#Clayton Bronev
multiversal-madness · 4 months
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I finally finished Valarie and Clayton’s Character refs/profiles. Kinda glad I waited this long because if I finished it when I first made it I wouldn’t have played around with the background so much and wouldn’t have ended up with something similar to the in game profiles.
So here they are, Valarie Bronev and Clayton Bronev, aka Leon’s parents. I made them for How Things Change Au, so I’ve included some Luke struggling to keep the secret of him knowing the future from them (also yes, that is Emmy’s camera. She lent it to Luke before the sanctuary so it ended up in the past too).
Luke did struggle to adjust to the past, slipping up every now and then though they never truly figured out what was up with Luke (not that they were prying, it was obvious enough from Luke’s behaviour that whatever he’d been through, it had taken its toll so they didn’t want to stress him out more).
Luke’s doing his best but the stress of possibly messing up the future too much isn’t something that just disappears.
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Profile text under the cut:
Valarie Bronev
A brilliant and straight-laced detective and Leon’s mother. She’s highly regarded and and accredited to several major mysteries being solved, though she often tries to avoid the spotlight.
As a mother, she can be quite strict, or even a bit scary at times, but she does care deeply about her son.
She tends to have a tough time separating and balancing her work and home life, but Clayton is there to help if things are becoming too much for her.
She has a passion for photography, always carrying a box camera on her, keeping a more expensive one at home.
Clayton Bronev
A studious and — at times — absent minded archaeologist and Leon’s father. He spends most of his time studying and deciphering ancient texts in his home office, not sparing much time for cleaning up has made it quite a mess, though he knows where everything is (most of the time.)
As a father, he handles most of the day to day childcare and he’s good at entertaining Leon and children in general, he has plenty of stories to tell.
He’s quite knowledgeable about architecture and it’s history. He knows a lot of random trivia on a lot of different subjects, sometimes this knowledge can help Valarie on particularly odd cases.
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suitsimp · 4 months
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probably doesn't look that great but i attempted to draw Valarie Bronev and Clayton Bronev from the How Things Change au by @multiversal-madness
also i want to point out i attempted to make their poses be similar to some poses done by a certain top hat wearing professor that Luke is missing very dearly, cause i think it's neat and sometimes you just gotta make a child cry
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multiversal-madness · 6 months
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Professor Layton Au - How Things Change Au
Part 1 - Part 2 - ???
(Similarly to Pandora’s Call, I’ve made an intro post for this before but that was ages ago and things have changed so here we go again)
After the five of them die in the Azran Sanctuary, Luke wakes up alone and confused in a forest. With no signs of the others, the sanctuary or even snow, he decides to pick a direction and start walking, hoping to find anything really. Eventually, he runs into a young boy who introduces himself as Leon.
They talk for a bit, Leon pointing out an injury on Luke’s face that he hadn’t noticed and Leon decides to take Luke back to his house to get some help from his parents. Luke agrees to go with him and let’s Leon lead him, but things start seeming off.
Leon’s using slang and phrases he’d usually hear from people several times his age, as they reach a road the only cars present are decades old and when Luke sees a calendar or newspaper or ad dated 50 years ago, he starts to panic (though he tries his best to hide it).
When they reach Leon’s home, his parents patch up Luke’s cheek and Leon’s mother starts talking to him, which triggers the second big realisation. She introduces herself as Detective Valarie Bronev, which means that her son Leon would be Leon Bronev.
The leader of Targent, the man who had stabbed Aurora, the Professor and Descole’s biological father, was the same person as this boy two years younger than him that was now looking at him with concern.
Worried about how pale he was getting, Valarie and Clayton (Leon’s dad) let Luke rest in Leon's room while Valarie goes to see if there's any reports of missing children in the area.
She looks for Luke's parents and where he came from for a long time while Luke pretends not to remember but eventually she has to give up the search. You can't exactly find people who haven't been born yet.
During this time Luke had been looked after by the Bronevs, so when the search remains fruitless, Valarie and Clayton adopt Luke. Luke becomes Luke Bronev, Leon's older brother.
I've added some more details under the cut, mostly what's changed from the last time I posted about this au for those interested:
In the original version of this au, Clayton had died when Leon was five, but after actually designing Clayton and giving him a personality I've grown attached so he gets to live this time
Valarie is a Private Detective instead of a police inspector and Luke won't become a police inspector either, instead he'll be an author who just so happens to also solve mysteries
Luke gets keep both his eyes! Yay! He gets more mental trauma instead
Leon does not encourage Randall's obsession with the Azran, in fact he stays as far away from the Azran as possible ever since Luke was kidnapped
Luke's Targent code name won't be 'Jay'. I don't have an idea for what it'll switch to yet, but Jay doesn't have the right vibes
that's all for now, I'll be posting a lot more about this au in the future (because it has consumed my brain-).
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multiversal-madness · 5 months
PL Au How Things Change - The Bronev Family 1.0
Part 1 - Part 2 - ???
For a quick recap, after everyone dies in Azran Legacy, Luke wakes up 50 years in the past with three gashes on his cheek and is found by a 10 year old Leon Bronev and brought back to his house. Leon's parents, Valarie and Clayton, took Luke in on a temporary basis at first which became a permanent thing after not being able to find his parents.
Adjusting to how things were now was difficult, accepting that things would never go back to the way they were even more so. For the first few weeks, Luke was almost numb to it, just going through the motions while trying to find some semblance of normalcy.
Then something happens, something small, but something that reminds him of the previous timeline and he breaks down, the floodgate of homesickness and despair that had been building up for weeks finally hitting him full force. Clayton, Valarie and Leon were quick to try and comfort him and he let it all (or at least most) of it out, he'd never see his parents, friends or mentor ever again and that thought hurt.
The Bronevs comforted and helped him through this and over the next few days, Luke started to feel a bit better. It was because of this that Luke started feeling more like a member of the family.
As time goes on, Luke adjusts enough to his current situation to feel comfortable going out more, asking to join Valarie on some of her cases (she doesn't always say yes, but if there's little danger then she lets him come along) and even taking on a few cases of his own.
It's through one of these cases that spiralled into something bigger than he'd thought it'd be that he meets Isaac, a very rich boy one year younger than him that, without the case, he'd probably never run into otherwise. Isaac, hesitantly at first, is dragged along on the case and ends up becoming friends with Luke and Leon. It's only much later on that Luke learns Isaac's last name is Ascot and that he's likely Randall's father.
Another friend he makes, this time through much more mundane means, is Lucille, who he more quickly realises is (would become?) the professor's adoptive mother. She's a year older than him, and she's got a thirst for adventure. She often start 'adventures' with the same frequency Luke would seek 'cases', whichever they did Luke and Lucille would take the lead while Leon eagerly follows and Isaac is dragged along for the ride.
Luke, Leon, Isaac and Lucille would become close friends over the years, forming strong bonds with one another that would change who they would have become had Luke not been there. Roland and Rachel are yet to join the friend group, but rest assured they will.
Things that have changed:
(this isn't like the last list that showed what changed from the last time I wrote this au, this is for differences between this timeline and Luke's old one)
Leon is no longer an only child, now having Luke as an older brother, he'll have someone he can rely on. This will have an effect on his fate
Luke's friendship/friendly rivalry with Lucille has encouraged her adventurous side, which will lead to her not supressing it as much and being more willing to be open to opportunities for adventure and perhaps a bit more reckless as well
Isaac having friends outside his usual social circle has changed his perception on some things and their kindness will rub off on him, which will make him a much nicer man as he grows up. This will have an effect on Henry's situation
Luke assisting in Valarie's cases, which will happen more frequently as he gets older, will have an effect on her and Clayton's fate
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
I can only imagine, in the How Things Change au, whenever Leon gets to meet young Luke (the one who’s from his timeline), he just has a reaction like that math lady meme, where he’s just like, “hey wait a second”
(Originally I was thinking he’d wonder why this kid looks exactly like his brother, but I realize the more logical conclusion he’d come to is that this is Old Luke’s secret son or something, rather than a duplicate)
He’d definitely be confused when meeting Luke for the first time, especially when he learns he can talk to animals. He thinks it’s just some big coincidence though, but he does end up getting sentimental and maybe sharing a few stories about his big brother Luke.
(Consider, Luke is older than Leon and could have been a father around the time Hershel and Theodore were born, so if he did have a son he could have been around their age. Leon meets Clark for the first time, the only other person he knows who can speak to animals, and assume he’s the secret son)
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
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(Oc time for How Things Change Au :D)
Inspector Valarie Bronev is a police inspector and a single mother. Her husband Clayton Bronev was an archeologist who died when their son Leon was only five years old.
She’s got a no nonsense attitude and is a bit rough around the edges, but she does her best for her son even with how busy she is with her job.
Then Leon finds and brings home a young boy by the name of Luke. She tries to help find his family but nothing comes up (though she notices how Luke seemed to expect this outcome).
She was reluctant to take in another child with how busy her job made her and how little free time she had. But then she sees how well he gets along with Leon (who she knows struggles with making friends) and he starts growing on her as well with how eager he was to help her on certain mysteries. She eventually decides to adopt him.
When Luke gets a bit older, Valarie ends up making him her assistant. She’s a bit worried about how accustomed he is to dangerous situations and environments, but he ends up being a big help (especially with that unusual ability to speak with animals).
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
PL How Things Change Au - The Bronev Family
Leon is an only child, and by the time Luke appears in past, it’s only him and his mother
Leon’s father, Clayton Bronev (name may change) was an archeologist, but he died during an archeological expedition into some dangerous ruins
Leon looks up to him, he’s the reason he wanted to become an archeologist
Leon’s mother, Inspector Valarie Bronev is a police inspector
She does her best to be there for Leon and all things considered she does a pretty good job, but her work keeps her very busy so Leon is often left on his own
Leon is used to this, he often goes to the forest or local dig site to keep himself entertained but he is pretty lonely
Then Luke comes into the picture. Leon finds him stumbling around the forest extremely disoriented and takes him back to his house
Inspector Valarie looked into Luke’s case, trying (and obviously failing) to find Luke’s parents
Luke stayed with them during this time. It was meant to be a temporary thing, Valarie was reluctant to take in another kid when she was already so busy all of the time
But Leon and Luke got along so well and she hadn’t seen him happy like that in a long time, so she does end up adopting him
So Luke becomes Luke Bronev, Valarie’s son and Leon’s older brother
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