#Christine Spindler
Johnny Depp Witnesses
Suit Witnesses  Christine Dabrowski - Depp’s sister  Isaac Baruch - friend and patronee  Brandon Patterson - ECB building manager Kate James - Heard’s former personal assistant  Laurel Anderson - former couple’s counselor  Dr. David Kipper - private doctor for Depp and Heard Debbie Lloyd - private nurse for Depp  Sean Bett - Depp’s security guard Keenan Wyatt - Depp’s on set audio technician  Johnny Depp - himself Ben King - Depp’s house manager  Tara Roberts - Depp’s island manager  Dr. Shannon Curry - forensic psychologist, expert  Melissa Saenz - LAPD police officer Tyler Hadden - LAPD police officer William Gatlin - LAPD police officer  Alejandro Romero - ECB desk clerk Christine Carino - former talent agent for Depp and Heard Laura Wasser - Depp’s divorce attorney  Terrence Daugherty - ACLU COO and General Counsel Edward White - Depp’s business manager Matthew McConaughey - Depp’s security guard Starling Jenkins - Depp’s personal chauffeur and security detail Travis McGivern - Depp’s security guard Jack Whigham -  Depp’s talent agent Richard Marks - Hollywood entertainment, expert Doug Bania - IP consultant, expert Erin Boerum - Heard’s private nurse Michael Spindler - forensic attorney, expert 
Rebuttal Witnesses  Walter Hamada - Warner Bros president of DC films Dr. David Kulber - Depp’s orthopedic surgeon  Richard Marks Michael Spindler Doug Bania  Morgan Night - Hicksville Trailer Park Palace owner Dr. Richard Shaw - psychiatrist, expert Jennifer Howell - Whitney Heard’s former boss Candie Davidson-Goldbronn - CHLA representative  Kate Moss - Depp’s ex-partner Dr. Shannon Curry  Johnny Depp Morgan Tremaine - ex-TMZ employee  Bryan Neumeister - forensic data, expert  Beverly Leonard - Sea-Tac employee  Dr. Richard Gilbert - orthopedic surgeon, expert  
Amber Heard Witnesses
Countersuit Witnesses  Dr. Dawn Hughes - forensic psychologist, expert Amber Heard - herself iO Tillet-Wright - former friend Rocky Pennington - former friend Joshua Drew - former friend/ex-husband of Rocky Pennington  Whitney Heard - Heard’s sister  Elizabeth Marz - former friend Melanie Inglessis - former makeup artist/former friend Kristy Sexton - former acting coach Bruce Witkin - Depp’s former friend Tracey Jacobs - Depp’s former talent agent  Joel Mandel - Depp’s former business manager Adam Waldman - Depp’s former lawyer Detective Marie Sadanaga - LAPD detective  Ron Schnell - social media analyst, expert  Michele Mulrooney - Heard’s former attorney  Tina Newman - Disney executive  Ellen Barkin - Depp’s ex-fling  Dr. Alan Blaustein - Depp’s former psychiatrist  Eric George - Heard’s former attorney  Jessica Kovacevic - Heard’s talent agent  Dr. Richard Moore Jr - orthopedic surgeon, expert  Dr. David Spiegel - psychiatrist, expert  Kathryn Arnold - Hollywood entertainment, expert
Rebuttal Witnesses Julian Ackert - forensic data analyst, expert  Dr. Dawn Hughes Amber Heard
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bpod-bpod · 4 years
Swap Meet
We inherit a blend of mum and dad’s genetic traits, but our DNA was a jumble even before sperm met egg. Mum’s DNA, for example, was 'mixed' during meiosis, when corresponding or homologous regions of DNA came together to swap bits, giving each egg a blend of her parent’s genes. Here synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins help this crossing over to happen – these tiny biological machines are carefully ‘expanded’ after bathing in stretchy chemicals, so they're visible under sensitive structured illumination microscopy. A bit like a magician holding two balloon animals before they twist together, 'arms' of the SC (highlighted in red) attach to homologous regions of DNA called chromosomes, while green ‘filaments’ attached to a central 'body' (purple) help bring them together. This vital stage of meiosis is one of the reasons we are who we are, a unique combination of our parents, and grandparents too.
Written by John Ankers
Video from work by Fabian U. Zwettler and Marie-Christin Spindler, and colleagues
University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Würzburg, Germany
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, June 2020
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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hoerbahnblog · 5 years
Autoren: Christine Spindler liest aus "Schlimmer als dein Tod"
Autoren: Christine Spindler liest aus “Schlimmer als dein Tod”
https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Lesung-Kris-B-Christine-Spindler-upload.mp3 Autoren: Christine Spindler liest aus dem Psychokrimi “Schlimmer als dein Tod”
  Christine Spindler alias Kris B. schreibt London Crimes – Psychokrimis mit einem Schuss Romantik
Acht Frauen, viele Verführer, einige Psychopathen und ein Ermittler, der Frauen wirklich versteht: Frederick…
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sevendevons · 6 years
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Devon Aoki, Chanel's new face, has just finished the perfect prep course for the fashion industry: Goethe's "Faust."
"I thought it was really good," she says, giving her book review between shots as Ellen von Unwerth takes photographs of her for the story that follows. "It's about this guy who is more or less unhappy with the way his life is. He wants to go beyond human thought and understanding." She takes a break from the plot summary to pose coyly for von Unwerth, tugging up her pink knee-highs and wrapping a strand of braided hair around one finger. Then: "He's of superior intelligence to the people around him" -- something someone who can give a synopsis of "Faust" must keenly feel during a fashion shoot -- and his last option is to go to the Devil to see that side of the world through black magic."
Devon didn't need the Devil or black magic to become the hottest new model in the business. What she had instead was a godmother (a real one, not the Cinderella kind) who was best friends with Sam McKnight, the celebrity hairdresser. When Devon was 5 years old, McKnight would dress her up, put wigs on her and do her makeup. It's those photos, and not the new Chanel campaign photographed by Karl Lagerfeld, that still decorate her godmother Christine Rucci's refrigerator.
"I heard you were a good poser at 5," teases Ashley Ward, the makeup artist on the shoot. Devon, who is 16 (the all-too-common age at which fashion models get started) giggles.
Devon has such a versatile look that this season she served as muse for both Lagerfeld and that wild young upstart Jeremy Scott. For a model, that's range. Part Japanese, part German and British, she was born in New York, where she lived until she was 9. Then she moved to Malibu, Calif., for two years, and after that to London, where she lives now with her mother and stepfather and two of her nine brothers and sisters. Her mother, Pamela Price, is a jewelry designer. At "12 or 13" she was discovered at a Rancid concert by a casting director who was looking for models for Calvin Klein campaigns. When she was asked if she would pose for some pictures, Devon replied, "If you introduce me to the band." And they did.
For her first fashion shoot with Mark Borthwick, Devon showed up with huge fake eyelashes and yellow eyebrows, "and I wouldn't let them take it off," she says. It was at a show of photographs inspired by the 50's pinup Betty Page that Ellen von Unwerth first laid eyes on Devon. Soon afterward, von Unwerth directed her in a Duran Duran video and photographed her for the cover of the trendy magazine I.D. Such exposure has led to the kind of fans that Kate Moss has, young girls like von Unwerth's 9-year-old daughter who sigh, "Oh, Devon!"
In case you're wondering whether a designer lets his muse know she's his muse, Devon says that Jeremy Scott "has told me, sort of." Scott is nice enough to help Devon with her French homework, though she's taking seven other classes that he doesn't help with, including anatomy, physiology, American history and photography. (Von Unwerth used to be a model, too.)
This will enable Devon to enter a world beyond modeling, becoming either a painter, a writer or an actress. And like all former models who go on to do other things, she'll welcome being judged for something other than her face. Although hair is another matter.
Amy Spindler, New York Times: Style, April 11, 1999 
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thatisprettysmart · 4 years
Swap Meet
We inherit a blend of mum and dad’s genetic traits, but our DNA was a jumble even before sperm met egg. Mum’s DNA, for example, was 'mixed' during meiosis, when corresponding or homologous regions of DNA came together to swap bits, giving each egg a blend of her parent’s genes. Here synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins help this crossing over to happen – these tiny biological machines are carefully ‘expanded’ after bathing in stretchy chemicals, so they're visible under sensitive structured illumination microscopy. A bit like a magician holding two balloon animals before they twist together, 'arms' of the SC (highlighted in red) attach to homologous regions of DNA called chromosomes, while green ‘filaments’ attached to a central 'body' (purple) help bring them together. This vital stage of meiosis is one of the reasons we are who we are, a unique combination of our parents, and grandparents too.
Video from work by Fabian U. Zwettler and Marie-Christin Spindler, and colleagues
University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Würzburg, Germany
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, June 2020
from BPoD - Biomedical Picture of the Day https://ift.tt/30m7bYA
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Das Schloss Fantaisie steht in Donndorf, fünf Kilometer westlich von Bayreuth. Erbaut wurde es als weitere Sommerresidenz (nach der Eremitage) für das Markgrafenpaar Friedrich und Wilhelmine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
Herzog Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander von Württemberg (* 20. Dezember 1804 in Riga; † 28. Oktober 1881 in Bayreuth) war der älteste Sohn des Herzogs Alexander Friedrich Karl von Württemberg und dessen Frau, der Prinzessin Antoinette (1779–1824), der zweiten Tochter von Herzog Franz von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld. Sein Onkel war König Friedrich I. von Württemberg.
Herzog Alexander war wie sein Vater in den russischen Militärdienst eingetreten. 1828 war er beim Feldzug gegen das Osmanische Reich und 1831 gegen Polen beteiligt.
Er heiratete am 17. Oktober 1837 die katholische Prinzessin Marie Christine von Orléans (1813–1839), die zweite Tochter von Ludwig Philipp, dem König der Franzosen. Das einzige Kind dieser Ehe war der 1838 geborene Herzog Philipp von Württemberg, der die katholische Linie des Hauses Württemberg begründete.
Nach dem frühen Tod seiner Frau lebte Herzog Alexander in den Sommermonaten der kommenden Jahrzehnte im Schloss Fantaisie und verbrachte die Wintermonate in der fünf Kilometer entfernten Stadtwohnung in Bayreuth. Herzog Alexander verwaltete das Schloss und den zugehörigen Park in vorzüglicher Weise und erfreute sich bei der dortigen Bevölkerung großer Beliebtheit wegen seiner regen Teilnahme an Vereinsleben und wohltätigen Stiftungen für Arme und Kranke.
Er erbaute ein dem Schloss benachbartes Hotel Fantaisie, in dem im Laufe der Jahre berühmte Zeitgenossen wie 1866 König Ludwig II. von Bayern oder 1872 Richard Wagner logierten. Am 11. Juni 1868 heiratete der Herzog ein zweites Mal in morganatischer Ehe seine Haushälterin Katharine Amalie Pfennigkaufer (* 31. Juli 1829; † 31. März 1915), später Frau von Meyernberg, sehr zum Missfallen seines Sohnes Philipp.
Eine morganatische Heirat erfolgte oft mit der Absicht des Mannes, die bestehende Liebesbeziehung zu einer Mätresse als öffentlich anerkanntes Verhältnis zu legitimieren. 
Dessen Großmutter sammelten während einer fast einjährigen Italienreise Eindrücke, die sie in Schloss Fantaisie umsetzten. Wilhelmine konnte den Baubeginn nicht mehr miterleben, sie starb 1758 im Alter von 49 Jahren. Friedrich begann 1761 mit dem Bau. Auch er konnte die Fertigstellung nicht miterleben. Er starb 1763 im Alter von 51 Jahren in Bayreuth.
Die Tochter des Markgrafenpaares, Prinzessin Friederike, erbte den Besitz 1763. Von ihr stammt der Name Fantaisie. Sie ließ das Schloss bis 1765 von Johann Jakob Spindler errichten. Es beherbergt das Spindler-Kabinett, eine Intarsienarbeit der Gebrüder Johann Friedrich und Heinrich Wilhelm Spindler in einer originalgetreuen Nachbildung des Originals, das sich im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum in München befindet.
Nach Friederikes Tod 1780 wurden Schloss und Park veräußert. 1792 erwarb ihre Cousine Friederike Dorothea Sophia von Brandenburg-Schwedt (1736–1798) den Besitz. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann, Herzog Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg (1732–1797), ließ sie den Park anglisieren. Ihr Enkel Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm (1804–1881) stockte das Schloss auf und ließ die Gartenstaffagen im Zeitgeschmack erneuern.
Aufgrund dieser späteren Umbauten hat sich nur sehr wenig vom ursprünglichen Schloss erhalten. Der bestechende Schlosspark ist geprägt von Elementen aus den Stilphasen Rokoko, Empfindsamkeit, Romantik und Historismus. Im Schlossgebäude wurde im Jahr 2000 das erste Gartenkunstmuseum Deutschlands eingerichtet. Seit einigen Jahren wird der Park in seinen ursprünglichen Zustand zurückversetzt. So wurden die Südterrassen, die zum See hin zeigen, wieder mit Weinstöcken bepflanzt, das Labyrinth wurde wieder angelegt und die Wasserkaskaden mit Sandsteinmuscheln und Fabelwesen instand gesetzt.
Herzog Philipp Alexander Maria Ernst von Württemberg (* 30. Juli 1838 in Neuilly-sur-Seine; † 11. Oktober 1917 in Stuttgart) war als Sohn des Herzogs Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm von Württemberg und Marie Christine von Orléans ein Mitglied des Hauses Württemberg.
Da die Mutter starb, als der Sohn erst sechs Monate alt war, brachte man ihn an den Pariser Hof, wo er von seinen Großeltern König Ludwig Philipp von Frankreich und Königin Marie Amélie erzogen wurde. Obwohl das Haus Württemberg und damit auch der Vater protestantisch waren, wurde der Junge katholisch getauft, weswegen das Haus Württemberg heute katholisch ist. Im Jahr 1848 floh die königliche Familie aufgrund der Revolution aus Paris. Der Junge kehrte zu seinem Vater zurück und bewohnte mit ihm Schloss Fantaisie in Bayreuth.
Herzog Philipp bewohnte mit seiner Familie das Prinzenpalais in Stuttgart, nachdem er 1905 den Strudelhof in Wien verkauft hatte. Im Alter von 79 Jahren verstarb der Herzog in Stuttgart und wurde in Ludwigsburg beigesetzt; im Jahr 1927 ließ der Sohn Herzog Albrecht den Sarg in die neu erbaute Familiengruft an der Schloss- und Pfarrkirche St. Michael in Altshausen überführen. Herzog Philipp ist Stammvater des heutigen Hauses Württemberg.
Gemäß den Ordensstatuten wurde ihm mit dem vierzehnten Lebensjahr das Großkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone verliehen.
Herzog Philipp heiratete am 18. Januar 1865 in der Kammerkapelle der Wiener Hofburg Erzherzogin Marie Therese von Österreich (1845–1927), Tochter von Feldmarschall Erzherzog Albrecht von Österreich-Teschen. Das Paar hatte sechs Kinder:
Albrecht (1865–1939)
Marie Amelie von Württemberg (1865–1883), jüngere Zwillingsschwester Albrechts, starb an der Tuberkulose
Maria Isabella (1871–1904) ∞ Johann Georg Prinz von Sachsen (1869–1938)
Robert (1873–1947) ∞ Maria Immaculata von Österreich (1878–1968), Tochter von Erzherzog Karl Salvator von Toskana(1839–1892)
Ulrich (1877–1944)
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sarahstewartba · 7 years
Nurse Nellie Spindler died 100 years ago today
On this day 100 years ago (August 21, 1917), Nellie Spindler, a nurse from Wakefield in Yorkshire, was resting in her tent after a hard night-shift at the No.32 British Casualty Clearing Station in Brandhoek, Belgium, when a German shell fragment  pierced the canvass, hit her and killed her.
The sacrifice of Nellie Spindler, and nurses in the First World War in general, has been the focus of a recent project involving the folk experimentalists and storytelling trio Harp and a Monkey – and they have released a video today (which you can view here) to mark the anniversary of Nellie’s death.
Martin Purdy, the band’s frontman and a WW1 historian, said: “Recent events to mark the centenary of the opening of the Third Battle of Ypres, or ‘Passchendaele’, have focused on the soldiers, but it would seem fitting today to spare a thought for the nursing staff, many of whom – like Nellie Spindler - were never too far from danger.”  
‘Clean White Sheets’ (The Nellie Spindler Song) was inspired by the work of secondary school children from Nellie’s home town, who worked with Professor Christine Hallett (from Manchester University), to remember the sacrifices of their local heroine, who was only in her mid-twenties when she died.
Martin added: “The idea of Clean White Sheets is based around the memoirs of the wounded, who would often judge how close they were to home – and safety - by how clean the sheets were. It just seemed like a very simple but evocative and powerful image.”
As well as performing their standard shows, Harp and a Monkey have spent the past two years highlighting different aspects of the First World War, and challenging stereotypes about it, by performing in unusual venues related to the conflict on home shores. This has seen the Lancashire trio perform to the inmates of a prison that once housed conscientious objectors; disabled veterans on a community purpose-built for the maimed in 1919; at the scene of a Zeppelin attack in the middle of the West Pennine Moors; at the former parish church of the most decorated WW1 clergyman; inside the pithead of a mine that was crucial to the war effort; in front of the railway van that brought home the body of the Unknown Warrior; and on the site of a former WW1 aerodrome.
In coming weeks they will perform two more free shows open to the general public:
The first show will be on Sunday, September 10 inside a First World War military hut in a farm field in Suffolk.  More than 800,000 volunteers needed housing around the country after the outbreak of the war in 1914, and providing the huts to do so became the biggest building project of its kind ever undertaken. After the conflict, many of the huts went on to have useful lives and some are still found in communities around the country today under the guise of scout huts, churches, church halls and the like. A project is now underway (courtesy of the Khaki Devil organisation) to restore and preserve a number of these huts and build a museum around them, and it is this collection that will provide the backdrop to the Harp and a Monkey show at Brook Farm, Bells Lane, Hawstead, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP29 5NW.  The show starts at 2pm, is free and suitable for all ages.
The second show will be on Saturday, September 30 at the Heritage Centre in Crossgates Library, Leeds. This is the community that housed the Barnbow munitions factory during the First World War in which there was a huge explosion in December 1916 that killed 35 of the female workers and injured many more. Sadly, many of the dead could only be identified by discs with their names on that they wore around their necks. Because of the censorship at the time, the explosion was kept secret and production started again soon afterwards in the affected workroom. It would be six years after the end of the war before the story was made public. The memorial to the dead is near to the heritage centre on Farm Road, which also hosts an exhibition about the event. The show starts at 1pm, is free and once again suitable for all ages.
The performances include field recordings and interviews with veterans, new songs and re-workings of traditional and contemporaneous songs. The shows are tied to the band’s critically acclaimed third album ‘War Stories’, which was described by the likes of The Observer as “bold and brilliant”.
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themekeeper-blog1 · 8 years
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers
New item has been added on ThemeKeeper.com https://themekeeper.com/item/wordpress/ichiban-a-theme-for-photographers
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers    Ichiban is a WordPress theme build especially for professional photographers who want to bring their presence online in a sleek, elegant way. Featuring a clean, unique, elegant design and typography, Ichiban is guaranteed to bring a pleasant reading experience to your visitors. Check out the online documentation. Documentation for Ichiban is in progress. Features Breakdown Unique, Responsive Design WordPress 3.9+ Ready Build on Bootstrap 3 SEO plugins Optimized Super Clean and Robust Code WordPress Customizer Integration Handful of commonly used shortcodes Sell anything with WooCommerce Four types of portfolio media Four types of fullscreen gallery Three page sizes (half, medium, large) Blog Post Formats Advanced Page Builder Translation Ready (.po/.mo included) Demo Content Importer Dedicated Support Forum Tutorial Videos Below are tutorial videos demonstrating the user interface and ways to get around the theme. Video #1 – Creating Home Page After watching this video, you might be wondering. How do I set the page as my homepage on WordPress? Easy! Just go to Settings > Reading, then change the `Front page displays` option to `A Static Page`. Video #2 – Creating Portfolio Entry People using Ichiban David Weightman: Married to My Camera – Link Saskia Spindler – Link Christine Ballisty – Link Clemen Foto – Link Jundat – Link Silverspoon Photography – Link Tingari – Link Eyes can Make Pictures – Link Jasenka Grujin – Link Words from Customers Credits All images, video and audio used in the preview site of this theme are not included in the download package. Below are the generous people who has allowed me to use their gorgeous photographs on the theme demo site. Ales Krivec – gljivec Aleks Ivic – aleksivicvisuals.com Chris Honninger – crozer Daniel Zedda – Flickr JiangNan Dream – Flickr Changelog v3.1 – May 18, 2017 Support video URLs on WordPress native galleries Officially compatible with WPML Replace all fotorama sliders with flickity WooCommerce templates updated for WooCommerce 3.0 v3.0 – April 03, 2017 NEW: Photoswipe image sharing functions added NEW: Option to show gallery descriptions on page load NEW: Masonry blog layout Improvement: Use object-fit property on cover images for better SEO and responsive image support Improvement: All post video embeds are now responsive Improvement: Make sure all customizer settings have a sanitize callback Improvement: All WooCommerce tables are now responsive Update: Youxi Core v1.7.7 – allows HTML inside splash title and subtitle v2.6.7 – March 10, 2017 Updated Youxi Core to v1.7.5 Updated Youxi Shortcode to v4.2.2 Added `Ignore Video` option for header image sliders Adjust all translation function calls to escape its output Minor code improvements Updated .POT file v2.6.6 – January 31, 2017 Updated Youxi core to v1.7.4 Updated Contact Form 7 styling v2.6.5 – January 20, 2017 Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Removed link styles inside entry text Fix disappearing grid filter link after first click v2.6.4 – December 14, 2017 Fixed bug with portfolio and gallery taxonomy featured images Fixed the newlines being stripped from custom CSS/JS customizer option Updated Youxi Gallery to v1.2.3 Updated Youxi Portfolio to v1.4.2 v2.6.3 – November 21, 2016 Moved custom CSS/JS, social profiles options to the customizer Fix long persistent bug with back button on Mac Safari when animation is enabled v2.6.2 – November 17, 2016 Added option to order gallery/portfolio by modified date Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest versions Updated base framework files Updated translation file – /languages/ichiban.pot Fix a bug that prevents saving attachment fields Fix a bug where the portfolio/gallery taxonomy term featured image field does not appear v2.6.1 – November 02, 2016 Prevent a fatal error after updating to v2.6 without updating the Youxi plugins Fix a bug that caused portfolio items without featured image to be invisible v2.6 – October 30, 2016 Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.7 Updated Flickity to v2.0.5 Updated Magnific Popup to v1.1.0 Updated FontAwesome to v4.7.0 Updated Youxi Importer to v2.0 – no more import failures Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Added ability to add portfolio and gallery category term featured image Removed Typekit from Theme Options, all Typekit options is now in Settings > External API > Typekit Google fonts data is now hardcoded into the theme Minimum WordPress version is now v4.2 Refactor some PHP codes Refactor some JS codes v2.5.1 – July 25, 2016 Added options to disable dragging and touchzoom on map page template Added thumbnail size option for shop Fixed the two taps behavior for shop thumbnails on touch devices v2.5 – July 22, 2016 Updated base framework files Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Remove viewport units fallback for older devices (causes bugs) Replace google maps on contact page with leaflet Added `Open in New Tab` option on site social icons Updated to OptionTree v2.6 WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility Updated Flickity to v2.0.2 Updated Isotope to v3.0.1 v2.4 – March 01, 2016 Added 404 page template Added option to only show the featured image on the blog index when either audio, video or gallery post format is selected Removed the semicolon ( character bug after the menu Updated WooCommerce page templates for v2.5.0 compatibility Fixed a bug where invisible header links are still clickable on the overlay Fixed a bug where inverted gallery header color style does not work Moved the 'Gallery Details' link to the left of the menu button Added page header color style (normal/inverted) on search, post, page, gallery, portfolio archives v2.3 – October 09, 2015 NEW: Comments in portfolio NEW: Comments in page Improvement: Viewport units sized elements are now displayed properly on unsupporting browsers Improvement: Compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.7 templates Improvement: Theme is now fully compatible with Jetpack's Photon module v2.2.1 – September 14, 2015 Updated Youxi Page Builder to v2.4.1 Updated to Flickity v1.1.1 Updated to isotope v2.2.2 Updated to packery v1.1.3 Fixed missing photoswipe arrows Fixed back button issue on Firefox/IE when page fade animation is enabled v2.2 – August 13, 2015 Update WooCommerce templates for WooCommerce 2.4 Disable Google Maps dragging on mobile devices Fix logo size bug on Firefox Updated to Bootstrap v3.3.5 Option to specify the portfolio media position v2.1 – August 05, 2015 NEW: Possibility to add HTML on team members description Improvement: Adjust gallery override priority to 1101 giving Jetpack Tiled Gallery a higher priority Improvement: Enqueue AddThis script with the correct HTTP protocol Fix: Link highlight color bug Fix: Ajax pagination bug when there are more than 4 pages Fix: Crashing caused by WooCommerce when Youxi Core is not activated Update: Use new Youxi framework code Update: Flickity v1.1.0 Update: PhotoSwipe v4.1.0 v2.0 – June 15, 2015 NEW: Support for Typekit and Websafe fonts NEW: WooCommerce support NEW: Option on portfolio, page and post to show a custom cover image instead of the featured image Fix: Overflowing frontpage logo Fix: [posts] shortcode now displays custom excerpts correctly when specified Improvement: Blog posts that do not have a valid post format data now shows the featured image Improvement: Remove `blog_date_format` theme option, use WordPress' `date_format` option instead v1.7 – May 17, 2015 NEW: Full RTL support NEW: Theme styling when WordPress admin bar is visible NEW: Theme option to specify portfolio and gallery post type title NEW: Theme option to change the related entries thumbnail size NEW: Option to hide the details on galleries NEW: Option to specify the AJAX load more button, loading and complete text on portfolio/gallery/post archive and shortcode NEW: Option to show image captions on Fotorama sliders NEW: Theme option to specify whether the blog index/archive should display summaries with `the_excerpt` or
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themekeeper-blog1 · 8 years
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers
New item has been added on ThemeKeeper.com https://themekeeper.com/item/wordpress/ichiban-a-theme-for-photographers
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers Ichiban is a WordPress theme build especially for professional photographers who want to bring their presence online in a sleek, elegant way. Featuring a clean, unique, elegant design and typography, Ichiban is guaranteed to bring a pleasant reading experience to your visitors. Features Breakdown Unique, Responsive Design WordPress 3.9+ Ready Build on Bootstrap 3 SEO plugins Optimized Super Clean and Robust Code WordPress Customizer Integration Handful of commonly used shortcodes Sell anything with WooCommerce Four types of portfolio media Four types of fullscreen gallery Three page sizes (half, medium, large) Blog Post Formats Advanced Page Builder Translation Ready (.po/.mo included) Demo Content Importer Dedicated Support Forum Tutorial Videos Below are tutorial videos demonstrating the user interface and ways to get around the theme. Video #1 – Creating Home Page After watching this video, you might be wondering. How do I set the page as my homepage on WordPress? Easy! Just go to Settings > Reading, then change the `Front page displays` option to `A Static Page`. Video #2 – Creating Portfolio Entry People using Ichiban David Weightman: Married to My Camera – Link Saskia Spindler – Link Christine Ballisty – Link Clemen Foto – Link Jundat – Link Silverspoon Photography – Link Tingari – Link Eyes can Make Pictures – Link Jasenka Grujin – Link Words from Customers Credits All images, video and audio used in the preview site of this theme are not included in the download package. Below are the generous people who has allowed me to use their gorgeous photographs on the theme demo site. Ales Krivec – gljivec Aleks Ivic – aleksivicvisuals.com Chris Honninger – crozer Daniel Zedda – Flickr JiangNan Dream – Flickr Changelog v3.1.3 – September 22, 2017 [leaflet_map] shortcode now has more options Updated leaflet to v1.2 Updated isotope to v3.0.4 Updated flickity to v2.0.10 Updated Youxi Shortcode to v4.2.3 v3.1.2 – August 14, 2017 Updated Youxi Post Format to v1.3 Fix missing Youxi Shortcode plugin v3.1.1 – July 14, 2017 Updated for WooCommerce 3.1 Updated base framework files Fix a JavaScript bug causing images not to load v3.1 – May 18, 2017 Support video URLs on WordPress native galleries Officially compatible with WPML Replace all fotorama sliders with flickity WooCommerce templates updated for WooCommerce 3.0 v3.0 – April 03, 2017 NEW: Photoswipe image sharing functions added NEW: Option to show gallery descriptions on page load NEW: Masonry blog layout Improvement: Use object-fit property on cover images for better SEO and responsive image support Improvement: All post video embeds are now responsive Improvement: Make sure all customizer settings have a sanitize callback Improvement: All WooCommerce tables are now responsive Update: Youxi Core v1.7.7 – allows HTML inside splash title and subtitle v2.6.7 – March 10, 2017 Updated Youxi Core to v1.7.5 Updated Youxi Shortcode to v4.2.2 Added `Ignore Video` option for header image sliders Adjust all translation function calls to escape its output Minor code improvements Updated .POT file v2.6.6 – January 31, 2017 Updated Youxi core to v1.7.4 Updated Contact Form 7 styling v2.6.5 – January 20, 2017 Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Removed link styles inside entry text Fix disappearing grid filter link after first click v2.6.4 – December 14, 2017 Fixed bug with portfolio and gallery taxonomy featured images Fixed the newlines being stripped from custom CSS/JS customizer option Updated Youxi Gallery to v1.2.3 Updated Youxi Portfolio to v1.4.2 v2.6.3 – November 21, 2016 Moved custom CSS/JS, social profiles options to the customizer Fix long persistent bug with back button on Mac Safari when animation is enabled v2.6.2 – November 17, 2016 Added option to order gallery/portfolio by modified date Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest versions Updated base framework files Updated translation file – /languages/ichiban.pot Fix a bug that prevents saving attachment fields Fix a bug where the portfolio/gallery taxonomy term featured image field does not appear v2.6.1 – November 02, 2016 Prevent a fatal error after updating to v2.6 without updating the Youxi plugins Fix a bug that caused portfolio items without featured image to be invisible v2.6 – October 30, 2016 Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.7 Updated Flickity to v2.0.5 Updated Magnific Popup to v1.1.0 Updated FontAwesome to v4.7.0 Updated Youxi Importer to v2.0 – no more import failures Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Added ability to add portfolio and gallery category term featured image Removed Typekit from Theme Options, all Typekit options is now in Settings > External API > Typekit Google fonts data is now hardcoded into the theme Minimum WordPress version is now v4.2 Refactor some PHP codes Refactor some JS codes v2.5.1 – July 25, 2016 Added options to disable dragging and touchzoom on map page template Added thumbnail size option for shop Fixed the two taps behavior for shop thumbnails on touch devices v2.5 – July 22, 2016 Updated base framework files Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Remove viewport units fallback for older devices (causes bugs) Replace google maps on contact page with leaflet Added `Open in New Tab` option on site social icons Updated to OptionTree v2.6 WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility Updated Flickity to v2.0.2 Updated Isotope to v3.0.1 v2.4 – March 01, 2016 Added 404 page template Added option to only show the featured image on the blog index when either audio, video or gallery post format is selected Removed the semicolon ( character bug after the menu Updated WooCommerce page templates for v2.5.0 compatibility Fixed a bug where invisible header links are still clickable on the overlay Fixed a bug where inverted gallery header color style does not work Moved the 'Gallery Details' link to the left of the menu button Added page header color style (normal/inverted) on search, post, page, gallery, portfolio archives v2.3 – October 09, 2015 NEW: Comments in portfolio NEW: Comments in page Improvement: Viewport units sized elements are now displayed properly on unsupporting browsers Improvement: Compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.7 templates Improvement: Theme is now fully compatible with Jetpack's Photon module v2.2.1 – September 14, 2015 Updated Youxi Page Builder to v2.4.1 Updated to Flickity v1.1.1 Updated to isotope v2.2.2 Updated to packery v1.1.3 Fixed missing photoswipe arrows Fixed back button issue on Firefox/IE when page fade animation is enabled v2.2 – August 13, 2015 Update WooCommerce templates for WooCommerce 2.4 Disable Google Maps dragging on mobile devices Fix logo size bug on Firefox Updated to Bootstrap v3.3.5 Option to specify the portfolio media position v2.1 – August 05, 2015 NEW: Possibility to add HTML on team members description Improvement: Adjust gallery override priority to 1101 giving Jetpack Tiled Gallery a higher priority Improvement: Enqueue AddThis script with the correct HTTP protocol Fix: Link highlight color bug Fix: Ajax pagination bug when there are more than 4 pages Fix: Crashing caused by WooCommerce when Youxi Core is not activated Update: Use new Youxi framework code Update: Flickity v1.1.0 Update: PhotoSwipe v4.1.0 v2.0 – June 15, 2015 NEW: Support for Typekit and Websafe fonts NEW: WooCommerce support NEW: Option on portfolio, page and post to show a custom cover image instead of the featured image Fix: Overflowing frontpage logo Fix: [posts] shortcode now displays custom excerpts correctly when specified Improvement: Blog posts that do not have a valid post format data now shows the featured image Improvement: Remove `blog_date_format` theme option, use WordPress' `date_format` option instead v1.7 – May 17, 2015 NEW: Full RTL support NEW: Theme styling when WordPress admin bar is visible NEW: Theme option to specify portfolio and gallery post type title NEW: Theme option to change the related entries thumbnail size NEW: Option to hide the details on galleries NEW: Option to specify the AJAX load more button, loading and complete text on portfolio/gallery/post archive and shortcode NEW: Option to show image captions on Fotorama sliders NEW: Theme option to specify whether the blog index/archive should display summaries with `the_excerpt` or
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themekeeper-blog1 · 8 years
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers
New item has been added on ThemeKeeper.com https://themekeeper.com/item/wordpress/ichiban-a-theme-for-photographers
Ichiban - A Theme for Photographers    Ichiban is a WordPress theme build especially for professional photographers who want to bring their presence online in a sleek, elegant way. Featuring a clean, unique, elegant design and typography, Ichiban is guaranteed to bring a pleasant reading experience to your visitors. Check out the online documentation. Documentation for Ichiban is in progress. Features Breakdown Unique, Responsive Design WordPress 3.9+ Ready Build on Bootstrap 3 SEO plugins Optimized Super Clean and Robust Code WordPress Customizer Integration Handful of commonly used shortcodes Sell anything with WooCommerce Four types of portfolio media Four types of fullscreen gallery Three page sizes (half, medium, large) Blog Post Formats Advanced Page Builder Translation Ready (.po/.mo included) Demo Content Importer Dedicated Support Forum Tutorial Videos Below are tutorial videos demonstrating the user interface and ways to get around the theme. Video #1 – Creating Home Page After watching this video, you might be wondering. How do I set the page as my homepage on WordPress? Easy! Just go to Settings > Reading, then change the `Front page displays` option to `A Static Page`. Video #2 – Creating Portfolio Entry People using Ichiban David Weightman: Married to My Camera – Link Saskia Spindler – Link Christine Ballisty – Link Clemen Foto – Link Jundat – Link Silverspoon Photography – Link Tingari – Link Eyes can Make Pictures – Link Jasenka Grujin – Link Words from Customers Credits All images, video and audio used in the preview site of this theme are not included in the download package. Below are the generous people who has allowed me to use their gorgeous photographs on the theme demo site. Ales Krivec – gljivec Aleks Ivic – aleksivicvisuals.com Chris Honninger – crozer Daniel Zedda – Flickr JiangNan Dream – Flickr Changelog v2.6.7 – March 10, 2017 Updated Youxi Core to v1.7.5 Updated Youxi Shortcode to v4.2.2 Added `Ignore Video` option for header image sliders Adjust all translation function calls to escape its output Minor code improvements Updated .POT file v2.6.6 – January 31, 2017 Updated Youxi core to v1.7.4 Updated Contact Form 7 styling v2.6.5 – January 20, 2017 Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Removed link styles inside entry text Fix disappearing grid filter link after first click v2.6.4 – December 14, 2017 Fixed bug with portfolio and gallery taxonomy featured images Fixed the newlines being stripped from custom CSS/JS customizer option Updated Youxi Gallery to v1.2.3 Updated Youxi Portfolio to v1.4.2 v2.6.3 – November 21, 2016 Moved custom CSS/JS, social profiles options to the customizer Fix long persistent bug with back button on Mac Safari when animation is enabled v2.6.2 – November 17, 2016 Added option to order gallery/portfolio by modified date Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest versions Updated base framework files Updated translation file – /languages/ichiban.pot Fix a bug that prevents saving attachment fields Fix a bug where the portfolio/gallery taxonomy term featured image field does not appear v2.6.1 – November 02, 2016 Prevent a fatal error after updating to v2.6 without updating the Youxi plugins Fix a bug that caused portfolio items without featured image to be invisible v2.6 – October 30, 2016 Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.7 Updated Flickity to v2.0.5 Updated Magnific Popup to v1.1.0 Updated FontAwesome to v4.7.0 Updated Youxi Importer to v2.0 – no more import failures Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Added ability to add portfolio and gallery category term featured image Removed Typekit from Theme Options, all Typekit options is now in Settings > External API > Typekit Google fonts data is now hardcoded into the theme Minimum WordPress version is now v4.2 Refactor some PHP codes Refactor some JS codes v2.5.1 – July 25, 2016 Added options to disable dragging and touchzoom on map page template Added thumbnail size option for shop Fixed the two taps behavior for shop thumbnails on touch devices v2.5 – July 22, 2016 Updated base framework files Updated all Youxi plugins to the latest version Remove viewport units fallback for older devices (causes bugs) Replace google maps on contact page with leaflet Added `Open in New Tab` option on site social icons Updated to OptionTree v2.6 WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility Updated Flickity to v2.0.2 Updated Isotope to v3.0.1 v2.4 – March 01, 2016 Added 404 page template Added option to only show the featured image on the blog index when either audio, video or gallery post format is selected Removed the semicolon ( character bug after the menu Updated WooCommerce page templates for v2.5.0 compatibility Fixed a bug where invisible header links are still clickable on the overlay Fixed a bug where inverted gallery header color style does not work Moved the 'Gallery Details' link to the left of the menu button Added page header color style (normal/inverted) on search, post, page, gallery, portfolio archives v2.3 – October 09, 2015 NEW: Comments in portfolio NEW: Comments in page Improvement: Viewport units sized elements are now displayed properly on unsupporting browsers Improvement: Compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.7 templates Improvement: Theme is now fully compatible with Jetpack's Photon module v2.2.1 – September 14, 2015 Updated Youxi Page Builder to v2.4.1 Updated to Flickity v1.1.1 Updated to isotope v2.2.2 Updated to packery v1.1.3 Fixed missing photoswipe arrows Fixed back button issue on Firefox/IE when page fade animation is enabled v2.2 – August 13, 2015 Update WooCommerce templates for WooCommerce 2.4 Disable Google Maps dragging on mobile devices Fix logo size bug on Firefox Updated to Bootstrap v3.3.5 Option to specify the portfolio media position v2.1 – August 05, 2015 NEW: Possibility to add HTML on team members description Improvement: Adjust gallery override priority to 1101 giving Jetpack Tiled Gallery a higher priority Improvement: Enqueue AddThis script with the correct HTTP protocol Fix: Link highlight color bug Fix: Ajax pagination bug when there are more than 4 pages Fix: Crashing caused by WooCommerce when Youxi Core is not activated Update: Use new Youxi framework code Update: Flickity v1.1.0 Update: PhotoSwipe v4.1.0 v2.0 – June 15, 2015 NEW: Support for Typekit and Websafe fonts NEW: WooCommerce support NEW: Option on portfolio, page and post to show a custom cover image instead of the featured image Fix: Overflowing frontpage logo Fix: [posts] shortcode now displays custom excerpts correctly when specified Improvement: Blog posts that do not have a valid post format data now shows the featured image Improvement: Remove `blog_date_format` theme option, use WordPress' `date_format` option instead v1.7 – May 17, 2015 NEW: Full RTL support NEW: Theme styling when WordPress admin bar is visible NEW: Theme option to specify portfolio and gallery post type title NEW: Theme option to change the related entries thumbnail size NEW: Option to hide the details on galleries NEW: Option to specify the AJAX load more button, loading and complete text on portfolio/gallery/post archive and shortcode NEW: Option to show image captions on Fotorama sliders NEW: Theme option to specify whether the blog index/archive should display summaries with `the_excerpt` or
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