#unification church in germany
whatisonthemoon · 1 year
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Mr. and Mrs. Fefferman and FLF President Neil Salonen, together with representatives of the Japanese and European couples who participated in the wedding, Unification Church President Young Whi Kim and German Unification Church President Paul Werner met with Korean Prime Minister Kim Jong-pil on February 5 in Seoul. Rev. Kim presented the Prime Minister with a contribution of more than U.S. $100,000 for the Korean New Village Movement, from contributions
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illustratus · 2 years
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Germania by Philipp Veit
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Moonie connections: Bad teaching, 12,000 euros tuition fee: This is how a Berlin institute treats their student
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▲ Sahra Wagenknecht (left) spoke at an ICD event, Dirk Niebel (2nd from left) sat on the ICD advisory board until May. The institute, directed by Mark Donfried (right), has connections to the Moon sect, known for its mass marriages through Hak Ja Han aka “Mother Moon" (2nd from right)
Machine translation to English:
Bad teaching, 12,000 euros tuition fee: This is how a Berlin institute treats their students
Students are bothered by the fact that they don't learn anything. The head of the institute also has hardly any scientific expertise – but he does have contacts with politicians and cult members.
by Sabrina Winter and Sascha Düerkop 27 October 2023
The conference room smells like a mixture of perfume, farts and cafeteria. On this February afternoon, the room is filled with students, interns, cult members and a few people who might be genuinely interested in the topic of the conference. The room is so full that people are crowded in the doorway. Because Bundestag member Sahra Wagenknecht (then part of Die Linke) is about to speak about the war in Ukraine. Controversial politicians are often guests here, but they are rarely as well-known as Wagenknecht.
Here, this is the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin. It is a mixture of non-governmental organization, conference agency and university. And it is a meeting place for religious fanatics. Anyone who looks behind the scenes at the ICD quickly notices the institute appears to be just a facade. Behind it, a trio spins its network of criminals and politicians. To do this, it exploits young people and makes students pay a lot of money. Above all, it offers a space for a cult. At the conferences, cult members can recruit and talk to young people about peace, family, God and who knows what else. The institute denies that the sect is allowed to promote its teachings at the ICD conferences. But the cooperation is confirmed: "In our experience, the cooperation was successful."
Part 2 of this research:
Getting yelled at and living with raccoons: How a Berlin institute exploits interns
by Sabrina Winter and Sascha Düerkop 27 October 2023
We looked at the connections and companies behind this institute. And there are many. Untangling the tangle of hotels, real estate companies and clubs is not easy. The heads of the ICD maintained and maintain connections in all directions: to a Christian sect, an arms lobbyist and a Lebanese ex-government member who is being investigated for murder. We kept asking ourselves: What is the purpose of this strange braid? Those who do a master's degree at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy pay between 9,000 and 12,000 euros and then read Wikipedia articles instead of specialist magazines – that's what former students report. The ICD says that Wikipedia articles or YouTube videos are only used additionally in a few cases.
Those who live in the institute's dormitory have to deal with dirt, water dripping through the ceiling and raccoons digging through the trash. A student filmed the animals from a kitchen in the dormitory. "Oh God, look at how big this thing is," she says in the video as a raccoon sticks its snout into an empty can. “We believe that the situation is better now,” writes the institute in response to a VICE request.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can hardly be called a university. At least the ICD doesn't seem to act as if it values education. What the ICD still succeeds in is luring young people to Berlin with false promises. According to the institute, 30 students are currently enrolled. Many people start their studies with the hope of becoming part of something big, something important at the ICD. To be close to the powerful and influential who can be seen on the institute's website.
The sect with the coerced weddings Sahra Wagenknecht pushed herself through the thick air and behind the lectern. Cold light falls from louvre lamps from the ceiling. Wagenknecht speaks for an hour. She explains how irresponsible she finds it that German tanks shoot at Russians. Nobody contradicts her.
On the morning of this conference day, former Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) gave a lecture. Hassan Diab is also there as a speaker. The ex-president of Lebanon was forced to resign because of the explosion in the port of Beirut. A murder trial is underway against him. Another speaker is Francois Fillon: once Prime Minister of France, now a convicted criminal. He had embezzled public funds and employed his own wife as a sham.
Former students report that they are sometimes pressured by parts of the ICD leadership to take part in the conferences. The ICD puts it this way: "We strongly recommend that students take part in the conferences, also because they are integrated into the curriculum."
VICE spoke to about a dozen people who attended the institute. They almost consistently describe the ICD as a dizziness, a waste of time, a place of horror. But neither they nor the politicians seem to have any idea what lies behind the facade.
There are people at the conferences whose name tags say Universal Peace Federation (UPF). The Universal Peace Federation is a Moon Sect front organization. This is an ultra-conservative, new religious “Christian” movement from South Korea. Many people know the Moon Sect through their mass weddings.
At the conference at which Wagenknecht speaks, at least 13 leading UPF members from all over Europe mingle with the guests, eat snacks and chat with other participants.
We sent Wagenknecht, Steinbrück and Diab questions about their connection to the ICD. For example, we wanted to know whether they knew about the ICD's contacts with cults. But none of them responded – despite our request.
The connection to the German Bundestag The institute gives the impression of being very close to international politics, world events and those in power. It advertises its courses and internships with its supposedly good connections in politics. And members of all parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag actually spoke at the conferences: Thomas Silberhorn (CSU), Frank Müller-Rosentritt (FDP), Cem Özdemir (Greens), Peter Bystron (AfD) are just a few names among many. These appearances help the ICD maintain a reputable appearance. When asked by VICE, Silberhorn, Müller-Rosentritt, Özdemir and Bystron said that they knew nothing about the cult connections or the students' frustrations. According to their own statements, they did not receive any money or gifts.
How the Moon Sect recruits From the Bundestag it is a 45-minute drive to Berlin-Reinickendorf, where the ICD is based. The white and blue institute building stands there, crammed in between cranes, tracks and car dealerships. You don't see anything about culture or international politics.
On the way to the conference hall, you pass a table with flyers, magazines and books, all promoting peace and reconciliation. Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is written on the flyers. The Moon Sect is openly advertising here. In the name of peace, of course, that sounds pretty harmless. In fact, its founder Sun Myung Moon is known for running at least one weapons factory.
Lisa Pauline Wagner was born into the Moon sect 30 years ago. She got out 16 years ago. She also remembers conferences: "Important people were invited: students or celebrities. They then talked about the big problems in the world." It wasn't scientific, she says. “Actually, they were big blah-blah events.” Wagner was considered a "blessed child" in the sect because her parents were personally paired at a matching ceremony by the sect's founder and later married. Mass weddings bring together women and men who have never met before. The cult leader Moon determined who had to marry whom. Since Moon's death in 2012, his wife, Hak Ja Han aka "Mother Moon", has taken over this task. The movement became big in Germany in the 1970s and 80s. Today there aren't as many "Moonies" as they call themselves. But their faith is dangerous.
“Homosexuality was hardly talked about, and when it was, it was only as an illness,” remembers dropout Lisa Pauline. And homophobia isn't the only thing. According to belief, Moonies are the better people, everyone else has to be fought. Moon's followers claim to rule the entire world as "better people".
The Berlin Sekteninfo has hardly anything to do with Moonies or their members anymore, says a representative in an interview with VICE. But it is not the number of members that makes them dangerous, but rather their actions.
One tactic of the Moon movement goes like this: The members try to befriend students and young people. They talk about peace and family. Only after months do they discuss Moon's teachings. With this type of proselytizing, Moonies captivate new members - very gently and gradually. “This dishonest approach is what makes Moon’s followers so dangerous,” says Fabian Maysenhölder, pastor and author of the cult podcast Secta.
Lisa Pauline Wagner describes the pull of the sect like this: "We had cool services with music, young people, a good atmosphere. This gives you the feeling of being part of a community, of something big, something important."
If you show students the UPF flyers, they don't know what to do with them. "Uh, well, today's conference is about peace - and this organization is apparently about peace too," a student says in English. Pictures show that the UPF members also talk to students and distribute their brochures. When asked, the ICD wrote: "Yes, in Berlin they brought some flyers and publications and distributed them to the participants."
An angry email One often encounters frustration and sometimes pure desperation among ICD students. “The quality of teaching was subpar,” says a former student who graduated in 2019. Others confirm this. Apparently this has been the case for several years. In an email from 2017, which VICE has obtained, students complain to the management of the institute:
“Courses are canceled at the last minute, sometimes even after they were supposed to start.”
"It's 2017 and the ICD is unable to set up proper IT and WIFI in the building."
"We watch YouTube videos for two hours in the courses. […] We search Wikipedia articles in an academic (?) place. […] There is also no platform where we can download documents. [ …] Instead, we copy them from USB stick to USB stick."
And they ask in the email: "For many it is still unclear what exactly ICD is. Is it an NGO, a university, an institute, a place to evade taxes or something even worse?"
The ICD wrote in the email: “Of course we take negative feedback into account and try to improve it.”
One thing is certain: a state university in the town of Furtwangen in Baden-Württemberg supports the ICD.
Help from a state university Only because of the cooperation with Furtwangen University can the sect-affiliated institute offer two private master's degree programs: International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy and International Economics, Business and Cultural Diplomacy. VICE has module and seminar plans from recent semesters. Both courses are almost identical. This shows that in the first semester, people teach who otherwise work as management consultants or in embassies. Scientists rarely teach. Furtwangen University doesn't mind. She writes: "We welcome the use of lecturers from professional practice at the ICD."
In the second semester, real professors from southern Germany travel to Berlin. The ICD has been working with Furtwangen University since 2016. The university belongs to the state of Baden-Württemberg. Her focus is on technology, medicine and business. However, there are no professorships there in culture, politics or international relations. Neither the ICD nor Furtwangen University see this as a discrepancy. The university refers to "several professorships that explicitly deal with topics in international relations, international economics and interculturality."
Study full of inconsistencies On official platforms, the university states that the course is in the field of political science and is studied in Villingen-Schwenningen. That's wrong. Because the studies take place in Berlin. Furtwangen University points out a display error on the platform.
And something else that's surprising: the certificates say "Business Administration" as a field of study: business administration. So it's not political science? The university points out that the master's programs are part of the study program offered by the Faculty of Business. In addition, both master's programs included aspects of international economics and international relations. If you look at the module handbook you can see: These economic aspects relate to three courses that make up just 15 percent of the overall grade.
Even though studying is rubbish, no one manages to fight back. Most students come from abroad. They keep thinking about complaining about the ICD, they report. But they don't know who. And then the fear of being in a foreign country without a degree prevails.
They receive a master's certificate. Anyway. Furtwangen University is exhibiting it. The certificates say: ACQUIN, a quality assurance institute, has accredited the course of study. That is also wrong. Because ACQUIN did not accredit the course of study, but the university. When asked, ACQUIN's managing director, Alexander Rudolph, confirmed: AQUIN has accredited the university until 2019. The university then accredited its courses itself, including those at the Berlin ICD. This accreditation is still valid until 2024. But since April 2023, Furtwangen University has been accrediting itself in a so-called “alternative procedure”. This makes it one of the first in Germany. The Ministry of Science in Baden-Württemberg writes: "The alternative procedure is by no means a loophole, but rather speaks for a very good quality culture." But why wasn’t the frustration of the ICD students noticed? The ministry points out the responsibility of the university. A spokesman said the ministry was not aware of any sectarian connections or criticism of the teachings.
And the university? She doesn't know anything about the new religious groups either. She writes: "We have no evidence of any influence from the groups mentioned on our teaching."
Questionable study certificates for visa applications Not only does the accreditation of Furtwangen University appear doubtful, but also its study certificates. Because it is not allowed to award such certificates to ICD students - according to the state higher education law and its own examination regulations. It says: The students in Berlin take part in an “external examination”. This means they are never part of the university, but rather external. Nevertheless, the university issues certificates of study to students at the ICD. Both the university and the Ministry of Science believe this is legal. Most students need a certificate of study in order to get a visa in Germany. Without a certificate of study, no entry, and possibly not even an appointment at the German embassy. A study certificate is one of the most important documents you need to come to Germany.
The trio behind the facade The ICD itself claims to have been founded in the USA in 1999. It cannot be verified whether this is true. On the homepage there were references to companies in the USA, most of which never existed according to the company register in Washington DC. There is now only one address from the USA on the homepage: 20 W 34th St., New York. The Empire State Building is there.
Mark Donfried has always been the director of the institute. The American-born man is in his mid-50s and always wears a suit when making public appearances. In the ICD group photos, he is the head that towers above all the others. His sister is Karen Donfried, the highest-ranking U.S. diplomat for Germany. She is basically the head of all US ambassadors in Europe. Your brother is not a real diplomat. Even though he's obviously trying his best to pretend with the ICD.
At the conference in February, Donfried comes on stage after Wagenknecht's lecture and asks her harmless questions: "What is your message to all Germans? What role does cultural diplomacy play in the Ukraine war?" Most questions from the audience are silenced. No time.
Mark Donfried teaches courses such as “International Case Studies of Applied Cultural Diplomacy” in the master’s program. But not particularly well, if you believe the students' statements. "There was no structure. We talked about things that came to mind," says a former student. Another ex-student says: "He is not qualified to teach such courses."
In fact, Mark Donfried is co-editor of an anthology on cultural diplomacy. Experts rate the anthology as mediocre. Donfried did not write any contributions of his own in the book. Apart from that, he has not published anything academic on the subject of cultural diplomacy. His highest academic degree is a bachelor's degree. In addition to Donfried, a married couple is part of the management trio. So the two of them act in the background. Mark Donfried is the face for public appearances, students report, but Rosie and Riman Vilnius are actually behind the institute.
Rosie's title is "Head of Communications". She reminds students of deadlines and organizes conferences. "Rosie loves money," says one student in an interview with VICE. Another puts it this way: "Rosie wanted to use every square meter of the building to squeeze out money." And a former conference participant remembers the event like this: "The plan, the times, the lectures were constantly changing. I had the feeling that the ICD only wanted to make money with the conference." The ICD says last-minute changes and cancellations only occur rarely, and when they do, they are cases of force majeure.
Riman Vilnius is believed by some alumni who spoke to VICE to be the real head of the ICD. He gives instructions, shakes hands and sometimes intimidates with his demeanor. One of them calls Riman Vilnius a “gangster boss.” Riman's name appears in contracts. He is the contact person for exchange projects with European universities. The three have been running the institute together for almost 25 years.
Donfried's corporate network It is doubtful whether Mark Donfried, Riman and Rosie Vilnius are really interested in cultural diplomacy: the ICD itself writes in an encyclopedia that there is "no fixed or generally accepted definition". Cultural diplomacy is best described "as the means by which countries promote their cultural and political values to the rest of the world." At VICE's request, the institute refers to a second definition that is similar in content and that it has defined itself. It does not cite any scientific sources.
Mark Donfried also has various side businesses: He is the owner of several hotels and real estate management companies in Germany. In February, there is a car in the ICD yard with advertising for one of its hotels stuck on it. If you read the Google reviews of these hotels, you get the impression that they are almost dilapidated and only serve as a facade. Google users describe a hotel in the Lower Saxony province as extremely dirty. A guest is apparently all alone in the hotel because there is no staff at all. “Creepy,” he writes. The corona pandemic thwarted Donfried's plans to build several hotels, writes the ICD.
Donfried also has a few companies in Great Britain. Some have now been disbanded. They were registered at the address of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Moon sect's front organization. An address suffix reveals that they apparently used the same rooms. Donfried hosted an ICD conference at the UPF premises in London in 2014. In 2020, he spoke at a memorial service on the anniversary of the death of cult founder Sun Myung Moon. He was also a speaker at a UPF conference in London in 2022. The connection between him and the cult seems to be close. According to his own statements, he is not a member.
Entanglements with politics Despite these connections, the ICD managed to operate close to German federal ministries. The institute published texts on a portal supported by the Ministry of Education. The ministry writes to VICE: "The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy has used the opportunity to publish individual event notices on the portal, like many other institutes and research institutions that deal with international issues. However, this was last the case in 2011." In 2014, the Federal Foreign Office introduced Mark Donfried as a supporter of an initiative for German-Turkish exchange. There is currently no cooperation, writes the Foreign Office. The ministries do not comment on questions about proximity to the sect.
The ICD website temporarily lists two Germans on the institute's advisory board: the arms lobbyist Dirk Niebel (FDP) and the former parliamentary speaker Rita Süssmuth (CDU). Süssmuth says she hasn't been on the advisory board for a long time. Niebel states that he ended his collaboration with the ICD in May. He served on the advisory board on a voluntary basis. “I gave speeches and moderated panels several times during my time on the board. Speeches and moderations were of course remunerated,” writes Niebel when asked. He doesn't tell us how much he was paid.
Today's Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir also sat there from 2009 to 2010. At that time he was not in the Bundestag, but was chairman of the Greens. When we asked, Özdemir confirmed that he was a speaker and advisory board member at the ICD. Mark Donfried spoke to him at the time. He didn't know anything about the cult contacts. “After a union reported questionable working conditions at the ICD, Mr. Özdemir ended his involvement,” writes his spokeswoman.
Externally, the ICD is decorated with names of politicians. It obviously tries to appear serious, to be a place for exchange and for international politics. In fact, it provides a network for villains and cults. Politicians and students help maintain the appearance of respectability – often without knowing it. Very few people learn anything for their future at the Berlin institute. A 2016 conference participant recalls: "I flew home after the conference and asked myself what cultural diplomacy actually was." At the time she paid 345 euros for it. Participation now costs almost 500 euros.
LINK to the original VICE article in German
Top German politicians have spoken at the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy which has connections to the Moonies Korean messianic cult.
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the-austrian-candidate · 11 months
hetalia headcanon
This time PruAus, a bit historical, I guess, although I am not claiming 100% historical accuracy.
Austria is the older one. Teutonic Order was established around 1190. Also, I believe Gilbert would arrive a bit later once Order received land and started building a country. First information about Austria: at that time, Noricum was around way before Christ was born, so yeah, Rod is older.
Gilbert was raised by monks. Yes, they were knights; they taught him how to fight, but they were monks. Religion was very important. Good and bad aspects of it.
Gilbert had a crush on Roderich almost from the time they first met. He was such a child back then. The problem was that he was sure Rod didn't share his sentiment. He had never asked, but he assumed and was very sure he was right. Also, He felt terribly guilty for having a crash on the man. Remember, he was raised by monks in a time when something other than being heterosexual wasn't exactly encouraged.
Roderich at first disliked Gilbert. He was too loud and mean. Later on, when they grew up, he found Prussia rather amusing. Due to him being carless, He didn't notice how powerful Prussia became. In Roderich's eyes, he was always this harsh monk-knight. And suddenly, Prussia won the game of German unification.
Once the Wall fell and Germany became one again, Gilbert was very sure he would fade. There was simply no need for him anymore. Ludwig was doing great; Prussia was disolved, so what's the point? Pushed by religious guilt, he decided to make amends, and of course, he started with Austria. He went to Vienna and decided to stay with Roderich for a while. Not that he asked him or anything. Roderich was sure Prussia was joking with this whole dying thing, only to be able to inerrupt Roderich's peaceful existence. Once he finally understood Gilbert wasn't joking and was really very sure he would die soon, Austria dragged him to Singerstraße to The Church of the Teutonic Order. At that moment, Gilbert understood that Prussia might be no more, but Order remains. He is not dying anytime soon... That day, both Prussia and Austria started not only to talk with each other but also made atempt to listen to what's other had to say.
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batboyblog · 7 months
“Anti colonialism must not lead to antisemitism”, the official Twitter account of the German embassy in Dublin say, retweeting a video of the Vice-Chancellor talking about the conflict.
“Stop lecturing us, Germany,” say the responses. My grandfather came from Ireland, and I have never been more ashamed to be Irish than right now now. Ireland looks like it’s filled with antisemites.
(Ps: my interpretation of the Vice-Chancellor’s speech was that, since Germans are required to learn all their bad history, it was warning the rest of the world about how dangerous it can get. But of course, twitter… 🙄)
I've always been puzzled by why Ireland is so intensely antisemitic.
My best guess here is that in the rest of Catholic Europe there was an intense anti-Church movement around their Republicanism (or unification in the case of Italy) and Church power was ultimately broken.
in Ireland the Church remained a central part of self identity, whats one of the main differences and points of conflict between the Irish and the British? well religion and the Irish being Catholic and the British very much not liking that. So when Ireland was founded a role for the Catholic Church was baked into the state (to this day 2,700 of Ireland's 3,000 primary schools are Catholic and get state funds) They only just legalized abortion in the last 5 years
any ways my point being Irish Republicanism and Irish national self was wrapped up in the Catholic Church for a long time. The Catholic Church's views on Jews are famously... not great. So you have a country with almost no Jews, and a Catholic monoculture maybe that explains it
in any case Ireland is sadly very antisemitic
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
GoI: Eight Wings of Mekhane
Description: Like any religion the Church of the Broken God has had several revisions, resurgence, divisions, and unifications between the various churches under the religion. Each one views their god in their own way whether it be based on traditionalism, extremism, or a more modern/ liberal approach. But the Eight Wings of Mekhane is a more unusual approach to the religion. The Eight Wings of Mekhane is an international church started in 19[data expunged]. Years of war with the Sarkites and desperately protecting their beliefs and anomalous items has been hard on the Mekhanites. It was only natural that the Church of the Broken God became divided, and the fragments formed their own churches. However, by unknown means, very few devoted Mekhanites found one another and despite being from different churches united into their own church. Thus, the Eight Wings of Mekhane was born.
The Eight Wings of Mekhane is an international church that exist in secluded areas of the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, Korea, the United Kingdom, Singapore, China, Russia, Japan, and possibly other areas. The Eight Wings of Mekhane are an extremely particular church in that it doesn't recruit publicly but instead tries to recruit members of other Churches of the Broken God. pertaining to their goals the Eight Wings of Mekhane try to increase their numbers by uniting other churches of the same faith. The only reason or way the Eight Wings of Mekhane recruits outsiders is when a member marries an outsider.
Organization: The Eight Wings of Mekhane is seemingly divided being made up of secluded areas around the world and divided into 8 different sects with different teachings, values, and methods; However, the Eight Wings of Mekhane maintain their unity through various methods of communication. Similar to the Chruch of Maxwellism, the Eight Wings of Mekhane don't have a traditional hierarchy with a single Pope, Archbishop, or High Priest being at the top. Instead, it's a council of representatives of the people within the church or in other words the one of the eight "Wings". each representative stand side by side within a council to represent the entirety of the group. Despite the technological differences, no one member or "wing" is considered higher than the other. A member belonging to a wing simple refers to what kind of augmentations and machinery they use as well as what form of "prayer" they perform. Regardless of what "Wing" they come from; most, if not all members have mechanical wings augmented to their bodies, fully capable of flight.
1st Wing of Clockwork - Mekhanites who have willing Infected themselves with a strain of SCP-217. As such they have been turned into robots with a clockpunk aesthetic. They are the oldest and typically most secluded sect within the Eight Wings of Mekhane. They are also the most numerous and warrior-based of the Wings. They design their clothing and housing structure is based on British colonialist era aesthetic.
2nd Wing of Steam - Mekhanites who rely on steam and wind power for their machines and augmentations. These members infect themselves with a different strain of SCP-217 created by an unknown ritual. As such like the 1st Wing of Clockwork they lack any and all human characteristics and instead become robots with a steampunk aesthetic. Like the 1st Wing of Clockwork, they are an older and more numerous Wing of Eight Wings of Mekhane. Despite their capabilities to create steam powered weapons and machines they are quite reserved and prefer to avoid conflict. They tend to design their housing and fashion, with a Victorian era aesthetic.
3rd Wing of Diesel - Mekhanites who have replaced their blood with Diesel by an unknown ritual. This Wing is the most militaristic with everyone in a 3rd Wing community possessing a gun or is augmented with one. Despite their seemingly fascist lifestyles the members of the 3rd Wing are actually quite friendly even to outsiders. Though of course they rarely interact with outsiders for obvious reasons. They tend to decorate their housing and attire based on an imperial German aesthetic. 
4th Wing of Atomic - Mekhanites who have replaced their hearts with a geothermic reactor and bones are made of a stable form of irradiated metals by an unknown ritual. Through their prayers they are able to emit massive amounts of energy form their bodies and use said energy to power their machinery. They are considered the most spiritual of all the Wings but also the most dangerous. They represent the reason why humanity as a whole is not yet ready for Mekhane's glory. They have no ill will towards outsiders, but they rarely leave their communities for obvious reasons. They do have armor that contain the radiation they emit but they only wear them in war times and to wear it for the sake of outsiders is considered an insult to Mekhane. They style their housing and attire based on a style similar to a 1950′s American suburban style.
5th Wing of Metal - Mekanites who's brains and other internal organs are made up of Zinc, Lithium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Graphite by an unknown ritual. Unlike the other Wings, members of the 5th Wing go more for internal augmentations rather than external augmentations. As such their communities are more connected to the outside world and is often quite close to outsiders. Thanks to the close connection and communication between the Wings they act as a sort of spies for the Eight Wings of Mekhane as a whole. They're also the ones to trust when finding other sects of the Church of the Broken God and recruiting them into the Eight Wings of Mekhane. Uncommonly but not rarely, 5th Wings tend to work alongside members of the Church of Maxwellism in technology-based corporations to slowly implement more advanced technology into humanity. They are the only wing with more modern attire and housing, unlike other Wings they do not stick to the aesthetic of a single culture. 
6th Wing of Bio - Mekhanites who's are often confused for other Wings despite the clothing and housing difference. 6th Wing communities consist of farmers who have augmented themselves with modern tools to help them cultivate and harvest fruits, vegetables, and meats. Because of their relationship with organic life, they are sometimes mistaken for not being Mekhanites at all. In reality, these Mekhanites use a ritual to turn organic material they consume into fuel for their augmented bodies. They are by far the most mysterious of all the Wings. Because members of the 6th Wing can convert organic material into fuel, they like to hunt down and terrorize Sarkites. They are not well known for their weapons, but they are the best when it comes to taking down clans of the Sarkic Cult. Though they do it more as a source of entertainment rather than a duty, often leading to them being called the most sadistic of the Wings despite their seemingly peaceful lifestyle. They’re attire and housing could be considered modern as it is typical farming attire and housing, depending on the region they live in.
7th Wing of Solar - Mekanites who have artificial skin that act as solar panels. Considered the most aesthetically pleasing to look at given the way their skin and wings shine like crystals in the sunlight. They are considered the most peaceful of all the Wings but also the second rarest. They typically don’t wear clothing and don’t have designated housing. Not much else is known about the 7th Wing, however it has been theorized that they act as living satellites to establish communication between distant communities.
8th Wing of Cyber - Mekhanites that don't even look human but instead resemble cybernetic androids from the future. Possessing the most advanced technology Mekhanites have to offer, the 8th Wing is the most advanced and powerful of all the Wings. However, because of their technology they are also the most hidden. The 8th Wing is very secretive, rarely showing themselves even to the other Wings unless they absolutely have to. They also have no clothing but do have advanced cybernetic housing that exist either in space or underground. Though the Eight Wings of Mekhane as a whole consider themselves the defenders of humanity and technology, the 8th wing considers themselves the defenders of all other Wings.
Feathers - Very rarely do any of the wing's form specialized groups like the SCP Foundation's Mobile Task Force, and the Global Occult Coalition's Strike Team, but when they do their referred to as "Feathers". They are labeled by a serial number with the Wing number being first and the Feather number being second, for example #W/#F. The Feathers were only created to assist the Eight Wings of Mekhane in tasks that is too much to ask of the common member of the church. As such members of a Feather are the bravest but also the most likely to perish for the Eight Wings of Mekhane. On the rare occasion that a Feather is made up of two Wings then the serial number will be #-#W/#F or even #-#-#W/#F. The Feathers are the greatest example of the Eight Wings of Mekhane’s devotion and power.
Priest - Each community of each wing has a priest which stand as a representative and leader. Sometimes referred to as Elders, Village Chief, or Mayor; the Priest's hold the village together and are in charge of the prayers as well as the yearly celebrations where different Wings of a single community join together and meet with other Wings in a sort of Mekhanite festival. It is unknown how, but they are also responsible for giving reports on their respective communities to their respective Saints.
Saints - Not much is actually known about the saints, their existence was only known thanks to the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance meetings. They are the one true representatives of their respective Wing, meaning there are only Eight in total. How they could possibly represent every community in the world of their respective Wing is unknown. Theoretically they have been alive for centuries, are the founders of the Eight Wings of Mekhane, possesses unknown but powerful abilities, and [data expunged] but nothing is confirmed.
Communities - despite certain members belonging to different wings, they all stay close and connected as a united people. They do so by establishing areas to live and work they simply call Communities. When a community is established, their size typically spans to the average size of a village or a small town. Though that's just the surface, underground they make even more space available for their members if needed. They prefer to go underground rather than expanding outwards as to minimize exposure to outsiders due to overwhelming size.
The Eight Wings of Mekhane like to section off said communities into 2 to 6 different sections depending on how many wings are present in a community. Due to 7th and 8th Wings being rarities among all other Wings, they are normally not given their own sections and instead freely live and travel in-between sections whenever they please. The purpose of being in a single community but being divided in different sections depending on Wings is to remind them that although they are different, they are still the same children of Mekhane and no differences between one another can change that.
Purpose and Goals: The Goal of the Eight Wings of Mekhane is to unite all the divide Churches of the Broken God. They represent the end goal that humanity must achieve for when the day comes when Mekhane and her children will be whole again. They believe that only when her children are united, Mekhane will be restored and become stronger than ever. In the eyes of the Eight Wings of Mekhane both humans and machines are Mekhane's children and must be preserved by any means necessary. The Eight Wings of Mekhane consider themselves the secret protectors of Mekhane's children.
Unlike most sects of the Church of the Broken God, Eight Wings of Mekhane are actually in favor of secrecy. They believe that humanity is not yet ready for "Mekhane's glory" and thus, work closely to the shadows until the day they believe it's time to break the veil. It was because of this that the Eight Wings of Mekhane became a member organization of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance.
Affiliation with the Foundation: Because of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance; The SCP Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, Horizon Initiative, and the Church of Maxwellism consider them allies. However, the SCP Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, and the Horizon Initiative are weary of the Eight Wings of Mekhane, the same with the Church of Maxwellism. While their goal is to preserve secrecy for as long as possible, the Eight Wings of Mekhane are in favor for the preparation of the veil to break one day. Surprisingly members of the Horizon Initiative and the Eight Wings of Mekhane get along quite well despite the Initiative's rough history with Mekhanites as a whole.
The Eight Wings of Mekhane work surprisingly well with the Chruch of Maxwellism and despite their goals, have respected the wishes of the members of the Chruch of Maxwellism to remain independent. Though of course the Chruch of Maxwellism and Eight Wings of Mekhane see Mekhane in a different light and therefore can occasionally conflict in faith and goals. Thankfully it has never gotten to the point of absolute and violent conflict.
The Eight Wings of Mekhane absolutely despise the Sarkites as all Mekhanites do; However, they consider Children of the Scarlet King, The Church of Fifthism, the Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones, and SAPPHIRE to be greater threats. Unlike most Mekhanites the Eight wings of Mekhane consider the Sarkites more of an annoyance than a proper enemy.
Unlike the Church of Maxwellism the Eight Wings of Mekhane hate Abstergo Industries, Prometheus Labs, and Anderson Robotics as they view them as butchers and enslavers of machines. They are also aware of The Factory and despise their heinous crimes against both biological and synthetic life. Like all other organizations the Eight Wings of Mekhane hunt down and kill any and all surviving or resurrected Daevites.
The Serpents Hand and the Eight Wings of Mekhane see one another as potential allies but with the Eight Wings of Mekhane wanting to preserve the veil of secrecy for now while the Serpents hand wanting to destroy it immediately; their relationship is left complicated.
Involved with:
[data expunged]
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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viralmessenger · 6 years
Warning - homosexual Swami Vishwananda unworthy of his title
First of all it has to be mentioned that this text is not directed against homosexuality whatsoever. The article below is based on facts and experience of a big number of young men who came in contact with a gay guru, who acts as a spiritual father of monks and nuns. It was not written as revenge but to provide information and freedom to choose beforehand whether somebody wants to visit an ashram/ guru or not. We thank this forum for allowing critical information to be voiced, as it is key in our societies to share experiences to show up possible offenses.
Warning - If you are a truth seeker, want to mediate, learn yoga or in search of a spiritual guide and consider to visit the ashram of Swami Vishwananda from Heidenrod-Springen in Germany, which is situated 1 hour west of Frankfurt/ Main, beware of visiting the ashram and please be mindful of the following information. It is then up to you to proceed with your aspirations or to stay away from this ashram and guru.
We wish to make you aware of a so-called Bhakti Marga organisation in central Germany which is run under the homosexual guru Swami Vishwananda. His homosexuality is well known and was confirmed by so many visitors of the ashram in Heidenrod-Springen in the past and present. Already in the year 2008 many devotees (followers), amongst them more than 500-600 Brahmacharis (Hindu monks or nuns who live in celibacy) left V. because of his homosexuality. Some of the brahmacharis who left were even Swamis (priests). The reasons of leaving were obviously his harsh treatment of his followers and his homosexual interaction with a large number of monks at the same time (other articles say that V. maintained a list of up to 16 monks whilst living in his first small ashram in Steffenshof). It is well known that a Swami (abbot) who oversees monks and nuns in an ashram or monastery is supposed to be the most experienced monk living a life of purity and celibacy practicing true love and humility. There can be no exceptions, as only the ones who went through a life of monasticism can show up dangers of it to others and be qualified guides. After the incident of 2008, it is of big surprise that the German authorities or church still tolerate this sect, where sexual abuse happens.
There are cases of former male brahmacharis who still suffer spiritually and are traumatized after having seen V. in private. All of the cases show similarities. V. calls them often during the night to come over to massage him or spent time with him. Over a period of time he wins their trust, to then seduce, kiss, touch their genitals and eventually, against their free choice and will, has sex with them. It is important to understand that those individuals are young male God seekers (often new to spirituality) who are very naive acting out of respect to a guru who knows his ways.
Spiritual and energetic influence:
It can be very dangerous, when a spiritual teacher connects with somebody spiritually/ energetically using spiritual siddhis (supernatural gifts or abilities), if used for gratification of senses and not in the service of monastics to grow in their spiritual goals. Monks who have taken vows of celibacy in this sect don't know of the consequences. If you are a (male) Brahmachari, you are under this teacher's direct energetic influence and therefore destined to have sex with him, if you don't find a way to stay away from him on time. After a while V. builds up an internal connection with a monk who starts feeling a big energetic dependency and control by him. This is very dangerous if you don't know of the true nature of a guru. It now comes again to light that V. is a tantric guru (Tantra is an ancient Hindu technique, often misused for sex unification) who constantly seeks gratification in sexual interaction with his monks and possibly other male guests. Many devotees described that V. has the ability to manipulate thoughts and emotions, and has done so to get his pleasures with them. This should be a warning to all and also a call to use discrimination.
Call to educate and start prevention work: It is important to learn to differentiate between a real spiritual teacher who leads a life in purity and humility, and the so-called boda gurus (false spiritual teachers) who, e.g. use different siddhis to accumulate followers for their own gain and glory. False gurus try to bind people by false promises and energetic sensation. Once somebody is in it, it can be difficult to rid oneself from the control and influence of a false guru. It can be that they want your life energy, money or gratify their desires. Boda gurus attach followers to them and mislead them because they don't have divinely inspired intentions. Because of shame, fear or other reasons most of the former followers would stay silent, even though they were abused sexually. V. has clearly not respected the choice of individuals whose choice it was to leave and often keeps harassing them spiritually afterwards. It could be that you are not designed to lead a life of a monastic, but would be attached by this guru to follow him and become a monastic.
This article was written to educate you about possible wrong turns on your spiritual path and to keep you on the right track of your life journey. Don't follow spiritual teachers blindly and ask questions before committing. If you were considering to visit the ashram, don't take these words lightly and stay away from the ashram for your own safety and well-being. Find out for yourself, google and be informed about other cases. If you have experiences of your own, have courage and share them. It will help others to know the truth and stay safe.
Please SHARE the information with your family, friends and other spiritual groups.
#standup #share #shareyourexperiences #metoo #freespeech #news #prevention #education #review #reviewaguru #guru #vishwananda #vishwanandareview #bhaktimarga #heidenrod #frankfurt #falsegurus #falseteachers #godmen #homosexuality #sex #sexcrimes #nuns #monks #rape #rapevictims #spiritualviolence #mindcontrol #warning #spirituality #meditation #ashram #love #mindfulness #awakening #healing #yoga #purity #goodvibes #nature #christianity #hinduism #truth #government #regierung #deutschland #vergewaltigung #scalesofjustice #church #churchtoo #kirche #protectpeople #closeashram #investigate #seeklight #knowtruth #bepositive #pray #divinejustice
0 notes
brookston · 4 months
Holidays 2.10
All the News That's Fit To Print Day
Anniversary of Oruro
Arabian Leopard Day (Saudi Arabia)
Ausonia Asteroid Day
Children’s Hospice Day (Germany)
Cliff Burton Day (Alameda County, California)
Deep Blue Day
Fenkil Day (Eritrea)
Gold Record Day
Half-Baked Day (Halfway to 4/20)
International Cribbage Day
International Day of the Arabian Leopard
International Drive Your Triumph Day
International Ski Patrol Day
International Weather Festival
Kurdish Authors Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Lt. Col. Vindman Day
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Deworming Day (India)
National Flannel Day
National Home Warranty Day
National Julio Day
National Louis Day
National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe (Italy)
National TV Safety Day
NEET Day (Japan)
Plimsoll Day
Rose Daphne Day (French Republic)
Royal Hobart Regatta Day (Tasmania)
Singing Telegram Day (New York Postal Telegraph Co.)
TBL1XR1 Related Disorder Day
Teddy Day
Tom and Jerry Day
Umbrella Day
Voltammentry Day
Volunteer Defense Day (Thailand)
Welsh Language Music Day (UK)
World Pulses Day
Ziggy Stardust Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
National “Have a Brownie” Day
Try to Invent a New Jell-O Flavor Day
2nd Saturday in February
Global Movie Day [2nd Saturday]
International Purple Hijab Day [2nd Saturday]
International Snowmobile Ride Day [2nd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary of Oruro (Bolivia)
Empire of North Africa (Declared; 2006) [unrecognized]
New Jersey Concessions & Agreements Day (New Jersey) [1st U.S. state constitution; 1665)
Phokland (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
Rosston (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
Unification of Upper and Lower Canada (1841)
New Year’s Days
Kebbawa New Year & Beginning of Fishing Season (Kebbawa People of Nigeria)
New Year's Day  [Lunar Calendar] (a.k.a. …
Bituun (Mongolia)
Chinese New Year [2024: Year of the Dragon]
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Yin Black Water Rabbit
Fete du Printemps (Mauritius)
Losar/Loshar (India, Nepal)
Lunar New Year’s Day (Hong Kong)
Novo Ano Lunar (Macau)
Seol-Nal (South Korea)
Sonam Lhosar (Tamang New Year)
Sonam Lochhar (Sikkam, India)
Spring Festival (China)
Tahun Baru Imlek (Indonesia)
Tamang New Year (Nepal)
Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnam)
Tsagaan Sar (Mongolia) [2023: Year of the Rabbit]
Tet Holiday begins (Vietnam) [thru 26th]
Festivals Beginning February 10, 2024
Carnaval de Barranquilla (Barranquilla, Colombia) [4 Days before Ash Wednesday; thru 2.13]
Carnival of Aalst (Aalst, Belgium) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Binche (Binche, Belgium) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) [thru 2.13]
Death by Chocolate (Appleton, Wisconsin)
Fastelavn (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Mumbo Jumbo Gumbo Cook-Off (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Palm Beach Marine Flea Market & Seafood Festival (West Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 2.11]
Paris Carnival (Paris, France)
Sábado de Carnaval (Argentina; Brazil) [thru 2.13]
Wine Love Trail (Sonoma County, California)
Feast Days
Anabita’s Day (Pagan)
Apelles (Positivist; Saint)
Apple Wish Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Ary Scheffer (Artology)
Austrebertha (Christian; Saint)
Bertolt Brecht (Writerism)
Bisexual Anxiety Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Boris Pasternak (Writerism)
Charalambos (Christian; Saint)
Day of Anaitis (Persian Goddess of the Moon and the Seas)
E.L. Konigsburg (Writerism)
Erlulph of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Faeries Creation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck (Malta)
Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (Artology)
José Sánchez del Río (Christian; Saint)
Marilyn Monroe Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mr. Holiday (Muppetism)
Nicolas Taunay (Artology)
Paradoxically Non-Paradoxical Day (a.k.a. Paradox Day; Pastafarian)
Scholastica (Christian; Saint)
Soteris (Christian; Martyr)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Trumwin (Christian; Saint)
William of Maleval (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 41 [13 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [3 of 4]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [10 of 60]
Alice at the Carnival (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Bad Day at Cat Rock (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Belle de Jour, by Joseph Kessel (Novel; 1928)
The Best of Everything, by Rona Jaffe (Novel; 1958)
Big Game Haunt (WB MM Cartoon; 1968))
Billy Madison (Film; 1995)
Butch (MGM Cartoon; 1951)
Chico & Rita (Animated Film; 2012)
The College Dropout, by Kanye West (Album; 2004)
Daffy’s Rhapsody (WB LT Cartoon; 2012)
Das Boot (Film; 1982)
Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller (Play; 1949)
The Four-Legged Zoo [#4] (Multiplication Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1973)
The Glenn Miller Story (Film; 1954)
The Grasshopper and the Ants (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1934)
Icebound, by Owen Davis (Play; 1923)
The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1951)
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You), by Aretha Franklin (Song; 1967)
Inside Outer Space (Disney Animated TV Special; 1963)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (Film; 2017)
Kimi (Film; 2022)
The Lego Batman Movie (Animated Film; 2013)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (WB Animated Film; 2015)
The Littles, by John Lawrence Peterson (Novel; 1967)
Long Tall Sally, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1956)
The Loved One, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1948)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (Animated TV Series; 2023)
The Pink Panther (Film; 2006)
Pluto and the Gopher (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Puss Gets the Boot (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1940) [#1]
Rabbit Every Monday (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Rio Rita, by Red Fin Rito and His Orchestra (Song; 1942)
Safe house (Film; 2012)
Shallow Grave (Film; 1995)
A Sheep in the Deep (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (Film; 2012)
Sultans of Swing, by Dire Straits (Song; 1979)
Tales of Hoffmann, by Jacques Offenbach (Opera; 1881)
Tapestry, by Carole King (Album; 1971)
The Three Bears (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Tom & Jerry (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
Van Halen, by Van Halen (Album; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Scholastika, Siegmar (Austria)
Haralampi, Valentin, Valentina (Bulgaria)
Alojzije, Vilim, Vjekoslav (Croatia)
Mojmír (Czech Republic)
Scholastica (Denmark)
Ella, Elle, Ellen, Elli, Ellu (Estonia)
Elina, Ella, Elle, Ellen, Elna (Finland)
Arnaud (France)
Bruno, Scholastika, Siegmar (Germany)
Chara, Charalambos, Chariklia, Haralambia, Haralambos, Hariklia, Harilaos (Greece)
Elvira (Hungary)
Arnaldo, Guglielmo, Scolastica, Wilma (Italy)
Paula, Paulīna, Paulīne (Latvia)
Ada, Elvyra, Gabrielius, Girvydas, Vydgailė (Lithuania)
Ingfrid, Ingrid (Norway)
Elwira, Gabriel, Jacek, Jacenty, Scholastyka, Tomisława (Poland)
Haralambie (Romania)
Gabriela (Slovakia)
Escolástica (Spain)
Eugenia, Iris (Sweden)
Austria, Amber, Amelinda, Colt, Colten, Colton, Duran, Durand, Durante, Kolton, Meredith (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 41 of 2024; 325 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 6 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 1 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 1 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 30 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 11 Grey; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 28 January 2024
Moon: 2%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 13 Homer (2nd Month) [Apelles)
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 52 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 20 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Adar I (only in leap years) [אֲדָר א׳] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
陬月 [Zōuyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 1 of 12] (Square of Pegasus Month; Corner Month) [Earthly Branch: Tiger Month] (First Month)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 2.10
All the News That's Fit To Print Day
Anniversary of Oruro
Arabian Leopard Day (Saudi Arabia)
Ausonia Asteroid Day
Children’s Hospice Day (Germany)
Cliff Burton Day (Alameda County, California)
Deep Blue Day
Fenkil Day (Eritrea)
Gold Record Day
Half-Baked Day (Halfway to 4/20)
International Cribbage Day
International Day of the Arabian Leopard
International Drive Your Triumph Day
International Ski Patrol Day
International Weather Festival
Kurdish Authors Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Lt. Col. Vindman Day
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Deworming Day (India)
National Flannel Day
National Home Warranty Day
National Julio Day
National Louis Day
National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe (Italy)
National TV Safety Day
NEET Day (Japan)
Plimsoll Day
Rose Daphne Day (French Republic)
Royal Hobart Regatta Day (Tasmania)
Singing Telegram Day (New York Postal Telegraph Co.)
TBL1XR1 Related Disorder Day
Teddy Day
Tom and Jerry Day
Umbrella Day
Voltammentry Day
Volunteer Defense Day (Thailand)
Welsh Language Music Day (UK)
World Pulses Day
Ziggy Stardust Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
National “Have a Brownie” Day
Try to Invent a New Jell-O Flavor Day
2nd Saturday in February
Global Movie Day [2nd Saturday]
International Purple Hijab Day [2nd Saturday]
International Snowmobile Ride Day [2nd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary of Oruro (Bolivia)
Empire of North Africa (Declared; 2006) [unrecognized]
New Jersey Concessions & Agreements Day (New Jersey) [1st U.S. state constitution; 1665)
Phokland (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
Rosston (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
Unification of Upper and Lower Canada (1841)
New Year’s Days
Kebbawa New Year & Beginning of Fishing Season (Kebbawa People of Nigeria)
New Year's Day  [Lunar Calendar] (a.k.a. …
Bituun (Mongolia)
Chinese New Year [2024: Year of the Dragon]
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Yin Black Water Rabbit
Fete du Printemps (Mauritius)
Losar/Loshar (India, Nepal)
Lunar New Year’s Day (Hong Kong)
Novo Ano Lunar (Macau)
Seol-Nal (South Korea)
Sonam Lhosar (Tamang New Year)
Sonam Lochhar (Sikkam, India)
Spring Festival (China)
Tahun Baru Imlek (Indonesia)
Tamang New Year (Nepal)
Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnam)
Tsagaan Sar (Mongolia) [2023: Year of the Rabbit]
Tet Holiday begins (Vietnam) [thru 26th]
Festivals Beginning February 10, 2024
Carnaval de Barranquilla (Barranquilla, Colombia) [4 Days before Ash Wednesday; thru 2.13]
Carnival of Aalst (Aalst, Belgium) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Binche (Binche, Belgium) [thru 2.13]
Carnival of Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) [thru 2.13]
Death by Chocolate (Appleton, Wisconsin)
Fastelavn (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Mumbo Jumbo Gumbo Cook-Off (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Palm Beach Marine Flea Market & Seafood Festival (West Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 2.11]
Paris Carnival (Paris, France)
Sábado de Carnaval (Argentina; Brazil) [thru 2.13]
Wine Love Trail (Sonoma County, California)
Feast Days
Anabita’s Day (Pagan)
Apelles (Positivist; Saint)
Apple Wish Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Ary Scheffer (Artology)
Austrebertha (Christian; Saint)
Bertolt Brecht (Writerism)
Bisexual Anxiety Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Boris Pasternak (Writerism)
Charalambos (Christian; Saint)
Day of Anaitis (Persian Goddess of the Moon and the Seas)
E.L. Konigsburg (Writerism)
Erlulph of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Faeries Creation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck (Malta)
Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (Artology)
José Sánchez del Río (Christian; Saint)
Marilyn Monroe Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mr. Holiday (Muppetism)
Nicolas Taunay (Artology)
Paradoxically Non-Paradoxical Day (a.k.a. Paradox Day; Pastafarian)
Scholastica (Christian; Saint)
Soteris (Christian; Martyr)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Trumwin (Christian; Saint)
William of Maleval (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 41 [13 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [3 of 4]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [10 of 60]
Alice at the Carnival (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Bad Day at Cat Rock (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Belle de Jour, by Joseph Kessel (Novel; 1928)
The Best of Everything, by Rona Jaffe (Novel; 1958)
Big Game Haunt (WB MM Cartoon; 1968))
Billy Madison (Film; 1995)
Butch (MGM Cartoon; 1951)
Chico & Rita (Animated Film; 2012)
The College Dropout, by Kanye West (Album; 2004)
Daffy’s Rhapsody (WB LT Cartoon; 2012)
Das Boot (Film; 1982)
Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller (Play; 1949)
The Four-Legged Zoo [#4] (Multiplication Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1973)
The Glenn Miller Story (Film; 1954)
The Grasshopper and the Ants (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1934)
Icebound, by Owen Davis (Play; 1923)
The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1951)
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You), by Aretha Franklin (Song; 1967)
Inside Outer Space (Disney Animated TV Special; 1963)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (Film; 2017)
Kimi (Film; 2022)
The Lego Batman Movie (Animated Film; 2013)
Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (WB Animated Film; 2015)
The Littles, by John Lawrence Peterson (Novel; 1967)
Long Tall Sally, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1956)
The Loved One, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1948)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (Animated TV Series; 2023)
The Pink Panther (Film; 2006)
Pluto and the Gopher (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Puss Gets the Boot (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1940) [#1]
Rabbit Every Monday (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Rio Rita, by Red Fin Rito and His Orchestra (Song; 1942)
Safe house (Film; 2012)
Shallow Grave (Film; 1995)
A Sheep in the Deep (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (Film; 2012)
Sultans of Swing, by Dire Straits (Song; 1979)
Tales of Hoffmann, by Jacques Offenbach (Opera; 1881)
Tapestry, by Carole King (Album; 1971)
The Three Bears (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Tom & Jerry (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
Van Halen, by Van Halen (Album; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Scholastika, Siegmar (Austria)
Haralampi, Valentin, Valentina (Bulgaria)
Alojzije, Vilim, Vjekoslav (Croatia)
Mojmír (Czech Republic)
Scholastica (Denmark)
Ella, Elle, Ellen, Elli, Ellu (Estonia)
Elina, Ella, Elle, Ellen, Elna (Finland)
Arnaud (France)
Bruno, Scholastika, Siegmar (Germany)
Chara, Charalambos, Chariklia, Haralambia, Haralambos, Hariklia, Harilaos (Greece)
Elvira (Hungary)
Arnaldo, Guglielmo, Scolastica, Wilma (Italy)
Paula, Paulīna, Paulīne (Latvia)
Ada, Elvyra, Gabrielius, Girvydas, Vydgailė (Lithuania)
Ingfrid, Ingrid (Norway)
Elwira, Gabriel, Jacek, Jacenty, Scholastyka, Tomisława (Poland)
Haralambie (Romania)
Gabriela (Slovakia)
Escolástica (Spain)
Eugenia, Iris (Sweden)
Austria, Amber, Amelinda, Colt, Colten, Colton, Duran, Durand, Durante, Kolton, Meredith (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 41 of 2024; 325 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 6 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 1 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 1 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 30 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 11 Grey; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 28 January 2024
Moon: 2%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 13 Homer (2nd Month) [Apelles)
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 52 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 20 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Adar I (only in leap years) [אֲדָר א׳] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
陬月 [Zōuyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 1 of 12] (Square of Pegasus Month; Corner Month) [Earthly Branch: Tiger Month] (First Month)
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thetldrplace · 8 months
risorgimento- Lucy Riall
This is a recap of the first chapter of the book risorgimento By Lucy Riall. Risorgimento is the Italian word for resurrection, and it's the Italian term for the unification of the country. In case you didn't know, Italy was the name for the Italian peninsula, but it had not been a united country since the Romans took over each of the tribes under the name of Rome. But after the fall of the western Roman empire in 476 AD, the peninsula was open to whoever could assert control over an area. That happened to be a wide variety of players: Germany, France, Spain, the Byzantine empire, and Muslim armies were some of the bigger players- and in the north and center of Italy, a host of cities took the surrounding areas and became what we know as city states. In the 1800s, there was a push to unite the entire peninsula, with Sicily and Sardina, into a single country. The first chapter outlines the basic history of how this happened. The subsequent chapters of the book detail what this meant to historians and Italians in the years afterward.  
1 Risorgimento, Reform and Revolution 
Towards the end of the 18th century, many of Europe's most powerful monarchies had suffered setbacks. It is in this Europe-wide crisis of the eighteenth century that we must look for the origins of the changes in nineteenth century Italy. Italy had been ravaged by war and repeated foreign invasion during the 1600s. Alongside that were repeated famines, plagues and popular revolts. Governments throughout Italy attempted to introduce economic and social improvements, and construct more efficient government, but they encountered serious difficulties. Especially in Naples, implementing reform was opposed by the local power-holders, and the poor bore the brunt of the efforts. Outbreaks of violence became commonplace, and were even encouraged by the nobles and the Church in an effort to undermine proposed reforms. 
Many in the peninsula recognized the need for reforms, but successful or not, they unleashed instability throughout Italy. Reformers had weakened the entrenched political system, but had been unable to build new bases of support. There was widespread disillusionment and distrust of the political interests towards the end of the 1700s. 
In 1793, the French revolution invaded Piedmont. In 1796, Napoleon invaded northern Italy and in the treaty of Campoforno with Austria in 1797, gained control of the all Italy. The first of the French occupations led to three republics being established: the Cisalpine republic in the North, the Roman Republic in central Italy, and the Parthenopan or Neopolitan republic in the south. But a longer period of occupation from 1801-14 reflected a more conservative direction taken by Napoleon in France. 
This occupation turned out to be extremely important for future developments in Italy. The breakdown of the old states challenged the traditional authority of the old regime. The French rule also prepared the ground for a more uniform national identity in Italy. It helped spread revolutionary ideas and organizations. The idea of an independent Italian republic gained support as did democratic forms of government. Italian patriots began planning uprisings all over Italy. The French army and centralized government became models that reform minded Italians wanted to see in their country. The peasants however bitterly resented military conscription, and they, encouraged by the Church, fought back against such reforms. 
After Napoleon was defeated by the Austrians in 1815, the Habsburg Empire sought to restore the old order. But restoration in Italy meant different things to different people, from liberal reforms to the reaction. The carbonarist uprisings in 1820-21 were easily put down by the Austrians, but the revolutionaries themselves were at odds with each other. 
In 1831, Giovine italia, Young Italy, caused a series of disturbances, but again, the mass of people remained indifferent or even hostile to the idea of open revolt. But this group was led by Giuseppe Mazzini. The disastrous experiences of these years taught him that an entirely new kind of leadership was necessary to prepare the battle ahead. He was inspired by romanticism and an emotional engagement with the past. Italy's geography destined it to be united and free. It was time for a resurrection, a risorgimento. Mazzini managed to create a broad network of like-minded liberals across Europe to the notion of Italian unification. In the mid 1840's he attracted Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian exile in Uruguay, as the one who could unite and lead Italian forces. But he was at the same time losing ground in the bigger picture. 
In 1848-49, a major revolt broke out in Palermo. The government was easily overcome and the apparent ease of the revolt caused some real concern among conservatives. But the victory also masked some grave weaknesses. Many of the liberals who gained a foothold in the power, proceeded to halt the progress of the revolution in order to keep the masses marginalized. Their general refusal to address the causes of the mass unrest had grim consequences. At the same time, Italian monarchs didn’t want to give an inch to even the most moderate of reformers, and with the church, the piedmont government and other factions jealously guarding their own interests, things came to a near halt of progress. But here Mazzini seized the initiative back from the moderates. He arrived in Rome in 1849 and a republic was declared in Rome. Yet circumstances were no more favorable in 1849 than they had been 50 years earlier. While Garibaldi was a capable general, his forces were too weak and ill-equipped. Austrian domination was reaffirmed with the defeat of the Piedmontese army at Novara. After the defeat, Carlo Alberto, the monarch of Piemonte, abdicated in favor of his son Vittorio Emanuele II. 
The revolution frightened the Italian rulers though and this led to ten years of severe repression. Pope Pius IX and Leopoldo II in Tuscany turned their backs on liberalism. The Austrians in Lombardy-Venetia policed with heightened censorship and crackdowns on political dissent or discontent. Political dissent in the Two Sicilies was even worse, where even the most moderate liberals were arrested and condemned to long sentences. There were, nonetheless a series of failed insurrections: Milan in 1853, Massa in 1854, Palermo in 1856, and Sapri in 1857. Each of these was poorly prepared and under-armed. Mazzini's reputation suffered at home with an air of failure, though his network abroad, centered in London, survived intact. 
The Italian National Society was established in 1857, created by three ex-democrats: Daniele Manin (ex-leader of the Venetian republic), Giorgio Pallavicino Trivulzio, and Giuseppe La Farina. Their belief was that the only way forward for Italian nationalism was through an alliance with Piedmont. After 1849, Piedmont alone took a more liberal direction, confirming the power of the crown and Church, but guaranteeing freedom of the press and of association. From this, the moderate liberals were able to reform the economy and transform political life. This was a marked contrast to the political reaction in the rest of Italy. Much of the credit goes to one man, Camilo Benso di Cavour. Cavour wanted to steer a middle path between revolution and reaction. Economic progress, he saw, would result from free trade, liberal policies, and political stability. This model became the goal for Italian nationalism and eventual unification. Even king Vittorio Emanuele II was persuaded of an alliance with the nationalists.   
Cavour learned from the defeats of 1849 that diplomacy would be the only way to gain allies and isolate Austria. In 1858, an ex-Mazzini operative had thrown a bomb at the French emperor Napoleon III's carriage, and Cavour saw his opportunity. He traveled to France and met with the emperor to expel Austria from northern Italy. They divided up the map of Italy into areas they would rule. This would free Italy of Austrian rule, but not unite Italy in the sense the nationalists had wanted. But Piedmont and France agreed and provoked Austria into a war. The French-Piedmontese won and Piedmont gained Lombardy and central Italy in the process, but failed to get control of Venice. But Piedmont was largely in control of Italy at this point. 
Austrian allies in Italy were greatly destabilized by the change. It had a particularly devastating impact on the kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The power vacuum left opportunities and Garibaldi stepped in as the most popular leader of the risorgimento movement. His hometown of Nice had been surrendered to France in Cavour's deal. So he set sail from Genoa and landed in Sicily with a thousand volunteers to overthrow the Bourbon king and unite the south with the rest of Italy. His expedition exceeded all expectations and in less than six months, Garibaldi had defeated the Bourbon army in both Sicily and on the mainland. He assembled an army of 20,000 volunteers, proclaimed himself dictator and reorganized the government.  
His conquest in the south gave democrats a solid power base, and in September 1860, he entered Naples on a train to a triumphant welcome. In October, he defeated the Bourbon army on the Volturno river, which gave him an open road to Rome. 
Cavour decided to stop him from taking Rome and sent the Piedmontese army south to meet Garibaldi's volunteers. A plebiscite in Sicily and the south voted in favor of annexation by Piedmont, and in November, Garibaldi handed power over to Piedmont. In February 1861, Italy was formally united with Vittorio Emanuele II as king and Turin as the capital. 
Venice was still under Austrian control and the Pope in Rome was protected by a French garrison. It was in 1866 that Italy finally gained control over Venice. It wasn't until 1870 that Napoleon withdrew his troops and Rome became the capital of Italy. Pius IX remained implacable and proclaimed himself 'a prisoner of the Vatican'.  
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texasobserver · 10 months
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“In Search of the Hill Country's Lost Utopia” by McHam Investigative Reporting Fellow Josephine Lee, published in the July/August issue of Texas Observer magazine. Photography by Christopher Lee.
On the south banks of the Llano River, the Castell General Store hosts its bimonthly “Drinking with Jesus” church service. Even with dogged Sunday morning rain, around 70 people recently gathered in the back room, singing “Count Your Blessings” while sipping bloody marys and mimosas. 
Repurposed from an old gas station, the Hill Country store’s interior is lined with exposed brick and corrugated metal. Tables are made from slabs of wood bolstered by wooden beer barrels. An eclectic mix of decorative figures—Darth Vader, Snoop Dog drinking Corona, a mounted deer head with beer bottles for antlers—stare as the churchgoers sing. The offerings are as varied as the decor: burgers and tacos, fishing and camping gear, groceries, and a sermon on the parable of the prodigal son.
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After the laid-back service, owners Randy Leifeste and his son Marc Leifeste, along with cousin Bobbette Estes, tell me about August and Sophie Leifeste, the first in their family to settle in Castell in 1853. The family still owns land handed down through five generations.
August and Sophie emigrated with their children from the village of Broistedt in the province of Braunshweig, Germany. For the hardworking family of shepherds and small farmers, the prospect of cheap land motivated them to emigrate after the “the Hungry Forties,” a period of agrarian crisis followed by economic depression. On January 10, 1853, August purchased 12 acres for $100. 
Life as self-sufficient farmers and ranchers was rough for pioneers and their descendants. Randy recalls that even in the 1950s, “My father never let me sleep past seven in the morning. We got up early in the morning and went to work in the fields. We would come home, have a big lunch, and take a 20-minute nap. And then we would go back out to work until it was dark. It was like this everyday except for Sunday.” 
But they were not the first German settlers to choose this spot. 
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This tiny crossroads community was founded as a socialist utopia. It used to be called Bettina, after a German author and activist who championed the oppressed underclasses, though few traces of that town remain today outside of history books and a few old letters. Even longtime residents know little of its history. 
In September 1847, 40 college fraternity brothers from the German universities in Giessen, Heidelberg, and Darmstadt arrived at this bucolic spot where Elm Creek runs into the Llano River. 
Those original settlers were all men, ages 13 to 27. Armed with ideals from French utopian socialists, die Vierziger, or “the Fortyers,” sought to build a new society on Texas soil—a “communistic society” free of the hierarchies, political oppression, and economic inequality scourging semi-feudal Germanic states. Their community would have “no regular scheme of government” and “would not brook the tyranny of a leader,” wrote Louis Reinhardt, the youngest settler, and be based on the tenets of “friendship, freedom, and equality.”
Instead of spending time drinking, playing football, and hazing, like today’s fraternity brothers, the Fortyers spent time drinking, saber-dueling, and discussing politics and philosophy. According to Brian Vick, professor of 19th-century German history at Emory University, those universities were a hotbed of revolutionary ideas at a time when the educated professional class was calling for an end to absolutist monarchies, prompting the “springtime of revolutions” across central Europe in 1848. This movement included liberal constitutional monarchists, radical republicans, and socialists. The Fortyers were the furthest left, demanding German unification and sovereignty from the Prussian and Hapsburg empires, along with a constitution and social and economic equality. 
A group of German noblemen called the Adelsverein, or the Society for the Protection of German Emigrants to Texas, supplied the Fortyers with transportation and $12,000 in provisions and materials. Each settler received 320 acres from a part of the Fisher-Miller grant, which the society obtained in negotiations with the Comanche tribe.
The Fortyers included two physicians, one engineer, one theologian, one instrument maker, two architects, seven lawyers, four foresters, two mechanics, two carpenters, one butcher, one blacksmith, one artillery lieutenant, one shipwright, one brewer, one miller, one hosteler, one agriculturist, and one botanist. 
But without any farmers (and arguably too many lawyers), the utopian commune lasted only a year. By the summer of 1848, young Reinhardt reported that the colony “went to pieces like a bubble.” Provisions had run out and they had produced only 200 bushels of corn. 
The Fortyers scattered. Decades later, Reinhardt described the dream’s failure: “It had no real government. Since everybody was to work if he pleased and when he pleased, the result was that less and less work was done as time progressed.” Even Marx and Engels at the time criticized utopian socialists for “drifting off into pure phantasies,” isolating themselves and imposing a social organization from above, instead of engaging in the people’s struggle from below. 
Thus in place of that imagined utopia, the Leifeste family and others later settled around where Elm Creek runs into the Llano River. They came for economic rather than political reasons. Still, their descendents valued communal living and self-sufficient independence, though they were perhaps more libertarian than socialist.
The town was renamed Castell after Count Carl Frederick Castell, the Adelsverein’s business manager. 
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Today Castell remains a tiny unincorporated community of only 12 souls, dependent for survival on long-time residents and urban visitors with far different goals than the Fortyers. But descendants of that second wave of settlers remain.
Generations of the Leifestes have attended the Methodist-Episcopal church and studied at the Castell school, which went to the seventh grade. They manned the store and became town postmasters. The community remained  relatively insular, though trouble sometimes arrived. 
Randy tells me that his great-grandfather, as a child, once hid in the hollow of a tree to avoid abduction during raids by members of the Comanche tribe. According to Scott Zesch’s book The Captured, what had started as friendly relations between the tribe and the German settlers deteriorated when farms grew and more land was fenced. From 1874 to 1877, the Hoodoo Wars or feuds, which pitted German immigrants against other American settlers, escalated from cattle rustling to mob violence to murders. 
While German-American communities in Texas generally opposed secession and denounced slavery (or even fought on the side of  the Union), it’s not clear where the families of Castell stood during the Civil War. 
Later, during WWI and WWII, when state law prohibited German language and literature from being taught in public schools, and when authorities opened letters between German-Americans and their families in the homeland, Randy says that his family stopped speaking German in public. 
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No Fortyers remained in Castell, but some tested out utopian socialist ideals elsewhere. The short-lived Tusculum colony was the start of Boerne, founded by a former Fortyer named Gustav Thiessen. Another, Jacob Kuechler, recruited German Unionists to serve in a militia group. When this attempt at undermining the Confederate cause failed to succeed, he twice led other German Unionists to meet up with the Union Army in Mexico, and later served as an elected member of Lincoln’s Republican Party during Reconstruction. Another Fortyer, Christoph Flach, married Antoine Kapp, the daughter of the abolitionist Ernst Kapp, and his family helped develop Comfort, Texas. 
The Leifestes are fiercely proud that Castell remains unincorporated. Locals joke that the closest thing to any government is their group of volunteer firefighters. “There is no law enforcement. There was never any crime and there’s still no crime. Everybody just got along together. Everybody knew everybody and when somebody needed help, we all got together and took care of each other,” Randy said. 
Still, Castell has been changing. To survive, it had to. In the 1970s, Randy’s family left and the town population dwindled to 70. When Randy retired and decided to return to Castell in the 2000s,  it was a “ghost town.” Four residents remained.
Since then, Randy reopened the Castell General Store with the help of his son Marc. The store became the town hub. The Leifestes host annual festivals there, including a chili cook-off, and a testicle festival, which served up 750 pounds of calf fries the day before that recent church service. His cousin Bobette runs a campground on her property. And they are now selling or leasing their land, like other longtime German families. Land that used to be $80 an acre 50 years ago is now over $15,000 an acre, said Randy, who doubles as a real estate broker. Since the pandemic, he’s sold 13 pieces of property.
The Leifestes and other townsfolk are opening their arms to outsiders. (I was immediately greeted by hugs.) But they don’t want Castell to turn into another Fredericksburg, a “commercialized version” of small town Germania, Texas, Marc said. 
Today, the only vestige of Bettina is a historical marker on the north side of the Llano River. The unremarkable tribute reads: “First communal settlement in Texas. Located where Elm Creek enters the Llano River. Abandoned in less than a year, when supplies ran out.” 
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#TexasNeedsAnObserver! Become a member and we'll send you the Texas Observer magazine, six times per year. And you'll help keep us writing stories like this one!
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Tiger Park’s Anti-Communist Work in Germany
In what was one of CARP’s most memorable confrontations, “Tiger” Park led a counterdemonstration of 130 CARP members against a 250,000-strong anti-nuclear armament rally in Bonn, Germany, on October 10, 1981, barely escaping after being pursued by attackers wielding sticks, pipes and chains. This was the kickoff to a decade of activism. CARP developed a revolutionary, activist élan of its own replete with practiced chants, burnings of Soviet leaders in effigy, hard-driving rock bands with names such as Blue Tuna and Prime Force, and touring martial arts groups (these were especially helpful in protecting podiums from assaults). All this became part of the lore and allure of CARP during the Cold War era.
-From a Unification Church publication
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Top German politicians have spoken at the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy which has connections to the Moonies Korean messianic cult.
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▲ Sahra Wagenknecht (left) spoke at an ICD event, Dirk Niebel (2nd from left) sat on the ICD advisory board until May. The institute, directed by Mark Donfried (right), has connections to the Moon sect, known for its mass marriages through Hak Ja Han aka “Mother Moon" (2nd from right)
Sahra Wagenknecht is about to start her own new political party (was Linke before). One of Germany's cabinet ministers, Cem Özdemir (Green Party), also participated in ICD events.
Mark C Donfried founded the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy and is the Executive Director (2001-present). It focuses on the work of its academic department, the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy which is based in Berlin. He has a BA in European History and French from Columbia University, 1996-2000
From a VICE investigation published in German on October 27, 2023 (machine translation to English) “Donfried also has a few companies in Great Britain. Some have now been disbanded. They were registered at the address of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Moon sect's front organization. An address suffix reveals that they apparently used the same rooms. Donfried hosted an ICD conference at the UPF premises in London in 2014. In 2020, he spoke at a memorial service on the anniversary of the death of cult founder Sun Myung Moon. He was also a speaker at a UPF conference in London in 2022. The connection between him and the cult seems to be close. According to his own statements, he is not a member.”
Bad teaching, 12,000 euros tuition fee: This is how a Berlin institute treats their students
Students are bothered by the fact that they don't learn anything. The head of the institute also has hardly any scientific expertise – but he does have contacts with politicians and cult members.
Schlechte Lehre, 12.000 Euro Studiengebühr: So zieht ein Berliner Institut Studierende ab
Studierende stört, dass sie nichts lernen. Der Leiter des Instituts hat auch kaum wissenschaftliche Expertise – dafür Kontakte zu Politikern und Sektenmitgliedern. LINK
Donfried also has connections with another Korean messianic cult:
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▲ Above: Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han wearing Korean shaman crowns. Below: Lee Man-hee and his partner (now separated) wearing similar crowns.
In June 2014 Mr Man Hee Lee met with “Executive Director and Founder of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Mark Donfried to discuss on the cooperation between ICD and HWPL” [Man Hee Lee is the chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light which is a front group of Shincheonji – the Korean sect that held various covid superspreader events in Korean in 2020.]
Mark C Donfried co-hosted a Shincheonji Peace Festival in Seoul in September 2014.
Wikipedia: Lee is a self-proclaimed messiah, whose followers believe he is immortal and infallible. … By July 2020, the Shincheonji Church was being linked to more than 5,200 coronavirus infections, or 36% of South Korea’s total cases. On 13 January 2021 Suwon District Court in Seoul acquitted Lee of violating the infectious disease laws. However Lee was convicted of embezzling 5.6 billion won ($4.7m USD) and obstruction of public affairs. Lee was sentenced to three years in prison. He remains out of jail on probation for four years.
LINK _______________________________
Prosecutors Raid Facilities Belonging to Shincheonji Sect in COVID-19 Probe May 22, 2020 KBS WORLD Radio News
City of Seoul sues church group Shincheonji March 24, 2020
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newmic · 11 months
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L'histoire de la France commence avec les premières occupations humaines du territoire correspondant au pays actuel. Aux groupes présents depuis le Paléolithique et le Néolithique, sont venues s'ajouter, à l'Âge du bronze et à l'Âge du fer, des vagues successives de Celtes, puis au iiie siècle de peuples germains (Francs, Wisigoths, Alamans, Burgondes) et au ixe siècle de scandinaves appelés Normands.
Le nom de la France est issu d'un peuple germanique, les Francs. Clovis (466-511), roi des Francs saliens, scelle par son baptême à Reims l'alliance de la royauté franque avec l'Église catholique. Il unit les tribus franques salienne et ripuaire et conquiert un ensemble de territoires en Gaule et en Germanie qui sont agrandis par ses descendants mérovingiens, puis par la deuxième dynastie franque des Carolingiens fondée en 751. Charlemagne en particulier conquiert la Basse-Saxe dans le Nord de l'Allemagne, le royaume lombard en Italie et constitue une marche à l'est qui deviendra l'Autriche.
L'Empire carolingien est finalement partagé en 843 entre ses petits-fils par le traité de Verdun qui sépare la Francie occidentale de la Francie orientale, qui deviendra le royaume de Germanie. La troisième dynastie franque, celle des Capétiens, s'impose définitivement en Francie occidentale à partir de 987. Philippe Auguste et ses successeurs donnent une nouvelle impulsion à l'unification territoriale du royaume de France et repoussent les frontières orientales du Rhône sur les Alpes et de la Saône sur le Rhin, à partir de l'achat du Dauphiné (1349) jusqu'à l'annexion de l'Alsace (1648-1697).
Le nom de France n'est employé de façon officielle qu'à partir de 1190 environ,
The history of France begins with the first human occupations of the territory corresponding to the current country. To the groups present since the Paleolithic and the Neolithic, were added, in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, successive waves of Celts, then in the 3rd century of Germanic peoples (Franks, Visigoths, Alemanni, Burgundians) and in the ninth century Scandinavians called Normans.
France's name comes from a Germanic people, the Franks. Clovis (466-511), king of the Salian Franks, seals by his baptism in Reims the alliance of Frankish royalty with the Catholic Church. He united the Salian and Ripuarian Frankish tribes and conquered a set of territories in Gaul and Germania which were enlarged by his Merovingian descendants, then by the second Frankish dynasty of the Carolingians founded in 751. Charlemagne in particular conquered Lower Saxony in the North of Germany, the Lombard kingdom in Italy and constitutes a step to the east which will become Austria.
The Carolingian Empire was finally divided in 843 between his grandsons by the Treaty of Verdun which separated West Francia from East Francia, which would become the Kingdom of Germania. The third Frankish dynasty, that of the Capetians, definitively imposed itself in West Francia from 987. Philippe Auguste and his successors gave new impetus to the territorial unification of the kingdom of France and pushed back the eastern borders of the Rhône on the Alps and of the Saône on the Rhine, from the purchase of Dauphiné (1349) until the annexation of Alsace (1648-1697).
The name of France is not used officially until about 1190,
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sutrala · 1 year
Read Hanne's The Herland Report. The early division between Catholics and Protestants began in 1517, when Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a popular uprising, delivering the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. He criticized the Catholic clergy for placing a monetary price on...
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totallyjazzed · 2 years
My first Vic3 Singleplayer Game, Part 1
I decided to play as Austria, as they’re a big power but nothing is really expected of them, here’s how it went.
First, I did a little trolling by getting Bavaria and Hesse-Kassel into my market, cutting Prussia off from the valuable Rhineland.
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I decided to play peacekeeper for a while, stopping Prussia from gobbling up the smaller german states, this went reasonably well.
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The third war put Prussia on the economic back foot, as France occupied the Rhineland and refused to make peace, causing Prussia to lose Great Power status.
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I had a new mission.
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The day came, and I was able to sway both the Russians and the British to my side, all the while Prussia was *still* at war with the French. Four Great Powers versus one Not-So-Great Power hardly seemed fair.
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Nevertheless, war was declared, and frankly, they got fucked,
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I became the sole unification candidate, planning on unifying Germany when my truce expired...but I never got a truce.
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It was even messier than the previous war...
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...but my allies and I were able to just waltz into Berlin.
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And Großdeutschland entered the world stage.
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In 1857, a new country arose.
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The Americans immediately tried to kill me...
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...but nothing became of it.
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I didn’t conquer any more, wanting to focus on my economy, and boy did I!
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On a mission to find the source of the Nile, I was jumpscared.
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Throughout this playthrough I had been battling the Aristocrats and the Catholic Church, here’s one of their many failed attempts to frighten me.
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I noticed that forming Germany had really bolstered my economy.
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And I was finally able to solve racism forever.
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This, of course, was a great boon to my economy.
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I tried, unsuccessfully, to abolish the monarchy, I was being held back by the leader of the Armed Forces...
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The year was 1878, and people finally forgave me for the whole “Germany” thing.
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But more importantly, my nemesis was defeated.
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The Kaiser, as it happens, was an eighty-six year old arrogant mentally ill opium addict who everyone hated.
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I worked tirelessly to improve Austria for the people.
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And it certainly paid off.
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And then, without the aid of a ninety-nine year old Irishman, the monarchy crumbled.
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There were some...troubling developments.
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But overall, Germany was doing well for itself, being the third most populous country in the world.
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Five years came and went without incident, and the monarchy seemed gone forever.
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On the way, a New chancellor was elected, with a fantastically German name and a fantastically German moustache.
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Finally, I decided to annex my puppets Krakow and Montenegro, who both gave up without incident.
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Which gives Germany its current borders, as of 1/1/1887.
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I elected to put the game on hold after this, for this had taken me around six hours.
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I will likely return for the other fifty years in a second post.
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