#Clover's Automated Trash
clovermatcha · 1 year
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ksoothesme · 7 years
The Lucky One - Part 1/?// A Kyungsoo Star Wars! AU
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Summary: You’re a commander in the Alliance and one of the most wanted people by the Empire, and you and your second in command (Kai) get captured while on the way back to the base after a mission. Kyungsoo, formally known as Captain Do, is one of the best pilots in the galaxy who is tasked to rescuing you with his droid PC-Y, without having any knowledge of who you really are.
Genre: Star Wars!AU Sort of Mature Themes
Author’s Note: After seeing the teaser with Soo wearing the goggles on his head, I immediate thought he looked like a pilot for the rebels. So here it is, a (hopefully) short series of Kyungsoo as a hot rebel pilot. Enjoy!
Words: 1.7k 
“Attention! Attention! Commander Clover’s Alliance Assault Craft has been captured by Imperial forces, all pilots report to the command center for a meeting with Admiral Suho,” the announcement went off in the hanger. Sehun, a mechanic working on Kyungsoo’s X-Wing, eyes widened in surprise spilling some of the oil he was pouring into the engine.
“Careful with the oil Sehun,” Kyungsoo grunted, “we don’t want another incident like the one in Hoth.”
“I’m sorry Captain, it’s just that Commander Clover is a seasoned warrior who has escaped the clutches of the Empire multiple times, he’s a legend.” Kyungsoo had to agree with the young mechanic. There have been many stories about you thwarting the Empire. For example, the time you had stole the plans to their attack on Yavin IV when you were a recruit with just a blaster pistol, a butter knife, and a tie interceptor that you had somehow had stolen from the Star Destroyer. However, Kyungsoo was far more impressed with your piloting skills after hearing from multiple sources that you had once managed to shake off  five TIE Fighters in a bomber by making them crash into each other.
“I understand Sehun, but don’t let it happen again and then when you’re finished, refill the oil and then fuel up the tank, I have a meeting to go to with the Admiral, probably about the rescue mission.” Kyungsoo waved the young boy off sighing, he had just got back from a mission in Mos Eisley that had almost resulted in the loss of his droid, PC-Y, and this kind of mission could result in another repair he’d have to do, resulting in another week of PC-Y’s endless chirping and beeping.
Walking toward the command center, Kyungsoo looked at the recruits walking toward him and noticed that they seemed to get younger each recruitment, that or he was getting older. Groaning, he walked up the stairs and into the meeting place to be debriefed, unaware that he would have the biggest mission of his life ahead of him.
“Wake up you rebel scum!” A voice shouted in the near distance. You weren’t sure where you were nor what had happened. All you remembered was being escorted to the Assault Craft with your second in command, Kai, and discussing the plans to find Senator Organa just before you blacked out. Since the voice, referred to you as “rebel scum”, you could only infer that you were probably held by the Imperial command. Opening your eyes, sure enough, you were met by the familiar white plastic looking suit of a stormtrooper.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath. Of course you couldn’t move the Empire knew better than to leave you untied and not behind a jail cell. You were surprised that they didn’t even bother to change you into the classic orange uniform of a prisoner. The stormtrooper looked at you with their surprise, well what you thought was surprise, you couldn’t tell because of the helmet, but with what you assumed was surprise because they prodded you with their blaster rifle. Because of the detail you paid toward the stormtrooper, you failed to notice the second man in a gray uniform, who you knew was a man of high ranking, probably a Moff, and the badges on his left side confirmed so.
“Ah, look what the dog dragged in, Commander Clover, the Empire’s most wanted man, or should I say woman,” the Moff smirked.
“I hate to point out your mistakes, but doesn’t the saying use ‘cat’ and don’t I currently hold the title of their most wanted ‘person’,” you said pointedly. All the years you spent fighting the Empire, left you with a bit (a lot) of sarcasm and bitterness, but hey, it was you signed up to do. He did not seemed surprised by your retort and only just stared at you intensely.  His stare looked as if he was glancing past you and knew that you were actually kind of frightened for your life. As much as you wanted to die fighting the Empire, you still had to finish your last battle.
Looking back at the stormtrooper the Moff commanded, “Retrieve the boy so we can begin obtaining information,” giving you one last glance he turned around and began to take a step until, he stopped and said, “we’ll be seeing each other soon Commander Clover or should I say Y/N.”
Once he was inside the command center, Kyungsoo looked for the farthest spot toward the center of the room so he wouldn’t get picked for the mission to get the Commander. He knew it’d be a death trap considering the only place where you could be was the Death Star, and there was no way in hell that Kyungsoo would enter that death contraption.
In the center of the room, two figures were whispering their plans to each other despite the loudness of the other pilots. Kyungsoo knew one of them was Admiral Kim, the admiral of the squadron 3X0, however, the other one seemed unfamiliar. As a captain, he only recognized the important people, but not those directly below them.
“Silence!” The second man yelled. “The meeting to retrieve the Commander will now begin. As you know I am Commander Byun, but you can call me Baekhyun,” he smiled, “just kidding if you call me Baekhyun, I’ll send you to be ejected with the rest of the trash.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at this and noticed that the admiral had too done the same. “Anyways, one of you lucky bastards will be sent to retrieve our little four leaf clover, while the rest of you will be used as a distraction. We know-”
“We know that the Commander was taken in an Alliance Assault Craft, whose tracking device shut off right after taking off, which means that it was an inside job, and until recently we had reason to believe that she is at the Imperial command center, the Death Star, as she set off her tracking device,” the Admiral said cutting off Commander Byun, “based on our guesses from a rough schematics we have, we know the commander is where we can assume their ‘dungeon’ is, at the bottom. Any questions?”
“Have you guys decided who you are going to send?” A man with an greased up shirt said from right in front of Kyungsoo.
Admiral Kim looked at the man, and then looked past him straight at Kyungsoo with a smile, “Yes, why he’s right behind you, Do Kyungsoo, one of the best pilots in the galaxy. Now if the rest of you can follow Commander Byun while I have a talk with the captain about his mission.”
The men looked at him in surprise and relief, but he did not utter a single word nor convey a single feeling to any of them as they exited the room with the commander. He glanced at the admiral trying not to let the anger show on his face.
“I’m sorry Kyungsoo, I know you only just got back from Tatooine, but honestly you’re the only man I trust to getting the Commander. It was an inside job Soo, you know what that means.” Kyungsoo flinched at the use of the nickname and the sudden closeness he was forced to be with the Admiral. Although the two of them had grown up together as orphans in Tatooine, the distance between them was far as adults because of rank. He looked around making sure no one would see the softness he would convey toward the older male.
Sighing he spoke, “Alright Jun, I’ll see what I can do, but fetch me everything you can about the Commander’s location on the Death Star, and any information about that infernal space station.”
With that the Admiral smiled, “I’m way ahead of you, I sent your mechanic, Sehun, all the details and everything.”
“One last thing, how does the Admiral look like, I need to know how he looks like in order for me to save him.”
Junmyeon looked at him with a look of surprise on his face, “what make you think the Commander is a dude?”
“Holy shit! the Commander’s a woman!?” Kyungsoo said incredulously.
“Why do people always assume I’m a boy?” You questioned to the pile of bones next to you. “I don’t know Wilson, it might just be the fact that people or ‘males’ believe that only a male could accomplish what I have done. Did you know that I once hijacked an AT-ST with just a rope when I could have used a T-47 airspeeder like normal person. Maybe that’s why they think I’m a dude.”
You’ve been stuck in a cell with a pile of bones for about several hours now since the Moff had left. You were certain that he had said your name before you left, but since it had been a while since anyone had addressed you by it, you were indubitably sure that it had just been your fucked up mind who made it up. The last person who called you by your name had to be Myeon, considering the fact he and Kai knew your name, but Kai never addressed you as Y/N. Erasing that thought from your head, you were forced to think about the present. You knew Myeon would send someone for you, you pressed the tracker immediately when you woke up. They probably had started looking for you the moment the GPS had shut off from the Aircraft.
Sighing, since all you could ever do is sigh you dusted off your hands from patting Wilson on the head, and stood up only to be met with footsteps. The annoying automated voices of a stormtrooper coming toward you rang out, “Collect the girl, Grand Moff Kim wants to talk to her.” Two stormtroopers approached with a male in a simple gray suit, a medic, carrying a needle, knowing there wasn’t much you could do, you let him inject you with a bizarre fluid that put you to sleep, welcoming the darkness.
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cloverincinerator · 8 years
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www.chinaclover.net has been published on http://www.chinaclover.net/solid-waste-incinerators/
Solid Waste Incinerators
The Contractor shall provide a Cremation System package for  TWO (02) Cremators and system approved by related authority, which must fit into the allocated area as shown on the plan drawings. The work shall include but not limited to design preparation, authority design approval, supply, fabricate, construct, commissioning, testing, operational approval, provide training and also warranty of the system package. The work shall include all preliminaries, related civil and structural work, mechanical and electrical work and all external work required for the proper completion and operational of the system and as follows :The incinerator will be used for a group of private multi profile hospitals.
The hourly-generated waste is about 100kg per hour, but with 1000kg daily amount.
Due to the economic situation in Bulgaria now, our researches shows that a 100kg/hour system can fit the needs set in the project.
Please, offer us an Incinerator system that can match the parameters described above. We are ready to give information that is more detailed if you need such one. Within the technical specifications of you product we need to have full details of the parameters of exhaust gases, with all certificates you have about the environmental safety regarding EU directives.
1. All preliminaries which shall include but not limited to providing work insurances, taxes, mobilisation and demobilisation, contract management and supervision, design and professional fee, authority design approval, operational approval, site preparation, temporary storage, health environmental safety and security, setting out, CIDB levy, duties, deposits, fees, charges, contribution but not excluding only the bank guarantee to the authority JPP which shall be provided by the Client, progress reporting and other required preliminaries for successful completion of the work.This type of incinerator is what you have described as a ‘low temperature thermal decomposition incinerator’.  We can speed up the burning process by using hot air from a downstream process which can be fed back into the incinerator to raise the burning temperature. considerably. These kinds of incinerators are the sort that would probably have been made and used many years ago before the anti pollution regulations were brought in. We believe that they would be very simple and cheap to manufacture for a company such as yours, as long as a large sales volume could be obtained. We believe that our technology will create a large need for this type of incinerator and would also make a good business opportunity for a company, such as Clover, who is able and willing to manufacture and supply them. I am sure that this simple type of incinerator could be easily modified to enable automatic charging and probably also automatic cleaning?
2. All structural, building and architectural work which includes but not limited to construction of all reinforced concrete work, chimney, structural steel work and all building work for all necessary requirements, operational and control panel system for proper completion and successful operation of the syste. The Contractor must make good all the works being disturbed.We want a very simple, single combustion chamber, incinerator which is capable of burning all types of waste and rubbish products. We will be treating the emissions from the incinerator in another process so we do not have to have scrubbing or other cleaning equipment to avoid pollution. The incinerator is required to operate 24/7 continuously so it needs to be able to be cleaned whilst still operating. The waste materials being burned will contain non flammable materials and these will need to be cleared out of the incinerator. We would like this cleaning to be as simple as possible. The same applies to the loading of rubbish into the incinerator, which we would like to be able to be done automatically if possible.
3. All mechanical and eletrical works which includes but limited to supply, deliver and installation of all valves, penstock, screens, pumps, float swithces, flexible connector, pressure pipe works, blower, hot dipped galvanised lifting davits, air diffusers, hot dipped galvanised handrailings, hot dipped galvanised gratings, switch boards, cabling and wirings, lighting, earthing, metering, lighting protection, flow measurement and flow recorders, testing & comissioning and all necessary for proper completion and successful operational of the system.
Design and Build approved gas cremation system (Cont’d)
4. The Contractor shall provide and fully comply with all requirements by the related authority during design stage, design approval, inspection and after inspection, handing over of the system package whether it is clearly shown or not but deemed necessary for successful completion and satisfaction to the authority. The Contractor must allow in his tender price all direct and indirect cost at no extra cost to the Client for all such compliances.7.    Type of waste  : Bio-medical / Hazardous / Municipal / Trash  = ALL and Mixed 8.    Any other : Rubber, rubber tyres, Batteries, green waste, paper and cardboard 9.    Quantity of waste generated per day in kg : 3 -5 tonnes per day 10.    Duration – incinerator will be used per day : 1 – 8 hours / 1 – 16 hours / Continuous 11.    Approximate moisture content: Variable 12.    Local incinerator operating and emission standards : India / EURO / US-EPA  Australia 13.    What is the height of the chimney required? : No chimney is required. Flue length should be approximately 2 to 3 metres to join to a downstream process 14.    Fuel proposed to be used :  LDO / HSD / FO / SKO/ Gas / Other  – No fuel required – Intended to free burn waste products 15.    Availability of power and type : Electricity if required 16.    Details of space available :  Not restricted 17.    Do you require an automatic loading system? : [X ] Yes         [ ] No 18.    Do you require a gas scrubbing system? : [ ] Yes         [X ] No 19.    How soon do you require the system to be delivered? : Sea Freight to Port of Cairns, Queensland, Australia in approximately Two months 20.    City and country of use :  Australia 21.    Whether the location is a coastal area : [ ]Yes         [X ] No 22.    Any other specific requirements: Primary combustion chamber only is required. Solid and inflammable waste products need to be capable of being recovered from the incinerator easily using an automated procedure. This is because the incinerator will be required to operate 24/7. Rotary kiln or moving floor may be considered if deemed practical by the supplier. One initial incinerator is required for a proof of concept project and future orders for the successful supplier, following successful implementation of this project, are likely to be significant. 23.    It would be most useful if the supplier could send a video of the incinerator in operation or diagrams and pictures to show how it works.
5. The Contractor shall be responsible for all maintenance of the system, routine and periodical maintenance such as cleaning etc. during, upon completion, before and after inspection. The maintenance shall be in fully compliance to the authority requirements and satisfaction and shall be deemed included in the Contractor tender price and at no extra cost to the Client.
6. The Contractor must submit to the S.O their proposed system package detail, which includes authority approval and an A4 or A3 preliminary dimensioned system layout fitting into area allocated in the plan drawing.
7. For maintenance and services during Defect Liability Period, respond period to any complaint for the Contractor to attend shall be within 24hours
8. The Cremators package shall, inter alia, inclusive the following scope:
– Furnace Chamber and Afterburner
– Combustion System
– Control Panel
– Single refactory lined chimney for 2 cremators
– Flue Gas Sampling Platform
– Electrical wiring within the system requirements
– Raking Tools
– Ashbox
– Approval from DOE / Local Authority
– Any other scope/works required for the systems
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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clovermatcha · 1 year
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