Don't really understand why you have a problem with Lintian or Vixí. They both seem like pretty good people. It seems very mean to call them names over it. It does not seem like they're as horrible as you paint them out to be. Have you considered just dropping it and focusing on more important matters and the actual problematic people still on the realm like the PCU remnants now cropping up?
We are of course focusing on the PCUbed / A3 Paper still, and we have to give our great thanks to the many people of our Argent Dawn community pulling the spotlight onto this and giving the scrutiny it deserves. In particular Shogganosh, Felentrick, Zaphius to name a few for keeping a fair and balanced inquiry into just what the PCU is doing.
This is what the forums are meant for, discussion and keeping some level of dialogue going between groups, even if certain individuals (like Coalburnt and Lunarglade) think that they do not have to answer to anyone.
However criticism of someone does not make it 'mean' nor does that even matter. The fact Vixi can't seem to understand that they don't get to be viciously unpleasant to anyone that remotely disagrees with them continues to give us much enduring amusement and a small measure of pity. Viciously falsely accusing CoAD of doing something heinous (doxxing) and refusing to recant such accusation YEARS down the line out of nothing more then petty pride is why they are under the scope.
Lintian again, while not quite as virulent as the gnome and the company the gnome keeps still presumes to think they know things about us when they are wholly ignorant. Again, not as bad as Vixi but an irritation.
But these vexatious individuals are quite rightly as you say, not important. The PCU and other larger groups of nasty, often bigoted, sometimes outright creepy players are and have always been our main concern. We're satisfied that we occupy our rightful amount of space within their heads and pay no taxes, rents or dues on it. Again, much like the Void (ho ho!).
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ghost14189 · 6 years
#Repost @loco.52 with @get_repost ・・・ @coalburnt . . . #raptor #fordraptor #raptorsvt #ecoboost #prerunner #baja #bajapackage #2ndgenraptor #gen2raptor #fordpreformance #fordprerunner #f150raptor #ecoboostraptor #raptorlife #twinturboraptor #twinturbo #crawling #crawler bajamode #bajapackage #repost (at Kuwait City)
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this blog is ran by a sad and deluded faggot who cant confront their enemies in public and cowardly hides behind their fake outrage and sjw nonces
imagine having the jimmy saville of argent dawn come to you and your manchild friends defense i hope you guys choke on your insufferable cumsnot loads you give each other
We hope you find the mental health support you need Coalburnt. A long break from the internet and perhaps a nice vacation would do some wonders for you.
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The universe cross overs are pretty funny. Which Lord of the Rings villains/characters would Perroy and his inner circle be? Coalburnt's descent into madness and paranoia reminds me of Saruman.
They're always amusing if somewhat silly for us to consider as well. We'd be more inclined to honor Coalburnt's 'internet hardman' persona and more associate him with the Witch-King of Angmar is we're using LoTR analogies.
"No man can kill me." He says as he huffs tremendous amounts of incel copium as he rampages like a clown on the forums.
"I am no man." Responds the women and trans-women who have been mercilessly bullied by Coalburnt as they collectively report him causing his bald head to implode with rage as he is permabanned from the WoW forums.
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So where's the receipts Shewp?
You and your buddies have claimed COAD is everyone from Zaphius to Vaxir to Lukas to Jeyce to Keti to Shonn to even the late Brigante.
So... receipts? You have more than just a few armory profile drops and someone's quote from nearly 10 years ago right?
Or are you going to continue having infantile tantrums on the forums everytime goes "rar pcu" until Blizzard cuts your balls off and puts you out to pasture?
FTR i don't agree with what COAD does either, twitter shame tactics are completely the wrong way to go about making change but at its core they've given AT LEAST SOMETHING over the years inbetween the shrill desperate housewives posting worth looking into.
Agree with us or not, our style may not be for everyone who reads we can concede that, though we do agree with you on your main point. For all the individuals that have been wrongly accused over the years, Shewp/Coalburnt really should know at least some of the people in our editor team, as they were right under his nose for years, as we have mentioned before. Perhaps it is the shame of knowing that there are former PCU members inside our team that makes him lash out at trying to pin it on anyone else who has an anti-PCU opinion.
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One of the more "reasonable" PCU members here as you've called us in the past, just a lowly grunt tho.
Daystrike/Coalburnt was booted out after trying to claim that Mors was just 'joking' when he made rape threats towards some in the GG. He went on a two hour bitchfit allegedly. Second hand info from friends in other guilds can't confirm for sure.
If you were paying attention to the big drama thread that erupted coalburnt wasn't getting any likes or backup from us. TBH i think a lot of guys were also getting tired about his "crusade" like approach to this page. They'll probably work out who i am posting this but id really care at this stage.
Another rumour is that the remaining guilds in the PCU are aiming to "disassociate" with the brand in the new year as well but you probably knew this already. I'm not in HoC so i can't say for sure but it looks like Gruggosh is tired and bored with dealing with peoples lack of engagement the direction of lore the drama flare ups and people like Mors and Coalburt acting like 4chan users despite both being in their 40s.
Don't think there will be a formal "shutdown" of the PCU but theres no direction and no drive. people don't log in outside of events and most people are either playing other stuff or rping on non-PCU chars.
When we considered that both Coalburnt and Morsteth were rather friendly and often tag teamed up with one another it did appear odd that he was being tight lipped about what happened inside Grim Gest.
Clearly the recent outbursts are his way of venting his puerile anger out at everyone who he considers an 'enemy'. We did notice the almost complete lack of PCU bandwaggonry, even from the Grim Gest no less.
But even Coalburnt himself has waxed lyrical about the PCU 'moving on' publicly. This is no news to us that the group is on its final act and grinding itself down into dust. Though we also concur that there will likely never be a "disbandment" or as you put "shutdown" type announcement.
We've known for a long time, from testimony from former PCU members that there is little to no drive or engagement left. The jingoist war obsessed typecast no longer works and in many cases the remaining members would rather snipe and snark at new roleplayers instead of helping them while reliving the 'good old days' in their heads.
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Coalburnt's crazy posting in the forums for hours on end, going insane over who coad is, about this years old grudge against guilds and people that don't even knoe he exists, constantly responding to all baits. Hilarious. If anyone needs a recent memory on why the PCU is a vile scumhive, it is shown right there by their own representtatives.
Local dwarf screams into the void and in the end only makes a fool of himself.
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I'm a very confused PCU member right now. Coalburnt/Shewp is going around one of our discord channels stating that he's been feeding information to CoAD to influence the narrative you're painting and that as a result he can control some content delivered on this blog.
One of my friends thinks he's lying and just running damage control. But you never know within someone like Coalburnt, he's quite a manipulative guy and I've known him to go to extremes over the years. I wouldn't put it past him to attempt to feed false information to you.
I'll probably end up leaving the PCU before the drama associated with the collapse gets too intense. I think Coalburnt's scared, he was supposed to be a 'chief enforcer' and 'grand inquisitor' of the PCU and he's failed to keep it all together. His fear is what is starting to worry people, Coalburnt effectively has a PCU-nuke in his hand with all of the information and screenshots he has of various members and officers.
My friend and I think he'll deploy said nuke and send over a massive data-drop or dump to CoAD and then use the editor teams focus on that to flee from the PCU and start anew. He's probably the most craftiest of our officers and if anyone will escape the consequences of this blog and the fall of the PCU, my bet would be on him.
Hardly a surprise that Shewp/Coalburnt is doing this, if this whole piece of information is actually valid to begin with. He has shown considerable paranoia increasingly over the last few months. Evidentially, Coalburnt is probably under considerable strain and stress, the dying days of a cult are usually when the higher ups find themselves exposed by their minions and/or cast out. The signs in public are actually not as subtle as one might think, disagreements with one another publicly (unthinkable when Perroy was around), a breakdown in cooperation between guilds, many more dropping their PCU tag entirely when recruiting.
Lurid tales from high ranking officers and long time leaders only add to the cracks. It would have been undreamed of even last year for Morsteth's rape threat """joke""" to have been outed publicly and shown from his own insiders (or perhaps was this one of Coalburnt's moves? How tantalising.)
Lately however we have been getting a slew of bizarre posts sent through to our inbox, most of them are nonsense and don't even render properly as images send in tumblr require a click through. We've yet to get condemning material given to us from that clearly shows discussion, dialogue that could come from within the PCU officer team.
Oddly, we aren't even sure why such a move would be done. Surely Coalburnt knows the only way to show he has truly moved on from his toxic hobby is a public act of contrition like an apology to the server? Aside from radio silence like his former Dear Leader did that is, remember Perroy went silent after we exposed his collusion with Gnome ERP on F-List.
Additionally, any 'data dump' would also prove to us that we are clearly something that occupies the minds of the PCU more than they would ever be willing to admit. We have turned down dozens of interesting pieces of information before here purely on the fact that they have no external corroborating evidence.
Largely our sourcing requires clean and unvarnished chat logs, preferably collated via something like Elephant which is considerably harder to manipulate or undoctored DMs from things such as Discord, names available and all. Alas, it won't stop some naysayers, of which Coalburnt has repeatedly and hilariously been one for years, spouting counterclaims and falsehoods with absolutely no evidence to back up their own accusations.
No, he won't escape consequences here, perhaps from his own ilk but we have a special file on Coalburnt already just waiting.
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I know Atahalni has rightly been called out fot his behaviour in the past. But has he turned over a new leaf? He defended Vaxir and called out Coalburnt for his behaviour which honestly surprised me. At least some of them can change.
Atahalni, aka Boush, may have finally realised the group of players who constantly taunted, mocked and belittled him for seven years relentlessly may perhaps not actually be his friends after all. It is a positive sight to see a former PCU member show signs of self-awareness and have moved on from their toxic past.
We can only hope that this welcome change is simply not just a novelty of even former PCU attack dogs being shocked at Coalburnt's apparent admission of defeat in the form of an angry rebellion that achieves nothing on the forums.
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gigglesnorting like an idiot watching the pcu try to revive the vulpera drama thread for it to fly back in their face like a cow turd.
coalburnt really has no people skills does he? its not hard to see him for what he is, a rude and poisonous little man who lashes out at everyone and anyone who dares criticise him.
speedwagone should shut up while he's ahead too, hes playing a joke race and his open and brazen misogynistic incel behavior on his twitter feed is way more disturbing than a vulpera rper talking about boobs.
Who knew that Vulpera RP would be where the PCU would find their hill to die on?
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Why am I not surprised that Coalburnt has been attacking players like a rabid dog the Vulpera thread. Mr 'dibs on Erwin Rommel' isn't even suitable in his approach
Protecting the Dustpaw Caravan is something of a hill to die on at this point for the PCU. They know its a lost cause and they're just desperately trying to make it appear as if their attempts to control Vulpera RP are working, which it never has.
It looks like the Desert Fox has been... outfoxed.
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You've been a thorn in my side for a long, long, long time now CoAD. A few screenshots of some things said in jest won't be enough to bring me down. Your blog has done nothing in the past few months apart from cause a few weak willed members to flee like the rats they are. Even though you've been trying to get into Shewp's head, he is far more resilient than a cretin like you gives him credit for.
The PCU is a -legion- and members are loyal. For every person that has left, more people have joined. CoAD will be too cowardly to post this, but know that the PCU is still growing stronger despite the claims made here. I want you to know that -I- like many others will very much be going down with the ship if you ever did happen to succeed (which you will not). You will never drive us from this server and we won't bow down by choice.
It will only be a matter of time before we find out who you and your editors. We know you have agents within the PCU as well, both old and new - they are being hunted within renewed effort and will be discovered and blacklisted for abetting you. You have had nothing more than a few 'minor' victories CoAD - the war is on going and there is only room for one of us in the future of Argent Dawn.
Hold on, let us get the 'how to deal with an internet tough guy' textbook.
Firstly, how is losing five guilds in four months doing for you? We found it rather funny that even after Grim Gest, Cleft of Shadow and Ardent Pursuit merged with their opposite faction counterpart ( We thought neutral RP was bad! ) These guilds have continued to lose numbers rather than gain them.
More on the PCU census soon actually, keep an eye open sports fans.
The PCU is anything but legion and loyal. Considering a majority of our contributions come from members or ex members disaffected with what is happening. A failed vanity project with its founder now actively trying to pull people off WoW. Guild leaders and officers repeatedly shown to engage in threats of violence and being sex pests. "THREE HUNDRED MEMBERS STRONG" is now barely down to about 30 active members at any major PCU event, the size of a normal guild.
Twenty five failed guilds, of which twenty have gone dead since Perroy fell off the radar last year. Your guild leaders are insulating themselves or outright abandoning ship. Vitsaus nervously stops advertising his guild as PCU in trade chat, all of your elf guilds have imploded spectacularly. Talirei(Azure Dawn), Lunarglade(Eternal Sisterhood) have ran off to make pseudo-PCU guilds with their loyal followers (The Sunspear and House Bemoux respectively). Even the nominal leader of the PCU, Gruggosh has made an insurance guild on the Alliance as the Sword of Triumph.
We fully expect the likes of you (either Coalburnt or a Grim Gang stooge writing this) to go down with the ship in emulation of your primary inspiration. Der Untergang of the PCU is already inescapable at this point and the whole server knows, we're just watching and waiting for the last rants of the PCU 'Endsieg' to whimper out.
So please, do continue showing yourselves to be the biggest clown convention Argent Dawn has ever known, please do continue to bully and harass your own members for non-compliance and ideological impurity. Please do continue to try and fail miserably at identifying 'big bad CoAD' and showing how much we live rent free in your heads. You only show the rest of us what kind of sick and demented people exist inside the PCU, so obsessed with image and control and unable to fathom people enjoying their hobby in a way they dislike.
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Does/did the PCU really have it's own version of the Gestapo led by Coalburnt?
A group that operates to maintain the 'cohesion' within the collective and spy on its enemies? That does sound rather Gestapo/Stasi/KGB like doesn't it?
Yes, from what we have been informed Coalburnt/Shewp/Vilem/Daystrike has been the one taking it upon himself to 'fight' the bad guys who undermine the PCU narrative. Poorly, we must admit but still the effort is there.
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Perroy's officers in the PCU are complete irredeemable idiots in my personal opinion. He abandoned them and has effectively left them to the mob now that the PCU is collapsing. I don't understand why they still fanatically follow someone who cast them aside. The blind loyalty he inspired in people like Coalburnt and Lunarglade who have preached about "going down with the ship" is frightening. All while Big Perroy is lording over another cabal of thralls on Neverwinter.
Ironically of all things the big voices proudly proclaiming they would take the capsule Exitwarcraftium with their fearless Dear Leader are the ones desperately trying to carve out their own slice of Argentina to escape to.
Lunarglade / Michella scrambled onto the Alliance and now hides in plain sight with their House Bemoux guild.
Coalburnt went radio silence mysteriously for two months before rising like Frankenstein's creature to suddenly defend Farstrider RP and proclaim how he would 'love to get his Farstrider started again', no doubt with Highvale already.
All the while these former officers proclaim their undying loyalty to the warped, systematically proven wrong, abusive and bigoted view laid out by Perroy, who as you rightly have pointed out has wriggled his way onto an entirely different franchise. As fascinating as disturbing in equal measure.
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I've been in the PCU since it was created, I was in the Rotgarde long before that. I've had some great times with the community and I always thought that Perroy was a great leader. You could refer to me as one of the Old Guard, however I've not once been featured on here whereas others in community have. Perhaps my association alone is enough to be seen in a bad light, but at the end of the day that community and the players within it have stood by my side and supported me through the highs and lows alike. I've found lifelong friends in the community and whilst the group and guild isn't perfect, it has created a lot of good roleplay.
I was genuinely happy up until recently, while I will admit that there are problematic and indeed bad apples within our community the group was for the most part good. The reason for my changing state of happiness is due to the new direction the PCU seems to be taking, subtle changes are coming about and I thought I'd write about them here. Perroy is indeed gone and he won't be coming back - what was a surprise was how Gruggosh was chosen to lead the PCU as Perroy's successor. I'll be completely transparent and admit that I wanted to see Morsteth and Shewp take the reins collaboratively and I'm not the only one who raised questions.
Gruggosh's more moderate approach and policies were welcomed back a good portion of the community. I didn't think that the change would be a bad thing initially, but over recent months I've started to notice subtle changes. Gruggosh doesn't seem to get mentioned much on here likely due to his moderate approach, so there are many who are curious whether the editer team at CoAD mind Gruggosh at the helm. Some of the conspiracy-theorist types who spend far too much time in the private discord are hypothesising that Gruggosh has made a deal with CoAD, but I doubt that is the case.
You might be asking: why am I posting this here? I want Gruggosh to know that people are starting to talk about what's happening. A friend of mine started asking the wrong questions and the disagreement led to him being kicked out of the PCU. There's been an influx of new members and junior officers who have come in externally, some of them also seem to particularly dislike the Rotgarde and Grim Gest which is very odd. The new junior officers are all people Gruggosh knows and while new members are generally a positive thing, something just feels off especially because of recent events.
Myself and a few friends from my guild were asked to go act as NPCs for an event led by one of these new junior officers (I won't state their name as they'll immediately know who we are). Instead of being grateful for us generating RP for his guild he was being quite the ungrateful asshat. But one thing that stuck with me was how he joked OOC to his guildies that they had been given 'the PCU's used equipment' in the sense of us acting as NPCs. This triggered quite a few of us and certainly made us uncomfortable. My friend kicked off on discord with said junior officer who quipped back that the Old Guard were being 'phased out' and that we better get used to the new way of operating. After reaching out to Gruggosh my friend was then kicked from the PCU community a few days later, when I asked him what exactly had happened he said he couldn't talk about it yet but he said things weren't looking good.
It is not a nice feeling when you come to understand that there's a strong possibility that you're being replaced. When you see the community you helped build and support changing in ways that excludes you from being a part of it's future. I don't expect you to care CoAD and I understand why you don't. The new wave of players and junior officer are loyal to Gruggosh, the Old Guard for the most part came onboard for Perroy but it seems like our time is up. Then again what goes around comes around, as we're now mocked and laughed at by the new wave of players and officers perhaps it's karma for all we did as a collective. People are talking of resisting these changes but the subtle developments have gone on too far and for too long, we're the outnumbered group now.
There's word that the plan is to drop the 'PCU' tag as well in favour of something else, so much for the legacy Perroy thought he was leaving behind. Disassociating the community with it's founder is a sad thing, but it'll likely garner external support for the community. I'm unsure of Gruggosh will go so far as to denounce him but something is in the works. If I was a betting individual, I'd put money on the fact that the cards of both Morsteth and Shewp have been marked as the 'figureheads of the old guard'. They're both my friends, but they make for logical fall guys particular given the 'treasure trove' of evidence that can be taken both in and out of context against them. If they want to avoid it, they need to take action with their supporters but as I've stated I think it's already too late.
People have every right to dislike me or not take sympathy from a roleplayer from the Rotgarde and PCU such as myself. I just want the community and CoAD not to be fooled by the mask Gruggosh puts on. What he's putting together is no different to the 'PCU' it is simply the PCU with a shiny new coat of paint, a fresh wave of followers and a new order for doing things.
What we have here is the realisation that totalitarian systems inevitably eat themselves. Lenin has moved on and Stalin has taken the reins and proceeded to begin purging the Old Bolsheviks from their positions.
Perhaps putting stock in a community that is built on toxicity and the oblivion of the self (npc playing) as being critical to functioning in RP events is not a sustainable idea. We will of course report on anything Gruggosh does, and we have made it clear we already know that the captain of the ship does not matter when the crew are the same beneath him.
You are correct, we do not care for the internal struggles within the PCU and we have no sympathy for people involved. The door has always been there, you have always had a chance to do better before now, and now Rome is burning.
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Shewp/Coalburnt has built up a significant amount of dirt on people within the PCU in his secret little Shewp's Inquisitorius discord server. It's basically his ace card and if the PCU fails he has stated to some of his confidantes that he'll leak a bunch of information about guild leaders and officers (likely to cast the eye of scrutiny away from himself).
CoAD is an important source of information. If Shewp/Coalburnt or players acting on his behalf were to go ahead with these leaks and send them to you would you still post them? If you didn't - then wouldn't that let Shewp/Coalburnt control the narrative as the PCU falls.
We consider all submissions. We've had plenty of submissions about the PCU from current or former members. If Coalburnt/Shewp wants to send stuff along to us that is completely fine, it also proves that we live completely rent free in his head and that is payment enough for us.
Of course if said screenshots and evidence are of poor quality then we won't be posting them up. We have more than enough of our own material on Shewp we have yet to post yet as well (most of it is just him repeatedly telling different players to off themselves or usual PCU racism).
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