#Claudia Pina
talkingwoso · 2 days
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Super team 🔛🔝
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kyra-cooneyx · 2 months
nena — barça femení x teen!reader
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summary: you are the baby of the squad and your teammates never let you forget it
“hola nena,” mapi’s smile widened as she spotted the tub in your hands, eyes practically sparkling. “what do you have here?”
“cookies and cupcakes,” you answered, a little ‘duh’ tone slipping through. “but only enough for everyone to have one of each so go away.”
“wait!” mapi hear her hand up, stopping you from walking away. “you baked them yourself?”
“was keira with you?”
“oh my god,” you rolled your eyes. “i am not a baby, i know how to use an oven!”
with a huff, you gave the spaniard one last dirty look before heading towards the cafeteria where you knew the others were gathered.
as you entered, pina and patri shot out of their seats and hastily approached you. you had told them the night before about your plans to try a new recipe and after they begged and begged, you promised to let them have the first taste when you brought the baked goods in.
you reached into the tub and handed them a cookie and cupcake each, looking up at them expectantly as soon as they’d both finished eating.
“so?” you asked, eyes slightly wide as you looked between them frantically. “say something, you’re killing me here!”
they both grinned widely and you scowled, reaching out to swat at patri since she was closest. “they are very good nena.”
pina hummed in agreement, frowning when you turned and swatted her hand away from the tub.
“one each,” you told her. “if someone doesn’t like one you can have theirs. but right now there is only enough for one cupcake and one cookie each.”
with that you swiftly made your way around your teammates, handing out the sweet treats until the tub was empty and you were sat snuggly between ingrid and frido, glancing around the room with a beaming smile.
“well if football doesn’t work out for you, you definitely have a career waiting for you in the baking world.” lucy said and your cheeks flushed as everyone else agreed.
“i’m gonna bake no matter what,” you told her. “it’ll just be a hobby.”
“a supervisada hobby.” alexia said pointedly and you rolled your eyes.
“i am not a child!” you whined.
“well technically—“
“shut up lucia.”
“that colour looks really good on you.” jana complimented as she laid down on your bed.
“thank you,” you smiled. “can you pass me that cover up?”
you took the garment from jana’s outstretched hand and slipped it on, whizzing around the room as you made sure everything was in your beach bag before dragging jana downstairs.
your phone buzzed as a text appeared on your screen but not even ten seconds later, an annoying screech of the car horn sounded outside.
part of you wanted to make pina and patri wait even longer but the horn sounded again and you were quick to swipe your keys from the coffee table, throwing them into your bag and leading jana out of the apartment complex.
“did you bring them?” pina asked as soon as you’d climbed into the back of the car.
you sighed and reached into your bag, thrusting the little bag of treats into her outstretched hand. she grinned and thanked you, placing the treats into her own bag.
“i didn’t bring enough for everyone,” you said as patri opened her mouth. “clau asked me to bring some, if you’d have asked i’d have brought some for you too.”
seeing the small frown on patri’s lips, you decided that ruining the surprise for the people in the car wouldn’t be such a bad idea. “i did bring these though and there’s definitely enough for everybody.”
you opened your bag enough for patri to see the little tubs that held even more sweet treats that you’d baked the night before. and as pina drove to the beach, you explained that you found yet another new recipe to try.
you were still talking as the four of you made your way over to where the other girls were sat under the giant parasols, a slight skip in your step as you walked along the sand.
“hello!” you chirped, gently placing your bag down before taking off your cover up and throwing yourself onto mapi’s lap.
“hola perrita.” mapi grinned as you looked up at her, shifting yourself when ingrid began tugging at your hair.
“i think i hate that more than nena.” you muttered, wincing a little as the norwegian braided your hair.
as soon as ingrid had patted your shoulders to signal that she’d finished, you shot into the water with jana, bruna, and esmee following.
the squeals of laughter from you all could be heard along the quiet beach, water flying everywhere as you all pulled out your best olympic style performances.
after another fifteen minutes, alexia rounded you all up to have some food, everyone eating quietly yet quickly.
you spotted mapi go into the water and was just about to stand up when alexia caught your wrist and pulled you over to her.
“ale!” you whined as she pulled out a bottle of suncream from your bag. “i wanna swim!”
“you burn, nena. remember what happened last time? the water washed this all off, you got burnt and you were complaining for days. put this on or you don’t go back in.”
you really tried your best to hold her hard gaze but eventually relented with a sigh, standing with your arms crossed as alexia lathered the sun cream over every sliver of skin she could see.
“there,” she said, poking your nose gently. “now you can swim.”
the speed you held as you ran back into the sea had alexia laughing with a shake of her head. just as she turned her back, she heard the war cry before a loud splash and spluttering.
you laughed loudly as mapi emerged from the water, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. your laughter came to a quick halt as mapi grinned wickedly and you’d never realised until that moment just how hard it was to run in water.
“no! no mapi! i’m sorry!” you cried out, wading desperately away from the spaniard. “it was a joke! it was a—“
almost as quickly, mapi’s arms were around your waist and then you were submerged, thrashing your limbs in an attempt to splash mapi enough that she’d leave you alone.
it didn’t work.
ingrid was the first to notice the commotion, pushing herself up on her towel. she couldn’t tell if you were screaming or laughing but she could see your arms flailing as you fought against mapi.
“why do they insist on playing so rough?” ingrid asked with a sigh as you tackled mapi back into the water.
“because they are children,” alexia said, lifting her sunglasses up to have a look. “well one of them actually is.”
your manic laughter sounded again as mapi flailed in the water, holding her arms out as you splashed her.
“if you stop i will buy you ice cream!”
silence followed and mapi peeked over her arms to see you nearly halfway to the shore. with a sigh she followed along, quickly catching up and dragging you towards one of the nearby ice cream carts.
and until it started getting dark you were in and out of the water, annoying mapi at any given moment and somehow concentrated long enough to dig a little moat around alexia’s body where she sunbathed.
“oh i think it’s someone’s bedtime.” lucy cooed mockingly as you yawned, dropping onto the towel ingrid had laid out for you.
“m’not tired.” you murmured, yawning again as you forced your eyes open.
“sí es usted.” pina said and you mustered your best glare.
“vamos nena,” you heard alexia say softly as someone lifted you up. a small whine left your lips but you leaned back into whoever it was behind you. “arms up.”
you did as you were told, feeling a t-shirt being slid onto your body. you looked down with tired eyes, knowing that any other day you’d be teased for how big it was on you.
you woke up enough to walk ahead with jana and bruna, pina and patri catching up as jana snapped the selfie.
the sky was darkening beautifully and as you yawned again, you were scooped up into someone’s arms.
“ale m’seventeen, not a baby,” you muttered. “don’t need to be carried.”
“maybe so,” alexia hummed, watching your eyes droop. “but you will always be our little nena. no matter how old you get.”
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pitchsidestories · 15 days
early twenties II Barcelona Femení x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1886
a/n: thanks for your lovely request anon, we hope you all enjoy this one. <3
You laid in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You could pretend you’re sick. You could just say that you didn’t feel like going out tonight. Maybe fake a university assignment that you didn't have.
You heard the door to your bedroom open a crack. Without looking, you knew it was Alexia standing there.
“Do I really have to go? I’d rather stay in my room tonight.“, you only half-joked towards the ceiling.
“No, you’re coming with us. It’s a team thing.“, Alexia replied firmly.
You sat up: “But…“
“Not wanting to see your crush is no excuse. Come on, we don’t want to be late.“, she interrupted your protests quickly.
For a second you just stared at her. Then you gave in. “Okay, fine. Just let me get ready first.“
“Good.“ Your teammate nodded once, seemingly satisfied with your decision. As if you had a choice.
“See you.“ You looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would take the hint.
Luckily she understood and wordlessly closed the door behind her.
You sighed before crawling out of your bed. Since it was only a team event, you decided to keep it simple. You changed into a pair of dark pants and a thin sweater. You studied yourself in the mirror. You decided that you looked nice but not as if you were trying too hard.
You slipped on your shoes, grabbed your bag and left your room.
Alexia who stood outside and pushed a pair of sunglasses back into her hair in front of the hallway mirror, turned to you and gave you an approving smile: “You look great. Now we’re ready to go.“
She shrugged into her trench coat and took her keys.
“Okay…" you mumbled as you followed her outside.
Since the bar was down the street, you decided to walk. Lost in your own thoughts, you walked alongside Alexia for a while until she suddenly asked: “So, who is it?”
You looked up, surprised by the unexpected question and blinked at her a few times. “Who?”
You could feel the heat rise in your cheeks.
“Your crush.“, Alexia said matter-of-factly, either not noticing or deliberately ignoring your embarrassment.
“I…“, you began. The two of you were already right in front of the bar. You just had to open the door and maybe you could get away without answering.
“Ona, Luce, Mario, hey!”, you beamed at the players already sitting at a table. You could feel Alexias eyes on you, signalling you that sooner or later she would get her answer.
But for now, you took the seat next to Lucy.
“Hi, you look good today.“, she grinned at you.
You laughed: “You’re the second person who said that today. What a weird coincidence.“
“Because it’s true.“, Mariona chimed in.
“Yes, your hair looks so nice.”, Ona added. The loving attention of your teammates made your cheeks only blush harder.  You were grateful for the dimmed lightning, so no one was able to tell that your face turned red from the slight embarrassment you felt when they complimented you.
“Thanks, Oni. We’ll go home when our social battery runs out right?”, you asked the fellow introverted footballer with a half-crooked smile on your lips.
“Right.”, she returned your grin. Her reassurance let you breathe a little easier.
“But first we’ll have some fun.”, Lucy padded encouragingly your back. After a short pause the English defender posed a question smirking. “What do you guys’ think is it too early for a first round of aperitifs?”
“I thought we were here to do shots!”, Mapi protested playfully.
“Yes, but this is classier, Maria.”, the older woman countered.
Accidentally your eyes linked with Claudias who was in a deep conversation with Patri, your cheeks started to burn as you felt her looking intensely back at you.
To the two teammates who were still in a discussion on what drinks were the best to start the night you declared nervously.
“I don’t care what it’s I just need a bit of alcohol.”
“I’ll order us some wine.”, Alexia decided who was sitting opposite to you.
“Sounds good.”, you agreed, you were glad that she helped you with this decision because knowing yourself you would’ve taken forever until you decided on something to drink.
“I’ll make you drink shots with me later.”, Mapi threw in amused at the thought of it.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”, you asked her chuckling.
“No, that would be irresponsible only slightly tipsy so..”, she begun to explain.
“So I tell you more about my crush?”, you finished the sentence for her.
“That was the plan.”, the heavily tattooed Spaniard admitted sighing.
“I thought the plan was to say goodbye to a few of our favourite teammates.”, you pointed towards Mariona and Lucy who would both leave Barcelona for London. Your heart sank while you thought about their nearing departure both teammates meant a lot to you, they and Alexia were like the big sisters you never had but always wanted.
“That too.”, Alexia revealed as the waiter brought two glasses filled with wine, you clinked them solemnly together before taking a first long sip of the dark-red liquid.
“Aw, we’re your faves?”, the English defender questioned teasingly.
“No, you’re the most annoying and I’m glad you’re leaving Lucia.”, you joked rolling your eyes at her. The wine provided you the ease and confidence you needed to be more chilled around Claudia. But God, why did she had to look so good tonight, you asked yourself.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t cry too hard when we leave.”, she replied cockily seeing right through your jokes.
Mapi moved closer to you, studying your face: “I think the alcohol is working, girls. It’s Claudia, right? Your crush?”
You almost spilled your drink, a few drops landing on your sweater. You swallowed hard: “Uhm… what?”
“That’s a yes.“, Alexia confirmed with a smirk.
Ona smiled: “Without a doubt.“
You flinched subconsciously and hoped that it was dark enough in the room that the others couldn’t see you blush. Your gaze shifted towards Claudia at the other end of the table, deep in talk with Patri. “Guys, be quiet!”
Alexia deliberately ignored you and called over to her: “Clau?“
“Ale, no!”, you whispered slightly panicked.
“Let’s switch seats.“, Alexia said and got up. Of course, Claudia followed her captains instructions.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.“, you said to no one in particular and then greeted Claudia. “Clau, hello.“
“Hi.“, she beamed. Nothing about her gave you the impression that she would have preferred to stay at her seat, she seamed genuinely happy to talk to you.
You tried to cover up any awkwardness by asking: “Do you have any plans for your free days yet?”
Claudia shook her head: “No, not yet. Do you?”
“No, me neither. Apart from relaxing.“, you bit your lip, wishing you had something more interesting to tell her.
“Me too. Happy for a break after this season.“, she laughed and sighed deeply for emphasis.
“Yes, maybe I’ll go home to Menorca…“, you thought out loud.
Claudia looked at you. “Oh.“
“Maybe.“, you added, unsure about how to interpret her reaction but Claudia shook her head determinedly: “You should go. It’ll be good for you. But if you’re here at one point…“
You waited for her to finish her thought: “Yes?”
The attacking midfielder shrugged, gaze directed towards the table: “Maybe we could go out together at some point.“
“Wait, really? You frowned. “But what about Patri and you… aren’t you two a thing?”
She stared at you for a moment and said nothing but then she burst into laughter: “What? No!”
You suddenly felt hot. Could your cheeks get any redder at this point?
“Sorry, maybe I misread something…“
“You really thought we were dating the whole time? Maybe Patri and I have to reevaluate the boundaries of our friendship.“, Claudia still grinned, wiping a tear of laughter from her cheek.
“No, I didn’t. I just thought… maybe you fancied her.“, you admitted and guiltily bit down on your lower lip.
The young player suddenly turned serious again, searching for your eyes: “I do fancy someone… but it’s not her.“
“So do I…“
“Tell me who it is.“, Claudia begged. She cautiously watched you as she waited for your answer.
There it was, the perfect opportunity. It was now or never. So you took a deep breath and gathered all your courage.
“It’s y-you.“
“Me? I think we should go on a date then.”, much to your surprise the forward beamed at you.  
“Wait, I’m your crush?”, you tried to process what the girl you had feelings for a while just said.
“Yes.”, Claudia affirmed still smiling. Even in the bad lit room you could see her adorable dimple.
“This deserves another shot!”, Mapi yelled excitedly in the background.
“Mapi.”, you wanted her to stay calm and don’t make a big thing out of it, yet over the years you had been this team you got to know her very well the Spanish defender would do as she pleases.
“Too soon?”, Mapi responded sounding innocent.
“Bring the shots anyway.”, Lucy waved it off.
“You had enough, amor.”, Ona stated firmly, resting a hand on her girlfriend’s arm.
“You just didn’t have enough. It’s the last one anyway.”, the older defender reminded the younger one pressing a soft kiss to her lover’s forehead. It genuinely warmed your heart seeing them this openly affectionate around the team. Maybe the young forward and you could have something similar very soon.
Still, something else made you shudder pleasantly. It was Claudias voice near to your ear.
“Let’s go to my place after the shots.”
“Deal., you whispered, before continuing louder for everyone to hear, cheers.”
Pleased how the evening had unfolded Lucy turned around to face Mariona, wearing a satisfied smile on her lips.
“Mario, I guess that means we can safely leave. Everyone here is taken care of.”
The midfielder quickly agreed with her while Ona remembered your talk from earlier reaching out to you with her free hand. “Is your social battery low now, y/n?”
“Yes. I’ll go with Claus to her home though.”, you told her.
“Okay, have fun.”, she winked mischievously at you.
Meanwhile Lucy didn’t let you leave that easy without a big sister remark.
“Claudia if you don’t treat her right I swear..”, she warned the young forward laughing.
“Clau is a good one.”, Alexia interjected.
“She’s and if you don’t treat Clau right, y/n.”, Patri picked up on what the older Englishwoman had said with twinkling eyes.
“Patri we’re talking about sweet y/n here.”, Mariona protested.
“And Claudia isn’t an absolute angel?!”, the other Mallorquin replied promptly.
“Clau, I think it’s time to leave.”, you cleared your throat, pulling her sleeve slightly.
“Please. This is getting embarrassing.”, Claudia muttered.
“Agreed. Good night, guys.”, you waved at your teammates.
“Night girls.”, Alexia answered.
“Do everything I’d do!”, Lucy called after you two grinning. You could hear her girlfriend clicking her tongue reprovingly.
“Let’s just go.”, you pleaded.
“Please before it gets weird.”, Claudia nodded taking your hand in hers as you went into the night together. You both were in your early twenties, everything was still ahead of you and you were excited for what was to come.
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Two very different approaches
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Alexia not wanting to hug her friends cause of how sweaty she is after the match
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Caroline, Marta and Pina bullying Irene with it and trying to hug her😂
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theesasssyunicorn · 5 months
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Please do not repost w/o my permission
Wallpaper version is also available just send me a DM ❤️
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woso-lover234 · 4 months
Barca femini x (teen) reader- banged up
inspired by Ona
you were running down the line with Renard behind you coming at you with pace. You looked to your left to see Pina who had just been subbed on and passed the ball to her. You didn’t notice Renard was now on your left side and as the ball left your foot you got shoved forward by Renard and as she kept running her cleats scraped against your face from the bottom of your cheek to next to your eyebrow. To make things worse the left side of your face slammed against the ground right onto your new cut which burned. You instantly tried to stand up to get out of the way of play but your head was spinning and your sense of direction was off so you didn’t even know which way was up. Instead you decided to lay back down and try get the attention of alexia or Ingrid. You waved your hand in the way you thought was up and then felt hands on your back.
“Hey Joey” the voice said and you relaxed instantly in your hold. It was Ellie. “What’s wrong?” She said trying to help you sit up which you tried to contribute to but she ended up doing most of the work and winced when she saw the left side of your face covered in your blood and your eye almost swelled shut with bruising already forming. “Oh darl” she said cupping your face as she called out for someone from the Barcelona team to come and help you aswell the medics.
“Ellie shhhh” you said rubbing your head and rubbing the blood from them onto your forehead aswell. Once you brought your hands down alexia, pina, Ona and Ingrid had now joined you just as you noticed the blood and looked up to Ellie
“Ellie what happened?” You say as tears started filling your eyes and Ellie’s face softened knowing you most likely had concussion
“It’s ok you just took a nasty fall and got a cut on your cheek, your gonna be ok I promise” she said as you nodded and alexia pulled your body back slightly to rest against her as she sat down behind you.
The Barcelona medics arrived, stood you up with the help of ale and Ingrid, wiped up most of the blood and realised that you were showing signs of concussion and needed to be subbed off.
“Noo ale I don’t want to go off! I just came on!” You whined trying to grab onto her to stay on the pitch even though she was walking with you off the pitch
“You didn’t bebita you came on ages ago” she tried to explain as she held your smaller hand in hers and rubbed over your knuckles knowing it comforted you. You sighed and leaned into her side just as you got to the edge of the field were you were transferred to mapis side as she immediately began doing the same thing alexia just had been as you slowly started leaning more and more of your weight into her.
“Hey bebita your gonna need to stay awake until they get you all fixed okay” mapi said gently as she pushed your flyaways out of your face and kissed your forehead as you merely nodded and opened your eyes a little bit more.
The medics bandaged your face and gave you ice for your eye and you got diagnosed with stage 1 concussion and got cleared to go back to the bench to watch the rest of the game as long as you wore your ear defenders and kept your ice pack on your eye to which you agreed and mapi said she would watch you. By the time you got out there they were announcing the extra time as you went to the bench and sat near Vicky who laughed at you as you tried to shove her which caused her to laugh harder as you pouted before Frido pulled you into her lap and held your ice to your eye for you so you could focus on the game.
“And back on the bench we have 15 year old Australian Y/n Y/l/n who looks like she has a shiner coming through and matching cuts to her fellow team mate Ona batlle” the commentator announced as the bench laughed and Ona winked at you from the field.
When alexia scored her goal Frido was up and carried you with her like you were a koala and she was your tree. Alexia took you off her and span you around after she had whipped her shirt off as you groaned at her sweaty body.
“Yuck ale your all sweaty” you complained as she laughed and gave you a big kiss on the head before pina came and you gave her a big hug for her assist as she kissed your forehead too. Then Frido came and took you back to the bench where you basically fell asleep in her lap for the rest of the match.
“And it looks like Barcelonas young talent has fallen asleep” the women commentator said “I wouldn’t blame her she took a hard knock to the head and she’s got a black eye forming and that massive cut” the man said as the camera locks in on you and frido on the bench as she absentmindedly runs her hand through your hair.
When the whistle blows you are jostled out of your sleep and immediately know what’s happened as everyone is screaming and cheering. Your first thought is to find Ellie and make sure she is ok as she is your national team mate and one of your favourite people. When she spots you she pulls you into a big hug which you accept as she gently lifts your headphones to whisper in your ear
“I’m glad you’re ok, you had me nervous for a while” she said pulling back slightly to cup your cheeks and inspect your face. She winces, kisses your forehead and then tells you to go celebrate which is when you run into Ona.
“Oni! Look! we’re matching!” You say as you walk into her arms after repeatedly pointing to your bandaged cheek
“I know” she laughs but doesn’t lift your ear defenders due to close proximity and you them blocking out louder noises (which Ellie didn’t know)
“Did your sleep get some of your energy and awareness back?” She asked to which you nodded slightly before you change the topic and ask her to get a photo of you guys together with your medals, the trophy and your matching injuries to which she accepts. She kisses your hairline before walking with you to find the others.
What you found unfair was Ona got to take off her bandage for the presentation while Alexia made you keep the big white plaster on your face which stick out like a sore thumb on your tanned skin even when you whined to her about wanting to match with Ona fully
“Everyone knows you have the same knocked up face” she laughed and ruffled your hair which you grumbled about as well
“But ale I want us to be fully matching not half matching” you said as ale shook her head
“Yours is bigger than Onita’s besides she’s a big girl” she said that part jokingly “and she can decide whether or whether not she wants it on” you were about to jump in and say you too where a big girl when ale continued “and no you aren’t and im the captain and I decide whether or whether not you keep it on” she said wrapping her arm around your shoulder as you leaned into her but looked up at her with an innocent smile
“Since your captain you can just make her out one back on though ale” you said practically begging as she sighed. Ona didn’t end up putting on a new bandaid which you weren’t very happy about.
You weren’t allowed to be around the kids because they would be too loud and crazy for you right now (ale, irene and martas words) so you were stuck with the adults for celebrations, the bus and plane ride and alexia even stayed with you at Mapi and Ingrid’s for a couple days just to make sure you were fully fine. The photo you and Ona took got posted to the Barcelona page with the caption; ‘put their bodies on the line and for a good cause ❤️💙’ to which you reposted it to your instagram with the captain ‘I’ve gotta do everything you do @onabatlle 😉😜’ to which Ona reposted and said ‘of course my little shadow ❤️’
And it went viral as the fans found it hilarious that you and Ona were not taking the injuries that seriously.
A/n Sorry this took so long and wasn’t even any of the requests y’all sent
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hoe4sports · 4 months
“Love me to my bones”
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Alexia Putellas x reader
A/N: Part two of the stargazing series. It’s based off of the song Stargazing by Myles Smith. P3 can be found here. Triggers includes swearing.
05.37. There was thunder outside causing you to be held awake. The heavy drumming on your windows definitely didn’t help on your anxiety. You were staring at the clock on your nightstand while your roommates soft snores were lingering in the room. 05.38. More thunder. Four rounds of thunder within one minute. 3 seconds away from you. For a hot second; you thought you had lost all common sense as you tossed yourself back in your bed and covered your head with a pillow. You didn’t just hate thunder, you despised it. It made all the anxiety you had piled up from football shoved underneath the carpet come alive. You weren’t particularly traumatised, but you had been tough on yourself as a kid. It was hard being compared to Alexia all the time, and it ended up with you having to work twice as hard as her. She was a natural, a magician with the ball. You however, were a not so much natural. But hey, you know what they all say; hard work over talent.
The scrutinising buzzing of Claudia’s alarm woke you up at 6. You were two ringings away from chucking your phone at Claudia to wake her up. It was weird staying with anyone else during away-games, but Alexia had requested her own room for the first time since you started playing together as kids. The wish had come up after she’d talk to Olga about her spacing out, only for Olga to blame it on Alexia for being so busy with football and her teammates. You were surprised by how much it hurt to be wrecked for your usual partner, but you accepted it. What hurt was that Alexia hadn’t reached out to you. She didn’t answer your texts, your calls and she hadn’t given you an explanation. Your explanation was made of giving her the benefit of the doubt. That’s why you had been paired with Claudia. Claudia wasn’t the worst person to camp up with, but by the judgment of her alarm; she wasn’t the best either. “Ah, rise and shine! Ready for another day of football?” Claudia sang after she’d turned off the alarm. The look on your face made her jump a little. “Oh my, Y/N, what happened to you?!” Claudia exclaimed dramatically while hopping up from her bed to touch your face and study the tiredness up close. “I couldn’t sleep, the thunder was horrendous” you mumbled as Claudia moved your face around while she fiddled with the visible bags under your eyes. “Ai, I think you’ll need something better than coffee and face cream” she said blatantly causing you to whack her playfully in her thigh. Truth was that Alexia also hates thunder, so you knew that she was awake as well. You would normally sit together during thunderstorms in the nurturing company of each other. You had been each other’s safe space for years on end, sharing all your secrets and worst fears. That time seemed to had come to an end now that Alexia had Olga. 20 years chucked out of the window. The only comfort you had was that you knew Alexia first.
Claudia dragged you along downstairs for breakfast with the rest of the girls. You felt like you had been run over twice and it felt like your brain was about to pound out of your skull. A few of the girls were already downstairs; Ingrid, Mapi, Caroline, Marta, Patri and Irene. You flashed a half assed smile before you grabbed a plate and placed fruit on your plate. The lack of appetite wasn’t because of poor selection in the breakfast buffet; you could never eat properly after having nightmares or not having any sleep. The chair next to Ingrid was empty so you flopped down next to the Norwegian before taking a bite of the watermelon you had picked up. Ingrid was someone you could trust, whom you could rely on. She would never tell anyone and she would never judge. It was surprising to you when she told you that she wasn’t the captain of the Norwegian national team.
«Y/N? You look like someone forced you to do algebra all night!" Mapi exclaimed causing Ingrid to shot her a look. "Uhm, yea. There was thunder so i couldnt sleep" you shrugged while munching on the bright red strawberries you had collected from the buffet. The juiciness was refreshing for your dehydrated body. "Ai, How did Alexia sleep through that!” Mapi said as she popped a piece of bread into her mouth. “Where exactly is Alexia? Didn’t she come down with you?” Irene stated. The whole lot of girls looked at you as they quieted down. It felt like someone had put a spotlight on your head and you felt your cheeks burn. Everyone knew you and Alexia were two peas in a pod, so everyone also knew that something was wrong. You decided to tell the truth and play it off cool. “She wanted to have her own room, I’m sharing with Pina” you explained as you looked to the wall next to the girls so you could avoid eye contact. The group went dead quiet. The whole room felt like it was closing in on you. The air felt hot. The ringing in your ears were gradually taking a turn for the worse. You could feel the tears pressing.
“I’m gonna go get ready for practice” you practically commanded as you shoved your chair out and stomped up the stairs to the your room in the 11th floor. You quickly opted for the shower, ripping the clothes off your body as fast as you could. The water was turned to a cold setting and the icy water made you feel more awake than ever. It sharpened your body and your mind to the point where you had forgotten about Alexia. Eventually, you got out and pulled on your shorts, t-shirt and your wind jacket. Claudia was laying on her bed watching TikTok as you came out of the bathroom. “That took forever!” Claudia sighted as she looked up at you. “Yea, I forgot the time” you muttered back as you slipped on your trainers. “Ready for practice?”
The practice hadn’t really been on your side. You had taken a tumble mid sprint and busted your head open. The medics had forced you to get a huge bandaid in the middle of your forehead. It looked awful, and gruelling. Later that same practice, you had managed to step on the ball during a drill and once again face planted into the grass. The last little slip up was when you got split into two team and Alexia had knocked your right out on your back causing you to black out for a hot second. This really wasnt your lucky day. You got into the wardrobe after practice and stayed behind to shower alone. The girls could get quite loud so you sometimes liked to stay behind. The hotel was in a walking distance to the arena, so it wouldn’t be an issue. After you came out of the shower, you bumped into Alexia.
“Oh, sorry” you said as you kept your head down low as you passed her. “What’s up with you today?” She asked with an attitude as she turned around to look at you. You stood towards the locker as you shrugged. “Nothing”. Alexia sighted as she crossed her arms. “I can tell that there is something going on. I know you Y/N better than anyone on the team.” Alexia said as you tried to get your clothes on as you felt your blood boil. You ignored her chucking your cleats into your bag with your dirty clothes. “Y/N, I know you can hear me! What’s going on with you today?” Alexia’s voice seemed to be a mix of annoyance and worry. You could hear her footsteps coming closer to you. It flipped for you when she touched your shoulder.
“Y/N. Come on, talk to me. You are my bestfriend. I love you and I won’t judge you.” she tried again. The emotions you were bearing felt like a kettle about to boil over. Like the moment when your acl snaps and the whole world goes quiet. Like before you take a penalty. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Your had gripped your bag so hard that it started to hurt your hands. Your breathing was becoming more and more heavy. You turned around to face Alexia.
“Really Alexia? Are you fucking dumb? You leave me hanging landing me with Claudia without giving me a heads up! You are an ASS at practice. You stop texting me, you stop partnering up with me, you stop being my best friend. You don’t give me any reason, any explanation. You throw 20 years in the trash within a heartbeat! And you tell me that you know me? That you love me? You clearly don’t fucking know or love me at all!”
“Y/N.. I-“
“Oh my god, Alexia. You really don’t know when to stop?! I’m such an idiot for loving you! I’m such an idiot for loving you more than I love myself, more than football, more than anything! You threw me away like I was nothing. And for what? For a fucking girl, Alexia! You don’t do that, people don’t do that to someone that has supported them for 20 years!”
Alexia’s eyes had tears in them. Her confusion was fogging her brain. She was longing for your touch, but she couldn’t tell you. She couldn’t tell you how Olga had picked a fight with her about you. How jealous Olga was. How she felt like she had to protect you from her own girlfriend. You couldn’t tell her how you were craving her touch. How you loved her first. How you had fallen in love with her before Olga was there. How you had liked her since you were teens. Maybe that was your way out of this situation, of this mess that had been made by you, Alexia and Olga.
“God Alexia, I love you. I love you so fucking much it hurts. I have loved you for decades. I loved you before Olga did. I was in love with you, Alexia. For years! So please, leave me the fuck alone.”
You bolted towards the door of the wardrobe leaving Alexia stunned. You felt embarrassed, but you were hurt. As you stormed out of the room, you smacked the door shut while you paced out as fast as your legs could. You needed to get away from Alexia. And you didn’t care what you had to sacrifice for that to happen.
Things between Olga and Alexia weren’t how you had assumed they were. It wasn’t really “Olga and Alexia” anymore. But Alexia hadn’t told you yet. How they had broken up the day you left for the away game. She wanted to tell you in person, somewhere private. Where nobody could hear her other than you. Where she could pour out her real feelings to you. She wanted to tell you that nobody was worth risking your friendship. That you were her bestfriend. That no girl was ever gonna get to ruin your friendship. That you were her ride or die. But she couldn’t tell you, because you were long gone. Alexia didn’t know what to do or how to make things right; but she knew that she needed to make amends.
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repulsiveliquidation · 5 months
I’m not crying you are 😭😭
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467 notes · View notes
totaly-obsessed · 5 months
On the Road
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Barcelona Femení x reader request
-> Chaos on the Bus with Claudia, Patri and Ona - trying to keep you distracted.
-> A little closer look from pt. 1 - Changes
-> Word Count: 610
➳ Masterlist
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“Esmee! Have you seen my bag? I swear I put it next to you.”
The Dutch woman looked at you, eyes wide in panic - poor girl was even more scared than you to make the starting eleven for the first time. 
“Nej. I don’t know where it went.”
But then you could already hear two particular people giggling behind you, before a hand hastily pulled you back to the seat just on the other side of the aisle, letting you still sit next to your quite new friend. 
“Pina wanted to sit next to you, Cari!”
Just as you had suspected. The culprit had been Patri, her hands still on your shoulders as she squeezed them teasingly. Her neighboring seat was still empty, usually occupied by the short forward beside you. 
But it didn’t stay that way for too long, as an unsuspecting Ona was promptly pulled down next to Patri as she tried to walk past the chaotic best Friends, a short yelp leaving her as she toppled over. “Actually, I wanted to sit with -”
“Tu amor. We know.” Claudia and Patri cackled, finding themselves to be the funniest people on the bus as they turned around to see a certain British defender, sulking further back. “Ai Lucia! We’re stealing your girlfriend! You don’t mind - right?”
The Midfielder didn’t wait for an answer as she turned back around, nudging Ona back down, who had tried to escape while she wasn’t looking. “Nuh-uh. You stay, spend enough time with her as is.”
Ona’s eyes all of a sudden had a certain sparkle back in her eyes. “Awhh, is little Patri jealous that she’s all aloneeee?” The Mallorcan scoffed, clearly offended by the brunette's statement. “I’ll never be jealous of you… Dating that fossil over there.”
You could have sworn to hear an “Oi!” from further back, but it was drowned out by Pina’s and your loud laughter as Ona was speechless, mouth open in shock before she gathered herself. “At least I am in a relationship - while fans speculate if you and Pinita here are dating!”
The pure disgust on their faces made you laugh even harder while both of them grumbled something under their breath, while Ona looked very pleased with herself. She was glad to help you with your nerves, knowing that Mapi wasn’t here and that it threw you off.
Esmee had now been kidnapped as well, sitting next to Salma a few rows in front of the chaotic four. Ingrid sat alone in front of her, a reminder that Mapi was not there, while she tried to keep an eye on you and the young dutchie.
“Cari, do you have your boots?” Apparently dating a fossil made Ona worry more than she usually did. 
“Yes Oni, I have my boots. And a change of clothes. And socks. And my wash-bag.” The brunette gave Ingrid a quick thumbs up, who had been the sole reason she wanted to know. You had already given the Norwegian your bag to look through once you arrived at the training facility, and she had asked again when you entered the bus.
Upon receiving her answer Ingrid turned back around, ready to read on her way to the stadium. Usually, you would sit with her and Mapi, but with her girlfriend being out of order, and you being nervous, she couldn’t help herself but worry. 
Seeing Patri, Ona, and Pina making you laugh, keeping your mind busy was all she needed to see for calm travels - but not before snapping a cute picture of all four of you laughing, sending it to her favorite defender, with the caption “She’ll be just fine.”
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bellawoso · 5 months
love story
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
description: aitana falling for you despite you being quite nerdy when it comes to shakespeare and art. aitana is helplessly failing english lit, in order for you to tutor her she requests for you to come to her matches each weekend, you end up falling for her too.
(kinda unrealistic as i highly doubt aita would take english lit 😭) + ALSO DIEGO MAKES A RETURN!!!
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at first the move to barcelona had been scary for you, the new language and culture were unknown territory for you, and you couldnt help but feel lonely with not many people to talk to you in english.
until at a party, you overestimated how much drink you could handle and ended up on the brink of passing out, only to be saved by a random spanish boy you had seen around campus and spoke english.
a new friendship stemmed that night, you and diego were inseparable, even though you owed him one two many times after he saved you from people cursing you out in spanish after you accidentally pissed them off.
that was exactly what had happened now.
you and diego also work at the same art museum, although he often complains about the boredom he experiences there, much to your annoyance. he still continued to work there, the pay is good and you are in your happy zone, excited to spend all of your free time surrounded by one of your favourite subjects.
except for times when you managed to irritate random spanish people. in your defence, the piece of work wasnt that good, and the artist wasnt well known, how were you to know that you were speaking to the artist claiming that there were better pieces that deserved a place in the museum.
the man had gone into a fast paced spanish rant, although you knew some spanish after some time of living in barcelona, you were no where near fluent enough to understand the heavily accented, rapid spanish that fell from his mouth.
diego was very quick to intervene and call security on the man who was now jabbing a finger in your direction, the only word you understood was “puta” after hearing the insult many times from diego to people that annoyed him.
seeing him escorted out, you were quick to flee to your favourite part of the museum, at the east wing of the top floor was a small library filled with copies of old literature, with historic renaissance paintings hanging on the walls.
not many people went in there, it was very well hidden from the public eye, and was out of the way of popular artist exhibitions. however, nothing was too hard to find for a certain brunette midfielder, who was bored out of her mind.
today was aitanas day off, when ona gathered her, jana, bruna, pina and patri for a “fun day out” a museum was the last thing she was expecting.
ona was actually enjoying looking around the museum, pina and patri were talking to a group of girls they found “hot”, jana and bruna were raiding the gift shop.
this left aitana bored out of her mind, so she went exploring and ended up on a corridoor that stretched to what looked like a library.
despite english literature being aitanas minor degree, she was actually not that fond of it, much to her parents dismay who had to hear constantly from aitana how she was failing it.
when she walked in, she physically jumped when she saw a girl sat on one of the seats reading some shakespeare play.
if there was one thing aitana despised the most, it was shakespeare, the prospect of learning the plays and writing about them made her want to gauge her eyes out.
she was ready to turn around and beg ona for them to go home, until a soft voice pulled aitana right back to the library.
“hello! can i help you?” upon hearing this, aitana quickly turned back around to match a face to the voice, and was met with you now looking up so she could see your face.
aitana didnt notice that she had zoned out while admiring you, normally she didnt feel this way for anyone. each time pina and patri tried to set her up on a date she was always quick to reject, as in her opinion she had to focus on football. however at this moment, she seemed happy enough to break the no relationships rule for you.
“sorry can i help you?” hearing you once again managed to break aitana from her daze, as she quickly tried to think of a topic that she could strike up a conversation with.
“uhhhh- you like shakespeare?” aitana asked, whilst internally cursing how her voice wobbled as she spoke to you.
“yeah i do! are you a fan of his works? what is your favourite play?”
honestly, aitana had no idea why she chose shakespeare, in fact, she despised the guy who she had to memorise a ton of plays for. however, seeing your entire face light up at the sound of his name could persuade her to talk about him all day.
what aitana hadnt vouched for was you quizzing her on him, i mean, she was failing english lit for gods sake. but if she could just act like she was an expert for long enough for you to be impressed enough to accept her request of a date with you, then it would give her enough time for some quick shakespeare revision before your date.
“i love shakespeare” aitana stated, the link tint of her cheeks only darkening as you smiled upon hearing this, “ i would say that romeo and juliet is my favourite!”
“a classic tradgedy, huh? you like romantic plays?” you asked with a smirk, and aitana tried to rack her brain to figure whether you were flirting with her or not, and made a mental note to somehow improve for the next time she spoke to you.
“yeah, im a massive tragedy fan! another tragedy i love is-“ silence filled the library as aitana desperately tried to think of another tragedy, and felt like hitting herself for not paying more attention in her lectures.
“uhhh- a midsummers night dream?” aitana cringed at how it came out as a question, and blushed fiercely when she heard you giggle.
“although some prospects of the play could be considered a tragedy, a midsummers night dream was actually intended to be a comedy!”, you stated, rambling off about some tragic elements of the play, and aitana never knew that shakespeare could be such a turn on, but maybe it was just the fact that a pretty girl was talking about it, not her old male professor.
after inviting aitana to come sit down with you, and diving into a conversation of plays, both of you hardly noticed how an hour had already passed, although the conversation had mainly been one sided, with you rambling about your favourite plays, aitana enjoyed your company.
that was until ona called aitana asking where she was as they were going, aitana was sad to leave, and noticed you frown a bit as she told you she had to go.
“thankyou for tolerating my rambling about shakespeare, i know you dont actually love it that much.” you said while smiling at the spaniard in front of you.
“huh- what do you mean? i love the guy” aitana argued.
“its fine honestly- i saw your confusion when i was talking about his plays” you laughed.
“okay fine, i might be failing english literature but i definitely learnt some new things while talking to you, so thankyou”
“any time” you responded just as diego ran into the library talking in rapid spanish which you know he only does when hes in a rush, you understood a part when he said “ended 10 minutes ago” which you could only guess he was talking about your shifts. you smiled apologetically at aitana and said goodbye before leaving with diego.
when aitana met up with everyone at the exit, she was bombarded with questions of where she was to which she responded “in the library”
pina was shocked at this answer “the library? you hate books! your failing english for gods sake! what were you doing there?”
“well- there was this girl-”
“a girl! there you have it! little aitana here has a crush! she must really love her if she spent an hour in a library with her!”
“shut up patri!” aitana scowled “ we were talking about shakespeare!”
“shakespeare?! do you feel ill tana, can you go to training tomorrow? ona i think she is ill” patri teased.
aitana only stormed off after shooting one last glare at the group before returning to the car.
the teasing didnt stop there though, as soon as the others got to the car, she was met with relentless bullying the whole way back to campus about how “whipped” she is.
but also she realised something on her was back, she had forgotten to ask for your name and she has also never given you her name, which put her in a grumpy mood for the rest of the night before deciding it was fate, and a sign that she should be focusing on football.
aitana however, was actually wrong that you didnt know who she was. it was part of the reason you knew she didnt actually like shakespeare. diego was a big fan of football and followed the schools girls football team who were quite popular amongst the school.
he dragged you to many of their matches whenever you had the time, and therefore you had seen the brunette midfielder quite a lot.
you werent surprised when diego dragged you to yet another one of their matches a few weeks later, you were both sat down when diego announced he was going to get a coffee, and with promises to get you a tea and some chocolate, he left.
while he was gone, both university teams started doing warmups, and you couldnt keep your eyes away from a certain brunette midfielder, who honestly looked too good today.
“careful, your drooling amiga! i didnt know footballers were your type”
“jesus diego! and theyre not, i was simply looking at number 14, i was talking to her a few weeks ago in the museum.”
“you were speaking to aitana! and you didnt think to call me?!”
the truth was, members of the football team were very popular, they were nice and would greet you if you said hello, but their main friends were in the football team, so you didnt really see them hanging around with other people. lots of students had slight crushes on certain members, much like yours on aitana.
you werent listening to diegos lecture though, as your eyes drifted to aitana again, the extra gym sessions she had been doing really paid off, and when she lifted up her training top to wipe the layer of sweat from her face, you wouldnt be surprised if you fainted there and then.
what you werent expecting were for her eyes to scan the crowd and land on you, seeing her point and wave at you with a smirk on her face made you glad you were sat, you knew if you were stood up your knees would have buckled under you immediately.
seeing you blush and send aitana a wave back was all of the confirmation diego needed to know that aitana just waved at you.
“did she just wave at you? y/n have you pulled aitana? how?! did you recite some shakespeare love quote or something?! do you like her? oh my god- you do! your blushing!” diego was spiralling, aitana was known for not dating or flirting, unlike many of her teammates who were known for flirting and dating a lot. so seeing her waving at you made diego unfocused for the entirety of the match, as he thought of how he was going to get you two together.
however, he didnt exactly need to, as you and him were seated quite close to the pitch, when the match ended both of you saw aitana call you over with a wave of her hand.
you werent sure how it was possible for her to look this good after a match, but as you approached the railing she was leant against you suddenly became very self aware of the blush that coated your cheeks.
“hey, your from the museum, right? i never actually got the chance to ask for your name.” aitana said, her eyes roaming appreciatively over your body.
“yeah, im y/n, you must be aitana, you played very well today, you have been revising some shakespeare?” you laughed as you saw the teasing frown that appeared on aitanas face, “shakespeare in my opinion writes very boring things!” aitana argued.
you put a hand over your heart and gasped in mock offence, “aitana youre hurting my heart, talking about the greatest play writer of all time!”
but before aitana could respond, pina and patri bounded over to her and slung an arm round her neck, they recognised you from the museum, and in their minds came to aitanas rescue to help her ask you out.
“hello! your y/n right? i think you were at janas dorm once doing art, correct me if i am mistaken” patri said, “yes i have been, its nice to meet you!” you replied as diego handed you yet another cup of tea.
“i hear you are very good at english literature? you know, aitana is in desperate need of a tutor!” pina stated while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, making aitana smack her on her arm.
“ignore her! her mum dropped her on her head as a baby!” aitana joked making you laugh and reply “its fine! i dont mind tutoring you if you need it aita?”
upon hearing her nickname fall from your lips aitana couldnt help but smile bashfully and blush like a little girl with her first crush, much to her teammates amusement.
“uh- yes! yes- definately, i would love that, can i have your number? to schedule a time that is! or not- if you dont want to, or if you changed your mind! no pressure y/n- “
you smiled at aitanas almost incoherrent rambling, “aita, i want to tutor you, honestly. can i get your phone to put my number in?”
aitana quickly pushed her phone in to your hands before you could change your mind, and as soon as you typed in your number, sprinted off with a quick goodbye.
you and aitana scheduled your tutor sessions every tuesday and thursday, the days aitana didnt have training or matches. however, the study sessions werent going as planned, as aitana could not concentrate at all. you werent sure why, and obviously aitana would never dare admit that she was daydreaming about you, with you right in front of her.
you felt hopeless, you loved aitana, you really did, she spoke to you as well when she saw you around school, except that was it, you longed for so much more with the brunette, unknown to you that aitana felt the same way.
after a month of tutoring, aitana could still not pass an english literature test, she knew that you would confront her about it soon, you had dedicated a lot of time tutoring her after all.
“aitana i dont get it! i mean- you say you need a tutor but then you dont concentrate at all, you failed another test! do i bore you during these, what can i do for you to listen?” you said exasperatedly, aitana knew you had every right to be mad at her, to anyone else it looked like she wasnt trying at all.
“no of course your not boring me y/n, you would never!”
“tana, should i change the length of these sessions, are they too long, and making you tired? i understand if its too much?”
“no, no they are fine, i have one idea in mind though”, this was it, aitana planned on asking you something she had been mustering up the courage for a while to do ever since you had stopped accompanying diego to the matches, caught up in studying.
“uh- you could come to my matches each sunday? maybe in my jersey.” aitana asked sheepishly. you however, choked on your water as soon as you heard her request, i mean, was that not a couple thing to do?
“uh- sure aita, if that would make you concentrate on english literature more!” you paused as you quickly thought of an excuse to get out of the library to recollect your thoughts, “can we please cut this session a little short, i promised diego i would go for a coffee with him!”
“oh okay, bye y/n see you on sunday!”
after saying goodbye to aitana, you rushed to diegos room, telling him about aitanas request, although his reaction didnt match your panicked state, as he immediately started laughing.
“finallyyy amiga! i was wondering when one of you would make the first move!”
“diego your not helping! what do i do?!”
“you should probablyy… go to the match and wear the jersey?” diego said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, whilst rolling his eyes.
“everyone will see, its a thing couples do, everyone will think that we are together” you said, “you say it like its a bad thing y/n, if i were you, i wouldnt be mad if people thought i was with aitana bonmati” diego argued.
“whatever” you huffed also rolling your eyes at him “you will come to the match with me though, aitana texted me saying she got front row seats for us”
“obviously im going y/n, i guess now your girlfriend has got us good seats i owe the favour of being your drink refiller?”
“you were going to refill my drinks anyway, and shes not my girlfriend diego!”
“whatever you say”
it was match day, as promised you were wearing one of aitanas jersey which the midfielder had dropped off for you earlier this morning. you had already gotten quite a few dirty looks from people who you could only assume were aitanas “fangirls”. the dirty looks only got worse when during warm ups aitana came over to you, and leant over the railing, holding your jaw to move your head to the side so she could whisper something in your ear.
diego, who had gone to get you a tea when this interaction took place, only saw the two of you from far away, and from a distance, it honestly looked like aitana was kissing your neck.
“woah amiga what was that? you never told me you two had sorted your feelings out, was she kissing you?” diego exclaimed as soon as aitana was called back over to get ready for kickoff.
“what? we werent kissing! she was just telling me something!”
“sure y/n, sure”
the game had started, and a brunette midfielder on the pitch couldnt seem to keep their eyes off you. however, it wasnt aitana. a girl off of the rival team seemed to be flirting with you from on the pitch, as diego said.
it wasnt only the two of you that had noticed too, it was hard for aitana to not notice, especially when the girl scored and pointed at you in the stands.
this only fuelled aitana more to win, but jealousy once again overcame her when she saw the girl blow a kiss to you, so when the girl next had the ball, aitana quickly slid into her, completely taking her out and earning herself a yellow card in the process.
the short lecture that aitanas captain was giving her went in one ear and out of the other, as aitanas eyes had already drifted to you, both of you locked eye contact and you couldnt help but laugh and shake your head at the midfielder, who smiled at seeing your laughter.
in aitanas opinion, if she couldnt injure the girl anymore, she might as well embarrass her on the pitch. the rest of the match was filled with aitana nutmegging, and skilling the poor girl who flirted with you. the spaniard relished in the feeling of dribbling straight past the girl, and ended up scoring two goals, and after each one she pointed at you.
at the end of the match, she ran straight over to you, who was already stood up and leant against the railing.
“y/n i just wanted to thank you again for coming, you dont have to do this again next week, i know that football does bore you a bit.”
“no tana, i enjoyed it really, you played so well and im so proud of you!”
“you will come again next week?”
“of course i will, now you should go celebrate the win with the team.” you said, realising that most of the team were soaking up the glory of winning, and aitana was missing it, “also, would you want to go get a coffee with me next week, theres a new cafe that opened up near campus?”
“i would love to aita, message me the details?”
“i will tonight! bye y/n, and bye diego!” however a poke in your side from diego reminded you of exactly what he wanted you to do, and you knew you would be bullied relentlessly by him all night if you didnt, so you grabbed aitanas arm before she could run to her teammates, and pressed your lips to hers.
as you looped your arms round the midfielders neck, you felt her smile into the kiss, before pressing her tongue to your lips, eliciting a soft gasp from you which aitana silenced with her lips, you pulled away from the kiss when you began to feel lightheaded, and you werent sure if it was due to the lack of oxygen or that you were just kissing aitana.
“bye aitana” you said with a wave before pressing your lips on her cheek, as a more pg way of saying goodbye.
aitana ended up passing english literature.
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
Hi writer, prompt number 16 with Barcelona femeni(maybe platonic)
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I'll Try to Behave
fcb femení x teen!reader
warnings: alcohol
The team bus was loud before you even got on it, but as soon as you made your way up the stairs the whole coach cheered. It was a couple hours after Barcelona had won the Supercopa in which you scored three goals.
"I knew I brought you here for a reason" Lucy yelled over the music Patri and Pina were playing on a speaker.
"You didn't do anything, it was mostly Keira and Ona. If anything you were on my con list."
"I'm taking personal offence to that," Lucy said as she slid into the seat next to Ona towards the middle of the bus. Ona was a good friend of yours having played with her during her two years at Man United. You were also close with Lucy and Keira from being on the Lionesses together.
As Lucy and Ona got lost in their own little world of staring into each other's eyes lovingly, you fake gagged at them and continued to the back of the bus where your closest friends Patri, Pina, Mapi, and Cata were all yelling some song in Spanish that you couldn't understand a word of. Alexia and Ingrid were also sat in the back although based on their frowns, you had a feeling they thought the music was a little bit loud.
You dramatically flopped yourself on Alexia's lap who was sat directly in front of Pina and Patri's seat. "Yo Pina play that one I like next please and Patri can you please pass me one of those beers."
"No, absolutely not. Have you lost your mind." Alexia exclaimed while she was trying to push you off of her onto the seat next to her.
"Ale I'm seventeen, I've drank a beer before. Mapi even gave me two at the last team bonding night after you feel asleep like a grandma during The Lion King."
"You were not supposed to tell her that y/n." Mapi angrily whispered at you from across the aisle. "Great now she is going to murder me and never let me within ten feet of you"
"I swear to god Mapi. Why are you corrupting the baby. And you," Alexia said as she turned to you, "no drinking or dating or anything of the sort until you are thirty."
"You do know me and Pina had a beer chugging contest in the locker room before we got on the bus right."
"Claudia Pina." You had never seen anyone glare with as much exasperation at someone until now. Claudia coward under Ale's gaze and pretended to be staring out the window until Alexia was called up to the front of the bus by Jana asking her a question.
Patri decided to break the tension by shouting "truth or dare anyone," down the aisle of the bus to which you immediately agreed.
"Truth or dare, y/n," Patri asked you. You decided to go with truth for the first one knowing if you chose dare already, Patri would mostly likely give you one that would end with Alexia dragging you to the front of the bus and not letting you have anymore fun.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone on this team." Patri really wanted to know the answer because you rarely talked about crushes or your love life.
You smirked at her. "Yes. Truth or dare Mapi"
"Wait hold on who is it" Patri asked as Pina asks "Do you still have a crush on them."
"That was not part of the question. Truth or dare Mapi." Mapi decided to go with a dare much to the displeasure of her girlfriend sitting next to her.
"I dare you to call your mom and tell her your pregnant"
"You know she is never going to believe me seeing as I'm with Ingrid and all," Mapi replied, but still pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number not one to back down from a dare.
As Mapi made the call, the rest of the team listening were trying their hardest to contain their fits of laughter, the alcohol already consumed not helping. You couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, watching as Mapi put on her best dramatic performance, her eyes widening in feigned panic as she spoke into the phone.
"Mom, I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant," Mapi announced dramatically, her voice laced with faux distress.
The reaction on the other end of the line was immediate and intense, Mapi's mother launching into a tirade of disbelief and concern that had the entire bus doubled over in laughter. Even Ingrid couldn't contain her amusement, shaking her head in mock disapproval as Mapi continued to play her part until eventually Mapi's mom heard all the laughing and figured out Mapi was pranking her. After she hung up she asked, "Claudia, truth or dare."
"What’s your biggest turn-on?" Mapi asked.
"Um probably eye contact," Claudia replied as she blushed a little. "Ok Cata, truth or dare."
Just as Cata was about to reply dare. Alexia called out to the bus that they had arrived back at the parking lot.
As you stepped off the bus, the night air enveloped you. The laughter and banter of your teammates echoed around you, their voices a comforting melody amidst the bustling streets of Barcelona.
Patri and Pina led the way to Patri's car, the promise of continuing the celebration at a club with friends sparking excitement in the air. You were about to join them, already planning how many shots you'd take, when suddenly, Alexia's firm grip halted you in your tracks.
"Absolutely not, hermanita," Alexia declared, her gaze unwavering. "I already asked Olga to set up the spare room for you. We can watch a movie before you go to bed if you're good on the car ride home."
You pouted playfully, but deep down, you were grateful for Alexia's protective instinct. With a resigned sigh, you agreed, knowing that Alexia always had your best interests at heart.
"Fine," you relented, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "As long as I get to pick the movie."
And so, the night continued, filled with laughter, music, and the warmth of friendship that surrounded you like a comforting embrace. As you fell asleep that night, nestled between Alexia and Olga, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the football family you had found at Barcelona, knowing that no matter what the future held, you would always have each other's backs.
Let me know if you guys have any tips or comments to improve my writing. Also my requests are open so feel to request anything and I will get it done asap. Thank you!!
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
First Time Crush
Hi. This is from a request that I received a little bit ago - sorry it took a while to get to. I know you asked for a teen!R but I don't feel too comfortable writing for 15/16 yr old teen (especially if it has a romantic component to the story), so just imagine R is 18/19 (adult but still teenager iykwim). I also have tried to be as vague as possible with the description of R's crush so you can tailor it/imagine whoever you want. If your name is Ellie I apologise but I wanted OC to be English and it is literally one of the most common names here. Anyways I hope you like it
Barcelona Femeni x Reader; OC x Reader
Description: R has her first crush
Word Count: 2.1k
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3
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It was something that had never really bothered you before. No guys or girls had ever caught your eye in that way. But there she was, with high cheekbones and pouty lips, laughing with a few other girls. She looked about your age, and even more importantly, she wore your England jersey. You hadn't been staring at her – that would be weird – but if your gaze just happened to linger on that part of the stands, you couldn't help it, right?
"Oi, earth to Y/N! Get on with it," Lucy nudged you forward, pulling your attention away from the crowd. "What are you looking at, anyway?" she asked, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You cleared your throat and shook your head, trying to banish the pretty girl from your mind. "Nothing, nothing. Just … nothing," you tried to hide your blushing cheeks. Lucy thought she might have an idea about what – or who – had captured your interest so intently, but she let it be. You did have a game to play, after all.
It happened again the next home game you had. She was sitting with your England jersey on, and her hair was twisted into an effortless, messy pile on her head. She caught you staring – not staring per se, just … looking for a bit too long – and she smiled, a shy smirk that stretched into a wide grin, and your eyes widened. Yet, you were unable to look away. You had just won a tough match; it was a 3 – 0 win, with your name on the score sheet, but still – they had put up a fight for you. "Let's go and say hi, shall we?" Pina said, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards where the girl was waiting. "No, Clau, no." You tried to resist, eventually, you managed to break free of her grasp and turned right into Bruna's open arms. "Aw, thanks for the hug, chica. But let's go and see who you've been staring at, yeh," she laughed as you tried to wiggle against her, but it was useless – her arms tightened and guided you towards the stands.
"Hola," Pina said to the group of girls waiting for you. "Soy Claudia," smiled politely at them. "y yo soy Bruna," there was an awkward pause, clearly meant for you to introduce yourself to them. You couldn't move, let alone introduce yourself to this beautiful stranger. "Esta es Y/N." Claudia took pity on you and spoke slowly like you would when encouraging a small child to speak. "Um, hold on, En-encantada de con-conocerte?" One of the girls tried to reply in Spanish. "Do you want us to speak in English?" Pina asked. "Please," she replied gratefully. It was subtle, but they eventually moved a little further away, leaving you standing helplessly on the pitch with the Beautiful Girl in front of you. "Hi, I'm Ellie," She reached her hand out for you to take. You blinked, looking down at her outstretched hand before back to those warm, soft eyes. "H-hi," you managed to squeak out. Clearly, you weren't going to shake her hand, so she awkwardly let it fall. "Great game out there. You played really well," she smiled at you. Your heart spluttered, and your breath hitched. You were going to die because a pretty girl smiled at you. You looked down at your boots, a very obvious blush blooming across your cheeks. The very awkward, one-sided conversation lasted only a few more painful minutes before your coaches called you inside. "It was really nice meeting you, Y/N. Hopefully, I'll see you at the next home game, yeh?" Ellie said before moving off to her friends.
"Oof, that was painful to watch, amiga," Bruna laughed, shoving you lightly and breaking you out of your trance. "Sí, I've never seen anything so … awful," Pina added, dragging you towards the tunnel. Just as you slipped out of sight, you looked back, hoping to catch a final glimpse of Ellie. To your surprise, she was already staring at you. She lifted her hand and waved gently as she caught your eyes before turning back to walk up the steps. "I don't even know what happened. It was like I couldn't breathe, or move, or … do anything!" You looked between the 2 of them. "You, mi amiga, have a crush," Claudia explained at precisely the wrong time. Alexia, Marta, Lucy, Ingrid, Mapi and Patri had just emerged from the physio rooms.
"Estás enamorada?" Mapi asked, slightly too gleefully. Ingrid – recognising the signs of Mapi's excitement – tapped her not-too-gently on the head. "Aye," Mapi exclaimed as she ducked out of the way of any more 'loving taps'. "Pequeña, estás enamorada?" she asked again, an unrecognisable emotion in her voice. "I … I don't know." You were genuinely perplexed. You had never felt like this before "What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Patri asked exasperatedly. "I don't know," you said again with slightly more anger in your voice. "Well, do you like her or not?" Patri put her hands on her hips and stood in front of you as you sat in your cubby. "I – I don't know. I don't know what I feel." Patri huffed, her arms flinging out in exacerbation. You didn't know what you had done wrong. "Well, cariño, what do you feel when you see her? I'm assuming it's a her." Ingrid asked gently, coming to sit beside you on the bench. "I … I don't know that either," you whispered, ashamed that you didn't understand your own emotions. You were an adult—why couldn't you recognise simple feelings? "That's ok," Alexia said kindly, coming to sit on your other side. "When I first started seeing Olga, I couldn't stop blushing and smiling whenever I thought about her," she paused, allowing you to think about Ellie – you didn't smile, but you definitely felt your cheeks heat up. "And I could hardly function around Ingrid," Mapi said, coming to stand next to Ingrid and caressing her hand across her shoulder. “It's like I didn't know how to be human when she was around me." Ingrid looked up at her, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Not me," Lucy chimed in. "I was cool as a cucumber," that eased the emotion in the room slightly, making everyone laugh. "No, you weren't," Keira and Ona said simultaneously, giving each other a knowing look. "It's ok to not know how you feel," Frido smiled at you from across the room. "About someone or anything else. Not knowing is also an emotion." She winked at you. You nodded sombrely.
Ellie had been dancing through your mind for the past 2 weeks. It was finally another home game, and you were quietly hopeful that you might be able to see her. You couldn't stop thinking about her smile, her warm eyes, her caramel voice. As soon as you stepped onto the pitch, your eyes scanned the crowd, trying to catch sight of the familiar England jersey. Your heart sank a little when you couldn't find her. "Trying to find chica amante, amiga?" Jana asked, smirking at your embarrassed blush—but you didn't stop looking. You really hoped Ellie was here; you wanted to get your name on the score sheet again to impress her. "Cállate," You brushed her off, jogging away to join the older girls for warm-ups.
You still hadn't found Ellie before kick-off, and it was starting to dampen your mood a little. You were no longer quietly radiating excitement, and everyone could tell. "Está bien, penqueña, just because you can't find her doesn't mean she's not here." Irene rubbed your arms as you waited in the tunnel. "Does – does everyone on the team know?" You asked a little dejectedly. "Sí, cariño, todos en el equipo lo saben. Even Jona and the coaching staff." That really didn't help your mood. All of your closest friends knew about your crush; even your boss knew. You wished the ground would swallow you whole.
To say you played poorly would be mean. But you didn't play to your usual standard. You made silly mistakes you never usually made, giving the ball away when your usual passes were precise and accurate. You were unsurprised when your number flashed on the screen, indicating you were being subbed off. You sat down with a huff, Esmee's hand coming to hold yours tightly in hopes of comforting you. Today was most definitely not your day.
When the final whistle went, you tried to bolt straight to the changing rooms, but an immovable Alexia stood in your way. "Ale, por favor. I just want to go have a shower and go to bed. Please." You really were not in the mood to interact with anyone, let alone fans or be anywhere near a camera. "No, penqueña. Vamos a dar una vuelta al estadio, sí?" Her tone left no room for argument. You begrudgingly agreed and let her drag you around, fake smiling and signing things for fans, but it was obvious you didn't really want to be there.
"Vamos, pequeña. Hay alguien que creo que quizás quieras ver." Alexia said as she came to a stop near Ellie's usually stand. "Ale, please. I don't want to-" You started to turn around. "That's a shame" That sweet, silky, soft voice you had memorised cut through your pleas. You spun back around, quickly spotting Ellie, not wearing your England jersey. You felt a slight pang of hurt. That was stupid. It's just a shirt. She doesn't have to wear it. "Do you like my shirt?" Ellie asked, a playful smile teasing her lips. The Barca home jersey was slightly oversized and styled immaculately, tucked into her bra to crop it slightly, exposing a sliver of skin on her torso. You nodded profusely, but no answer was leaving your lips. "De quién es el número que obtuviste?" Alexia stepped in, obviously taking pity on you. "Um … número? Oh, um, number 3." You wore number 3. You blinked and blushed intensely. Alexia nudged you slightly. She sighed and left you alone with Ellie. "You played well," She started. You scoffed. "No, I didn't," You fiddled with your fingers, avoiding her gaze. "Yes, you did. You got an assist. I saw it." She smirked, twisting a loose piece of hair around her fingers and tilting her head. "I let the ball go so many times. I couldn't concentrate." You whispered, wishing the conversation was about anything else. "But you got it back every time, right? It was very impressive," she chuckled quietly at your awkwardness. "Gra-graci, uh, thanks," you stumbled over your words. "You don't do this very often, do you?' Ellie took sympathy on you. You clearly were out of your depth. "Do what?" You finally made eye contact with her. Your breath hitched, and you couldn't decide whether you never wanted to stop looking at them or turn away. "Flirt," she said as if it were obvious. “I've been flirting with you for weeks now," she explained. She was flirting with you? You blinked owlishly at her. "Here," she took the pen out of your hand, reaching for your arm and scrawling on it. It tickled a little, but you couldn't deny you liked having her this close to you … and holding your hand. You studied her as she wrote; her tongue stuck out slightly, and her eyes narrowed as she focused. "That is my number. You better use it. Otherwise, I will be very sad." She grinned cheekily at you. You nodded, cheeks crimson and unable to move. "Good," she said softly. "Now, you better go," she gently squeezed your chin. "Alexia and Ingrid look like they're waiting for you," she nodded behind you. You wanted to turn but couldn't. Not when she was so close to you. She wiggled her eyebrows, pointed at her number on your arm and shouted, "Use it," as she sauntered away.
"El bebe tiene novia," Alexia sang out as you joined them, her hands coming to ruffle your hair and pinch your bright red cheeks. "Ingrid," you whined, burying your face against her arm. "Make her stop." She laughed brightly. "Kjæreste, this is nothing compared to what is waiting for you with the others," Ingrid laughed as you pushed yourself further into her chest, dreading what awaited you in the changing rooms. But the more you thought about it, the less bothered you were.
Because you got the beautiful stranger's number.
I hope you liked it <3<3<3
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
familia II Irene Paredes/Barça Femeni x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1991
a/n: based off this lovely request here. Thank you for sending us so many great requests !
You loved training camps with the FC Barcelona. They were always loads of fun. The players seemed happy and the weather was great. But this time, you were also painfully reminded how exhausting camp life could be. As the team doctor, you had to be there for their medical needs at all times and the past few days, the players had kept you quite busy. So busy, in fact, that you barely had time for your girlfriend.
In a quiet moment during your lunch break, your girlfriend snaked her arm around your waist and whispered into your ear: “Let’s do something tonight. Only us two.“
There was something impatient in her eyes as you turned towards her. You were glad to hear that she missed your alone-time as much as you did.
“Yes, that sounds great.“, you smiled.
The two of you did not even have the time for a quick kiss as another stumbled into the treatment room.
Patri stopped right in front of you and heaved an annoyed sigh: “Hey, Doc. We need an ice pack.“
“An ice pack? Patri, tell me quickly what happened.“, you urged her sternly.
As a response, the young midfielder rolled her eyes: “Claudias finger got trapped in the door. Nothing happened but she is pouting.“
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that.“, you promised and took an ice pack out of the freezer.
“Thanks.“, Patri said while leading you and Irene to the injured player.
Claudia stood in front of the dressing room, holding her finger. Her brows were furrowed and for some reason, she reminded you of an oversized toddler.
“Claudia. I heard about the accident with your finger.“, you started and held out your hand so she would show you her finger.
While you examined her hand, she complained: “That was Patris fault.“
The older player took a deep breath in an attempt to protest but one look from Irene made her close her mouth immediately.
Her finger seemed fine but still, you could not stop yourself from hugging her: “Oh, Claudia. Do you need some ice?“
She nodded, her big blue eyes widened: “Yes.“
You handed her the ice pack: “You’re welcome.“
“I told you it wasn’t that bad.“, Patri scoffed, slightly annoyed.
“It’ll be alright.“, you promised them both before the two players disappeared into the dressing room.
Irene should have followed but instead her arms wrapped around your body once again. With a fond smile, she said: “Can’t wait for tonight.“
“Me neither.“, you replied happily but someone else quickly caught your attention.
Mapi was on the pitch and tried to do some tricks with the football. One of her knees was still in a brace after her meniscus injury.
Your heart sank for a moment, watching her rather reckless moves: “Mapi, be careful!“
“I’m fine.“, she answered nonchalantly, keeping her focus on the ball.
“Think of your knee, Maria!“, you yelled back at her.
As you had suspected, this got her attention. She stopped and grimaced at you: “Maria?!“
“So, you know I’m serious about it.”, you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
With a smirk on her face the defender tried to reassure you:” Calm down, I’m fine.”
“Please be careful with your knee, okay? It needs a bit more resting time to properly heal.”, you sighed.
She couldn’t help but to roll her eyes at your protectiveness:” Yeah, mum.”
“Don’t mum me, Maria. We’re only two years apart!”, you reminded her.
“Then stop acting like a mum.”, Mapi countered.
Quickly you corrected the football player: “I’m not, it’s my advice to you as a doctor.”
“Sure, mum.”, Mapi responded in a teasingly tone.
You groaned and demanded from her to stop it.
Grinning Irene who you haven’t noticed while having your talk with the younger player joined the conversation:” But our children would behave better.”
“Lies. They would do the same.”, the heavily tattooed Spaniard disagreed.
“I strongly believe they wouldn’t be as annoying.”, you joked as you exchanged knowingly looks with your girlfriend. You were able to communicate with each other without words which was helpful on and off the pitch.
The peaceful moment between you two was interrupted once again by a player, this time it was Mapi: “Yeah, they would.”
Afterwards she promised to be more careful with her knee. You knew how much you asked of her, as an athlete all they want to do is play with a ball at their feet. Every injury was a reminder that their time as football players was short and could end at any moment.
A bit later the rest of her teammates arrived in their training clothes. Watching Keira, you gasped out loud:” Oh my god, Keira. Have you forgot your sunscreen again?”
“Why? What do you mean?”, Keira frowned at you.
Frustratedly you pointed to the sky, the sun was still intense even in the afternoon:” It’s so sunny outside, you need to protect your skin.”
“Your nose is already getting sunburned.” Lucy stated matter-of-factly.
“You English always underestimate the sun here.”, you chuckled before handing Keira the sunscreen which has been in your bag for emergency cases like this.
The dark-haired defender who was half Portuguese protested smiling:” Hey, leave me out of this.”
“You need that sun protection too, Lucia.”, you remarked.
“Here, take it before you get in trouble.”, Keira whispered.
“Ugh fine.”, the older of the English players mumbled.
Satisfied you turned around only to be face to face to Barcelona’s captain who smirked at you:” Happy madre happy life.”
“Alexia not you too.”
“Just here to steal your girlfriend for the gym session.”, she winked at you.
“Alright, I’ll see you both at dinner. Time for me to look at the injured players.”, you announced.
With a warm smile Irene said:” Have fun.”
“You too.”, you answered. Although fun was a difficult wish to fulfil considering you had to take care of the women who were currently out of the game and they needed  extra care physically as well as mentally.
“Come on, Irene, you need to work on your muscles!“, Alexia teased as they walked side by side to the gym.
Irenes jaw dropped open: “Excuse me?!“
Alexia grinned back at her: “You heard me.“
“Go work on your knee instead.“, Irene laughed and playfully pushed her teammate in the direction of the gym doors.
Alexia rolled her eyes: “You sound like your girlfriend.“
“Someone has to tell you.“, Irene shrugged while starting with her workout plan under the supervision of one of the physios.
Her teammate followed suit: “Yeah, I know.“
The two football players worked in silence for a while until Alexia gave Irene an inquisitive look: “Were you serious about the children earlier?“
Surprised by the question, Irene paused her exercise and laughed: “About actual children? We already have you.“
“And?“, Alexia shrugged.
The defender continued to feign cluelessness: “And what?“
“Just letting you know that we’d be there for you two when you decide to have actual children.“
“Thanks. We appreciate that.“, Irene replied casually.
Alexia just smiled knowingly and focused on her workout again: “You’re welcome.“
Dinner was one of the few regular moments in camp when you and Irene had some time for each other. Her hair was still damp from the shower when she sat down next to you. She had the same satisfied expression her face that she always had after a good workout.
“Hi, how was your gym session?“, you greeted her while filling her glass with water, making sure she was adequately hydrated.
Irene gratefully took a sip before answering: “Good, really. But Ale was weird.“
“Weirder than usual?“
She softly chuckled: “Yes.“
“What did she do?“, you asked curiously.
Irene lowered her voice so the other players on your table would not hear her: “She said something about supporting us if we’d actually wanted to have children one day.“
“Wait, that doesn’t sound like Ale at all.“, you joked.
“No, it doesn’t.“
“Strange.“, you commented. Subconsciously, you looked at Alexia on the neighbouring table. A tablet was propped up in front of her while she ate. You assumed that she once again looked at video footage of games and training sessions. “Ale?“
She looked up in surprise: “Huh?“
“It’s not a match day tomorrow. Take a break, you don’t need to overwork yourself.“, you gently reminded her.
“I’m not.“, she protested, her eyes darting back to the screen.
You raised an eyebrow: “Promise?“
She gave a you a small smile: “Promise.“
“Okay.“, you sighed and turned back to your dinner.
Irenes elbow bumped against yours just as you were about to finish eating. She pointed outside the dining room window: “Y/n, want to go to the beach now? The sun is about to set.“
You carefully put your fork down and again glanced over to Alexia who was still focused on her screen: “Sure.“
“Come on, she’ll be fine.“, Irene smiled comforting at you.
After one last look at the captain, you admitted:” You’re right.”
With that said your girlfriend stood up, holding her hand out for you take it:” Let’s go.”
“Coming.”, you reassured her.
Silently you walked to the beach, enjoying each other’s company after a long workday. The sand was still warm underneath your feet even though the sun was about to set. The sky was pink and purple shaded.
Irene was the first to speak again:” It’s nice here.”
“I agree, also the calmness feels nice after such an eventful day.”, you replied, admiring the scenery in front of you.
The defender smirked at you:” Quite busy with our children, right?”
“Yeah, but I’d not change a thing about it. I love them.”, you confessed smiling fondly while thinking about the players.
“Me too. Mostly.”, she responded.
Amused you lifted an eyebrow:” Mostly?”
“They can be annoying.”, Irene shrugged her shoulders.
Slowly you agreed:” Yes, sometimes.”
“But I’d not swap them for anything else.”, your girlfriend replied in an honest tone.
Thoughtfully you nodded to her remark:” Me neither, they are family.”
“They are.”
As the waves crashed to the shore your lips touched for a heartfelt kiss. Afterwards you two still leaned your foreheads together, eyes closed, enjoying the moment.
“If we ever have real children, we’re well prepared.”, Irene whispered.
Hearing her saying this out loud made you yearn for a family of your own:” Yes, they would welcome them in immediately, I’ve no doubt about that.”
“I’m sure.”, she sounded sincere.
“Are you thinking about starting to try for children?”, you cautiously asked her.
Nervously the defender licked her lips:” I mean it’s a nice thought to have children one day.” For a moment Irene paused before adding, would you want that too?”
“I do, yes.”
Your girlfriends face lit up with giddy excitement:” So we’re trying it?”
“Yeah, we’ll.” Suddenly you were interrupted by her teammates who were running towards you.
“What?”, startled Irene looked at them.
Equally confused you wanted to know from the other women:” Girls, what’s going on?”
“It’s time to celebrate.”, Patri declared grinning.
Curiously you continued: “To celebrate, what?”
“Just to celebrate.”, Alexia waved it off beaming.
Baffled Irene turned to the midfielder who she has been friends with for a very long time:” Ale, were you guys listening to us the whole time?!”
“Maybe.”, she answered with an innocent smile.”
“So, yes. God that’s so embarrassing.”, you groaned.
Empathically Marta padded your shoulders:” We especially loved the family part.”
“Agreed.”, Alexia said.
“It’s simply the truth.”, you told them, your cheeks burning red.
“Guys that was private.”, Irene huffed at her teammates.
This made Mapi roll her eyes:” Oh please, nothing stays private during training camp.”
“Maybe we hate you now.”, you teased her.
“No, you love us.”, Patri shook her head.
With a sigh you gave in:” Yeah, fine, we do.”
Because those women were more to you than just people you worked with, they were family.
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bbangsoul · 13 days
awww alexia giving pina a little forehead kiss 🥺🥺
cr. alexia.and.rolfo on tiktok
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i love our dumb little family
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mj0702 · 2 months
This one goes out to Monk... please let me know where to file it in the Sidelinelist♥️♥️
“Do I really have to go with you to Sweden?” you whined for the fifth time since dinner started
“Yes Bubs... All of us are going and...” Lucy sighed out
“Mapí isn't” you interrupted her quickly
“And you know there's absolutely ZERO chance that you'll stay here with Mapí for four days...” Ona pointed out sweetly as she got some more fried potatoes on her plate “.. and if you don't want to listen to us you'll listen to Alexia... or Keira”
“That's not fair!” you exclaimed
“Yeah well... you're underage and as your guardian I say you have to come with us... it's just four days anyway...” your sister said flatly
“It's Sweden” you pointed out upset
“Yes... beautiful country” Lucy said before stuffing some meat into her mouth
“It's DECEMBER” you exclaimed getting frustrated that Lucy apparently didn't get your point
“I'm well aware... look Bubs... we just have two games left this year... Rosengård and a home game then we have Christmas break and we'll go back to England for a few days okay” your sister said understanding your frustration but there was nothing she could do about it
“I don't want to go Sweden in December” you whined again Ona snorting quietly “... it's fucking freezing there... it's like... the north pole of Europe”
“Bubs...” Lucy groaned “... there's nothing I can do about it... you can stay in the Hotel if you want to but I won't leave you in Barcelona for four days without someone looking after you”
“Uuuuugh” you groaned loudly throwing up your arms
“Bebita... we'll make sure you stay warm okay” Ona chuckled at your dramatic demeanour
“If you make me run Batlle I make sure you flee the country within four days of being back in Spain” you grumbled standing up angrily
“We aren't done with dinner” your sister said “... sit your ass back down”
“I'm done” you yelled from the hallway stomping towards your room
“Y/n Tough...” Lucy started to yell now getting angry too until she felt Onas hand on her arm calming her down
“I'll talk to her later...” the blonde spaniard said softly “... she's at an age where's no fun to travel with your sister, her girlfriend and her sisters ex... and Alexia”
“I know...” your sister huffed “... but she can't just fuck off whenever she feels like it – I raised her better... Keira raised her better”
“She's 16 Luce...” Ona smiled “... of course she's revolting a bit... you need to keep a cool head and sit it out... she loves you but she's also a teenager”
“Sometimes it's so hard” Lucy sighed before yelling “STOP PLAYING BALL IN YOUR ROOM.... GO OUTSIDE!!!”
“I know... but we're in this together okay” the blonde grabbed her girlfriends hand “... and you have Keira as back-up... and Alexia and the whole Team.... she's very much loved and we all see how amazing you are with her – and it's okay if you need a break Luce... you have more than enough support so you can take that break whenever you need it”
“Hey Luce” you suddenly skitted around the corner interrupting the sweet moment your sister had with her girlfriend “Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy”
“Yes??” Lucy looked at you expectantly
“I found a solution” you said happily
“I'm all ears” your sister looked at you with a blank face
“Jenni” you just said smiling at her hopefully
“Jenni??” Lucy asked confused
“Hermoso” you clarified
“Absolutely NOT” your sister exclaimed looking at you bewildered
“Why???” you asked annoyed
“I'm NOT putting you onto a 15 hour flight where you have at least ONE layover...” Lucy was still more than stunned “... not with you and your anxiety and lack of orientation while I fly into a complete different direction... absolutely not.. no... you can scratch that idea”
“I could take Mapí...” you tried again but the raised eyebrow from your sister told you everything you needed to know so you exclaimed upset “You're SO unfair... ugh... I hate you”
“Bebita” now Ona said in a scolding tone
“What?” you snapped
“Apologize... now” the spaniard said quickly
“You are not my mother” you sneered “... I don't...”
“I may not be your mother but this IS my house – my house my rules... we had this discussion before” Ona interrupted you quickly “You know you can basically do whatever you want but there are boundaries and rules... and even if you don't mean it and it's a heat of the moment thing... I won't accept you telling someone you hate them”
“M sorry Luce...” you grumbled ashamed standing there like a kid who got caught with their hand in a cookie jar “I just...”
“I know Bubs...” Lucy sighed “... I need you there okay... I need to know you're okay... I wouldn't be able to concentrate if you're on a flight to Mexico... I promise if you want you can visit Jenni start of next year okay... we'll find a way... just not... this time”
“Okay..” you said a little sad
“Come here Bubs” your sister said softly opened her arms
“Have to pack” you mumbled and Lucy knew you tried to get away from the situation because you felt guilty about what you said to her
“Can wait for another five minutes... come here” Lucy said softly but a little firmer
You slowly shuffled over and Lucy pulled you down into her lap
“It's all good Bubs...” your sister mumbled against your hair as you curled into her body “.... thank you for apologizing”
“It's the spaniards fault” you mumbled against Lucys shoulder which made your sister chuckle
“She can be quiet...” Lucy started
“... annoying” you provided
“... strict” your sister laughed lowly when her girlfriends head whipped around giving you two a shocked look
“Love you Luce” you mumbled feeling how your whole system relaxed
“Love you too Bubs” Lucy smiled pressing a soft kiss to your hairline
“BUBS!!!” your sister yelled down the hallway “ALEXIA IS HERE!!! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!!!!”
“I... where are my Air Pods??” you asked stressed running into the living room for the third time
“In your backpack.. come on” Ona calmly said holding up your shoes
“My tablet” you raced back into your room
“Bebita... I packed all your PED in the backpack... also all your devices are charged...” the spaniard said calmly stopping your running about by grabbing the back of your shirt “... now shoes and let's go”
“I'll freeze to death in just a shirt... I need me jacket... and me hat... Lucy can I wear my City skully... Pleeeeeeeease Lucy” you spoke a million miles an hour and both of the adults know it was your nerves
“Bubs... it has 20 degrees outside... you don't need a jacket and a woolly...” your sister stayed calm hoping it would calm you down too
“In freaking Sweden I will” you exclaimed trying to run off again getting another jacket
“We have everything packed okay... We packed two jacket for you AND Ona talked to the kit department to pack an extra too... we also got some Barca hats for you... different styles... you can choose..” Lucy explained after Ona held you back again “Shoes and off we go”
“Are you sure... I can take me City jacket...” you bit your lip distressed
“105% sure Bubs...” your sister said softly “We have blankets too... AND if you feel like it you can stay in the Hotel in bed”
“Okay...” you mumbled
“Good... now come on... I'm pretty sure Keira already got you that donut she promised you” your sister smiled and gently pushed you out of the door taking half the bags while Ona took the other half
“Lucy I'm bored” you whined lowly leaning over the aisle trying to wake your sister up “Lucy”
“Go to sleep Bubs” your sister mumbled still asleep herself
“But I'm bored” you whispered
“Close your eyes and sleep” Lucy mumbled again and you knew you wouldn't get far so you tried someone else
“Ona.... Ona” you whisper yelled
“Dorm Bebita” the blonde spaniard mumbled just like Lucy being asleep
“Ugh...” you rolled your eyes “... Keira... Keira I'm bored”
“Come here Bitsy...” Keira subconcussionly opened her arms inviting you in to lay down with her – perks of flying first class you guessed
“.... this is boring” you whined as you climbed over Aitanas sleeping frame to lay down with Keira
“Ssssshhhh Bits...” the englishwoman hushed you gently “... relax...”
“But that's so boring...” you whined right next to Keiras ear
“What do you want to do Bits?” Keira sighed knowing you wouldn't settle anytime soon
“I don't know... this sucks” you grumbled
“Can you tell me what you feel right now?” the blonde spoke lowly not to wake any teammates
“It's boring... and my body is all icky” you said not even able to keep your feet still
“I know being stuck on a plane for eight hours plus isn't ideal for you but we can't do anything right now....” Keira sighed – she knew there was a possibility that your need for movement would kick in and it could've turn into a eight hour flight of hell but she hoped the opposite would be the case but since there was no time to power you out before the team headed for the airport she knew the chance of a calm relaxing flight was about zero
“I hate this flight” you grumbled as Keira tried to calm you down by scratching your neck and baby hairs lightly
“I know Bebita...” the englishwoman said softly “... I know.... just relax okay...”
“I can't...” you whined and started to wriggle around kicking Aitana by accident who shot into a sitting position scared out of her mind swearing loudly in spanish waking up half the team by default
“M sorry” you said shyly when half the teams eyes where on you – Lucy kept on snoring of course subconcussionly knowing Keira was there looking after you
“What happened?” Alexia asked blinking a few times
“She kickeded me...” Aitana exclaimed “out of nothing”
“I didn't mean to” you said ashamed starting to fidget with your finger “los silence Tana”
“First... lo siento” Alexia rolled her eyes “... and secondly... what you mean you didn't mean to kick Aitana”
“It's her ADHD....” Keira said trying to stop your fidgeting by gently taking your hands in hers “... being locked in a confined space for hours makes her fidget-y and squirm-y... she just needs to run it out but... plane...”
“Oh...” Alexia looked surprised and confused “... I didn't know she has..”
“ADHD? Yeah... not something she parades around.. nor do we... we got it under control with the medication and regularly exercise and even if she'll never admit it even meditation helps since it gives her something to focus on” the blonde englishwoman said as you squirmed in her arms kicking Aitana a second time
“I'm sorry...” Alexia said a little lost
“What for... she still is the same amazing person.. she's still y/n Bronze...” Keira smiled when you finally settled your attention on Keiras hands more specific her rings
“How can we help?” Alexia asked as she watched you with a fond smile on her face
“Treat her normally....” the blonde englishwoman shrugged her shoulders “Bitsy... you need to get back to your seat... we're going to land soon”
“But Keiraaaaaa” you whined
“I know... we can walk around a little as soon as we are at the hotel okay” Keira spoke softly
“Can I wake Lucy up??” you suddenly perked up
“Don't break her... we have a Champions League game in two days” the blonde said firmly
“I mean... she doesn't need her nose for playing” you grinned
“No Bitsy...” Keira warned you immediately catching on what your plan was “... wake her up like a normal person”
“Aw maaaan...” you whined
“Bubs... come on.. we can kick around a little if you want” Lucy yelled over wearing her warm up kit with gloves scarf and a hat
You didn't even bother to respond just bringing your hand out under the four blankets to flip her off before your hand quickly disappeared under the multiple layers again
“Vamos Cari... it'll warm you up a bit” Alexia jogged passed and your only action was to sink deeper into the seat pulling the blankets up over your nose
“You want a hot water bottle Bits?” Keira now ask crouching down in front of your seat rubbing her hands over your covered knees
“Yeah please” you mumbled out from under your blankets
“What happened to you?? You're english...” your sister teased you stopping next to Keira taking a sip of tea out of her bottle
“I'm Scottish” you grumbled “... not scandinavianish”
“It's not THAT cold Bubs” Lucy rolled her eye a little
“There was snow this morning Lucy... SNOW” you exclaimed just as Keira shoved a hot water bottle between your body and the blankets “Tweedledee and Tweedledumb might have been happy never have seen snow before but you and I know... when there's snow it's FREEZING... literally FREEZING”
“You wanna go back to the hotel? I can ask someone from the staff...” your sister said softly feeling you didn't exaggerate
“No...” you grumbled “... want cuddles”
“Let me get changed and then we cuddle okay?” Lucy pushed your Barca woolly heat over your eyes before disappearing into the tunnel
“Oy Swedish ref... could you please make some sensible decisions!!!!” you yelled as you shot off Lucys lap “... your monarchy makes the right decision so why can't you???”
“Bubs” Lucy said her voice strained as she pulled you back into the seat next to her “... you can't just yell at the ref”
“Oh but I can... especially when she makes stupid decisions” you shrugged your shoulders “OY!! YOU REALLY WANT TO TEST ME PATIENCE EH??!!!!”
“Okay... you said enough...” your sister slapped her hand over your mouth when the ref send you a angry glare
“youknowI'mrightshe'sbloodyshit” you said your voice muffled by Lucys hand
“Plan was actually that I come on second half but I'll talk to Jona that I can't... you're too.... you today” Lucy said but felt how you started to calm down again
“Alexia..” Lucy jogged after her capitan while you chased after Piña laughing loudly
“Sí?” the blonde spaniard stopped at the tunnel entrance
“If Jona still wants to put me on... can you have an eye on Bubs? She's a little... aggressive today” your sister rubbed your neck
“Of course... and I think whole Malmö heard her today...” Alexia chuckled before she looked out on the pitch “... Claudia Piña!! Stop running the Cariño over!! You are a professional!!”
“Ella ho va començar!!!!” Piña yelled back pouting a little
“No m'importa, atura-ho!!!” Alexia yelled and pointed down the hallway “Vamos!”
You laughed loudly when Piña trotted past her capitan quickly her head hung low – your laugh died in your throat when Alexia looked expectantly at you
“tu també!” the capitan nodded her head towards the locker room
“I didn't do anything!!!” you yelled from the kick off point
“VAMOS!” Alexia yelled and pointed towards the tunnel and you quickly trotted towards her
“Are you okay Cari?” Alexia asked for the twenties time 15 minutes into second half
“It's cold...” you whimpered pulling another blanket over the five already covering you
“Oh Cariño...” the blonde sighed “... come here”
“I don't wanna move” you mumbled under your blankets wearing two sweaters and a jacket already
“Here” Alexia said pulling off her own jacket helping you putting it on
“But now you're cold” you said bewildered but Alexia just smiled
“It's okay.... don't want you to get sick” the blonde smiled
“Gracias La Reina” you smirked knowing she hates that nickname
“Carful Princesa... I can make you run laps” Alexia said flatly raising an eyebrow in your direction
She didn't know now – but this jacket would be your most treasured object and many years later you would tell your niece about how the legendary La Reina got a cold just before Christmas because she gave teenage you her Barcelona jacket
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