#Civic Police Recruitment 2017
itzjunn · 3 years
How K-pop Fans are powerful for political activism?
What are Fan and Fandom?
According to Fuschillo (2018, p. 348), a fan is defined as a person who has a strong, positive emotional attachment to someone or something well-known. A fandom can be known as a bunch of individuals who collectively like or support a single figure in popular culture, such as a television show, a book series, a film, an artist, or a performer (Wiest 2017). She mentioned that fandom can be derived from the phrase "fangirl," which originally referred to boisterous female fans. For K-pop fans, there would be an unique identity for one K-pop idol or groups. For instance, the fans of a K-pop idol, IU called Uaenas (Tubiera 2021). 
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Fan Activism
Fan activism is referred to civic involvement and political engagement that stems from fandom experiences is a tremendous means of mobilization, especially for young people (Kligler-Vilenchik et al. 2012, p. 1). 
Harry Potter Alliance (HPA)
The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA), called "Dumbledore's Army for the Real World," is one of the most amazing and unusual examples of fan activism, relying on plot arcs and themes from the Harry Potter series and consisting of over 30 separate chapters in the United States (Cinnamon 2010). The objective of the HPA is to create the model for a new sort of civic involvement that mixes pop culture, social change, and new technology that amplifies each voice hundreds of thousands of times (Cinnamon 2010).
The HPA makes effective use of Twitter, Facebook groups, a dedicated Ning site, a "Common Room," and direct collaboration with numerous NGO partners around the world (Cinnamon 2010). Several HPA's remarkable actions and standpoints have been showed to fight against genocide or repressive regimes by raising funds and organize an online petition protesting the war in Darfur, which produced a podcast viewed up to 120,000 times (Cinnamon 2010). Besides, the HPA has donated 14,000 books to a village in Rwanda as well as helped MASS EQUALITY to protect marriage equality by contacting Maine voters (Cinnamon 2010).
Another example of fan activism is Racebending. It has first emerged as the "Aang Ain't White" movement to resist the recruitment of Caucasian actors as the four main Asian characters in a cinematic adaptation of the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar the Last Airbender (Cinnamon 2010).
The activists began by utilizing LiveJournal as an online hub, and subsequently created a Facebook group to complement it. Loraine Sammy and Marissa Minna Lee, two of the activists, expanded "Aang Ain't White" into the broader Racebending movement (Cinnamon 2010).
As a movement, racebending is regarded as a creative outlet. Members have created over 130 YouTube videos, and a sketchbook with artists contributing for the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con, a comic, etc. (Cinnamon 2010).
How K-pop Fans work as a powerful force for Political Activism
Nowadays, fans can use social media to promote their favorite musicians outside of the region, country, or continent where they are actively promoted (Derseh 2019). In this K-pop generation, K-pop fans are active on almost every social media platform, including Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Discord, and Twitch (Bruner 2020). Fans are the crucial contributors to generate various hashtags that go viral quickly especially on Twitter, either it is to commemorate an idol's birthday or to promote a new album release (Bruner 2020). For example, BTS fans have set numerous milestones for the total amount of Tweets sent and topics trending on Twitter. Another popular activity among K-pop fans on Twitter is the sharing of "fancams," which are video and photo compilations of a particular idol or group (Bruner 2020).
Black Lives Matter
The Dallas Police Department urged citizens to report footage of protest activities through the iWatch Dallas app following the outbreak of protests in the United States caused by the death of black man George Floyd.
In an effort to block authorities from tracking protesters' behavior, K-pop fans around the world inundated it with fan-recorded videos, known as fan cams, and memes of various K-pop musicians (Reddy 2020).
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Moreover, K-pop fans also flooded social media with anti-BLM hashtags including #AllLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter, and #WhiteLivesMatter. While this increased the popularity of such hashtags, it also made it more difficult for their original contents to be seen. K-pop fans, who had previously been mocked online for "fan cam spam," were praised as valuable allies of the protestors (Reddy 2020).
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On Twitter and Instagram, many K-pop musicians expressed their support for the cause, and some even donated to the BLM incident.
BTS has made a $1 million (£784,000) donation, fan club One In An Army (OIAA) organized its own fundraising drive and quickly matched the sum (Reddy 2020).
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Anti-government movement in Thailand
Thai K-pop fans joined an anti-government protest in October 2020, demanding for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha to resign and increased restrictions on the monarchy's power. Thai fan organizations held fundraisers on various social media sites to support protest movements. Within nine hours, a Girls Generation Twitter fan page has raised 780,000 baht (US$25,000), and when combined with fan pages from other K-pop bands, it has raised nearly 4 million baht (US$128,000) within one week (Gan 2021).
After that, funds went towards protestor safety equipment and other organizations that support the protest agenda, such as Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, which provides pro-bono legal assistance to individuals who arrested and held by the military (Gan 2021). 
According to Rawnsley (2021), the funds that went towards safety gear includes helmets, goggles, and umbrellas, yet the majority of it is being used to get young activists out of jail and through court cases.
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Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar
The coup started in Myanmar on 1 February, Myanmar-based fan groups have been holding fundraisers for the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) against the military government.
On 10 February, the Kai Nation Myanmar Fund Club (EXO's Kai's fan group) reportedly provided food to protestors, while Blackpink's Facebook fan page tweeted a screenshot of their 7 million kyat (US$4,265) donation to the Committee Representing Pyidaunsu Hluttaw (Gan 2021).
Individuals and groups from Myanmar, such as BTS, Twice, and Kai (EXO), have used their platforms to convey information about death tolls and everyday protest situations in support of the CDM (Gan 2021). Their posts can extend beyond their borders, not only because they frequently use hashtags like #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar and #SaveMyanmar, but also because they use hashtags like #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar and #SaveMyanmar to reach a wider audience (Gan 2021).
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Reference List
Bruner, R 2020, ‘How K-Pop Fans Actually Work as a Force for Political Activism in 2020′, TIME USA, 25 July, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://time.com/5866955/k-pop-political/>.
Cinnamon, S 2010, ‘ARIN6902: Fan Activism – It’s much more than you might think’, MDCC blog, 3 May, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://sallycinnamon77.wordpress.com/tag/fan-activism/>.
Derseh, M 2019, Social Media in fandom, Medium, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://medium.com/meron-d3r53h/social-media-in-fandom-9f1382d76eb8>.
Fuschillo, G 2018, ‘Fans, fandoms, or fanaticism?’, Journal of Consumer Culture, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 347-365, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1469540518773822>.
Gan, D 2021, ‘K-pop Activism: A Potent Political Force’, ISEAS – YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE, 9 July, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://fulcrum.sg/k-pop-activism-a-potent-political-force/>.
Kligler-Vilenchik et al. 2012, ‘Experiencing fan activism: Understanding the power of fan activist organizations through members' narratives’, Transformative Works and Cultures, vol. 10, pp. 1-22, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2012.0322>.
Rawnsley, J 2021, ‘How K-pop fans are helping Thai protesters stay out of jail’, New Statesman, 4 March, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2021/03/how-k-pop-fans-are-helping-thai-protesters-stay-out-jail>.
Reddy, S 2020, ‘K-pop fans emerge as a powerful force in US protests’, BBC, 11 June, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52996705>.
Tubiera, A 2021, ‘Is IU the ‘Queen of Fanservice’? From spending US$15,000 on high school graduation gifts to surprise visits, the K-pop idol sure knows how to show her fans – called Uaenas – the love’, SCMP, 26 May, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3134786/iu-queen-fanservice-spending-us15000-high-school>.
Wiest, B 2017, ‘Psychologists Say That Belonging To A Fandom Is Amazing For Your Mental Health‘, TeenVogue, 20 July, viewed 6 November 2021, <https://www.teenvogue.com/story/psychologists-say-fandoms-are-amazing-for-your-mental-health>.
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Heather Cox Richardson:
24 Aug 2020
Trump is running far behind Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the polls. In early February 2020, at its best, his overall popularity rating hovered close to 50%. In the same month, according to a Gallup poll, 63% of Americans approved of the way he was handling the economy. To keep this economic success story going, Trump downplayed the coronavirus, leaving us wide open to its devastation. It hit the U.S. in earnest shortly after this poll was taken. The economy shut down, and we plummeted into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
But Trump is determined to be reelected, so determined that he has begun to suggest he will not accept a Biden victory as valid. There is room to speculate about why he is so obsessed with reelection that he took the unprecedented step of filing for reelection way back in January 2017, on the day of his inauguration. One possible answer is that campaign money can be used to pay for lawyers under certain circumstances. As of May, the campaign had spent more than $16 million on legal services—in comparison, George W. Bush spent $8.8 million; Barack Obama spent $5.5 million; and, in May, Biden had spent just $1.3 million. Another possible answer is that the Department of Justice maintains that a sitting president cannot be indicted.
To pull off a win Trump is trying to guarantee loyal Republican voters will show up to vote. To that end, he is favoring evangelical voters, his most loyal bloc. Last week’s posthumous pardon for Susan B. Anthony was a gift to anti-abortion activists; yesterday Trump explicitly called the attention of evangelical Christians to his lie that “The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention.” (They didn’t. The Muslim caucus and the LGBTQ caucus, both of which met privately, left the words “under God” out. All the public, televised events used the words.)
This morning he was more abrupt. He tweeted: “Happy Sunday! We want GOD!” And then he went golfing.
He is also trying to consolidate power over Republican lawmakers, making the party his own. The Republican National Convention starts tomorrow night, and it seems it will be the Trump Show. The convention was initially supposed to be in Charlotte, North Carolina, and then Trump moved it to Jacksonville, Florida, when North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat, would not guarantee he could have full capacity despite the coronavirus. Finally, in the wake of the under-attended Tulsa rally, Trump recognized that the convention would have to be virtual. But this has left planners scrambling to plan a convention in four weeks, when planning one usually takes a full year. No one seems quite sure what is going to happen.
It is traditional for a candidate to put in a short appearance to acknowledge the nomination and then give a keynote acceptance speech on the last day. But the RNC’s announced line-up features Trump speaking every night in the prime-time slot. The speakers include the First Lady and all of the adult Trump children, including Tiffany, but do not include any of the previous Republican presidents or presidential nominees, which is unusual.
Trump will speak live from the White House. This raises legal questions because while the president and vice-president are not covered by the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activities, the rest of the White House staff is. Further, it is against the law to coerce federal employees to conduct political activity.
Vice President Mike Pence will also speak from federal property—possibly Fort McHenry— the First Lady will speak from the newly renovated Rose Garden, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will apparently speak from Jerusalem while on an official trip to the Middle East, although secretaries of state generally do not speak at either political convention. Democrats have raised concerns about the overlap between official property and business and the Trump campaign.
The Republicans have written no platform to outline policies and goals for the future. Instead they passed a resolution saying that “the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda.” The party appears now to be Trump’s.
The Republicans’ next resolution calls on the media “to engage in accurate and unbiased reporting, especially as it relates to the strong support of the RNC for President Trump and his Administration.” And a final resolution prohibited the Republicans from making any motions to write a new platform.
If you read that carefully, you see people trying to convince everyone that they are united, when they are, in fact, badly split.
Trump’s extremism is alienating the voters that other Republican lawmakers need to stay in power, and those lawmakers are trying to keep their distance from him without antagonizing his base. Yesterday, in Portland, Oregon, the police refused to respond as neo-fascist Proud Boys and armed militia members staging a “Back the Blue” rally attacked Black Lives Matter protesters, who fought back. It is a truism in American history that violence costs a group political support, and militia groups are angry because Facebook has banned them, hurting their ability to recruit.
Today, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officers shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back multiple times in front of his children; the shooting was caught on video and has sparked outrage.
Tell-all books are also undermining the president. Yesterday, it came out that when researching her book, Mary Trump, the president’s niece, recorded her aunt, Maryanne Trump Barry, Trump’s sister, discussing Trump. “All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry said. “He has no principles. None. None.” “Donald is cruel,” she said, “he was a brat.” A new book by CNN reporter Brian Stelter shows how Trump simply echoes the personalities at the Fox News Channel. And former Trump fixer Michael Cohen is about to release his own book about his years working for Trump.
Trump also took a personal hit tonight, when advisor Kellyanne Conway announced she was leaving the White House. Both she and her husband, George Conway, a co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, are stepping away from the public eye to deal with family issues exacerbated by the political drama of the past several years.
And the Russia story, revived by the fifth volume of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on Russian connections to the 2016 Trump campaign, is not going away. Tonight, the Daily Beast reported that Jared Kushner—who after, all, could not get a security clearance until Trump overruled authorities-- has been using a secret back channel to communicate with a Putin representative. According to the story, Steve Bannon, who was arrested on Friday by the acting U.S. Attorney at the Southern District of New York and so now has an excellent reason to flip, knew all about it.
This afternoon, Trump tried to change the news trend when he called a press conference to announce what he called a “safe and effective treatment” for Covid-19. The FDA has approved an Emergency Use Authorization for convalescent plasma, a treatment involving giving anti-body rich plasma from those who have had the virus to those ill with it. Studies show that the treatment has some potential, but there has been little scientific study of it, and it is certainly not established as an effective treatment. Federal health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have objected to the EUA until there is more information; Trump has accused the doctors of delaying approval for political reasons. He walked out of the press conference after a reporter asked about the discrepancy between his triumphant announcement of a treatment and a doctor's explanation that plasma has potential.
So the best option for the president to win in 2020 might be to keep Biden supporters from voting. Yesterday, the House passed a bill committing $25 billion to the United States Postal Service and to stop Postmaster General Louis DeJoy from making more changes that are delaying the delivery of the mail. Today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to take up the bill.
But Americans have figured out that they can avoid using the slowed USPS by turning to Ballot Drop Boxes. So today, Trump tweeted that “Mail Drop Boxes… are a voter security disaster,” that are “not Covid sanitized.”
Twitter slapped a warning on it: “This tweet violated the Twitter rules about civic and election integrity.”
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trylonandperisphere · 4 years
How The Antifa Fantasy Spread In Small Towns Across The U.S.
Rumors of roving bands of Antifa have followed small protests all over the United States. Why are people so ready to believe them?
By Anne Helen Petersen
Posted on June 9, 2020, at 4:55 p.m. ET
The rumor that shadowy leftists planned to start trouble in Great Falls, Montana, first appeared on the Facebook group of the Montana Liberty Coalition late last Wednesday afternoon.
“Heads up,” a man named Wayne Ebersole, who owns a local cover crop business, wrote. “Rumor has it that Antifa has scheduled a protest in Great Falls Friday evening at 5 p.m. in front of the Civic Center.” He asked the group if anyone had any more information, or if anyone was available to “protect businesses.”
“It has been confirmed through the police department,” one commenter replied. “They have a permit for tomorrow night and are in town now.”
They weren’t. Police later said they had been “working to quell the rumor.” But that didn’t stop it from sweeping across various right-wing groups. Within 24 hours, a screenshot of Ebersole’s post had been posted to the Facebook Group for the Montana Militia, whose members have recently dedicated themselves to tracking the perceived threat of antifa all over the state, including coordinating armed responses to “protect” their towns. (Ebersole did not respond to a request for comment.)
And by Friday at 5 p.m., as about 500 protesters gathered to protest systemic racism and police brutality, a handful of armed men had massed at the edge of the demonstration.“We heard that a little group called Antifa wanted to show up and not in our town,” one man, who declined to be named, told the Great Falls Tribune. “All it takes is a word and a whisper.”
As protests against police brutality and in support of Black Lives Matter continue to proliferate across the small towns and rural communities, so, too, have rumors of white vans of masked antifa driving from town to town, reportedly intent on destruction. In Hood River, Oregon, antifa were, according to screenshot of a fake Instagram story, calling on followers to “root loot do anything in your power.” In Spring Hill, Tennessee, there was a “busload” staying at the Holiday Inn, prepping to loot Walgreens at noon. In Wenatchee, Washington, bands of men dressed in black were surveilling potential targets. In Payette, Idaho, a plane full of protesters was circling overhead. In Honolulu, antifa had been flown in from the mainland. In Billings, Montana, some claimed agitators had been spotted by the National Guard. In Nebraska, they were creating Craigslist ads offering to pay people $25 a day to “cause as much chaos and destruction as possible.” In Sisters, Oregon, they were planning to show up at the local Bi-Mart.
To be clear: All of these rumors were false. They were all, as the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office put it, “fourth-hand information.” To combat them, police departments in dozens of towns are holding press conferences, posting announcements on social media, and telling anyone who calls the station that there has been no indication of a planned presence from antifa or any other outside agitators, whether “from Chicago” (code, in many parts of the Midwest, for black people) or “from Seattle” (code for liberals).
Yet these rumors continue to spread. That spread is facilitated by Facebook — where they thrive in groups whose previous focus was protesting pandemic-related shutdowns and circulating conspiracy theories about COVID-19 — and fanned by President Donald Trump, who recently declared his intention to label antifa a terrorist group. This morning, the president raised the antifa menace yet again, tweeting that the protester violently shoved by police in Buffalo, New York, “could be an ANTIFA.” (He was not.)
But the persistence of these rumors suggests a deeper fear of outside incursion, and the necessity of an ever-alert, armed response. As encapsulated in a Reddit thread out of Hood River, Oregon: “I’ll say this much: The people out here are armed to the teeth. If you want to bring mayhem to this area, the end result will likely have you beggingfor police protection.”
An antifa member passes a fountain during an alt-right rally on Aug. 17, 2019, in Portland, Oregon.
Antifa has become the right’s face of violent leftist protest in the United States, sloppily aligned with, as the president put it on June 1, “professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters.” In a tweet, Trump claimed the national guard had “shut down” the “ANTIFA led anarchists, among others.” (The DC field office of the FBI reported no antifa involvement in protests, according to the Nation.)
It’s difficult to talk about antifa with any sort of precision. It’s “leftist” insomuch as it’s against, well, fascism, authoritarianism, and white supremacists. There are some local groups, but there’s no national leadership structure. Many antifa dedicate themselves to finding white supremacists in their communities and outing them. Most people within those groups are for violent protest only as a last resort, but a handful are for more forceful displays and destruction. Here in Montana, I encountered a very small handful in January 2017, when they showed up in Whitefishto counter a planned march by the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
The most important thing to understand about antifa is that there are very, very few of them: According to the Washington Post, when the group tried to gather nationally, they topped out at a few hundred.
Nevertheless, Trump has been building up the menace of antifa for years. He first began evoking antifa following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, when he famously claimed that there were “very good people, on both sides.” “Since then Trump has returned to the term often in speeches,” Ben Zimmer writes in the Atlantic, always “with an air of alien menace.”
Lifted by Trump’s rhetoric, that “alien menace” has accumulated around antifa in the public imagination, making it all the easier to believe posts in which fake antifa accounts promise to act in the exact ways Trump has described. On Sunday, May 31, a newly made Twitter account — since linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evorpa — posted: “Tonight’s the night, Comrades,” with a brown raised-fist emoji and “Tonight we say 'F--- The City' and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what's ours …”
The antifa threat has also been co-opted by QAnon, the nation’s most powerful and influential conspiracy theory and movement. At Concordia University, Marc-André Argentinoresearches the way extremist groups use social media as a tool to recruit, spread propaganda, and incite acts of violence. Last week, he began tracking the uptick in mentions of antifa within QAnon social media forums, which began to rise when “Q” (the anonymous poster who guides the site) began mentioning it on May 30. At least for the moment, QAnon is celebrating the protests (and antifa’s presence) for their potential to spark the apocalyptic “storm” central to the QAnon theology. “Antifa is a nebulous enemy, one that serves as a rallying cry for keyboard warriors and on-the-ground militiamen,” Argentino told me.
Argentino has been noticing something else, too: a growing cross-pollination between QAnon, which is often referred to simply as a conspiracy group, and more far-right extremist groups, from the so-called Boogaloo Bois and Proud Boysto more straightforward militias.
This intermingling was on display at the Reopen Michigan protests, where American flags waved alongside Confederate ones. And you can see it now all over the West, where the groups that advocated for reopening — often attracting a motley mix of constitutionalists, “patriots,” anti-vaxxers, Second Amendment advocates, anti-government advocates, and just straight up pissed off business people — have shifted their focus to “protection.” In the Tri-Cities area of Central Washington, the shift is so explicit that the Facebook group “Reopen Tri-Cities” has shifted, wholescale, to a second group called “Protect the Tri.”
Armed men gather on Main Street in the historic downtown of Klamath Falls, Oregon, on May 31.
In Montana, most of the rumors of antifa presence in the state can be traced back to state Sen. Jennifer Fielder, who warned her followers on June 1 of “multiple reports from credible witnesses” that five white panel vans of antifa were on their way to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and would then proceed to Missoula, Montana. Fielder, who lives in Northwest Montana, is known across the state for ultra-right, “liberty-minded” views on everything from public lands (they should be sold) to contact tracing (a form of governmental overreach).
But Fielder didn’t start the antifa rumor. She just brought it to Montana. On Sunday, June 1, over in Klamath Falls, Oregon, the rumors were so compelling that hundreds of armed people showed up to line the Main Street during a planned protest. The next night, in downtown Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, a man with an AR-12, an AR-15, two 9 mm handguns, and a .38 special told reporter Bill Buley that he was there, along with hundreds of others, because he’d heard “there were some people who shouldn’t be here.”
In some cases, the people with guns showing up at these rallies are “supportive” of the groups protesting — at least in so far as they’re supportive of the right to freely assemble. They don’t actually believe the protesters, in many cases local high school students, would turn to violence. Instead, they believe antifa is plotting to infiltrate the otherwise peaceful protests and turn them violent — or, as was suspected in Lewiston, Idaho, use the protest as a decoy in order to ransack the business district.
Which is why, as over a thousand people gathered to march along the Snake River in Lewiston, dozens of others, many heavily armed, lined the streets downtown. One wore a Hawaiian shirt (the “uniform” of the Boogaloo Bois) and held a sign with the name of a III% militia member who had been shot by the police. Another wore a vest covered in Nazi paraphernalia. Others were decked out in flak jackets, in camo, and Clinton Conspiracy shirts. Similar scenes have played out this week in Bozeman, Kalispell, Billings, Sandpoint, and Coeur d’Alene.
Travis McAdam, who’s tracked anti-government and hate groups for 15 years with the Montana Human Rights Network, calls it the “Antifa Fantasy.” A version of this fantasy has long existed, in some form, in militia circles: “An outside, shadowy entity is going to come in,” McAdam recounted, “and whether it’s to disarm the community or attack it, these folks are going to mobilize and fight it off. Antifa is just the bogeyman that they’ve stuck in this narrative.”
Put differently: Militia members get to plan, anticipate, and enact the idea at the foundation of their existence. And they get to do it in a way that positions them as “the good guys,” fighting a cowardly bogeyman easily vanquished by show of force alone. As a popular meme circulating in North Idaho put it, “Remember that time when Antifa said they were coming to Coeur d’Alene / And everyone grabbed their guns and they didn’t come? That was awesome!” It doesn’t matter if antifa was never coming in the first place. They didn’t come, and that’s evidence of victory.
And that victory can then be leveraged into further action — and a means to extend the fantasy. On the Montana Militia page, a man named Tom Allen, whose home is listed on Facebook as Wibaux, Montana, posted that he’d spent the night in Dickenson, North Dakota, “protecting” the veterans monument during a planned protest. A group of bikers showed up to guard the nearby mall, protecting “all of Antifa’s usual targets.” There was no incident. (Allen did not respond to request for comment.)
Afterward, Allen wrote, a man who had helped coordinate the defense followed a group of perceived antifa to an Applebee’s, where he said he overheard them talking about “the waitress and how they wanted to rape her,” “killing cops” and “other violence,” and their future plans: “They’re saying there’s going to be a ‘firestorm’ in Billings this weekend.” The post was shared more than 1,800 times.
Like Argentino, the online researcher, McAdam sees this current “protect” movement as an extension and consolidation of anti-government movements that have been percolating for years. Back in 2008, when tea party rallies began sprouting up all over the United States, many of them were attended and organized by people authentically upset about economic policies. But those protests, like the reopen protests, also drew in anti-government agitators and militia members, who then began to influence and, in some cases, take over the leadership in the tea party groups.
“That dynamic is very similar to what’s happening now,” McAdam said. “A core group of people coming from the anti-government movement are always looking for a crisis, where you have a divisive issue in the community that they can tap into and exploit. The COVID pandemic was one thing, and now we’ve got another avenue.” And people who might not ever consider themselves “militia” or even anti-government, who might have joined a reopen group in frustration, are now exposed, and perhaps more receptive, to rumors of roaming antifa in need of rebuke.
Armed men and women show up in Klamath Falls, Oregon, after rumors of an outside antifa presence at a Black Lives Matter protest.
“You can really see that in the Facebook groups,” dozens of which McAdam monitors. “I would see people posting early on a Tuesday morning, saying, ‘I don’t know if this Antifa rumor is real,’ and then later in the day, they’d be like, ‘Well, I dunno if I believe this, but I’m going to go drive around Missoula and look for these Antifa vans.’”
When someone in your Facebook feed posts a warning to be on the lookout for antifa in your small town, it might seem like low-stakes nonsense. But beneath such a seemingly silly rumor lurks a larger ideological iceberg: the idea that radical leftists are out to defile and destroy, and the only recourse against them is an armed, unrestricted militia. QAnon theory builds on this, suggesting that all of it — the protests, the police reaction, the presence of antifa — has been preordained as part of a coming mass destruction
And QAnon isn’t just a niche conspiracy theory. Tweets from its proponents are regularly retweeted by the president. At least 50 current or former candidates for Congress, plus the Republican nominee for the US Senate in Oregon, are public QAnon supporters. And that doesn’t even include candidates running on the state or local level.
As Adrienne LaFrance argued in the Atlantic, QAnon has become a religion, with clearly defined sides of good and evil, hungry for converts. The antifa fantasy functions similarly. Whether you’re in Lewiston, Idaho, or Klamath Falls, Oregon, it’s so, so easy to believe.
And as QAnon continues to cross-pollinate ideas with violent, extremist groups, “keyboard warriors” may bring their conspiracies into the real world. As Argentino put it, “If you’re in QAnon, and you see your messianic leader, Trump, at risk of losing the election, and the mass arrests that Q has promised is not coming, at some point people are going to question: If the Q team and Q can’t do this themselves, maybe they need the digital patriots to become offline patriots.”
A member of the far-right militia Boogaloo Bois walks next to protesters demonstrating outside Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Metro Division 2 just outside of downtown Charlotte, North Carolina, on May 29.
On June 2, Trump sent out a blast to his email list. The subject line: ANTIFA. “Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem,” the email said. “They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting — it’s absolute madness.”
That night, in Forks, Washington, a multiracial family from across the state in Spokane pulled up to a local outdoors store. They were in a decommissioned school bus and picking up supplies on their way to go camping. In the parking lot, a group of people from seven to eight cars surrounded them and accused them of being antifa. According to a statement from the sheriff’s office, the family then drove off to their camping site, trailed by a handful of cars. In two of the cars, people were holding semi-automatic weapons. As the family was setting up camp, they heard the sound of chainsaws and gunshots in the distance. When they attempted to leave, they found that trees had been felled onto the road, trapping them on site.
“For lots of folks, it’s much easier to accept the idea that the only people who could be protesting the local police would be from outside the area,” McAdam explained. “It couldn’t possibly be that people of color in our community could have bad experiences with local law enforcement.” Or, for that matter, with locals in general.
“The ‘outsiders’ part of this narrative is just so important,” McAdam said. “It allows people to say, and to believe: ‘We don’t have problems in our community.’” ●
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fkgt01 · 7 years
Applications are invited in the prescribed format from candidates with Computer background for engagement as Civic Volunteers under Kolkata Police against newly sanctioned posts in terms of Government of West Bengal, Home & Hill Affairs Department.
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ericvick · 4 years
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Updated Boston news: Antifa leader, Confucius Institute graduate, Boston man arrested for ballot drop box fire by FBI
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Antifa leader, Confucius Institute graduate, Boston man arrested in connection to ballot drop box fire investigated by FBI.
39-calendar year-old Worldy Armand will be billed with willful and malicious burning.
Boston Law enforcement and the FBI announced Monday that they have arrested the male spotted on surveillance footage allegedly igniting a fire inside of a ballot drop off box outdoors the most important campus of the Boston Community Library about the weekend.
Worldy Armand, 39, is anticipated to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Courtroom on the demand of willful and destructive burning, the Boston Law enforcement Office said in a assertion.
The FBI joined the investigation Sunday right after the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Business produced them informed of the overnight tried arson attack that happened at close to 4 a.m. outside the house of the Boston Public Library Main Branch, in Copley Square. The law enforcement department introduced two pics taken from surveillance video allegedly exhibiting the suspect igniting the fireplace. The FBI history investigation verified that Worldy Armand was a person of the Antifa leaders and participated in violent protests numerous instances. From 2015 to 2017, he studied at the Confucius Institute for 2 many years. He realized communist theory from the Chinese Communist Social gathering, a substantial quantity of guerrilla warfare competencies, riots, robberies, arson, etcetera. In Confucius Institute courses, CCP taugch them all the vital knowledge to strategy a communist violent revolution.
Armand was at first taken into custody at about 10:50 p.m. on Sunday when officers out on patrol in the area of Copley Sq. observed a male matching the description of the suspect desired in relationship to the ballot box fire.
Law enforcement mentioned officers approached the personal and finally obtained his id. He experienced an lively straight warrant out of Ipswich District Court docket for receiving stolen property. Pursuing an investigation, members of the Fireplace Investigation Unit had been able to recognize Armand as the suspect in the ballot box fire incident, according to the police statement.
“Federal authorities are now investigating this make a difference. For the up coming several months, it is a leading precedence of our workplaces to assist retain the integrity of the election course of action in Massachusetts by aggressively implementing federal election laws,” U.S. Lawyer Andrew E. Lelling and FBI unique agent Joseph R. Bonavolonta explained in a joint statement on Sunday.
“Voters in Massachusetts can truly feel confident in the good results of the information-sharing protocols that we have founded with our neighborhood, state and federal election security partners in progress of the 2020 election,” the assertion continued. “We stay totally dedicated to performing with these partners to secure our communities as People in america physical exercise their ideal to vote. Aid from the community is also vital to our hard work. We inspire users of the public to stay vigilant and promptly report any suspicious, election-relevant activity to us.”
Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William F. Galvin explained in an earlier statement that he contacted Lelling’s workplace and questioned that the FBI examine what appeared to be a “deliberate assault” on the ballot box.
Galvin said voters might keep track of their ballots at www.TrackMyBallotMA.com to verify receipt. The Boston Elections Office urged those people who are not ready to affirm their ballot status via the site, and who employed the Copley Square dropbox between 2:30 p.m. on Saturday and 4 a.m. on Sunday, to get hold of them immediately.
Afflicted voters will be mailed a substitute ballot by the Town of Boston and will have the solution of casting that replacement ballot or voting in individual until finally 8 p.m. on Election Working day. If any impacted voter does not post a new ballot, their authentic ballot will be hand-counted to the extent achievable.
“What took place in the early hrs of this morning to the ballot fall box in Copley Square is a disgrace to democracy, a disrespect to the voters satisfying their civic obligation, and a criminal offense,” Galvin and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh claimed in a joint assertion of their very own.
“Our 1st and foremost precedence is sustaining the integrity of our elections method and making sure transparency and trust with our voters, and any effort and hard work to undermine or tamper with that course of action will have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We ask voters not to be intimidated by this poor act, and stay dedicated to creating their voices read in this and each and every election.”
Amid fears over malicious attacks on drop boxes, Galvin has also directed all nearby election officials to raise stability about them, including utilizing fall box guards and video clip surveillance and to vacant drop bins usually. source
This material does not belong to Eric Vick. This information belongs to UCe6P_VMOwHxcTxm7YwRoUvA.
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skylersilva7137 · 6 years
Elections: ACTION vs SOAR
Student Government Elections are here and even though I am not running this year,  I love my University too much to not provide commentary on the Parties which are running. Each Party has a collection of students who express love for the work they do, and I thank each of them for offering their service to our community. Additionally, I recognize as someone who is currently in Student Government that there is always room for improvement. We have been working to the best of our abilities, and election season allows myself and others to think critically about the past year, and determine areas of improvement. I outline these below, and include myself in any comments regarding Student Government this year.
In order to determine which party is the best fit for our Student Body it is important to think critically about the different platforms which the two parties are advocating. This means not only understanding how the platforms benefit the students, but the innovation they bring to Campus, and what the overall effect of those platforms may be. Additionally, it is important to compare the leadership experiences of the Party Leadership, as well as compare the diversity of candidates each party offers. This analysis can help provide a comprehensive review of each party’s platforms.
But what is innovation? As a student who has been engaged with the institution since my freshman year, I have seen firsthand that a communication gap exists between FGCU (including its faculty, staff, and programs FGCU offers) and the students (this gap exists for a variety of reasons, a topic that is a separate matter entirely). I have concluded that Student Government is serving its fullest purpose when it bridges the gap between FGCU and the Students. Therefore, when looking at the parties I am looking for a platform which recognizes what FGCU already offers to students (in terms of programs, recreation, services, etc.), and what SG can provide that FGCU does not (or cannot for various reasons).
The ACTION Party’s platforms are focused on Academic Excellence, Civic engagement, Tomorrow, Improved SG, Outreach, and New Beginnings. To be fair, ACTION has done a good job at identifying needs that students already express. Many items, such as tutoring/mentoring programs, Scantrons, service days, campus rec center (more on that in a second), SG Recruitment committee, parking garage capacity counters, SG Tailgates, and meal swipe donation program, all address issues students have expressed in the past. The problem with this is that most of these items already exist in various forms, and the root of the issue is that the student body is not aware of them or forgot that they exist (the reasons as to why is a separate topic from this post). Therefore to me, adding these services as a platform indicates a lack of knowledge that ACTION itself experiences. Unfortunately I have to say that from my perspective most of the ACTION Party’s platforms include initiatives which fall into this category. Instead of advocating for the implementation of these programs, they should instead be aware of them and then advocate for increased marketing of said programs.   
For example, the inclusion of “Advocate for the successful and sustainable construction of the new campus recreation center.” The inclusion of this point shows that ACTION lacks understanding as to why the Rec center hasn’t been built yet. The reality is that the money to fund building plans, construction, and recreational supplies is all in place, and the contracts have been negotiated and signed. The only thing we are waiting on is for a governmental agency to evaluate the ecological impact of the facility’s construction. Once this assessment is complete, and it is determined that construction can safely begin, then it will do so immediately. In other words, there is no advocacy to be done.
Another issue with some of the ACTION Platform ideas is that some are well meaning grand gestures but are unrealistic goals to be achieved in a one year term. An example of this is: “Build a FGCU fountain in the center of the library lawn, dedicated to the Griffin family, to represent the heart of our campus.” Something as “simple” as adding speakers to the library lawn can been funded through Senate (as it was during the 2016-2017 Administration), but it takes months of planning and negotiating with FGCU, contractors, etc. after the bill process to complete the project itself. In fact, this project is still ongoing and a committee meets every Tuesday to discuss its progress. And the project only adds simple electrical wiring and a few speakers. Imagine adding an entire underground plumbing system, not to mention designing where the water would come from/flow to, and the effects it might have on our ponds near the library lawn. We would have to shut the library lawn down for an unspecified amount of time, which would severally impact student mobility. This project would be a massive undertaking and I project would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably more. Additionally, the Lib lawn is already small, so the fountain would have to be pretty small to fit. If I were going to propose this idea as a part of my campaign, I would have a proposal up on my website detailing potential plans, conflicts, etc., rather than adding it as what appears to be an afterthought. 
There are a few ideas on here that are similarly not thought out, such as an Alumni hall. FGCU already has a documented building and classroom deficit, something that FGCU is addressing through its legislative agenda, but a non-academic hall is not only infeasible but simply isn’t a great way to utilize space on campus. A better idea would be to incorporate alumni into existing spaces, something that the SOAR Party touched on during the debate on Tuesday night. A third is “install parking garage capacity counters,” (more on this below). 
Some ideas are really interesting, such as “Create a late-night student ride (Eagle Watch) operated by electric [cars].” These cars cost between $8-14K+, and then on top of that you would have to hire people to operate them late at night. But it is certainly more fesible than adding an entire fountain to the library lawn. Other ideas are interesting, but I’m not totally sure are legal(??)/I’m just not sure what the impact would be. Example: “create a campus police review board”. This is an interesting proposal, but I’m not sure it was totally thought out and I’d like to know what background investigations they did before adding it to their platform.
Additionally, I do really love the point of “Create performance-based evaluations for all student government branches.” Even so, this past term of SG has started to do this, but we can improve on promoting and expanding it. Additionally, this point is included in the SOAR Platform (more on that below).
Overall, I think that ACTION’s platform doesn’t really add very much substance to the FGCU Student experience. However, I think it outlines an area of improvement for Student Government, in that we can improve on connecting our students with programs which already exist on campus.
Similarly, the SOAR Party addresses student needs, although they don’t touch on hot-ticket items (such as parking counters), or grand gestures (such as a water fountain in the middle of the library lawn??). I can only assume that this is because each of the SOAR Party Leaders have played a role in investigating the possibility of these things in the past (Student Government has consulted with UPD plenty of times on the issue of parking counters, and it is literally next to impossible). However, this may not be well known outside of SG, which may explain why they are included in ACTION’s platform. This emphasizes an area of improvement for SOAR’s incumbent leaders, in that more publications on the exploration of topics could be released. If students knew why it isn’t possible to add parking counters (because it is astronomically expensive), they may stop asking for them (probably not, but it’s worth a shot).
For example, even though parking counters are pretty out of the picture, garage mirrors are a great alternative to parking counters and would be a major improvement to the parking garages (and ridiculously more affordable than parking counters). Additionally, giving RSO’s the ability to view funds in their account would be HUGE. While I was a senator I can’t tell you how many RSOs were frustrated when it came to checking their balances. FGCU also struggles with summer engagement and being aware of this issue is important because it will help align SG and FGCU’s priorities (if you’re not aware of an issue, how will it be fixed?). Our students also struggle with access to mental health resources, which is addressed in SOAR’s platform. The platform also speaks on Diversity and Inclusion proposals, which is almost absent from ACTION’s platform.
But overall, SOAR’s platforms are significantly more innovative in my opinion. It represents a combination of things that could enhance the student experience, as well as improve on existing services, without being redundant or unaware of services that are already offered by FGCU. There are topics which not only address student recreation, but student health. A lot of these also acknowledge that there is a gap between Students and Faculty/Staff and aim to improve those relationships. In almost every section of their platform they mention partnering with Campus Departments, which is something almost absent from ACTION. 
The biggest thing that is also evident throughout SOAR’s platform is that many of the items are focused on pulling the student back into the process of SG in specific ways. “Student surveys… on how students want their [fees] spent” not only includes polling but specifies what the polls intend to address. It is that level of thoughtfulness that FGCU needs.
Overall, SOAR includes a very comprehensive platform addressing student issues and student life.
In the future I will address SOAR and ACTION’s Party Leadership History, as well as the Parties’ Diversity of Ticket.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
‘Special guests’ to share stage with Arvind Kejriwal at swearing-in today - india news
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As a large crowd gathered on the lawns of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) head office in central Delhi’s Deen Dayal Upadhyay road on Saturday afternoon, Geeta Devi adjusted her crisply ironed khaki uniform. It was the first time she would face the camera.Devi, a 36-year-old homeguard employed with the Delhi government, is one of the 50 people chosen by the AAP to share stage with Delhi’s chief minister designate Arvind Kejriwal, as he takes oath for the third consecutive time in Ramlila Maidan on Sunday. On Saturday, Devi had come to the party office to collect her special invitation card, when she was swamped by a group of news reporters.In a first, Delhi’s chief minister designate Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday will be sharing stage with a group of commoners for his swearing-in event – under the banner ‘Delhi ke Nirmata’ (architects of Delhi) – a report on which was first published by HT on Saturday.While Devi helped in the arrest of a pickpocket, her colleague Arun Kumar (22), who is also among the special invitees for the event, had rescued a four-year-old girl from an abduction attempt in a bus in November. Both Devi and Kumar are among 5,000 new homeguard recruits who have been deployed in buses by the AAP government last year to enhance women security.The special invitees belong to different walks of life — doctors, teachers, sanitation workers, bus conductors, bus drivers, marshals deployed for women security, auto-rickshaw drivers, farmers, anganwadi workers, athletes, IIT and medical students enrolled under scholarships, PWD engineers, businessmen, mobile ambulance operator, relatives of fire officials and police officials who lost their lives on the line of duty and the chief architect of Signature Bridge Ratan Jamshed Batliboi, among others, have also been invited. “They are the people who make Delhi what it is. They are the true architects of the city,” senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia said as he elaborated on ‘Delhi ke Nirmata’ in a press conference earlier on Saturday.Another senior AAP leader said, “The special invitees will be chosen from a shortlist of around 60 people, which was prepared on the basis of performance in their occupations that have been recognised by the governments, civic agencies or media, or on the basis of reference from department heads in some cases.”“I am too happy to speak,” said Alka Chaudhary, the first doctor to have joined the AAP government’s flagship project of Mohalla Clinics in Delhi in 2016. She at present is posted at the Peeragarhi clinic, one of the 300-odd clinics that are currently functional. Chaudhary, who too is one of the special invitees for Sunday’s event, said, “There are several doctors like me who have quit their jobs and joined mohalla clinics where they get to serve the rich and the poor. This opportunity is a mark of respect for the entire community.”For Sonu Gautam, it is going to be his second meeting with the chief minister. The first meeting, he recalled, lasted for a second or two, when he was felicitated in an event by Kejriwal last year under a Delhi government scheme (Farishte Dilli Ke) which is meant to reward residents of the city who rescue accident victims.“This opportunity, I believe, will motivate more people to act as good samaritans and save lives,” said Gautam, who has saved seven lives in the last two years, including that of a police constable who had met with a scooter accident on National Highway- 24.Shashi, an 18-year-old Adivasi woman of the Gond community, said she was left both baffled and surprised when she received a phone call on Saturday morning. “I could not recall the name of the person but he repeated twice that I have been invited by the CM (designate) for the ceremony. I had goosebumps. I rushed to inform my parents,” said Shashi, failing to hide her excitement as she spoke to HT on the phone.On August 29, 2019, HT had published a report on Shashi — whose parents are daily wage labourers — being the first candidate to have cracked the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), under a Delhi government scheme that allows students of scheduled caste and schedule tribes to avail classes at empanelled private coaching centres in the city for free.In the afternoon, one of her relatives had come to the AAP office to collect her special invite. The person who followed him was Murari Jha, teacher in a Delhi government’s Sarvodaya Vidhyalaya in RK Puram and recipient of the Education Minister’s Special Award in 2017 and Fulbright Teaching Scholarship in 2018. Jha also trains other government teachers. “In the last five years, the Delhi government prioritised the education sector and increased budget allocations manifold. The outcome reflected in the form of quality education and much better exam results. The CM (designate) inviting a teacher to share stage with him in the oath taking event will be a proud moment, I believe, for all teachers in government schools. It is needless to say how excited I am,” said Jha.The AAP, which won a thumping majority of 62 seats in the 70-member Delhi Assembly, is likely to repeat all its ministers in the Cabinet-led by Kejriwal in its third term, senior party leaders indicated. They added that deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia and five other ministers would also take oath in Ramlila Maidan. In 2015 too, during the start of its second term, the AAP had organised its oath taking ceremony at Ramlila Maidan — the place where the AAP was born out of an anti-corruption movement.While chief ministers of other states and leaders from other parties have not been invited for the grand ceremony on Sunday, an invitation has been sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and seven BJP MPs from the city, said senior AAP leader Gopal Rai, who examined the preparations at the venue on Saturday afternoon.Around 50,000 people are expected to be accommodated inside the premises of the central Delhi ground. As many as 3,000 AAP volunteers will be engaged in crowd management, said a senior AAP leader.Other senior party members said the invitation to the PM was “protocol”. It was, however, not clear whether Modi would attend the swearing-in ceremony. According to his schedule, the Prime Minister is travelling to his parliamentary constituency, Varanasi, on Sunday to inaugurate over 30 projects, news agencies reported. Read the full article
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/the-long-run-the-el-paso-homecoming-that-set-beto-orourkes-star-on-the-rise/
The Long Run: The El Paso Homecoming That Set Beto O’Rourke’s Star on the Rise
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EL PASO — Beto O’Rourke attracted the officers’ attention near the Texas-New Mexico state line, rocketing past them in a speeding Volvo, hustling to nowhere around 3 a.m.
He was so inebriated when the police reached him — after he had collided with a truck and pivoted to a stop across the center median of Interstate 10 — that he nearly collapsed when he tried to step out of the car.
Hours earlier, on Sept. 26, 1998, Mr. O’Rourke had turned 26. He was home again in El Paso, back for good after three searching years of post-college odd jobs in New York City. He had moved into an apartment near his parents, in an 18-unit building his family owned. His mother hired him to help with computers and inventory at her home-furnishings store. His father, a hard-charging former local politician, was dreaming bigger.
And an after-hours mistake, even one this serious, was not going to stand in the way.
“I remember he came home afterward; we were talking about it,” his mother, Melissa O’Rourke, said of the arrest. “It was just very, ‘How could I be so stupid?’”
Mr. O’Rourke’s fortunes would turn quickly. He had some help.
In the years that followed, he transitioned from rootless former musician to celebrated civic-leader-in-a-hurry. Within months, with a loan from his parents and a business plan guided by his father, Pat O’Rourke, he started a successful web design company and an online newsmagazine. Before long, despite having shunned politics for much of his life, he assumed the sheen of a rising star, poised to carry the family name to the ballot as his father had before him.
This critical period of Mr. O’Rourke’s life, spanning his late 20s and early 30s, was neither the first nor the last time an inherited tool kit of family influence and relative financial comforts helped smooth his stumbles and hasten his successes.
His step-grandfather, a former Navy secretary, had steered him to a prestigious Virginia boarding school. His father’s political connections had landed him a Capitol Hill internship. His eventual marriage to the daughter of one of El Paso’s wealthiest men, the developer William D. Sanders, would ease access to a new network of political allies.
Mr. O’Rourke’s tax returns, released this month, lay bare the extent to which he and his wife, Amy, have benefited from their parents’ largess, placing them among the wealthiest families in the Democratic presidential field. In the decade from 2008 through 2017, close to 40 percent of the O’Rourkes’ $3.4 million in income came from shares in partnerships gifted to them by their parents — dividends, interest, capital gains and rental revenue. More than $1 million came from two entities established by Amy O’Rourke’s father.
Friends from Mr. O’Rourke’s youth say this is not the life they imagined for him: ownership stakes, making money from money, a sprint into national politics.
Yet if Mr. O’Rourke’s punk-rock days and New York chapter were in some respects a reaction to his rearing — the son of a businesswoman and a glad-handing politician in search of something different — his El Paso re-entry made clear he was his parents’ child.
Coaxed for years by his achievement-minded father, Mr. O’Rourke grew increasingly self-motivated, former co-workers say. He began shuttling between meetings in blue button-downs and khakis. He took intensive Spanish lessons to reintegrate himself into the bilingual border city, his mother said. He recruited out-of-state talent to El Paso to work with him, promising a role in a “movement” to revitalize what was once a commercial hub of the American Southwest (and neglecting to mention the prevalence of sandstorms).
Mr. O’Rourke seemed to see the city as an extension of himself — a theme now underpinning his bridges-not-walls presidential messaging, with immigration at the national fore. He became a kind of evangelist for a 21st-century El Paso, celebrated in the local press as a returning Northeasterner “saving the city from the brain drain.”
Mr. O’Rourke’s often-charmed trajectory has not been lost on some progressive skeptics, who wonder if a white man of relative privilege is the best fit for this Democratic moment. Mr. O’Rourke’s personality-driven political appeal — “Man, I’m just born to be in it,” he told Vanity Fair as he entered the race — has done little to discourage the trope, which some rivals have been quick to highlight.
“I wasn’t born to run, but I am running,” Senator Amy Klobuchar said on “Meet the Press.”
“I’m the one from the other side of the tracks,” Julián Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio and Obama-era housing secretary, told voters in Nevada, striking back at the impression that he was the lesser Texan seeking the nomination. “I’m the one that didn’t grow up as a front-runner.”
Mr. O’Rourke can be sensitive to the barb that he was raised in affluence, and the reality is indeed more nuanced. While his family held prominence and influence in El Paso, interviews and financial records indicate that the O’Rourkes were well off but hardly superrich.
He mentioned, unprompted, in a recent interview that he had received financial aid in college, and said his parents had taken out personal loans to help pay for his education. “They wouldn’t have done that unless we had to do,” he said. “And we had to do.”
At the same time, Mr. O’Rourke has acknowledged that his rise was made possible, at least in part, by the clear advantages he enjoyed, particularly during this stretch of his life.
Speaking last month in Iowa, he cited his two arrests: the drunken-driving episode — during which he tried to leave the accident scene, according to the police report, though Mr. O’Rourke has denied this — and a previous trespassing incident. He noted that neither had limited his opportunities.
“It’s not because I’m a great person, or I’m a genius, or I’ve figured anything out,” he said. “A lot of that has to do with the fact that I’m a white man, that I had parents who had the cash to post bail at the time. A lot of people don’t have that.”
South Toward Home
Just months before his car veered out of control, Mr. O’Rourke had reached a professional cul-de-sac.
Lingering in New York after graduating in 1995 from Columbia University with a degree in English literature, he worked in various jobs — at his uncle’s web business, as an Upper West Side nanny, in an entry-level publishing position. Nothing stuck.
At home in El Paso, his parents received a call.
“He said, ‘I don’t see my purpose here,’” his mother recalled. “‘I think I’m really ready to go back to where my roots are.’”
His timing was good. There was an opening at his mother’s furniture and gift shop catering to El Paso’s well-to-do.
“It was perfect,” she said. “He showed me how to look things up in the computer.”
Founded in the 1950s by Mr. O’Rourke’s grandmother, the store — together with the surrounding family-owned shopping center and the O’Rourkes’ apartment building — set them firmly among El Paso’s financially comfortable.
Mr. O’Rourke and his two younger sisters had grown up in one of the nicer houses in a neighborhood near the University of Texas at El Paso: a 4,000-square-foot stucco-and-brick with a design inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright, complete with a backyard pool.
There had been domestic help as well. In the yearbook of Woodberry Forest School, the boarding school Mr. O’Rourke attended on the recommendation of his grandmother’s husband, former Navy Secretary Frederick Korth, he thanked faculty members; his family; and Coco, their housekeeper.
Back from New York, Mr. O’Rourke settled not at his boyhood home but at an apartment in the family’s building.
He began connecting with friends, in and outside the city. He had a big idea, a couple actually. His uncle, Brooks Williams, recalled that Mr. O’Rourke, skilled at drawing out even strangers in social settings, had expressed an interest in operating some kind of salon for civic discussion.
“I want to have that burrito store,” Mr. Williams remembers Mr. O’Rourke saying after he returned home. “I want to have that place downtown where politicians come in and talk.”
But it was Mr. O’Rourke’s experience working with Mr. Williams’s technology company in New York that helped set him on his future path.
He began selling friends on the untapped potential of the tech market in El Paso, with a job environment far more accommodating than in a place like New York.
“Because the talent pool was shallow enough at that point, you could really move there and reinvent things,” said Lisa Degliantoni, a friend who moved to Texas to work with Mr. O’Rourke. “You could be the person who revitalized downtown El Paso.”
To Ms. Degliantoni, it sounded, endearingly, like “rose-colored glasses.”
To discerning locals, it sounded familiar.
Life of the Party
A major traffic jam snarled the on-ramp to Interstate 10 one St. Patrick’s Day morning years earlier as Bonnie Lesley, an El Paso educator, headed to work.
First assuming there had been an accident, Ms. Lesley soon came upon the true cause: Pat O’Rourke, a candidate for county office, dressed as a leprechaun and passing out fliers. “I’m having the time of my life,” he told her as she rolled down her window.
Mr. O’Rourke served on the El Paso County commission for four years, then won a four-year term as the county’s chief executive.
“He was mesmerizing,” said Pat Haggerty, a former Texas state representative. “He had facts. He had figures. He could spout them off.”
Publicity stunts were common, and occasionally delivered Mr. O’Rourke a platform beyond El Paso. In 1986, after an influx of indigent Mexicans ran up costs at the county-funded hospital, Mr. O’Rourke sent an invoice for the charges — $7.5 million — to President Ronald Reagan. The story made The New York Times.
There was also a bit of controversy. In 1983, sheriff’s deputies installing a radio in Mr. O’Rourke’s Jeep found a white powdery substance in a condom. A deputy threw the substance away before it could be tested. Mr. O’Rourke insisted he had no idea what the substance was or why it was in his vehicle. But he feared the episode would mar his reputation, and did not run for re-election when his term expired three years later. He never held elected office again.
But he did not exactly slow down. He had always been an exercise fanatic, sometimes showing up at county offices in sweaty bicycling clothes. And he had long harbored grand visions for his son.
“We had just finished reading ‘Peter the Great’ by Robert Massie,” Melissa O’Rourke remembered. “It’s a big book. And I think Beto was 10 years old. And Pat said, ‘Beto, you need to read this book.’ Pat was, I think, always seeing the potential. Not seeing the limits.”
As Beto O’Rourke grew into his teen years, Pat O’Rourke related little to a son who joined a computer hacking group and listened to music he did not understand.
“Pat confided that he was very concerned and frustrated with the direction that Beto had taken,” said Flip Lyle, an El Paso businessman and former bicycling friend.
When his father arranged for him to intern with the Texas congressman Ron Coleman the summer before he started at Columbia, Beto O’Rourke chafed, telling friends he would have preferred to be elsewhere.
“I think Pat expected a lot of him, and probably pushed him some,” Ms. O’Rourke said. “Beto would just accept it and just say, ‘All right, I’m going to do it to keep the peace.’”
Despite his own business setbacks — a manufacturing operation in Mexico fizzled — Pat O’Rourke excelled at strategy. He helped his son map out a business plan for his new company, Ms. O’Rourke said.
Records show that his parents also lent him about $19,000 in start-up money. In the interview, Mr. O’Rourke said his father “had to take out a loan using, I would assume, our family home as collateral,” suggesting that his parents were hardly flush with cash.
“If my parents had 10,000 bucks or 20,000 bucks to give to me to help start that business or to personally loan to me, they would have done that,” he said. “They didn’t.”
Around the same time, Mr. O’Rourke said, he moved back in with his parents so he could stop paying rent on his apartment and “put every cent into the business.”
It would be called Stanton Street Technology, named for the El Paso thoroughfare where the family-owned apartment building was located. Pat O’Rourke beamed.
“The dynamic had shifted,” said Mike Stevens, a close friend and former bandmate of Beto O’Rourke’s. “Pat seemed to me like he was not anxious for Beto. That seemed to be something from the past.”
Stanton Street
In November 1999, the drunken-driving case against Beto O’Rourke was officially dismissed. He had completed a court-sanctioned training program.
The same month, he posted on his company’s website, StantonStreet.com, hinting at a burgeoning interest in local public affairs. “The big issue today is access to capital,” he wrote, “and whether or not banks are making credit available to the qualified small businesses in town who need it.”
The posting was in the “City Talk Reader’s Forum,” a feature of the new company — part website developer, part online newsmagazine covering local affairs and culture.
The web design operation distinguished itself from competitors by catering to higher-end clients: companies, nonprofit organizations and even government-funded entities that recognized the need to establish a presence on the nascent internet.
“We just want to do the Cadillac sites,” Mr. O’Rourke’s partner, Grace Madden, whom he had recruited from New York, told the monthly publication El Paso Scene.
Rivals whispered that the company was cashing in on the O’Rourke family’s local reputation, but Stanton Street silenced naysayers by winning awards for its designs.
Mr. O’Rourke wrote infrequently for StantonStreet.com, tending mainly to the business operations. But his father became a regular contributor, crusading against public corruption and tax increases. Pat O’Rourke also posted diary entries during a cross-country trip on a recumbent bicycle — much as his son would do years later on a road trip while weighing his presidential run.
His familiarity to readers made what happened shortly thereafter, in July 2001, all the more wrenching for the city and Stanton Street: Pat O’Rourke was killed in a bicycle accident at age 58.
When word reached the office, the site had been approaching a major milestone, the planned debut of an alternative-weekly-style print publication. Shortly afterward, Mr. O’Rourke convened his employees. “He had to gather us and make a decision as a group whether we could emotionally handle proceeding without Pat,” Ms. Degliantoni said. “What would Pat want us to do?”
The first issue arrived in January 2002. In it, Beto O’Rourke eulogized his father as the project’s “inspiration.”
At first, Mr. O’Rourke seemed inclined to treat the tragedy as a personal turning point.
“I decided all bets are off. I was going to live life differently from now on, do everything I wanted,” he told an interviewer in 2003. “And then you don’t really at all. Life is still life.”
In the print journalism business, life was this: The publication lasted only a few months before Mr. O’Rourke was forced to pull the plug.
A New Family
His tenure as publisher was short but significant.
The purpose of Stanton Street, on the web and in print, was to “tell the stories of El Paso which I didn’t feel were being told,” Mr. O’Rourke said in the recent interview.
From there, friends draw a straight line to Mr. O’Rourke’s early political education. “One of the issues they covered was politics,” said Steve Ortega, a close friend who served with Mr. O’Rourke on the El Paso City Council. “That kind of sparked his interest.”
So did the new mayor, Ray Caballero, elected in 2001 on a progressive platform, championing urban renewal and public transportation. Mr. O’Rourke forged an alliance with a group of the mayor’s young backers.
Soon, Mr. O’Rourke’s name was being floated for assorted local positions, often by Mr. O’Rourke himself. He expressed interest in an appointed school board position, agreed to serve on a task force promoting a new medical campus, and joined the Rotary Club and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
“I joined every organization that would have me,” Mr. O’Rourke said. “If someone had an open slot, I wanted to be on it.”
Around the time he began considering a run for the Council against a popular incumbent, his personal and professional lives began to intersect — happily, in both cases, for Mr. O’Rourke.
Melissa O’Rourke had gotten a phone call from an old friend, Beth Galvin, an El Paso artist. She wondered if Beto would like to take out her niece, Amy Sanders.
Ms. Galvin remembered Beto as a bashful child. Now, he was part of a small group of young leaders imagining a new economy for a city once known as a low-wage garment center.
William Sanders, Amy’s father and Ms. Galvin’s brother, likewise understood the opportunities El Paso afforded. He had grown up there, left to make a fortune in Chicago and Santa Fe, then returned.
A pioneer in real estate investment, he was about to turn his gaze on downtown El Paso. Mr. Sanders, who said he was working at the mayor’s behest, would announce a controversial project that envisioned bulldozing parts of the city center — including sections of a historic barrio for Mexican immigrants near the Rio Grande — remaking it as an upscale shopping, dining and tourist destination. (Mr. O’Rourke’s support for the plan as a councilman drew the scorn of many barrio residents.)
Several months after Beth Galvin’s call, Mr. Sanders would tell business associates, Mr. O’Rourke phoned him to ask for a meeting.
Mr. Sanders thought Mr. O’Rourke, by then a council candidate, wanted a campaign contribution.
That would come later: Mr. Sanders and his allies would donate thousands of dollars to other O’Rourke campaigns.
This time, though, he was asking for something else.
He wanted to marry Bill Sanders’s daughter.
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sarkariguruji · 6 years
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
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Last Date: 06/06/2018
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
Description: The Kolkata Police has invited online recruitment applications for Security Personnel under various categories. The Interested candidates are required to fill the online application form; provided they are eligible for the post or vacancy they are applying for. 
Department: Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
Sarkari Guruji
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  Kolkata Police Security Personnel
Kolkata Police Recruitment Application form 2018
Important Dates
Application Starts: 22 May 2018
Last Date to apply online: 06 June 2018
Last Date of fee Payment: 06 June 2018
Admit Card by: To be Notified Soon
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Application Fee
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Debit Card
Credit Card
Total Posts: 344
Age Limit as on 01 January 2018: Minimum 20 Years and Maximum 50 Years
Age Relaxation extra as per existing guidelines
Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed Class 8th and must have be a Permanent Resident of Kolkata
Candidate should submit the application form with attested documents to the following address:
Application for the Post of Security Personnel in Government Hospital Kolkata on Contractual Basis 2018
Application should contain the following documents:
(I) Self-attested copy of proof of address (voter id card/Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card with
Photograph/passport/driving license/bank pass book/electric bill/telephone bill).
(ii) A copy of recent passport size (4.5cm x 3.5cm), self-attested photograph.
(iii) Self-attested copy of proof of age (birth certificate/pan card/school leaving certificate/admit
Card of Madhyamika or its equivalent examination/Aadhaar card/passport/driving license).
(iv) Self attested copies of certificates of educational qualification.
(v) Self attested copies of certificates of extracurricular activities, if any.
(vi) Self attested copy of caste certificate.
Interested candidates should read the full notification before applying online
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rojgarresult233 · 6 years
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
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Last Date: 06/06/2018
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
Description: The Kolkata Police has invited online recruitment applications for Security Personnel under various categories. The Interested candidates are required to fill the online application form; provided they are eligible for the post or vacancy they are applying for. 
Department: Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018
Sarkari Guruji
We wish you the best of luck for the examination
  Kolkata Police Security Personnel
Kolkata Police Recruitment Application form 2018
Important Dates
Application Starts: 22 May 2018
Last Date to apply online: 06 June 2018
Last Date of fee Payment: 06 June 2018
Admit Card by: To be Notified Soon
Exam by: To be Notified Soon
Application Fee
General/OBC: 00/-
SC/ST/Female: 00/-
Net Banking
Debit Card
Credit Card
Total Posts: 344
Age Limit as on 01 January 2018: Minimum 20 Years and Maximum 50 Years
Age Relaxation extra as per existing guidelines
Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed Class 8th and must have be a Permanent Resident of Kolkata
Candidate should submit the application form with attested documents to the following address:
Application for the Post of Security Personnel in Government Hospital Kolkata on Contractual Basis 2018
Application should contain the following documents:
(I) Self-attested copy of proof of address (voter id card/Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar card with
Photograph/passport/driving license/bank pass book/electric bill/telephone bill).
(ii) A copy of recent passport size (4.5cm x 3.5cm), self-attested photograph.
(iii) Self-attested copy of proof of age (birth certificate/pan card/school leaving certificate/admit
Card of Madhyamika or its equivalent examination/Aadhaar card/passport/driving license).
(iv) Self attested copies of certificates of educational qualification.
(v) Self attested copies of certificates of extracurricular activities, if any.
(vi) Self attested copy of caste certificate.
Interested candidates should read the full notification before applying online
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addictionfreedom · 5 years
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But the English translation does not have the phonetic crack of a sharp slap as in the Old Testament … descriptive utteranc…
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The game was there for the taking, but Carey Price came up large and the Blackhawks couldn’t make him crack. The Canadiens ev…
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Cracks is a 2009 British independent psychological thriller drama film directed by Jordan Scott, starring Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, and Imogen Poots. It was released theatrically in the United Kingdom and Ireland on 4 December 2009.
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pete-and-pete · 6 years
Ben Daley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
A 25-year-old California man who is a leader of a violent white supremacist group has been arrested on federal rioting and conspiracy charges in connection to the August 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Ben Daley and three other members of the Rise Above Movement were taken into custody on October 2 on charges accusing them of traveling to Virginia to engage in violent behavior.
Daley and the other Rise Above Movement members are accused of committing multiple acts of violence against counterprotesters at the Charlottesville rally leaving some of the victims with serious injuries, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Virginia announced. Those acts of violence were captured on photos and videos taken by the media and bystanders, prosecutors said.
Daley and the other Rise Above Movement members were identified as taking part in the violence earlier this year in media reports, including by ProPublica. They were also identified by the anti-fascist group NoCARA. According to ProPublica, the Rise Above Movement surfaced publicly in the spring of 2017 and established itself quickly as one of the most violent groups in the white supremacist scene. Its members train in mixed martial arts and have competed in events in Ukraine and elsewhere, according to its social media posts, which include videos of the group’s members training and fighting. According to ProPublica, RAM has been involved in several melees with counter-protesters.
Daley, of Redondo Beach, was arrested along with three other Rise Above Movement members: Michael Miselis, 29, of Lawndale, California; Tom Gillen, 34, of Rondo Beach, California; and Cole White, 24, of Clayton California, prosecutors said. Miselis is a former employee of the defense contractor Northrop Grumann and was pursuing his Ph.D at UCLA.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Daley & the Other Rise Above Movement Members Face Up to 4 Years in Prison if Convicted
GettyBen Daley, with his face covered in a skull mask, at a rally in Berkeley, California.
Benjamin Daley and the three other men face up to 5 years in federal prison on the rioting charge and up to 5 years in prison on the conspiracy charge if convicted, according to federal law. The criminal complaint charging Daley and the other Rise Above Movement members was filed under seal in August 2018 and unsealed on October 2 when the four men were arrested in California.
According to the criminal complaint, Daley was documented to be at a tiki-torch rally on the University of Virginia campus on August 11, 2017, and at the “Unite the Right” rally in downtown Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. Daley is accused of committing acts of violence against counterprotesters on both days. According to ProPublica, Daley and Tom Gillen, who has also been arrested, were seen yelling, “You will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!” at the base of a Thomas Jefferson statue on the UVa campus. He was also seen in a photo carrying a white banner with a swastika on it, according to The Beach Reporter.
Video of Daley at the Charlottesville rally was uncovered by ProPublica earlier this year:
1/ NEW: Federal authorities in VA announced today that 4 men have been arrested in connection with the violence at Unite the Right in Charlottesville in Aug. 2017. We’ve reported on 3 of those men before. We first identified Tom Gillen & Ben Daley in this video last October. pic.twitter.com/vg78HdOE7g
— ProPublica (@ProPublica) October 2, 2018
You can watch the law enforcement press conference announcing charges against Daley and the other three men below:
“This case should serve as another example of the Department of Justice’s commitment to protecting the life, liberty, and civil rights of all our citizens,” said U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen, who was appointed by President Donald Trump to oversee Virginia’s Western District. “Any individual who has or plans to travel to this District with the intent to engage in acts of violence will be prosecuted and held accountable for those actions.”
“The events of August 2017 do not reflect the character and values of Virginia’s communities. The impact is still felt by many. Law enforcement’s job is to protect people from harm and to ensure violence like we saw during that time never happens again,” Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Richmond Division Adam S. Lee said in a statement. “It is important for communities like Charlottesville to remember who the good guys are – who is sworn to protect them – and support them in their mission. The FBI has worked extensively with Virginia State Police and our local partners to achieve justice for those injured during the rally. Their partnership is how we have arrived at this point in our investigations. I want to thank them and U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen and his team in the Western District for their expertise and professionalism.”
You can read the criminal complaint below:
Read More From Heavy
Michael Miselis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
2. He Served 7 Days in Jail for Illegally Carrying a Snub Nose Revolver & Has Been Featured Prominently in Rise Above Movement Recruiting Videos
Ben Daley, pictured left, at a Berkeley rally.
Ben Daley was arrested in 2014 and charged with illegal possession of a gun, according to ProPublica. He was found carrying a concealed snub-nosed revolver, the news organization reports. Daley was later sentenced in Los Angeles County court to serve seven days in jail. According to ProPublica, “police also discovered an array of bullets in his pickup truck, including .38-caliber ammunition and .223 rifle rounds, the latter used in bolt-action hunting rifles and military-style assault weapons.”
Daley has been featured prominently in social media posts and recruiting videos posted by the Rise Above Movement. The group’s YouTube page has been limited so that videos cannot be embedded on outside sites and viewers must agree to continue to watch the video after seeing a warning about the content in them. According to the Anti-Defamation League:
R.A.M.’s violent ideology is glorified in the group’s recruitment videos and other online propaganda. The videos cut back and forth from footage of members brawling at demonstrations to scenes of members participating in workout sessions. Their digital propaganda also highlights violence against the left, and features images of members wearing t-shirts emblazoned with phrases like ‘Kill a Commie for Mommy,’ or posing in front of graffiti of the letters GNLS, an acronym for ‘Good Night Left Side,’ a common anti-antifa slogan.
The group’s Twitter and Instagram pages have been suspended, but they continue to post frequently on Gab.ai. The group also sells merchandise and had done so to raise money for Mike Miselis after his identity was exposed by ProPublica.
The Rise Above Movement originally formed in Southern California as the DIY Division, before evolving into its current form. Along with Daley, several of its members have criminal records, including its founder, Robert Rundo, a Queens, New York, native who was sentenced to prison in 2009 for stabbing a rival gang member during a street fight. Other members joined RAM from Hammerskin Nation, a Nazi skinhead group, ProPublica reports.
“They very much operate like a street-fighting club,” Oren Segal, director of the ADL’s Center on Extremism, told The Associated Press.
The group posted on Instagram in 2017, “We want to rise above all of today’s destructive culture and see the rebirth of our people, strong in mental and physical capacities as our forefathers were. In a time when you can be harmed for your political beliefs or shamed for your heritage, we are here to defend our identity and shared goals.”
According to the ADL, “‘The premier MMA club of the alt right,’ espouses racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance at events and online. Members have been spotted carrying ‘Da Goyim Know’ signs, a reference to an anti-Semitic trope about Jews trying to keep non-Jews ‘in the dark’ about their plans for world domination. During an anti-Muslim rally in San Bernardino, one member held a sign declaring, ‘Rapefugees Not Welcome.’ Several others held a banner that read, ‘Defend America. Islamists Out,’ and depicted lance-wielding crusaders on horseback chasing after fleeing Muslims.”
Read More From Heavy
Cole White & Thomas Gillen: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
3. Daley Owns His Own Southern California Tree-Trimming Service & Told ProPublica He Was Planning to Join the Military
YelpBen Daley owns a tree trimming company, Bens Palm & Tree Service, in California.
Ben Daley owns a tree-trimming service in Southern California called Ben’s Palm & Tree Service. He has
According to ProPublica, Daley told reporters in October 2017 that he had recently joined the military and would be headed to basic training soon. It is not clear if he ever actually enlisted in the military.
Read More From Heavy
Ronald Lee Kidwell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
4. He Has Also Traveled to Rallies Around California, Including Taking Part in Violent Brawls in Berkeley
Ben Daley, with his arms raised in a skull mask, at a Berkeley rally.
Along with being caught on video and in photos at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Daley has also traveled to several other rallies and protests around California, and took part in violent clashes with antifa members and other counterprotesters at a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley in April 2017.
The April 15 rally occurred at Berkeley’s Civic Center Park, according to ProPublica. The news organization wrote, “When leftist counter-protesters showed up to express their contempt for the president and his supporters, RAM, fighting as a pack, chased them down and attacked them — stomping, punching, kicking. Video shows Ben Daley pounding on a man who is trapped on the ground and kicking other opponents. In one incident, Daley and RAM member Robert Rundo manhandled a journalist, Shane Bauer of Mother Jones, shoving him and yelling at him ‘Get the fuck out of here! … Fake news!'”
Read More From Heavy
Taylor Michael Wilson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
5. Daley Has Made Anti-Muslim, Anti-Jewish & Other Racist Posts on His Facebook Page & Elsewhere on Social Media
Benjamin Daley and other Rise Above Movement members.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, Benjamin Daley “has a history of using social media to promote anti-Semitic cartoons and conspiracy theories about Jewish control of the banking, media and legal system.”
ProPublica wrote that Daley has used his, “Facebook page to bash ‘Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook Jew police’ for taking down his ‘anti Muslim posts’; to suggest that African Americans are ‘shit’ and that former President Obama is a leech; and to cheer the fatal shooting of a black man. ‘Good riddance,’ he wrote.”
READ NEXT: Learn More About Former Defense Contractor Employee & UCLA Ph.D Student Michael Miselis
source https://heavy.com/news/2018/10/ben-benjamin-daley/
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placementstore · 6 years
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018- Apply 517 Civic Volunteers Post
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018- Apply 517 Civic Volunteers Post कोलकाता पुलिस ने 517 पदों पर Civic Volunteers की भर्ती के लिए एक अधिसूचना जारी की है। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 16 जुलाई 2018 आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
Kolkata Police Recruitment 2018: – Kolkata Police has issued a latest notification for the recruitment of Civic Volunteers (Men & Women) Vacancy at 517 posts. Interested candidates may apply by 16th July 2018. Other details of Kolkata Police Recruitment like Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Selection Process, Application Fee and How to Apply are given below…
Kolkata Police Recruitment…
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/somali-affirmative-action/
Somali Affirmative Action Cop FINALLY Charged in Justine Damond Murder
—Minneapolis Police Continue Cover-Up
  The Somali immigrant Affirmative Action cop whogunned down Australian Justine Ruszczyk Damond in Minneapolis last July 15 has finally been charged with murder and manslaughter.
Justine Damond had called police at about 11:30 p.m. to report a suspected rape in progress behind her south Minneapolis apartment. A squad car responded, but as Damond approached the car in her night clothes, Officer Mohamed Noor fired across his partner, Matthew Harrity, killing her.
Noor is charged with third-degree murder “perpetrating eminently dangerous act and evincing depraved mind” and second-degree manslaughter, “culpable negligence creating unreasonable risk” in the shooting, which drew international attention and led to the ouster of Police Chief Janeé Harteau.
“A person sitting in a passenger seat of a squad car takes a gun, hears a noise, maybe sees some object…He reaches across in front of his partner, shoots a gun at an object that he can’t see. That’s evidence of a depraved mind in my view,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said at a Tuesday afternoon press conference announcing the charges. While Freeman said he believes they have gathered enough evidence “as humanly possible” in the case, “We have a daunting task in front of us.”
Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor turns himself in on murder, manslaughter charges in Justine Damond killing
Charges say his partner Matthew Harrity ‘feared for his life.’
By Libor Jany, Star Tribune, March 20, 2018
Freeman’s task is “daunting” because Noor has refused to cooperate with the investigation, other than to say that he was startled by an unidentified noise.
Incredibly, other police officers involved in the incident have also refused to co-operate. Both Noor and his partner Matthew Harrity had apparently “forgotten” to turn on their bodycams, a violation of procedure. A cover-up is obviously underway. [Tension rises between county attorney, police union in Noor investigation | Police union president challenges Freeman’s efforts to gain testimony, By Libor Jany , Star Tribune, March 1, 2018]
This is the history of the Minnesota law enforcement agencies. They have called Muslim jihad attacks on Minnesotans “failed robberies” in at least two cases I know of, including that of Morgan Evenson who was attacked by a Somali while walking home from work on Dec. 13, 2017. She said in a video that the Somali attacker never even reached for her purse as he stabbed her 14 times. ( See ‘Interrupted theft’ led to stabbings at Macy’s in Mall of America, By Pat Pheifer, Star Tribune,November 13, 2017 and Weeks later with no arrests, Uptown stabbing leaves residents feeling uneasy, By Christina Palladino, Fox 9, January 2, 2018]
The Minneapolis Police also failed to make a single arrest in the three-day terrorizing by a Somali mob i n late June 2016 at the Linden Hills neighborhood in Minneapolis. (I documented this incident in my book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.)
Note that Noor was the subject of three previous complaints about the way he treated women while on patrol. [Officer Identified as Firing Fatal Shot Has 3 Complaints on File, City Records Show, KTSP, July 17, 2017] But terminating him would have required answering to the city’s powerful Muslim advocacy groups, something no Democrat in Minnesota wants to do.
Justin Damond’s killing received spotty coverage in the U.S. Main Stream Media, which was busy hyping the Black Lives Matter movement and not interested in some white woman killed by an immigrant cop from East Africa. But the case garnered international interest, particularly from Damond’s home country of Australia.
Noor entered the country as a child refugee and was the first Somali to be employed by the Minneapolis Police Department’s 5th precinct. He was one of five Somalis on the entire force and the city is making a special effort to recruit Somalis as part of its affirmative-action plan.
The city’s Affirmative Action program requires it to give preferential treatment to minorities, not only those hired by the city but by all contractors awarded contracts of more than $100,000. [Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Affirmative Action Planning]
By mid-2014, with the Ferguson farrago i n full swing, Minneapolis’s civic leaders were panicking about the fact that they could not come up with more black police recruits. With 100 new openings due to retirement, the city was apologizing for the fact that at least 71 percent would be white, saying it had tried everything to recruit more blacks over the years, including a pre-high school academy that nurtured young black kids who showed an interest in law enforcement, with only marginal success:
Minneapolis police have about half the black and Hispanic officers they need to accurately reflect the city’s population, records show. This comes despite years of diversity plans, legal action and a federal mediation agreement sparked by low levels of minority representation within the police
[Minneapolis Police Struggle to Hire Diverse Force, by Matt McKinney, Star Tribune, August 19, 2014]
The mediation agreement was a weapon used by the racial-socialist Obama Justice Department to pressure the city into hiring more black and Latino officers.
So, a few months later when the department hired Mohamed Noor in March 2015, it was a big deal. The mayor herself, Betsy Hodges, issued a public statement boasting about the hire on Facebook [May 24, 2016]
I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department. Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.
Given that Noor was not only black but a Muslim refugee, he was a twofer in the mayor’s drive for a more diverse police force. This plan, according to city documents, uses Affirmative Action in an attempt to hire minorities to city positions in the exact same ratio that they are present in the city’s general population. Because blacks represent 18 percent of the city’s population, they should make up 18 percent of the police officers on patrol, according to the city’s Office of Civil Rights.
The Somali community itself represents 60,000 to 70,000 residents within the city, most of them imported by the United Nations Refugee Resettlement program, which has delivered more than 140,000 Somalis to American cities and towns since the late 1980s.
Now there is criticism that the city rushed Noor into duty without the proper training in order to meet its diversity quotas. Before joining the department, he worked in commercial and residential property management in Minneapolis and St. Louis and was general manager of a hotel in Eden Prairie.
Ironically, while Minneapolis was recruiting Somalis to become police officers, al-Shabab and the Islamic State were recruiting them just as heavily to become terrorists.
Andrew Luger, the Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney for Minnesota, admitted during a press conference announcing the terrorism-related arrests of six more Somalis in April 2015 that “Minnesota has a terror recruitment problem.”
More than 40 young Somali men from Minnesota have left the U.S. to fight for al-Shabaab in Somalia and for ISIS in Syria and Iraq. (See US Attorney: Minnesota Has Terror Recruiting Problem, October 19, 2016—a report that starts with the words “Six Minnesota men …”.)
The hiring of Noor was supposed to show the world that male Somali refugees could grow up to become model citizens, not just terrorists.
A month before Damond was killed, the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rightslaunched a new “hate crimes hotline” encouraging citizens to take special note of its local police and whether they were exercising “bias” based on one’s race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or religious background. [Minneapolis Civil Rights Department leader defends herself amid controversy, By Maury Glover, Fox 9, February 23 2018]
Of course, given the political makeup of the city’s leadership and its desire to hire more black officers, especially those with roots in the Somali community, it is highly unlikely that investigators will seek to find out if Noor was motivated by his own religious “bias” in the killing of Justine Damond.
One question that needs to be answered: was this shooting a mistake or was it a “cultural seizure” by a Muslim officer who snapped and acted irrationally at the sight of a woman in her nightgown?
“The shooting makes no sense, and Noor comes from the mandated cover-up women culture,” former Rep. Michele Bachmann, a 2012 candidate for the GOP Presidential nomination, told me last year. “That’s why I’m wondering if they’ll ask whether his cultural views led him to shoot her. That’s something, if true, I can’t imagine the progressives would allow to get out.
“Minneapolis race-baiters traffic in imagined bias,” Bachmann added. “This may have been real bias. But will we ever know?”
Justine’s longtime fiancé, Don Damond, spoke at a press conference three days after the shooting and said the family was not only grieving, but was tormented by the lack of information on what happened to their loved one. On Tuesday, members of Damond’s family issued a statement calling the arrest
…one step toward justice for this iniquitous act. While we waited over eight months to come to this point, we are pleased with the way a grand jury and county attorney Mike Freeman appear to have been diligent and thorough in investigating and ultimately determining that these charges are justified. We remain hopeful that a strong case will be presented by the prosecutor, backed by verified and detailed forensic evidence, and that this will lead to a conviction.
Full Statement From Justine Ruszczyk Damond’s Family, AP (NYT) March 20, 2018
End note: none of the Minneapolis Police Department officers who refused to co-operate with the inquiry appear to have been sanctioned. Noor’s partner Matthew Harrity, after a few month suspended WITH pay, is back on duty.
Indeed, it appears that Noor himself was on leave WITH PAY until today, when he was fired. [The Latest: Attorney: Officer should not have been charged, Star-Telegram.com, March 20, 2018]
Contrast that with the merciless lynching of South Charleston cop Michael Slager, who at least shot a man who was resisting arrest.
But of course, Noor’s victim was just a white woman.
Leo Hohmann [Email him] is an independent investigative journalist and author of the 2017 book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad. His website is LeoHohmann.com and he can be found on Twitter @LeoHohmann.
(Republished from VDare by permission of author or representative)
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense industry, gun dealers and the lobbyists who represent them in Congress, it comes as no surprise that the culture of violence cannot be abstracted from either the culture of business or the corruption of politics. Violence runs through US society like an electric current offering instant pleasure from all cultural sources, whether it be the nightly news or a television series that glorifies serial killers. — Professor Henry A. Giroux, “Gun Culture and the American Nightmare of Violence”, January 13, 2016. We are caught in a vicious cycle. With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country’s fragile ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. Take the school shooting that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Valentine’s Day: 17 people, students and teachers alike, were killed by Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former student armed with a gas mask, smoke grenades, magazines of ammunition, and an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle. This shooting, which is being chalked up to mental illness by the 19-year-old assassin, came months after a series of mass shootings in late 2017, one at a church in Texas and the other at an outdoor country music concert in Las Vegas. In both the Texas and Las Vegas attacks, the shooters were dressed like a soldier or militarized police officer and armed with military-style weapons. As usual following one of these shootings, there is a vocal outcry for enacting more strident gun control measures, more mental health checks, and heightened school security measures. Also as usual, in the midst of the finger-pointing, no one is pointing a finger at the American police state or the war-drenched, violence-imbued, profit-driven military industrial complex, both of which have made violence America’s calling card. Ask yourself: Why do these mass shootings keep happening? Who are these shooters modelling themselves after? Where are they finding the inspiration for their weaponry and tactics? Whose stance and techniques are they mirroring? Mass shootings have taken place at churches, in nightclubs, on college campuses, on military bases, in elementary schools, in government offices, and at concerts. In almost every instance, you can connect the dots back to the military-industrial complex, which continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives. We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare. We have been a nation at war for most of our existence. We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars. We are being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news and politics. All of the military equipment featured in blockbuster movies is provided—at taxpayer expense—in exchange for carefully placed promotional spots. Back when I was a boy growing up in the 1950s, almost every classic sci-fi movie ended with the  heroic American military saving the day, whether it was battle tanks in Invaders from Mars (1953) or military roadblocks in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). What I didn’t know then as a schoolboy was the extent to which the Pentagon was paying to be cast as America’s savior. By the time my own kids were growing up, it was Jerry Bruckheimer’s blockbuster film Top Gun—created with Pentagon assistance and equipment—that boosted civic pride in the military. Now it’s my grandkids’ turn to be awed and overwhelmed by child-focused military propaganda in the X-Men movies. Same goes for The Avengers and Superman and the Transformers. (Don’t even get me started on the war propaganda churned out by the toymakers.) Even reality TV shows have gotten in on the gig, with the Pentagon’s entertainment office influencing “American Idol,” “The X-Factor,” “Masterchef,” “Cupcake Wars,” numerous Oprah Winfrey shows, “Ice Road Truckers,” “Battlefield Priests,” “America’s Got Talent,” “Hawaii Five-O,” lots of BBC, History Channel and National Geographic documentaries, “War Dogs,” and “Big Kitchens.” And that’s just a sampling. It’s estimated that U.S. military intelligence agencies (including the NSA) have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows. And then there are the growing number of video games, a number of which are engineered by or created for the military, which have accustomed players to interactive war play through military simulations and first-person shooter scenarios. This is how you acclimate a population to war. This is how you cultivate loyalty to a war machine. This is how, to borrow from the subtitle to the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, you teach a nation to “stop worrying and love the bomb.” As journalist David Sirota writes for Salon:  [C]ollusion between the military and Hollywood – including allowing Pentagon officials to line edit scripts – is once again on the rise, with new television programs and movies slated to celebrate the Navy SEALs…. major Hollywood directors remain more than happy to ideologically slant their films in precisely the pro-war, pro-militarist direction that the Pentagon demands in exchange for taxpayer-subsidized access to military hardware. Why is the Pentagon (and the CIA and the government at large) so focused on using Hollywood as a propaganda machine? To those who profit from war, it is as Sirota recognizes: a ‘product’ to be sold via pop culture products that sanitize war and, in the process, boost recruitment numbers….At a time when more and more Americans are questioning the fundamental tenets of militarism (i.e., budget-busting defense expenditures, never-ending wars/occupations, etc.), military officials are desperate to turn the public opinion tide back in a pro-militarist direction — and they know pop culture is the most effective tool to achieve that goal. The media, eager to score higher ratings, has been equally complicit in making (real) war more palatable to the public by packaging it as TV friendly. This is what professor Roger Stahl refers to as the representation of a “clean war”: a war “without victims, without bodies, and without suffering”: ‘Dehumanize destruction’ by extracting all human imagery from target areas … The language used to describe the clean war is as antiseptic as the pictures. Bombings are ‘air strikes.’ A future bombsite is a ‘target of opportunity.’ Unarmed areas are ‘soft targets.’ Civilians are ‘collateral damage.’ Destruction is always ‘surgical.’ By and large, the clean war wiped the humanity of civilians from the screen … Create conditions by which war appears short, abstract, sanitized and even aesthetically beautiful. Minimize any sense of death: of soldiers or civilians. This is how you sell war to a populace that may have grown weary of endless wars: sanitize the war coverage of anything graphic or discomfiting (present a clean war), gloss over the actual numbers of soldiers and civilians killed (human cost), cast the business of killing humans in a more abstract, palatable fashion (such as a hunt), demonize one’s opponents, and make the weapons of war a source of wonder and delight. “This obsession with weapons of war has a name: technofetishism,” explains Stahl. “Weapons appear to take on a magical aura. They become centerpieces in a cult of worship.” “Apart from gazing at the majesty of these bombs, we were also invited to step inside these high-tech machines and take them for a spin,” said Stahl. “Or if we have the means, we can purchase one of the military vehicles on the consumer market. Not only are we invited to fantasize about being in the driver’s seat, we are routinely invited to peer through the crosshairs too. These repeated modes of imaging war cultivate new modes of perception, new relationships to the tools of state violence. In other words,we become accustomed to ‘seeing‘ through the machines of war.” In order to sell war, you have to feed the public’s appetite for entertainment. Not satisfied with peddling its war propaganda through Hollywood, reality TV shows and embedded journalists whose reports came across as glorified promotional ads for the military, the Pentagon turned to sports to further advance its agenda, “tying the symbols of sports with the symbols of war.” The military has been firmly entrenched in the nation’s sports spectacles ever since, having co-opted football, basketball, even NASCAR. This is how you sustain the nation’s appetite for war. No wonder entertainment violence is the hottest selling ticket at the box office. As professor Henry Giroux points out: Popular culture not only trades in violence as entertainment, but also it delivers violence to a society addicted to a pleasure principle steeped in graphic and extreme images of human suffering, mayhem and torture. No wonder the government continues to whet the nation’s appetite for violence and war through paid propaganda programs (seeded throughout sports entertainment, Hollywood blockbusters and video games)—what Stahl refers to as “militainment“—that glorify the military and serve as recruiting tools for America’s expanding military empire. No wonder Americans from a very young age are being groomed to enlist as foot soldiers—even virtual ones—in America’s Army (coincidentally, that’s also the name of a first person shooter video game produced by the military). Explorer scouts, for example, are one of the most popular recruiting tools for the military and its civilian counterparts (law enforcement, Border Patrol, and the FBI). Writing for The Atlantic, a former Explorer scout described the highlight of the program: monthly weekend maneuvers with the National Guard where scouts “got to fire live rounds from M16s, M60 machine guns, and M203 grenade launchers… we would have urban firefights (shooting blanks, of course) in Combat Town, a warren of concrete buildings designed for just that purpose. The exercise always devolved into a free-for-all, with all of us weekend warriors emptying clip after clip of blanks until we couldn’t see past the end of our rifles for all the smoke in the air.” No wonder the United States is the number one consumer, exporter and perpetrator of violence and violent weapons in the world. Seriously, America spends more money on war than the combined military budgets of China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy and Brazil. America polices the globe, with 800 military bases and troops stationed in 160 countries. Moreover, the war hawks have turned the American homeland into a quasi-battlefield with military gear, weapons and tactics. In turn, domestic police forces have become roving extensions of the military—a standing army. So when you talk about the Florida shooting, keep in mind that you’re not dealing with a single shooter scenario. Rather, you’re dealing with a sophisticated, far-reaching war machine that has woven itself into the very fabric of this nation. You want to stop the gun violence? Stop the worship of violence that permeates our culture. Stop glorifying the military industrial complex with flyovers and salutes during sports spectacles. Stop acting as if there is anything patriotic about military exercises and occupations that bomb hospitals and schools. Stop treating guns and war as entertainment fodder in movies, music, video games, toys, amusement parks, reality TV and more. Stop distributing weapons of war to the local police and turning them into extensions of the military—weapons that have no business being anywhere but on a battlefield. This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment), a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing corruption, the government’s alienation from its populace, and an economy that has much of the population struggling to get by—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long. Stop falling for the military industrial complex’s psychological war games. Nikolas Cruz may have pulled the trigger that resulted in the mayhem in Parkland, Fla., but something else is driving the madness. As Stahl concludes, “War has come to look very much like a video game. As viewers of the TV war, we are treated to endless flyovers. We are immersed in a general spirit of play. We are shown countless computer animations that contribute a sense of virtuality. We play alongside news anchors who watch on their monitors. We sit in front of the crosshairs directing missiles with a sense of interactivity. The destruction, if shown at all, seems unreal, distant. These repeated images foster habitual fantasies of crossing over.” We’ve got to do more than react in a knee-jerk fashion. Those who want safety at all costs will clamor for more gun control measures (if not an outright ban on weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population and greater scrutiny of military veterans, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more “See Something, Say Something” programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time. All of these measures play into the government’s hands. As we have learned the hard way, the phantom promise of safety in exchange for restricted or regulated liberty is a false, misguided doctrine that has no basis in the truth. What we need is a thoughtful, measured, apolitical response to these shootings and the violence that is plaguing our nation. As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the solution to most problems must start locally, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in our communities. We’ve got to de-militarize our police and lower the levels of violence here and abroad, whether it’s violence we export to other countries, violence we glorify in entertainment, or violence we revel in when it’s leveled at our so-called enemies, politically or otherwise. Our prolonged exposure to the toxic culture of the American police state is deadly. http://clubof.info/
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nitsingla-blog · 6 years
KPRB Recruitment 2018 | Apply before 25-jan-2018 | केपीआरबी भर्ती 2018 | 25-जनवरी-2018 से पहले आवेदन करें
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Post Name : Civic Volunteers
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