#Cogent Communications Locations
yourusatoday · 1 month
Unveiling Cogent Communications Holdings Inc.: A Detailed Analysis of Locations
In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the locations of Cogent Communications Holdings Inc., a leading provider of high-speed internet and data center services. From its headquarters to key operational hubs, we explore the geographic footprint of Cogent Communications and its significance in the telecommunications industry.
Washington, D.C.
Cogent Communications Holdings Inc. is headquartered in Washington, D.C., a strategic location that underscores its presence in the nation's capital. This central hub serves as the nerve center for the company's operations, housing key decision-makers and administrative functions.
Network Operations Center (NOC)
Within its headquarters, Cogent operates a state-of-the-art Network Operations Center (NOC), where skilled technicians monitor and maintain the company's extensive network infrastructure. The NOC plays a critical role in ensuring network reliability and uptime, providing round-the-clock support to customers.
North America
Regional Data Centers
Cogent Communications operates a network of regional data centers across North America, strategically located to serve major metropolitan areas and key business hubs. These data centers form the backbone of Cogent's network, providing high-speed connectivity and hosting services to customers.
Points of Presence (PoPs)
In addition to data centers, Cogent maintains Points of Presence (PoPs) in strategic locations throughout North America. These PoPs act as network access points, enabling customers to connect to Cogent's network and access high-speed internet and data services with low latency and high reliability.
London Data Center
Cogent Communications has a significant presence in Europe, with a flagship data center located in London, United Kingdom. This state-of-the-art facility serves as a gateway to Cogent's European network, providing connectivity to businesses across the continent and beyond.
Frankfurt PoP
In addition to its data center in London, Cogent operates a Point of Presence (PoP) in Frankfurt, Germany, a major telecommunications hub in Europe. This PoP enhances Cogent's network reach and resilience, enabling seamless connectivity for customers in the region.
Singapore Data Center
Cogent Communications extends its global footprint into the Asia-Pacific region with a data center located in Singapore, a leading financial and technology hub. This strategically positioned facility serves as a gateway to Asia, offering high-speed connectivity and hosting solutions to businesses in the region.
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bestworstcase · 4 months
@based7100 this tag made me snicker so
#forbidden tdt lore!
forbidden tdt lore!
we are not going to get into the whole entire TDT Salem Backstory for spoiler reasons and also because my gods we’d be here all day. the salient piece with regard to her semblance is that through the vast majority of the epoch between the moonfall and humanity’s return salem was experiencing varying degrees of deep deep psychosis and still, to this day, doesn’t really know How Much of what happened during that time was real. once there were people again and she’d had a few centuries to feel mostly sure of this fact, her semblance crystallized from her determination to. uh. live in this world.
(blows a kiss to ice queendom for giving me a leg to stand on here with this being in scope of what semblances can do.)
the baseline ability lets her enter and arrange her own mind as a tangible, real physical place. she has constructs representing memories, feelings, ideas, beliefs, pathways and architecture that she’s built out over thousands of years to guide and contain her thinking within the bounds she finds comfortable. which all adds up to salem being very weird but cogent Most Of The Time and having things she can do to ground herself when it gets. bad again.
in a sense her semblance is itself a realm. not a very large one—back of napkin estimate it takes about two hours to walk across end to end and four top to bottom following the main thoroughfare. but akin to ozma’s reliquaries in that it’s a real place where, conceivably, anyone could go if she opened a door. the pool of grimm and the waters of life are both In There.
(<- i had all this sketched out pre-v9 which made the salem-wrote-it ever after theory VERY FUNNY. btw)
sustaining that requires a Tremendous Amount of aura obviously but salem has an infinite reserve and also has been at it for almost the entire history of humankind 2: electric boogaloo so She’s Fine. anyway
that’s the foundation. the fun thing about giving salem a semblance of course is her immortality. what happens if you take a semblance and give it thousands upon thousands of years to cook? (one of my reasons for devising hers this way was to impose some restriction on the answer; it projects inward, not outward, because it’s a staircase she had to build to find the outside world. it can’t go the other way.)
when it originally manifested, the one point of ingress was through her dreams. (although the dividing lines between dreaming and waking and lucid semblance dreams were… permeable.) then she figured out how to cast herself in and out while awake, and from there developed a technique for making doors, which correlated with the interior construct becoming more real and let her physically enter it from remnant.
later on she decided that, since she could open the door in her semblance from anywhere on remnant, that door should also be able to open anywhere on remnant she felt like from the inside, and i think she spent a Long Time trying to make that work before it occurred to her that she could just… make more doors. (from the inside, a door always opens to where it was last opened from without; she still has not cracked this. but she does have a set of doors that all lead to destinations she’s “saved.”)
so she can use her semblance to travel, central location style, across remnant.
the other big thing she’s figured out how to do is use her semblance on other people, projecting herself into constructs of their minds. these aren’t real in the same way, they’re very dreamlike and fade when she withdraws, and of course she won’t have absolute control in a spatial model of someone else’s mind, but as you can imagine few of the outcomes of having salem in your head are pleasant. among other things this is how she “teaches” people how to communicate with grimm.
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Hi I would like to talk about something as a Catholic
A lot of times, I see posts on here talking about purity culture, and how a lot of purity culture comes from Evangelical Christianity. I see a good few posts about the presence of purity culture in Catholic circles, and how ex-Catholics (specifically Catholic, although this is also true of other Christian denominations) still struggle with the effects of purity culture years or decades after they’ve left. And I see a lot of response posts, talking about how purity culture isn’t theologically correct from a Catholic standpoint, and how no true Catholic would actually believe in purity culture, and clearly the problem was that their parents and/or church were uniquely bad at teaching theology.
I would like to (cautiously) posit that purity culture has not, in fact, been avoided by the Catholic Church at large, at least here in America.
Rant under the cut
Yes, if you’re only directly looking at the Catechism and the Bible, you know that God always extends us mercy and forgiveness. You know that the Sacrament of Confession is a direct testament against purity culture; that no matter what, your sins will be forgiven entirely, that God puts them out of His mind as though they never happened. You know that God delights in you, that God loves you wholly and completely and entirely. But the Catholic Church does not exist in a vacuum; if we’re going to have a cogent discussion about purity culture in the Catholic Church, we are going to have to acknowledge that the people within a religious community are going to have a large influence on the theological beliefs of that community, even if those beliefs go unsaid, even if they contradict the Bible and the Catechism. And when it comes to Catholic communities? Catholic churches? Catholic social media groups? Purity culture very much exists there.
How? What do I mean when I say purity culture exists in these communities?
Purity culture, as a quick definition, is the idea that we cannot be redeemed from the sins of our past, and so we must only accept those medias and individuals who have been morally pure and just from the beginning to the present. It is a rejection of anything and anyone that does not morally and completely align with the standards set by the group it is contained in, and a conditional acceptance only of that which is deemed pure and good. In other words, to be loved and liked, one must always be pure and perfect.
So when I hear fellow Catholics saying “well, yeah, he had a great sermon, but his brother is… gay”, or “well, they can’t be a real Catholic; they’re a Muslim convert” or “Sure, you go to Confession, but that’s really just a bandaid because you haven’t stopped your ingrained habitual sins”, I am hearing the evidence of purity culture. When otherwise loving Catholics say “the death penalty is necessary, because prison is full of bad people who’ve committed heinous crimes, and they deserve to be punished and die”, or “the Pope said something that I personally disagree with, or got rid of TLM, so he isn’t really the Pope”, they are participating in purity culture. These statements do not align with our theological beliefs, and they represent a deeper sin; being unwilling to accept something as having theological value, or accepting a person as having inherent worth and dignity, unless they meet our perfect standards. That is purity culture.
(Does the sign of the cross as I realize I’ve swung bats at many hornets nests)
“But Liza”, you might say, “those people are just bad Catholics”. And maybe so! Every single one of these people are fundamentally misunderstanding what Catholic teachings say about forgiveness and love. But the fact remains that purity culture is present and alive in many Catholic communities, across different locations and platforms, in multiple contexts, for both groups and individual beliefs. That doesn’t read to me as everyone being badly taught by their parents or “just a bad Catholic”. That reads to me like an endemic problem.
I think the worn joke about Catholic guilt betrays something insidious; we have taken our personal scrupulosity and called it a conscience. We have taken our hatred of sin and thrown it in sinner’s faces and called it loving correction. If we look at a callout post about someone’s past and think “this will fix the problem because now the person will see how bad and evil they are”, we are falling into this trap. I have fallen into this trap time and time again, and I am sick of letting myself do it, and I am sick of seeing it happen around me.
It is not normal to be afraid, constantly, that you will be “found out” for being an imposter of a Catholic. It is not healthy to show up to Confession primarily because you are afraid of dying sinful. It is not spiritually good for you to feel shame and disgust towards yourself because you have sinned.
Let me repeat: it is not normal to find yourself or other people shameful, embarrassing, disgusting, or less of a Catholic because you, or they, have sinned. As my priest has told me time and again in Confession, shame keeps you silent, and it keeps you from seeking forgiveness. Shame is not of God. God delights in you, even when you are sinning, and He is overjoyed every time you show up in Mass. Even if you can’t receive the Eucharist, even if you don’t participate in the Mass, even if you are there in the skimpiest clothing known to man and a phone that keeps dinging, God is delighted to have you there. Should one be wearing a bikini to Mass, or leaving their phone on, or sitting there ignoring the Mass? No. But God is still delighted to know you and love you and have you there. Do not mistake the shame you might feel in your gut about your sins as holy reproach, or your conscience protecting you.
Yes, we should absolutely call people to reform their behavior when they sin, but by golly, shaming them into holiness does less than nothing. If a person you did not know angrily told you how bad and sinful you were, then displayed everything bad you’d done and shared it to everyone they knew, would you listen to that person? Anger makes us dig in our heels and entrench our own convictions, especially anger at a common enemy. In dredging up everything someone we dislike has done before, with no relevance to their actions today, we are not calling them to justice, we are shaming them to make a point. That is not justice, that is not love, that is not Christlike. That is scrupulosity reflected outward. That is taking the scrutiny and vitriol that eats one alive from the inside and holding that lens up to our fellow man until it eats them. We have taken disgust and anxiety and hated and called it love, because by critiquing the past actions and situations of those around us, we are showing others “I know what’s moral, I know what’s right, and you’re not up to snuff”. It makes us look like we care deeply about our faith, like we’re deeply aware of sin and how it affects the world. But it is not love, and so it is like a clanging gong or crashing cymbal. And it will not earn us any grace.
So yes. I think the Catholic Church I have grown up in and remain in has an issue with purity culture. It’s why I’ve had to spend years trying to unravel my own scrupulosity, because I grew up thinking I had a strict conscience. It’s why I skipped Mass and confession for many months, convinced God hated me and that I would just disgust him if I showed up. And my dad went to seminary! I went to Catholic school for multiple years! I went to VBS every year, helped my dad run events for the religious education program, even sat through RCIA classes for teenagers that my dad was helping with. My education in theology was far more thorough than the average American Catholic, and I still wound up anxious and terrified and willing to tear people down if I thought they didn’t measure up, because that’s the behavior that was modeled in my community. It’s why it took me years to acknowledge that I wasn’t straight, because I was caught up in critiquing queer people for not trying hard enough. It’s why I flagrantly burned out in high school, because I treated my disability symptoms like signs of personal sinfulness until junior year. That’s not a strict conscience. That’s scrupulosity. That’s purity culture.
And no this is not about covering up abuse. Just so we’re clear. We should absolutely call out signs of abuse that happened in the past, especially because those cycles of abuse will continue unchecked if we don’t. Don’t clown in my notes saying I want priests to remain in charge of churches after abusing people or being complicit in that abuse, that’s not even close to the same thing.
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bantsissies · 5 months
Resolution: 1280x649 System: Chrome 110.0 Win10 Location: United StatesBoca Raton, Florida, United States ISP / IP Address: Cogent Communications (
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t5ltherapy · 2 years
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Summary: Rip and John are trapped by a cave in. Author Note: Just to note all my medical knowledge comes from ER and Greys Anatomy.
 Pain was the first sensation he felt as he made his way back to consciousness, it was like several small daggers stabbing into his leg while his arm was numb. As he forced himself not to succumb to the welcome blackness once more, he realised there was someone talking to him.
It took him a few seconds to focus on the voice but finally it became clear.
“Come on, wake up you mad bastard.”
John frowned, Rip was regaining consciousness but with the very obviously broken leg, head wound and possibly a broken arm John knew it wasn’t going to be a pleasant way to wake up. The cave in hadn’t done either of them any good but Rip had shoved John out of the way of falling rocks meaning he was worse off. John had busted ribs and his ears were still ringing.
“Cons…Cons…John?” Rip asked groggily.
“Got it in nearly one,” John noted, moving slowly over to the other man, “Should I ask how you feel or just assume it’s the same as you look?”
Rip licked his dry lips, “Is it that bad?”
“Well you won’t be winning any beauty contests,” John told him, “But you wouldn’t normally.”
“Ha ha,” Rip drawled sarcastically, wincing in pain.
Carefully kneeling beside the other man, John moved his finger in front of Rip’s eyes checking for a concussion, which he clearly had.
“What do you remember?” John asked trying to find out how bad a concussion.
Rip closed his eyes for a moment, trying to focus before replying, “Energy spike. I followed it to these caves, and you were already here. We…we…” he frowned for a moment before grimacing, “You probably set off a security system and there was a cave in.”
“I set off the security system?” John demanded as he ripped a piece of his shirt to try to stop the bleeding from Rip’s head, “I’m sure you were the one who did that.”
Rip grimaced when John pressed the wad of material to his head, “There must have been sensors in the wall and if you’d waited two seconds I could have deactivated them…ow,” he cried in pain as he jerked his leg.
“You might want to sit still until we get out of here,” John told him.
“And do you know when that’ll be?” Rip asked, “Because no one will be coming after me.”
John winced, holding up his communicator and Time Courier both smashed, “Not unless you can fix this.”
Rip sighed annoyed, “There might be some components I can use.”
His eyes closed and John snapped, “Stay awake, Rip.”
“You have a concussion,” John told him, “So, until we know it’s okay, I need you to stay awake. That and I don’t want to sit here listening to you snore.”
Rip glared at him, “Why are you here?”
“Same as you,” John shrugged, trying not to wince at the pain in his ribs the moment caused, “Energy spike. I was in the neighbourhood checking up on an old acquaintance, so I said I’d come check it out.”
Rip mused, “So hopefully someone will come looking for you soon but until then we’re stuck.”
John nodded.
 The pain in his leg was familiar, and Rip knew it was broken. He couldn’t see it but had a feeling it was a compound fracture which meant it was not going to be fun getting it fixed.
“Hold on,” John suddenly said, “Don’t you have those things in you to heal you for emergency? Why haven’t you used that?”
“The nanotech emergency medical repair,” Rip nodded, “Unfortunately for them to work I need to be able to contact Gideon. Do you have a working link to her?”
“No,” John replied.
“There you go then,” Rip sighed.
John frowned at him, “You could have just said it wouldn’t work. There was no need for the sarcasm.”
Rip rolled his eyes, “Why is my left arm numb?”
“It’s trapped between your body and the wall,” John told him, “I could move you slightly, but it might hurt like hell.”
Taking a deep breath, Rip said, “Do it.”
“I have my own time courier on that wrist,” Rip told him, “It’s probably been broken but between the two of them I might be able to put a beacon together.”
John stared at him before demanding, “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
“Concussion,” Rip replied.
Letting out an annoyed sigh, John took a hold of Rip’s duster and pulled him slowly so that Rip’s arm was free. The movement jerked his leg and Rip cried out in pain.
“Sorry,” John winced.
Breathing hard, Rip managed to move his left arm wincing to see the Time Courier on his wrist and how badly it was smashed. This was going to be harder than he thought.
 John pulled out his flask wishing he had water in it and not the whiskey he’d filled it with.
“What are you doing?” Rip asked.
“Trying to work out if I can turn whiskey into water,” John told him, “You need some. Unless you thought to bring a canteen along with you?”
Rip shook his head, “Didn’t expect to be here this long.”
“Well, you need water,” John told him, “Adding dehydration to the rest of your issues right now is not good. Your AI will be pissed enough as it is.”
“Gideon,” Rip frowned at him, “You know her name.”
John smirked before pushing, “But I’m the one on the ship these days. If you cared so much where have you been for the last few years?”
Rip stared at him for a moment before ignoring the question, “I need to sit up a little if I’m going to be able to create a beacon.”
“Do you remember how much pain you were in when I moved you slightly?” John demanded, “Not to mention it could make you worse.”
“No one knows we’re here,” Rip reminded him, “If I can make a beacon then we have a chance of getting out before we die. I’m willing to take the risk.”
 John winced when Rip screamed as he moved the other man to a seated position. Rip’s leg was a mess and John hated he could do nothing to help with the pain. Rip despised taking painkillers of any kind and he wouldn’t accept John using a magical solution because Rip hated anything that dulled his senses. He’d rather be in pain.
“Okay,” John said when Rip was in a seated position, “How are you?”
“Do I really need to answer that?” Rip forced out through gritted teeth.
Shrugging John asked, “What do you need to make this beacon?”
“Give me your courier and comms link,” Rip told him as he eased the Time Courier from his own wrist, “I have a tool kit in my pocket. Can you give me it?”
Carefully John reached into the pocket of Rip’s duster, it was always possible he had something dangerous in there. He’d almost accidentally blown his hand off during one of their misadventures trying to get a pen from Rip’s pocket. Thankfully, he located the toolkit without any damage to himself, Rip took it with a nod and quickly flipped through the devices he had before getting to work.
It was clear Rip was not as focussed as normal, he kept pausing and blinking as he studied the comms link and the time couriers.
A sudden spark of energy blossomed just to one side of Rip as though a portal was about to open before closing.
“Bollocks,” Rip snapped, working on the connections the same thing happened again making him swear once more.
“What was that?” John demanded, worried when Rip covered his eyes with his hand.
The former Time Master turned to him, “That was not only our energy spike,” Rip explained with a sigh, “But also the energy that started the cave in trapping us.”
“So, you caused all this?” John demanded.
Rip sighed, “It’s a bloody time loop. Trying to escape caused the very thing that brought us here. They happen on occasion.”
“Oh, they happen on occasion,” John mimicked annoyed, “So, what does that mean for us now?”
“Nothing,” Rip told him, “We’ve closed the loop and I should hopefully be able to set up a beacon to let Gideon know where we are and that we need help.”
 Rip felt like his head was filled with cotton wool. It was getting harder to concentrate but he knew if he didn’t then they’d both die in here.
“Rip,” John snapped making him jump realising his eyes had closed, “Stay awake.”
“I am,” Rip shook himself, focussing on the beacon he was trying to make once more.
They sat in silence for a minute before John demanded, “Hold on, you just caused the cave in by opening a portal. Meaning you blamed me for nothing.”
“I blamed you for not waiting to check for sensors,” Rip retorted, “And I’m right. If you’d waited only one of us might have been caught.”
John let out a snort of annoyance, “You literally caused the cave in but it’s still my fault?”
“I know what you’re doing,” Rip said, “You’re arguing with me to keep me awake.”
“No,” John retorted, “I’m arguing with you because you’re a contentious bastard who can’t admit that this isn’t my fault.”
Rip glanced at him, “Fine it isn’t your fault.”
“Oh no,” John frowned, wincing as his ribs protested, “You don’t get to do that.”
“I’m agreeing with you,” Rip replied.
“You’re not,” John spat back, “You’re being a condescending arse.”
Rip shook his head, not looking away from his work, “You wanted me to admit you weren’t to blame, you really need to make up your mind.”
He could hear John swear under his breath, while he made the final few connections. Taking a breath, Rip murmured, “Be listening for me, Gideon,” before he activated the beacon.
 John was getting worried about Rip. After he’d activated the beacon he’d closed his eyes and was getting worse. His skin was pale and clammy, he was no longer as cogent as he had been. John was no doctor but even he could tell that if they didn’t get Rip back to Gideon then the other man was a goner.
Checking the beacon, John winced at his ribs which were beginning to hurt more and more. They were definitely cracked and would start to impede his breathing soon. After what felt like forever, a portal opened at his side and John sighed in relief.
“Gideon,” he called.
“Mr Constantine,” the AI for the Waverider replied, “Where is Captain Hunter?”
“Just behind me,” John told her, “And in a bad way, where’s Sara and the crew?”
“They were visiting family when I received the distress beacon,” Gideon explained, “I came to Captain Hunter immediately.”
John grimaced, “Okay, his leg is broken and he’s unconscious now. I’m going to have to drag him to the medbay.”
“I cannot move the portal’s entrance, I could lose the signal if I do but I am waiting for you both,” Gideon told him, “I am assuming you did not escape injury and are just not telling me how badly you’ve been hurt.”
John rolled his eyes, “Just be ready for Rip.”
Grimacing John took a hold of his friend under his armpits and pulled him through the portal, wincing as Rip cried out in pain. Once on the bridge Gideon closed the portal and John sighed in relief.
“Can you activate his emergency medical whatever it was?” John demanded.
Gideon’s hologram appeared, “I shall but be warned this will not be pleasant.”
Before John could reply Rip screamed, his entire body stiffened as John watched the broken bone being pulled back down into the skin before healing over the wound. He stopped suddenly, falling limply on the ground unconscious.
“I have stopped the nanotech,” Gideon explained, “There is a stretcher in the medbay that you will be able to use to transport him there now.”
John sighed, he needed a drink.
 Rip felt warmth covering him and opened his eyes to a welcome sight.
“Gideon,” he breathed as she sat at his side in the parlour.
A fond smile touched her lips, “Hello, Captain. You know I am happy for you to visit when you are not injured.”
Sighing, Rip asked, “John?”
“In the other medical couch having his ribs fixed,” Gideon assured him, “Mr Constantine will be healthy again but unfortunately still himself.”
Rip chuckled, “A terrible outcome.”
Gideon smiled her fingers stroking his hair comfortingly.
“Am I sedated?” Rip asked.
“Your injuries were severe,” Gideon told him, “And if you had not managed to create the beacon you would not have survived much longer. I believed sedating you was the best course of action.”
He nodded, “Okay.”
Standing Gideon offered him her hand, “Since you will be unconscious for some time, shall we take a walk?”
Rip smiled and agreed. They started off the bridge into a garden that looked like the one at The Refuge.
“Where are the crew?” Rip asked thoughtfully as they strolled along the path, “Should I be thinking of a story to tell them where I’ve been?”
“The crew are not onboard and I will return the ship to the moment I left to ensure they have no idea,” Gideon assured him, “Your mission will not be compromised.”
“I wish we could do this together,” Rip reminded her, “But the Legends are needed to keep any aberrations in check, and they need your guidance.”
Gideon nodded, “I know. I would just prefer to be with you, Rip where I could keep an eye on you.”
Hugging her close, Rip sighed, “So would I but they need you more than I do. I will ensure I contact you with greater frequency.”
They continued walking for a few more minutes before Gideon asked, “What about Mr Constantine? Should I blank his memory of your survival?”
Rip considered this for a few moments before shaking his head, “No. I trust John will keep quiet.”
Nodding Gideon gave a small smirk, “I will ensure that he knows how unhappy I will be if he doesn’t.”
Chuckling Rip continued them on the path, he’d could enjoy being unconscious for a little longer.
 Rip opened his eyes and found John leaning over him.
“I have woken up to prettier sights,” Rip grimaced, standing up and testing his leg.
John frowned at him, “That’s the thanks I get for dragging you out of a cave? Typical.”
“Gideon,” Rip called.
“I’m here, Captain,” she replied.
Rip smiled, “Update please?”
“All injuries sustained by Mr Constantine, and yourself, have been mended, Captain Hunter,” Gideon told him, “I have a new Time Courier for you to replace the one you broke.”
“I wish I could stay longer,” Rip said sadly as he strapped the courier onto his wrist, “But I need to return to my mission, and you have to get back to the Legends.”
“What mission?” John demanded.
Rip sighed, “I can’t tell you but,” he stopped the other man from arguing, “I promise you it is important and for the protection of all.”
John stared at him for a moment before nodding, “Okay, mate. I’m guessing I can’t mention this to any of the others.”
“I would appreciate that, Mr Constantine,” Gideon spoke up before Rip could, she added, “And I would be very upset if this information was accidentally revealed.”
Rip forced himself not to smile while he chided, “Be nice, Gideon.”
“I am being perfectly nice,” she retorted.
Shaking his head, Rip offered his hand to John, “Take care of them for me.”
“Someone has to,” John shook his hand, “Be careful. Don’t want to have to save your sorry arse again.”
Chuckling Rip tapped the co-ordinates into his Time Courier, “Strangely I was going to say the same thing.”
With a gentle stroke of the ship’s bulkhead, Rip walked through the portal leaving his ship once more.
 John stood alone in the medbay for a few moments before he started up to the bridge. Taking a seat, he nodded, “Alright, Gideon, let’s go pick up the rest of the nuts.”
“Of course, Mr Constantine,” Gideon replied, “Before we leave however, I would like to remind you that Captain Hunter’s presence should not be mentioned to them at all. His mission is dependent on secrecy.”
“Don’t worry, Gideon,” he replied, “Rip would only leave you for something massively important. His secret is safe with me.”
With that Gideon flew the ship into the time stream heading back to the Legends.
 This was based on the prompt by @theadrogna from the RipChat Holiday Exchange that wasn't used at the time. John Constantine and Rip are trapped somewhere, one or both are injured and have to survive long enough to be rescued.
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kaelen · 4 years
10 question tag
thanks to @soulful-studyblr for tagging me in this! (and sorry that it took me forever to do)
the rules: answer the questions the individual who tagged you asked, then make up your own and tag as many others as you please :)
questions from @soulful-studyblr:
Favorite color- that prize has got to go to green. moss, frogs, sunlight coming through trees, what’s not to love?
Why do you like language- ‘cause it’s cool. no, but seriously, there’s no way to explain it without sounding like a colossal idiot, but that’s how people communicate, and live their lives, and that’s just indescribably cool to me. it all makes sense to them, and i want to be a part of that. even with english, there’s always so much more to learn, and the more exposed to the language you are, the more you get to know about the people who speak it, and that’s just. it’s pretty awesome. makes my internal organs clench up. in a good way. 
Why are you learning your 2nd languages- my second language is spanish, and i think i’m partially learning it out of practicality, but also because i like it :) there are a lot of other languages that i like too, of course, but i started learning this one first. it’s easily accessible, and there’s a whole wealth of cultures to learn about in the meanwhile. that wasn’t a super cogent answer, i guess, but i think i sort of got my point across.
Least favorite taste- hm. i mean my own bile has got to be up there, but i bet someone else’s bile would be worse. i’ve has the merciful good luck of not having to find out though, so in terms of things i’ve actually tasted, i would cautiously say that my least favorite is (my own bile, seconded by) shirataki noodles. you can say that i’ve never had them prepared properly, and you’re probably right, but the way that i’ve had them, the smell, the texture... they don’t actually taste like much but that somehow makes it worse. i have no clue how people eat those. 
dogs or cats- well, i have a dog, and she’s quite lovely, so i’ll say dogs, but really i love them both. i used to be a diehard dog person, but my first boyfriend loved cats, so i became, if not converted, very sympathetic to the cat person cause. i think my first pet out of college will be a cat, but i love them both!
Would you rather- i think i would rather, yes.
Have you always liked learning?- 100% yes, but academia-type subjects in particular (literature, languages, anything you’d find on a medblr) have always been my favorite. i’m willing to pick up welding, but i doubt i’d like learning it as much.
2nd favorite book- what a delightfully random question! i forgot the name of it, but it’s this book i read in maybe 2017. i might give kind of a spoiler trying to describe it oops. so it’s a historical fiction set in maybe france around the 1300s (a total guess), and it starts with this traveler sitting down in a pub, and he can’t afford a beer, so the owner offers him food and drink in exchange for a story. so then he starts to tell the story that’s the main plot of the book. it’s about this magical young girl, and her dog who came back from the dead, and two boys (there are some things that make them special too but i forgot what. i think one of them is an orphan and jewish. and one is black maybe) gallivanting around the country together trying to accomplish an objective that i’ve forgotten. along the way they wreak a fair amount of havoc, and the king sets out to kill them because they caused him some trouble. and as all this is happening, the traveler is describing events getting closer and closer to the present, until, as the book ends, the kids enter the pub where the story is being told. there’s no way i’m doing it justice here, but it was just great. an amazingly well-written book, so pretty to read (had that old book aesthetic), and the story was just so well-researched and ghfshgjka. i loved it. i wish i remembered the name. something illuminating??? OKAY I GOT IT MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE JUST LOOKED UP 50 SEARCH TERMS TO START OUT WITH. IT’S THE INQUISITOR’S TALE BY ADAM GIDWITZ AND IT’S ABSOLUTELY GOBSMASHINGLY FANTASTIC. 
Favorite time period for fashion- i think that the last 50 years or so have been pretty good fashion-wise for the middle class in america, with lots of more affordable, low-maintenance clothing options, but that’s not a fun answer. now, i had to do reasearch for this. if i get to be obscenely wealthy and exist in any location i so choose, i think that Italy from 1500-1510 would be my favorite for fashion. i prefer the more open necklines, especially square ones, embroidery, dramatic sleeves, and cinched silhouettes to earlier ones, though i’m not a huge fan of the layers and boning, even that’s not as bad when you get into southern Italy. (even though i would still love to be rich in the present day and circle through 60 or so teuta matoshi dresses. and long peacoats. i love peacoats.)
One good thing that happend to you today- hm. well, i’ve been really stressed out lately trying to figure out how to get into/pay for college. (my dream school is a private liberal arts/small research university on the east coast. i won’t say exactly which because there are a few top contenders at the moment that i could never afford or get into anyways.) so, the good part is that i finally got to laying out a plan for practicing for the sat, applying for jobs, applying for scholarships, and working on my meager serving of extracurriculars, which will hopefully increase my chances of getting into/being able to afford the schools i want to go to. i guess that that’s not something that happened to me because i made it happen, but it’s similar enough.
thank you for tagging me !
i’m tagging @ninasowl-studyblr and @la-biblioteca-de-ciana. both are excellent accounts, and, as i’m fairly new, pretty much the extent of my mutuals. 
if you could travel anywhere (in or out of the world) right now, where are you traveling? (pretend c*****v**** and money aren’t issues)
why did you start your blog?
how ya doin’?
are you a chocolate or vanilla person?
what’s your motivation for learning your tl(s)?
what’s the next language you would like to learn, if any?
what’s your favorite song at the moment?
favorite food?
feelings on duolingo?
what have you done to be proud of recently?
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tlatollotl · 6 years
Of all the places to discover a lost city, this pleasing little community seems an unlikely candidate.
There are no vine-covered temples or impenetrable jungles here — just an old-fashioned downtown, a drug store that serves up root beer floats and rambling houses along shady brick lanes.
Yet there’s always been something — something just below the surface.
Locals have long scoured fields and river banks for arrowheads and bits of pottery, amassing huge collections. Then there were those murky tales of a sprawling city on the Great Plains and a chief who drank from a goblet of gold.
A few years ago, Donald Blakeslee, an anthropologist and archaeology professor at Wichita State University, began piecing things together. And what he’s found has spurred a rethinking of traditional views on the early settlement of the Midwest, while potentially filling a major gap in American history.
Using freshly translated documents written by the Spanish conquistadors more than 400 years ago and an array of high-tech equipment, Blakeslee located what he believes to be the lost city of Etzanoa, home to perhaps 20,000 people between 1450 and 1700.
They lived in thatched, beehive-shaped houses that ran for at least five miles along the bluffs and banks of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. Blakeslee says the site is the second-largest ancient settlement in the country after Cahokia in Illinois.
On a recent morning, Blakeslee supervised a group of Wichita State students excavating a series of rectangular pits in a local field.
Jeremiah Perkins, 21, brushed dirt from a half-buried black pot.
Others sifted soil over screened boxes, revealing arrowheads, pottery and stone scrapers used to thin buffalo hides.
Blakeslee, 75, became intrigued by Etzanoa after scholars at UC Berkeley retranslated in 2013 the often muddled Spanish accounts of their forays into what is now Kansas. The new versions were more cogent, precise and vivid.
“I thought, ‘Wow, their eyewitness descriptions are so clear it’s like you were there.’ I wanted to see if the archaeology fit their descriptions,” he said. “Every single detail matched this place.”
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Kacie Larsen of Wichita State University shakes dirt through a screened box to see what artifacts may emerge. David Kelly / For The Times
Conquistadors are often associated with Mexico, but a thirst for gold drove them into the Midwest as well.
Francisco Vazquez de Coronado came to central Kansas in 1541 chasing stories of a fabulously wealthy nobleman who napped beneath trees festooned with tinkling gold bells. He found no gold, but he did find Native Americans in a collection of settlements he dubbed Quivira.
In 1601, Juan de Oñate led about 70 conquistadors from the Spanish colony of New Mexico into south-central Kansas in search of Quivira in the hopes of finding gold, winning converts for the Catholic Church and extracting tribute for the crown.
According to Spanish records, they ran into a tribe called the Escanxaques, who told of a large city nearby where a Spaniard was allegedly imprisoned. The locals called it Etzanoa.
As the Spaniards drew near, they spied numerous grass houses along the bluffs. A delegation of Etzanoans bearing round corn cakes met them on the river bank. They were described as a sturdy people with gentle dispositions and stripes tattooed from their eyes to their ears. It was a friendly encounter until the conquistadors decided to take hostages. That prompted the entire city to flee.
Oñate’s men wandered the empty settlement for two or three days, counting 2,000 houses that held eight to 10 people each. Gardens of pumpkins, corn and sunflowers lay between the homes.
The Spaniards could see more houses in the distance, but they feared an Etzanoan attack and turned back.
That’s when they were ambushed by 1,500 Escanxaques. The conquistadors battled them with guns and cannons before finally withdrawing back to New Mexico, never to return.
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This bluff overlooks the spot where many believe Spanish conquistador Juan de Oñate met a delegation of Etzanoans. David Kelly / For The Times
French explorers arrived a century later but found nothing. Disease likely wiped out Etzanoa, leaving it to recede into legend.
Blakeslee enlisted the help of the National Park Service, which used a magnetometer to detect variations in the earth’s magnetic field and find features around town that looked like homes, storage pits and places where fires were started.
Then, relying on descriptions from the conquistadors, he discovered what he believes was the battle site in an upscale neighborhood of Arkansas City.
Volunteers using metal detectors found three half-inch iron balls under the field. Blakeslee said they were 17th century Spanish cartridge shot fired from a cannon. A Spanish horseshoe nail was also found.
It all lent credibility to the detailed accounts left by the conquistadors.
The battlefield sits in Warren “Hap” McLeod’s backyard.
“It’s a great story,” he said. “There was a lost city right under our noses.”
McLeod, 71, offered a quick tour of the area.
He started at Camp Quaker Haven overlooking the spot where Oñate would have encountered the Etzanoans. McLeod then drove up to the country club, the highest point in the city of roughly 12,500 people.
“Lots of artifacts have been taken from here,” McLeod said.
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In 1994, thousands of relics were unearthed during road construction. In 1959, the renowned archaeologist Waldo Wedel wrote in his classic book, “An Introduction to Kansas Archeology,” that the valley floor and bluffs here “were littered with sherds, flints, and other detritus” that went on for miles.
“Now we know why,” McLeod said. “There were 20,000 people living here for over 200 years.”
Local rancher Jason Smith, 47, said he had seen collections “that would blow your mind.”
“Truckloads of stuff,” he said. “Worked stone tools, flints. One guy had 100 boxes at his house.”
Russell Bishop, 66, worked at the country club as a kid.
“My boss had an entire basement full of pottery and all kinds of artifacts,” he recalled. “We’d be out there working and he would recognize a black spot on the ground as an ancient campfire site.”
Bishop, who now lives outside Denver, has coffee cans full of arrowheads. He spread some on his counter.
“I don’t think anyone knew how big this all was,” he said. “I’m glad they’re finally getting to the bottom of it.”
Kansas State Archaeologist Robert Hoard said that based on the Spanish accounts and the evidence of a large settlement, it’s “plausible” that Blakeslee has found Etzanoa.
Still, he would like more evidence.
The early Great Plains had long been imagined as a vast empty space populated by nomadic tribes following buffalo herds. But if Blakeslee is right, at least some of the tribes were urban. They built large towns, raised crops, made fine pottery, processed bison on a massive scale and led a settled existence. There were trade connections all the way to the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan in Mexico.
"So this was not some remote place. The people traded and lived in huge communities," Blakeslee said. "Everything we thought we knew turns out to be wrong. I think this needs a place in every schoolbook."
And that may just be the beginning. Blakeslee has found archaeological evidence in Rice and McPherson counties for other large settlements extending for miles, which he believes existed around the same time as Etzanoa.
He has published his findings in the peer-reviewed journal Plains Anthropologist, and next spring he will present his evidence for Etzanoa at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A bigger excavation is planned for next summer.
The Wichita Nation, based three hours south in Anadarko, Okla., is watching all of this carefully. Experts believe the Etzanoans were their ancestors.
“The accounts of Oñate and Coronado have been interpreted for years,” said Gary McAdams, cultural program planner and historic preservation officer for the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, which number about 3,300. “We had a suspicion it was settled like this, but now it’s starting to be documented, which makes it feel more real.”
In the meantime, Arkansas City is trying to determine how to promote its new claim to fame. Etzanoa remains mostly underground or on private land. Yet that hasn’t deterred interest.
“We get about 10 calls a day to see the lost city,” said Pamela Crain, director of the Convention & Visitors Bureau. “The vision is to have a visitors center. The other key is to persuade landowners to allow people onto their property.”
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Professor Donald Blakeslee of Wichita State University shows a black pot unearthed by student Jeremiah Perkins, behind him. David Kelly / For The Times
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Russell Bishop still has the arrowheads he collected as a kid in Arkansas City. David Kelly / For The Times
Limited tours began last spring, focusing on key historical and archaeological sites. Town leaders are hoping for a UNESCO World Heritage site designation.
Back at the dig site, all eyes were on Jeremiah Perkins as he lifted the hefty black potsherd from the dirt.
Blakeslee dropped into the pit for a closer look. It was the largest artifact of the summer, perhaps 12 inches high.
“That’s a nice big cooking pot,” he exclaimed.
Yet many mysteries remain about the people of Etzanoa.
“How were they organized? How did they farm the bluffs? How did they maximize bison herds?” Blakeslee asked. “The questions go on and on and on.”
And the thought of that made him smile.
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marquis-teren-kiden · 5 years
Worgenism Research (HC)
WHO: Marquis Teren Kiden; with past assistance from Baron Rementhil Davington; Earl Darsa Carrington; The Library in Darnassus, and the Dalaranian Library.
HOW:  Multi-tangent field, laboratory, chemical, and esoteric Research Vectors.
WHY: As a means of eliminating the Worgenism condition from those who wish to relinquish the associated abilities in order to return their lives to a more standard existence.
WHAT: Investigate the available physical, chemical, esoteric occult and field knowledge currently available through public, private, and non-linear research vectors in an attempt to manifest a viable long-term treatment for removing Worgenism.
WHERE:  Research methodologies and pursuits are expected to require extensive travel throughout the length and breadth of Azeroth. Targeted communities include:
Gilnean Worgen (Gilneas)
Bloodfang Worgen (Silverpine Forest)
Hillsbrad Worgen (Fenris Isle)
Moonrage Worgen (Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest)
Shadowfang Worgen (Shadowfang Keep/Silverpine Forest)
Nightbane Worgen (Duskwood)
Talonbranch Worgen (Felwood)
Lycanthoth Worgen (Mt. Hyjal)
Wolf Cult (Ostensibly defunct, though exemplars may remain.)
                                         PROJECT OUTLINE
 1.  Field Research.
Primary Team: Lords Teren and Lycan Kiden; Dame Alituari Sunvein, Req Pax Urbi, Baron Ja’nin Ninro.
Secondary participants: Vanessa Brand (Bloodfang,) Atreyu, the Glaive (Talonbranch,) Dame Cherly Hawthorne, Sir Kelladen Slater,(Kiden/Gilnean) Maximus Goldeneye (Hillsbrad,) and Saunee Ohtar (Druid of the Claw.)
STEP ONE: Locate packs of both cogent and use a family of feral Worgen for the purposes of acquiring unfiltered dispositional data to act as a control group.
STEP TWO: Collect data pertaining to sociological hierarchies, inter-group communications, hierarchies, migration patterns; mating and hunting strategies.
STEP THREE: Collect involuntary samples of biological, chemical, toxicological, viral, bacterial and any unidentifiable physiological samples for further laboratory research purposes.
With the assistance of the Bloodfang, Hillsbrad and Talonbranch Worgen, we were able to secure live biological, chemical, toxicological, viral, and bacterial samples for our research from each of their packs.
In addition, samples of the above were also secured – living and post-mortem – from the Moonrage, Shadowfang, and Lycanthoth Packs.
These samples were preserved non-magically and delivered into the Laboratory of Sir Lycan Maddox (Now Lord Lycan Kiden.) for further medical evaluation.
2.  Laboratory Research.
Primary Team: Sir Lycan Maddox/Lord Lycan Kiden; Alituari Sunvein; Count As’eh Condea; Lord Grinsren Per’poh.
Secondary Participants: Vanessa Brand (Bloodfang,) Atreyu, the Glaive (Talonbranch,) Maximus Goldeneye (Hillsbrad.)
STEP ONE: Acquire bodily fluids, skin cells, claw and deceased Worgen tissue samples. Use voluntary and scientific (medical) samples.
STEP TWO: Isolate biological, chemical, toxicological, viral, bacterial and unidentifiable physiological samples.
STEP THREE: Attempt to isolate active variables pertaining to transmission of Worgenism, resistances to the Worgenism condition, and possible alchemical, mutagenic, or genetic treatments.
Conclusive evidence suggests that the potency of the Worgen condition is progressively more significant along genealogical lines.
Example: Earlier generations sampled from Kaldorei afflicted with this condition are considerably more powerful and transformations are far more violent among them than even those of modern Worgens.
This indicates that the modern strain of Worgenism – regardless of origins – may be traced through older Subjects and has led to the hypoethsis by Atreyu that additional samples should be taken if any survivors from the original Druids of the Pack may be located.
This resulted in a Hunt being called specifically to secure samples from the Feral Worgen in Kalimdor and throughout Mount Hyjal in the hopes of acquiring field samples from either a Druid of the Pack or original Wolf Cult.
Eventually, Atreyu and Lycan were able to acquire samples from each, though Atreyu was gravely wounded and immediate medical extraction prevented a full spectrum of materials from being taken for laboratory evaluation.
Final analysis indicates that the Druids of the Pack are the originating strain and these results were forwarded to the Marquis, Lord Teren Kiden, to undertake as part of upcoming Library Research Efforts.
3.  Library Research.
Primary Team: Marquis Teren Kiden; Baron Rementhil Davington.
Secondary Participants: Sir Lycan Maddox/Lord Lycan Kiden; Alituari Sunvein; Baron Larcos Sobo’Avill;
STEP ONE: Research the Worgen phenomenon through anecdotal and recorded histories found or referenced in throughout Libraries located throughout the Northern Eastern Kingdoms.
STEP TWO: Research the Worgen phenomenon through anecdotal and recorded histories found or referenced in the Darnassian Library; Kalimdor.
STEP THREE: Research the Worgen phenomenon through anecdotal and recorded histories found or referenced in the Dalaranian Library; Broken Isles.
After investigating the Nishanian Library, Davington Libraries, and the Libraries at Fenris Keep and in the Duchy of Kiden, it became readily apparent that the vast majority of information pertaining to Worgens was both anecdotal and subjective; whether derived from personal transformations and/or terrifying tales of escape.
These tales strongly indicated a transfer of Worgenism via bodily fluids; only to be controverted by the consistent tales of uninfected, unafflicted, offspring being born into packs whose parents consisted of two Humans, a Worgen and a Human, and two Worgens. After several such examples were reviewed two teams were used to expand on research pertaining to these unusual, non-viral, non-bacterial, non-physiological failures to be corrupted by what is by all appearances a physical malady.
Follow-up investigative research was undertaken at the Dalaran Library where Marquis Teren Kiden and Dame Alituari Sunvein met with Librarians in Darnassus for further information regarding the Worgen condition.
At this juncture, we were advised that the Druid of the Pack was tied to a Kal’Dorei artifact known as ‘The Scythe of Elune.’ Despite best efforts to learn more of the Scythe, the research team was rebuffed by the local Kal’Dorei Druids and forced to continue their inquiry elsewhere.
As the research team exited Darnassus, Marquis Kiden was approached by an elder Druidess who inquired as to the nature of the groups interest and offered to facilitate this research at the Library in Dalaran.
Saunee Ohtar’s offer led to a much fuller understanding of the Scythe of Elune’s origins, which she had personal knowledge of. After some debate with a Kaldorei Kirin Tor Librarian as to whether Worgenism might be in some way connected to either the Wild God Omen or the Wild God Goldrinn we were informed by our Druidic companion that – of the two – Goldrinn posed the more likely candidate as there was a pre-existing connection between him and the Scythe.
4.  Esoteric Research.
Primary Team: Marquis Teren Kiden, Saunee Ohtar.
Secondary Participants: Sir Lycan Maddox/Marquis Lycan Kiden.
STEP ONE: Examine the bodies of auras for any signs of magical corruption. Record findings for later evaluation.
STEP TWO: Examine the minds of Worgen for any signs of mental corruption or manipulation. Record findings for later evaluation.
STEP THREE: Examine the souls of Worgen for any signs of spiritual corruption. Record findings for later evaluation.
Saunee Ohtar shared her own research and understanding pertaining to the creation of the Scythe of Elune which indicated that it was originally a sacred stave known as ‘the Staff of Elune’ until it was adorned with Goldrinn’s Fang, as part of a ritual performed to provide a sect known as the Druids of the Pack greater control over their feral lupine forms; which often left them lethally incapable of discerning friend from foe in frenzied states of fury and madness.
 A clear failure of the originator’s intentions.
5.  Produce Final Report.
Primary Team: Marquis Teren Kiden
Secondary Participants: Sir Lycan Maddox/Marquis Lycan Kiden.
STEP ONE: Collate the data from field, laboratory, library, and esoteric research tasks.
STEP TWO: Evaluate the data from field, laboratory, library, and esoteric research tasks.
STEP THREE: Produce full report for future use in addressing the concern of unabridged Worgenism against the potential for medical necessity.
After extensive research, the following conclusions have been drawn.
While Worgenism contains physical components, there are several incongruities which make designating it as a pathogenic precursor to the condition. As such, the theory of Worgenism as a disease vector has been set aside.
Worgenism’s lack of susceptibility to the high efficacy of traditional Life, Elemental and chi-based magical corruption purifiers indicates that this condition is not, in fact, correctly labeled when perceived or denoted to be a ‘curse.’
Despite the loss of mental faculties and rapid onset of emotionally-inspired violent physical outbursts, the lack of cohesive thought or direction seems to contra-indicate any attempt to mentally or emotionally manipulate, charm, seduce, or otherwise manipulate Worgens to a specific purpose.
Historical records, documents, reports, tomes, and anecdotes tend to indicate that Worgenism is, in fact, a spiritual affliction which spreads rapidly through blood transfer and violence of purpose.
                    a. Worgens do not pass on this condition to their offspring.
                    b. Worgens in their Human forms do not pass on their condition to                         their non-Worgen romantic partners.
                    c. Worgens in the medical field have very low incidents of cross-                          infection with their patients, even when Personal Protection                          Equipment (PPE) is not correctly employed.
                    d. The Staff of Elune served its intended purpose until Goldrinn’s                          Fang was bound to it, at which juncture those exposed to the                          newly manifest artifact began to suffer similar corruption to                          those of the Worgens unless they were possessed of spiritual                          balance which respected both the Kal’Dorei Goddess, Elune,                          and the Wild God, Goldrinn.
                    e. Worgens purportedly originated with the Kal’Dorei; however                         there is equivalent evidence that Worgen were drawn to                         Azeroth from a distant world or plane of existence, and that                         Goldrinn also manifested on the Orc Homeworld prior to its                         destruction.
Worgenism appears to be an infusion of spiritual force/energy/essence imparted and passed on by the Wild God, Goldrinn.
It is not without merit that Goldrinn and Worgen are proven weapons against the Burning Legion; whom the Wolf god is believed to be an ancient adversary to, and for whom non-Azerothian Worgen reportedly have facilitated the defeat of elsewhere.
As such, it is the belief of this body that Worgenism is, in fact, a spiritual malady similar in nature to possession. While there are many treatments for this condition, in all likelihood, no alchemical or magical solution for the condition exists for mass distribution.
HOWEVER, it is not only possible but likely that an afflicted Worgen making the journey to the Shrine of Goldrinn and currying the favor of the Wolf god could eventually be granted leniency and freedom from their state, now that their ancient enemies – the Burning Legion – has been broken and defeated.
How long it may take to curry such favor, or in what manner such favors might be gleaned would almost certainly require a spiritual communion with this deity outside of this author’s experience.
If anyone could earn Goldrinn’s favor, however, it would almost certainly be one of his children among the Worgen.
- Lord Teren Kiden; Marquis of Nishan
[ @kat-lockhart; @darsacarrington ]
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long81766129-blog · 5 years
Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Can I Use Logic?
This is a repost of something I composed in a discusion pertaining to "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." During the discussion the resurrection of Jeseus was brought up as an instance of an amazing claim
I think what a great deal of individuals are missing out on is that we are not talking about believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other extraordinary claims. We are talking about a procedure for finding truth (Historiography) and a logical fallacy that has actually been entangled with it, generally from the atheist community. And although it has actually been shown to consist of a logical fallacy, individuals are still hanging on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the fallacy is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) Therefore, I keep asking individuals to provide an objective technique in establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. I want them to experience the ambiguity for themselves as they realize they can not provide an objective technique for establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can not do it and you can not. No person has actually had the ability to since David Hume initially provided the principle (not the phrase) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the phrase "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to function, it has to stay ambiguous, so the one requiring Extraordinary Evidence can compose anything they want to and call it evidence.
If you saw Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located individuals who said that for them (a subjective, not objective criterion), they would be lured to believe the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video of the event located on the moon; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was recorded by aliens; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was recorded by aliens who really did not believe in the resurrection they just recorded. I understand, I am making use of reductio ad absurdum, however it makes the point:
Since the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiuous, the proposition is fallacious.
So below is my inquiry: As an atheist, do you need to rely on a fallacy to maintain your position? I do not believe you do. There were lots of atheists/skeptics about well before 1748. The claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" just makes the atheist community look illogical.
I recommend that you others of the atheist community get rid of the expression. Anybody that has actually taken a Logic 101 course can determine the fallacy. I do not think that any person in the atheist community intends to be known as illogical and oblivious of fundamental logic.
Since there is no way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientifically useless. For the same reasons, in philosophy, it is shown as a fallacy and it is called Nonsense or Meaningless claim.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://berry65462985.tumblr.com/post/184928293564/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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malone63010378-blog · 5 years
Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Maybe, Maybe Not
This is a repost of something I wrote in a discusion pertaining to "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." During the discussion the resurrection of Jeseus was raised as an instance of an extraordinary claim
I believe what a great deal of individuals are missing is that we are not talking about believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other phenomenal claim. We are talking about a procedure for finding reality (Historiography) and a fallacy that has actually been entangled with it, mostly from the atheist community. And despite the fact that it has actually been shown to consist of a logical fallacy, individuals are still holding on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the fallacy is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) For that reason, I keep asking individuals to give an objective approach in establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. I want them to experience the ambiguity on their own as they understand they can not give objective approach for establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can not do it and you can not. No person has actually had the ability to since David Hume first offered the concept (not the phrase) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the phrase "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to function, it has to remain ambiguous, so the one demanding Extraordinary Evidence can make up anything they wish to and call it evidence.
If you watched Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located individuals that stated that for them (a subjective, not unbiased criterion), they would be tempted to think the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection located on the moon; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was recorded by aliens; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was recorded by aliens that didn't believe in the resurrection they just recorded. I know, I am making use of reductio ad absurdum, but it makes the point:
Since the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiuous, the proposal is fallacious.
So below is my question: As an atheist, do you have to rely on a fallacy to preserve your belief system? I do not believe you do. There were lots of atheists/skeptics about well prior to 1748. The demand "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" just makes the atheist community look unreasonable.
I suggest that you others of the atheist community reject the phrase. Any person that has actually taken a Logic 101 course can identify the fallacy. I do not believe that anybody in the atheist community wants to be called unreasonable and oblivious of standard logic.
Since there is no other way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientificlly pointless. For the same reasons, in philosophy, it is shown as a fallacy and it is called Nonsense or Meaningless claim.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://wagner16820292.tumblr.com/post/184928294324/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? I Don't Thinks So
This is a repost of something I created in a discusion regarding "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." Throughout the conversation the resurrection of Jeseus was raised as an instance of a remarkable claim
I think what a great deal of people are missing is that we are not talking about believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other extraordinary claim. We are talking about a procedure for uncovering reality (Historiography) and a fallacy that has been entangled with it, mainly from the atheist community. And although it has been shown to contain a logical fallacy, people are still holding on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the fallacy is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) For that reason, I continue asking people to offer an objective technique in establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. I want them to experience the ambiguity on their own as they understand they can not offer an objective technique for establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can not do it and you can not. Nobody has had the ability to since David Hume first offered the principle (not the expression) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the expression "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to function, it needs to remain ambiguous, so the one demanding Extraordinay Evidence can compose anything they intend to and call it evidence.
If you viewed Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located people that stated that for them (a subjective, not objective standard), they would be attracted to believe the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection located on the moon; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was recorded by aliens; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was recorded by aliens that really did not believe in the resurrection they just recorded. I know, I am making use of reductio ad absurdum, however it makes the point:
Because the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiguous, the proposal is fallacious.
So right here is my question: As an atheist, do you need to count on a fallacy to maintain your belief system? I don't think you do. There were plenty of atheists/skeptics around well before 1748. The demand "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" simply makes the atheist community look unreasonable.
I suggest that you others of the atheist community get rid of the phrase. Any individual that has taken a logic 101 class can identify the fallacy. I don't think that any individual in the atheist community wishes to be referred to as unreasonable and oblivious of standard logic.
Because there is no way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientificlly pointless. For the exact same reason, in philosophy, it is shown as a fallacy and it is called Nonsense or Meaningless statement.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://davis84212786.tumblr.com/post/184928296742/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Let's Find Out
This is a repost of something I created in a discusion relating to "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." During the conversation the resurrection of Jeseus was brought up as an instance of a phenomenal claim
I think what a great deal of people are missing out on is that we are not speaking about believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other extraordinary claims. We are speaking about a procedure for finding fact (Historiography) and a logical misconception that has actually been forced upon it, primarily from the atheist position. And although it has actually been revealed to contain a logical fallacy, people are still hanging on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the misconception is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) For that reason, I continue asking people to offer an objective approach in determining what is Extraordinary Evidence. I desire them to experience the ambiguity for themselves as they recognize they can't offer an objective approach for determining what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can't do it and you can't. No one has actually been able to since David Hume first presented the principle (not the expression) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the expression "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to work, it has to continue to be ambiguous, so the one requiring Extraordinay Evidence can compose anything they intend to and call it evidence.
If you saw Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located people who said that for them (a subjective, not unbiased criterion), they would be tempted to believe the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video of the event located on the moon; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was recorded by aliens; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was recorded by aliens who really did not believe in the resurrection they just recorded. I know, I am using reductio ad absurdum, but it makes the point:
Since the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiuous, the proposition is fallacious.
So right here is my question: As an atheist, do you need to count on a fallacy to keep your position? I do not think you do. There were plenty of atheists/skeptics around well before 1748. The request "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" just makes the atheist community look illogical.
I recommend that you others of the atheist community get rid of the phrase. Anybody that has actually taken a Logic 101 class can recognize the fallacy. I do not think that anybody in the atheist community wants to be referred to as illogical and ignorant of basic logic.
Since there is no way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientifically pointless. For the very same reason, in philosophy, it is revealed as a fallacy and it is called Nonsense or Meaningless declaration.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://leger24064447.tumblr.com/post/184928293324/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Not A Chance
This is a repost of something I composed in a discusion regarding "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." During the discussion the resurrection of Jeseus was raised as an instance of an amazing claim
I believe what a great deal of people are missing is that we are not discussing believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other extraordinary claims. We are discussing a process for discovering reality (Historiography) and a misconception that has actually been forced upon it, mostly from the atheist position. And despite the fact that it has actually been shown to include a logical fallacy, people are still hanging on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the misconception is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) Consequently, I keep asking people to give an objective technique in determining what is Extraordinary Evidence. I desire them to experience the ambiguity for themselves as they recognize they can't give an objective technique for determining what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can't do it and you can't. Nobody has actually had the ability to since David Hume initially presented the principle (not the expression) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the expression "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to function, it needs to continue to be ambiguous, so the one demanding Extraordinary Evidence can compose anything they intend to and call it evidence.
If you saw Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located people who said that for them (a subjective, not unbiased requirement), they would be tempted to think the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection located on the moon; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was shot by aliens; for others, they needed a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was shot by aliens who didn't believe in the resurrection they just shot. I understand, I am utilizing reductio ad absurdum, yet it makes the point:
Since the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiuous, the proposal is fallacious.
So right here is my concern: As a atheist or skeptic, do you need to depend on a fallacy to keep your belief system? I don't believe you do. There were a lot of atheists/skeptics about well prior to 1748. The claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" simply makes the atheist community look illogical.
I recommend that you others of the atheist community reject the expression. Any person that has actually taken a Logic 101 class can identify the fallacy. I don't believe that anyone in the atheist community intends to be referred to as illogical and ignorant of standard logic.
Since there is no way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientificlly useless. For the exact same reason, in philosophy, it is shown as a fallacy and it is called a Nonsense or Meaningless claim.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://burris45193725.tumblr.com/post/184928287921/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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leger24064447-blog · 5 years
Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Can I Use Logic?
This is a repost of something I composed in a discusion relating to "Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence." Throughout the discussion the resurrection of Jeseus was brought up as an instance of a remarkable claim
I think what a great deal of people are missing is that we are not talking about believing the resurrection of Jesus or a few other phenomenal claims. We are talking about a process for finding truth (Historiography) and a fallacy that has actually been forced upon it, generally from the atheist position. And despite the fact that it has actually been shown to include a logical fallacy, people are still holding on to it.
For the claim that "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence," the fallacy is the fallacy of ambiguity. “As a logical fallacy, ambiguity occurs when linguistic ambiguity causes an argument to appear cogent when it is not. This can happen when an ambiguous word or phrase occurs more than once in an argument and has different meanings in two or more occurrences.” (fallacyfiles.org) Consequently, I continue asking people to provide an objective technique in establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. I want them to experience the ambiguity for themselves as they realize they can not provide an objective technique for establishing what is Extraordinary Evidence. They can not do it and you can not. Nobody has actually had the ability to since David Hume initially presented the concept (not the phrase) in The Enquiry, back in 1748. For the phrase "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" to function, it has to continue to be ambiguous, so the one demanding Extraordinay Evidence can comprise anything they wish to and call it evidence.
If you saw Mike's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRAI-us4es), you saw he located people that stated that for them (a subjective, not objective standard), they would be lured to think the resurrection if there was a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video of the resurrection located on the moon; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon that was shot by aliens; for others, they required a 2000-year-old video, located on the moon, that was shot by aliens that really did not believe in the resurrection they just shot. I recognize, I am utilizing reductio ad absurdum, yet it makes the point:
Considering that the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" is ambiguous, the proposal is fallacious.
So here is my question: As a atheist or skeptic, do you need to depend on a fallacy to preserve your belief system? I do not think you do. There were a lot of atheists/skeptics around well prior to 1748. The demand "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence" simply makes the atheist community look irrational.
I recommend that you and the rest of the atheist community reject the expression. Anybody that has actually taken a Logic 101 class can determine the fallacy. I do not think that any individual in the atheist community wants to be called irrational and oblivious of standard logic.
Considering that there is no way to objectively quantify or qualify the claim "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence", it is scientificlly useless. For the same reason, in philosophy, it is shown as a fallacy and it is called Nonsense or Meaningless declaration.
I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENQI14jRqB8 https://holmes61229617.tumblr.com/post/184928290540/do-extraordinary-claims-require-extraordinary
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