#Christian Perales
A Deals A Deal (Part 2)
Note: People really liked the Demon!Scar idea I had, and while I don’t have a play by play of chapters or a whole plot (other than Slow Burn), I can write scenes as I go. To read Part 1, look for the reblog I did for @bluiex to read the AroAce Anon’s version and the one I did. :)
As a side note, this will get into religious themes, into areas that might piss off some very hard core Christians out there. For my own sake I’m saying this now, this is all made up stuff using source material. Most might be accurate, most might be my interpretation, and some of it is just bullshit I made up. 
I’ll also be making references to Hells Belles alot, so yeah...
Now that that’s out of the way, please enjoy.
The cats were happy now, as Scar was petting Pearl with a silly grin, Grian was making something for himself, and Scar said he doesn’t really eat people food. He was trying not to think about what that could mean. “So the terms are as I make them right? And depending on what I ask depends on the price?” Grian asked Scar as he sat down in the arm chair. 
“Yup!” Scar said cheerfully to him, “Everything has a price, and each price gets higher. Persay you want to be a million air, the cost might be your humanity or a part of your soul.” he explained while giggling when the cat pawed his face for attention. “Oh Jellie would be so jealous.”
Grian took in that info, frowning slightly as he thought about it. “you can sell ‘parts’ of your soul?” he echoed, finding that very odd, he would have thought a soul as a whole thing.
“Basically,” Scar’s tail hugged his waist now bringing up his feet to sit cross legged on the very worn couch. “By selling a part of yourself, it makes reincarnation a little harder in the afterlife. Demons don’t have much use for anything but souls, save for the Princes who can use anything. Most of us deal in souls and soul halves. The more souls a demon has, the more power they have.” 
The frown stayed on Grian’s face, “So is it anything like what the bible says?” he asked a bit worried now.
Shrugging at him, “Not entirely, I mean there are punishment levels for truly even souls that come there. But reincarnation wouldn’t even be a thing is people were always tortured. New Souls, like yourself, are very very rare to come around.” Scar grinned at him, showing off fangs. 
“New souls?” Grian instinctively placed a hand on his chest.
The demon gave a cheerful nod, the smile staying on his face. “Most souls are recycles, most of the gods don’t make new souls these days, not with how many people there already are in the world.” he explained messing with Pearl’s paws, “New Souls are rare because of this, it means you’ve not been reincarnated once, and this if your first chance at life. The more a soul reincarnates, the less shiny it gets.
“As for the idea that you’ll be tortured just for make a deal? What good would that benefit me, or you? If you’ve been a mostly good person, most it does is you have a chance to become a demon, or get the pretty basic afterlife most Satanist get.” the grin showed again, “but not many stay good people once they make a deal, power gets to you humans head. Free will and all that.”
Silence rang after that as Grian sat back with a heavy huff, his mind was reeling a bit from all of this. “So, if all of this is pretty much common knowledge, why do people still get it wrong or have their own versions.”
Scar tilted his head, “Why do you humans do any type of lies or control? Power.” he said simply. “What started as a common theme branched from different experiences happening. The Gods and Goddesses themselves, and the God of many mono religions, approach everyone differently. From this, religions were made, and some changed to just better keep society going, for better or worse. I mean, you live in a capitalistic society, surely you know by now control is how anything works.”
Running clawed fingers through Peral’s fur, Scar smiled, “Ultimately what you believe in just determines your afterlife of choice, the universal rule is Don’t Be A Dick... which you people have a hard time doing.” he looked thoughtful, “Cubby put it best when he said: ‘The bar is in the crust of the earth, and some people like making digging their hobby’.” he let out another snicker.
That was again alot to unpack as Grian was in thought now, eating his cup of ramen while Scar seemed preoccupied on Pearl and now Maui. This did change alot of his world view, given Scar was bound to tell him the truth, it was enough to shake his foundation again. Great he already had enough of that when he left his parents house. But... here he was, with a literal demon in his apartment petting his cats, and telling him the world was mostly built on lies.
Well... that part he already knew from watching enough TV shows and reading internet stuff. 
“So, to make a deal.” Scar said snapping Grian out of his head, “Given you’re a new soul, if you offer that I’d give you anything you want.” a smirk, “And i do mean anything, being I run punishments on level 8 means I’ve got alot of influence in Hell.”
Grian swallowed hard at that as he could feel Scar eyeing him with interest, the idea that other was staring at his soul was unnerving. “I’ll be honest Scar, I didn’t think this would work, much less what I’d have asked for! I thought Demons were fake, and this was to prove to myself it was.” he groaned a bit setting his cup of ramen down.
. . .
“Then let’s take this a day at a time then?” Scar suggested in his cheerful tone, “Given I’m bound to you now, you can call me whenever you think you need something, we negotiate price, and go from there.” a clap of the hands he grinned, “Plus it’s been years since I’ve been in the human world, I’ve always wanted to see what you guys have been up to!”
Grian turned to Scar at that mouth gapped, “What?” he balked a bit as Scar had a cheeky grin on his face.
“First thing though, a better place for the two of us, i heard there are alot of Victorian houses for fresh college grads like yourself.” Scar said standing up as the cats jumped off him. “real cheap room and housing, haunted and all that, and I like to mess with spirits anyway.” he waved his hand off. “Rent is better there than here, trust me.”
The demon walked past him chattering away as Grian bewildered, “Wait you’re moving in with me!?” he asked getting up to follow Scar out of the room. Only to pause and quickly swipe the ramen cup before Maui could inspect it for food, and rushing back to Scar. “But why bother moving in when I could just summon you again?” he asked.
“Like I said, I’ve missed being on the mortal plane. We don’t get to leave Hell often, why do you think it’s so hard to get us to leave a house?” Scar scoffed as if that was just the most logical thing ever. Grian could only stare at him as Scar went back to the room where Grian’s phone was still on the bed. 
Scar was already typing as Grian made a shocked sound, “What how did you get into my phone?” he asked but Scar didn’t answer. 
“Look you want out of this hole of a house right?” Scar asked, as Grian went to speak, “Yes or No, Grian, it’s a simple question.” he teased, blinking a few times Grian nodded. “So, this is a free on the house thing, to get us both out of this place, and into a place with history, room, and in a better part of town.” Scar beamed going back to searching.
“really don’t know why you moved to America of all places.” Scar said casually, “but we’ll make it work, exploiting a system is what I do best. And eventually we’ll find what you want to trade that pretty soul of yours for.”
Grian placed a hand on his chest again as if trying to hide his ‘soul’ from Scar’s view. That made a pit of unease settle in his stomach, Scar didn’t seem to notice or care as he kept looking. “Well, you don’t exactly look hum-” he was cut off as in a blink of the eye, Scar was in a hoodie, jeans, with no horns, blueish transparent wings, or even a tail... he looked human. “Um...” Grian muttered
All he got in response was a playful smirk, and Grian decided to not say anything. At least he was getting out of this place, and he didn’t have to trade anything for it. He left to go throw away the empty cup and just... process all of this. 
The old Victorian house was... well old. It had faded red and brown paint, with green moss growing with English ivy on the stone foundation and walls. Ominous was the right word for it. 
Scar was beaming, “The owner of it is more than happy to rent us two rooms, apparently the other tenants staying said something about a demon in the house. Cubby likes to mess with people.” he said casually leading the way in, “Comes fully furnished already, which means no more cough that smells like cat litter. And this place is pet friendly, I think the owner is just desperate to not have to sell to the bank.” he joked.
As if one demon wasn’t already enough, Maui protested in his carrier as he hated being in it. Scar was carrying Pearl’s carrier, and Grian could only sigh as they started to unpack what he had to bring inside. The owner, a man named Scott had told him he had to at least live here for 10 years, and rent was super cheap. He didn’t seem to care so long as he up kept the house and cleaned up after himself. Seemingly too tired really given the last people here left in the middle of the night after...  ‘Cubby’ had threw knives after the husband, kept making the daughter draw creepy pictures (which were still on tapped to the wall), and gave the wife nightmares and scratch marks. Also something about blood running out of the walls, smell of death, one college student getting possessed and taking out lights around the area, another getting pushed and locked in the basement when home alone, and something about a pentagram in the attic and occult book that Scott just left in the house!
Well at least it was cheap.
Scar had possibly already wandered off to catch up with his old friend, leaving Grian to unpack in his room and set up the litter boxes. Letting the cats explore around the house. No doubt he’d be meeting ‘Cubby’ some time soon and frankly he was trying not to think about that.
Sighing heavily, Grian petted Pearl when she passed by, so his roommate was now two demons, in a very haunted old mansion, a landlord that was sketchy as fuck, and armed with new knowledge that most religions were bullcrap.
Oh and said Demon was trying to get him to pawn off his ‘New Soul’ and seemed very eager to try anything. given on the drive here Scar kept making offer after offer to Grian to make a deal with him. Ranging from money, love, happiness, 3 inches below the belt... Who would sell their soul for only 3 inches! go for at least 5.
Shaking his head, Grian put it out of his mind, as Mumbo said he’d be heading over later to check out the new place. He really hoped Scar and this ‘Cubby’ played nice.
That’s about all I have for now guys, between here and when Scar starts to explore more will have a gap. Also more Hermits will join as Grian’s ‘roommates’ and will be the subject of Cub’s ‘Pranks’. If you can call pushing, clawing, biting, and making blood rain down ‘pranks’. 
Most won’t stick around long, and a few might be demons themselves. Grian is gonna become the center of attention for his soul. And Scar is gonna be a jealous Demon. 
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kp777 · 1 year
by Marilyn W. Thompson
June 13, 2023
Election maps across the Deep South are likely to be redrawn because of a surprise Supreme Court ruling that upheld a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, changes that could alter the balance of power that has given Republicans a razor-thin majority in Congress.
The court’s 5-4 decision in Allen v. Milligan, written for the majority by Chief Justice John Roberts, affirmed the section of the act that prohibits maps drawn to dilute minority voting strength. It was an unexpected victory for a law passed in 1965, which has been gradually dismantled under the Roberts court.
The Supreme Court is now expected to rule quickly on a similar challenge to election maps pending in Louisiana, which could create another congressional district favorable to Democrats in addition to the one in Alabama.
And a racial gerrymandering case from South Carolina is moving toward oral arguments in October. Republican state leaders appealed a decision from a three-judge federal panel that found illegal targeting of Black voters in a map that gave the GOP control of the state’s last remaining swing district. If the panel’s decision is upheld, the Republican-led legislature will have to redraw the lines for the 1st Congressional District.
Republicans won a slim majority in the House in 2022 as legal challenges over redistricting simmered, including the one in Alabama, which the court stayed until after the election. If all of the redistricting challenges were resolved in favor of minority plaintiffs, that could dramatically impact the composition of Congress in 2024. David Wasserman, a senior editor at Cook Political Report, said states creating new majority-minority districts may also need to reconfigure numerous surrounding districts, further altering election maps.
The ruling did not expand the Voting Rights Act but merely maintained the status quo. Nevertheless, it was an unexpected setback to the Republican Party’s redistricting operation. Alabama’s Republican-led Legislature drew only one seat offering an opportunity for Black candidates to win. Black Alabama voters had hoped to create a second congressional district that would offer an opportunity for an additional seat for a minority candidate. Today, 2 in 7 Alabama voters are Black but 6 of 7 congressional seats are held by white politicians. Republicans argued in a court brief that Democrats were “exploiting” the opening created by the Alabama case to make a power grab.
Roberts’ opinion brought a strongly worded dissent from conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, who accused the majority — including his colleague Brett M. Kavanaugh — of creating a “consciously segregated districting system” in the name of the Voting Rights Act.
But the South Carolina case offers a case study in how nuanced redistricting cases can be. A ProPublica story in May showed that one of the state’s most powerful Democrats, Rep. Jim Clyburn, made recommendations behind the scenes to protect his seat. That ultimately also helped the GOP. Lawyers for South Carolina Republican leaders argued that they did not intentionally target Black voters and followed Clyburn’s wishes.
Any state with a long history of “extremely polarized” voting is likely to feel the impact of the Alabama decision, which relied heavily on expert analysis of “airtight data” of racial voting patterns, said Christian R. Grose, a University of Southern California political science professor.
A pending federal case in El Paso, Texas, brought by MALDEF, a Latino civil rights organization, challenges maps drawn in 2021 by the Texas Legislature that limited the number of districts in which Black and Latino people make up the majority of eligible voters. Nina Perales, MALDEF’s vice president for litigation, said she’s encouraged by the Alabama decision, which “affirmed the traditional test” for fair maps and “closed the door on fringe theories that undermine voting rights.”
The Louisiana case was put on hold while the court considered Alabama, and minority groups believe a favorable decision could unlock a second majority Black district in the state. Louisiana’s Republican attorney general, Jeff Landry, asked the court in a letter to schedule oral arguments in the dispute.
In Florida, a map drawn by Gov. Ron DeSantis and approved by the Legislature may have violated the state constitution in eliminating a congressional district held by a Black Democrat. Voting rights groups have challenged the map, and a Democratic consultant told the Tampa Bay Times that the Alabama decision could signal to the courts that race is a legitimate factor to consider in redistricting.
Richard Pildes, a constitutional law professor at New York University, said the Alabama case shows that states now have new technologies that “allow plaintiffs to search out potential VRA districts in ways not possible in prior decades.” This makes it harder for states to make excuses that they could not draw maps offering opportunities for minority voters.
Marina Jenkins, executive director of the National Democratic Foundation, which provided legal support for the Alabama plaintiffs, said she expects the court to move quickly to send some of the disputed maps back to state legislatures for redrawing. The process will not always be smooth, she said, since some of the lawmakers have resisted efforts to broaden minority representation. If legislatures do not act, the courts could step in to remedy the mapping errors.
Democrats in Alabama believed the Supreme Court thwarted minorities in 2022 by delaying its consideration of the case until after the election.
“We’re obviously very happy to see success in the case and excited that voters will be able to have more fair representation,” Jenkins said. “But it is obviously disappointing that this could have been representation that those voters already had.”
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presentecronologia · 3 months
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2010 - El auge del jazz en Tijuana, llama la atención de los medios, agregándose a las actividades ya realizadas como Las Tardes De Jazz, los festivales existentes como el Tijuana Jazz And Blues, sus actuaciones en recintos gastronómicos y los famosos jam sessions. El semanario Zeta, presenta un reportaje sobre su resurgimiento, citando a figuras como Alex “Chino” Perales, Utokalhipsis Proyect, Madame Ur y Sus Hombres, Turiya Mareya Jam Session, Ensenada Jazz, el trío Perales-Ruanova-Rincón, TJ Groove Station, Pico De Gallo, El Ensamble Juvenil de la OBC y los músicos Salvador “Chavo” Villanueva, Alejandro “Cuyo” Padilla, Tato Monraz, Julián Plascencia, Jorge Villanueva, Gabo Núñez, Javier Martínez, Roberto Salomón y Christian Medel, además de pioneros de los ensambles de jazz en la región como Ernesto “Neto” Lizárraga, Esteban Favela, Lupillo Cruz, Lupillo Barajas, Raúl Muñoz y Jorge Villalobos. En la entrevista, Perales cita: “…El jazz de los tijuanenses no es un jazz de escuela, la escuela del tijuanense es lo que se aprende en la calle, como dicen por ahí…”.
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sickymag-archive · 5 years
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SHOSHUN for sickymag.com
Photography Anne-Sophie Guillet Fashion Gloria Perales Model Soetkin from Flag Models Hair & Make-Up Dorothy Vandemaele Photography Assistants Jonathan Boucquey and Virginie Puyraimond Clothes Christian Wijnants, Espèces, Jacquemus, Joseph, Ami, Zenggi, Ireene, Victoria Beckham and Eckhaus Latta
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lagradonaatm-blog · 7 years
FOTOGALERÍA | Empate en el último suspiro
El conjunto de Óscar Fernández empató ante el CD Guijuelo en el último partido del año en el Cerro del Espino. El gol de la victoria lo anotó Christian Perales gracias a una gran asistencia de Arona Sané. (more…)
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rgcqblog · 3 years
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Sub Interior Manuel Monsalve Benavides PS 56 Médico
Sub Desarrollo Regional Miguel Crispi Serrano RD 36 Sociólogo
Sub Prevención del Delito Eduardo Vergara Bolbaran PPD 43 Cientista Político
Sub Relaciones Exteriores Ximena Fuentes Torrijo Indep. 54 Abogada
Sub Rel. Econom. Internac. José Miguel Ahumada Muga Indep. Cientista Político
Sub Defensa Fernando Ayala González PPD Economista
Sub FF.AA. Galo Eildestein Silber PC Ing.Civ.Elec./Psicol
Sub Hacienda Claudia Sanhueza Riveros RD Economista
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Sub Segpres Macarena Lobos Palacio Indep. Abogada
Sub Segegob Valeska Naranjo Dawson FC Antropóloga Soc.
Sub Econ. y Emp.Med.Tamaño Javiera Petersen Muga PC 31 Economista
Sub Turismo Verónica Kunze Neubauer Indep. Economista
Sub Pesca y Acuicultura Julio Salas Gutiérrez Indep. Abogado
Sub Evaluación Social Paula Poblete Maureira RD Economista
Sub Servicios Sociales Francisca Perales Flores CS Ing.Civil Bioquímica
Sub de la Niñez Rocío Faúndez García RD Trabajadora Social
Sub de Educación Nicolás Cataldo Astorga PC Profesor
Sub Educación Parvularia María Isabel Díaz Pérez PS Educ. de Párvulos
Sub Educación Superior Verónica Figueroa Huencho Indep. Adm. Pública
Sub de Justicia Jaime Gajardo Falcón PC Abogado
Sub Derechos Humanos Haydee Oberreuter Umazabal Indep. Profesora
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Sub del Trabajo Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni Común. Sociologo
Sub Prev. Social Christian Larraín Pizarro Indep. Ing. Comercial
Sub OO.PP. Alfredo Gutiérrez Vera Indep. Ingeniero Civil
Sub de Salud Publica Cristóbal Cuadrado Nahum RD Médico
Sub Redes Asistenciales Fernando Araos Dattoli Indep. Médico
Sub Vivienda y Urbanismo Tatiana Rojas Leiva RD Antropóloga Soc.
Sub Agricultura José Guajardo Reyes FRVS Médico Veterinario
Sub Minería Willy Kracht Gajardo CS Ing. Civil Químico
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Sub Transporte Cristobal Pineda Andradez Indep. Ing.Civil Tranpsorte
Sub Telecomunicaciones Claudio Araya San Martin PC Ing. Civil Electronic
Sub Bienes Nacionales Marilen Cabrera Olmos INDEP. Profesora
Sub Energía Julio Maturana Franca PC Ing.Civ.Hidraulico
Sub Medio Ambiente Maximiliano Proaño Ugalde CS Abogado
Sub Deporte Antonia Illanes Riquelme CS Abogada
Sub Mujer y Equidad Genero Luz Vidal Huiriqueo Indep. Trab.Casa Part.
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Sub Cultura y las Artes Andrea Gutiérrez Vásquez Indep. Actriz
Sub Patrimonio Cultural Ma. Paulina Soto Labbé RD Dra.Estud.Americ.
Sub Ciencias Carolina Gainza Cortés CS Sociologa
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silentdivasblog · 4 years
A good friend of mine made this for me because he knew that I was a huge Buster fan.   RIP Christian Perales.
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architectnews · 4 years
Argentina Architecture News, Buildings
Argentina Architecture News, Buenos Aires Building Projects, New Construction Design, Property Images
Argentina Architecture News
Contemporary Buenos Aires Building Designs – South American Built Environment Links
post updated Sep 28, 2020
Argentina Architectural News
Contemporary Argentina Architecture News, chronological:
Argentina Architecture Designs – chronological list
14 Sep 2020 Azaleas Housing Complex, Villa Allende
30 Jul 2020 Rancagua Station in Villa Retiro, Córdoba
24 Jun 2020 FITSHIP Gym in Business City, Córdoba
13 Apr 2020 Jardín Nº 1207 Dra. Sara Faisal, Santa Fe Kindergarten
3 Apr 2020 Collegiate Entreverdes Building in Buenos Aires
28 Mar 2020 Lazzarini Optics, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba Architects: Castellino Arquitectos photo : Architect Gonzalo Viramonte Optica Lazzarini in Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba Shop The program’s resolution retained three “hard” and immovable sectors, the cash register area, the workshop area and the contact lens cabinet area, the rest were storage and display spaces.
16 Mar 2020 AER La Pampa Building in Buenos Aires
Argentina Houses Argentina Houses – for the latest properties added
12 Feb 2020 Bocatoma Taproom, Cerro de las Rosas, Córdoba Architects: VS Arquitectura photo : Architect Gonzalo Viramonte Bocatoma Taproom in Cerro de las Rosas, Córdoba This craft brewery is located on a main avenue in the middle of a gastronomic boom. The clients have their own craft brewery in Rio Segundo, which is why, evidencing that they are producers was the fundamental requirement.
11 Jan 2020 Ñato – Restaurant in Barrio Jardín, Córdoba
9 Jan 2020 Judiciary Building in Nechochea, Buenos Aires Province
7 Jan 2020 Paroissien Street Office Building Ciudad de Buenos Aires
3 Oct 2019 Tokin Sushi Bar in Cordoba
30 Aug 2019 Deam Offices in Cordoba
12 Aug 2019 University Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Cordoba
1 Aug 2019 El Clásico de Quilmes Bar in Buenos Aires
22 Apr 2019 Lucciano’s, Av. De los Lagos 7010, Nordelta, Tigre Architecture: FERRO & assoc. photo : Gonzalo Viramonte Luccianos Ice Cream Shop in Nordelta This shop is the 34th of the Argentinian artisan ice cream cream company established in by Christian and Daniel Otero.
10 Apr 2019 Seguí Studio Apartment, Palermo, Buenos Aires Architect: Carol Burton photo : Gonzalo Viramonte Seguí Studio Apartment in Buenos Aires The purpose of this architectural intervention is to rethink the internal space of a small apartment within a Palermo building built in the 1940s.
24 Mar 2019 White Curve Housing in Cordoba
27 Jan 2019 Plazza Jewelry in Villa María, Córdoba
23 Jan 2019 Ricky Fast Food Restaurant, Banfield, Buenos Aires Design: Además arquitectura Ricky Fast Food
22 Jan 2019 GZ Weekend House, Buenos Aires Design: Además arquitectura photo : Gonzalo Viramonte New Weekend House in Buenos Aires This project located inside a country-club in Guernica, arises from the need of building a weekend house with the particularity of being inhabited by two families.
15 Jan 2019 Casa Cándida, Villa del Dique, Córdoba Architecture: Karlen + Clemente photo : Gonzalo Viramonte New Property in Córdoba From Karlen + Clemente’s study they try to interpret each project according to variables that can be synthesized in a single response, in a practical, concrete and, to the extent of our possibilities, artistic.
12 Jan 2019 Lucciano’s Ice Cream Café, Córdoba Architecture: FERRO assoc. photo : Gonzalo Viramonte New Café in Córdoba This is the flagship store in Cordoba of Lucciano’s, the ice cream company established in 2011 by Christian and Daniel Otero, who want to satisfy the most demanding customers of artisan ice cream.
24 Oct 2018 MF House in La Plata
24 Sep 2017 CITO Centro de Investigaciones y Tratamiento Ocular, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Design: BAAS – Brunzini Arquitectos y Asociados, architects photo : Andrés Negroni CITO Centro de Investigaciones y Tratamiento Ocular The CITO Surgery center is a specialized ophthalmology facility. The site location being so highly dense provides many sustainable benefits to the occupants of the building. Having close access to public transport, supermarkets, restaurants and other resources, can results in reduction of car usage for employees and patients.
30 Dec 2016 Nordelta Tigre Yacht Club House, Buenos Aires Design: Estudio Ramos, architects photograph : Daniela Mac Adden Nordelta Tigre Yacht Club House in Buenos Aires
17 Oct 2016 Buenos Aires Pedro Residence Design: VDV ARQ, architects photograph : Curro Palacios Taberner Buenos Aires Residence
6 Oct 2016 MD House, Bariloche, Río Negro, Patagonia región Design: ALRICGALINDEZ Arquitectos photo : Alric Galindez and Albano Garcia House in Bariloche, Río Negro
1 Sep 2016 Valeria House, forest of Mar Azul – Valeria del Mar, Pinamar, Buenos Aires Design: BAK arquitectos photo : Daniela Mac Adden New House in Pinamar The purpose was to do an intervention in a place of significant landscape value, an opportunity to propose alternatives for design and construction, considering caring of the natural environment as a fundamental premise.
19 Aug 2016 Torcuato House Pavilion, Olivos Golf Club, Malvinas Argentinas, Buenos Aires Design: Besonías Almeida arquitectos photo : Federico Kulekdjian Torcuato House Pavilion in Buenos Aires The commission arises from the principals need to have an enclosure where they can be isolated from the activity of the house, and then facilitate the development of functions more relaxed and much more connected with the landscape.
25 Apr 2016 Casa Rampa, Patagonia Design: Andrés Remy Arquitectos photo : Alejandro Peral Ramp House in Patagonia
21 Apr 2016 New House, San Benito District, Escobar, Buenos Aires Design: Besonías Almeida arquitectos photo : Federico Kulekdjian San Benito House in Buenos Aires
9 Mar 2016 La Parra Winery, Colegiales, CABA Argentina Design: Epífita Arquitectura photography : Estudio MiGO La Parra Winery in Buenos Aires All architecture is ephemeral and is future support for other architectures or activies. The ephemeral may be transferred to new media that is always constituted as a recipient of multiple configurations and variations through minimal efforts.
2 Apr 2015 New City Hall Buenos Aires, Parque Patricios Design: Foster + Partners, architects image from architects New City Hall in Buenos Aires Lord Foster visited Argentina for the opening of the new Buenos Aires Ciudad Casa de Gobierno, a sustainable building for the Mayor and 1,500 staff. It is the first civic project in Argentina by the celebrated British architecture practice.
Bicentennial Civic Center Córdoba Argentina
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Day 10: Grenada
Day 10 of our international travels started in the beautiful town of Grenada where we arrived mid-day yesterday.  Granada is situate in the southern region of Spain, known as Andalusia.  We awoke to a brisk 42 degrees with snow covered peaks in the background.  Todays schedule starts with a guided tour of The Alhambra, followed by lunch in the city, finished with a bus ride and dinner in Cartagena.
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 - a overlooking view of Grenada from hills to the east
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- The Alhambra from a river park below
The Alhambra The Alhambra was originally constructed as a small fortress complex in 889 AD.  It was largely forgotten until it was rebuilt in the mid-13th century by the Arabs, who built its current palace and walls.  It was later converted into a royal palace in 1333.  After the Christian Reconquista in 1492, the site became the royal court of Ferdinand and Isabella and was where Christopher Columbus received royal endorsement for his western expeditions.  The Alhambra exhibits the country’s most significant and well known Islamic architecture paired with 16th Century Christian building and gardens. The Alhambra is now a UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is one of Spain’s most popular tourist destinations.
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- one of the palaces within The Alhambra
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- a view of Grenada from inside the Alhambra
Cartagena Cartagena is a city of 216,000 people, located in southeastern Spain in the region of Murcia.   Being a coastal city of the Mediterranean Sea, Cartagena has been one of the most important Naval ports of Spain since the 16 Century.  Cartagena is also home of  the  world famous Peral Submarine, one of the first U-Boats ever made.  We are looking forward to learning more about this City and its culture tomorrow.
Leadership Lessons – Our own Conquests Grenada is a mixture of two Religions Muslim and Christianity, even though Christianity is currently the major religion in the country the Muslim past has definitely influenced the country and the culture.  If one studies the conquest of Andalusia through the 13th century you can see leaders who had huge goals of conquest and a never ending need to protect their existing borders.  How can we use them as a guide in implementing “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” (BHAG) in our lives using lessons from the past to achieve our dreams.  These BHAG our also seen in the story of Don Quixote and his quest, in our daily readings through Spain telling us about the story of Don Quixote we see how his dreams are never influenced by reality and how he does not let reality limit his ability to succeed.  How can we take these lessons and implement them in our own lives allowing us to achieve more by not letting ourselves be limited to what we can perceive as reality or possibly limiting factors in achieving our goals. As leaders we need to take away from these lessons that we should drive to be proactive in our destinies and never let life dictate the outcome of what we are trying to achieve, but instead drive for results outside of the box and having an open mind to not let ourselves be limited by our surroundings.
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- Class picture in gardens of the Alhambra overlooking Granada
Sincerely, Your Day 10 Presiding Fellows: John Hay, Jared Britschgi, & Brad Koehn
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Timeline Of The Tijuana Rock Music Scene 1980-2016 (part 4)
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2010 - Tijuana NO! returns to the Vive Latino festival with most of the original line-up plus the metal section of Panteón Rococo and Lengualerta as guest vocalist with Ceci Bastida, who performs for the first time with the band in a long time. After two decades, Julieta Venegas appears with them to perform Pobre De Ti. The band later makes some presentations in Tijuana celebrating its 20th Anniversary.
2010 - One of the dates of the Summer Slaughter Tour is announced in Tijuana, with the presence of Winds Of Plague, The Faceless, As Blood Runs Black and Veil Of Maya, as well as invited bands. The event takes place in El Coliseo.
2010 - The 73rd edition of the counterculture magazine Generación appears. The theme is Punk: Y Sin Embargo Se Mueve. Inside, the text Tijuana Punk And Roll by José Angel Rincón appears.
2010 - Ceci Bastida's debut album, Veo La Marea, appears. Months later is officially presented in Tijuana. It was preceded by the first single, Ya Me Voy.
2010 - VICIO presents its first showcase with Sonidero Travesura, La Sonrisa Vertical, Shantelle and San Pedro El Cortez. In 2011, they would hold the Mucho VICIO Festival of Pop Art and Culture, with lectures on current art, audiovisual producers and more in various venues, as well as the music of Perros Cobardes, Casa Wagner, Los Nuevos Maevans and other guests.
2010 - The distributor/record label Bloodpact Records appears, which is an independent company that distributes its catalog of records and merchandise of national and local bands, plays and supports nascent projects. Among the artists that are in its catalog can be mentioned LNG/SHT, Days of Radio, Loma Prieta and a compilation of local and national bands, among others.
2010 - A charity event is held in favor of the victims of the earthquake in the month of April in Mexicali. The festival is called Rock Por Mexicali, participating, among others, Armand Van Rex, Stancia In Orbita, Alain De Saracho, Aeroplanos, Louie Fresco, and Koñorteño.
2010 - As part of the cultural activities of the Tijuana Innovadora meeting, a concert with Panóptica Orchestra, El Gran Silencio, La Ballena De Jonás, Sirak Baloyan, and His Afro-Antillean Orchestra and Javier Batíz is presented at the Del Trompo Museum.
2010 - The fashion and music blog Oh My TJ! is set online. Likewise and with the same characteristics, elzirko.tv appears.
2010 - In the final stretch of the year, opens its doors Black Box, where they have presented Banda De Turistas, Infected Mushroom, Ozomatli, La Gusana Ciega, Peter Hook And The Light, Nitzer Ebb, Tumbledown, Crystal Castles, Hello Seahorse !, Mikel Erentxun, Amigos Invisibles, Brodinski, Los Bunkers, Angeles Del Infierno, Sadistic Intent, Insite and many more. It has become a fundamental place in Tijuana to see some of the best artists on tour.
2010 - The boom of jazz music in Tijuana, draws the attention of the media, adding to the activities already performed as Tardes De Jazz, existing festivals such as Tijuana Jazz And Blues, its performances in gastronomic venues and the famous jam sessions. The weekly Zeta newspaper presents a report on its resurgence, citing figures such as Alex "Chino" Perales, Utokalhipsis Project, Madame Ur y Sus Hombres, Turiya Mareya Jam Session, Ensenada Jazz, the trio Perales-Ruanova-Rincon, TJ Groove Station, Pico De Gallo, The Youth Ensemble of the OBC and the musicians Salvador "Chavo" Villanueva, Alejandro "Cuyo" Padilla, Tato Monraz, Julián Plascencia, Jorge Villanueva, Gabo Núñez, Javier Martínez, Roberto Salomón and Christian Medel, as well as pioneers of the jazz ensembles in the region like Ernesto "Neto" Lizárraga, Esteban Favela, Lupillo Cruz, Lupillo Barajas, Raúl Muñoz and Jorge Villalobos. In the interview, Perales cites "... The jazz of the people of Tijuana is not a music school jazz, the school of Tijuana is what you learn on the street...".
2010 - Revolucion En Movimiento starts live broadcasts with sessions with bands and guest soloists, including Nidia Barajas, Bye Sami, DFMK, Niño Van, Cristina Creme, Carla Morrison and more.
2011 - Principio y Fin appears. Its the debut and only album by the duo Zubs, which has the support of musicians like Hugo Rodríguez from Azul Violeta.
2011 - In March, Orlando and the Shantelles perform at the prestigious South By Southwest festival in Austin, Texas.
2011 - The melomaniaco.com portal appears, web magazine specialized in alternative music in Spanish, with news, reviews, concert notes and more.
2011- The Ruido Random Band Contest is held, one of the few that is distinguished by the enormous quality of all the participants. Organized by the magazine Diez-4, it leaves Vibraska, Revival 71 and La Noise in the first three places.
2011 - La Casa De La 9, as part of its eighth anniversary, presents the Mesa Musical event in two sessions. The first with the theme Organization and Promotion of Musical Events in Tijuana with the participation, among others, of Sal Ricalde (DJ Chucuchu), Roberto Solomon, Cuyo Padilla and Xavier Torres (Desde El Underground). The second table was about Music in Cinema andVideos, with the participation of Joey Muñoz (Pan Rock) and Barbarella Pardo (Barbarella Casting), among others. As a result of this, the Tijuana Music Alliance appears a network that manages as one of its bases: "what happens in Tijuana, has to be heard outside of Tijuana". They gather media people, musicians, artists and more. There is a moment of vitality with radio programs, video, and audio streaming and other multiple projects.
2011 - The TJ All Stars event is held, which recognizes the work of the great musicians of the golden age of rock in Tijuana, with live performances and posthumous tributes, the event takes place at the CECUT Theater. In addition to this great celebration, various commemorative events are held in Tijuana and Rosarito.
2011 - Ciclo Rock  Sesiones Alternativas Vol. 1 is presented at the Multiforo ICBC, with concerts and some lectures, is carried out with little success. Those who participated were Ak-Ceso, Aurora, Vox Vegetal, TJ Zomoz, Rocktubre Musical Fraternity, Projecto Kasandra, La Noise, Alisia Cons, Delicatessen  Deville and Define Our Hope.
2011 - Vanessa Zamora beings her music career, first, as an online personality doing covers of her favorite songs, gaining a cult following. This would propel her to start recording her own songs to a great reception.
2011 - There is a new underground metal circuit with emphasis on subgenres such as trash and speed, which is found with bands that integrate very young elements such as: Metal Horde, Vachteria, Soldiery, Black Jewel, Mephisto, Wasted, Rival, Kimen , Vortex and others with more trajectory as Rebirth By Fire, State Of Denial and Voces Sin Rostro, among others.
2011 - The Tijuana Rockea festival is held at the Calimax Stadium, where are presented, among others, Panteon Rococo, La Lupita, Tijuana NO !, Los Kung Fu Monkeys, Bye Sami, Almalafa, Vagabundo Inn, Lengualerta and Alyosha Barreiro.
2011 - The classic punk rock returns to resurface with diverse events, including Punk Rock Tianguis, More Feos and Curious Fest and other events in spaces like Mi TPueblito Bar, in addition to those made by Tyjuana Pyrate Punx. Within the events, space is given to bands with new or trajectory such as The Homeless, Verbal Desecration, Tijuana Suicida, Radio Bastards, Calafia Puta, Coaccion, BioCrisis, Outlaw Bastards, DFMK, Parche De Ira and several more.
2011 - Tijuana Collective appear, developing big events with artists such as Los Masterplus, Point Loma and Bostich + Fussible, as well as upcoming shows to be announced.
2011 - All My Friends Festival 2011 takes place, in which bands like Mae Machino, Bam Bam, Shantelle, Cellofan, Elephant Woman, Mentira Mentira and more are presented, this being regarded as the best music festival in years that takes place in the city. Later, they collaborate in the artistic curation of Redrum, where La Diabla, Late Nite Howl, Dani Shivers, Maria and José, and Juan Cirerol participate.
2011 - In addition to new nominations in the Grammy Awards and another world tour, Bostich + Fussible participate in the opening of the 2011 Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
2011 - Television programs from Zona Independiente (PSN Tu Superestación 27), Desde El Underground (Uniradio TV 47 / TV Tijuana 6) and Poder Rock (Rosarito TV 69) begin to be broadcast.
2011 - The book El Rock Se Toco Los Miercoles: Memories of a Heavy Rock Band by Héctor Gómez Lozano (La Chiquis, bassist from La Cruz), edited by the Editorial Collection of the Tijuana Cultural Center. The book includes art by Rodolfo Arana and a prologue by the journalist Alfonso Teja.
2011 - The video series Pan Rock appears, music well here, which presents through videos on YouTube, profiles of bands and artists like Juan Cirerol, María y José, Vis Viva, Mentira Mentira, and Dani Shivers, as well as others come. On their page, they state that: "... Pan Rock is a presentation card made with austere resources in which we try to adapt the audiovisual language to the music we record ... It is not a formal project, for now, it is a visual experiment in which the filmmakers discover new ways of recording live music trying not to fall for trite or standardized resources ... ".
2011 - The Negligent Records website appears, where the new discs of Thanatology, THEM and Bonebreaker will appear.
2011 - Martyness.com page appears on the internet. It is described as "... A musical diary focused on musical transculturation between Latin America, the United States and Spain, and the distribution of vinyl records from the FUP Spain Disc catalog in Mexico ...".
2011 - The young promoter Ships And Anchors appear, describe within their objectives: "... We are a young, local and independent producer/promoter that seeks to raise the local scene Tijuana and its surroundings, we help promote bands and their shows to that more and more people attend such events ... We plan to organize good shows as we believe that the music scene is going down and we want to change that! ... ".
2011 - As a union between Trash Metal bands to support each other, Tijuana Thrashing Crew appears, where bands such as Vachteria, Metal Horde, Soldiery, Igniter, Brokken, and Hellfire Spectrum come together. They perform together at various events around the city.
2011 - As a project to promote the music scene, Music Ship appears, which is described as: "... is a project that seeks to promote the Mexican music scene, with greater influence on all types of rock, although they will also be given the opportunity to other types of gender ... ".
2011 - Appears through Facebook, Tijuana Core, whose objective is: "... news and promotion of everything related to the branches of the Core "Independent & Mainstream of Tijuana and its surroundings ...".
2011- Sticker Fest 5 is done at the Salon Fiesta, with the presence of emblematic bands from the local scene of the previous decade such as Fat Finger, Valium Radio, Agent Calavera and Down the Average, underpinned by bands and younger projects like DON, Lion! Valley, Days Of Struggle and more.
2011 - Another independent promoter appears to hold events in the city, Unidos Somos Mas, which states: "... Unidos Somos Más, was born with the concern of 4 young people, that concern to turn around to see what is happening in the scene of the local rock in Tijuana, realizing that those who call themselves "producers" really do a mediocre job where the only thing they seek is to take money and take advantage of the few who still attend the events ... ".
2011 - Cultural group Orgia Cultural, presents a series of lectures on urban movements on the border. In the case of music, lectures on metal, punk rock, deathrock, industrial and rockabilly are presented, with the presence of characters such as Jonás Bautista (Thanatology, Dodecameron), Roberto Rojas (Club Respekt) and Oscar Vargas (Los Helldandys, 357 Magnum & The JPE), among others.
2011 - MetalPunx Producciones de Ensenada presents the digital compilation MetalPunx, where in addition to bands from Ensenada, Tecate, and Mexicali, the bands from Tijuana, Solucion Mortal,  Massakro, Verbal Desecration, and BioCrisis appear.
2011 - In the magazine Diez 4, the Ruidoson article appears, a violent and cumbiero dance, in which, the phenomenon that since 2009 has been given with the parties that are organized under this name, driven by the music of projects such as Maria and José, Santos and Los Macuanos, among others.
2011 - Cantaloop Media appears, whose objective is: "... to promote local music from Tijuana / San Diego through podcasts, social networks, and concerts, our goal is to create a musical community between Mexico and the United States ...".
2011 - The national tour is planned for the beginning of 2012, No Es Facil, Pero Somos Familia with DON and Days Of Struggle, organized by Unidos Somos Mas.
2011 - The book Border Pop by Rafa Saavedra is awarded the State Prize for Literature in the field of Cultural Journalism. On its three sections, characters like Pepe Mogt and Julieta Venegas appear, among others of culture and art, as well as Radio Global, Ford Proco, and the emerging musical scene, among other references.
2011 - The Obra Negra exhibition, which recounts the history of culture in Tijuana, is inaugurated at El Cubo of the Centro Cultural Tijuana. Octavio Hernández collaborates in the information on the history of rock in Tijuana, as well as other projects such as Radio Global.
2011 - Static Discos ventures into the literary field as an editorial, launching the novel Señora Krupps, by author Javier Fernandez.
2012 - In the last few weeks, the independent label Prima Crush was launched, founded by musicians and designers Gabriel Duprat and David Bravo. Their releases are in cassette format. Among its future releases are Late Nite Howl, Dani Shivers and Dancing Strangers.
2012 - The Tijuana Suena Series takes place on the outer concourses of the CECUT with 20 dates full of music and other artistic expressions.
2012 - With a series of concerts-conferences called Tijuanarkia, Mercado Negro celebrates 30 years of history on stage. Finishing with the commemorations of their 30th Anniversary, they make a tour in Mexico City in November, as well as 2 shows on the CECUT Esplanade. First, a show called Remembranzas Alternativas with covers of music from the '70s and '80s, afterward, a commemorative outdoor concert remembering all his career.
2012 - El Informador de Baja California newspaper publishes a series of weekly profiles of outstanding jazz and rock musicians from Tijuana.
2012 - Reggae band Cañamo is placed as a finalist in the Telcel Rockampeonato in the Tijuana eliminatory.
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jamiekturner · 6 years
Low-hanging design fruit: why you should use Google Font Superfamilies
What is a font superfamily?
Are we talking about the Jacksons? The Kardashians? The Brady Bunch? Steve Martin’s fictional family in Cheaper by the Dozen? Or could we be talking about something more closely related to fonts?
A font superfamily is set of typefaces (example: merriweather and merriweather sans) that have been specifically designed to look good together. Like a musician who plays separate notes simultaneously to create one melodious chord, type designers create font families that stand out individually, but also gloriously combine to offer versatility in style and weight that makes the content on the page more visually appealing and easier to read.
Think of it this way: a superfamily has one mannequin (underlying skeleton form) that can be dressed in many different sets of clothing (serif, width, weight, size, italic). The result: pre-packaged, visually cohesive fonts that are begging to be used together for your next design project. In other words, superfamilies are big, juicy apples waiting to be picked.
Where did they come from?
The earliest evidence of superfamilies come from Roman documents all the way back in 79 AD. These Roman documents contained variations in the size of text to create a visual hierarchy. The Romans were making their title text bigger than their body text before it was cool.
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Photo by Nils on Unsplash
Fast forward to the 1800’s, and there are typefaces being designed to be compatible across different written languages such as Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic. These were the some of the earliest prototypes of the superfamilies we know and love today.
By the 1900’s, there was an explosion of the variety of sans-serif typefaces, thus expanding the possibilities for variations across all superfamilies. During the years leading up to WWII (yes I just dropped a WWII reference in an article about typography 😂), world-renowned Dutch type designer Jan van Krimpen designed the first comprehensive set of typefaces with inherent compatibility, a project called Romulus.
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In his own words, he set out “to create a complete type family, consisting of, to begin with, roman, sloped roman, semi-bold and semi-bold condensed, at least four weights of sans serif, a script type and a set of Greek characters.”
This was the most ambitious type design project to date, and while he didn’t complete it following the war, it was the beginning of what is now commonplace in type design: the superfamily.
YAWN. Okay, let’s get to the good stuff.
Here are 10 Google Font superfamilies you should know about
We’ve discussed what they are, where they come from, and why you should use them. Now let’s see some real-life superfamilies in action. Here are some great pairs from Google Fonts superfamilies to use for your next design project!
1) Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans
Designed by Impallari Type
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2) Roboto Condensed and Roboto
Designed by Christian Robertson
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3) Roboto Mono and Roboto
Designed by Christian Robertson
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4) PT Sans and PT Serif
Designed by ParaType
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5) Oxygen Mono and Oxygen
Designed by Vernon Adams
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6) Source Sans Pro and Source Serif Pro
Designed by Paul D. Hunt (Sans) and Frank Grießhammer (Serif)
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7) Josefin Slab and Josefin Sans
Designed by Santiago Orozco
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8) Encode Sans Semi Condensed and Encode Sans
Designed by Impallari Type
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9) Alegreya and Alegreya Sans
Designed by Huerta Tipográfica (Alegreya) & Juan Pablo del Peral (Aleygra Sans)
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10) Montserrat and Montserrat Alternates
Designed by Julieta Ulanovsky
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Parting Words
Finding a beautiful font pair for your next project doesn’t need to be stressful, painstaking, time-consuming, or difficult. Superfamilies are DESIGNED to look beautiful together and create visual harmony for your webpage. Learn to know and love them and you’ll be a great designer in no time!
Make sure you check out Font Pair where we help you pair Google Fonts together and have some awesome font superfamily suggestions for your next project!
Extra Reading
Here are some more resources about superfamilies if you’re interested:
Adobe Typekit Blog — Type Study: Pairing typefaces
FontLabVideos — Font Superfamilies Lecture with Sumner Stone
Fonts.com — Super Families
Google — Superfamilies
Wikipedia — Font Superfamily
Romulus Designs by Jan van Krimpen
Thanks to Hayden and Emma for all the help with this article.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter!
The post Low-hanging design fruit: why you should use Google Font Superfamilies appeared first on Design your way.
from Web Development & Designing https://www.designyourway.net/blog/design/low-hanging-design-fruit-why-you-should-use-google-font-superfamilies/
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lagradonaatm-blog · 7 years
CRÓNICA | El Atleti B vuelve a tropezar con el empate
El Atleti B no logra reflejar con goles el dominio total que tuvo en el encuentro. (more…)
View On WordPress
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str9led · 6 years
Gremlin from Christian Dan Bejarano Sanchez on Vimeo.
Christian Dan Bejarano: Director / Layout / Animator
David Vercher: Character Artist / Look Dev / Light & Comp
Bianca Bancila: Set & Props Modeler and Shading
Andrea García: Facial Riging
Victor Moreno: Fx
Juan Diego Peral: Sound FX and Music
Noel Bejarano: Graphic Design
Pablo García: VirtuCamera - virtucamapp.com
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latinboxsports · 7 years
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@el_chimpa CHRISTIAN "CHIMPA" GONZALEZ TO HEADLINE LA FIGHT CLUB FOR THE THIRD TIME ON OCTOBER 6 EDITION OF ESTRELLA TV'S BOXEO ESTELAR EXCITING FEATHERWEIGHT PROSPECT EDGAR VALERIO TO RETURN IN CO-MAIN EVENT. LOS ANGELES - Lightweight knockout artist Christian "Chimpa" Gonzalez (17-1, 15 KOs) will seek to confirm that he is one of the brightest prospects of the exclusive Golden Boy stable when he headlines LA FIGHT CLUB for an unprecedented third time against a soon-to-be announced opponent in a scheduled eight-round main event on the Oct. 6 edition of Estrella TV's Boxeo Estelar. Gonzalez, the promising young prospect with dynamite in both fists, will appear on LA FIGHT CLUB for the ninth time, making the Belasco Theater stage home for his spectacular performances. Though suffering defeat against Golden Boy lightweight prospect Romero Duno in March 2017, Gonzalez quickly bounced back in August with a third-round knockout victory against Daniel Perales. The native of Buena Park, California will look for yet another knockout win before a legion of fans that always attend his fights. In the co-main event, hard-hitting prospect Edgar "Kid Neza" Valerio (11-0, 6 KOs) will return in his second fight scheduled for eight rounds in the featherweight division. Valerio, of Los Angeles, California, will return after an exciting eight-round unanimous decision victory against Jairo Ochoa in which both men hit the canvas. @goldenboyboxing @oscardelahoya @makeawar @marylynaceves @monicasears @class56ramiro @gaberivas03 @janeymurcia @janinegarcia @primorosa1040 @willyvideo ‪@Micheladatime ‬#LAFightClub
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themodelmagazine · 7 years
New editorial issue has been published on TMM - The Model Magazine
New editorial issue has been published on http://themodelmagazine.com/2017/09/september-2017-issue-of-the-model-magazine-available-now-to-buy-online-in-print-and-digital-editions/
September 2017 Issue of The Model Magazine - Available now to buy online, in Print and Digital editions
The Model Magazine September 2017 issue is out. Available now to buy online – in print (magazine format or collectors hardback) and digital. This issue features beautiful models from around the world, namely :
Arancha Monje Arévalo Dárja Minenko @ Blow Models, Barcelona (ESP) Gabriel Sole @ Nicole Shelley Models, Miami FL (USA) Javier Rodiguez @ Blow Models, Barcelona and Madrid (ESP) Juliana Abrad @ Major Models, New York NY (USA) Katya Rudakova and Thijs Latten @ Uniko Model Management, Barcelona (ESP) Mishelle Marú Bariatti @ Uno Models, Madrid (ESP) Niels Weselmann @ Core Artist Management, Hamburg (DEU) Pille Alasi @ Wanted Agency, Madrid (ESP) Ruby @ NEXT Management, Miami FL (USA) Vlada @ Beyond Models, Milan (ITA)
With Cover Model : Meika Woollard @ GIANT Management, Melbourne (AUS)
Wearing exclusive items from designers, stores and brands, such as : AB.AD, adidas, Alex Max, Alice and Olivia, Andrés Sardá, Anne Klein, Antonio Miró, ASOS, August Silk, Bauhaus, Benjamín Friman, Bershka, Blackheart by Hot Topic,bomeé, Burton Menswear, Calvin Klein, Calzedonia, COS, Coup de théàtre, deeSerret, Demonia, Derek Lam, Diesel, Dirk Bikkembergs, Divided by H&M, DRYKORN, Elie Tahari, Esther Sancho, Etro, Express, Fancy Cocó, Forever 21, Francesco Maria Caravaggio, Funkyard Empire, Gianni Feraud, Givenchy, Guess, H&M, HUGO BOSS, James Nathaniel, JASONGRECH, Joe Carayol, Joop, Kiki Riki, Levis, Lindbergh, LOVELY, Mad in Mad, Maison Margiela, Maison Mayle, Mango, Marc Jacobs, Melissa Serone_, Miami International University of Art & Design, Michael Costello, Monki, Nicole Miller, Nike, OLYMP, PacSun, Puma, Ralph Lauren, Reclaimed Vintage, Rhythm Couture, River Island, Saks Fifth Avenue, Sam Edelman, Sayan, Selected Homme, Sentimental NY, Sfera, Steve Madden, Tarina Tarantino, The Damned by Jeffrey Campbell, Theory, Tiger of Sweden, Topman, Torras, Under Armour, Uniqlo, Urban Outfitters, U Rock Couture, Vanessa Bruno, Vans, Versace, VidaKush, Visori, VSB Barcelona Jewels, Weekday, Xevi Fernández, Yvan Andreu, Yves Saint Laurent, Zara, and Ze García
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS with : Anthony Flora @ RED Model Management, NYC (USA), and Chris Flora MODEL PROFILE with : PIRENGALLEGO
And this month’s news featuring : Tom Ford, Victoria’s Secret, Karlie Kloss, Christy Turlington Burns, Cindy Crawford, Doutzen Kroes, Hailey Baldwin, Sistine Stallone, Dylan Penn, Poppy Delevingne, Helena Christensen, and more…
Special thanks to photographers : Alejandro Perales Acedo, Christian Colman, Eric Pietrangolare, Filip Konikowski, Francesca Amanteri, Jennifer Harnack, Juan Pablo Castro, LAGARET, Linsi Taylor, Lucas Ferrier, Marsal Perez Galbany, Rick Day, Robert Altman, and Sorin Alexandru Dinu
And to their teams : Alejandro Merino Rodríguez, Alexandra Lincu Florescu, Amy Taip, Arianie Elcida Hernandez, ASJ Mahal, Beth Haywood, Bettina Gariglio, Bri Soffa, Casey Malady, Cecilia Pancrazi, Chad J. Cox, Cristina Rodriguez Martinez, Enrico Datu, Facundo Moroz, Francesco Maria Caravaggio, Jason Grech, Jeremy Turner, Jesse Genoa, Julia Seay, Kelly Basaraba, Lauren Mahal, Lola Perruquers, Maria Coca, Marta Gallardo Casu, Martina Wrobel, Max Darquea, Nic Broomhead, PhotoEclair, Sara Torregrosa, Theo Banzon, Verónica López, Xènia Soler, and Yana Zaytseva
  Instagrams : @alejandro_perales_acedo @alexdinuphoto @amy_taip @anthonymodelsnow @ari.works.model @asjmahal @bettinagariglio @beyondmodelsofficial @blowmodels @brisoffa @caravaggiofm @caseymalady_makeupartist @cecilia.pancrazi @chadjaycox @chrisjohnflora @coreartistmanagement @curlycurr @daryaminenko @eleganzanellamoda @enrico_datu @facundomoroz @francesca.amanteri.photography @funkyardempire @g.sole_ @giant_mgmt @heyyyyana @jasongrech @javieroddriguez @jenniferharnack @jeremyturner1000 @jessegenaomakeup @juanpablo.castro @juhabrad @katyrudakova @ladykurizzu @_lagaret_ @le_fil @lincu_make_up @linsitaylor@j3wce @lolaperruquers @lucasphotosny @majormodelsny @mars_fotografia @martagstylist @meikawoollard @merinos_makeup @mishellemaru @nevertwomuch @nextmodelsmia @nicoleshelleymodels @nielsweselmann @pepperbeth @photoeclair @pillealasi @red_models @rickdaynyc @ricpie @robertaltmanphotography @shearluck @theobot @thijslatten @unomodels @wantedagency @xeniasolerdomingo @xtiancolman @yhmlove
@ab.adprojects @adidas @aliceandolivia @andres_sarda @annekleinofficial @antoniomiro @asos @augustsilk @bauhausdeutschland @benjaminfriman @bershkacollection @bomee_studio @burton_menswear @calvinklein @calzedonia @caravaggiofm @cosstores @coupdetheatre17 @deeserret @demonia.shoes @dereklam @diesel @dirkbikkembergs @drykorn_forbeautifulpeople @elietahari @esthersancho_designer_ @etro @express @fancycocobcn @forever21 @funkyardempire @givenchy @guess @hm @hottopic @hugoboss @hugoboss @jamesnathaniel.nyc @jasongrech @jeffreycampbell @joecarayol @joop @levis @lindberghfashion @lovelydisgraze @madinmadshoes @maisonmargiela @maisonmayle @mango @marcjacobs @michaelcostello @monki @nicolemillernyc @nike @olympmen @pacsun @puma @ralphlauren @reclaimedvintageldn_men @rhythmcouturesawgrass @riverisland @saks @sam_edelman @sayan_official @selected_official @sentimentalny @sferaofficial @stevemadden @theory__ @tigerofswedenofficial @topman @torrasworld @underarmour @uniqlo @urbanoutfitters @urockcouture @vanessabrunoparis @vans @versace @vidakush @visori_official @vsbbarcelona @weekday_stores @xevifernandez @ysl @yvanandreu @yvanandreu @zara @zegarciaoficial @_mely.se_
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Tonight on @canalestrellatv (10:00 PM ET / 7 PT) | Stream: ringtv.com | Charles Huerta vs. Miguel Angel Gonzalez (130) | Christian Gonzalez vs. Daniel Perales (135) | Francisco Esparza vs. Fernando Fuentes (126) | #boxing #boxeo #LAFightClub @goldenboyboxing http://ift.tt/2vJnC3W
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