#Colleague ( not real work relationship - more so a sort of professional but friendly one) : Solver - Rescuer
If you are the multiverse mom.. And the original wh au is technically a part of the multiverse, does that mean the original cast is also your children?
*Peacekeeper chuckles*
"What a fun question ! Well, first of all... The original "Welcome Home" show is well... The original ! So not really an AU... According to what the others told me, the original is unnaccessible to multiversers. What can be accessed are variants, copies, if you will. I came from one myself !
Now... I suppose I am pretty motherly, so I would likely be motherly with them too ! But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't actually be my "children"... I have very few I consider my "children", actually"
#the “multiverse mom” title is a shortcut because Keeper acts motherly with everyone#but in reality she has a variety of nuanced relationship !#this question was really fun#Foster Children (those she helped for a while but didn't need her as a “mother” per say#welcome home au#welcome home#whmultiverse#keeper poppy au#multiverse mom#ask peacekeeper poppy#ask blog#poppy partridge#welcomehome#poppy welcome home#time for some lore in tags !#here is a list of Keeper's relationships and their “type” of dynamics#Children (those she actually raised) : Archivist - Morpheus#Foster Children (those she cared for during a time but who didn't need a true mother/child bound with her) : Filante - Messenger - Stitcher#Patients ( she cares for them but not much of a bound is formed) : Faceless - any being coming in her domaine for rest#Colleague ( not real work relationship - more so a sort of professional but friendly one) : Solver - Rescuer#↑ note that Keeper also sees the colleagues as friends of hers#she just might not be as “close” ig ? if that makes sense#Friends : Wayfinder - Watcheye#Neighbor kid (yk that kid that's always in your house to a point the parent see them as additionnal kid ?) : Trader - Scripter - Shopkeeper#note that I didn't really mentionned Observer and Admin#that's because her relationship to them is more complex#also Harbinger - Hunter - Storykeeper - Hopper - Jester - Fallen - Maddie - and others are in the broader category of “acquaintances”#and the level of friendship will vary for each characters#did all of that make sense ?#the list isn't complete I'm still trying to make it clear for myself
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS as... ‘ordinary’ employees
Okay so when I say ‘ordinary’ I mean as in not famous basically. This is more what I just have personally imagined them doing and I think I’ve lost that somewhat ‘realistic’ touch I used to have a few years back when I was more of an avid writer for this blog and could have an idea of their actual personalities, current likes, etc. This is also in no way a reflection of what I think they are and aren’t capable of so please don’t scream at me if your bias has a ‘lower’ role than you might have expected.
Sorry I do like to blabber on before these things, don’t I? 
I hope everybody is staying safe anyways and happy imagining!
BTS as... Masterlist here
Pawn Shop Sales Assistant
learning everything about every thing
if you have an object to sell for cash
he probably knows everything about it
or at least like a lot about it
his career is in early days right now
because it’s a family trade
but he learns from the best
but asks not to be favourited over other staff just because he’s the manager’s son
like you know he wants someone to tell him if they think he didn’t get a good deal for that ring
no special treatment please
sometimes uses a bit of the old charm to get a good deal
many girls like that
some of the guys not so much
especially the boyfriends
meets his wife there
she’s a fairly regular customer
buying good finds from charity shops
or finding stuff in the house
and taking them to the pawn shop to get by and save up a little
they really click
after like the 11th visit he finally plucks up the courage to ask her out
“so, uh... I clock off soon and I was wondering if....
and he gets quite flustered because he really likes her
“... would you like to maybe grab a coffee with me?”
and she sort of teases him to fluster him
“I don’t like coffee”
“Oh erm....”
“Just kidding”
and inside he’s like “don’t DO that to me!”
fast forward a few years and he’s got a kid with her
but anyway back to joon as an employee
has many many friends in and around the industry
just people over the years who he’s needed to contact to double check some stuff about an item
sometimes there’s the odd nutter who comes into the shop
like any shop really let’s be honest
but oddly enough, Namjoon has a calming effect on them
maybe he’s just really patient
maybe he has great negotiating skills
but if someone kicks off at one of his colleagues
it’s resolved in under ten - fifteen minutes
he reasons with people who are shocked to find out that their gold isn’t actually real gold
or negotiates with those who thought they had something worth more
or sometimes just has to outright sass back at the aggressive ones
but most people find him to be an agreeable guy
banter with his dad / manage
rand although he gets on with everyone there
there’s that one colleague that just becomes his best mate
and this mate is also in on the banter
but again, there’s no staff feeling left out or not getting the same treatment
it’s a family business
and anyone that helps them along the way is family too
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Sales Assistant
in a big supermarket
stacking shelves
helps customers that can’t reach the higher shelves
such a gentleman
lovely customer service
some wish they could give him a tip
but he wouldn’t take it most of the time even if it was allowed
he doesn’t need to be paid to show basic kindness
it’s just manners really
but he doesn’t fully realise how much he goes above and beyond
very patient at explaining stuff to people
he’ll repeat directions 10 times if he has to
and he helps the elderly make smarter shopping choices
not that his manager knows that though
because he’s supposed to focus on building up bigger transactions
but what can he say
he’s just a people person
empathy and understanding levels are like 1000/10
a good bean
wish you could be served by him all the time
people purposely queue up at his lane when he’s on tills
because he just provides a friendly smile 
and pleasant conversation
“how was your day?”
and he’s not saying it because he has to
he’s genuinely interested in what everybody has to say
takes forever but becomes a supervisor
some of his workers often mistake his kindness for dumbness
is that a word, ‘dumb...ness’?
but actually he more than knows what he’s doing
cashes up faster than anyone else ever
has solid ideas to help both business and customer
and whilst it’s a bit difficult getting them out there to higher people
they go for it
from ideas about what customers have previously asked for that the store doesn’t - didn’t - have
to community projects courtesy of tokens from shoppers
even a park that gets set up nearby is named after him
he may seem like just a sales guy to an outsider
but really he’s the heart of the local community
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Tech Support
the funniest you could come across
you know, if you were listening in to the way he deals with some
just pay attention and there won’t be any problems
sometimes he’ll have those days where he’s like
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
totally not an IT Crowd reference oops
but seriously that can work like half the time
used to work in some dull office
but took his work to his house
he can basically work wherever and whenever he wants now
as long as he’s got a laptop and a connection
that is the one change he made in his life that made him a lot happier
because although some might turn their noses up to a job like this
it suits him down to the bone
and he doesn’t really care to change career paths any time soon
is up to date with all the tech trends
owns one of everything
well most things
he even has like a drawer of many phones
it’s like a museum of the company he works for lmao
has this spare room that he turned into an office
which definitely could be mistaken for a man cave
the ultimate problem solver
in work and in life
like he can get a phone call about a super complex problem 
and he knows what to do just like that
or a mate has a problem with some relationship
and the reply he gives them is just wow
and he’ll have just made their problem sound a lot less stressful or problematic
loves to help people in and out of work
he understands that the people he is helping might be at their worst moment in their work
or it’s an older person desperately wanting to contact family
he doesn’t just solve the technological problems
he calms you at the beginning of the call
he motivates you at the end and wishes you luck
he talks you through the technology in layman’s terms so you can understand what it is you’re doing
and that attitude continues in his social life
he’s the sober friend when you’re crying in the club toilet drunk
he’s the friend that comes knocking on your door because he hasn’t heard from you in a while and he wants to check everything is okay
he will drop you a phone call the day after to see how you’re hanging
or just because
just because he’s an absolute sweetheart
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College Tutor
the type that is fairly laid back
but won’t take any shit 
so go through your assignment at your own pace
just don’t take the mickey
like he will understand that you might have some personal shit going on
and he’ll extend a deadline under special circumstances
but don’t push your luck by lying to him
happy to have banter with the students
makes lessons fun
but also productive
actually the most productive class(es) of anyone’s day
he’s just one of those tutors you’d love 
because he’s engaging
and there’s that one other tutor that no one really likes
because this other guy is boring, dull, basically almost jealous of the students and their ambitions
and although Hoseok won’t say a bad word about his colleague
he can teach you more in half an hour than the other guy does in the entire year
and when you pass the unit he won’t even take credit for the significant part he played
really fucking modest
but he really is one of those teachers that builds lives
keeps quite to himself generally though
has just a small group of friends outside of the college
it’s important to him to keep professional and personal life different
just an overall cool guy
very fair
some say a bit boring
but he’s just sensible really
no one from colleges knows he has a wife
some girls swoon over him and speculate he could be single
and usually he’s oblivious to / ignores any flirting
he’s just here to do his job
he’s here to educate
and he’s here to help you
and he’s happy to help you
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Dance Instructor
yes, it’s a bit of a typical idea, sorry
but come on
dishy dance teacher whilst you try to learn a style of dance
some students may or may not purposely so bits wrong
because they know Jimin can sometimes be quite physical in his teaching
“Okay, no worries, let’s go back to that bit... It goes like...”
and he’s just behind you to guide you
has his own dance school
holds sessions in the local community centre every weekday night
Monday: contemporary
Tuesday: Street Dance
Wednesday: Musical Theatre
Thursday: Tap
Friday: Ballet
the little un’s are in from 4pm - 5pm
preteens 5pm -6pm
teens / young adults 6pm - 7pm
and finally the adults at 8pm
it sounds like hard work
but dance is all Jimin knows
he’s more than used to is
his stamina is so good
and once his business as a teacher gets up and running
he can afford to put on shows 
to showcase all the hard work his students have done
every year, some time in spring
the nearest theatre in town
it’s not as successful as, say, the pantomimes at xmas
but there are plenty of family and friends of the students interested
parents come to watch their kids
adults come to watch their friends
and so on
He has so much faith in everyone
and is proud of every little achievement 
at kid’s tap class he’ll be like “wow Sally! that’s amazing! you did a pick up!”
or “keep it going Amanda, you can do it!” at adult ballet
but it’s not just dance achievements he’s interested about
the things you do in your life matter too
sometimes he can be like a therapist
pulls you aside after class if he doesn’t think you were quite as on it as usual today
“are you okay today? you seemed distracted”
yes by your beautiful presence
just kidding
and you can just tell him
he’s always there to listen if you need to talk about something that you don’t want to tell friends or family
he’s there for anything really
like maybe a teen is struggling with exams 
and his encouragement really contributes to them pulling through
“you passed maths! I’m so proud! I knew you could do it!”
and there’s always the big squeezy hug that follows
he loves everyone
everyone loves him
no one can say a bad word about him
like seriously, no one can
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Vintage store owner
Tae always wanted to own a shop
ever since he was a kid
he didn’t quite know what it was that appealed to him
but just the idea of running a store that’s your own
that’s the dream he worked towards
ever since school
weekend jobs
errands for neighbours
he saved every penny
and invested it on the cute little building 
on the block before the high street
Not like a charity shop
well some of the stock is second hand
but that’s because it’s real vintage
actually not just vintage, further back than that
like some of his stock can be referred to as ‘antique’
anything that has history
everything in his little shop has a story
the decorative chandelier that belonged to a middle class family in the early 1900′s
a vase made in Japan that someone brought back from touring the country years ago
velvet upholstery that could have been part of a noble household in Europe
glassware from the 70′s with intricate design
just cool stuff
you could spend hours in his shop
knows a lot about antiques, collectables, etc
blink and you’ll miss if you want something there
if you see it and you love it the first time you go in
you better buy it
because it’ll be gone even by this evening
his knowledge makes him a brilliant sales person
because the way he delivers the information about an object
just makes you want to buy it
so as you can imagine, sales are always good
everyone within a couple miles radius probably has something in their home bought from Tae’s store
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because phwoar
lmao sorry
wait, no I’m not
can’t you just imagine it though
the uniform
the muscles
okay sorry not sorry
a true hero 
like sure, all of his colleagues are too, of course
but he goes that little bit extra
takes more risks
he doesn’t let much scare him
passionate about what he does
can mean he gets a bit extra in other aspects of his life
because he knows the dangers of literally anything
like you leave the hairdryer plugged in a few minutes after using it and he’s like
*dramatically, almost full takes a leaping dive to get there, unplugs it*
adrenaline rushes
he lives for those
a very can do attitude
feels amazing after rescuing anyone from anything
it could be a cat in a tree, evacuating people in a flood, or a person from a house fire
if he has helped them, it’s all rewarding
just good at everything
the job of course prepared him for lots 
but he’s just like REALLY good at everything
first aid pro
ultimate calming skills
navigation and driving - smooth
excellent judgement
even the science behind it all, he knows more than enough
all that jazz
he often gives lessons to younger people
because it’s important that incidents can be prevented
he’s very popular when he makes appearances in schools
because all the girls fancy him
some guys too hahaha
and I don’t just mean the ones that are quite sure they might be gay
pretty close to being a real life super hero
like he has to work at unsociable hours
but everyone in the area knows him
there’s hardly a street he walks down without someone saying hello
and even when they’re experiencing some of the worst possible situations
he just brings smiles to people’s faces 
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