gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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“So after a few days of thinking about it, I told Jareth I would take on the position of caretaker, if I could still work part time with the paper. He said that would be fine. However, i told him I wasn’t ready to move in, I wanted to make sure this was going to work out before I gave up my apartment. “
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“Some of my duties were to keep this place clean, which was fine, but I didn’t understand why William, Jareth’s driver, didn’t clean up after himself, like Jareth did. He never let dirty dishes sit out for me to pick up.”
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“About three weeks after I started working at the house,, lo and behold Christopher showed up. I thought he got the message when I threw him out, but apparently his new “boyfriend” was already tired of his antics.”
JARETH- “What the hell is HE doing here!?”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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CHRISTOPHER- “Who are...”
JARETH- “I am your worst enemy, Christopher.”
CHRISTOPHER- “How do you know my name? Are you making me feel this way?”
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JARETH- “You won’t be feeling much of anything soon.”
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He fell to the ground, lifeless.
JARETH- “What happened? I only drained his life spirit, I didn’t even drink!”
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DEATH- “What do you think it means when you drain someone’s life spirit, Jareth. I mean for watcher’s sake, haven’t you been a vampire now well over a hundred years. Have not learnt how to use that power yet??”
JARETH- “Apparently not. Just take care of this body, will you?”
DEATH- “As you wish.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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PIERCE- “Christopher, what the hell are you doing here, I am working!”
CHRISTOPHER- “Working? Really it looks like you are shacking up with some old rich man you do not even know. I want the apartment if you are going to be living here. I talked to your mother and she said you moved in here.”
PIERCE- Number one I am NOT living here and no, you can not have the apartment. You never even paid for rent when you were living there.”
CHRISTOPHER- “That is not true! I did pay the deposit when we moved in, so I have every right to live there if you are not going to be using the place.
PIERCE- “That was four years ago, Christopher! And since then you have not paid one damn dime!! Like I said I am NOT living here.”
CHRISTOPHER- “Fine then I will have my attorney.....
JARETH- “I think I need to take care of this little issue, it seems.”
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PIERCE- “What a joke, Christopher!!  You are not on the lease, and you never paid rent, and it is not like I was stupid enough to marry you so you have no legal standing to do anything, so leave.”
CHRISTOPHER- “We will see about that! I am going... 
PIERCE- “What, what are you going to do?”
“Suddenly, he just turns around and heads back towards the drive to his car.”
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PIERCE- “What are you doing? Where are you going?”
CHRISTOPHER- “You are right. I have no legal grounds to do anything I am leaving. You have a great life. Plus you are making me nauseous.”
“That was extremely odd. Bizarre really. In all the years I have known him Christopher never backed down from an argument.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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There always has to be an annoying partner/boyfriend in the story, right? Meet Pierce’s Boyfriend
(found on the gallery by Origin ID Lenei14)
Christopher was raised in Newcrest by a single mother and somehow won a scholarship to Britechester for Computer Sciences. His first year there he met Pierce and they soon became involved. 
When Pierce’s dad suddenly died, he couldn’t stand being apart from Pierce so he soon followed him to Brindleton Bay, where it seems were a host of gay men that Christopher soon met...
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