
Eyes hardening, Sakura sips her coffee and asks, “Should I be concerned?”
“About what?”
The doctor pauses and surveys her ex-husband. He’s hedging, that’s never a good sign, but she wasn’t married to him for nearly a decade to not know how to navigate the storms that are in his head.
“You know what I mean - your brother, god, even your cousin.”
Sasuke thinks back to his own conversation with Itachi and Shisui and shakes his head, “I’ll make sure you don’t.”
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End Notes: I wasn’t sure how I wanted to write Sakura and Sasuke’s conversation - funny, serious, longing, scary. I wanted to give credit to their past sooo. I hope that came out well.  Plus, a bit of background on their past. Obsessive love runs in the Uchiha blood. 
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
try again; in every day we breathe life [tobirama senju/you] - chapter 8
Summary: A revenge plan sends you fighting for you life. 
Word Count: ~4.5k ish? almost 5k
available on AO3. 
Chapter 1 - Now | Chapter 2 - Then, part 1 | Chapter 2 - Then, part 2 | Chapter 3 - Now | Chapter 4 - Then | Chapter 5 - Then | Chapter 6 - Now | Chapter 7 - Then | 
tw// poisoning, attempted murder, drowning
Silence is a powerful implication. It may mean the quiet of loneliness, or the lack of chatter in the background and the absence of any sound. Silence is absolute, and there is a helplessness that comes with it. It is the music that plays when there is nothing else to be done, that even no matter how much you scream, there is no one there to hear. 
 That is silence. 
 It is to be feared, as no such ignoble acts take place with as much of a cry. 
 Silence is the home for secrets and plans, and it haunts and it pervades every space it can occupy. It is not peace, as peace is warmth and golden in color. Silence is blue, cold, and piercing. 
And it will always be there, waiting for its moment to take over. 
Your womb is now a little bigger and more pronounced as you near the fifth month of your pregnancy. You and Tobirama can no longer keep this from the rest of the Senju, and while you celebrate with them and share their excitement as Hashirama’s sons will finally have their first cousin, you are growing more tired and withdrawn. 
 Tobirama notices this and limits his family’s visits in your house, and insists that you rest all the time. Your complexion is not any better, and sometimes, your blood feels sluggish or too hot, as if you are burning from the inside. Your body also feels heavier, and you often feel like your lungs are too small to take in air. However, this is alleviated when Tobirama puts a hand on your forehead and lets his chakra trickle all over you. 
Concern is always written on his face as he checks on you, but he does not divulge too much to keep you from stressing. 
Mito comes by sometimes to keep an eye on you, since Tobirama is still busy with the peaceful negotiations leading up to the ceremony with Kumogakure, but most of the time, you are alone. When you are awake, you are busying yourself with arranging your child’s room, or you are studying and reading books. You have also made it a habit to rest your hand on your womb. Sometimes, you sing to your child or talk to them about Tobirama, or read them the stories from the books you read. 
 Mito says that your child will be kicking, any time now. 
 You can hardly wait for it. 
Your condition finally becomes better, and finally, you are able to walk around the house with ease. Today, Tobirama is working from home, and you leave him be since you can see that he is hard at work. You stand around the engawa, letting the cool morning relax you when you find Hashirama and two of his sons hauling a crib over the gate of your house. 
 Hashirama greets you cheerfully, and you walk towards them with the same sentiment. 
“Lord Hashirama,” you greet and then you look at the load that they brought in. “What is all of this?” 
 Hashirama’s eyes are practically lit with excitement. “Well, it is my present to you and my brother. This is a crib for your child. I made it!” 
Your hand goes to your mouth and your eyes become teary. 
 “Oh my! Are you alright? Is it terrible?” Hashirama asks in concern, his face falling in disappointment. 
 “Dad,” one of his sons tries to calm him down. The other sighs in exasperation.
 “No, no,” you reassure him. “I...this is so touching. Thank you, Lord Hashirama.” 
Hashirama sighs in relief. “How is he?” 
 You shrug and smile at his sons. “Busy, as usual.” 
 Hashirama rolls his eyes. “He needs to cut himself some slack.”
 “That is what I tell him. He refuses. I think he likes to be stressed.” 
“He is listening right here,” Tobirama interrupts with his usual rough voice. 
His nephews light up in excitement and they go to him to give him a hug. They receive awkward pats on the head after, and he walks up to his elder brother. 
 These days, their relationship has improved, and you can feel it in the air because it does not feel stormy and thick with power. 
Your eyes go to the crib, and you note the Senju crest on its board. It has a rocker beneath, a tool to console your child or to lull them to sleep. You put your hand on it, and you smile as it rocks slightly. It is made from white oak, with streaks the color of ash and they follow the pattern of tree rings. It is beautiful. 
“Come on, I will show you where to place the crib,” Tobirama says, and his brother and his nephews follow him. 
You follow right behind them, taking your time in case you trip or suddenly get dizzy, as is the case at times. You do not want to worry your husband any further. 
You finally arrive in the room, and you lean against the wall for support and to catch your breath. Since Tobirama is the most particular, down to designs, he is the one guiding his brother and nephews on which spot to put it. 
 The room is almost complete: there are stuffed toys lined on top of a long drawer, where baby blankets and clothes are stored. There is a nice carpet in the middle of the room, and there is a chair to rest on, and a small bookshelf. Most of this was already taken care of by your husband, as he has more direction and practical home decorating tendencies than you, but you are the one who picked the colors of the blankets and clothes, because you know something that he does not. However, most of them are neutral colors and in neutral designs so that you do not give yourself away immediately. 
 Which reminds you, that you have to tell him soon. 
“Are you okay?” Hashirama asks, and that snaps you out of your reverie. 
 Tobirama glances at you in full alert. 
Hashirama approaches you, and studies your face. “Do you want to sit down?” He guides you to the chair in the room, and gives you a warm smile. “The first is always hard. I have got to hand it to Mito, since it really took a toll on her when she was pregnant with our first son.” 
Hashirama then glances at his brother accusingly. “You better be treating her right.” 
 Tobirama’s nephews laugh, and Tobirama glowers at his brother. 
“Of course,” Tobirama almost snaps. 
 Hashirama takes your hands. “Your hands are cold,” he notes. “But sometimes that can happen, as circulation is relegated to focus on your child.” 
Then, Hashirama puts his fingers on the inside of your wrist, just below your thumb. 
“Your heart rate is normal, and your child’s is as well,” Hashirama tells you. “If you are light-headed, sometimes, pregnancy can cause anemia, so you should eat some more iron-rich foods, like liver. Or that your blood pressure is too high. Make sure to look for ringing ears and unbearable headaches if you suspect high blood pressure.” 
 You nod, and you give your brother-in-law a grateful smile. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I take it that Tobirama ensures that you are going to the hospital for your check-ups?” Hashirama glances at his brother again, as if Tobirama is being irresponsible. 
 “Yes,” you let out a weak chuckle. “Sometimes I’d think he is the one who is pregnant here.”
 Hashirama leans back, satisfied with your answer. “Good. Make sure to take your supplements. Your child will be kicking soon, I reckon.” 
 “So I have heard.” 
Tobirama’s expression gets a little better, and he steps closer to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome here,” Hashirama laughs. “Come on boys, your mother will be looking for you soon.” 
 “Goodbye uncle,” Hashirama’s sons say. “Goodbye auntie.” 
You wave at them, and when their steps have disappeared downstairs, Tobirama kneels in front of you. His hands rest on your knees, and for a while, the two of you do not say anything. 
 “You will tell me, if you are not feeling well, right?” Tobirama finally asks. His voice is hushed and gushing with concern. 
 “Yes, of course,” you reply. 
 Tobirama stares at you, and then at your womb. “I promise that the moment the ceremony ends, I will head straight home. Do not worry about me, all right? I will write to you every day.”
 “Every day?” The corner of your lips perk up. 
 “Everyday, without fail,” Tobirama states it as a promise. 
You take your hands and brush his wild, spiky hair out of his face. “Okay.” 
You hold his face, and you lean forward to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“I know that I have not been available these past few months, but I will make it up to you,” Tobirama continues. 
 “I know,” you tell him gently. “I know. It’s not your fault. You are the Hokage. No one is better suited on this job but you.” 
 “I am glad that you think that, as I feel myself becoming more and more divided every day.” 
 “I have faith in you.” 
Tobirama nods, and you kiss him again. 
 “I will not keep you from your work,” you say and you give him one last kiss. 
Tobirama takes a deep breath and he stands himself up. He takes one long look at you, and then he leaves you alone in the room. You let the silence wash over you, and it makes you aware of the different sounds in your house. 
 You hear your husband’s quiet footsteps down the hallway, the thuds of feet on the ground floor as servants rush about to keep the house clean and orderly. You hear the kitchen running, with stoves and pots being used to prepare the next meal. On the window of your future child’s room, you see the branches of a tree sway, indicating the wind passing by. 
 You rest your hand on your womb, and caress it gently. 
 “Come soon, love,” you tell your baby. 
As the peace ceremony with Kumogakure comes nearer, Tobirama opts to work from home most of the time to watch over his wife. It is inconvenient, but he wants to accompany her before he goes away to travel to Kumo. Besides, her health is not consistent these days, and the only way to help her at times is to let his chakra flow into her. He constantly checks up on her, and when she is around him, his eyes never stray too far from her. 
 When she is on the bed, Tobirama stays in the room with her, occasionally looking up whenever she walks towards the bathroom, watching her steps closely and the way she stands. 
 She often complains of being too hot, and at times that makes her restless. 
Tobirama tries his best to be there, but the village takes precedence in the most inconvenient ways. How sometimes he wishes that he does not have to choose. 
 How he wishes that the choices are few and favorable, but the reality is, they are not. 
 That is how things have been for him, for all of his life. 
When you wake up, it is still dark outside, but you know that it is morning as your husband is already up and about, rummaging and preparing to take a bath. 
 Today is the day that he will start his travel to Kumo, and while the peace ceremony is a great thing, you can sense that Tobirama is no longer feeling up to the task of going away to be apart from you. He still does everything perfectly, but the worry between his forehead is not missed by you. 
 For a moment, you wait in the silence, listening to his quiet footsteps and his movements–the faucet in the bathroom turning and the trickle of water coming down on the tub. You hear the water fill the tub, and Tobirama wading in and settling inside it. You smile to yourself that he makes the effort of trying not to wake up, when in truth, you wake the moment he does, and it is harder to fall asleep without him next to you. 
 You have gotten used to his presence, and despite the warm silence that makes up your relationship when the two of you are not bickering, Tobirama offers a security that you cannot find anywhere else. With him, there is little to fear. 
He has his transgressions and his moments, but you know his heart, and where he stands even if they become unclear. 
You slowly get to your feet, and you put a hand on your womb as you make your way towards the bathroom. You stand by the doorway, staring at your husband visibly relaxing from the hot water of the tub. You smile at him gently when he turns his head to glance at you. You watch as his eyes soften and round at the corners of his usually harsh gaze, and then, he holds out a hand to prompt you to get closer. 
 You walk towards him, and you take a sit by the ledge, just beside him and he takes your hand and rests it on his shoulder. You take a cloth with your free hand and you submerge it into the water. 
“You look chipper,” you comment as you gently dab at your husband’s face. 
 “I have had better days,” Tobirama lets out a small, amused smirk. He willingly turns his face towards yours so that you are able to clean the rest of his face and neck. 
“Luckily for you, I help you a lot,” you chuckle, and you dip the cloth into the water again. You take a few drops of the body wash nearby, and you slather it into the cloth. 
 “Lucky me,” Tobirama dryly says. 
“The house seems quiet,” you whisper as your hand trails down from his shoulders, his chest and now, his stomach. 
 “I told everybody to take the rest of the week off,” Tobirama says. “I will be back by then.” 
You lower yourself to the ground, and you let go of the cloth and your hand trails down Tobirama’s torso sensually. You lean towards the side of his face, and you give his ear a lick, and then you start planting kisses on his jaw, and on his neck. Your hand in the water grasps at his cock and you tug at it, earning a pleased sound from your husband. 
 Your arm winds around his shoulders and you hold him down by his chest. Tobirama turns his head to you and he gives you an open-mouthed kiss as you start to pump his cock in a consistent rhythm. His neck grows red and he becomes a little breathless, so you take this as a sign to build your speed, twisting at the head of his cock and down to the base. 
 Tobirama comes with a groan, and he throws his head back and his chest heaves from the breaths he has to take in. 
“Better?” You mumble lowly into his ear. 
 Tobirama’s glare is piercing. “Come here.” 
“Lord Nidaime,” you scoff at him playfully, but nevertheless, you follow his command. 
 He assists you into the tub as you step into the hot water, and he guides you into his lap, making sure to do it slowly so that you do not slip. Finally seated on his lap with your legs framing his thighs, he pulls you towards him by the waist. 
 You stop him by pressing your arms on his chest and you smile beguilingly. “Do you have the time for this?” 
 Tobirama smirks. “I am the fastest man alive right now. I think I can afford to waste time.” 
You gasp mockingly. “Such hubris, Lord Nidaime. It will be your downfall.”
 “You know, I would like you to address me with more respect when you are calling me with my title, but I guess a man cannot ask for too much,” Tobirama sarcastically says. 
 You laugh and you cannot help but lean forward to capture his lips. Tobirama kisses you deeply, and his hand rests on the back of your neck as he turns his head and licks the roof of your mouth and then your tongue, before sucking it on it and swirling his own against it. 
 When he pulls away, Tobirama’s eyes are alive and you frame his face with your hands. 
 “I know I am not allowed to say this since we have established that there will be no such thing as goodbyes,” you begin. “But I will miss you as you go on your merry way.”
 Tobirama rolls his eyes and he runs his hands down your waist and settles on your hips. “There is no merry way, but I rather you send me away with no such sorry sentiments.” 
Tobirama meets your eyes. “Have me go with your love.” 
 Your breath catches in your throat. You blink at his sincerity, and you struggle to recollect yourself for a moment. 
“You will go nowhere without it,” you finally say, your chest squeezing a little. It always makes you uneasy whenever he is away on a mission, but you just have to trust him to make his way back. 
 Tobirama nods, and the two of you kiss again with passion so urgent, that it takes your breaths away. 
In the moment of silence your bond can only afford, you help your husband dress in his armor, even if he can do it by himself. Before, he does not let you touch a thing of his, now, you are even the one polishing and repairing it so that it does not have to occupy a lot of his time. You also help take care of his weapons, making sure that they are always sharp and ready to use. 
 After getting his armor on his torso, you clasp his fur collar onto his shoulders, and then you start by tying his shoulder guards and his arm plates. You feel Tobirama’s eyes on you, seemingly yearning as you move around him, and making sure that his armor is tied in all the right places. When you finish, you let out a sigh and you hold his arm with both of your hands. 
 Tobirama waits, his eyes still on you. 
 Daylight begins to come up the horizon. 
You place his hand on your womb, and you cover it with both of your hands. 
“I think it’s a girl,” you whisper to him, but you are unable to contain the grin that is spreading from your lips and your whole face. 
 You meet Tobirama’s eyes, and you see them widen, brimming with emotion that he often does not let out. His face falls open in wonder, and your heart begins to race. You hear his breath pick up, and you smile at him tearfully. 
 Tobirama keeps staring at you, his mind racing, but to boil it down to one emotion: he is happy. An unfamiliar warmth spreads through his chest, one that scares him but he embraces willingly. So this is how it feels like to be an expecting parent.
  It’s a girl , Tobirama thinks. 
Tobirama lets out a shaky breath that is uncharacteristic of him, and he clears his throat. He straightens up and tries to compose himself into a more pristine state, but he is evidently broken open. 
 “Right,” he manages to utter out. He is surprised that it does not come out as a croak. He takes back his hand, and he looks at your womb. 
 You press your lips together, and you roll your eyes. “Go,” you tell him. “You have my blessing.” 
Tobirama nods again, and he takes off. 
Tobirama’s first letter arrives the next day, as he has promised to write everyday. You do not know how he will manage it, but Tobirama somehow always finds a way. You learn of the sights that he encounters, and the long and tiring travel. He describes Kumogakure, and its mountainous village and the high altitude that it sits on. He describes the culture and compares Konohagakure, taking pride that his village is a little bit more advanced. His descriptions of the weather are a bit choppy, but that is what you expect from Tobirama. 
 At this, you roll your eyes. This bastard . 
So, you write back. 
Lord Nidaime,  
  You and your pride. You must reel yourself in and defer a little bit. You are in a foreign land. Do not get in trouble, as your wife is not in a predicament to bail you out. You said so yourself, that I cannot take the turbulent trip to Kumogakure. I want you back, whole and with your limbs intact, and with your handsome face free of injury that may deform it. However, I do expect that you return in a rougher state, as you are closer to the sun and it is hot there. 
  –Your lovely wife.
And the next day, comes his reply. 
My wife, whose middle name spells vexating, 
  I only speak of the truth. I cannot take the heat, as you know that I do not tan, but I get sunburnt easily. My eyes are quite sensitive to the dry air up here, and so I opt to wear my hat all the time to protect myself. The heat becomes bearable as the wind is often blowing here. 
  I hope that it is a comfort to you that I will return with all my limbs intact, but is that the only appendage you want from me that is intact? I reckon not.
 – Your exasperated husband.  
You chuckle yourself, as you read his letter, and you find yourself growing giddy as you write your next letter. 
My bastard of a husband,
  Your words shock me, my lord. Konoha cannot be privy to your lewd words as they may get the shock of their lives. 
  And before you ask, I am doing well and I am resting all the time. I go to your brother’s home for dinner as you have told me to do, as Mito and her cooks make the most delicious foods that I have ever tasted. Better than yours, I suppose, but you are my husband and if asked, I tell them that you cook the best. 
  Before I end this letter, I must ask: does the Hokage have a special and speedy hawk for these fast deliveries? Or did you train your hawk to be well-versed in the Flying Raijin Jutsu? I am asking for science, and I will not put it past you to do such a thing. You are, in the most simplified words, an overachiever and a perfectionist, my love. 
 – Your maddening, but irresistible wife. 
You wait for your husband’s next letter, and since your body’s condition is getting better, you busy yourself with cleaning around the house and filling the pantry with groceries as there is no one around to tend to these things in the meantime. You take long breaks in between, as you are not the trained shinobi you were, being able to last in stressful environments until you drop. 
 You hang out in the engawa often, as you find the cool afternoon air very therapeutic. 
 The gate opens and you look up, expecting to see Hashirama’s sons to accompany you to their house, but you find Kimiko instead. 
You smile easily, and before you can stand up to meet her, she is already hurrying towards you. 
“My lady, I was worried about you,” Kimiko says. “I came to check on you.” 
 “Oh, I am alright, Kimiko, but thank you,” you tell her. “I am about to go to Lord Hashirama’s house for dinner, would you like to accompany me?” 
Kimiko suddenly looks uneasy, but you try to abate her discomfort. 
“Do not worry, I am sure that they have another room for one more,” you say. “You come with me.” 
The gate to your house opens and you hear Hashirama’s sons loudly talking. All of them, except for the eldest, have come here for a field trip. 
 “Auntie!” One of them calls. 
 “I’m coming,” you say, and you tug Kimiko by the arm so that she can walk with you. 
You need to be kind, and kinder to those you have inflicted pain on. There needs to be more compassion when there is sadness and hatred. 
Hashirama’s house is always warm and loud. It smells of savory foods that makes you a bit nauseous, so you immediately sit down and sip some ginger tea that has been prepared just for you. Hashirama’s youngest son, who is the only one who has not reached the age of double digits, sits on his father’s lap, nibbling on a cookie. 
 The other boys are on the lawn, shouting and rough-housing, and they earn their father’s booming laughs. 
 The scene amuses you, and you cannot help but smile at this Senju household’s shenanigans. Hopefully, that your own household will be just as loud and happy. 
Mito appears on the engawa, followed by her personal maids that are carrying the dishes for dinner. She nods at you gracefully and kindly, and when she settles beside her husband, the maids lay out the foods, starting with the main meal in the center of the table, and then the side dishes and rice, and then the plates, bowls and cups that are to be used. 
 The rest of the children take their seat, and Mito waits for Hashirama to pick up his utensil and take his portion of the food. 
“I hope that my children did not act as raucous as of now when they fetched you,” Mito comments with amusement. 
 “Darling, they are youthful boys, they have to let out all that energy,” Hashirama reasons. 
 “Yes, dear, but manners,” Mito smiles. 
You laugh and shake your head. “I do not mind. Besides, they fill up the house with noise. Unfortunately, we do not get enough of that.” 
 Mito laughs and Hashirama chuckles knowingly. 
“That is my brother for you,” Hashirama says with pride. 
You take your time to eat, and you focus on each food you chew on. If you get too full, sometimes, you get a little bit of acid reflux. 
 When it is time to go home, you bid your farewells and you let Kimiko accompany you. The streets of the Senju compound are peaceful, and while it is nice to be around a different family dynamic, you find solace in the quietness, having been used to it. The air is cool, and the sun is slowly setting, painting the streets purple and pink. 
You finally arrive at your house, and it is empty and without life, but it is welcoming. The lanterns in the garden are unlit, but Kimiko has fetched the matches to bring them light. 
 You come inside and light the hallways and a few rooms, and you settle in the sitting room, which is often used to receive visitors. You open the doors so that you can see the garden, and you sit at the table with a lantern beside you. 
“Shall I get you something before I go, my lady?” Kimiko asks. Her hands fold in front of her. 
 “Some tea that will prevent bloating would be nice,” you suggest. “And please, you are welcome to stay here if you desire. I may call on you when I need you.” 
 Kimiko bows slightly. “I am glad to be of service.” 
 You nod and when she is gone, you rest your hand on your womb. There is pen and paper nearby, so you decide to prepare a letter for Tobirama. You try not to worry about him missing a day to write you a letter as he is probably busy with the peace ceremony. You hope that it all goes well. 
As you draft your letter to your husband, Kimiko arrives with lavender tea, and you let out a pleased sound as it is set before you. 
 “Thank you, Kimiko-san,” you tell her as she pours you a cup. 
 “Of course, my lady,” Kimiko says. 
“Sit,” you urge her. 
You see that Kimiko is uncomfortable, so you remind yourself not to come on too strong and to keep her for long. 
“Is your pregnancy going well?” Kimiko asks. 
 “I think so,” you reply. “Hashirama says the first one is always hard.”
“How many children do you and Lord Nidaime intend to have?” 
 “Oh, I do not know. He says three or four, but I hope that he is up to it.” 
 Kimiko lets out a small chuckle. “Like a genin team.” 
 “Like a genin team,” you roll your eyes. “He is ridiculous sometimes, but I guess, Senjus have a thing for big families. I would have never pegged him as a big family man.” 
Kimiko shrugs. “Maybe he’s changed his point of view.”
 You smile as you take a sip. “Maybe.” 
You open your eyes, sweating all over. Your skin is burning up and it feels like it is coming from within. Your head is heavy, and you notice that your breathing is way too fast for your liking. You turn to your side, trying to see if you can will this away, but it proves to be impossible. You swing your legs to the side of your bed and you rush to the bathroom to prepare yourself a cold bath. 
 As the water fills the tub, you sit on the sidelines, about to pass out, so you splash the cold water on your face to make yourself all alert. 
 There is no sound but the rushing water of the faucet. 
The silence makes you uneasy. 
You hear Kimiko call your name, and you jump, a cold fear running through you. 
“My lady, is everything all right?” 
 “Will you please fetch Lord Hashirama? I think something is wrong,” you call out. 
The burning sensation spreads to the rest of your body, raising your temperature. Your heartbeat picks up its pace, making you lightheaded. 
You stick your hand into the water, satisfied that the tub is filled enough. Just as you are about to stand up and wade into the tub, a hand grabs your neck and pushes you down into the water. 
 You scramble to get your balance, but the hand keeps you down. Water pours into your mouth, your nose. Everything sounds muffled, even your own gasps. You manage to break out to the surface with a strangled scream, but you are pushed down once again. 
 You cannot breathe. 
There is no sound but your struggle for your life, and the splashes of water and the squeaks of your feet on the ground.  
 Your lungs begin to spasm, but you remember that you are not the only one fighting for your life. Pooling your strength, you push back and elbow your attacker. You fall to the floor, gasping for air, hand on your womb. 
You glance at your attacker, and it is Kimiko. 
 She quickly recovers and she towers over you. 
“Stop,” you choke out. Your strength continues to wane. 
Kimiko grabs you by the shoulder and you fight against her. 
You do not like the feeling of drowning, and you will not die here. 
“Why?!” You kick at her, and she pins you to the floor and takes her hands to your neck. 
 “For my daughter,” she grits her teeth. 
“No!” You cry out, and you manage to punch her to her face. 
You scramble from the floor, your senses betraying you, but you need to get out of here. 
 Kimiko grabs at your legs, but you kick back, and finally, you get to your feet. 
 Pain pierces below your belly, but you trudge on, hurrying out of the house, and into the silent street. 
 It is dark, and the world offers no comfort. Only a cold retribution as you run for your life. You want to scream, but the pain in your body keeps you going. The silence sews your mouth shut, and you can only hear yourself breathe heavily as you blindly make your way to a safer spot. 
 You end up in the forest, and you keep going, putting a distance between you and Kimiko. You know that screaming is futile now, as there is no one in the world that will hear you. 
You hear a running stream nearby, and you buckle to your knees, unable to catch your breath. You feel like you are on fire inside, and the pain overwhelms you. Something warm and sticky trickles on the inside of your thigh. You fall to the ground, and you curl into yourself.
 To be continued...
Chapter 9 - Then >>
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