#Citations for Ranking california
strawberry-jan · 5 months
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Back in late 2022, I started working on a long story about Ishin: a tale of two dummies whose weird one-night stand blossoms into a surprisingly caring relationship even as a (mostly) canon-compliant series of tragedies plays out around them. It’s a now-complete series in approximately 125,000 words and three parts, and you can read the whole thing right now on AO3: The Glorious and Bloody Deeds of Okita Soji, Volume 1: Okita Soji Versus the Scoundrel Saito Hajime; The Secret History of Saito Hajime, Volume 2: The Shiraume Incident; and, finally, Brief Notes on the Domestic Life of one Saito Hajime.
Taken as a whole, it's a story about identity and history and the stories that people tell each other and themselves about those things. And it's a story about one guy getting way too into weird Edo-era egg dishes, and another guy finding himself embroiled in an extended detective sequence, and a third guy composing a series of corny haiku that (almost) nobody wants to read. And, of course, it's also a story about people who are shamelessly and sometimes explicitly in love (so you probably shouldn't read it at work).
This whole big, sprawling thing has been a labour of love on my part: it turns out that I adore writing historical fiction and finding excuses to read books and journal articles in order to write it better. In addition to making not one but four little illustrations to celebrate the fic's completion (and please look at them up-close; I hand-inked all those kimono patterns), I've drawn up a list of some of the sources that I consulted for my writing, and you can find those under the cut.
This is not an absolutely exhaustive list of sources; I don’t think it’s super useful to catalogue the extremely nitty-gritty stuff, like that time that I felt compelled to find out what the state of strawberry cultivation was in 1860s Japan, or when I needed to picture exactly what it looked like when Haruka was repairing Ryoma’s kimono. That being said, I’ve added a couple of things that are really particular to my stories but that I thought were cool enough to share.
Foster, Michael Dylan. The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore. U of California P, 2015. (This one was a really fun read – it combines a short history of yokai in folklore with a little catalogue of yokai.)
Jansen, Marius B. Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration. Stanford UP, 1971. (Super useful as an introduction to the Bakumatsu era and for biographical details about Ryoma and the figures around him.)
“Japanese Wiki Corpus.” https://www.japanesewiki.com/. (This is a machine-translated collection of articles on the Japanese side of Wikipedia related to Kyoto. As with a lot of things on Wikipedia, the citations on these articles tend to be poor or nonexistent, but it’s a useful starting point for information on figures and events that don’t have an English wiki equivalent. Definitely more useful if you can then head over to the original wiki articles and parse them out yourself.)
“Kabuki21” and “The Noh.” https://www.kabuki21.com/section.php, https://www.the-noh.com/en/plays/index.html. (I’m lumping these two together because I tended to consult them in tandem. Without getting too much into my personal details I am – among other things – a non-practicing theatre scholar, so whenever I wanted to have characters in my old-timey fics refer to something cultural, my first stop was old plays. These sites have, respectively, summaries of kabuki plays and full texts of Noh plays available for you to browse. If you’ve read my other fics you will probably have seen that I referred to the kabuki play “Fuwa” in 亀が如く.)
Katsu, Kokichi. Musui’s Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai. Translated by Teruko Craig. U of Arizona P, 1988. (A book that needs to be taken with a grain of salt because it’s an autobiography written by a guy who sounds like a real blowhard, but it’s still a really fascinating look into the daily life of a low-ranking samurai.)
Leupp, Gary P. and Tao, De-min. The Tokugawa World. Routledge, 2022. (Of particular interest is Kimura Sachihiko’s essay, “The Shinsengumi: Shadows and light in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate” [1104-1124], which gave me a bunch of incidental details about the Roshigumi that I incorporated into the sections of this series that were told from Inoue and Hijikata’s perspectives.)
“Old Photos of Japan.” https://www.oldphotosjapan.com/. (Pretty self-explanatory. Very useful as a resource for picturing scenes!)
“Shinsengumi Archives.” https://shinsengumi-archives.tumblr.com/. (A long-running tumblr dedicated to cataloguing resources about the Shinsengumi. There’s an absolute wealth of information collected here, and best of all, the creator cites their sources and even provides links to the original texts. Although it’s focused on the Shinsengumi, it’s impossible to overstate how useful this site is for prospective Bakumatsu-era fic writers in general. The collection of Hijikata’s poems with links to others’ translations and commentary is here: https://shinsengumi-archives.tumblr.com/post/683071924948058112/hijikata-toshizos-haiku-poems. The creator of the blog also links to a translation of Nagakura’s and Shimada’s diaries, and while the document is machine-translated, it’s still a great source of historical details: https://shinsengumi-archives.tumblr.com/post/678083336614428672/where-can-you-read-the-memoirs.)
Smits, Gregory. “Warding off Calamity in Japan: A Comparison of the 1855 Catfish Prints and the 1862 Measles Prints.” EASTM 30 (2009): 9-31. (Okay, this one is highly specific to my fic – it comes up in Part 2 when Okita tells his story about Kashima and again a couple of chapters later when his pile of remedies includes a crudely-drawn picture meant to ward off indigestion – but I love little details like this so I did want to make a point of sharing it here.)
“Tamago Hyakuchin” and “Tofu Hyakuchin.” http://codh.rois.ac.jp/edo-cooking/tamago-hyakuchin/recipe/, https://toyama-tofu.jp/tofuhyakutin.html. (These are collections of Edo-era egg- and tofu-based recipes. They’re two of the sources cited in Cookpad’s collection of modernized Edo-era recipes: https://cookpad.com/recipe/list/14604664.)
Vaporis, Constantine N. “Linking the Realm: The Gokaido Highway Network in Early Modern Japan (1603-1868).” Highways, Byways and Road Systems in the Pre-Modern World. Ed. Susan E. Alcock, John Bodel, and Richard J. A. Talbert. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 90-105. (Some of the works cited in this article also sound interesting, but I didn’t have a chance to dig any deeper as I just wanted to know a bit about the Tokugawa-era roads. Also interesting in this vein is Jilly Traganou’s book The Tokaido Road: Travelling and Representation in Edo and Meiji Japan [2004].)
Wert, Michael. Meiji Restoration Losers. Harvard UP, 2013. (Not directly useful as a source for writing about Ishin – it’s about later events and it mostly tracks the posthumous construction of one specific Tokugawa magistrate’s history – but it was an engaging read and I found it interesting as an exploration of how people continue to look back on the Bakumatsu era and the Meiji Restoration, which is something that the game is, of course, also doing.)
Yamakawa, Kikue. Women of the Mito Domain: Recollections of Samurai Family Life. Translated by Kate Wildman Nakai. U of Tokyo P, 1992. (Another one of those bits of essential reading on everyday life for low-ranking samurai, this time with a focus on women’s lives and households more generally. I didn’t use a lot of from this book in my fic, but it has everything from translations of songs to records of families’ financial transactions, and it’s fascinating to read about all the turmoil in Mito playing out in the background of these families’ lives.)
“Yokai.com.” https://yokai.com/. (The creators of this site make a point of not going into detail about their sources, and they’re very careful to state that they don’t intend for the project to be “the final authority” on yokai, but I enjoyed browsing the site to get some ideas for Okita’s stories – and once you know the name of a particular yokai that you’re interested in, it’s easy enough to go look up other sources on them.)
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lordzannis · 22 days
Rudolph "Butch" T. Ware III is an American historian and the Green Party's vice presidential nominee for the 2024 United States presidential election. Here are key points about him:
Academic Background:
Associate professor in the Department of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Previously taught at the University of Michigan and Northwestern University
Received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004
Research Focus:
Specializes in West African history, African-American history, and Islamic intellectual history
His work focuses on Islamic thought, anti-slavery movements in West Africa and the African Diaspora, and the intersection of race, religion, and revolutionary thought
Political Involvement:
Selected as Jill Stein's running mate for the Green Party's 2024 presidential campaign
Nomination announced on August 16, 2024, during an online livestreamed event
Personal Background:
Practicing Muslim
His selection alongside Stein (who is Jewish) has been noted for creating a diverse ticket
Academic Work:
Author of "The Walking Qur'an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa," which has received positive reviews for its analysis of Islamic traditions in Africa
Political Stance:
Emphasizes addressing systemic injustice and building a sustainable, just, and peaceful world
Critical of the two-party political system in the United States
Some critics argue that his background is primarily academic, with limited direct involvement in social movements or political activism outside of academia
The selection of Ware as the Green Party's vice presidential nominee is seen as an attempt to create a historically diverse ticket, bringing together different religious and cultural backgrounds in opposition to current U.S. policies on issues like war, climate change, and economic inequality.
Citations: [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butch_Ware [2] https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/08/26/tgug-a26.html [3] https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Quran-Education-Knowledge-Civilization/dp/1469614316 [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stein [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ziwTDDcaVI [6] https://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/bware/ [7] https://www.jillstein2024ballotaccess.com [8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stein_2024_presidential_campaign
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is an electoral system that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference. Here's a comprehensive overview:
How Ranked Choice Voting Works
Voters rank candidates in order of preference (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc.).
If a candidate receives over 50% of first-choice votes, they win outright.
If no candidate gets a majority, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated.
Votes for the eliminated candidate are redistributed to voters' next choices.
This process repeats until a candidate has a majority.
Advantages of RCV
Determines strongest overall support: Reveals the candidate with the most support across the entire electorate, not just a passionate base.
Encourages civil campaigning: Reduces negative campaigning as candidates aim for second-choice votes.
Reduces wasted votes: Voters can support their preferred candidate without fear of "wasting" their vote.
Eliminates need for runoffs: Saves time and money by avoiding separate runoff elections.
Current Implementation
Statewide: Alaska and Maine use RCV for various elections.
Cities: 53 cities and counties in the U.S. use RCV, including New York City, San Francisco, and Minneapolis.
Military/Overseas: Several states use RCV for military and overseas voters in federal runoff elections.
Criticisms and Responses
Complexity: While slightly more complex than single-choice voting, data shows voters adapt quickly and turnout isn't negatively affected.
Cost: Initial implementation costs can be offset by eliminating runoff elections.
Delayed results: While final tallies may take longer, this ensures accurate and comprehensive results.
Ranked Choice Voting is gaining traction as a method to improve representation and reduce political polarization. While it requires some adjustment, its benefits in determining majority support and encouraging civil campaigning make it an increasingly popular electoral reform.
Citations: [1] https://www.lwvme.org/RCVhelp [2] https://time.com/5718941/ranked-choice-voting/ [3] https://www.rankedvote.co/guides/understanding-ranked-choice-voting/pros-and-cons-of-rcv [4] https://www.csg.org/2023/03/21/ranked-choice-voting-what-where-why-why-not/ [5] https://www.acvote.org/voting/rcv [6] https://vote.arlingtonva.gov/Elections/Ranked-Choice-Voting [7] https://www.pbs.org/wnet/preserving-democracy/2023/12/18/ranked-choice-voting-coming-to-more-statewide-ballots-in-2024/ [8] https://www.rcvresources.org/where-is-rcv-used
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lboogie1906 · 22 days
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Danielle Outlaw (September 1, 1975) is a law enforcement officer and police administrator. She was announced as the new Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department on December 30, 2019, and she started her role in February 2020. She served as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau. She was the first African American woman to head the bureau in Portland and was appointed by Mayor Ted Wheeler. She worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief (2013-17).
Her parents worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended Holy Names High School in Oakland. She did not have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, she visited the Oakland Police Department as part of a career exploration program, where she had the opportunity to patrol with officers. This caused her to change her perception of the police, and find out that many of those in the police force were just like her.
She graduated from the University of San Francisco with a BA in Sociology, followed by an MBA from Pepperdine University. She entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. She was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers’ Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service, and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award.
She began her law enforcement career with the OPD. Since she worked there, she rose her ranks to Deputy Chief, she worked in various assignments throughout the OPD, including Patrol, Community Services, the Office of Chief of Police, the Criminal Investigation Division, Internal Affairs, and the Office of Inspector General. During her time in Oakland, she thought the police should change their communication styles. She suggested that women’s soft skills could help in communicating with other communities and avoid dangerous situations. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphakappaalpha #thelinks
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logiusxcju · 10 days
Boosting Your Online Visibility with San Jose SEO
In present day virtual age, having a robust on line presence is vital for establishments of all sizes. With the ever-increasing pageant inside the on-line industry, it has changed into simple to face out from the gang and make your brand seen to prospective purchasers. One of the most fulfilling ways to in achieving this is thru Search Engine Optimization (web optimization). In this newsletter, we will explore how San Jose search engine optimization can lend a hand enhance your online visibility and drive organic visitors in your web content.
Boosting Your Online Visibility with San Jose SEO The Importance of Online Visibility
Online visibility refers to how simply your webpage is additionally located by way of search engines like google and clients. It performs a considerable position in attracting doable shoppers and rising model consciousness. When SEO San Jose your web site ranks greater in search engine effects pages (SERPs), it really is much more likely to be clicked on with the aid of clients, finest to increased site traffic and plausible conversions.
Understanding Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimisation)
Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) is the prepare of optimizing your online page to improve its visibility in seek engine consequences. It includes loads of programs and techniques that purpose to decorate check here your website online's relevance, authority, and user revel in. By imposing triumphant web optimization strategies, you will raise your probabilities of ranking larger in seek engine results for valuable keyword phrases.
How San Jose SEO Can Help
San Jose SEO makes a speciality of optimizing web pages peculiarly for the regional marketplace in San Jose, California. By working out the pleasing desires and choices of the neighborhood viewers, San Jose web optimization can tailor their methods to target competencies purchasers within the field safely. Here are a few tactics how San Jose SEO can expand your online visibility:
Keyword Research: San Jose search engine optimization professionals habits thorough key phrase lookup to title the such a lot correct keyword phrases in your industry. By targeting those keywords strategically in the time of your webpage's content, meta tags, and URLs, you can actually growth your opportunities of rating top in seek engine effects.
On-Page Optimization: San Jose web optimization experts optimize different on-web page supplies of your internet site, equivalent to name tags, meta descriptions, headers, and content material. By ensuring those parts are good-optimized, they can advance your website online's visibility and click-by means of costs.
Local SEO: San Jose website positioning makes a speciality of optimizing your website for neighborhood searches. This contains targeting region-different keyword phrases, optimizing your Google My Business checklist, and constructing nearby citations to enrich your visibility in neighborhood search consequences.
Link Building: San Jose search engine optimization employs strategic hyperlink-constructing innovations to enrich the range of advantageous inbound links pointing in your online page. Backlinks from authoritative web content can escalate your online page's credibility and get better its score in seek engine effec
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Is Studying Abroad a Good Choice for Your Future?
In a world that is growing ever smaller, studying abroad is increasingly more of a strategic rather than a leisurely pursuit of students who want to make use of their future. But, is it the best decision for you? Analyze the gains, losses, and future consequences of education outside your home country to make a justified judgment.
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The Growing Trend of International Education
The number of students choosing to study abroad has been relentlessly increasing over time. UNESCO has issued charges for participation in these services. The 2014/2015 financial year mandates at least one deck per week for the teacher to keep a pulse on the learning patterns of the students. There must be at least 20 hours of service added every 12 months. The 2014/2015 school year should be counted every sixty minutes in this event. Professors have decided to give the students homework on harmony and the students are obliged to work frictions during this event. Rhyming words such as weeds see won and Eli feat is not visible at the moment but will appear next week.
Benefits of Studying Abroad
1. Cultural Immersion and Global Perspective
Aren't you just delving yourself into a different culture the most important benefit of studying abroad? This new cultural experience will foster the expansion of your way of thinking and enhancement of your cultural IQ, which is a critical competence in the present world. Citation of the Institute of International Education in its report to learners stated that the following children expressed greater self-esteem after enrollment at school: 96% and revealed that they had been more interested in the subject than before school activities: 80%.
2. Language Acquisition
Living in a different country will give you a chance to boost your language learning skills. Research supports the idea that the immersion method is the best way to learn a language. More than 3/4 of study abroad alums declared a regular weekly use of their secondary language after graduation.
3. Better Career Opportunities
Employers recognize international experience most highly of all. According to the QS Global Employer Survey, 60% of employers are convinced by a student with international experience, and 80% of them are actively searching for graduates who have studied abroad. This global exposure is likely to lead to better job offers and higher starting salaries.
4. Personal growth and determination
Coping with life in a foreign country promotes not only independence but also adaptability and the development of problem-solving skills. Merced University in California, a study found that 97% of students of the study abroad program were employed within 12 months after they had graduated, against only 49% for the graduates of the college as a whole.
5. Academic mastery
Several top-ranked universities across the globe present peculiar programs and research with norms, which can be otherwise inaccessible in your home country. As exposure to the diversity of teaching methods and academic situations can upgrade one's critical thinking abilities in this concern, an increase in academic performance is likely too.
Challenges to Consider
Even though the paybacks are numerous, it's important to also be realistic about the probable difficulties:
Financial Costs: Attending university in a foreign country can be very expensive, comprising such items as fees and living costs.
Cultural Shock: Getting used to a new culture and the environment can be daunting at first, particularly for the younger ones.
Homesickness: Being alone for a long time and cut off from loved ones can be very hard to deal with.
Academic Differences: Getting used to a new educational system and perhaps learning a foreign language can be very difficult.
Visa and Legal Requirements: Dealing with the bureaucracy of international study can be confusing and frustrating at times.
Long-Term Impact on Your Future
The effects of studying abroad are lasting and are done beyond the time of your program:
Career Prospects: The research of IES Abroad says that almost all academic participants were admitted into their top choices for grad school.
Salary Gains: NACE's Jobs Outlook Survey noted that the annual starting pay of graduates with international experience is 25% going to those without.
Personal Growth: 98% of the students who studied abroad reported a better understanding of cultural values and biases in a post-experience survey.
Universal Network: The friendships and professional networking opportunities you make during your time overseas can last for a lifetime.
Making the Decision
Deciding to study abroad has become an increasingly popular option for a lot of students but it's still very much a personal choice that relies on various factors, like your academic objectives, financial situation, and personal interests. Here are some steps to help you make an informed decision:
Research Programs: You need to check out the different countries, universities, and programs that are in line with your goals in academics and career.
Consider Finances: Find out about scholarships, grants, and financial aid options offered to international students.
Evaluate Your Readiness: Grade yourself about your language and other skills as well as your capacity to adapt and live by yourself.
Consult with Advisors: Also, confer with academic advisors and study abroad alumni about tips and advice they have gained.
Plan Ahead: Don't wait till the late application deadlines or long visa procedures are being shut down as the application process is cyberean easy and can be done quickly.
Main Points
One of the many distinct attributes of studying abroad is being able to acquire new knowledge along with personal, and professional growth. It may present some challenges, but the long-term rewards are generally greater than the temporary setbacks. As the global world emerges, the multi-dimensional perspectives and abilities acquired from global education could give a student a major edge in their career and life.
For the adventurous, it is essential to note that successful students have a proper plan and receive the necessary support. Furthermore, the search for appropriate housing in the new country has been made easier and more convenient by the services that provide accommodation like Uninist. Uninist, as a company that specializes in developing customized solutions, is dedicated to assisting international students to find a place for them away from home and to make the acclimation into a new continent more pleasant.
Studying abroad is more than just about getting a degree; it's an investment in your future, an expansion of your mind, and an integration of the world as a whole, where international experience and cross-cultural competence are increasingly significant.
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SEO Consultant Temecula: Your Guide to Local SEO Success
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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for potential customers to find you. If you’re based in Temecula, California, and looking to improve your local SEO, an SEO consultant Temecula can be a valuable asset.
What is Local SEO?
Local SEO refers to optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in local search results. When someone searches for a product or service near them, Google displays a list of relevant local businesses. The goal of local SEO is to ensure your business appears at the top of this list.
Why You Need an SEO Consultant Temecula
There are many benefits to hiring an SEO consultant Temecula to help with your local SEO strategy. Here are just a few:
Expertise: SEO consultants have the knowledge and experience to help you optimize your website for local search engines like Google.
Time-saving: Implementing an effective SEO strategy can be time-consuming. An SEO consultant can handle this work for you, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.
Cost-effective: While hiring an SEO consultant may seem like an expense, it can actually be a cost-effective investment. By improving your website’s visibility in local search results, you can attract more customers and generate more revenue.
Measurable results: SEO consultants can track your website’s performance and provide you with regular reports on your progress. This helps you measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions.
How to Choose an SEO Consultant Temecula
When choosing an SEO consultant Temecula, it’s important to consider the following factors:
Experience: Look for a consultant with a proven track record of success in local SEO.
Local knowledge: A consultant who is familiar with the Temecula market can provide more targeted advice.
Communication: Choose a consultant who is easy to communicate with and who keeps you informed about your progress.
Pricing: Get quotes from several consultants to compare pricing and services.
SEO Company Experts: Your Temecula SEO Partner
If you’re looking for a reputable SEO consultant Temecula, look no further than SEO Company Experts. We are a team of experienced SEO professionals who are dedicated to helping businesses improve their online visibility. We offer a wide range of SEO services, including:
Keyword research
On-page optimization
Off-page optimization
Local citations
Link building
Content marketing
We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and develop customized SEO strategies. Our goal is to help you achieve your business objectives by ranking higher in local search results.
Contact Us Today
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with SEO consultant Temecula services, contact SEO Company Experts today. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and provide you with a free consultation.
In today’s competitive business landscape, it’s more important than ever to have a strong online presence. By working with an SEO consultant Temecula like SEO Company Experts, you can improve your website’s visibility in local search results and attract more customers.
View Source: https://medium.com/@seocompanyexperts11/seo-consultant-temecula-your-guide-to-local-seo-success-c17d88a26672
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shefamarketing · 4 months
How Can Local SEO Techniques Benefit Your Business in California?
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California, known for its innovative tech hubs and thriving business landscape, is home to some of the most talented SEO professionals in the world. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a crucial digital marketing strategy that enhances a website's visibility on search engines like Google. This increased visibility can drive more traffic, leads, and ultimately, revenue for businesses. In California, SEO professionals leverage cutting-edge techniques and deep industry knowledge to help companies achieve their digital marketing goals. This article delves into the role, strategies, and impact of SEO professionals in California.
The Role of SEO Professionals in California
SEO professionals in California perform a wide range of tasks aimed at improving the online presence of businesses. These tasks include keyword research, content creation, link building, on-page and off-page optimization, and technical SEO.
1. Keyword Research: This involves identifying the terms and phrases that potential customers use when searching for products or services. California SEO professionals use advanced tools and analytics to uncover high-value keywords that can drive targeted traffic.
2. Content Creation: Quality content is at the heart of any successful SEO strategy. Professionals create engaging, relevant, and optimized content that appeals to both search engines and users. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics.
3. Link Building: Building a strong backlink profile is essential for SEO success. California SEO professionals establish connections with authoritative websites to earn high-quality backlinks, which enhance a site’s credibility and ranking.
4. On-Page and Off-Page Optimization: On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings. This includes optimizing meta tags, headers, images, and internal links. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, involves activities outside the website, such as social media marketing and influencer outreach.
5. Technical SEO: This focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability. California SEO experts ensure that websites are technically sound and provide a seamless user experience.
Strategies Employed by California SEO Professionals
California's SEO landscape is highly competitive, necessitating the use of sophisticated strategies. SEO professionals in the state employ a blend of tried-and-true techniques and innovative approaches to stay ahead.
Data-Driven Decision Making
SEO professionals in California rely heavily on data analytics to inform their strategies. By analyzing data from tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, they gain insights into user behavior, keyword performance, and competitive landscape. This data-driven approach allows them to make informed decisions and tailor their strategies to meet specific business objectives.
Local SEO
Given California's diverse and dynamic market, local SEO is a critical focus area. SEO professionals optimize for local search queries, helping businesses attract customers from their immediate geographic area. This includes optimizing Google My Business listings, managing online reviews, and ensuring local citations are accurate and consistent.
Content Marketing
Content remains king in the world of SEO. California SEO professionals craft comprehensive content marketing strategies that align with their clients' goals. This includes creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that resonates with the target audience. They also utilize content calendars to plan and execute timely content that drives engagement and boosts rankings.
Mobile Optimization
With a significant portion of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, mobile optimization is crucial. SEO experts ensure that websites are responsive, load quickly on mobile devices, and provide an excellent user experience. This includes optimizing for mobile-first indexing, which Google uses to rank mobile and desktop versions of a site.
Voice Search Optimization
As voice search becomes increasingly popular, California SEO professionals are adapting their strategies accordingly. They optimize content for voice search by focusing on natural language queries and long-tail keywords. This helps businesses capture traffic from users who use voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to search the web.
E-A-T Principles
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) are critical factors in Google's ranking algorithm. SEO professionals in California focus on building and showcasing E-A-T by creating high-quality content, earning authoritative backlinks, and maintaining a strong online reputation. This involves collaborating with industry experts, obtaining positive reviews, and ensuring transparency and credibility in all digital interactions.
The Impact of California SEO Professionals
The impact of SEO professionals in California extends across various industries, from tech startups in Silicon Valley to entertainment giants in Hollywood. By enhancing online visibility, they drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and boost revenue for businesses.
Case Study: Tech Startups in Silicon Valle
Silicon Valley, the epicenter of technology and innovation, is home to numerous startups vying for attention in a crowded market. SEO professionals play a pivotal role in helping these startups gain a competitive edge. By implementing robust SEO strategies, they help startups achieve higher search rankings, attract investors, and reach a global audience. This visibility can be a game-changer, enabling startups to grow rapidly and establish themselves as market leaders.
Case Study: Hollywood Entertainment Industry
In Hollywood, the entertainment industry relies heavily on SEO to promote movies, TV shows, and celebrity brands. SEO professionals optimize content for search engines, manage online reputations, and engage with fans through social media. This ensures that entertainment brands maintain a strong online presence, drive ticket sales, and keep audiences engaged. Effective SEO can significantly impact box office revenues and streaming viewership, making it a crucial component of marketing strategies in this industry.
Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
SEO is not just for large corporations; small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in California also benefit immensely. SEO professionals help SMBs compete with larger players by optimizing their websites for local search, creating targeted content, and building a loyal customer base. This democratizes digital marketing, allowing businesses of all sizes to achieve online success.
California SEO professionals are at the forefront of the digital marketing revolution, leveraging their expertise to help businesses thrive in an increasingly competitive online landscape. Their comprehensive strategies, data-driven approaches, and focus on quality content and user experience make them invaluable partners for any business looking to enhance its online presence. As the digital world continues to evolve, the role of SEO professionals in California will only become more critical, driving innovation and success for businesses across the Golden State.
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smvexperts7 · 4 months
The Role of Online Reviews in Local SEO
Imagine you're in California and craving some delicious tacos. You pull out your phone, search for the best taco places nearby, and what do you see? A list of local restaurants with star ratings and reviews from people just like you. Those online reviews play a critical role in where each restaurant appears in your search results. This is the essence of local SEO, and for businesses in California, especially those working with the best SEO companies in California like SMV Experts, mastering online reviews is essential to success.
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Understanding Local SEO
Local SEO, short for Local Search Engine Optimization, is about optimizing a business's online presence to attract more customers from relevant local searches. These searches typically occur on Google and other search engines. For instance, when someone types "best coffee shop near me," local SEO ensures that your business appears in the search results. Unlike general SEO, which focuses on improving visibility on a national or global scale, local SEO zeroes in on enhancing your presence within your specific area. Key factors influencing local SEO include your Google My Business listing, local citations, backlinks, and, increasingly, online reviews.
The Power of Online Reviews
Online reviews have changed how consumers make purchasing decisions. Here are some compelling reasons why:
Consumer Trust: People trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. A series of glowing reviews can significantly enhance a business's credibility.
Decision Making: Over 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, highlighting the impact reviews have on decision-making processes.
Engagement: Positive reviews engage potential customers, encouraging them to choose your business over competitors.
Consider this: a friend recently decided to try a new sushi place based solely on its outstanding online reviews. Not only did she become a loyal customer, but she also left a positive review herself, contributing to the restaurant's growing reputation.
How Online Reviews Impact Local SEO
Online reviews influence local SEO in several key ways:
Keywords in Reviews
Reviews often contain natural language and keywords that customers use to describe their experiences. These keywords can boost your search engine rankings.
For example, a review saying, "This is the best vegan bakery in Los Angeles," can help that bakery rank higher for searches related to vegan bakeries in Los Angeles.
Review Quantity and Freshness
The number of reviews and how recent they are can significantly affect your local SEO. Search engines favor businesses with a steady stream of fresh reviews.
A case study involving a local gym showed that by encouraging members to leave new reviews, they saw a notable improvement in their search rankings.
Review Diversity
It's beneficial to have reviews on multiple platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. This diversity signals to search engines that your business is reputable across various sources.
Encouraging customers to leave reviews on different platforms can enhance your overall visibility.
Review Ratings
The average rating of your reviews also impacts your rankings. Higher average ratings can lead to better visibility.
For instance, a local coffee shop with a consistently high rating might appear in the top results for "best coffee shop in California."
Managing and Responding to Reviews
Managing and responding to reviews is crucial for maintaining a positive online reputation and improving local SEO.
Importance of Active Management
Monitoring reviews helps you stay aware of customer feedback and address any issues promptly.
SEO companies in California, like SMV Experts, can assist businesses in setting up efficient review monitoring systems.
Responding to Positive Reviews
Thanking customers for positive reviews can reinforce their good experience and encourage them to return.
For example, a heartfelt thank you message to a customer who praised your bakery can create a loyal customer.
Handling Negative Reviews
Addressing negative reviews professionally and constructively can turn a negative experience into a positive one.
Consider a scenario where a restaurant receives a complaint about slow service. A thoughtful response offering an apology and a discount on the next visit can leave a lasting positive impression.
Encouraging More Reviews
Getting more reviews is a proactive step towards boosting your local SEO.
Ask for Reviews
Simply asking customers to leave a review can be highly effective. Most satisfied customers are willing to share their experiences if prompted.
A local bookstore that regularly asks customers for reviews at the checkout counter saw a significant increase in positive reviews.
Make it Easy
Simplify the review process by providing direct links to review sites or including QR codes that customers can scan.
A local café included QR codes on their receipts, making it easy for customers to leave reviews, which led to a surge in online feedback.
Incentivize Reviews
Offering small incentives, like discounts or freebies, can encourage more customers to leave reviews.
A hair salon that offered a 10% discount on the next visit for every review left online saw a noticeable increase in their online reviews.
Online reviews play a pivotal role in local SEO, impacting how businesses appear in search results and influencing consumer decisions. For businesses in California, partnering with SEO companies in California like SMV Experts can provide the expertise needed to leverage online reviews effectively. By actively managing and responding to reviews, encouraging more customer feedback, and understanding the nuances of how reviews impact local SEO, businesses can enhance their online visibility and attract more local customers.
Supporting local businesses by leaving reviews not only helps them thrive but also contributes to a vibrant and connected community.
Why are online reviews important for local SEO?
Online reviews enhance a business's credibility, provide valuable keywords, and improve search engine rankings, leading to greater visibility and more customers.
What are some ways to encourage customers to leave reviews?
You can encourage reviews by asking customers directly, making the review process easy, and offering small incentives like discounts or freebies.
What should I do if I receive a negative review?
Respond to negative reviews professionally and constructively. Express regret for the customer's experience and offer a solution to make it right. This shows potential customers that you care about their feedback and are willing to improve.
How often should I monitor my online reviews?
Regular monitoring is essential. Aim to check reviews at least weekly, if not daily, to ensure you can respond promptly and manage your online reputation effectively.
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losseo-blog · 1 year
When we use the term SEO Santa Clarita, we are referring to the practice of search engine optimization specifically tailored to businesses located in Santa Clarita, California. This encompasses local SEO strategies and techniques designed to improve online visibility, attract targeted traffic, and boost search engine rankings for businesses within the Santa Clarita area. By focusing on location-specific keywords, optimizing Google My Business listings, and building local citations, SEO Santa Clarita helps businesses connect with local customers, drive foot traffic, and enhance their overall online presence in the region.
Grasping Web optimization AND ITS Qualification FROM OTHER Advertising Procedures
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Las vegas seo - Site improvement (Web optimization) is the most common way of working on a site's perceivability and positioning on web crawler results pages (SERPs) by making it more available and pertinent to web indexes (like Google)and clients. Website design enhancement includes different methods and systems, including catchphrase research, nearby advancement, on-page improvement, off-page streamlining, and specialized Search engine optimization, to guarantee that your site positions higher for explicit watchwords and expressions connected with your business. Therefore, Search engine optimization drives natural traffic to your site, which can prompt expanded transformations, deals, and brand mindfulness.
While Web optimization is a fundamental computerized promoting methodology, it varies altogether from other advertising draws near, including advanced and print showcasing. Here are a few key differentiations:
Center around natural indexed lists:
In contrast to paid publicizing (e.g., Google Advertisements) and supported content, Web optimization centers around further developing your site's natural (non-paid) rankings on web search tool results pages. This implies that the traffic created by Website design enhancement is by and large more reasonable and practical over the long haul, as you're not straightforwardly paying for each snap or impression.
Long haul methodology:
Search engine optimization is a drawn out promoting system that requires progressing exertion and venture. The aftereffects of a viable Web optimization mission might require a long time to emerge yet can prompt enduring advantages, like higher inquiry rankings and expanded natural traffic. Conversely, customary print promoting and some computerized advertising efforts (like PPC) can yield faster outcomes yet may require higher forthright expenses and might not have a similar enduring effect.
Content-driven approach:
Website design enhancement accentuates the creation and streamlining of superior grade, significant substance that offers some benefit to clients. On the other hand, conventional print showcasing frequently depends on eye catching visuals and enticing duplicate to advance an item or administration, while some computerized promoting procedures might zero in on focusing on unambiguous socioeconomics or client ways of behaving.
Client experience:
Web optimization remains closely connected with further developing client experience (UX) on your site. By upgrading components like site speed, versatile responsiveness, and site engineering, Web optimization further develops search rankings as well as improves the general client experience, prompting higher commitment and changes. In correlation, print showcasing doesn't straightforwardly affect UX, and some advanced advertising techniques might focus on transformations over UX.
Quantifiable outcomes:
Web optimization gives itemized investigation and information to assist you with following the progress of your mission. You can screen measurements like natural traffic, search rankings, and client commitment to check your mission's adequacy and pursue information driven choices. Conventional print promoting frequently comes up short on degree of quantifiability, and some computerized showcasing systems may not offer a similar profundity of understanding into crusade execution.
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Address - 1034 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91104 (United States)
Also read: https://losseo.net/seo-santa-clarita-climb-the-mountain-to-reach-number-1/
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steveshairr-ington · 1 year
Digital marketing strategies revolutionizing business in Dublin, California by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency
To thrive in today's competitive environment, businesses need effective marketing strategies. Our Dublin, California-based digital marketing company provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions for local businesses. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency has become the go-to agency for businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas thanks to its understanding of the local market, focus on search engine optimization (SEO), and drive targeted traffic. We will examine the services offered by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency, their approach to local SEO, and how they are revolutionizing digital marketing in Dublin. Enhancing Local Visibility Through SEO Services Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency specializes in local SEO services, understanding the importance of appearing locally in search results. Through their strategies, businesses can target potential customers nearby, ensuring their products or services are visible to local audiences who are actively seeking them out. Using local search directories, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps businesses rank higher in local search results pages (SERPs) through website optimization, online presence, and search engine optimization. In order to identify the most value-added and location-specific keywords, their SEO experts conduct extensive keyword research. To align with the keywords, they optimize website elements such as meta tags, headings, URLs, and content. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also ensures consistency in NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) citations across various online directories, such as Yelp, Google My Business, and Bing Places, to establish credibility and improve local search results. A Guide to Google Maps Marketing: Unlocking Local Potential A standout service of Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency is its expertise in Google Maps marketing. Businesses targeting local customers should have a strong presence on Google Maps, since it is a popular platform for local searches. Marketing & SEO Agency Dublin helps businesses optimize their Google My Business profiles, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information, attractive visuals, and positive customer reviews. Businesses can increase their visibility on Google Maps by maximizing its potential, thereby driving foot traffic to their locations. Google Maps marketing involves a variety of strategies. By leveraging local keywords in the business description, selecting relevant categories, and encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency establishes trust and credibility. Further, they ensure that the business's location is accurately pinpointed on a map and provide clear directions for customers. The Pay-Per-Click Method: Measurable Results As well as SEO, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency excels in PPC advertising, including Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. Through these platforms, businesses can reach specific demographics, geographic locations, and interests through highly targeted and measurable advertising. Reliable marketing services in Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's PPC specialists develop and manage customized campaigns to maximize budget allocation and ROI. To identify high-quality keywords relevant to the business before launching a PPC campaign, the agency conducts extensive keyword research. In order to entice potential customers to click, they write compelling ad copy that highlights the business's unique selling propositions. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also optimizes landing pages in order to provide a seamless user experience and increase conversion rates. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency ensures businesses get the best return on their PPC spending through continuous monitoring, data analysis, and campaign optimization. In their detailed reports, businesses can see how their campaigns are performing and make informed decisions about future advertising campaigns. A holistic approach to digital marketing: achieving success with comprehensive digital marketing services We at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency are aware that digital marketing encompasses a wide variety of channels and strategies. With a holistic approach, they provide clients with digital marketing services tailored to their unique needs and goals. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency designs user-friendly, visually appealing websites to effectively convey a brand's message and drive conversions. As a result, websites are optimized for search engines and offer a seamless mobile browsing experience. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency produces high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that will help businesses establish thought leadership and improve organic search rankings. With content marketing strategies that range from blog posts and articles to videos and infographics, they aim to attract, inform, and convert clients into customers. In addition to building strong social media presences, we also produce engaging content and engage with our audience via platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The company builds customized social media strategies that align with the brand's voice and objectives, thereby driving brand awareness and customer engagement. Marketing via email: Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency provides their clients with email marketing services that nurture leads, build customer loyalty, and increase repeat business. In order to optimize campaign performance, they create personalized email campaigns, design email automation workflows, and analyze campaign results. Additional digital marketing services offered by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency include online reputation management, influencer marketing, conversion rate optimization, and e-commerce solutions. Through their diverse skillset, businesses can benefit from comprehensive assistance in all facets of digital marketing. Marketing & SEO Agency Dublin is at the forefront of digital marketing solutions in Dublin, California. Local SEO, Google Maps marketing, PPC advertising, and comprehensive digital marketing services are some of the products they offer to help businesses grow. Businesses can attract more customers, gain sustainable growth, and unlock their online potential by partnering with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. Providing businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas with innovative strategies, customized approaches, and measurable results is a commitment at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. We can help you take your business to new heights in the digital age by partnering with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency 6200 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 397-1711
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silentmango · 1 year
We revolutionize digital marketing strategies for businesses in Dublin, California.
To survive and thrive in the digital age, businesses need effective marketing strategies. Top SEO services in Dublin California , California-based marketing and SEO agency that offers comprehensive digital marketing solutions in order to help local businesses succeed. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency is the go-to agency for businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas thanks to a deep understanding of the local market and a commitment to search engine optimization (SEO). In this article, we will explore the services provided by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency, how they approach local SEO, and how they are revolutionizing digital marketing for Dublin businesses. SEO Services for Enhanced Visibility in Local Markets Local search engine optimization is a key part of our SEO services at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. As they focus on attracting potential customers close to home, it ensures that businesses are visible to local customers who are actively searching for goods and services. Using local search directories, building an online presence, and optimizing websites, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps businesses rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
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Their SEO experts conduct extensive keyword research to identify the most useful and location-specific keywords. In order to align the content with the identified keywords, they optimize various elements of the website, including meta tags, headings, URLs, and content. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency enhances local search rankings by ensuring consistency in NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) citations across various online directories, such as Yelp, Google My Business, and Bing Places.
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The Google Maps Marketing Platform: Unlocking Local Potential The expertise of Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's Google Maps marketing division is one of its best features. Business targeting local customers must have a strong presence on Google Maps, a popular go-to platform for local searches. With Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency, businesses are able to optimize their Google My Business profiles, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information, appealing visuals, and positive reviews from existing and new customers. Increased visibility on Google Maps drives foot traffic to locations when businesses use Google Maps to their full potential. Different strategies are employed by their Google Maps marketing team. A Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency incorporates local keywords into the business description, selects relevant categories, and encourages customers to post reviews, helping to establish trust and credibility. The establishment is also accurately located on the map and provides clear directions for customers to reach it. Results-driven Pay-Per-Click Advertising Aside from SEO expertise, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency specializes in Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, as well as pay-per-click advertising. Through these platforms, businesses can advertise to specific demographics, geographic locations, and interests in a highly targeted and measurable way. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's PPC specialists develop and manage customized campaigns to maximize budget allocation and ROI. In order to create high-value PPC campaigns, the agency conducts comprehensive keyword research. Then they write compelling ad copy that reflects the company's unique selling propositions and entices potential customers to click. Moreover, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency optimizes landing pages to provide a seamless user experience. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency ensures businesses get the best return on their PPC spending through continuous monitoring, data analysis, and campaign optimization. Their detailed reports and insights enable businesses to track the performance of their marketing campaigns and make informed decisions. Holistic Approach to Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Approach to Success A digital marketing agency such as Dublin Marketing & SEO understands that there are a variety of strategies and channels involved. Their comprehensive suite of digital marketing services is tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each business. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency designs user-friendly, visually appealing websites to effectively convey a brand's message and drive conversions. Using them, websites are optimized for search engines and a smooth browsing experience is ensured. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency promotes thought leadership, improves organic search rankings, and engages with your target audience by producing high-quality, relevant, and engaging content. Content marketing strategies include blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics to attract, inform, and convert customers. A Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's social media management services help companies create engaging content and engage with their audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Brand awareness and customer engagement are driven via customized social media strategies. By leveraging their expertise in email marketing, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps businesses nurture leads, build customer loyalty, and drive repeat business. Their responsibilities include creating personalized campaigns, creating email automation workflows, and analyzing campaign performance to optimize them. Additionally, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency offers e-commerce solutions as well as online reputation management, influencer marketing, and conversion rate optimization. Business owners reap the benefits of their diverse skill set when it comes to digital marketing. Digital marketing solutions are our expertise at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. In addition to their expertise in local SEO, Google Maps marketing, PPC advertising, and comprehensive digital marketing services, they help businesses thrive in the digital world. A business can leverage its online potential, attract more customers, and grow sustainably by partnering with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. We offer innovative strategies, customized approaches, and measurable results to businesses in Dublin and the nearby areas. Take your business to new heights in the digital age by contacting Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency today. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency 6200 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 397-1711 https://www.socialcali.com/dublin-marketing-seo-agency
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Brigadier General Charles Young (March 12, 1864 – January 8, 1922) was a soldier born into slavery in Mays Lick, KY. He was the third African-American graduate of the US Military Academy, the first African American US National Park superintendent, the first African American military attaché, the first African American man to achieve the rank of colonel in the Army, and the highest-ranking African American officer in the regular army.
He graduated at the top of the class. He then taught for several years in the new African American high school in Ripley.
As one of the first African Americans to attend and graduate from West Point, he faced challenges far beyond his white peers. He experienced extreme racial discrimination from classmates, faculty, and upperclassmen. He was subjected to a disproportionate amount of abuse because of his color.
He graduated with his commission as a second lieutenant, the third African American man to do so. He was first assigned to the Tenth Cavalry Regiment. Through a reassignment, he served first with the Ninth Cavalry Regiment. His service of 28 years was chiefly with African American troops—the Ninth Cavalry and the Tenth Cavalry, African American troops nicknamed the “Buffalo Soldiers” since the Indian Wars.
He received honors throughout his life. One he was presented with was a citation in appreciation of his performance as Acting Superintendent of Sequoia National Park by The Visalia, California, Board of Trade. He was elected as an honorary member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He was the second honorary member to be elected to the Fraternity. The NAACP awarded him the Spingarn Medal for his achievements in Liberia and the US Army in 1916. In February 2020, Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky posthumously promoted him to honorary Brigadier General in Kentucky; accounts contained no reference to the Kentucky National Guard. Beshear’s request for federal recognition of his promotion was approved by Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gil Cisneros on November 1, 2021, with the recognition, made effective on February 1, 2022. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #omegapsiphi
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logiusxcju · 14 days
How to Improve Your Website's Ranking with San Jose SEO
In up to date-day electronic age, having a potent online presence is a completely useful for any market. And among the many essential most effective systems to boost your visibility and achieve is through information superhighway optimization (website positioning). By enforcing the major search engine optimization thoughts, you will improve your net web page's score on seek engine consequences pages (SERPs), allure more wholesome traffic, and ultimately strengthen your opportunities of converting buddies into clients. And regarding optimizing your web site for engines like google like google in San Jose, California, there could also be no greater helpful approach than leveraging the strain of San Jose website positioning.
How to Improve Your Website's Ranking with San Jose SEO
San Jose search engine optimization is a complete technique that specializes in optimizing your information superhighway web page specifically for search engines in the San Jose space. By tailoring your web optimization efforts to target nearby users in San Jose, that it's possible you'll appreciably make stronger your web site's ranking and visibility within the community search effects.
Why Is Local search engine marketing Important?
Before diving into the specifics of San Jose seek engine advertising and marketing, permit's first become aware of why neighborhood website positioning is vital for enterprises operating in a chosen location. According to modern day studies, around forty six% of all Google searches have regional intent. This ability that a powerful part of internet shoppers are seeking out product or service internal of their place.
By focusing on native prospects due to optimized neighborhood internet site positioning rules, you're able to nevertheless faucet into this practicable industry and force extra Professional Marketing Experts in San Jose central site visitors for your web page. Additionally, within sight web optimization helps construct credibility and reflect onconsideration on amongst capability valued consumers because it reveals that you with no trouble are a reputable manufacturer running in their area.
The Basics of San Jose SEO
To effectively optimize your website online for engines like google in San Jose, there are rather just a few key points you wish to awareness on:
1. Keyword Research
Keyword lookup forms the basis of any moneymaking search engine advertising strategy. By identifying excellent key words that workable valued shoppers in San Jose are utilising to in finding services or products resembling yours, it is easy to optimize your cyber web page's content material and meta tags to align with those are searching for terms. This will increase the choices of your cyber web page performing in the seek outcomes when clientele look up the ones key phrases.
2. On-Page Optimization
On-page optimization contains optimizing a great number of supplies of your net content material to improve its visibility on search engines. This contains optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, headers, URLs, and alt tags to include crucial key phrases concerning San Jose search engine marketing.
three. Local Citations
Local citations play a an incredibly effective operate in regional search engine marketing. These are mentions of your change title, tackle, and make contact with extensive selection (NAP) on different websites, directories, and on line tactics.
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Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency: Revolutionizing Digital Marketing Strategies in Dublin, CA
In today's competitive digital era, businesses need effective marketing strategies to survive. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency in Dublin, California, offers comprehensive digital marketing solutions for local businesses. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency has established itself as a go-to agency for businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas by understanding the local market, focusing on search engine optimization (SEO), and driving targeted traffic. In this article, we will explore the services provided by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency, how they approach local SEO, and how they are revolutionizing digital marketing for Dublin businesses. SEO Services for Enhanced Visibility in Local Markets We at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency are specialized in local SEO as we recognize the importance of appearing in local search results. As their strategies focus on reaching local audiences actively seeking products or services, businesses remain visible to potential customers in the immediate vicinity. We help businesses rank higher in local search results pages (SERPs) by optimizing websites, increasing online visibility, and utilizing local search directories. Identifying the most valuable and location-specific keywords for the business is the first step their SEO experts take. Meta tags, headings, URLs, and content are then optimized to align with the identified keywords. The agency also ensures consistency in NAP citations, including Yelp, Google My Business, and Bing Places, across various online directories to build credibility and improve local search rankings. Marketing with Dublin's dedicated marketing professionals : Unlocking local potential Their expertise in Google Maps marketing makes Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency an industry leader. Local search engines such as Google Maps are popular go-to platforms for local searches, so having a strong presence on this platform is essential. Our Dublin marketing and SEO agency helps businesses optimize their Google My Business profiles, ensuring accurate and updated information, attractive visuals, and positive customer reviews. Using Google Maps to its full potential helps businesses gain more visibility on the map, attracting foot traffic to their physical locations. Google Maps marketing encompasses numerous strategies. Its business description makes use of local keywords, selects relevant categories, and encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, which helps establish its credibility and trustworthiness. Additionally, they provide customers with clear directions to the establishment based on the business's location on the map. Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Measurable and Targeted
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Besides SEO, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency specializes in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, specifically Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Through these platforms, businesses can advertise to specific demographics, geographic locations, and interests in a highly targeted and measurable way. As a PPC specialist at Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency, our team develops and manages customized campaigns ensuring optimal budget allocation and maximum ROI. For each PPC campaign, the agency conducts extensive keyword research to identify high-value search terms. As a result, they write compelling ad copy that emphasizes the business's unique selling proposition and encourages potential customers to click on it. In addition to optimizing landing pages, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also offers marketing services for business marketing. PPC campaigns are continuously monitored, analyzed, and optimized by Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. In addition to providing detailed reports, these tools help businesses track the performance of their campaigns and plan future ad campaigns. A holistic approach to digital marketing: achieving success with comprehensive digital marketing services Our Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency understands that digital marketing encompasses a wide range of marketing channels. With a holistic approach, they provide clients with digital marketing services tailored to their unique needs and goals. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency focuses on creating visually appealing, user-friendly and conversion-driven website design and development. Websites are optimized for search engines and offer seamless browsing across a variety of devices when they are designed by them. In addition to helping businesses establish thought leadership, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps them improve organic search rankings and engage their target audience through content marketing. Using content marketing strategies, they target audiences, inform them, and then convert them into customers with blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics. Marketing & SEO Agency Dublin develops social media strategies, creates engaging content, and engages with its audience on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Their goal is to drive engagement and brand awareness by creating customized social media strategies aligned with the brand's voice and objectives. By using email marketing, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency nurtures leads, builds customer loyalty, and drives repeat business. Their responsibilities include creating customized email campaigns, developing effective automated workflows, and analyzing the effectiveness of campaigns to optimize them. Our digital marketing services include online reputation management, influencer marketing, conversion rate optimization, and e-commerce development. Business owners reap the benefits of their diverse skill set when it comes to digital marketing. Located in Dublin, California, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency offers comprehensive digital marketing services. Their expert local search engine optimization, Google Maps marketing, PPC advertising, and comprehensive digital marketing services help businesses thrive online. We help businesses maximize their online potential, attract more customers, and grow sustainably. With a dynamic and competitive digital landscape, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency offers business owners in Dublin and the surrounding areas innovative marketing strategies, individualized approaches, and measurable results. Invest in the future of your business by contacting Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency today.
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Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency 6200 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 397-1711 https://www.socialcali.com/dublin-marketing-seo-agency
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theaggressivegay · 1 year
Marketing & SEO Agency in Dublin, California: Revolutionizing digital marketing strategies
Digital marketing strategies are essential for businesses to remain competitive in today's market. Based in Dublin, California, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions to help local businesses succeed. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency has established itself as a go-to agency for businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas by understanding the local market, focusing on search engine optimization (SEO), and driving targeted traffic. The purpose of this article is to examine Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's wide range of services and how they are redefining digital marketing for businesses in Dublin, California. Enhance your visibility with local SEO services Our Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency specializes in local SEO and understands the importance of appearing in local search results. As their strategies focus on reaching local audiences actively seeking products or services, businesses remain visible to potential customers in the immediate vicinity. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps businesses achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant local queries by optimizing websites, enhancing online presence, and utilizing local search directories. Their team of SEO experts conducts extensive keyword research in order to identify the most valuable and location-specific keywords. Meta tags, headings, URLs, and content are then optimized to align with the identified keywords. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also ensures that NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) citations across online directories, such as Yelp, Google My Business, and Bing Places, are consistent in order to establish credibility and improve local search rankings. A Guide to Google Maps Marketing: Unlocking Local Potential
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A standout service of Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency is its expertise in Google Maps marketing. For businesses targeting local clients, having a strong presence on Google Maps is essential. This platform is a popular go-to platform for local searches. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency optimizes businesses' Google My Business profiles with accurate and up-to-date information, attractive visuals, and positive customer feedback. Using Google Maps to its full potential helps businesses gain more visibility on the map, attracting foot traffic to their physical locations. Different strategies are used to market their Google Maps business. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency uses local keywords in the business description, selects relevant categories, and encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, which lends credibility to the company. Additionally, they deliver clear directions so customers can find the business with ease and ensure the business's location is accurately pinpointed on the map. 3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Measurable and Targeted Additionally to SEO, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency specializes in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, particularly Facebook and Google Adwords. A highly targeted and measurable approach to advertising is offered by these platforms, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics, geographic areas, and interests. DR Marketing & SEO Agency's PPC specialists manage customized campaigns, ensuring optimal budget allocation and maximized return on investment. To identify high-quality keywords relevant to the business before launching a PPC campaign, the agency conducts extensive keyword research. As a result, they write compelling ad copy that emphasizes the business's unique selling proposition and encourages potential customers to click on it. Moreover, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency optimizes landing pages to create an engaging experience and increase conversions. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency optimizes PPC campaigns by monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing data. In addition to providing detailed reports, these tools help businesses track the performance of their campaigns and plan future ad campaigns. The Ultimate Digital Marketing Solution: A Holistic Approach Our Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency understands that digital marketing encompasses a wide range of marketing channels. Their holistic approach offers businesses a full range of digital marketing services tailored to their specific needs. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency focuses on creating visually appealing, user-friendly and conversion-driven website design and development. Search engine optimization is one of their main tasks, as well as ensuring that websites are accessible on mobile devices. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency creates high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that helps businesses establish thought leadership in their industry, improve organic search rankings, and engage with their target audience. Its content marketing strategies are aimed at attracting, informing, and converting customers through blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics. Managing social media accounts: Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency builds a strong online presence, creates engaging content, and interacts with audience members on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social media strategies created by them drive brand awareness and customer engagement by aligning with the brand's voice and objectives. Through email marketing, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency helps businesses nurture leads, build customer loyalty, and generate repeat business. Their responsibilities include creating personalized email campaigns, defining effective email automation workflows, and analyzing campaign performance. As part of Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's digital services, you can also take advantage of online reputation management, influencer marketing, conversion rate optimization, and e-commerce solutions. They provide comprehensive support in all aspects of digital marketing to businesses. Our Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency provides exceptional digital marketing services. They empower businesses to thrive in the digital world with their local SEO, Google Maps advertising, and PPC advertising experiences. Getting more customers and growing sustainably is easier when you partner with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency continues to provide innovative strategies, personalized approaches, and measurable results for businesses in Dublin and surrounding areas in a competitive digital landscape. Become a digital marketing and SEO expert with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency today. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency 6200 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 397-1711 https://www.socialcali.com/dublin-marketing-seo-agency
Comprehensive SEO techniques in Dublin California !2d-121.9221548!3d37.7034528!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x808fec0d7958f567%3A0xe5a6c1383d7ec555!2s6200%20Village%20Pkwy%2C%20Dublin%2C%20CA%2094568!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1686336024638!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade">
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catinca-n · 1 year
We revolutionize digital marketing strategies for businesses in Dublin, California.
In today's digital age, businesses must have effective marketing strategies to succeed. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency understands the challenges faced by local businesses and offers comprehensive digital marketing solutions that are tailored to their needs. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency has become the go-to agency for businesses in Dublin and the surrounding areas thanks to its understanding of the local market, focus on search engine optimization (SEO), and drive targeted traffic. In this article, we will explore how Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency is revolutionizing digital marketing for businesses in Dublin, California with their local SEO approach. Enhancing Local Visibility Through SEO Services Marketing & SEO Agency Dublin specializes in local SEO services, understanding the importance of ranking in local search results. Ensure that businesses are visible to local audiences actively searching for products or services with their strategies, which focus on targeting potential customers in the local area. Our goal is to assist businesses in ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant local searches by optimizing websites, enhancing online presence, and utilizing local search directories. For each client, their SEO team conducts extensive keyword research to determine the most valuable and location-specific terms. To align with the keywords, they optimize website elements such as meta tags, headings, URLs, and content. As well, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency makes sure to maintain consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) citations across online directories. For instance, Yelp, Google My Business, and Bing Places, are all used to establish credibility and improve local search rankings. Marketing with Google Maps: Unlocking local potential They specialize in Google Maps marketing, which is one of Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's standout services. Local businesses that target local clients must have a strong presence on Google Maps, which is the most popular platform for local searches. We assist businesses with optimizing their Google My Business profiles, ensuring accurate, up-to-date information, attractive visuals, and positive customer reviews. Businesses who utilize Google Maps effectively gain increased visibility on the map, boosting foot traffic. There are several strategies they employ in Google Maps marketing. As part of our efforts to establish trust and credibility, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency uses local keywords in our business description, selects categories which are relevant to the business, and encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. Moreover, they provide customers with clear directions to the business, as well as pinpoint the establishment's exact location on the map. Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Measurable Results & Effective Targeting Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also specializes in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, focusing on Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. A highly targeted and measurable approach to advertising is offered by these platforms, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics, geographic areas, and interests. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency's PPC specialists develop and manage customized campaigns to maximize budget allocation and ROI. Identifying high-value search terms relevant to your business is one of the first steps that the agency takes before launching a PPC campaign. A compelling ad copy that highlights the business's unique selling propositions is then created. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency also optimizes landing pages in order to provide a seamless user experience and increase conversion rates. The Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency ensures businesses get the best return on their PPC spending through continuous monitoring, data analysis, and campaign optimization. By tracking the performance of their ads, businesses can make informed decisions about future advertising campaigns. An integrated approach for successful digital marketing Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of strategies and channels, which Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency understands. Offering a variety of digital marketing services tailored to each client's unique needs and goals, they offer a holistic approach to business marketing. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency develops visually appealing, user-friendly websites that effectively communicate the brand's message. Websites are optimized for search engines and offer seamless browsing across a variety of devices when they are designed by them. Comprehensive SEO services in Dublin California help clients establish thought leadership, improve organic search rankings, and engage their target audiences through content marketing. Their content marketing strategies include articles, blogs, videos, and infographics. Marketing & SEO Agency Dublin develops social media strategies, creates engaging content, and engages with its audience on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As a result, they produce customized social media strategies that are aligned with the brand's voice and objectives, increasing brand awareness and customer engagement. By using email marketing, Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency nurtures leads, builds customer loyalty, and drives repeat business. In order to optimize campaign performance, they create personalized email campaigns, design email automation workflows, and analyze campaign results. Our digital marketing services include online reputation management, influencer marketing, conversion rate optimization, and e-commerce development. With their diverse skill set, businesses receive comprehensive support for all aspects of digital marketing. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency offers innovative digital marketing solutions in Dublin, California. Local SEO, Google Maps marketing, PPC advertising, and comprehensive digital marketing services are some of the products they offer to help businesses grow. Getting more customers and growing sustainably is easier when you partner with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. We offer innovative strategies, customized approaches, and measurable results to businesses in Dublin and the nearby areas. Bring your business to new heights in the digital era with Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency. Dublin Marketing & SEO Agency 6200 Village Pkwy, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 397-1711 https://www.socialcali.com/dublin-marketing-seo-agency
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