#Citra as Scythe Lucifer au anyone?
randomandofnoregard · 2 years
Perhaps one of the best parts of aoas is that Goddard chose wrong. He needed someone that he could appeal to all the worst parts of, someone he could manipulate with praise and promises of greatness. Rowan was always too compassionate to become a mini-Goddard, he had a brief bit with "Man, having the people around me acknowledge my accomplishments is actually kinda nice" but he pushes past Goddard's attempts at manipulation because he's just too damn moral!
Now, compare this to Citra. Rowan describes her as competitive by nature, and seeking approval (namely from Faraday). Citra's inner monologue reveals to us that, originally, she despises the thought of being a scythe, but hates losing so bad, she keeps going. Not to mention, Citra kicks ass at diplomacy, and at it's core, and is scarily good at rallying key people to her cause. Several Scythes call attention to her political skills and, even though she had some higher-ups in her pocket, she's very good at picking out dangerous loopholes and technicalities. A tactic that Goddard explicitly uses when he changes the definition of bias!
It goes the same for Scythe Curies as well. Citra outright tells her that, "If you wanted a student of observation, you should have picked Rowan." Citra learns best by doing, she cannot see the dullness Scythe Curie's gleaned have until she practices gleaning with her. Rowan learns by observing and reacting. He's always weighing options and stalling for time to cook up a better plan. Citra eventually learns to mimic this, but it is defiantly not a skill set she possess in the first half of book one. Not to mention, she pushed a girl in front of a bus when she was like, EIGHT. Curie has her rectify this and apologize, but I could totally see Goddard twisting that darker part of Citra.
IN CONCLUSION, Goddard wrote a self-fulfilling prophecy when he decided to be a jackass and try to corrupt one of Faraday's students after pitting them against one another. That you for coming to my ridiculously long TED Talk.
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Arc of A Scythe analysis, chapter 6-10
Chapter 6!
-Ooo! This is the chapter we see the new order scythes!!!
-99.9 percent on-time service…stuff like this makes me wish i was in scythe—
-I find it very funny that the middle seat is just as bad as disease and government, Neal always makes this small funny bits intentionally or not
-Elegy of scythes <3
-This is fucking terrifying though, imagine you’re finally on your way home, you can’t wait to see your family, they’re all waiting for you, all you want is a nice flight home, and then it’s announced you’re gonna die. Thats fucking scary man
-This scene really shows how fucked up Goddard and is Elegy are, how cruel they can be
-Yes business man, gleaning is necessary, but not in this way, this way is just despicable
-Chomsky is too excited for this PUT THE FLAMETHROWER AWAY SIR
-Oh god Goddard is using the word Alpha, do you think he considers himself an alpha male? I do NOT wanna think about that
-“Yet even in dreams I often find myself gleaning…” god almost all scythes must be so fucking traumatized man-
-Jesus what a good chapter, a great way to start the new part!
Chapter 7!!
-Faraday is lowkey a good professor, no wonder you high school au freaks like using him for that /hj
-I for one, CAN imagine Faraday with a mace, he’d look fucking awesome
-Banned weapons are encouraged, that is SCARY!!!
-No wonder a lot of scythes (esp young ones in the new order are bloodthirsty, it’s this cycle of encouragement and being exempt from the rules of society, sure the older scythes preach about gleaning with honor but when you’re young, especially around citra and rowan’s age, you’d be hard-pressed to listen and be much more interested in the bloodsports of Goddard. That’s how he gets you!!!
-Also as someone who has started journaling my scythe journal would be UNREADABLE I have AWFUL handwriting
-Killing 5 people a week, and 260 a year is INSANE!! Again it’s no wonder a lot of scythes are so desensitized to this shit, and even revel in it, you kind of have to, just for your own sanity
-“Good scythes don’t get days off.” *COUGH COUGH* GODDARD *COUGH COUGH*
-“The idea that not all scythes were good was something neither Rowan or Citra had ever considered. It was widely accepted that scythes adhered to the highest moral and ethical standards. Even the ones who sought celebrity were seen to deserve it.” OHH YOU FUCKERS HAVE NO IDEA I LOVE WHEN I HAVE FORESIGHT THE CHARACTERS IN THEIR CURRENT PRESENT TIME DONT!!!!
-“If you do not cry yourself to sleep on a regular basis, you are not compassionate enough to be a scythe.” OUGH THAT LINEEEEE!!!!
-“She doubted rowan cried himself to sleep.” It all happens on the inside, citra!
-“I prefer to see each person I glean as an individual deserving of an end that is unique.” I love how the first book shows how compassionate and truly worthy of the title Scythe Faraday is. It’s that compassionate that makes him stay as one even after the title is gone. Because that’s what he truly is.
-“I find fire a horrific way to glean and would never use it.” ROWAN WOULD DISAGREE OHOHOHOOOOO—
-Its here where I think Rowan gets a lot of his moral code, or at least starts to think about it, to him Faraday is a model scythe, the scythe anyone should strive to be, and when he eventually sees scythes the complete opposite of him, his way of thinking as Scythe Lucifer becomes more clear.
-“I am an accomplice to the world’s oldest crime, and it will only get worse.” AAAA THAT LINE MAN
-“All they do is play games and watch cat holograms.” Oh Neal you really don’t know shit about how people actually use technology—
-I think me and Rowan would have similar handwriting (bad)
-“Rowan found it increasingly hard to parse his feelings about her.” ROWAN FELL FIRST AND HE FELL HARD MAN!!!!!!!!!
-Ben mention :(((((
-This entry of Curie’s journal really fucking hits you man!!! Especially the “I don’t know” at the end like UGH!!!!
-AMAZING CHAPTER AS ALWAYS!!! It’s really laying the groundwork for future character development!
Chapter 8!!!
-We get some foreshadowing to Citra’s gleaning method! The theater part if you can recall!
-Also the “No, I lost. Twice.” Is SO funny
-“It was the only time in all my years as a scythe that I had been thanked for what I do.” And you’ll be thanked SO much more soon Faraday!
-Them becoming more violent and thinking about gleaning is SO interesting esp since its so early, just shows how much it can affect you.
-Foreshadowing to where Rowan chooses which Scythe he chooses to glean when he becomes Scythe Lucifer
-GOD you can FEEL his guilt of having to choose between these 4 people!! How horrible and awful he feels to take their lives away as he learns more UGH
-AND he’s thinking about Bias’s unlike SOMEONE *cough cough* SCYTHE GODDARD *cough cough*
-“Does it ever get easier?” Rowan asked. “I certainly hope not,” the scythe said.
-Bradford Ziller is such a shit name lmao
-Rowan not wanting to admit he’s the one who chose him is soooo!!
-“They had bitten her. Good for them.” HAH that’s such a fun line
-Oop! There’s an error on my copy of the book! There’s a quotation mark at the end of “How was any of this fair?” When there shouldn’t be because it’s not dialogue! Interesting right?
-Even if he has a stupid name, you can really feel the terror and panic on Bradford, really good stuff
-The fact he wants to be aware and awake when he dies is sooo interesting man
-Rowan and Citra’s love is continuing to blossom!!
-“I fear for all of us if scythes begin to love what they do.” *STARES AT GODDARD*
-Amazing chapter as always!! Two more to go!!
Chapter 9!!
-Esme!! I always remember her being an underutilized character, let’s see if I was right though!
-Idk why but I hate mentions of food, esp greasy foods in books, makes me ick a lot idk I’m weird
-“Well, she could learn self-control tomorrow. Today she wanted pizza.” ICONIC LINE!! Such a mood!
-Luigi mario :)
-Elegy of scythes are back!!!
-Oh Esme there’s gonna be *so* many mass gleanings later on you have NO idea
-Esme you’re life is gonna be FUCKED GIRL YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!
-A utopia where everything is perfect would be boring, most ppls lives in Scythe are boring, that’s what I think makes Scythe interesting compared to other dystopian books because its a utopia that turns into a dystopian whilst giving ideas of how that utopia itself was already a dystopia even if it wasn’t a tradition one
-Shorter chapter! Still good tho, not as interesting as others however
CHAPTER 10!!!!!
-Rowan you’re scaring people—
-Rowan’s disobedience is what makes him soooo interesting to me mam!!
-Lmao Rowan is worried about Tyger stealing Citra, already getting jealous!
-Apparently ppl ship Citra and Tyger which…I don’t see??? At all????
-We get some more Citra-Rowan interactions!! Very nice!!! Makes my Citran heart happy <3
-Emo-Nanites <3
-“We are not the same beings we once were. So then, if we are no longer human, what are we?” UGH ANOTHER GOOD LINE!!
-Another short chapter though not as short as the last one! Liked it more than the last though!
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, but here’s the next 5 chapters, those last two chapters didn’t have much but everything else was great as always!! Next time we’ll be doing chapters 11-15! Hope you’ll join me for it!!!
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