#i dont wanna tag everyone else soooooo
Arc of A Scythe analysis, chapter 6-10
Chapter 6!
-Ooo! This is the chapter we see the new order scythes!!!
-99.9 percent on-time service…stuff like this makes me wish i was in scythe—
-I find it very funny that the middle seat is just as bad as disease and government, Neal always makes this small funny bits intentionally or not
-Elegy of scythes <3
-This is fucking terrifying though, imagine you’re finally on your way home, you can’t wait to see your family, they’re all waiting for you, all you want is a nice flight home, and then it’s announced you’re gonna die. Thats fucking scary man
-This scene really shows how fucked up Goddard and is Elegy are, how cruel they can be
-Yes business man, gleaning is necessary, but not in this way, this way is just despicable
-Chomsky is too excited for this PUT THE FLAMETHROWER AWAY SIR
-Oh god Goddard is using the word Alpha, do you think he considers himself an alpha male? I do NOT wanna think about that
-“Yet even in dreams I often find myself gleaning…” god almost all scythes must be so fucking traumatized man-
-Jesus what a good chapter, a great way to start the new part!
Chapter 7!!
-Faraday is lowkey a good professor, no wonder you high school au freaks like using him for that /hj
-I for one, CAN imagine Faraday with a mace, he’d look fucking awesome
-Banned weapons are encouraged, that is SCARY!!!
-No wonder a lot of scythes (esp young ones in the new order are bloodthirsty, it’s this cycle of encouragement and being exempt from the rules of society, sure the older scythes preach about gleaning with honor but when you’re young, especially around citra and rowan’s age, you’d be hard-pressed to listen and be much more interested in the bloodsports of Goddard. That’s how he gets you!!!
-Also as someone who has started journaling my scythe journal would be UNREADABLE I have AWFUL handwriting
-Killing 5 people a week, and 260 a year is INSANE!! Again it’s no wonder a lot of scythes are so desensitized to this shit, and even revel in it, you kind of have to, just for your own sanity
-“Good scythes don’t get days off.” *COUGH COUGH* GODDARD *COUGH COUGH*
-“The idea that not all scythes were good was something neither Rowan or Citra had ever considered. It was widely accepted that scythes adhered to the highest moral and ethical standards. Even the ones who sought celebrity were seen to deserve it.” OHH YOU FUCKERS HAVE NO IDEA I LOVE WHEN I HAVE FORESIGHT THE CHARACTERS IN THEIR CURRENT PRESENT TIME DONT!!!!
-“If you do not cry yourself to sleep on a regular basis, you are not compassionate enough to be a scythe.” OUGH THAT LINEEEEE!!!!
-“She doubted rowan cried himself to sleep.” It all happens on the inside, citra!
-“I prefer to see each person I glean as an individual deserving of an end that is unique.” I love how the first book shows how compassionate and truly worthy of the title Scythe Faraday is. It’s that compassionate that makes him stay as one even after the title is gone. Because that’s what he truly is.
-“I find fire a horrific way to glean and would never use it.” ROWAN WOULD DISAGREE OHOHOHOOOOO—
-Its here where I think Rowan gets a lot of his moral code, or at least starts to think about it, to him Faraday is a model scythe, the scythe anyone should strive to be, and when he eventually sees scythes the complete opposite of him, his way of thinking as Scythe Lucifer becomes more clear.
-“I am an accomplice to the world’s oldest crime, and it will only get worse.” AAAA THAT LINE MAN
-“All they do is play games and watch cat holograms.” Oh Neal you really don’t know shit about how people actually use technology—
-I think me and Rowan would have similar handwriting (bad)
-“Rowan found it increasingly hard to parse his feelings about her.” ROWAN FELL FIRST AND HE FELL HARD MAN!!!!!!!!!
-Ben mention :(((((
-This entry of Curie’s journal really fucking hits you man!!! Especially the “I don’t know” at the end like UGH!!!!
-AMAZING CHAPTER AS ALWAYS!!! It’s really laying the groundwork for future character development!
Chapter 8!!!
-We get some foreshadowing to Citra’s gleaning method! The theater part if you can recall!
-Also the “No, I lost. Twice.” Is SO funny
-“It was the only time in all my years as a scythe that I had been thanked for what I do.” And you’ll be thanked SO much more soon Faraday!
-Them becoming more violent and thinking about gleaning is SO interesting esp since its so early, just shows how much it can affect you.
-Foreshadowing to where Rowan chooses which Scythe he chooses to glean when he becomes Scythe Lucifer
-GOD you can FEEL his guilt of having to choose between these 4 people!! How horrible and awful he feels to take their lives away as he learns more UGH
-AND he’s thinking about Bias’s unlike SOMEONE *cough cough* SCYTHE GODDARD *cough cough*
-“Does it ever get easier?” Rowan asked. “I certainly hope not,” the scythe said.
-Bradford Ziller is such a shit name lmao
-Rowan not wanting to admit he’s the one who chose him is soooo!!
-“They had bitten her. Good for them.” HAH that’s such a fun line
-Oop! There’s an error on my copy of the book! There’s a quotation mark at the end of “How was any of this fair?” When there shouldn’t be because it’s not dialogue! Interesting right?
-Even if he has a stupid name, you can really feel the terror and panic on Bradford, really good stuff
-The fact he wants to be aware and awake when he dies is sooo interesting man
-Rowan and Citra’s love is continuing to blossom!!
-“I fear for all of us if scythes begin to love what they do.” *STARES AT GODDARD*
-Amazing chapter as always!! Two more to go!!
Chapter 9!!
-Esme!! I always remember her being an underutilized character, let’s see if I was right though!
-Idk why but I hate mentions of food, esp greasy foods in books, makes me ick a lot idk I’m weird
-“Well, she could learn self-control tomorrow. Today she wanted pizza.” ICONIC LINE!! Such a mood!
-Luigi mario :)
-Elegy of scythes are back!!!
-Oh Esme there’s gonna be *so* many mass gleanings later on you have NO idea
-Esme you’re life is gonna be FUCKED GIRL YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!
-A utopia where everything is perfect would be boring, most ppls lives in Scythe are boring, that’s what I think makes Scythe interesting compared to other dystopian books because its a utopia that turns into a dystopian whilst giving ideas of how that utopia itself was already a dystopia even if it wasn’t a tradition one
-Shorter chapter! Still good tho, not as interesting as others however
CHAPTER 10!!!!!
-Rowan you’re scaring people—
-Rowan’s disobedience is what makes him soooo interesting to me mam!!
-Lmao Rowan is worried about Tyger stealing Citra, already getting jealous!
-Apparently ppl ship Citra and Tyger which…I don’t see??? At all????
-We get some more Citra-Rowan interactions!! Very nice!!! Makes my Citran heart happy <3
-Emo-Nanites <3
-“We are not the same beings we once were. So then, if we are no longer human, what are we?” UGH ANOTHER GOOD LINE!!
-Another short chapter though not as short as the last one! Liked it more than the last though!
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, but here’s the next 5 chapters, those last two chapters didn’t have much but everything else was great as always!! Next time we’ll be doing chapters 11-15! Hope you’ll join me for it!!!
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yioh · 3 years
2020 follow forever :^)
hello it is, but i, ur local frog, yura, i really realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to make some kind of post to appreciate everyone on here because , fr, you guys have been such a large part of my life recently and i can not thank you enough... every single person i have interacted with on here has been so wonderful and it’s been such a pleasure to talk with you guys<3
also extremely extremely extremely sorry if i forget anyone, i really really do love every single person i interact with!! this is my first time doing something like this also this is probably filled with typos but im too impatient and lazy to read what i wrote, im so sorry if its weird or something aaaaaaaaaaaa jhdsgjhd
without further ado lets goooooo losers😎
@honeyedmilks sof u are one of the softest people i know, we didn’t get to talk that much this year but i love ur presence in general and it makes me :D when u pop up on my dash/notes hehe, i can’t express just how much i adore ur writing, the vibes and settings and the way u write in general is so my thing and !!!!!!!! <3 
@asianmelodrama faizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u are mine and a lot of other people’s sunshine on this hellsite !!!! ur blog is so feel good and pretty and relaxing and i love all ur thoughts and ur gifs are soooooooooo pretty and ur so cool !!!!!!!! thank u for being so kind and creative and wonderful and for creating a place so safe and lovely i love u i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@muscosus robin robin robin robin ILUSM !!!!!!! ur so fun to talk to and i find it so amusing that we met each other via druck but then consequently found all our interests colliding and we were literally *shook pikachu* kdhigjdghkjf also whenever u tag me in whale stuff it warms my heart so much and i treasure our friendship so so much !!!
@lesbiangoths OLIVIA why are u so adorable :( everytime u send me an ask im :) ur so creative and talented and ur crocheting stuff looks so COOL !!!!! also ur vibe is just immaculate in general and talking with u is so easy, never change ilu bro
@illiterateopossum ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur DEFINATELY one of the people on here that are MOST special to me, all our conversations are so freaking fun and man, u just get me .... and watching u get into all the dramas and anime i reccomend ??? it makes my heart doki doki hiagsjhjh thank u for always looking out for me and sending me the most loveliest messages, im really really bad with words and i am SHITE with keeping up with messaging but i seriously treasure our friendship so so much, i only hope for good things to happen to you next year and all the years after that, you’re such a kind wonderful person and !!!!!!!!!!!! i love u sm :(
@beesnutz KJDFKHIJFHKD GUSTE i wanna be emotional this one time and tell u that ur seriously such a fun person and the way my brain goes on overdrive from creativity when i talk to you is . insane. i want to bonk ur head with as much cereal as i can, never forget that you will always be the dumb sidekick to me, the superior villain and i WILL lead the way to world domination one day. sometimes i feel like u aren’t even real, you could be an anime character and i wouldn’t even bat an eyelash . ilu <3
@rosa-leche kana kana KANA :^) how are u so ???? sweet ???? adorable ???? wonderful ????? i already had so much fun interacting with you, all ur thoughts and messages are always so sweet and u make me smile SO much, and after the secret santa i feel like we have so much in common !!!!!!!!! do tell me if u ever watch bloom into you hehe, keep being the angel u are, ilusm !
@petekaos RAHUL !!!!!!!!!!!!! meeting u this summer feels like so long ago somehow, you sir!!! are one TALENTED person . it really really amazes me with how much passion you get into things and how much love and adoration you put into the things you create, its so so special .... anytime i see u vibing on my dash it fills me with so much joy, keep doing u bro !!!!
@toptaps zeeeeeeeeeeey you are so lovely :) you’re so gentle and soft and i adore talking with u about nanamin, also u are so cool and i was rly rly happy when u followed me lol, lowkey i admired u from afar jdhjkhdijd i love uuuuuuu
@fushiguroo MY LIL OREO CUTIE PATOOTIE oFC i still remember the first ask u sent me, i was so taken aback and honoured :( and the more and more i talked with you and saw you on my dash i was so happy, you have such good taste and you’re so so cute, take care of urself and stay the precious bean u are ok? 
@morksuns sumaya sumaya sumayaaaaaaaaaaaa everytime you interact with me im :D i love all our little convos and ur vibe in general is so peaceful and relaxing, im glad i got to meet you:’) here’s to another year and many more after that, that are filled with only good dramas !!!
@gayvlad NICO (nico niiiiiiiiiiiiii ) YOU DESERVE THE W O R L D. i dont know why but as soon as i had like one convo with u that one time i thought u were such a chill cool person :( im so happy that i get to be friends with you, all ur gifs are so pretty !!!!!!!! ur such a kind person and ur blog is such a warm nice place to be. :) 
@cupidhashorns   peach ........... PEACH !!!!!!!!!! you might be one of the nicest people in the WORLD , whenever u like my posts, regardless of whether u know what im on about lmao, i feel so seen... its just so nice to know that Someone i listening to the shit you throw into the void on this site lmao, i adore all ur asks and i truly truly appreicate all your messages so much. thank you for finding my blog interesting at all man, i cant tell you enough how happy you make me :)
@guihan arloooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY CAT FRIEND . THE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME IS IMMEASURABLE your cats ................... are so cute .............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so glad i got into tsomd and got to meet you , whenever u tag me in things im !!!!!!!!! also im defo gonna read  twwtadsl sometime ksdjkdhjksd you make it sound so good aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@otterplush rey many people have probably already told you this but you are someone so ...... so spectacular and special and incredible and amazing ............  so much of your words has given me SO MUCH comfort in the short time i had known you, seriously. i seem to always stumble on your blog whenever im most hurt and your words have really had an impact on me in the best way possible and i love u so so so so much. i only wish for good things to happen for you and i want to be there for you in a way you are for everyone else !!! you are so warm and kind an generous, everything about your vibe feels so soft... also i always wanna rb everything you rb ndjbshs ur blog is so pretty :( 
@aheartandashirt nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA MY KSH THIRST BUDDY KDHJKHDKJHDF fr ive had some of the BEST convos with you, ur taste in dramas is !!!!!!!!!!immaculate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so so so  fun talking with you and everything you gif looks so nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for being such a lovely friend to me, you’re so easy to talk with and so friendly and nice and <3 *pat pat pat* 
@tetsuos dawn dawn !!!! you are !!!!!!!!!! such a talented person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ur little corner on the web, its so nice to read all ur thoughts about the dramas you’re watching, all your thoughts are so well thought out and interesting to read and, in general, i adore seeing you do ur thing :) *hug hug * 
@heartsofsunlight angel ! your drawings are so beautiful !! you are such a beautiful person in general ! whenever u drop by it makes me so happy, its been so lovely getting to know you, thank you so much for talking to me :) i love uuuuuuu
@metawin jay jay jay !!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason whenever i see u im overcome with so much love !!! everything you make is so beautiful and u are defo one of the most elite people here hehe, also ur cats are ........ so adorable ............ 
@metawwin aliiiiiiiiiiiii, its been such a pleasure seeing you on here !! ur so soooooo kind and whenever u sent me those adorable asks it made me so happy, you’re like a little happiness fairy, you eminate so much joy and positivity !! also ur singing ... immaculate 
@87s min min !!!! u are soooooooooooo adorable, i think ive said this before but u seriously give me little sibling vibes lol, its so fun talking to you, and im so happy that you first popped up to me !!!!!!!!!!! iluuuuuuuu
@joblessquinoa JQ :^)    i always associate you with my engineer haha, and that was so long ago !!!!! ur so fun to talk to, and i adore seeing u rb and leave ur thoughts on all the manga and webtoons im reading !!!! in fact whenever u like my posts i aways feel so happy hehe, also . i literally wouldve failed my coding course without u thank u SO much for helping me out * cries* 
@gigiesarocha cata CATA CATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  when you first popped up i was so elated to talk to you, u seemed so nice:( and later when u told me u watched joan’s galaxy because of me i was sdhfsgijdfhjkdhjkfh all ur gifs are so unbelieveably gorgeous, i literally go back to the set u made of yioh staring at joan skipping all the time, its so ........ beautiful.......... hopefully we get more wlw content next year and hopefully theyre all as good as joan’s galaxy hehe, iluuuuuuuuuu
@yibobibo aamna my love !!!!!!! how are you so precious ? everytime u reblog any of my posts its an instant serotonin boost, the experience of getting back into mdzs along with u was seriously incomparable, it was so FUN and i wanna go back :( ur such a friendly wonderful and talented person and i adore seeing all ur creativity blossom on this website, ilu aamna !
@brightwin JELLY jelly u are literally the human embodiment of the softest teddy bear in the WORLD . i wanna give u all the hugs and pats i can because u make me so !!!!!!!!! happy and u fill me with so much soft warmth ........... thank u for being u, all ur gifs are so pretty and its been so nice to be able to bask in the light that comes off of u, never change i love u so sooooooooooo much <3
and lastly, some blogs that i really really adore !
@kurusutakatsu @chanagun @yuhaosturtle @jiangyanlisgf @duoerla @yinyu @tichawongtipkanon @jbums @wenqing @lemongrasslesbian @weiixian @schech @kikuism @earthfluuke @0ffgun @yamaguccchi @wullu @seniorwitch @leoyunxi @floraflorenzi @dreamterlude @florbexter @doctorbahnjit
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peaceinambiguity · 2 years
I REALLY wanna go into the tags and see all the takes now that the show is done but i feel like i should take the time to shoot some points off first before i get caught up in everyone else's thoughts.
i think that when the preview for ep 12 just came out, i may have said something like i absolutely dont believe theyre gonna break up, and then i kept coming on tumblr and reading the think pieces and NGL, i was convinced that they actually were gonna break up. add to that that rewatching ep 11 and seeing how sad it was, like it was SOOOOOO SAD, just reiterated that for me. and i think that reading is still valid, i think they were just sad for different reasons than we initially thought.
i figure they were actually sad because of a few reasons: 1) pat found out his dad was the offender and everything started from him and thats a reasonably hard place to find yourself emotionally. its always hard when the people we love, care about and admire are actually different from the way we've always pictured them to be.
2) they knew that when they did go back, they'd have to 'break up' and while that didn't happen as we all thought it would, i imagine there was some disgruntlement over having to essentially stuffing your skeletons in the closet, having to hide, be secretive, wait it out, just to be with someone you love
but essentially, i'm glad that those factors aside, didn't hinder them from being with each other still and still choosing each other, as they've been doing so consistently over the course of the show. my one pet peeve is with the pacing of the final episode, it had that very 'lets wrap this into a tight little bow with hijinks' feel about it that i am not the biggest fan of but i also feel like i might grow to like it more over time, even if it will probably never be one of my favourite episodes, which is not saying much when this show has been laden with amazing story telling the whole way through.
so now im off to the tags and if i have any new thoughts, i'll probably type something more up lated, honestly, im still processing.
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cannibaldatingsite · 4 years
thank you @margotisopenlylesbian for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love talking abt this shoiw hehe
Favourite episode and why: digestivo, mizumono and sorbet!!!!! yall know the eps i dont think i have to explain
Least favourite episode and why: man idk most eps i dont like that much still have iconic moments like the s1e4 ep oeuf killer rly didnt do it for me but it also had paternal hannibal???? but yea probably that one
Favourite main character: .....hannibal 👉👈
Favourite side character: abigail hehe
If you could bring back one character who died, who would it be?: i was about to say freddie lounds fuck ive been reading too much fanfiction but UHHHH ABIGAIL??????but i like thinking abigail is still alive smwhere so maybe beverly??
Dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/making: im a vegetarian😭😭😭😭😭i woudltn even want freddie lounds salad it looked dry as hell omg idk im not like a big food-lover i guess hannibal made some funky desserts at some point but i dont remember lol
Which side character would you kill off?: clark ingram
Was there any scene that you didn’t like to look at?: i have tokophobia so pretty much uhhhhh majority of horse scene and the margot surrogate scene and alsooo the cattle prod thing makes me really uncomfortable cus like . they sexually assaulted him
Biggest ship: hannibal and will 😔
Why did you start watching Hannibal?: i was on superwholock tumblr back in the day and i kept seeing gifs of it and i kinda didnt want to watch it cus i hateddddd that they used the w*ndigo (still do) but then i gave in and watched it around s3 i think
Favourite Hannibal fic if you’ve read any?: each according to their own by chapparel_crown on ao3 oh my GOD its so good its like when will gets out of prison instead of going back to the fbi he just straight up leaves everything behind and like the first half of it is just will figuring himself out and dealing with his issues away from hannibals influence and its soooooo good everyone go read it if u havent if u HAVE then read it again
Have you watched any of the Hannibal films?: i watched silence of the lambs several years back but now that im actually into the show again i dont wanna watch any of the movies 😔😔 Have you read the Thomas Harris books?: no and im not planning to lol
Favourite murder tableau: UHM ive already talked abt this but i love the fungi killer omg when my ocd thoughts get too violent i literally focus on imaging myself as one of his victims and it helps😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i REALLY REALLY like wills prisoner too it was sooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of hannibals kills my fave was probablyyy the tree-guy????
Favourite blood spill: everytime someone fucks hannibal up LMAOOOO
What’re some of your headcanons?: ABIGAIL LESBIAN!!!!!! uhmmm i cant think of anything else i think i just see my headcanons as canon at this point i cant distinguish them😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I THINK????EVERYONES BEEN TAGGED????????? if u havent just say i tagged ya mwah
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chaeinedup · 5 years
The tag game 🌼
rules: just choose between the two options crossing out the one you don’t like, also tag a few people who might want to play this game
get a m-rated private dance performance by yunho – vs – get serenaded an m-rated song by jongho  (both would be paradise tbh ahahah)
skiing trip with seonghwa & yeosang – vs – summer vacation with hongjoong & mingi  
always laugh at wooyoung – vs – always get laughed at by san  (he laughs at everything and being a sagittarius myself getting laughed at doesnt bother us cause we’re confident and just dont care about others but we also dont mind it if we knoow its for teasing purpuses, we do that too ahahah)
get judged by seonghwa – vs – get ignored by mingi  (if there’s something i can’t stand is getting ignored specially by the people i love and Mingi being my bias and me being completly and utterly in loe with him i would go crazy)
only text with san – vs – only phone call hongjoong (to me this is a trick question because i prefer texting (i get embarassed easily while on the phone ahah) but i wouldnt be able to be with them for a really long time cause tours and stuff so yeah)
write a diss rap about jongho and perform it in front of ateez – vs – yunho criticizing your dancing skills in front of everyone  (soooo even tho i hate being criticized specislly infront of people but i wouldnt do that to jongho and i have no reasons to do sooooo)
do aegyo for wooyoung – vs – do a sexy dance for hongjoong  (i cant be either cute orsexy but if i had to chose one i would go for aegyo but never do it for another 39498374 years)
be san’s best friend – vs – go on one date with seonghwa (friendships are way more valuable to me than relationships soooooo yeah im sorry seonghwa ahah )
have multiple dates with yeosang but never go further – vs – make out with wooyoung every time you meet but never become a couple  (okay the second one very tempting WAY MORE THAN IT SHOULD but such thing doesnt match my personality thats something i wouldnt do doesnt matter if im deeply in love or not )
share deep thoughts with hongjoong – vs – do something fun with mingi  (i love doing fun things and with Mingi :((( would be so fun but im a child and i play all the time already so fun moments would be way more frequent and serious conversations really mean a lot to me and i love to have them and to have one with hongjoong ooof yes please that boys is an angel and i want his advice)
hook up with san but he can’t stop laughing when looking at you – vs – yeosang calling you in the middle of the night crying over someone else  (I WOULD KILL THE PERSON THAT MADE HIM CRY so i choose the other option ahahhaha)
get tickled by yunho – vs – play with seonghwa’s hair  (i dont wanna start kicking and punching yunho sjdbsksjs also i love playing w ppl’s hair and hwa’s hair looks so soft ngl)
go on vacation with ateez at the wave setting – vs – do a treasure hunt with ateez in your backyard  (i love treasure hunting buuut the vacation would last longer so i would spen more time with them ahaha)
lend wooyoung’s sweater – vs – mingi offering you his jacket  (okay so i consider myself very insentive when it comes to love IM SORRY ITS THE TRUTH ahahha but that would be cute ahahah)
go for a long walk on the beach with jongho – vs – cuddle up by the bonfire with hongjoong (listen yall going on walks is cute jongho is cute it would be cuuuuuuute)
i really thought these through ahahha Thanks you @ateenz for tagging me i looove you 💕💕💕 im tagging @aurora-waves @softmingis @sundropsoo @sunnhos @meinyunho @softforyunho @saniimoon @04flower @honeyjoongie 💖💖💖
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pennywisewho · 7 years
What does that make you? (Bowers gang x reader) pt.2
A/n: I got soooooo many request to do a part 2 of “What does that make You?” The link to the first one will be below this! Make sure to read that before this so you’re on track. Tell me if you want another part to this or if i should make this a series!!! Enjoy!!!
Link: https://pennywisewho.tumblr.com/post/167032625667/what-does-that-make-you-bowers-gang-x-reader-x
Summary: You aren’t exactly apart of the Losers Club but you are friends with them. One day you help them out and end up getting caught in Henry Bowers trap.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst and slight Smut
Its been almost a week since your last encounter with Henry or his gang. You weren’t planning on seeing them either. You walk home with the boys just to make sure you have some what of a protection. Who are you kidding? They can barely defend themselves and you’re expecting them to save your ass. You came back to reality when you saw Ben.
“Y/n? Hey!” Ben shouted, violently shaking you. You blinked for a while until your vision focused on the members of the Losers Club.
“Were you daydreaming about me, Beautiful?” Richie asked, making you laugh along with the others. You nodded your head.
“Of course! Who else am I suppose to daydream about?” You asked jokingly. You led the group to your van and stopped dead in your tracks.
“Bowers.” You saw him leaning against Belch’s Car. You tried not to make any eye contact and turned towards the others.
“Do.Not.Run. Turn around and walk straight.” You tried to stay low, the last thing you wanted was to get punched in the face.
“HEY! COME HERE!” You heard Henry call out but obviously you’re trying not to die right now. You turned around to look towards Henry, Belch and Victor.
“HEY! I DON’T KNOW IF YOU’RE BLIND OR NOT BUT AS YOU CAN SEE, IM TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM YOU, NOT TOWARDS YOU DUMBASS! GO BOTHER SOMEONE ELSE!” You yelled out, covering the sides of your mouth for more of an echo. He grinned at you and Richie flipped him off. As soon as you all turned the corner, someone grabbed Beverly. Patrick fucking Hockstetter.
“You should’ve been nicer princess. Now look at what’s happening.” He licked his lips at you and you threw up in your mouth a bit.
“Patrick. Dont make me repeat myself. Let her go!” You asked him nicely. He walked with Beverly towards where Henry and his “gang” were standing.
“Do you guys wanna come with me or stay?” They looked at each other.
“Nevermind…. Just come!” You said running after Beverly. You reached your destination within seconds, panting as you stopped. You rested your hands on your knees and crouched a bit. You steadied your heart pace and stood straight.
“Bowers! You just need me right? Let her go… You said I was your target now.” He smiled at you mischievously. He threw Beverly to the ground like she was a piece of crumpled paper. You looked down at her and picked her up.
“Go stand behind them. I got this.” You instructed her and she did as she was told. She stood right behind Bill and Eddie. You smiled and looked at Henry then Patrick, confidence showing through you.
“Y’know… people have been telling me you got a pretty good dick Patrick! Bigger than Henry over here!” You moved towards Patrick and glided your hand down to his belt.
“Shall I confirm it myself?” Patrick looked shocked by your actions, it wasn’t only him though. You opened his belt, slowly, intimidating not only him but Henry as well. You turned to look at the now angry as fuck Henry and winked at him. You quickly pulled down Patricks pants and ran to Henry, only to punch him in the face.
“OW! WHAT THE FUCK BITCH?” Henry yelled out in pain.
“Karma is a bitch fucker!” You waved him goodbye and ran to your van and told the others to get in before anything else happened. They all climbed in and started laughing at Patrick. He’s been staring at his dick for the past few minutes.
“Oh my gosh! That was hilarious! You should’ve seen Patricks face. He was like ‘I have a big dick?’ for a second!” Richie yelled making everyone laugh.
“He thought!” is all you said and from there till the end, it was quiet. You dropped them home and went to your mom’s apartment. You ran up the stairs to see that your front door was open. You didn’t seem to be suspicious. You walked in and threw your bag to a side.
“MOM! I’M HOME!” You yelled out to get no response back. Okay, thats weird. You walked to the kitchen to wash your hands and to get a drink.
“I’M GOING TO DADDY’S HOUSE TODAY MOM! I’LL BE BACK BY 10!” You yelled only to hear another familiar voice.
“Your daddy’s already here, baby!” You turned around to see Henry Bowers leaning against the wall. Your eyes widened at his presence. You tried to shove past him but he hooked his arm around your waist and pulled you against his front.
“You have NO idea what i wanna do to your fucking sexy ass body!” You shivered under his touch. He grazed your chest with his hands and you slapped it off. He roughly turned you around and pushed you against the wall, choking you. You held onto his hand, trying to loosen his grip but that just seemed to make it worse.
“L-Let me go B-Bowers.” You pleaded him desperately but he didn’t show no mercy. He moved his face closer to you, leaving your lips inches away from his.
“Do you know how hot you are when you breathe heavily? That looked exactly like how you look now, and trust me, that just makes it a lot better for me and worse for you.” You stared at him intensively.
“L-let go of me A-asshole!” He snickered then brought his lips towards your ears.
DUN DUN DUNNNNN… thats the end of this chapter guys. If you do want another part, its gonna mostly likely be smut soooooo yeah. But the conflict will be brought upon the reader if there is another chapter. Tell me if you want one!!!
Tags: @starke214 @stanleyboii @harperislit @angeli-fucking-cat
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chananyeolbong · 7 years
fanfics’ writer appreciation day! [01]
HULLO it’s me @taemins-dolphin, 
i would just like to thank all fanfic writers for creating such wonderful stories! i stared reading fics back in 2012. i was having a hard time back then and everything was just so hard. that’s when i found comfort in them and honestly its the best thing that’s ever happened to me mentally. if i wanted to be happy, i would read some fluff.if i  i was sad and wanted to feel even sadder, i would just read angst. it was just so comforting to read the stories. 
so in commemoration of this day, here are some of the writers thati love and respect a lot!! (i migh forget some...  im sorry!)
@theboyswhomwelove // @smokaible  you already know that i’m a huge fan of your work but honestly you were the first ever author fell in love with! you were the first one that made me realize that fanfiction isn’t all that bad and i wanna thank you sooooo much for writing!! laura has a special peace of my heart and deserves the world <333
@palpitate-hyperventilate hi jo!! its mycheonguk or chloe idk if you still remember me but i just wanna say that you wrote my request Take My Wings and im so glad that you didnt listen to me asking for fluff  because that was one of the best stories ive ever read. in fact the first one ive cried for. lol.
@xiuminipple i know youre not writing anymore but id like to say that your fics made me soooooo happyyyy!! they felt so real and everything was just so realistic i love it!! miss your writing but im so proud of you for living your life!! you sound very happy atm :)
@thereaderwriter you’re inacive atm but lemme tell you that police!suho is my favourite fic out theere!! i read it all the time when i have nothing else to read :) and man am i always satisfied. i dont care if i read it a million times imma still enjoy!
@bxebxee i started reading your stories back when you were still uyuagashi-fics and omg you dont know how hard i tried not to read your smuts because i felt like i was still too young. needless to say, i rebelled a bit and read my first smut... i can still remember the 24 hours is not enough fic like it was yesterday.
@lufancy​ the day you followed me back was the day i died. its as if one of the exo members followed me and finding out you liked my stuff too i just wanted to cry and hug you!! i admire you a lot <333 your writing is a blessing (peter pan chen is what got me man)
@causekpop honestly one of the best writers!! i respect you a lot!! especially for hurting me because of ceo luhan and playboy sehun AND STRIPPER BAEKHYUN! tbh when i go on a roadtrip i usually save up aall of your scenarios so i dont get bored and most of the time (all the time) im unbothered and everyone in the car is hapy cause im finally shutting up lol so thank you for writing!!
@hitchhikingbabeh okay i usually dont read shinee fanfics bc i just find it awkward reading about them like i could never visualize them as the chartacters buT YOUUUU ARE SO GOOD YOURE THE ONLY SHINEE WRITER I READ <3
@olionheartedgirlo its me chloeeeeeee!!! i miss talking to you! i hope youre doing fine after all this time~ just tagging to let you know that i appreciate you so much and that your writing is sooo good i still get butterflies in my stomach everytime i read your stories! even though ive read them a hundred times!
@carameljongin​ youre on hiatus rn and i hope youre doing better han how you felt in your last update! i love all of your one shots andi hope to see more of you soon :)
@universitykpop iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou i legit cannot express how much i love your stories!! they’re always so good! storylines are always bomb! youre just perfect overall, especially because you always update mus with the best xiumin posts!
@soobadnoonecanstopher​ loriiii youre that DOOOOOOD youre so funny and loveable that like idek if you exist?? youre always so sweet to us and always feed us well with your cakes and stories!! i always feel full when i visit your blog ^^ thank you for existing!!
@3kpop2jagi1​ HI DIA! youre one of the first friends i had on this site! and omg im so sorry if i dont reply to you that fast!! im just not good at maintaaining friendships haha anyways!!! i cant forget the moment i found you on noonatrash’s blog promoting yourself and tbh clicking on your url was the best decision ive probably made in my life!!
@an-exotic-writer​ i followed you because of your exo one shots and they have always been the type to give me so many feels because of how cute they are! and now youre writing for bts and lemme say that you’ve improved so much ever since the first time i read your scenarios!! <3
@annyeongs​ i know you stopped writing for exo but i just wanna say that those were the cutest scenarios ive ever read (ahem, yearbooks, ahem) and i hope you never stop wriing them, even if they’re diferent groups like bts ill always be supporting you!
@duizhangdeluxe i remember finding you and thinking “JACKPOT!” and “MOM!!” the way you write is so beautiful and theres a tenderness to it like every muse is so precious i just wanna cherish them and hug them so they never feel pain ever again <3 so lemme give you some love bc as much as i love your muses i love you more dragon mama!
@thesammtimes how do you write a fanfic writer appreciation post without the mom of them all? you dont!! its impossible! you deserve all the love in this world youve always worked hard for us and just know that no matter what you post or dont we’ll always be by your side supporting you!
@galactichen​ how. do. you. do. that. and by that i mean how do you make me so emotional everyime i read one of your stories?? whether its fluff or angst im always feeling some type of way!! (also those soulmate au man... all of them!!!! i love!!!)
im getting tired so ill resume tomorrow morning!! <33 there are so many writers i just wanna thank!! im gonna call this the first part cause these were the first people i started reading from!
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