royaltywithjulie · 9 months
Greenland Ice Canyon
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Discover the sublime charm of the Greenland Ice Canyon, where nature's frozen masterpiece reveals a world of tranquility and untamed elegance. Prepare to be enchanted.
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goddesshferguson · 10 months
Greenland Ice Canyon
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Discover the sublime charm of the Greenland Ice Canyon, where nature's frozen masterpiece reveals a world of tranquility and untamed elegance. Prepare to be enchanted.
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sclitvde · 2 years
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     Silver eye watches vulnerably as his and isobel’s fingers come together, weaving and entangling amongst each other. The chill of embarrassment crawl sup his neck, this impulsivity that is unbecoming of this once - lord. When body and mind return as one and he gains back his desired control, a nasally hum flares his nostril, hand shaking from her grasp What is so wrong with comfort? To offer it and receive it from an empathetic, willing other? Ansgar did not know nor did he care to         it feels odd, unsavory, something that should not be afforded to him. Though he himself is soft - spoken and phlegmatic, tenderness seems something granted to those more           chivalrous and charismatic          than he.       He swallows hard and stares blankly at the landscape in his periphery, the silence grave and heavy upon his shoulders as calloused hands return to the sanctity of his lap. ‘ Silly, foolish boy, ’ his father’s words haunt him from beyond the grave. Silly and foolish to think he could indulge in innocent, boyish affections, yearn for kindness that even he cannot offer.                         @coldrealm​​
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“Oh geez, this was a long time coming, wasn’t it? Sorry for the delay! A... Anyways, Clive and I just got back from a trip to the Coldrealm-- And as usual, we’ve compiled a report on what you can expect to see while you’re there! If you’ll just direct your attention under the cut, we’ll dive right into it.”
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“As you can see, the entire palace is made out of snow and ice-- But it’s actually not very cold inside! Anna says there’s an enchantment on the ice to keep it from melting, so even the hottest flames wouldn’t be able to damage it. That way, they can heat the inside and keep it accessible to a wide variety of guests! I was comfortable walking around in a sweater, personally.” 
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         “ i was less content to wander around without my coat, but i’ve never been so fond of the cold -- so those of a warm-blooded nature might want to bundle up a bit more. the rooms have fireplaces in them as well, all enchanted in the same way, to heat the room if the castle is still a bit cold for you. i’m looking forward to curling up beside one of those with mathilda. . . 
          oh! also -- the castle is quite large, i hope our tour shows that. the castle maids and guards are kind enough to show anyone who asks them how to get around, so don’t be afraid to ask for some help if you get a bit lost. ”
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“And here’s a view of one of the ballrooms! There are actually two in here-- One of which is going to be used for the Winter Bazaar, while the other’s gonna be for the ball. They’re huge, and really pretty! At night, the hall will light up with various colours, trust me-- It’s a magical experience. You’ll be able to better see what I mean in just a minute... But for now, let’s move on.”
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“Here’s one of the hallways. I really liked the look of it, so I just had to get a picture. Haha, I know it’s not really important, but I want to show off as much of the place as I can!”
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“There’ll be rooms in the palace to stay in, but assuming you’d prefer something more private, not too far from the grounds is an actual hotel once again made entirely of ice! These rooms -- and the ones in the palace -- can hold up to four people, and they’re under the same enchantments as the castle so I don’t think you’ll be getting too cold in here. Let’s take a look at it at night before we go in.”
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“Here we go! This is what I was talking about a moment ago; How the ice’ll light up at night? It’s just like this! Pretty neat, right? Let’s go inside.”
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“Clive had to take the Snapshot Tome away from me, or else I would have gone a little nuts just taking pictures of all these different rooms, eheh... But every single one has a different design and lighting in it! Since everything’s still made entirely of ice in here, there are little non-icy chests prepared by the doors that guests can keep their belongings in just in case. Despite lying down on a giant block of ice, I didn’t feel cold at all! The fur, goose down blankets, and treated ice made for a really cozy experience, actually. Moving back into the castle for a moment...”
      “ as you’ll notice, i didn’t keep the tome from him for long. he’s quite excited about this whole thing. it’s honestly a little adorable. ”
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“And more hallway shots. Eheh, I just found them really neat! That’s not exactly what I meant to show off, but it makes for a good transition point, at least?”
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“Check out this neat dining hall! There isn’t a set dining time specifically this time around, but generally the dinner hours look like anywhere from five to eight--” 
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“There’s a bar, too, but they won’t serve alcohol to anyone under eighteen so don’t test your luck! I didn’t even get any special favours as an organizer...”
       “ i did manage to try a few of them, and some of them are quite sweet. you couldn’t taste the alcohol in them. they also have a few spiced drinks served hot that were quite good as well, especially after walking around outside. ”
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“Next up is the grounds. Just beyond the courtyard, there’s a really expansive lake-- It’s perfect for ice skating! Or... It would be if I was any good at it... Maybe you guys’ll have better luck than I did?” 
     “ and me -- seems i’m rather poor at it myself. it didn’t help that alm was laughing so hard when he fell the first time. ”
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“And here’s the grounds for the snowball fight! It’s pretty massive, huh? I can’t wait to take everyone on this year-- If you’re interested in putting together a team, you have until the eighth of January to get your names in! As a reminder, we’ll start taking teams down on the fourth. And if you’re interested in joining the cheer squad, make sure to ask Shiori!”
      “ it is cold outside, so be sure to dress warmly. i know i was aching to go back inside once we finished walking around -- we’ll have to make sure that the fires in the rooms are built up when it’s all said and done so we have somewhere nice to relax. ”
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“There’ll also be horse-drawn sleigh rides, and...”
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“There are a ton of good hills around for sledding, too!”
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“And finally, of course, there’s a small town not too far away filled with shops and other interesting sights, should you find yourself wandering south of the grounds. I’ll have to come back here later and see if I can find a gift for Celica...” 
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“But that should just about do it, I think! Again, we’re very sorry it took so long to get this out to you guys-- Everything’s been pretty hectic lately, given the holidays. Either way, we’re still excited to get this show on the road, and we’re hoping you’re looking forward to it as much as we are!”
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      “ even with the delay, maybe we just built the anticipation for it. the castle itself is absolutely lovely -- even those less fond of the cold will find something to appreciate about it, myself included. with the events we have planned as well, you won’t be bored while you’re here, that’s for sure. we’ll see you again when the event gets a bit closer! make sure to pack your scarves! ”
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sclitvde · 2 years
       Axe cuts clean through flesh, tendon, and bone, severing the head of the adversary with ease. Long has it been since Nepheli has wielded her heavy blades in combat          in the lands she lords, she has long since wielded only an executioner’s sword, for the Lord that passes the sentence must fell the sword. But this skirmish, of raiders and defilers come to bestow waking nightmares upon her lands, is one of great importance to her. She has seen the unnecessary horrors the beguiling strong wreak upon the weak, and though she was just an infant when her own village was levelled by such oppressors, this Lord has always meant to mete out justice.        She is Nepheli Loux. Lord of Storm. Warrior. And evil will never bring foulness to her lands and leave unchecked.        There is a sense of catharsis, having bestowed the final blow to the last unforgiving pillager, though the village around them still smolders, homes, families, lives lost to flame. She cleans the blood from her axe meticulously with the cloth around her armored waist. In her periphery, a familiar figure approaches, tall and proud in its stature, cultivated, in part, by her own warrior’s wisdom.
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       With her stormhawk having perched himself upon her shoulder, she turns. “What do the scouts say, Jonos?”                                     @coldrealm​
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