#Cindra durant
luverofralts · 6 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Ulyssa, what the hell is the matter with you? Can you even hear yourself? Noelle is right there! You've known she was your daughter? For how long? I can't imagine that you're paying child support, which means that Lucy has been shouldering the costs for your daughter alone. Why haven't you visited her? Is that why you won't let Roman see his daughter, because you don't believe in raising kids that are problematic for the marriage you keep destroying? You're making the wife you claim to love lie to her own people because you find monogamy difficult. How dare you treat a child like this! You're just as bad as Mom!"
Ulyssa rolled her eyes and shot their father a dirty look.
"Well, this little trap has worked out perfectly, hasn't it, Dad?" she spat. "Let's all gang up on Ulyssa. Isn't she horrible?"
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Noelle watched the drama in the kitchen unfold, trying to distance herself from it in the hall. This couldn't be true. Noelle knew her mother and all her faults, but she had never guessed that Lucy could keep a secret like this from her.
For the first time in her life, Noelle thought she could see an outline of the woman Lucy Helios-Diablo actually was. She was mean and blunt and frequently treated her daughter like she was an exotic pet instead of a child, but she was also kind...in her own way. Noelle thought of the hours her mother had spent helping Theo with his various problems or when she announced a spontaneous dinner in Arkhelios to give Roman's restaurant business. Cutting her biological mother from Noelle's life had been one of Lucy's kind gestures, even if Noelle hadn't understood it until now. There was no universe where Ulyssa wanted Noelle. She'd practically spat that sentiment at Cindra just now. Noelle was a regret, a mistake that Ulyssa desperately wanted to undo. A reminder of her embarrassment that she could sink as low as to sleep with Lucy, the annoying friend of her little brother.
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Noelle didn't even realize that she was crying until she felt Cindra's comforting hands around her. Noelle had never experienced such a gesture from the Durants, but then again, she hadn't known that they were her biological family until five minutes ago. Cindra was nice; at least she seemed that way. Noelle wasn't used to adults comforting her. Her mother encouraged her to make her own choices and mistakes, and her grandmother did the same. Grandma Elaine loved Saturnia and spoiled her, while Noelle and Theo were encouraged to keep their "drama" to themselves. Having the demon sovereign for a stepmother wasn't exactly maternal either. Once the sovereign had discovered that Noelle didn't possess the same potential as her cousin, she had largely ignored her stepdaughter. They were friendly, sure, and the sovereign really wasn't as bad as everyone assumed she was. Noelle was regaled with amazing stories of demonic battles and how life millennia ago was really much different than what her textbooks said, but the sovereign wasn't her mother.
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"It's okay," Cindra whispered, still stroking Noelle's hair as she cried. "We know the truth now. You're my niece, and I'm going to help you. No Durant gets left behind, unless they choose to be. We stick together."
No one was her secondary mother and clearly Noelle had been foolish to think that her other biological donor was somewhere secretly hoping to meet her. She wasn't blind; she had stumbled upon her mother crying several times over the past years. Noelle's story wasn't some magical fairy tale where she got to go live in a castle with parents who loved her. Her story was of a distant mother who had been far too hurt in the past to open up to others, including her daughter.
And rejection. There wasn't another word strong enough to describe Noelle's life. She didn't have powers like Theo to keep people interested in her or a close enough resemblance to her grandmother for Elaine to bond with her. Keeping Ulyssa out of Noelle's life was the best way Lucy knew how to protect her daughter from the pain of rejection, but the secret was out now. What was she supposed to do now?
It was now the second time that a Helios and a Durant had covered up a pregnancy and Cindra was frankly getting sick of the drama. Ulyssa had vanished shortly after Noelle's tears could be heard, without even stopping to say goodbye to her daughter. Cindra never thought that her opinion of Ulyssa could get any lower after the affair with Roman, but here she was, fuming over this new betrayal.
And Jorah. Her brother was speaking in hushed tones with their father, clearly freaking out about something. Launce gave a curt nod in her direction, indicating that he was pleased with her response to his little reveal. Cindra was torn by how to respond. On one hand, her father had never truly stood up to anyone in his life, so if he wanted Noelle to be acknowledged by the family, of course he would choose a roundabout way of revealing that information where he wasn't directly involved in the reveal. On the other hand, Cindra watched her brother and father whisper together and realized that they were much too alike to stand up to anyone for any reason. The threat of Ulyssa hung over the Durant family, and no one was going to challenge her. Her secrets were woven into the Durant family, hiding in hidden corners and stealing the life from those forced to hide them.
Well, no more. There was no way that Cindra was going to allow her sister to leave a trail of broken children behind her any more. Things were going to change.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 9 months
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“Cindra!” Jorah’s voice called out as he walked up to her and embraced her in a hug.
Cindra patted her brother on the back. "It's been so long," she said. "We need to have family gatherings more often."
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potential-fate · 2 years
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Shiloh, for all it was worth, was excited to be a big sister. Cindra and she had talked about it at length and from what she could tell it would be quite fun… once they got past the crying part. The Munoz twins, who were a bit older than her, had allowed her to spend time with them and their little brothers as well, though they seemed less inclined to being older sisters than she or Cindra was. 
Her parents had made it clear they would definitely make time for her still, so she wasn’t that worried. Besides, this meant she’d eventually have a miniature best friend right across the hall. 
She heard her parents talk all the time about how ‘quiet’ and ‘peaceful’ things were nowadays, but she didn’t really get it. She’d asked Cindra, who’d asked Jorah, but still hadn’t gotten a straight answer to why things were not peaceful before. It was only a little frustrating. But she didn’t ask her parents, because every time she had, Momma would get all quiet. 
Cindra had wagered it didn’t really matter, since things were ‘peaceful’ now, and she supposed her best friend was probably right.  
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1, 3, 13 and 16 for the oc ask game on your arkhelios gameplay blog (since asks aren't enabled on that one)!
Ooops. Reblogged it to this blog and I'll do the ask game here then instead. 😄
1.which oc has the best sleep schedule? the worst sleep schedule?
Kaeileen is an absolute mess in every way possible, that includes sleep schedule, or rather, her lack of sleep schedule. Her aunt Pia on the other hand stubbornly gets out of bed no matter what her mood that day is.
3. what oc has the best music taste? the worst music taste?
Look, you're asking someone who primarily listens to metal and hard rock music... So, from my perspective, Nathan. But music isn't a hobby for him, so I can't picture him listening to something for its great guitar riffs - I imagine he picks whatever bands that are the most controversial and have the most horrifying lyrics. He was definitely blasting music about blood and gore with loud speakers to annoy his mother before Cindra made him stop.
13. which oc drops the hydroflask in class?
Jorah. No doubt.
16. which oc has the most admirers?
Pelle and it's not even close. I underestimated his power when I made him. I didn't think about the fact that traits also boost attraction...
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luverofralts · 6 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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Roman went out to fetch the morning paper just like any other Tuesday. The dog absolutely refused to fulfill the stereotype and retrieve the paper for his owners, so that duty fell to Roman. The dog would still accompany him to the porch, but chose to observe only.
Most mornings, Roman fed the kids, read the paper and met up with Adrian at their restaurant if neither of them had other commitments. Business was picking up, or so they hoped as they tried to make sense of their budget and spreadsheets. It wasn't bringing in a lot of money, but anything was better than losing money.
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Adrienne stared at the elaborate cake in front of her and sighed. It wasn't uncommon to find baked goods lying on the kitchen counter that could be entered into competitions with their quality.
Luckily for the kids of the household, there was a training day at the school and classes were canceled. As much as Adrienne enjoyed going to the Princess Zarah Academy in Pleasantview, a day off school was a welcome change. Roman had insisted on her attending there despite his history with the school because it really did produce well-educated and connected students. Adrian had gone to Twikkii Island's military academy as a child and had hated every moment of it, so he had no complaints about sending their kids to Pleasantview.
Dad stress bakes, but he's really good at it. Has he not read his cards lately? It's obvious that he needs to let this restaurant dream go and open a bakery instead. Then at least he can earn some money for what he's good at.
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Abe gagged as the dog trotted by, reeking of garbage. Clearly, Renard had knocked the garbage bin over again for Abe to pick up. After Abe III was born, Abe cut down on his hours at the scientific lab he worked at and became a part time stay at home dad. Roman's hours varied depending on where he was needed. Abe III's birth had made Roman the primary breadwinner, which meant it was crucial that his restaurant improved. There was no way that Adrian would let the father of his children go bankrupt, but even a duke only had so much money to give away.
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"Abe, I'm worried about Dad."
Abe knelt down to be at the same eye level as his stepdaughter. The little girl looked as serious as she always did. Abe could never tell whether Adrienne was sick or worried or angry when the somber little girl wore the same serious expression all the time. It was something that worried Roman, and everyone hoped she'd grow out of it. No child should walk around the world like it was on her tiny shoulders, but Adrienne always seemed to. If she wasn't making cryptic prophecies or staring at her cards for hours, the little girl was chatting with spirits only she could see and giving her father long, sad looks. It was a minor miracle for Adrienne to open up to her parents and Abe wasn't about to fumble this situation. It might never happen again.
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"Hey, thanks for coming to me about your worries," he said, giving Adrienne a hug. "You don't need to worry about your dad, we're the grown ups and we're supposed to do the worrying. What's bothering you?"
"He's not fulfilling his destiny," Adrienne reported somberly. "He needs to stop stress baking and make it a proper business. Then he has to go to Pleasantview to see the queen. He needs to know something from her. It's really important."
"Rien, you're turning eleven soon, not thirty-five," Abe said quietly. "You don't have to worry about your dad, it's our job to worry about you and your siblings. I appreciate that you care a lot about your dad and want him to be happy, but he would want you to worry about your own life. Trust me, your father, Evren, and I will take care of your dad. You just focus on finding whatever makes you happy in life. Maybe you could try a new hobby, like painting?"
Adrienne was about to reply when she immediately sensed something in the air change. Someone was teleporting onto the lot. Her eyes widened dramatically and she instantly scurried away from her stepfather to stare out the window.
"Okay, so no on the painting idea then," Abe sighed. "How on earth am I supposed to help this kid when she defies all the parenting books?"
Adrian wouldn't be pleased with Adrienne's constant worry about Roman and their family. He'd already spent hours at the school talking with teachers about his daughter's behavior. Since Princess Zara Royal Academy had supernatural specialties, they all hoped that Adrienne would find her future there, but so far, her concern for her parents and family hadn't eased and she hadn't made any friends who might help her.
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Adrienne ran past her father, who was in the middle of jamming a screwdriver into Abe III's toy robot. The thing was a safety hazard, but Roman wasn't convinced that he was making it any safer with his efforts. Buying a new one would be expensive, so he preferred to try and repair it first.
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Someone knocked on the front door, jolting Roman from his work. He could see Adrienne peering excitedly out the window. If she was excited, maybe it was Adrian meeting him at the house early or Theo teleporting in to see his parents before school. It didn't happen often, but a father could hope.
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Instead of his ex-husband or son, Roman was greeted by Jorah and Cindra Durant at the door.
"Roman! So good to see you," Cindra gushed. "We were just in the area and thought we'd drop by. Thanks so much for the donated baked goods. Jorah raised a lot of money with them for children's programs in both Strangetown and Twikkii Island. Your contribution was very much appreciated by Queen Maura and her lovely children."
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"Uh, thanks?"
Roman was soon enveloped in a hug from Cindra. Before he could ask what the two Durants wanted from him, she continued with her confident exclamations.
"Now, you know that Trent and I try to use our platform as prince and duchess to help those in need. We're compensated by and work with the queen and often, her children. So, as a gesture of gratitude for your support with the queen's programs, we've arranged for a representative of the royal Siew family to thank you in person."
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"Roman Bellamy, her Highness Princess Georgiana Siew is here to thank you for your generosity," Jorah declared, gesturing to the little girl behind him.
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Roman's heart stopped in his chest as he watched the girl before him play with bubbles. She had accidentally swallowed some of the soap, much like Theo and his sisters had done when they were younger.
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She did look like Theo up close, just as Adrian had told him. They had the same eyes, there was no denying it. This was his daughter. She was real, tangible and very determined to ignore what the adults around her were saying. She was just as perfect as Roman had always imagined her to be.
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"Georgie, honey, remember why we're here?" Cindra prompted. The little girl dropped her bubbles and reluctantly faced Roman with a grudging look.
"Thank you for helping my mommy. Your cakes are really good. I like the ones with sprinkles best."
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"You like the ones with sprinkles?" Roman repeated. In all the media he'd scoured over the years, he'd never heard his daughter's voice. It was like hearing any of his other children's first words. Georgiana had a voice and opinions about his work and it was beyond any of Roman's understanding trying to process this all at once. He had simply been trying to get his mail and suddenly his world had been changed.
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"Yeah, and the chocolate ones too," Georgiana elaborated. "My brother tries to take them all, but Viola helps me steal some before he comes down for dinner."
"I'm so glad that you enjoy them," Roman replied, still feeling unsure that this wasn't some kind of hallucination. "I can send you more anytime you want. My daughters live in Twikkii Island with their dad sometimes. Maybe you could play together."
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"This is such an amazing result," Jorah gushed, watching Roman's depressive gloom lift. "We did a good thing, sis."
"Excuse me? We did nothing. My husband and I talked to Maura’s PR team. I told Ulyssa where she could go with her entitlement and you cowered behind our father."
Jorah's face fell a little, unable to dispute Cindra's words. Still, wholesome family moments were what Jorah lived for, and he refused to let reality damper the satisfaction he felt seeing Roman speak to his daughter for the first time.
"I told you I was sorry," Jorah whispered to avoid Roman overhearing their conversation. "Valerian and I are going to set boundaries for our family. I promised him and I'm not going to break a promise to my husband."
"Yeah, good luck with that," Cindra replied, rolling her eyes. "You set your boundaries while Trent and I request the presence of Maura’s children at the fundraising event that supports children's programs. My plan gets Roman a yearly meet and greet with his child and your plan does what exactly?"
Jorah scowled at his sister, but tried to remain positive. His sister might have better connections than he did, but he'd still tried his best. The important thing was that Roman had met Georgiana and Maura hadn't threatened to burn Arkhelios to the ground as a result. He'd done what he could and hopefully Roman was going to be in a better mental place as a result.
"Okay, Georgie, we have to get going," Cindra announced, looking at her watch. "Your mom expects you back in class in half an hour. Say your goodbyes to Mr. Bellamy, and let's get moving."
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luverofralts · 9 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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Prince Adrion and his little sister Princess Alysiara stared at their dull surroundings with boredom. Family get togethers were always boring in Arkhelios. There was no castle, very few toys and a lot of adults fussing over them. Their mother had been a commoner without rank or title, and was born in a strange patch of desert. Their Uncle Jorah always went on about being the family heir of the Durant family, but that meant nothing to the literal prince and princesses of Twikkii Island. The Durants were loud and rambunctious and didn’t follow royal protocol in the slightest. No one acknowledged that Adrion would one day be king of Twikkii Island. In fact, on the last visit to the small house, his cousin Judith had stolen the toy truck straight from his hands and pushed him over. It was a very confusing place to be for the young Siews.
Alysiara waved at the cousin she could see peeking out the window at them. She fumed when Judith stuck her tongue out at her cousin in response. That girl was a trouble maker, even their mother thought so. Ulyssa had spoken to her brother about Judith’s rudeness before, but had only been ignored. Uncle Jorah didn’t think there was anything wrong with his daughter’s actions, which infuriated Alysiara. Why couldn’t her mother’s family just come visit them in Twikkii Island? Arkhelios was insufferable.
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Judith laughed at her cousin’s stupid face and went to rejoin her fun family members at the activity station. Iris’ dad was Aunt Maura’s half-brother and he wasn’t as snobby as their royal cousins. Iris was technically a duchess or something and Judith had never had any problems with her.
“She’s just going to get mad at you,” Iris warned, brushing her black hair from her eyes and focusing on the block structure she was making. “You didn’t pay attention to her, so she’s probably going to tell our aunt how horrible we all are again.”
Judith shrugged.
“Let her,” she laughed. “I don’t care what a dumb princess thinks. We’re from a civilized place where there are no princesses. Let her cry over nothing; I don’t care.”
Hamnet stared at the block in his hand, staying far away from Judith’s drama. His sister was a menace few babysitters or teachers could handle and if they had trouble with her, Hamnet didn’t want to try his own luck. He was pretty sure that she was just teasing their rich cousins, but it also wouldn’t surprise him if she was planning a revolt against the monarchy for Winterfest dinner. 
They spoke a lot about freedom in Arkhelios and the history they studied in school. Judith was the only kid in class who really seemed to internalize that fiery passion for rebellion. By the time they were teens, Judith would probably be advocating to mount her cousin’s head on a pike after setting the castle ablaze. Their parents politely referred to his sister as “a handful”. Hamnet would probably simplify that to “demonic”, from what the kids at school said.
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Cindra played with her young son Yorick, waiting for her sister to make her entrance. Everything with Ulyssa was dramatic and emotionally draining, and as much as she loved her sister, Cindra was also glad that she didn’t come to Arkhelios often. After the affair with Roman, it was rare to see Ulyssa visit her homeland. Roman wasn’t always in Arkhelios, but it seemed like Ulyssa thought that Arkhelios wasn’t big enough for the two of them to share. Roman was a family heir in Arkhelios, he had a residence and business there and his many children ran wild when they were home. The chance of running into him or her godson was too great for Ulyssa to handle. She’d promised her wife that Roman was in her past and the best way to keep that promise was to avoid Arkhelios altogether.
Cindra and Trent had a place in Twikkii Island of course, but the two of them also had a residence in Arkhelios. She wanted her children to grow up where she had and be close to their cousins. It was also nice to spend as much time as she could with her dad, while he was still around. Launce wasn’t getting any younger and Cindra wanted her kids to know their grandfather and be a part of his life. Her and Jorah kept an eye on him and Elaine and sometimes helped out around the house for them. It made Cindra so happy to see their own little Durant family come together and make their small corner of Arkhelios the best it could possibly be. She could deal with Ulyssa and her family for an afternoon.
Maura was Trent’s half-sister even though their relationship wasn’t as strong as it could be. After resenting Trent for most of his life, Maura had started to soften towards him after the death of their mother. She wasn’t close to him by any means, but it at least felt like she didn’t actively resent him being around her. Cindra tried not to think the worst of people, but sometimes she could see exactly what her sister saw in the queen. They were both self involved, toxic women who thought the world revolved around them and their whims. Maybe Twikkii Island revolved around Maura, but the rest of the world was happy to ignore the royal couple. Honestly, CIndra half suspected that Maura was cheating on her wife out of petty revenge for the fling with Roman and that Ulyssa was only still married to her for the money. It was awful to think that about anyone, let alone her sister, but Ulyssa didn’t make thinking the best of her easy.
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“Okay, time for your party, Georgie.” Queen Maura gave her daughter an affectionate squeeze and gestured toward the house in front of them. “Go say hi to your cousins. Try not to upset them, your brother does enough of that on his own.”
Georgiana eyed the modest house warily. She was six now, big enough to stand on her own and try to befriend her cousins. Adrion’s attitude didn’t need to be hers as well. For some reason, her cousins had always supported Georgiana when her brother was being difficult and she’d caught them giving her sympathetic looks on multiple occasions.
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“Georgiana! If it isn’t the birthday princess!”
Georgiana saw her uncle wave her over and she ran into his arms without hesitation. Uncle Jorah was the best uncle in the world; even better than Uncle Trent. He was funny and generous and though he denied it, Georgiana was clearly Jorah’s favourite niece.
“We have cake ready for your special dinner, and Grandpa Launce brought balloons and noise makers,” Jorah informed the princess. “It’s not every day that someone turns six.”
Ulyssa frowned, unable to meet her wife’s inquisitive stare.
Six years. She hadn’t been alone with Roman for six years. She’d maybe seen a quick glimpse of him on several occasions over the years, but nothing more than that. She hadn’t even informed him when Georgiana was born. He’d read about that in the press with everyone else.
“Well, let’s get this party started!” Maura exclaimed, jolting her wife from her thoughts. “Hopefully your siblings are behaving themselves and none of them have been sampling the cake early. We won’t have a repeat of last year or there will be consequences.”
Ulyssa nodded while managing a small smile.
“Yes, let’s get things started. Happy birthday, Georgie dear.”
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios University
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“I wonder if Grandma’s proud of me, wherever she is. She never seemed to be, but maybe dying has made her less...intense.”
Ulyssa looked at her wife sadly. From all the microaggressions she’d endured during her brief time with the former queen, Ulyssa doubted that the woman could be proud of any of her family members. None of them had ever measured up to her standards, but saying so wouldn’t be comforting for Maura.
“I’m sure she is,” Ulyssa lied. “You’re doing great as queen; you just have to believe in yourself. Twikkii Island has changed since she ruled it and you’re guiding it through a hard time. You’re doing just fine.”
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“It really has changed, hasn’t it?” Maura remarked with a sigh. “Things aren’t as peaceful and calming as they used to be. I’m spending enormous amounts of money on our military and I can barely use the washroom without a full military escort. This isn’t how I wanted to rule. Everyday things here feel less and less like the home I grew up in. On one hand, I’m sending our forces to be trained by Claudia’s generals and on the other, I’m supposed to be cautious of trusting her because of Pleasantview’s history of aggression. She’s my cousin and my friend. Am I really supposed to consider her a suspect in my mother’s murder?”
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“I know things are rough now, but we’ll get through them,” Ulyssa promised, kissing her wife quickly. “I have my doctor’s appointment to get to this morning, but I’ll see you after lunch if I can. Just try to relax until then. Who knows? Maybe I’ll have good news about the heir situation.”
Maura smiled.
“That would be one less thing to worry about,” she agreed, though her rigid posture showed no sign of relaxation. “Good luck. I hope things go well.”
Maura left in the direction of the throne room, leaving Ulyssa alone- or at least as alone as she could be in a castle on high alert with a protective squad following her every move. While she understood the need for security, the castle had felt unusually claustrophobic lately. Her only escape was teleporting back home to Arkhelios where Wanda had made it very clear that sending a protective detail with Ulyssa would be seen as an act of aggression. The Durant family was entitled to privacy and seeing armed guards escort the Queen and her wife around didn’t sit right with the witch. Arkhelios would take care of its own, which was more than fine with Ulyssa. Visiting Arkhelios was her only escape from the castle and her time spent there was now incredibly precious.
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“Ulyssa? Are you free to talk?”
Ulyssa recognized her little sister’s voice immediately, though she couldn’t guess why Cindra was at the castle.
“I’m free for a little bit, what’s going on?”
Ulyssa saw the shy smile on her sister’s face before she realized that Cindra was standing next to someone. Maura’s half-brother Trent was shyly smiling and wringing his hands, a clear sign that he was nervous to speak with Ulyssa.
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Oh god, this can only mean one thing. She’s either dating him or pregnant. At least it’s not Nathan. I don’t know what I’d do if it was Nathan.
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“We just wanted to let you know that we’re dating,” Cindra announced, looking hopefully at her older sister. “I’ve run into Trent a couple of times when I’ve been here to visit and we really hit it off. I asked him out for coffee and one thing kind of lead to another. I hope you’re okay with this. We’re not trying to threaten you or Maura or compete with you to make heirs or something stupid like that. We’re just dating.”
Ulyssa cringed internally but managed to hide it from her expression. What weird world had she gotten herself into where her little sister felt like she couldn’t date someone without her permission? Had someone in the castle told either one of them that Maura may oppose their happiness because she was still without an heir of her own?
I hate this.This wasn’t supposed to be what my life was like. Maura and I were going to live how we wanted and have kids when we wanted and go where we wanted. Now, everything’s a mess and I don’t know how to change things. Am I really supposed to worry about who Maura’s little brother dates, just in case they’re a threat? It’s Cindra, for god’s sake. She couldn’t threaten a fly.
“I’m glad you told me,” Ulyssa said finally. “I’m really happy for you two. He’s a much better man than Nathan and I want you to be as happy as I am with Maura. Maybe we can have lunch together sometime and catch up.”
:Yeah, I’d like that.” Cindra beamed at her sister and grabbed Trent’s hand eagerly. “Trent, you promised to show me the back gardens. Let’s have a picnic out there this afternoon. Maybe my sister or Maura can join us too.”
Not likely with our schedule. I barely see Maura anymore until we’re in bed at night. If I wanted to take her for lunch, I’d need to schedule it three months in advance, plus clear it with my own schedule. Just talking with her in the hall was a miracle. We were supposed to have years together before she got the throne but now it’s all we talk about.
“That sounds great. I don’t know if I have time today, but sometime soon.”
With a sad smile and a quick hug for her sister, Ulyssa continued down the hall to prepare for her doctor’s appointment and likely more bad news about the potential heir she was supposed to produce.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 9 months
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"We should," Jorah said, but his body language was unmistakably tense. Cindra didn't need to ask. Their mother had been too busy with her new family to ever come over and visit. Ulyssa was preoccupied with her pregnancy. Despite having seven new kids since marrying Elaine, their father was surprisingly the most present member of the family.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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Roman stared at himself in the mirror, trying to calm his nerves.
It’s no big deal. You’re only getting married on live television in a nation that probably thinks that you had something to do with your first husband’s death. Just breathe. It’s not like your mother has a history of ruining your life and possibly killing the people you love. And the curse that your grandmother made that nearly killed your son, well, that was probably the only curse hanging around in your family. Things like that never happen twice in a lifetime, right?
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“Are you almost ready?”
Roman had been so absorbed in his fear that he’d missed Ulyssa’s arrival completely. Somehow, she looked even worse than he felt.
It had been a tough transition for Ulyssa and Maura to assume the throne. It had only been a few weeks, but between adding additional weeks of mourning for the two monarchs they’d lost and following up with the new security teams, both women had been nearly impossible to get a hold of or visit. Maura had sent Ulyssa last week to inform Roman that his wedding needed to be bumped up in the royal schedule. The shocking loss of Queen Cherry and her wife and daughter had devastated the islands, and Queen Maura was desperate for something positive to lighten the national mood. There was no pregnancy to announce or anyone left in their family to find an engagement for besides the grieving Trent, so Roman’s state sponsored wedding was chosen to give the nation something to look forward to. None of their wedding plans could be accommodated in the time span the queen was demanding, so Roman and Abe had spent a whirlwind afternoon at the castle picking between different shades of black and somber looking cakes. It wasn’t the wedding Roman had always dreamed of having with Abe, but there was always a vow renewal ceremony or anniversary party that could be thrown in the future. Ulyssa and Maura needed this and neither man wanted to let them down in their time of need,
Maybe the demon wedding will be a little more extravagant. That may be the only good thing about having to go through with it.
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“I just need to change into my wedding suit, and then I’ll be ready,” he replied. “It’s going to be okay, Ulyssa. Nothing bad will happen, I promise.”
Ulyssa smiled weakly at her friend and nodded slightly. All of her days were filled with doom and gloom and countless meetings about the danger of letting her guard down. The wedding and reception had been cut to family only, with minimal staff operating the equipment to broadcast the ceremony.
“I’m sorry this is so scaled back,” she said quietly. “I know you and Abe wanted something bigger but...it’s just all been so hard lately. I’m barely allowed to leave the castle these days until the incident is resolved. Maura and Trent are all that’s left of the family, aside from your girls, and people are scared.”
Roman knew all too well the stress Ulyssa was under. He’d been briefed by councils and ministers about the possible future his twin girls might have should something tragic occur with Maura or Trent. The girls were second and third in line to the throne of Twikkii Island and that knowledge terrified Roman. When he’d married Adrian, it had been made clear to him that Adrian wasn’t high enough in the nobility to ever see the throne and to raise his girls accordingly. Now there was a very real chance of them inheriting it. He wasn’t sure what future scared him more: Theo’s potential dark rise to powerful demon lord, or his daughters placed in the same dangerous position Maura found herself in.
“I understand,” Roman replied gently. “Don’t worry about us. Just take care of your wife. Do they have any leads yet about...the incident?”
It was easier to just talk about The Incident than to ask about the “murder investigation” or the “terrorist attack” or the “possible start of a war”. The entire nation was gripped with fear; Maura could easily be the next target and the peaceful islands could be thrust into war or panic or disaster at any moment. Maura’s great-great grandfather had become a national hero for repelling the monstrous king of Pleasantview a long time ago and there hadn’t been a credible threat on that scale since. Sure there was infighting among the nobility and a few deaths that were whispered about, but nearly wiping out an entire royal family in a violent attack was unheard of. It wasn’t just the royal family. Hundreds of people from every walk of life were injured or killed in the explosion. There had been serving staff, ambassadors, children and a foreign princess on board, and hundreds of people walking along the harbour front. Maura knew that her grandmother’s hands were stained by violence of her own, but she could never imagine the former queen committing such a vile act against her own people and invited guests. The investigators that served the government would no doubt find the culprit soon.
“Not yet,” she sighed. “It’s so hard looking over my shoulder these days, just expecting someone to strike. It’s like living in the shadow of Abraham’s murder all over again. Maybe the killer is done, and maybe they’re just getting started. We have to be careful regardless.”
“I can’t imagine living like that,” Roman commented dryly. “Every person you love or are related to just mysteriously and violently dying? I couldn’t imagine.”
Ulyssa shot her friend a tired look and folded her arms defensively.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” she snapped. “It’s not a competition over whose life is sadder. You’re always going to win that.”
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While the grooms got ready, Theo was in charge of entertaining his sisters. With security as tight as it was, no staff had the time or ability to entertain toddlers or keep an eye on Theo.
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“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Abe said quietly, hoping that his tone was respectful and not in anyway upsetting. If Lucy and his mother suddenly died in an unexpected attack, he’d probably be a wreck. “If there’s anything Roman or I can do, please let us know.”
Maura sighed, adjusting the crown on her head so that it didn’t dig into her skin when she moved.
“Thank you,” she replied. “I’m sorry that you aren’t getting what we agreed on. I know Roman had big plans. Maybe we can have an anniversary party in the future. You deserve to have the kind of wedding Ulyssa and I enjoyed.”
Abe shrugged.
“This is all we need,” he stated. “Honestly, my mother’s become superstitious about parties over the past few years and she’s probably right. Just about every party we have in our family is a disaster in some way. All that matters is that Roman is going to be my husband.”
“Of course. I wish you two all the best then.”
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Elaine looked out at the expansive gardens greeting her and shuddered. This castle was too nice and too formal for her group of insufferable children. Something was going to go wrong, she just knew it. If it wasn’t Lucy, then Nathan would start something or Theo would start a fire. It would be just her luck if Abe suddenly got cold feet and bolted down the aisle. All the reassuring words from Launce weren’t helping ease her anxiety.
“It’s amazing here,” Jorah breathed, inhaling the strong floral scents around him and beaming. “Every time I come here, it just gets more beautiful.”
“You say that about everything, Jorah,” Lucy scoffed. “You think that Murder Park is ‘charming’.”
Launce had insisted on taking all of their children with them to Twikkii Island for the ceremony so that they could support Ulyssa in her time of need. Elaine wasn’t convinced that the somewhat feral young adults she’d raised could be helpful for anyone, but she’d been overruled. Maybe Launce’s children would be a comfort for Ulyssa, but if Elaine had to choose the two people most likely to upset the new queen consort, it would be Nathan and Lucy.
“You really think that this marriage is going to last?” Nathan asked, staring intently at Jorah. “By the time the reception rolls around, Roman will be all over Ulyssa, and Abe will be going home with the first guy who smiles at him.”
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“Nathan! That’s a horrible thing to say!”
Cindra scolded her ex and to everyone’s surprise, Nathan didn’t continue his comments. He still made a dismissive noise and rolled his eyes, but his rant concluded.
“Abe and Roman are meant to be together. They’re going to be happy together and that’s the end of it,” Cindra continued. “Ulyssa needs this wedding and we’re all going to make sure it goes perfectly. Is that clear?”
“Until Nathan picks up any guy that Abe’s ever made eye contact with,” Lucy remarked, sensing an opportunity to sow chaos. “You couldn’t find a date willing to come with you, so you need to find someone here.”
“Says the woman who couldn’t bring her boss as her date because he’d see her drooling over the married queen consort,” Nathan laughed. “And you think I’m the pathetic one?”
“Are you disappointed that Michael’s not here?” Lucy snapped, her voice betraying her true anger towards her brother. “I know how desperately you must want him here so you can try to throw yourself at him. You’ve already run through Abe’s list of bad decisions and now you’re trying to do the same to mine. I don’t think you’re Michael’s type though, little brother. He doesn’t want a whiny edgelord who’s obsessed with some washed up demon no one cares about. Stick with Kaeileen; I’m sure she’s desperate enough to take you back.”
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 Elaine’s voice echoed across the garden, startling the formally dressed guests that were starting to arrive.
“The two of you are going to act like reasonable adults the entire time we’re here or there will be consequences,” Elaine threatened. “I don’t know what they’ll be, but I’ll let Roman think of something appropriate. Neither one of you will make a scene or add your snide little commentary about your brother’s romantic history or even mention Kaeileen. I’m still apologizing to Emilia about the two of you. Launce is probably the only reason that we’re not drowning in legal action from the Rivales company and you should be thanking him for it. Abe is too much like your father for his own good, but at least I’m not ashamed to admit he’s my child. The two of you, I just don’t know what to do with.”
“Oh look, I think I see Ulyssa’s assistant waving us over,” Cindra interrupted. “We should probably check in with her to see if Ulyssa needs any help. Nathan, come help me while Lucy finds where we’re supposed to be sitting for the ceremony.”
Nathan shot a withering glare at his sister before Cindra dragged him away, which Lucy returned. The two siblings didn’t get along at the best of times, but the situation with Kaeileen had only splintered their relationship even further. Cindra’s well meaning intervention was only delaying the inevitable battle between them, but at least it wouldn’t occur during Abe’s wedding. At least she hoped it wouldn’t anyway. As much as she cared about Nathan, she knew how volatile the Helios-Chun siblings could be.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 2 years
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Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia Durant.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 1 year
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Cindra and Nathan paid no attention to the screaming downstairs, even as it turned to joy. Nathan was heading to college, which Cindra tried her best to convince herself she felt no anxiety about.
“You promise you’re not going to find some hot college girl and dump me for her?” she asked, half-joking half-serious.
“Cindra, it’s only 2 years, and I’ll be coming home plenty of times. Stop freaking out.”
“I know, I know,” Cindra said, wrapping her arms around Nathan. “I’ll just miss you so much. Living here with dad and your mom and all our siblings is going to be a mess...” She paused. “That’s a sentence I thought I’d never say.”
“Our relationship is pretty fucking weird,” Nathan acknowledged, but he smiled to her all the same.
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potential-fate · 2 years
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22 notes · View notes
potential-fate · 2 years
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arkhelios-gameplay · 9 months
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"So, how have you been?" Nathan asked.
"Well, you've probably seen in my texts," Cindra said.
Nathan looked as if she had caught him doing something illegal. "Ah..."
"How have you been, then?" Cindra asked.
Nathan shrugged. "So and so."
Cindra felt a surge of frustration, and as much as she hated to admit it, longing to bridge the gap that had grown between them.
"Nadine and I were just-"
Cindra shook her head. "Good to see you again," she mumbled, as she hurried away to find a dorm room to occupy. Or rather, to escape to. Her heart beat hard against her chest.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 9 months
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"Ere, Nathan, wot's the bleedin' deal with that chick givin' us the old stink eye?"
Nathan turned around, his face falling into clear shock. "Hey, Cindra!" he called out, but his usual nonchalance seemed to falter slightly.
Cindra managed a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Hey, Nathan."
Nathan's gaze held hers for a moment, and there was a flicker of something in his expression. Guilt? Uncertainty? Cindra couldn't quite decipher it.
"Cor blimey, you two acquainted, then?"
"You could say that," Nathan said, his eyes locking on Cindra.
The woman looked as confused as Cindra felt. An awkward pause filled the room.
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arkhelios-gameplay · 9 months
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Cindra ascended the stairs of the dormitory. As she reached the top of the stairs, she heard Nathan's familiar sarcastic but charming voice. She paused, her eyes widening as she spotted him, engaged in an animated conversation with a woman she hadn't seen before. Her steps faltered, and for a moment, she hesitated. She watched as Nathan and the stranger laughed together, their body language relaxed and comfortable. They seemed engrossed in each other's company, and the sight sent a pang of unease through Cindra. She hated the hold Nathan seemed to have over her emotions, the way he could make her feel nervous and unsure, even after all this time.
The stranger's gaze flickered toward her, and their eyes locked for a moment.
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