#Christine Murillo
guycourtheoux · 10 months
Remise d prix du brigadier à Pierre Arditi : son speech de remerciements!
Ils sont nombreux année après année à recevoir cette belle récompense, citons, entre autres depuis sa création : Françoise Sagan , Pierre Brasseur, Pierre Fresnay, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Le Poulain, Jeanne Moreau, Serge Lama, Jean-Paul Belmondo, François Perier, Francis Huster, Raymond Devos, Fabrice Lucchini, Michel Galabru, Judith Magre, Michel Bouquet, Michel Fau, Michael Lonsdale, Christiana…
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De Charles Tordjman avec Christine Murillo
A la Scala
Jusqu'au 17 Décembre
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La comédienne quadri moliérisée Christine Murillo qui dit, lit et vit les textes de Carton, ses échanges avec Sacha Guitry mais aussi ceux avec son unique amant, qui plus est poète… Quand on sait que Christine chante a cappella des chansons de Carton… Quand on sait qu’il n’y a qu’une table et une boîte en carton dessus… Quand on sait qu’on parlera de sexe, d’argent, mais aussi de passion pour les moineaux nourris aux croissants, on voit poindre le nez, que dis-je le nez, le cap, la péninsule, de la fantaisie essentielle.
C’est ça Pauline & Carton. Deux actrices pour de vrai et juste pour rire.
Pour prendre votre ticket, ça se passe ici :
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charmemma · 1 year
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Comédienne aux quatre Molières, Christine Murillo incarne Pauline Carton, actrice fantaisiste et mythique
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“La Grande Magie” de et avec Noémie Lvovsky - librement inspiré de la pièce de théâtre éponyme d'Eduardo De Filippo (1948) - et avec Denis Podalydès, Sergi López, Judith Chemla, Rebecca Marder, François Morel, Damien Bonnard, Paolo Mattei, Micha Lescot, Philippe Duclos et les participations de Catherine Hiegel, Laurent Poitrenaux, Alexandre Steiger, Armelle, Dominique Valadié, Christine Murillo et Laurent Stocker, février 2023.
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beautifulactres · 2 years
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Christine Murillo (1951-)
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peter-ash · 4 years
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 Alone Together - ft. Eddie Munson + Dani Murillo
Happiest of birthdays to my wife, @angelsanarchy​ , even though it is no longer her birthday because I am   L A T E. I am also self-indulgent, so have some Dani and Christine.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Je reprends mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52377 photos.
1999, vacances chez Christine ! Avec elle et son mari, on va à Riglos
- les 4 premières :le circuit dans les Mallos de Riglos
- le village de Murillo de Gallego
-  les 2 suivantes : Agüero
- les 2 dernières : Ayerbe
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genevieveetguy · 8 years
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Open At Night (Ouvert la nuit), Edouard Baer (2016)
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radioducinema · 6 years
"SALAUDS DE PAUVRES"  en salle, le MERCREDI 17 AVRIL 2019.
Ce film à sketches, au traitement unique et original, a permis à plusieurs personnalités reconnues de se côtoyer, comme réalisateurs et auteurs : Patrice LECONTE, GiedRé, Sophie FORTE, Christophe ALÉVÊQUE, … comme acteurs : Arielle DOMBASLE, Albert DELPY, Zabou BREITMAN, Christophe ALÉVÊQUE, Albert MESLAY, François ROLLIN, Christine MURILLO, Philippe CHEVALLIER, ... Frédéric Marboeuf, le producteur, a décidé de reverser les bénéfices de la production au SECOURS POPULAIRE.
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artfoundationmell · 4 years
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Following the Turner Prize this year, the shortlist was announced and I was very pleased to see highly political work highlighting this year’s competition. I, myself, can consider myself a political artist in a way: I have been touching on feminism, women’s right mainly, gender, sexuality, climate change, veganism, human rights. I focus on women’s rights as I feel close to the topic; females have always been the inferior group in society and that is starting to change with so many women speaking out loud about issues that we have to face simply because we identify as females.
Helen Cammock is an artist who is on the shortlist because she gives voice to the women who had experienced the Civil Rights Movement in Northen Ireland in 1968; she expresses her opinions through photography and text, print, video, performance art. I already strongly relate to Helen Cammock because of the way she expressed herself- I myself like to make use of photography and impactful text to create a fluid language for expression. I admire how she does not want to simply forget history, as it is something that will for ever shape the present in some way. The Civil Rights Movement is a strong conflict to speak about, it is emotional and very powerful- I am glad to see women working as artists that touch on topics such as this one.
Tai Shani is the second female artist on the shortlist this year, who uses performance, film, photography and sculptural installations as a way of presenting her work. Her on-going project ‘Dark Continent’ is an expanded adaptation of the book ‘City of Ladies’ ( Christine de Pizan, 1405) as she asks herself questions about feminism in an utopian city created by the bodies of women. What interests me is her use of literature to create characters that have monologue- I often use musical lyrics and book phrases in my work. More so, the city she creates is a city for anyone who wants to define themselves as feminine. I think society should think more about femininity and less about the biological gender of female, therefore her work resonates with me the most. She inspires me to be thoughtful and meaningful about my work!
Lawrence Abu Hamdan is a male artist and audio investigator, who, interestingly, explored the ‘politics of listening’ and the role of sound and voice within the law of human rights. Abu Hamdan creates spatial experiences through performances, audio archives, photography and text. His main inspiration for his exhibition is a prison called Saydnaya, in Syria, where detainees never see the prison; therefore, they associate sounds with visuals and the artist is communicating this idea through multiple devices. Violent experiences are associated with simple objects such as tea cups, eggs, popcorn. I feel very emotional towards his work as he exposes acoustic memory in a way no one every tried to do, telling the truth of hundreds of prisoners who all they know of is the walls surrounding them.
Oscar Murillo is a male artist who is on the shortlist for his great work of drawings, who he describes as ‘discharge of energy’. First of all, before I saw his work, I appreciated how much thought and emotion he poures into it and makes it obvious he does so. I think it is important that every artist works from the soul and sometimes mind. He uses drawing, video, painting, bookmaking to express how he emigrated from Colombia- he placed his focus on his biography. This I can strongly relate to as I have produced a timeline of my life and I did migrate from Romania- there is familiarity in his work.
Antony Gormley is a British sculptor now recognised worldwide, whose work is mainly exhibited at the Royal Academy. Whilst clicking away on the website as I research Gormley, I came across a piece named ‘Mother’s Pride’ ( it was a brand of white bread in the ’80s) and I found the process very unique and original. I have not heard of waxed bread used in sculpture to showcase human life, matter through the process of eating. It really had an impact on my way of thinking about 3D making- anything could be used and nothing is unconventional when it comes to creating. I tend to prefer to have ‘deep’ or at least some sort of meaning behind my work, just as Gormley as. As much as I appreciate any type of art, I feel as if a story or a meaning brings the art closer to us.
A contrasting sculptor to discuss is Olafur Eliasson, whose work is exhibited at Tate Modern and is based in Berlin, originally from Iceland. The exhibition at Tate Modern is called ‘In Real Life’, spanning 27 years of life. An interesting sculpture is The Spiral View, which challenges the way we view reality and learn how to not take for granted what we see. I believe it is beautifully constructed and I love nothing more than a piece of art that makes me think about reality at night before I go to sleep. Away from this exhibition, Eliasson encourages sustainability- a concept which every artist should have in mind whilst creating. His ‘Little Sun’ piece is a solar panel used as a charger. He used his art to supply access of energy in countries that need it, which I think is highly important- if there is a way you can use your art to help the ones in need, there is no reason why you shouldn’t! In my work, I plan to work with sustainable materials in the future, think more about the environment and the impact art can have on how mindful we are about it- and Eliasson is the artist that should inspire many others to do so.
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beautifulactres · 2 years
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Christine Murillo in La Vie de Bohéme (1992)
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jornal-do-reboucas · 5 years
Biblioteca Pública divulga a programação para agosto
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A Biblioteca Pública do Paraná preparou uma programação cultural para os públicos de todas as faixas etárias no mês de agosto. As atividades incluem oficinas, contação de histórias, lançamentos de livros e novas edições dos projetos Um Escritor na Biblioteca, Música na BPP, Aventuras Literárias e Cine Pipoca. Todos os eventos são gratuitos.
Autora de alguns dos maiores clássicos infantojuvenis nacionais, Ana Maria Machado é a convidada de mais uma edição do projeto Um Escritor na Biblioteca. O evento acontece no dia 13, às 19h, com mediação do jornalista José Carlos Fernandes.
Outro destaque da grade é a oficina de contos ministrada pelo escritor e editor potiguar Estevão Azevedo. Vencedor do Prêmio São Paulo de Literatura 2015 pelo livro Tempo de Espalhar Pedras, ele parte de textos de autores consagrados para explicar os mecanismos do gênero e sugerir atividades práticas para os alunos. As aulas acontecem entre os dias 21 e 23, das 14h às 17h, com inscrições online no site da BPP (a partir do dia 8).
No dia 23, os violonistas Murillo Da Rós e Mazzar Mazzarolo apresentam um tributo a João Gilberto (1931-2019) no projeto Música na Biblioteca. Especialista em combinar ritmos brasileiros com jazz e flamenco, a dupla toca no hall térreo, a partir das 17h30.
PARA CRIANÇAS - Além das edições diárias da Hora do Conto, sempre seguidas de oficinas de trabalhos manuais, a Seção Infantil da Biblioteca programou novos eventos das séries Sábado Lúdico, Aventuras Literárias, Piquenique Literário e Cine Pipoca.
No dia 3, a partir das 10h, acontece mais uma edição do Sábado Lúdico - encontro de RPG, card games e jogos de tabuleiro. O projeto Aventuras Literárias retorna com dois escritores convidados: Josiane Orvatich (dia 6, às 10h) e Denis Winston Brum (dia 13, às 14h30).
No dia 8, às 10h, a equipe da BPP volta à Praça 29 de Maio para mais um Piquenique Literário - com contação de histórias, brincadeiras e troca de livros. E o Cine Pipoca exibe a animação pré-indicada ao Oscar Tito e os Pássaros (nos dias 14 e 28, sempre às 14h30).
LANÇAMENTOS E INCLUSÃO - A Biblioteca recebe o evento de lançamento de dois livros da coleção Feminismos Plurais: Lugar de Fala, de Djamila Ribeiro, e Empoderamento, de Joice Berth.
O encontro, com a participação das autoras, acontece no dia 21, a partir das 18h30, no auditório. No dia 23, Carlos Homero e Marisa Giacomini lançam a coletânea de crônicas Brasileiros, Paixão Itália! - a partir das 17h30, também no auditório.
Dois eventos promovidos pela Seção Braille completam a programação de agosto. No dia 9, a partir das 18h, acontece o lançamento do livro Muito Além da Visão - Narrativas de Pessoas com Deficiência Visual, com a presença de Leila Lima, uma das autoras que assinam a obra.
A BPP ainda promove o encontro estadual Os Desafios e Perspectivas das Pessoas com Deficiência Visual Diante da Conjuntura Atual, organizado pelo Instituto Paranaense de Cegos e a Associação Cascavelense de Pessoas com Deficiência Visual. O evento acontece no dia 15, das 8h30 às 17h30, no auditório. Veja grade completa no endereço https://www.novoipc.org.br/eventos/encontro-estadual-os-desafios-e-as-perspectivas-das-pessoas-com-deficiencia-visual-diante-da-conjuntura-atual
Hora do conto
De segunda a sexta, às 11h e 15h (aos sábados, somente às 11h)
Dias 1º a 6 - Ana Está Furiosa, de Christine Nöstlinger 
Dias 7 a 13 -A Viagem, de Francesca Sanna 
Dias 14 a 20 ? Aqueles Pobres Fantasmas, de Gianni Rodari 
Dias 21 a 27 - O Pintinho Ruivo de Raiva, de Anderson Novello 
Dias 27 a 3 de setembro - A Bolsa Amarela, de Lygia Bojunga.
Oficinas de trabalhos manuais
De segunda a sexta, às 11h15 e 15h15 (aos sábados, somente às 11h15)
Dias 1º a 6 - Tambor de materiais recicláveis
Dias 7 a 13 -  Diário de viagem
Dias 14 a 20 - Dedoche de fantasma
Dias 21 a 27 - Bibelô de pintinho
Dias 27 a 3 de setembro - Jogo da memória
Sábado Lúdico (encontro de RPG, card games e jogos de tabuleiro)
Dia 3, das 10h às 12h, na Seção Infantil
Aventuras Literárias
Aventuras Passarinhas, com Josiane Orvatich
Dia 6, às 10h, na Seção Infantil
As Férias das Fadas, com Denis Winston Brum
Dia 13, às 14h30, na Seção Infantil
Piquenique Literário
Dia 8, das 10h às 11h30, na Praça 29 de Março
Um Escritor na Biblioteca 
Ana Maria Machado
Dia 13, às 19h, no auditório
Oficina de Conto, com Estevão Azevedo
Dias 21, 22 e 23, das 14h às 17h, no segundo andar da BPP
Música na Biblioteca
Tributo a João Gilberto, com Murilo da Rós e Mazzar Mazzarolo
Dia 23, às 17h30, no hall térreo
Lançamentos de livros
Títulos da coleção Feminismos Plurais
Lugar de Fala, de Djamila Ribeiro, e Empoderamento, de Joice Berth
Dia 21, às 18h30, no auditório
Brasileiros, Paixão Itália!, de Carlos Homero Giacomini e Marisa Giacomini
Dia 23, a partir das 17h30, no auditório
Cine Pipoca
Tito e os Pássaros
Dias 14 e 28, sempre às 14h30, no auditório
Clube de Leitura - Ler e Sentir
Dia 24, das 10h às 12h, na Seção Infantil
Contação de Histórias
Lendas Brasileiras, com Catrina Produções
Dias 14 e 28, sempre às 11h e às 15h, na Seção Infantil
Cineclube Jorge de Souza
Dia 1º - Harry e Sally
Dia 8 - Ligações Perigosas
Dia 15 - Los Angeles - Cidade Proibida
Dia 22 - Mad Max
Dia 29 - Matrix
Sempre às 17h30, com entrada gratuita, no auditório.
Lançamento de livro - Seção Braille
Muito além da visão - Narrativas de pessoas com deficiência visual, com Leila Lima
Dia 9, das 18h às 19h, no hall térreo.
Encontro estadual - Seção Braille
Os Desafios e Perspectivas das Pessoas com Deficiência Visual Diante da Conjuntura Atual, com Instituto Paranaense de Cegos (IPC)
Dia 16, das 8h30 às 17h30, no auditório
Mais informações: (41) 3221-4985.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52795 photos
2009. Une semaine à Pau chez Christine.
On passe quelques jours en Aragon.
Murillo de Gallego et ses Mallos, les Mallos de Agüero (”ses” Mallos car il y a les plus célèbres : ceux de Riglos)
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phgq · 4 years
Tagalog News: Pagrehistro ng 'business name', pinadali ng DTI-Marinduque
#PHinfo: Tagalog News: Pagrehistro ng 'business name', pinadali ng DTI-Marinduque
Naglagay ng Negosyo Center o booth ang DTI sa anim na bayan na bukas Lunes hanggang Biyernes, 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m simula Enero 4 at tatagal hanggang Pebrero 15, 2020. (Larawan mula sa DTI-Marinduque)
BOAC, Marinduque, Enero 7 (PIA) -- Sa pamamagitan ng pakikiisa sa pag-arangkada ng operasyon ng Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) program sa lalawigan, mas pinadali ng Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-Marinduque ang pagrehistro ng 'business name' para sa mga micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Ayon kay Roniel Macatol, Officer-In-Charge-Provincial Director ng DTI-Marinduque, makatutulong ang BOSS upang mapalapit ang serbisyo sa mga business-owner, mapagbuti ang Ease of Doing Business at mabawasan ang red tape.
Dahil dito, naglagay ng Negosyo Center o booth ang DTI sa anim na bayan na bukas Lunes hanggang Biyernes, 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m simula Enero 4 at tatagal hanggang Pebrero 15.
Sa mga bayan ng Boac, Mogpog, Torrijos at Gasan, matatagpuan ang Negosyo Center sa kanilang Licensing Offices, hanapin lamang sina Christine Villanueva (para sa Boac), Lessiedhel Murillo (Mogpog), Melody Postrado (Torrijos) at Adora Mae Macapugay, focal person sa bayan ng Gasan samantalang nasa Tourism Office naman matatagpuan ang Negosyo Center sa Santa Cruz kung saan maaaring magpatulong kay Erick Reinhard Privado habang sa Buenavista ay kay Cheriz Mawac na ang tanggapan ay matatagpuan malapit sa Assessor's Office.
Gayundin, ang 'business name services' ay maaaring ma-access online, bisitahin lamang ang website na www.bnrs.dti.gov.ph upang mairehistro ang pangalan ng negosyo. Mabilis na rin ang pagbabayad ng 'registration fee' sapagkat tumatanggap na sila ng payment gamit ang GCash at PayMaya application. (RAMJR/PIA-MIMAROPA)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Tagalog News: Pagrehistro ng 'business name', pinadali ng DTI-Marinduque." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063224 (accessed January 07, 2021 at 05:53PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Tagalog News: Pagrehistro ng 'business name', pinadali ng DTI-Marinduque." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1063224 (archived).
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zehub · 4 years
#Molières 2020 : Simon Abkarian, Christine Murillo, Christian Hecq et Niels Arestrup grands vainqueurs de la cérémonie
Une cérémonie des Molières inédite, enregistrée à huis clos, était diffusée mardi soir 23 juin sur France 2. Voici les lauréats.
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