#Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Tiger Park’s Anti-Communist Work in Germany
In what was one of CARP’s most memorable confrontations, “Tiger” Park led a counterdemonstration of 130 CARP members against a 250,000-strong anti-nuclear armament rally in Bonn, Germany, on October 10, 1981, barely escaping after being pursued by attackers wielding sticks, pipes and chains. This was the kickoff to a decade of activism. CARP developed a revolutionary, activist élan of its own replete with practiced chants, burnings of Soviet leaders in effigy, hard-driving rock bands with names such as Blue Tuna and Prime Force, and touring martial arts groups (these were especially helpful in protecting podiums from assaults). All this became part of the lore and allure of CARP during the Cold War era.
-From a Unification Church publication
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Illinois panel tells Colleges to watch Cults that use coercion to recruit and retain members (1994)
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▲ CARP witnessing in Berkeley, California in April 2021   LINK
By Michael Hirsley, Chicago Tribune Religion Writer. Eric Krol also contributed to this story | February 17, 1994
State colleges and universities should develop clearinghouses to receive and report complaints of cult activities on or near campuses, the Illinois Senate Education Committee recommended Wednesday. The schools should provide students and parents with information about "cults, totalistic groups or high-pressure religious groups that use coercion to recruit and retain members," said state Rep. Frank Watson (R-Greenville), chairman of the committee. That specific recommendation was the crux of a report issued Wednesday by the committee.
CARP is a Moonie front group.
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
Unification Church’s deceptive recruiting tactics - Part 1
CARP went to Paris for a festival in 1990; Hyo Jin Moon fled in a black Mercedes when the police arrived!
Les Moon sont entrés dans Paris 1990
Rev. Moon Goes to College by Daniel Junas
 from Covert Action Information Bulletin Number 38 – Fall 1991

CARP meeting: Illegal Aliens joining the Moonies in San Francisco
The case of a mysterious death at a CARP training session in Japan. The 18 year-old student had been beaten.
A visit to Ann, who had dropped out of College, at Barrytown (1975)
I was persuaded to join CARP, which is the Unification Church’s organization at colleges
Our 21-year old son loudly proclaimed his intention to die in Korea for the Messiah... He met the Moonies on the University of Minnesota campus
It was on the local campus that our son was approached by a UC member.
Our son joined Moon’s group in late 1971 and was coaxed to join by a room-mate. Our son was taking graduate courses.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
Cycling has become the first sport to impose stricter rules on transgender women in the wake of the toxic row around Emily Bridges and Lia Thomas.
The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) announced it was halving the maximum permitted plasma testosterone for trans women to compete in the female category from 5 nmol/L to 2.5 nmol/L and doubling the period they must remain below that threshold before being allowed to compete from one to two years.
The rule change, which comes into force on July 1, may stop Bridges racing in women’s events on the “UCI international calendar” until the summer of 2024, denying her the chance to qualify for the next Olympics.
It was announced two months after British Cycling suspended its own trans policy amid a major backlash against Bridges’ plans to switch from racing in men’s events and take on the likes of Dame Laura Kenny at the National Omnium Championships.
The event had faced a rider boycott were Bridges allowed to compete a year after she began complying with the current rules.
Confirmation of the change also came three days before Fina, swimming’s world governing body, was expected to introduce new transgender rules.
Those could deny Thomas, who in March became the first trans woman to win a National Collegiate Athletic Association title, a place at Paris 2024 as well.
The UCI said in a statement: “In March 2020, the UCI published rules governing the participation of transgender athletes in events on the UCI International Calendar in the category corresponding to their new gender identity.
“Although these rules are stricter and more restrictive than those published by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2015, the UCI has begun consideration on their adjustment following the publication of new scientific studies in 2020 and 2021.
“The principle of eligibility of transgender athletes (in particular female athletes, ie those who have made a transition from male to female) is based on the reversibility under low blood testosterone (the level commonly observed in ‘born female’ athletes) of the physiological abilities that determine sports performance, and on the time needed to achieve this reversibility.
“The latest scientific publications clearly demonstrate that the return of markers of endurance capacity to ‘female level’ occurs within six to eight months under low blood testosterone, while the awaited adaptations in muscle mass and muscle strength/power take much longer (two years minimum according to a recent study). 
“Given the important role played by muscle strength and power in cycling performance, the UCI has decided to increase the transition period on low testosterone from 12 to 24 months. In addition, the UCI has decided to lower the maximum permitted plasma testosterone level (currently 5 nmol/L) to 2.5 nmol/L. This value corresponds to the maximum testosterone level found in 99.99% of the female population.
“This adjustment of the UCI’s eligibility rules is based on the state of scientific knowledge published to date in this area and is intended to promote the integration of transgender athletes into competitive sport, while maintaining fairness, equal opportunities and the safety of competitions. 
“The new rules will come into force on 1st July. They may change in the future as scientific knowledge evolves.
“Moreover, the UCI envisages discussions with other international federations about the possibility of supporting a research programme whose objective would be to study the evolution of the physical performance of highly trained athletes under transitional hormone treatment.”
The UCI also published a paper written by its medical director, Professor Xavier Bigard, entitled: ‘The current knowledge on the effects of gender-affirming treatment on markers of performance in transgender female cyclists’.
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onlineeducation1 · 17 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an Online MBA Course
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A career in today's fast-paced, constantly changing corporate environment could be completely transformed by obtaining an MBA. Gaining the abilities, information, and connections necessary to succeed in a variety of business positions, from management to entrepreneurship, is possible with an MBA (Master of Business Administration). However, with the rise of digital education, the traditional classroom setting is no longer the only option. Online MBA courses have become increasingly popular, offering flexibility and accessibility to professionals worldwide. This ultimate guide will help you navigate the process of choosing the right online MBA course for your career goals and personal needs.
1. Understand Your Career Goals
Before diving into the sea of online MBA programs, it's crucial to understand your career goals. What do you hope to achieve with an MBA? Are you looking to climb the corporate ladder, switch industries, start your own business, or gain specialized knowledge in a particular field? Your career objectives will significantly influence the type of MBA program that suits you best.
Key Considerations:
Specializations: Look for programs that offer concentrations in areas such as finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, or technology.
Career Services: Ensure the program provides robust career support, including networking opportunities, mentorship, and job placement assistance.
2. Accreditation Matters
Accreditation is a key factor in determining the quality and credibility of an MBA program. Accredited programs meet high standards of education and are recognized by employers and other institutions. There are several reputable accrediting bodies, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).
Key Considerations:
Reputation: Accredited programs are generally more respected and valued.
Transferability: Credits from accredited programs are more likely to be transferable if you decide to continue your education.
3. Evaluate the Curriculum
The curriculum of an online MBA program should align with your career goals and interests. Look for a comprehensive curriculum that covers core business principles as well as offering electives or specializations that match your career aspirations.
Key Considerations:
Core Courses: Ensure the program covers essential topics like accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and management.
Electives: Look for courses that allow you to delve deeper into areas of interest or emerging fields.
Capstone Projects: Programs that offer practical projects or real-world case studies can provide valuable hands-on experience.
4. Consider the Learning Format
Online MBA programs come in various formats, including synchronous (live, scheduled classes), asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures that you can watch at any time), or a blend of both. Your learning style and schedule will determine which format is most suitable for you.
Key Considerations:
Flexibility: If you have a busy schedule or are balancing work and study, asynchronous courses may offer the flexibility you need.
Interaction: Synchronous courses can provide more opportunities for live interaction with professors and peers.
5. Investigate Faculty Expertise
The quality of the faculty can greatly influence your learning experience. Look for programs where the faculty members have strong academic credentials, industry experience, and a track record of research and publication in their fields.
Key Considerations:
Experience: Faculty with real-world business experience can provide practical insights and knowledge.
Accessibility: Consider how accessible the faculty are for mentoring and support.
6. Assess Technological Resources
A robust online platform is essential for a smooth and effective learning experience. Evaluate the technological resources and support services offered by the program.
Key Considerations:
User-Friendly Platform: The online learning platform should be easy to navigate and use.
Technical Support: Reliable technical support is crucial to address any issues that may arise.
7. Financial Considerations
Cost is a significant factor when choosing an online MBA program. Tuition fees can vary widely, so it's important to consider your budget and the return on investment.
Key Considerations:
Tuition Fees: Compare the costs of different programs, keeping in mind that higher fees do not always equate to higher quality.
Financial Aid: Look for scholarships, grants, and loan options that can help reduce the financial burden.
8. Alumni Network and Community
A strong alumni network can provide valuable connections and support throughout your career. Investigate the program's alumni network and community engagement.
Key Considerations:
Networking Opportunities: Programs with active alumni networks offer better networking opportunities.
Community Support: Engaged alumni communities can provide mentorship and career advice.
In Conclusion
Choosing the right online MBA course is a significant decision that can impact your career trajectory. By carefully considering your career goals, program accreditation, curriculum, learning format, faculty expertise, technological resources, financial aspects, and the strength of the alumni network, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your professional and personal needs. Take the time to research and compare programs, and don't hesitate to reach out to admissions offices for more information. With the right online MBA program, you'll be well on your way to achieving your career aspirations and unlocking new opportunities.
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Choosing the Right Taxation Course: Tips for Success
Taxation is an integral part of the financial world, and understanding the complex web of tax laws and regulations is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether you're a finance professional looking to advance your career or someone who wants to enhance their tax knowledge for personal reasons, selecting the right taxation course is the first step toward success. In this article, we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to choose the right taxation course to achieve your goals.
Identify Your Goals: Before diving into the world of taxation courses, it's crucial to identify your specific goals. Are you looking to become a certified tax professional, expand your knowledge for personal financial planning, or gain a basic understanding of tax principles? Knowing your objectives will help you narrow down your options and choose the most suitable course.
Research Accreditation and Credibility: One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a taxation course is the accreditation and credibility of the institution or program offering it. Ensure that the course is provided by a reputable educational institution or organization. Look for accreditation from relevant bodies, such as the American Bar Association or the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Accreditation adds legitimacy to the course and ensures that it meets certain educational standards.
Consider Course Content: Different taxation courses may focus on specific areas of taxation, such as individual, corporate, or international tax law. Evaluate the course content and curriculum to make sure it aligns with your goals. If you're pursuing a career in a specific tax field, choose a course that covers relevant topics in-depth.
Instructor Qualifications: The quality of the instructors can significantly impact your learning experience. Research the instructors' qualifications, experience, and credentials. Instructors with real-world tax expertise and professional certifications like Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Enrolled Agent (EA) can provide valuable insights and practical knowledge.
Flexibility and Format: Consider the course format that suits your schedule and learning style. Some courses are offered in traditional classroom settings, while others are available online. Online courses can provide greater flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace. Determine which format works best for you and your lifestyle.
Course Duration and Time Commitment: Depending on the level and depth of the course, the duration and time commitment can vary. Consider how much time you can realistically dedicate to your studies. Short courses may offer a quick overview of key tax concepts, while longer programs provide comprehensive knowledge. Ensure the course duration aligns with your availability and objectives.
Reviews and Recommendations: Seek out reviews and recommendations from current or past students. Online platforms, forums, and social media can be excellent resources for finding feedback on specific courses or institutions. Hearing about the experiences of others can help you make an informed decision.
Cost and Financial Aid: Compare the costs of different taxation courses and evaluate their value based on the course content and credentials you will receive. Additionally, inquire about any available financial aid or scholarships that can help reduce the financial burden of education.
Networking Opportunities: Consider whether the course provides opportunities for networking and connecting with professionals in the field. Networking can be invaluable for future career prospects and staying updated on industry trends.
Career Support and Job Placement: If your goal is to pursue a career in taxation, investigate whether the course offers career support services, such as job placement assistance or internships. Such resources can significantly enhance your career prospects upon course completion.
Choosing the right taxation course is a crucial decision that can impact your financial knowledge, career prospects, and personal financial well-being. By carefully considering your goals, researching accreditation and credibility, evaluating course content, and factoring in flexibility and other considerations, you can set yourself up for success in the world of taxation. Remember that investing in the right education can pay dividends in the long run, both personally and professionally.
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waecorp · 8 months
WAE and its Expansion in the Hospitality Sector
WAE, an expert in water and its reuse is a complete drinking water solution-providing company, committed to this indispensable resource called “water” of the planet, Earth. An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with a firm foundation in scientific research and innovative technology, WAE aspires to be the most trustworthy global water solution company. Our focus and collegial approach enables us to develop sustainable products and solutions that sync with the principles of circular economy and help us to become an active participant in the resource revolution.
The company is well-known in the industry for providing efficient drinking water machines as well as other vending machines and has recently come up with its latest launch, the Glass Bottle Filling Plant inaugurated at IHE, 2023, and is all set to completely transform the hospitality industry by introducing sustainable and reusable glass bottles, eradicating plastics for good. In fact, the above is the main motto  of the company for launching this scientifically designed glass bottle filling plant which will certainly help in bidding farewell to this harmful use of plastics forever.  As a renowned innovator in complete hydration solutions, WAE is making waves in the hospitality industry with its latest endeavour: the Glass Bottle Filling Plant (GBFP), which is now serving the Hilton International Airport Hotel, Mumbai. 
The main aim of this scientifically designed glass bottle filling plant is to combat the harmful use of plastics in the hospitality sector. In January 2019, the Food Safety and Standards Association of India (FSSAI) took a significant step by banning the use of plastics and newspapers for packaging food items. Now, FSSAI's latest directive emphasizes the adoption of glass bottles over plastic ones at hotels, restaurants and resorts. Therefore, these glass bottles are intended exclusively for on-premises use, in alignment with the regulation.
The Unique Concept behind these Glass Bottle-filling Machines
WAE’s Glass Bottle Filling Station has certainly revolutionized the hospitality sector by its  innovative, hi-tech, state-of-the art technology machine to mechanically rinse, clean, fill and cap the recyclable glass bottles with pure drinking water, ready to use. Only the bottles have to be manually placed on the machine in an inverted position for cleaning and rinsing purposes with hot water or detergents, and this process is also customizable. Then these cleaned inverted bottles pass through a conveyor belt to get dried by air. It is after the execution of all these processes that the bottles pass through the LED chamber for further cleaning and sterilization.
Then the bottles pass through the filling stage where they are filled with clean and hygienic water for drinking purposes. The bottles are then screened or inspected manually in the next stage. Then these glass bottles are finally capped and screwed properly to avoid any spillages or leakages. The last stage is labelling or putting stickers on the bottles. Therefore, this technologically advanced Glass Bottle Filling Station installed at Hilton Mumbai International Airport Hotel is by all  means the best choice for the hospitality sector and can be ideally used in all luxury hotels, restaurants and resorts. 
Why has WAE opted for Glass instead of Plastics or Other Materials?
Since glass is a natural compound, there is no fear or concern about its leaching or other such chemical reactions. Moreover, glass is often regarded as a more sustainable alternative to plastic because it has a higher environmental footprint than plastics and other bottled container materials, including drink cartons and aluminium cans. This is also because WAE, which has a vast expertise and experience in drinking water solutions and products, has recently developed several modern technologies for bottling and packaging solutions. With this extensive knowledge, expertise and experience in water and packaging solutions, WAE has a good exposure to the modern packaging automation, thus offering the long-tested turnkey solutionsto the Food & Beverages industry. 
Versatile & Sustainable Solutions to the Bottling Sector
Thus, WAE through its latest Glass Bottle Filling Plants offers complete and sustainable solutions to the bottling sector from water purification to bottle rinsing and cleaning as well as filling and capping, including manual inspections for complete control and satisfaction. Further, these bottling plants are fully customizable accommodating a variety of shapes and sizes of bottles and caps as per our clients’ requirements.
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Swinburne University Assignment Help
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Swinburne was installed in 1909 to offer technical training to the sector of society that had been denied schooling from distinctive instructional institutes. Since then, there has been continuous innovation in education. Swinburne has also been concerned with engaging students in industry enjoyment and social inclusion for over a century. Swinburne University adheres to the principle of equal opportunity for all.
This college is known for its wonderful teaching and studies. The Swinburne College Research Assistant provides a high-level overview of Swinburne's studies, which improve lives, create jobs, connect technology with community and business. Improvements in production and sustainable technologies in conjunction with solar sciences are led by the college.
What's Swinburne's college ranking?
Swinburne is a big business enterprise with a diverse subculture. The group of workers and students is motivated by the desire to make a significant difference. Because of this fundamental motive, there may be an increase and evolution visible in this group.
The QS World Rankings of Universities with Difficulties has identified Swinburne as one of the great design colleges in the world in 2018. Swinburne Sarawak and Swinburne Online of the university's college of enterprise and regulations were accepted by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in 2019.
How are the lifestyles on the Swinburne University campus?
Students throughout the globe have been selecting Swinburne because of its reachability for taking a look at, constructing a profession with the aid of quality training and focusing on a specific situation, and reaching the dreams of professional and private lives via various guides and pathways provided at Swinburne College. 
Campuses at Swinburne
The campuses at Swinburne have very supportive environments, first-rate dynamics, and the use of superior technology to facilitate current facilities and centers for college students.
Accommodation at Swinburne
A nicely prepared housing facility is offered for college kids who've enrolled in any of the programs at Swinburne College. While it was being built, the college began providing lodging to its students as a residential college. 
Jobs and careers
Swinburne considers it an obligation to understand each scholar's ability to build a career. It provides a well-described training process as well as a wide range of educational options to prepare students for the desired job. 
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Swinburne University makes it a constant exercise to help students with their educational existence. A student could avail of the services presented with the aid of Swinburne to enhance their expertise and excel in academics.
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charliexeoz641 · 2 years
10 Inspirational Graphics About South Florida Rehab
Recovery Neighborhood Centers are peer-operated centers that serve as regional sources of community-based healing assistance. Individuals do not reside at these centers, however instead these sources may aid people create recuperation capital at the community amount through providing campaigning for training, recovery information as well as information use, peer-support or even mutual-help association appointments (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, social activities, and various other community-based services.
The Association of Recovery Community Organizations at Faces and also Voices of Rehabilitation unites and supports the expanding system of neighborhood, regional, and statewide Recuperation Neighborhood Organizations. links and their innovators with nationwide as well as nearby allies and also provides instruction as well as technological help to teams. assists construct the specific voice of the arranged recuperation community and also fulfill a dedication to supporting the advancement of brand-new teams and enhancing existing ones.
In the the very first ever organized evaluation of Recovery Area Centers, the Recovery Study Principle is actually administering an on-going, longitudinal National Institutes of Health-funded study. Initial information present that Recuperation Neighborhood Center participants (in recuperation for 4 years on standard) document that their center involvement has been very handy in their recuperation and general well-being.
To understand what a recovery neighborhood is, our company may begin by breaking the key phrase.
The Drug Abuse as well as Mental Health Companies Commission defines recuperation as "a method of adjustment with which individuals boost their wellness and also well-being, reside self-directed lives and also aim to reach their complete capacity." The term "recuperation" is frequently utilized in recommendation to addiction rehabilitation, that includes people who are actually addicted to medications and/or alcohol as well as that are interacted in the process of receiving as well as keeping sober and also clean. A neighborhood usually recommends to a team of folks cohabiting in one area and/or an alliance along with others, as a result of sharing popular rate of interests, attitudes, and also objectives.
The phrase "healing neighborhood" can possess a number of meanings.
The 1st can pertain to clean lifestyle centers or even midway homes. There are actually lots of business across the country that are actually designed to house people recuperating coming from addiction. A clean living apartment building can also be described as a recovery community, due to the fact that it is an area of individuals in recovery.
Often, Palm Beach Recovery Center however, a recovery area is actually a broader condition, referring to an alliance of individuals that are entailed in dependency rehabilitation. 12-step groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), Drug Anonymous (CA), Drug Addicts Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous (NA), etc are actually thought about portion of the recovery community. Moreover, there are actually also recuperation neighborhood companies. These RCOs are individual, charitable associations led and also governed by reps of local area communities of rehabilitation. They center on the needs of people, families as well as areas looking for or even in healing coming from booze and various other drug dependency. Some examples of these RCOs are actually Face It All Together as well as Faces & Vocals of Rehabilitation. These institutions have even reached college grounds, with The Association of Healing in College only working with collegiate recuperation systems as well as collegiate recuperation neighborhoods. Courses like ARHE provide the learning, sources, and also area link required to aid alter the velocity of recouping pupils' lives.
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ledenews · 3 months
Wheeling's Interprofessional Education Event Teaches Students
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Communication among health care professionals is key to providing patients quality care. Recently, Wheeling University students spent a day learning how effective communication can impact the development of a collaborative patient treatment plan. This marks the eighth year that students in the Physical Therapy, Nursing, Athletic Training and Exercise Science programs teamed up to collaboratively work through the management of a multidisciplinary patient paper case during the annual University’s Interprofessional Education Event (IPE). “What makes our IPE event unique is that we also focus on the Ignatian principle of cura personalis – or care for the whole person. Our IPE day includes the University Chaplain and the Director of the Counseling Center, because caring for a patient involves treating more than their injury or illness. These two individuals help the students learn that providing pastoral and psychological care is a key part of the patient’s treatment, ” said Dr. Krissy Grubler, clinical associate professor of Physical Therapy and coordinator of the IPE event. More than 60 students divided into nine teams with each group collaborating to discuss the management of the paper case for best patient care. The focus of the discussion is on interprofessional communication and collaboration. . The groups worked through the patient management of a student-athlete in a paper case for a 20-year-old female collegiate soccer player who sustained an on-field injury to her right knee and also sustained a concussion. Additionally, the soccer player, who has a history of asthma, could not put any weight on the injured leg and complained of a headache and dizziness. Another aspect of the paper case was the IPE teams had to address that Spanish was the player’s first language and her parents, who were at the game, do not speak Spanish. Jill Emery, director of Nursing programs at the University, noted, “Interprofessional education helps students understand the importance of collaboration to enhance patient care. Students learn the role of each discipline which helps to promote effective teamwork and communication as they enter the workforce.” To help the IPE teams understand the roles and responsibilities of each discipline as they work through the paper case , the students could call upon members of the Wheeling University health science faculty, as well as a diverse panel of local clinicians for assistance. The local clinicians included an athletic trainer, EMT, a certified exercise physiologist, a physician assistant, a respiratory therapist, a counselor, a physical therapist, a family nurse practitioner and a pharmacist. Dr. Grubler said having community health care professionals on hand for this day of learning is important because “they understand interprofessional collaboration – they live it and experience it in their professional lives. What they bring to our students is real-world experience.” In addition to Grubler and Emery, faculty on hand for the IPE day included: Dr. Missy Bozovich, director of Athletic Training and Exercise Science, Dr. Kathy Blatt, assistant professor of Exercise Science, Dr. Rhonda Haley, assistant professor and director of Clinical Education for Physical Therapy, Nathan Harshberger, instructor of Exercise Science, Sarah Pettit, instructor of Athletic Training; and Dr. Bryan Raudenbush, professor of Physical Therapy (Neuroscience & Research). The local panel of experts were: Anthony McDaniel an EMT; Meghann Kolb, DPT, local physical therapist; Caitlin Garman, an athletic trainer; Tina Tordella, director of Counseling Services at Wheeling University; Shauna Parsons, a certified family nurse practitioner; Matt Rafa, a pharmacist; Dr. Lance Tarr a certified exercise physiologist; and Ryan Rafa, a physician assistant and respiratory therapist. Read the full article
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ofhouses · 4 years
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Dear friends, for the next three weeks OfHouses will be guest curated by onSITE Architecture from Paris, France. onSITE Architecture is an architectural office founded by Marie and Keith Zawistowski. Marie Zawistowski was born in Paris, France and studied architecture at the Ecole d’Architecture Paris Malaquais. Keith Zawistowski was born in New Jersey and studied architecture at Virginia Tech. They met at Auburn University’s Rural Studio while both working as students with architect Samuel ‘Sambo’ Mockbee to design and build a charity house for Lucy Harris and her family. In 2005, Keith and Marie received a Graham Foundation Grant for “Traditions of Today and Tomorrow” - their study of traditional building practices in Ghana, West Africa. They have since married and established onSITE Architecture to continue their collaboration, making buildings, which are deeply rooted in the unique identity of people and place. By working from within the context of their projects, Keith and Marie strive to make buildings which are economically, culturally, and environmentally sensitive. Together, they co-founded and co-direct the designbuildLAB, a project-based experiential learning program focused on the research, development and implementation of innovative construction methods and architectural designs. designbuildLAB students collaborate with local communities and industry experts to conceive and realize built works of architecture that are both educational and charitable in nature. The aspirations of the program are simultaneously to reinforce the knowledge and skills necessary to the students’ successful and meaningful practice of architecture and to support development efforts in distressed communities by enriching the quality of their built environment. In practice, onSITE is a laureate of the 2014 AJAP “French young architects award” and has received multiple design awards including an Excellence Award from the Virginia Society American Institute of Architects and the prestigious “Prix Françoise Abella” from the French Beaux Arts Academy. In teaching, Marie and Keith were the first Professors of Practice at Virginia Tech’s College of Architecture and Urban studies, a position they held for 7 years. They are currently tenured professors at the French National School of Architecture in Grenoble, France. Both the designbuildLAB and their Designing Practice professional practice course have been recognized with numerous education awards including the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards’ “Grand Prize for the Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy” and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s inaugural “Design/Build Education Award” for “best practices in design/build education”. Keith and Marie have been listed among the “top 100 individuals and teams working at the intersection of design and service” by Public Interest Design. The Virginia Society of the American Institute of Architects recently recognized Keith with the Award for Distinguished Achievement and Marie with Society Honors “for their extraordinary joint efforts to advance the art and science of architecture”. In addition to frequent publications of onSITE and designbuildLAB work, Marie and Keith have co-authored numerous articles and lecture widely. Marie and Keith Zawistowski prepared for OfHouses a very consistent selection of houses, published now in its second part, for which they wrote this short introduction:
The Regionalist School
At a time of increasing value in international brand identity, architecture is increasingly relegated to the production of commodity images: highly iconic sculptures, that belong to everywhere and nowhere and which fade as quickly as they rise. Manufactured products are rapidly replacing locally sourced materials, untrained laborers are replacing skilled craftsmen, and jet-setting “starchitects” with throngs of technicians are replacing regional masters with patiently trained apprentices. As Brian Mackay-Lyons puts it, “the massive firms are buying up the small and midsized firms and architects are becoming mobile human capital”. Some have embraced the change as inevitable progress and are enjoying the ride, some are casual actors just playing their role and some are demoralized victims of circumstance, but others have taken a stand and entrenched critical practices: cultivating places that they understand and enriching cultures that they know. British architectural critic Robert McCarter has referred to this group as “The Resistance”. McCarter argues “A conceptual chasm separates our time from the time when Wright began his career by apprenticing in the office of Adler and Sullivan rather than attending the university, learning through making in what may be called “the tradition of practice;” a fully integrated experience binding all principles of the ethical practice of architecture – the economic, functional, ecological, constructive, structural, material, aesthetic, sensorial, social, and cultural aspects that together affect our experience of inhabitation. Implicit … is “the understanding that the separation of architecture into specialized areas of expertise – currently the norm in both education and practice – is as destructive of disciplinary integrity as separating thinking from making, form from structure, space from use, or proportions from materials.” The foundations of this anti-theoretical “theory”, what Kenneth Frampton would later term “Critical Regionalism” can be found in Abbé Marc-Antonie Laugier’s narrative of the primitive hut from his 1755 “Essay on Architecture”, illustrated by Charles Dominique Eisen. The narrative explores the anthropological relationship between man and the natural environment as a fundamental basis for the creation of architecture. Architecture in France during this period was defined mainly by the Baroque style with its excessive ornamentation and religious iconography.  Laugier’s essay proposed that nobility was found in what was necessary for architecture, in the practical and the experiential rather than the iconic. Over the course of the coming weeks we will present some of the seminal works of this Regionalist School. Not the skyscrapers, museums and transportation hubs of the global megapoli, but two generations of simple houses born from the idea that durable, timeless and culturally significant works of architecture emerge from an intimate understanding of nature and culture. This is the work of critical practices, often intentionally small, who have found focus in serene places, taking the time to draw, to make models and even to actively share in the realization of their own projects. This work is the foundation of “The Resistance”.
(Cover: Rural Studio /// Lucy Harris House (Carpet House) /// Mason’s Bend, Alabama, USA /// 2002. Cover photo: © Timothy Hursley.)
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
CARP Members were Paid by FBI for Spying on Americans
Kirsti Nevalainen posted this on December 1, 2014:
The US administration turned to the Unification Church to help probe the loyalty of Americans. Starting in 1981, the FBI cooperated with CARP, Moon’s student organization, during a five-year nationwide investigation of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), a domestic organization critical of Reagan’s policies in Central America.
According to FBI documents the FBI collected reports from Moon’s Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), which was spying on CISPES supporters. The reports came from CARP members at 100 university campuses around the United States and included commentaries on the purported political beliefs of Reagan’s critics (Boston Globe, April 20, 1988).
One CARP report called a CISPES supporter “well-educated in Marxism” while other CARP reports attached “clippings culled from communist-inspired front groups.” The Globe investigation reported that Frank Varelli, who worked for the FBI from 1981 to 1984 and was coordinating the CISPES probe, said a Special Agent Dan Flanagan paid members of the Moon organization at Southern Methodist University while the Moon activists were raiding and disrupting CISPES rallies.
Every week, a Special Agent (Dan Flanagan) I worked with used to go to SMU to pay the Moonies,“ Varelli said in an interview.
Paranoid McCarthyism, which is associated with witch-hunts, panic and fear of Communism, was resurrected during the Reagan years. The FBI hired and paid CARP members for intelligence gathering and spying on suspected leftist students at university campuses.
Kirsti Nevalainen
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Sun Myung Moon: Prophet for Profit (1976)
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▲ Here is the self-ordained Reverend Moon as he spoke behind a bullet-proof screen in New York’s Madison Square Garden at a 1974 rally. He preached love while thousands of his followers were in the streets collecting money.
Parade magazine, May 30, 1976 pages 6-7 (also Day of Hope 3-2c.pdf)
by L. H. Whittemore
NEW YORK, N.Y. Next Tuesday night (June 1, 1976) in Yankee Stadium a pudgy, round-faced, 56-year-old evangelist from South Korea will launch his greatest effort to date to convince Americans that he has been chosen to lead us all to salvation.
The preacher is the self-ordained Rev. Sun Myung Moon who, since coming to this country, has added thousands of young Americans to his global army of followers, amassed a fortune that includes at least $50 million in property, publicly embraced a President of the United States—and been accused of brainwashing, misleading and virtually enslaving his converts. Moon’s Yankee Stadium rally kicks off a national tour he calls the “Bicentennial God Bless America Festival.”
To his followers, who are often called “Moon Children” or “Moonies,” the persuasive Moon is “the third Adam, the next Jesus Christ, and the true parent of mankind”—a new Messiah who will, in the not too distant future rule the world.
To many concerned American parents, however, he is a false prophet who has lured their children into his “Unification Church” by appealing to their idealistic instincts and then cuts them off from their families and sets them to work peddling, recruiting and raising money for him and his worldwide organization.
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One Moonie who managed to escape from the movement is Ford Greene, 23-year-old godson of Sen. James Buckley (R.-Cons., N.Y.). Like thousands of others, Greene was hooked by attending a weekend workshop that was never outwardly identified as being part of the Moon organization, which has set up several front groups bearing names like the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, [CARP on College Campuses] and the Creative Community Project [in the Bay Area]. Most are run by Moon followers brought from other countries to do recruiting here.
‘Love-bombed’ Says Greene: “Anyone who goes for the weekend introductory program gets ‘love-bombed.’ That means all the Moonies are super-friendly. They say how glad they are to see you. Everyone laughs and sings and has a good time. I tell you, it’s quite a trip.
“They tell you the Messiah is now here on Earth, and they, hint very strongly that it’s Moon. After listening to hours of lectures and never having a chance to think things over for yourself, you’re ready to believe.”
According to Jean Merritt, a psychiatric social worker in Lincoln, Mass., those who join up with Moon “are usually idealistic young men and women who are having difficulty deciding what to do with their lives.” The cult offers an attractive alternative to the outside world, she says. But at the same time their “ego functioning is manipulated” by the group until they are “mentally imprisoned.”
What is it that Moon followers are supposed to believe? Although Moon calls himself a Christian, he holds that Christ failed in his mission on Earth. In Korea, Moon was dismissed as a Presbyterian in 1948.
[He was excommunicated by the Presbyterian Church, and jailed in Heungnam Special Labor Camp for bigamy in 1948. The husband of Kim Chong-hwa reported him to the authorities for conducting a wedding ceremy with his wife. He was never a spy for South Korea or a political prisoner. That was a UC smokescreen. Moon’s friends were communists and he had chosen to enter communist North Korea in 1946.] Since then he has evolved his own religious concepts, including the assertion that “America has been chosen as the nation to receive the Messiah for ultimate world salvation in our century.”
Moon, who delivers his public exhortations in Korean with an interpreter translating his words into English, asserts that God works through nations, as does Satan. America, being “God’s nation,” must be prepared to do battle for the Lord against the Soviet Union, Communist China and North Korea. The only way to win such a global confrontation, he indicates, is to join the Unification Church before it’s too late —both God and Moon are losing their patience.
[Moon only became anti-communist in the early 1960s to save his skin in South Korea. Later he gave $millions, and submarines, with missile launch tubes to North Korea. LINK.]
“Kings and queens and heads of state will someday bow at my feet,” Moon has told his followers. “I will conquer and subjugate the world.”
The Korean link There is a link between Moon and the South Korean government. President Chung Hee Park not only gives Moon his open support but sends thousands of civil servants to an anti-Communist school [in Guri] run by the Unification sect. Moon’s chief associate is Col. Bo Hi Pak, who was a military attaché for the South Korean government in Washington, D.C., from 1961 to 1964. Pak has also been associated with the Korean CIA. LINK
Whatever Moon’s beliefs and principles may be, there’s no doubt that he has been able to turn them into hard cash. Although he claims to have between 2 and 3 million followers in 100 countries, principally Japan and South Korea, it’s the United States that has really turned out to be a money machine for him. [The money from Japan should never be underestimated. LINK ]
“In 1975,” reports Neil Salonen, 31, president of the American branch of the Unification Church, “we received nearly $12 million in cash at our national headquarters in New York City. But the total collected all over the country was much larger.”
Moon and his movement have purchased $10 million worth of property in Tarrytown, N.Y., near the Hudson River, not to mention real estate in more than 100 cities and in every state. Minimum total value is put at $50 million. To acquire his 22-acre Belvedere estate in Tarrytown, Moon plunked down $850,000 in cash. He also paid $625,000 for a mansion in nearby Irvington, N.Y., where he lives with his fourth wife and their eight children. The cult also owns a 254-acre estate and seminary in Barrytown, N.Y., about 50 miles north of Tarrytown, which is said to be worth $1.5 million. The seminary is the unofficial world headquarters for the Unification Church, whose spiritual home remains in Seoul, the South Korean capital. Moon also is the proprietor of two seagoing yachts and a Manhattan town house. His wealth has helped create a high-powered propaganda machine that would turn a Presidential candidate green with envy.
A numbing regimen According to those who have managed to break loose from the cult, it has also created near prison-like conditions for the true believers.
Moonies live in homes rented or purchased by the Unification Church. According to Salonen, there are at least six “training” or “residential” centers in each state, some with just a few members and others with up to 100. Members are ordered to refrain from alcohol and sex. Men and women are separated in the living quarters and even close friendships are discouraged.
Former members of the cult insist that they never got more than five hours of sleep a night. Moonies, they report, are kept busy with a regimen of exercise, group discussion, lectures, songs and prayers, games like tag [and volleyball] and, of course, long stretches of recruiting and peddling in the outside world. Beneath an exterior of cheerfulness, they are often tired, hungry and even numb, performing their tasks with only the thought that they are “saving the world for God and Moon” to keep them going.
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▲ Jaime Sheeran in her room at a Moon seminary. She’s one of three daughters of New Jersey Insurance Commissioner James Sheeran. She won’t quit the cult.
The typical Moonie The typical Moon disciple in the U.S. is a man or a woman, average age 23, from a white, upper-middle-class family. Many are college students disenchanted with American life. Most are carried away by the initial workshop experience, and then find that they’re being put through increasingly lengthy training sessions.
“We’d get letters every week or so,” says Mrs. George Swope of Port Chester, N.Y., referring to the time when her 19-year-old daughter suddenly dropped out of college after one of the cult’s weekends. “She wrote how ‘happy’ she was but that she couldn’t come home. And she never did come home either, until we got her out.”
Her daughter, Winnie, left after six months, but only after being “rescued” by Ted Patrick, 45, the best-known practitioner of “deprogramming”—a rigorous technique of talking it out. Patrick is nicknamed “Black Lightning” by the Moon followers, both for the color of his skin and for his swift appearance in their lives. He claims to have “rescued” more than 1000 members of various cults, all of which, he says, use some sort of “brainwashing.”
In a recent book called Let Our Children Go, Patrick accuses the Unification group of “brainwashing” methods like those used in the Korean war, “when many of our prisoners were subjected to intensive political indoctrination.”
Virtually all former Moonies say that they were “programmed” to think and behave in a certain manner. “My daughter said that she and others would be willing to do anything for Moon,” says Mrs. Swope, “because he really represents God to those in the cult.”
“They completely ripped off my mind and my free will,” says Denise Peskin, 21, of Plainview, N.Y. “I was a robot for Moon. My mind was empty. It was just a reflector of everything they told me.”
‘Eyes out of focus’ Denise says that she worked in San Francisco selling flowers and recruiting new members on the streets. “We were told to say anything to get money,” she reports. “I pushed flowers for ‘youth educational guidance’ and did very well. I also got 50 recruits.”
One of Moon’s most ardent foes, Rabbi Maurice Davis of White Plains, N.Y., says he and a group of 900 concerned families have helped at least 95 Moonies out of the cult. “At first,” he says, “the kids have their eyes out of focus, with plastic smiles on their faces. There’s a total lack of genuine emotion. One boy saw me and actually shriveled into a corner in stark terror. He said the cult had told him I was the Devil. I kept talking to him, trying to get him to think for himself again. He said, ‘Moon is fighting for my soul and so are you. How do I know where the truth is?’ I told him, ‘Moon wants you to stay in his organization. I want you out in the world, free.’ When he finally snapped out of it, he broke into tears and said, ‘Just tell me one thing—where have I been?’ It was frightening.”
Meanwhile, thousands of Moonies work unbelievably long hours soliciting funds and peddling candy, peanuts, flowers and the like, on street corners and in parking lots. Former members say they lost all track of time and that they collected no less than $100 a day.
Since April 1973, Moon has had a permanent residency visa from U.S. immigration, even though questions have been raised about his past. He has been accused of holding sex orgies as part of his rites. A spokesman for him in Seoul says: “It is true that Teacher Moon was tried on morals charges, but he was eventually acquitted.”
‘God loves Nixon’ In 1973, during the Watergate crisis, Moon launched a huge campaign in support of President Nixon. He marshaled 1000 Moonies into rallies and marches with signs proclaiming “God Loves Nixon.” At a White House meeting, the pudgy cult leader embraced the then President.
One of the few public responses to Moon by a prominent politician has come from Sen. Mark Hatfield (R., Oreg.), who said in 1974, “The appeal to nationalism of any country, as if somehow God has favorites among his creatures, is very, very dangerous, particularly when you mix that with the cultic adulation and devotion of his followers and the implicit, if not the explicit, statement that he [Moon] is the new Christ.”
Hatfield’s warning is echoed even more strongly by ex-Moonies who charge that Moon is really seeking world political power and is assembling an army of young zealots ready to die for him.
PARADE interviewed a former high-ranking member of Moon’s cult in the United States who had been in charge of its “political arm” called the Freedom Leadership Foundation. Alan Tate Wood, 29, now a psychology student at Rutgers University in New Jersey, said that he left Moon’s group “because it’s not a church, but a fascist political movement. His group is the most powerful analogue to the Hitler youth that we have at this time.”
The parents act Last February, more than 300 parents of Moon disciples from 30 states converged on Washington for a meeting arranged by Sen. Robert Dole (R., Kan.). They met with representatives of the Internal Revenue Service, the Labor Department, the Postal Service, immigration authorities and others in hopes of persuading federal officials to investigate the Unification cult.
So far, however, there has been little action by the government. An IRS spokesman, Leon Levine, told PARADE that investigation of Moon’s group as a tax-exempt organization poses a touchy, perhaps crucial problem: “The law says that churches are tax-exempt. The question is, when does a group qualify as a religion? It’s not easy to answer.”
Meanwhile, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon goes right on holding meetings, making converts, acquiring property and preparing for his own version of Armageddon.
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
After Sun Myung Moon’s help, North Korea Launch an SLBM Missile on October 2, 2019
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newstfionline · 6 years
12 Things You Might Not Know About Dictionaries
By Suzanne Raga, Mental Floss, October 16, 2018
At first glance, the dictionary seems pretty straightforward. Words are listed alphabetically, and you simply locate the right page and scan until you find the word you’re looking for. But there’s a lot you might not know about the dictionary, such as how new words are added and why Noah Webster learned Sanskrit to write his dictionary. So without further ado, read on to discover a dozen things you might not know about various dictionaries.
1. It takes a lot of work to add a new word. When people use a word or phrase frequently enough that it appears in widely read print and online publications, lexicographers take notice. First, they collect citations of the word, documenting the source it appeared in and recording its contextual meaning. Then, lexicographers conduct database research, searching for evidence that people from diverse backgrounds have used the word over a period of time. Finally, dictionary editors review the evidence and decide whether or not to include the new word in an upcoming edition of the dictionary. Thanks to this lengthy process, you can now find modern words such as manspread, presstitute, and athleisure in several dictionaries.
2. The first English dictionaries only included difficult words. We think of dictionaries as comprehensive tomes containing everything from antelope and apple to zeitgeist and zootrophy, but early English dictionaries didn’t contain any simple, common words. In the 16th and 17th centuries, thanks in part to the Renaissance’s classical influence, English doubled its vocabulary by incorporating words from other languages. People needed to consult word lists to look up these new, difficult words that they hadn’t heard before. In 1604, a teacher named Robert Cawdrey compiled a list of words into A Table Alphabeticall, which defined difficult English words borrowed from Latin, Greek, French, and Hebrew. Throughout the 17th century, other English men published lists of hard words with easy to understand definitions, and people turned to the dictionary to learn these words.
3. Noah Webster learned 26 languages to write his dictionary. Although Noah Webster wasn’t the first American to produce a dictionary, his name has become synonymous with the American dictionary. Hoping to help create a uniquely American lexicon, with Americanized spelling and pronunciation of words, Webster wrote An American Dictionary of the English Language. To thoroughly research word origins and sources, Webster got serious about becoming an etymology expert. He learned 26 languages, including Sanskrit and Old English, to write his dictionary. Published in 1828, it contained 70,000 entries and included the first definitions of “American” words such as chowder and skunk.
4. The first Merriam-Webster dictionary cost six dollars. After Webster died in 1843, George and Charles Merriam bought the rights to revise Webster’s An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. The two brothers printed and sold books in Springfield, Massachusetts, and their intellectual property purchase paid off. In the fall of 1847, the Merriams issued the first revised Webster dictionary for six dollars. The book sold well, and the G. & C. Merriam Co. was eventually renamed Merriam-Webster, Inc. in 1982. Merriam-Webster continues to publish popular print and electronic dictionaries today.
5. It took almost 50 years to create the Oxford English Dictionary. In 1857, the Philological Society of London first called for a comprehensive English language dictionary, including words from the 12th century to the present. In 1879, the Philological Society joined forces with Oxford University Press, and work commenced. In 1884, Oxford University Press published the first part of the dictionary (A to Ant), and the final volume was published in 1928. Called A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, the dictionary listed more than 400,000 words and phrases. Today, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is one of the most respected and widely used dictionaries.
6. J.R.R. Tolkien researched word etymologies for the OED. After serving in World War I, J.R.R. Tolkien worked as an editor’s assistant on the OED. His job was to research the etymologies of certain words that started with the letter w. Tolkien also composed multiple drafts of definitions for words such as waggle, walnut, walrus, and waistcoat. After his time at the OED, Tolkien went on to work as an English professor and write The Lord of the Rings. Subsequently, the OED has added terms that Tolkien himself coined, such as hobbit, mithril, and mathom.
7. Sometimes fake words make their way into the dictionary. Due to human error, a handful of fake words have appeared in dictionaries over the centuries. Some words, like phantomnation, which appeared in an 1864 edition of Webster’s, are the result of missing hyphens. Others are typographical errors. A 1934 edition of Webster’s New International Dictionary defined dord as density, the result of confusion over spacing. Some dictionary editors have even intentionally included fake words, such as esquivalience in The New Oxford American Dictionary, to protect their copyright.
8. The OED needs your help. Although many scholars consider the OED to be the definitive authority on dictionaries, the OED needs your help. At any given time, the dictionary’s editors are researching the history of certain words and phrases, and The OED Appeals allows the public to submit evidence (via the comments section) of the earliest record of certain words. Camouflage and Arnold Palmer are two entries that the OED has recently researched, so if you have old books or magazines that mention some weird word, let the OED know. You might just see your contribution in the dictionary’s next edition.
9. Sample sentences from dictionaries can make interesting short stories. You might think that all those sample sentences in the dictionary are random, but you’d only be partially right. The phrases are deliberately chosen to show the word in a clear context with other words that it’s often associated with, and are ideally so boring that you don’t even think twice about them. Illustrator Jez Burrows has connected these random sentences from the New Oxford American Dictionary into short stories. “Often I’ll find at least one [word] that makes a good jumping-off point and I’ll start to flesh out some sort of vague narrative, then work backwards to imagine what sort of words might give rise to the sentences I’m looking for,” Burrows said of his process.
10. A lot of weird dictionaries exist. Although most people are familiar with Webster, the OED, and Dictionary.com, there are plenty of obscure or downright bizarre dictionaries. For example, you can find plenty of rhyming dictionaries and reverse dictionaries (that are organized by a theme rather than alphabetized). Scrolling through Wye’s Dictionary Of Improbable Words: All-Vowel Words And All-Consonant Words might help you find some uncommon words to win your next Scrabble game. And Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words contains weird English words that have appeared in at least one dictionary in the past. For example, you might learn that junkettaceous means worthless and cuggermugger means whispered gossiping.
11. Urban Dictionary capitalizes off of being a slang haven. Urban Dictionary, the online, crowdsourced listing of millions of slang words and phrases, is beloved by middle schoolers and anyone trying to understand the latest slang terms. But Urban Dictionary is more than a dictionary. It also has an online store that sells mugs, T-shirts, an official card game, and plush dolls inspired by dirty phrases that the dictionary has helped to popularize.
12. A California school district considered banning Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. In 2010, a school district in Southern California temporarily removed all copies of the Merriam-Webster 10th Collegiate Edition from elementary school classrooms. Why remove the dictionary? After a parent told the principal of Oak Meadows Elementary School that the dictionary contained an explicit definition of a sex act, the school district decided to remove the books. A committee of teachers, administrators, and parents decided that the dictionary was age-appropriate, and the copies of Merriam-Webster were returned to the classroom.
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A list of workshops and guest instructors for Hematolia 2019 in Istanbul
1. George Zacharopoulos is studying and training in Historical European Martial Arts for more than 15 years a fondness for the German longsword and the Italian & Spanish rapier.
He is currently teaching HEMA at S.C. Academy of Hoplomachia , Marxbrüder Guild Hellas and Coriolanos HEMA Team. Provost of the HISTORICAL FENCING AFFILIATES and founder of the Athens Bartitsu Club 1900. Previous experience include Ninjutsu, Combined Chinese and Filipino Boxing (by Angelos Fasois), Sport Fencing, Sport Archery. Also certified Knife Instructor of the Reality Based Personal Protection system by Jim Wagner.
He has participated in HEMA events and taught workshops in Greece and abroad. Co-author (with Chrysovalantis Tampakakis) of the first book for HEMA in Greek, entitled “The Knightly art of the Sword” by Batsioulas Publications in 2011. His latest book, a translation in English of Philipp Müller’s “Theoretical and Applied introduction to Swordmanship” (ΘΕΩΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΕΙΣΗΓΗΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΣΠΑΘΑΣΚΙΑΣ) 1847 military sabre treatise is out by Fallen Rook Publishing. Member of HEMAC and secretary of the Hellenic Federation of Historical European Martial Arts.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/george.zacharopoulos.79 Academy of Hoplomacia: http://hoplomachia.gr/
LONGSWORD: Cover, Zwerch, Wrestle We will start with the counter-warding from the Zuefechten. How do we approach our opponent by covering the line and then we will proceed to apply the same principle in Anbinden by moving and aligning our body and blade properly. We will follow up with the Zwerchau , one of the most characteristic meisterhau of the Liechtenauer tradition and we will explore some tricks and tips beyond it’s standard use… zwerch with a twist… Time permitted we will practice a few techniques of Ringen am Schwert mainly from the Hengen. Level: Beginner, Intermediate Equipment: Sword, mask, gloves
ITALIAN RAPIER – Nicoletto Giganti In this workshop we will work a little bit on the basics – body mechanics, footwork, guards- of the Italian rapier fighting using as a guide the teachings of the Venetian maestro Nicoletto Giganti as laid out in his treatise “Scola, overo, teatro…” (1606) but we will focus more on various suggestions – diverse (artful) parries and counters, defense against cuts, close distance techniques (coming to grips) etc- from his “lost second book” published in 1608. Level: Beginner, Intermediate Equipment: Sword, mask, gloves, chest protector
2. Jerzy Miklaszewski started his 24 years of martial art experience with the first Polish branch of ITF (International Tae Kwon Do Federation), studying under Marek Lech, one of the precursors of the Polish Tae Kwon Do.
Jerzy has created an initiative called the Silkfencing team, which is developing even more, through scientific and practical research. His cooperation with many worldwide specialists has made his research and his knowledge develop, he is cooperating with many important organization, such as HEMA Alliance (he is the only member in Poland), National Museum in Kraków, Jagiellonian University Museum, Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Broni i Barwy, Jiu Jiutsu Union, Polish Sport Fencing Federation and many other institutions. His school is one of the only seven Polish schools that are in official cooperation with Polish Fencing Association. He is as well a member of Polish Knight Fighting Cadre, with which he achieved World Vice Championship in Armoured Group Fighting on IMCF. He has won many tournaments in countries like England, Poland, Scotland, Italy or even Australia. His unique research of the Polish Szabla has been brought by him to many places in the world, as he already conducted seminars in over 20 countries including Japan, England, Scotland, USA, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Thailand, Ireland and of course Poland.
Since 2014 Silkfencing Team became a study group of the Meyer Freifechter Guild and a Pammachon organization and HEMA Alliance. In 2017 Silkfencing Team started a cooperation with ARMA-PL Kraków, creating Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku (KSF), the biggest professional HEMA center in southern Poland and operated. In 2018 his research was published with a museum exhibition he co-authored „To Arms!” which presented not only HEMA to common people but also gave fencing practitioners insight into a very complex topics of saber history in Eastern Europe. With lots of analyzed treatises, manuals and with the experience verified by many different schools throughout the entire world, KSF team always learns, analyses and adapts, representing a young and ever evolving attitude towards life and understanding of changing environment.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jurek.jurcys
Karl Timlich’s System from 1796 “Abhandlung der Fechtkunst auf den Hieb zu Fuss und zu Pferde” Born Czech, (Bohemia 1744) Karl Timlich was an Austrian cavalry officer, and later teacher of Kaiser Leibguard. Being one of the first modern sabre fencing treatises I have studied. This one is very interesting, as TImlich is a little bit like Meyer, he presents a very diverse set of possible, for hm fencing is like a science, should be studied broadly. This approach allows a very diverse view presented in his research. This will be an introductory class, so people with no or full equipment and with or without HEMA experience are welcome. Level: Beginner Equipment: None
“The tricks of the trade” on Sabre “The tricks of the trade” seminar would be a more advanced seminar, consisting of lots of curiosities you can see in many regional sabre fencing of eastern Europe. We will learn many interesting actions that are ascribed to Caucasian, Tartars, Ottomans, Hungarians, Russians and Poles that have been described or just even mentioned in many memoirs, treatises of the 16th to 18th century. This class will be a more advanced one – therefore I would require at least a fencing mask and cup. Level: Intermediate Equipment: Mask, cup (groin protector)
3. From an early age Miroslav Lesichkov trained various martial arts and combat sports – unarmed and with weapons. He served in the Bulgarian Army, achieving the rank of junior lieutenant.
After several years of historical study and research, Ms. Lesichkov created School of Historical Swordsmanship “Motus” in 2003. It’s core curriculum is based on the Liechtenauer tradition and the arming sword, sword and buckler and longsword.
Since than he has presented numerous lectures, workshops and demonstrations in various national museums, educational institutions and other events. Mr. Lesichkov has also been a consultant and instructor for a historical film production – the Bulgarian film “Voevoda”. In 2015 he was invited as an instructor and taught two classes at the 10th edition of the Western Martial Arts Workshop (WMAW) in Racine, USA.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miroslavlesichkov.freifechter MOTUS School of Historical Swordsmanship: https://www.facebook.com/MotusSwordsmanship/
I. Guard your Borders! Wide distance cutting exercises with sword in one hand for developing correct body mechanics, natural body-weapon structure, flow and rhythm. During the workshop, we will learn a series of basic drills, applicable to a wide variety of one-handed cut-and-thrust weapons Level: Beginner, Intermediate Еquipment: Preferably arming sword, but any one-handed sword will do
II. Your priorities in the Bind: “Fuhlen” and the Word “Indes” “Fuhlen”,“Soft”, “Hard” and “Indes” with sword in one hand. We will work over several simple examples of application of the paramount principles concerning the actions after the bind. The examples are applicable for a wide variety of one-handed cut-and-thrust weapons. Level: Intermediate, Advanced Equipment: Preferably arming sword, but any one-handed sword will do
4. Tom Outwin began fencing in 1967 at the age of 12 in Houston, Texas. Later he attended the Allen Military Academy and joined their team as a foilist. He continued fencing through his collegiate years and ultimately joined Salle Sebastiani where over time he was certified by Maitre Sebastiani as a Prevot d’Armes. Maitre Sebastiani sent him to Europe in 1979 where he studied under several Masters in France, Italy, and Austria. Tom remained in Austria for some time and worked with the Erste Fecht Union as he competed in both Sabre and Epee’ across Europe.
Tom continued to instruct over the years and ultimately opened his own Salle in New Jersey in 2010 at which time he commenced his studies in the Historical and Classical Arts. Tom’s Salle, “Salle Marquis de Lafayette” is closely affiliated with Academie Duello and Tom is certified to teach their Rapier and Longsword curriculum.
Tom is married to Zeynep whom he met whilst studying in Austria and through his Turkish family is now closely tied to Istanbul Tarihi Savaş Sanatları Birliği and is assisting in their development as an internationally recognized club.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tom.outwin.1 Salle Marquis de Lafayette: http://sallemarquisdelafayette.com/
5. Ton PueyHaving practised karate shotokan during his childhood and teenage years, he gets into olympic fencing in 1995, and from 2002 onwards he begins his path within historical fencing.
Eventually, his interest in the Rapier sword leads him into learning about the school of La Verdadera Destreza from spanish and portughese treatises of the Spanish Golden Age, and he specializes in such discipline – although he also works with the Longsword (XV century italian tradition) and the Smallsword (XVIII century french tradition). As of today, besides working with several weapons and typical combinations of La Verdadera Destreza during the XVII century, he’s interpreting Montante rules of the XVI and XVII centuries. He’s a founding member of AGEA (Asociación Galega de Esgrima Antiga), honorary member of FEEH (Federación Española de Esgrima Histórica), member of the editorial staff of AGEA Editora and member of HEMAC. In 2015 he’s acknowledged as Mestre de Armas by HEMA Portugal. Nowadays, he’s general manager and Mestre de Armas of his latest project, Academia da Espada, focused in the study of La Verdadera Destreza through the characteristic weapons of the discipline’s heyday. As a teacher, besides his day-to-day work as instructor in A Coruña, Galicia, he’s imparted seminars and workshops in France, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, the USA, the UK, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Portugal and Spain.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ton.puey Academia de Espada: http://www.academiaespada.com/?lang=en
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ohioprelawland · 3 years
NCAA Athletes And The Law Of Endorsements
By Szofi Wiksell, The Ohio State University Class of 2023
July 28, 2021
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As of mid-June 2021, NCAA student athletes are now allowed to profit off their name, image, and likeness. This decision comes immediately after the Supreme Court unanimously decided in the suit NCAA v. Alston, that the profit restrictions made by the National Collegiate Athletic Association violate antitrust laws. This is a landmark case as previously, despite college sports being a multi-billion-dollar industry, players were not allowed to accept a cent of endorsements and sponsorships.
Prior to the Supreme Court ruling, the NCAA had been pressuring Congress to pass a federal law that gives them “protection from antitrust lawsuits and sets national rules on players’ ability to profit off their publicity rights.” [1] Furthermore, they hinted at using a “lobbying blitz among states to stop patchwork laws from governing how college players can profit.” [2] These actions were not received kindly by the federal government, as Justice Neil Gorsuch came out and stated that the Supreme Court cannot agree to the NCAA’s request of judicially ordained immunity to the Sherman Act simply because of their status as the NCAA. Similarly, Justice Brett Kavanaugh concurred that “nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing not to pay their workers a fair market rate . . . . the NCAA is not above the law.” [1] President Biden sided with student athletes as well saying that everyone should be compensated for their labor and hard work should not be exploited. [1]
The NCAA has always been adamantly against the payment of student athletes. They have claimed that “allowing students to be paid would create unfair advantages for different schools and conferences.” [3] Logically speaking, this remains true with or without endorsements being allowed as schools with more funds can always offer higher scholarships to more players whereas the same isn’t true for smaller schools with minimal funds; in turn, endorsements simply allow athletes financial gain for their work. In 2019, California introduced similar endorsement legislation that was struck down by the NCAA; NCAA President Mark Emmet stated that the California bill “threatens to alter materially the principles of intercollegiate athletics and create local differences that would make it impossible to host fair national championships [and] would have a negative impact on the exact student-athletes it intends to assist.” [3]
Senator Chris Murphy, an introducer of athlete endorsement laws, claims that the NCAA exploits their athletes, stating that the NCAA is “designed to keep college athletes impoverished so the billions in profits can be kept for a small cabal of insiders.” [1] This claim does have substantiating evidence, most famously that 86% of college athletes (living off campus) live below the poverty line. [4] Those who side with the NCAA often argue that student athletes require no compensation because they are paid in other ways, such as scholarships, housing, and etcetera. This claim can be disputed as the average annual “full” scholarship for athletes is $3,222 and the poverty rate for athletes living on campus is 85%. [4] Another argument that surfaces is that many players aren’t worth that much; comparatively, “if allowed access to the fair market like the pros, the average FBS football and basketball player would be worth approximately $121,048 and $265,027 respectively (not counting individual commercial endorsement deals).” [4] These statistics fail to consider the physical and mental toll that athletics take on athletes, let alone the workload – in turn, as the Supreme Court has agreed, compensation has been long overdue for NCAA athletes.
In light of the Supreme Court’s ruling, states and schools have been scrambling to pass laws allowing student athletes to be endorsed. A few states in the South and Midwest have stated that they are standing beside the NCAA and not legislating for endorsement, but notably, major college sports schools including “Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas” and others such as Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Arizona can all begin their programs as of July 1. [5] Sport savvy schools including Alabama, Ohio, and Iowa have all already jumped to creating and joining endorsement and branding programs. [5] Athletes have already begun monetizing this opportunity. Indeed, D’Eriq King and Bubba Bolden (players at University of Miami) struck $20,000 branding deals with College Hunks, Bo Nix from Auburn (quarterback) is endorsed by Milo’s Sweet Tea, and many more. [6]
This Supreme Court ruling is paving the way for more opportunities for student athletes. Moving forward, many athletes are set to get endorsements and sponsorships. Moreover, many have claimed that the case gives “new urgency” to the federal government to fight for the rights of athletes, such as by setting compensation standards and additional health benefits. [1] As states continue to legislate and navigate endorsement laws, athletes are expecting more backlash and red tape from the NCAA.
[1] Nylen, L., Perez, Juan. (2021, June 21). “Supreme Court rules in favor of athletes in NCAA compensation case” Retrieved July 25, 2021 from https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/21/supreme-court-ncaa-antitrust-ruling-495319
[2] Perez, J. (2020, February 9). “A nightmare for college athletics.” Retrieved July 25, 2021 from https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/09/pay-college-athletes-ncaa-112285
[3] Francis, I. (2019, July 26). “Why Aren’t College Athletes Paid?” Retrieved July 25, 2021 from https://thecollegepost.com/college-athletes-pay/
[4] Huma, R., Staurowsky, E. (N.d.) The Price of Poverty In Big Time College Sport. Retrieved July 25, 2021 from https://www.ncpanow.org/research/body/The-Price-of-Poverty-in-Big-Time-College-Sport.pdf
[5] Perez, J. (2021, June 20). NCAA lifts athlete endorsement rules as states scramble to court players. Retrieved July 25, 2021 from https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/30/ncaa-lifts-athlete-endorsement-rules-497341
[6] Beer, T. (2021, July 1). These NCAA Athletes Have Already Inked Endorsement Deals. Retrieved July 25, 2021 from
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ofhouses · 4 years
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Dear friends, for the next six weeks OfHouses will be guest curated by onSITE Architecture from Paris, France. onSITE Architecture is an architectural office founded by Marie and Keith Zawistowski. Marie Zawistowski was born in Paris, France and studied architecture at the Ecole d’Architecture Paris Malaquais. Keith Zawistowski was born in New Jersey and studied architecture at Virginia Tech. They met at Auburn University’s Rural Studio while both working as students with architect Samuel ‘Sambo’ Mockbee to design and build a charity house for Lucy Harris and her family. In 2005, Keith and Marie received a Graham Foundation Grant for “Traditions of Today and Tomorrow” - their study of traditional building practices in Ghana, West Africa. They have since married and established onSITE Architecture to continue their collaboration, making buildings, which are deeply rooted in the unique identity of people and place. By working from within the context of their projects, Keith and Marie strive to make buildings which are economically, culturally, and environmentally sensitive. Together, they co-founded and co-direct the designbuildLAB, a project-based experiential learning program focused on the research, development and implementation of innovative construction methods and architectural designs. designbuildLAB students collaborate with local communities and industry experts to conceive and realize built works of architecture that are both educational and charitable in nature. The aspirations of the program are simultaneously to reinforce the knowledge and skills necessary to the students' successful and meaningful practice of architecture and to support development efforts in distressed communities by enriching the quality of their built environment. In practice, onSITE is a laureate of the 2014 AJAP “French young architects award” and has received multiple design awards including an Excellence Award from the Virginia Society American Institute of Architects and the prestigious “Prix Françoise Abella” from the French Beaux Arts Academy. In teaching, Marie and Keith were the first Professors of Practice at Virginia Tech’s College of Architecture and Urban studies, a position they held for 7 years. They are currently tenured professors at the French National School of Architecture in Grenoble, France. Both the designbuildLAB and their Designing Practice professional practice course have been recognized with numerous education awards including the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards’ “Grand Prize for the Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy” and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s inaugural “Design/Build Education Award” for “best practices in design/build education”. Keith and Marie have been listed among the “top 100 individuals and teams working at the intersection of design and service” by Public Interest Design. The Virginia Society of the American Institute of Architects recently recognized Keith with the Award for Distinguished Achievement and Marie with Society Honors “for their extraordinary joint efforts to advance the art and science of architecture”. In addition to frequent publications of onSITE and designbuildLAB work, Marie and Keith have co-authored numerous articles and lecture widely. Marie and Keith Zawistowski prepared for OfHouses a very consistent selection of houses, published in two consecutive parts, for which they wrote this short introduction:
The Regionalist School
At a time of increasing value in international brand identity, architecture is increasingly relegated to the production of commodity images: highly iconic sculptures, that belong to everywhere and nowhere and which fade as quickly as they rise. Manufactured products are rapidly replacing locally sourced materials, untrained laborers are replacing skilled craftsmen, and jet-setting “starchitects” with throngs of technicians are replacing regional masters with patiently trained apprentices. As Brian Mackay-Lyons puts it, “the massive firms are buying up the small and midsized firms and architects are becoming mobile human capital”. Some have embraced the change as inevitable progress and are enjoying the ride, some are casual actors just playing their role and some are demoralized victims of circumstance, but others have taken a stand and entrenched critical practices: cultivating places that they understand and enriching cultures that they know. British architectural critic Robert McCarter has referred to this group as “The Resistance”. McCarter argues “A conceptual chasm separates our time from the time when Wright began his career by apprenticing in the office of Adler and Sullivan rather than attending the university, learning through making in what may be called “the tradition of practice;” a fully integrated experience binding all principles of the ethical practice of architecture – the economic, functional, ecological, constructive, structural, material, aesthetic, sensorial, social, and cultural aspects that together affect our experience of inhabitation. Implicit … is “the understanding that the separation of architecture into specialized areas of expertise – currently the norm in both education and practice – is as destructive of disciplinary integrity as separating thinking from making, form from structure, space from use, or proportions from materials.” The foundations of this anti-theoretical “theory”, what Kenneth Frampton would later term “Critical Regionalism” can be found in Abbé Marc-Antonie Laugier’s narrative of the primitive hut from his 1755 “Essay on Architecture”, illustrated by Charles Dominique Eisen. The narrative explores the anthropological relationship between man and the natural environment as a fundamental basis for the creation of architecture. Architecture in France during this period was defined mainly by the Baroque style with its excessive ornamentation and religious iconography.  Laugier's essay proposed that nobility was found in what was necessary for architecture, in the practical and the experiential rather than the iconic. Over the course of the coming weeks we will present some of the seminal works of this Regionalist School. Not the skyscrapers, museums and transportation hubs of the global megapoli, but two generations of simple houses born from the idea that durable, timeless and culturally significant works of architecture emerge from an intimate understanding of nature and culture. This is the work of critical practices, often intentionally small, who have found focus in serene places, taking the time to draw, to make models and even to actively share in the realization of their own projects. This work is the foundation of “The Resistance”.
(Cover: Rural Studio /// Lucy Harris House (Carpet House) /// Mason’s Bend, Alabama, USA /// 2002. Cover photo: © Timothy Hursley.)
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