#Chrom frobin support. yep
chynandri · 6 months
Cuz I’ve been drawing engage for donations/comm I watched some supports out of curiosity. Diamant really feels like Chrom in some ways, cuz even the cadence of how they talk is similar. However I realized the difference is that Chrom has snark and… is kind of a brat (?) sometimes LMAO… and Diamant just seems like an all around standup guy from the supports
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convxction · 5 years
// time to rant again because i love the shepherds so much they add so much to chrom and im still pretty mad that he does not have many supports sldkfjskd but really. lets look at every one.
lissa: plz have you seen a good supportive brother like chrom? imsuretherearebutletmehavethismomentgdi a-ahem. i mean come on. how do you show how supportive chrom is? lissa’s support. he just i trust you to do shit and be ok. im just soft because he softly told her that she is really one of a kind. she is the camp’s heart because she makes everyone smile and laugh--something he cannot do himself. well, she did something stupid and he reproached her but hey he does not want her dead do we now? but yes. i’m just soooft and ugh because chrom knew everyone agreed that she is super amazing kind-hearted gal but she just focuses on the ‘Emmeyrn and Chrom’s sister’ and not on “Lissa’ herself. just kill me plz. he told her the advice he believed in. (psyche! that surely did work for him huh? just flung into the exalt role out of the blue lmaaaaooo....thats so sad. alexa plays dont say her name) 
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im just deceased because they seem not that close but then these subtle things you can see how they are close to each other. please, royal ylisse siblings are good kill me plz i want. lissa trying to not be a burden, and chrom just gently nudge her into the right direction. halp. this is unfair and illegal. sobs. wherethelissasat?
frederick: is frederick. I just get super annoyed when people say chrom does not appreciate what frederick does for him. hm. how about not? since frederick was with him since he can remember, chrom immediately recognizes every ‘Frederick-thing’. someone fixed a hole in a room, sounds like the handwork of frederick. someone cleaned something, frederick. etc. chrom is not a bad prince who shoves everything at his subordinates. in fact, chrom wants to do things but mister kinght frederick nu uh. im still little bit disappointed, tiny bit, it is not...better support but i get they want to show a more silly, cute, soft side of frederick who is like TRAITOR TO THE YLISSEAN LANDS BEGONE. but yeah. i still appreciate frederick showing how much good prince chrom is.
avatar: friends or lovers. plz. tis good. mrobin support surely focus on chrom’s personality more than frobin but it is ok. my focus is chrom, not anything else mwahaha. robin: did you accept me out of pity? chrom: yep. ....this dumb of a man is straightforward. im just in tears. he’s not gonna lie. do you remember what he said when lissa pointed out the burning town and then frederick said what they should do with robin?
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my people await me. i cant deal with a ‘spy’ now. smh. 
aside from burning people and cities, but chrom already knew he is just...this hopeless dumb who will reach out to everyone. he will not change and or want to change. he is comfortable with who he is. (ohoh wait till faty starts writing you, you lil binch. comfortable bawahahaha whos that? we dont know it. comfortable myass) ahem. but guys this line
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the strength of chrom’s army is...the diversity in it. it is not just ylissean voluntary army anymore, it is ‘anyone who wants peace restored’ army and we stand by that banner gdi. (also chrom sets the rules. he is the boss and you will listen. if he asked you for a hug you will give understood? looking at you all emos with personal affection issues.) the shepherds is the coolest place to be in. pass it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 welcome to the shepherds, we accept everyone. whale noises. plz love the shepherds.
i feel happy that they gave chrom that chance? to have different kind of hey i met you i marry you. yes, he got the ring and all but this was a nice surprise.
their support could be really one of the most romantic thing because it revolves around accepting, or platonic for the same reason. these two are muscle dumbs but with a heart of gold. they pretty much the blue red mainstream ships but a good one. i love how chrom just sees sully for who she is. she says she wants to be one of the [the boyz] but is still a cool kick ass woman? hell yeah sure. in the end, she is just ‘Sully’ for him and no one going to change it.
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it is super cute how he just wants to reassure a friend she is good the way she is. chrom plz be the president. it anchors him haha. haaa.....anchors him. the good ol’ past. 
this support is nice. forget the whole ‘romantic’ or whatever. it shows how acceptance chrom is to everyone’s differences. these stereotypes and labels do not concern him. yes, he uses them like the rest of everyone but will quickly adjust to what you chose to represent yourself. just tell him and he will accordingly address you the way you like. 
also this is good? because this is probably the only time chrom mention the queen’s job as being ‘shouldering half of his responsibility’ ???
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it is great. sully is great. her broad shoulders are bless to ylisse. thanks baby.
Vaike: the dude. the homeboy. the slum boy we love so much. 
chrom> seems poised and collective and cool
vaike appears ‘eyo chicken!  bawk  bawk ‘
chrom: you ARE ON PUNK.
this is basically them. i love them so much. 
these two actually fight and they bet on their lives. poor lissa had to heal these assholes all the time. how dumb can they be to act like that? ...very dumb.
two dumb birds of feathers who loves competing AND winning. 
like vaike is one of these few people chrom curse or just be generally ‘bad boy’ with. it shows how long they have known each other. it is so cool when he can just relax and kick back and enjoy being just a normal guy. i love when chrom can be just a normal guuuuyyy aaaa and i love how he sees his mystery food x as a good knockout food. dont let this man cook for you if you didnt spcify you want something edible he will knock you out.
sobs. friendship plz. the bro feels.
sumia: ...*static noises*
plz dont get me wrong. i like sumia but. the supports. pie pie pie. i guess they are using the ‘the way to a man's heart is through his stomach’ the C support was a good start because chrom seldom shares his worries but because she saw him trip and really looking tired. and i still dont know what sacrifices she is making for him. 
jokes aside, we can get a glimpse that some shepherds became soldiers to follow chrom and be at his service so that is a nice thing to know. the group is made out of voluntary people so it is nice to see some willingly came because they want to follow chrom when he made it. 
maribelle: themis lady parasol fu master, back off.
what did she add to his character? he, again, supportive of lissa. let her befriend whoever she wants, she can defend herself just fine. 
chrom is a very good friend who will care for you and worry about your well-being and will be very upset if something happened to you. he figured out what maribelle did because she is just like frederick--doing the impossible for him and lissa. 
please chrom is a good friend just let him befriend you and you will know. aaaaaa. he just want to be equal to everyone because that is better aaaaa
gaius: .........*CLASPS HANDS*  . . . . BOY. I LOVE HIM.
i would kill for gaius. right now. 
gaius is one of these characters who not only literally skyrocketed chrom’s character development but is still giving more and more with every interaction. their supports? *italian hand chef kiss* mwah perfect. i love. i would print and hang in my room. 
what gaius did might be immature, silly and stupid to some but it was the right wake up slap chrom needed. yes he took him to the red light district, it was not about the place, it was about the trip in a whole. chrom realized he is..just a normal human being. yes, he is royalty but no one said he cannot enjoy the little things in life. he forced himself to remain in the prince zone and focus on his duty as much as he can and forget he can do other things, like the rest of the people it is actually something...easy to brush over but for someone like chrom who changed with years, it was a really good nudge in the right direction. yes, chrom is the type to be reminded that he needs to act like a prince but dont let that fool you. he tries to restrain himself from going over what is excepted of a prince. gaius only had to point to the elephant in the room and let chrom figure it out on his own. thanks for gaius faia embermu. i love how he just with every interaction, there is something he could teach chrom.
supports> chrom got a better understanding of his position as a prince and as a normal man.
drama cd> true convictions and values are great just be careful not to bite more than you can chew
harvest scramble> trust between friends is an amazing thing and he should treasure this but communication is equally important. 
welcome strangers, wanna bu--know more about candy man and blue man?
let me just....die in peace. i love one candy man. chrom could make a shrine for him if he asked. just ask.we love him. so much. there is a reason why i married him over chrom hahahaha...........uh...raise your hand if you didnt marry chrom on your first playthrough hohohoh.
olivia: the olivs. C U T E tm
listen, if their support does not tell you how bad chrom’s humor is then i dont know. please chrom work on your fashion and your humor. i love you but your humor is fatal like your cooking. a total knockout.  (tho she said he is funny prince but i will let this slide Olivia. you signed up a life with this man now you gotta suffer the dad jokes.)
but he can be smooth? whenever he wants? good boy trying to charm you with all the brain cell power he has. please be charmed! he got charm skill for a reason, amirite? ba dum tssssssss...dont block me plz. 
i love how he seems to like to reach out to everyone???? sees olivia cannot reach out, he tries his best to befriend her. what sort of commander will he be if he does not know the people working under him? 
chrom makes it a daily thing to meet up new recruits and get to know them. after all, you are asking people to fight and possibly die in the battlefield. the least you can do is be able to remember their names when they go down. keep their memories alive. not just another pawn in this meaningless war. 
i soft cries because chrom and new recruits like...everyone is so terrified because if frederick is this stern then what about the captain the chroms appears like ‘eyo fellow youngsters. what is cooking?’ and everyone just .....the frick? but they warm up so quickly because this is not camp hell as they thought it would be. 
chrom tries to make everyone comfortable makes my brain melt.
he tries his best gdi.
lucina: the daughter. the light. ....sigh......the daughter..............
chrom as best father? YES/YES? you better say yes too. my threat still continues here.
lucina: father *in every game she appears in*
chrom: ...wow. feels strange..but cool!
he feels so cool being called father. give this man a star on his forehead. what a sweetheart. 
guys best line here.
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can we confirm that chrom is maes hughes? thanks. thats all to be said.
f in the chats. press a to validate.
[redirct to a pit of hell]
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inigo baby. i will not go on, on how terrified chrom to be a father and all that crap because im sure everyone nodding right now and saying ‘we get it, faty. we get it. he is traumatized by his father yadayadayda’ yes you are right my pretty peeps. 
BUT he is. to think he failed in the future to raise on kid to be this...not driven, good kid, mannered, etc. was a true blow to him. like plz dont tell me he is my child. look, he looks a good kid but..I DIDNT RAISE SUCH A FLACKY CHILD.IM WEEPING. WHAT A BLOW TO HIM INIGO PLZ UNDERSTAND.
im weeping. but hold my hand, he loves you nonetheless. 
i cant ...it physically pains me to talk about this.
the whole misunderstanding because inigo wanted to hide his pain and chrom thinking his son is a complete fool. 
please let me die in peace gdi. the burst, the make up and the hug...yes. 
chrom really wants to be a good father just help him in return. he is not the best if he does not get to you and you talk to him back. 
brady: the best thing in awakening.
multi-talented son? thank you very much.
but yes, what did he add to chrom? validate chrom’s ass as being a good dad and a good husband to boot. 
i’m just...hwaaah you get it? i love how chrom is “you looked scary but you are alright now~”...dont tell your son you have a scary face gdi! but that is another thing about chrom--his honesty. it might hurt but it is better to tell the person rather than slipping it by mistake. chrom loves his children unconditionally (ofc like any parent) but dude when it comes to brady think about the pressure it might put him. maribelle and chrom about the whole ‘not looking like a proper prince’ ...chrom will stab anyone who dares to say something about brady, that if maribelle did not parasol fu them first.
also, chrom is always eager to know people. seen with olivia, and almost all his interactions, he just wanna chat with the other party and get to know them. even for a little bit, he will take any opportunity to try his best to score some friendship points with everyone. 
i love chrom father edition who loves his kids no matter who they are. thanks.
kjelle: chi chi~!!!! <3 yes chrom calls her chi chi back off. 
first of all, i love their support. as much as kjelle is portrayed like her mom, fighting and all, im happy that they took another route with her support with chrom. to do something domestic is really nice touch. especially, it links to chrom and sully support directly about the whole cooking and all. 
again, you know that chrom sucks at cooking but not as kjelle and sully. these trio are forbidden from going into the mess tent at all. who knows, if lucina can cook or not. .....not huh.....this family is doomed...jokes aside chef chrom probably a thing in this setting only. otherwise, plz feed me.
chrom in a corner when he talks to kjelle like “i know you are strong but you know, count on dad too?” points to himself and sparkles. “i can help!” he is trying his best.
i love their promise. help her cook food that tastes food. yes.
chrom and his dumb promises. i appreicate you man. 
chrom and domestic life is OK sign emoji. bueno. everyone thinks he is just muscle brain only. but surprise binches! chrom in apron says kiss the chef and making nice food and waifu with daughters prepraring the table and getting things ready. what? have you not seen a man cook lovingly to his family? bitch where do you live? in the pre-ylisse establishing years? smh. be open-minded.
cynthia: pega-pony princess!!!!!!!!! and yes he calls her that. in canon. 
cynthia made chrom cry,  cynthia made chrom cry,  cynthia made chrom cry   cynthia made chrom cry,  cynthia made chrom cry,  cynthia made chrom cry aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i told you he is a soft ass binch! he will cry gdi! ofc he will cry! he loves his children!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i’m just in pieces. cynthia just comes to deliver a punch to his gut and hug him afterward. thanks daughter for killing him kindly. 
i still love how he always tries to humor everyone???as best as he can?? i love how he knows the cues to not humor them again?? he is evolving and learning. what a good digimon...pokemon....chromon. he is mine now. chromon shinkaaaaa~ Chromimon~ ....dont sue.plz
morgan: im sorry that all your supports are the same things over and over with tiny minor changes.
sadly, this does not add much substance but all in all, CHROM IS A GOOD DAD OK? 
now let me weep and think about how cool other shepherds support would be. what could they have added to chrom, and ofc what he could have added to them! i am always interested in what people give chrom i forget what he can give them. ......i should..probably ask around people’s opinion what their muses learned from chrom. i mean, if you are reading this (after validating chrom in the chats) send us what he taught you???? pwetty pwease?
...sigh...i want more supports for chrom....give me...at least lonqu and cordelia and stahl...virion too gdi. siiiigh..... 
bonus round: chrom tend to express why he likes a person, what made him be attracted to them. 
for sully: he feels equal to her. she is true to herself. she didnt change. similar couple? hell yeah baby. battle skills? sign me up. rock-solid support god bless. comes to his rescue because likes to dive head-on into troubles haha.
sumia: her pies. being good with the pegasi. because she has her ways of getting what she wants. 
maribelle: her poise, and her consideration for others. he loved her since he was a kid. crush. crush.
olivia: her smile, determination to get better and fight her shyness. 
avatar: would be the smart brain. being a good companion and a good friend. sticking with him.
slam village maiden: her undying love for him. acceptance. patient. understanding. 
i just..had to get this out of my system because every time i remember intelsys did chrom wrong with them few supports i wanna hack the game and write them supports myself. 
hacker voice: im in. going to give the people what they want. aka me. more supports! viola!
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