#Collins hoskins x reader
only4miller · 3 months
i am in DESPERATE need of more daveed diggs fanfics. if you know any, pls tell me asap i am goinf insane this man is gorgeous i'd do anything to get even CRUMBS.
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elocinnicole · 1 year
Live Stream
Pairing: Collin Hoskins x OFC Black!Reader (Shauna Lewis) Rating: 18+ M for language, implied smut, praise kink (very slight, if you blink you might miss it) Summary: Shauna is live streaming her makeup routine when Collin makes an appearance. Requested: No, just a quick Drabble. I missed my favorite Pairing especially since I’ve been looking at Season 2 of Blindspotting. Word Count: 688
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“Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the love! Keep sending in what look y’all want to see next. This was requested by one of my followers, they want a soft glam date night look. Which is perfect because my man is taking me out tonight.” Shauna smiled
Shauna started doing live streams and tutorials during the Lockdown when she couldn’t do hair. She quickly gained a decent following from her clients and then when she did the don’t rush challenge by herself she went viral. Her video gained almost a million views and was shared all over social media. Now that the pandemic is over, she still posts videos but now they’re of her doing her clients' hair or makeup. Occasionally she’ll live stream either herself or she has a client in her chair. For the most part, when she’s live streaming she’s by herself showing a makeup look, hairstyle, and most recently an outfit.
“So I’m gonna do my makeup, my hair is already done, I installed this wig yesterday and I will be posting that video on my YouTube—will I ever stream on YouTube? Probably not, I like using TikTok to stream. Who does your lashes? Me, girl! If you in Oakland come get lased by ya girl Shauna. Alright, let’s get started on these brows. Remember your eyebrows are cousins, not twins.”
Collin walked into your shared apartment after having dropped Zan off with Ashley and Sean. He has been planning this date night for months but either he had to work late, Shauna has a client, or nobody could watch Zan. Not that Collin and Shauna didn’t mind going out with Zan but sometimes they wanted to spend time together as a couple. He saw the bedroom door open which usually meant Shauna was recording content to post later on. Collin typically didn’t bother you when you were recording mainly when you were streaming, but if you were just recording a routine, Collin would at least say hi, knowing that you could edit it out.
“Alright, so here is the final look, like I said you don’t have to wear this exact outfit but this is the perfect date night look. I got this dress from Cider, the shoes, purse, and jewelry from Amazon. Don’t break ya wallet ladies, it’s not that serious. Oh, hey babe!” Shauna smiled seeing Collin standing in the doorway.
“Hey, baby.” Collin entered the room and kissed you gently, being sure not to mess up your makeup.
“How was your day?”
“Good, I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick, get changed, and we can head out. You gonna be done by then?”
“Yeah, I’m almost done. I’m not gonna post until tomorrow.” Shauna blushed at the way Collin was looking at her. Well, he didn’t have to do much to make her blush in the first place.
“I love your make up Shauna, it looks really good. I know you put a lot of time and effort into it.” Shauna smiled bashfully at the praise
“Thank you, Collin.” Then Shauna saw a familiar glint in his eyes. Before she could stop him, Collin wrapped his hand around Shauna’s neck causing her to crane her head up at him.
“I can’t wait to mess it up later,” He said huskily Shauna went wide-eyed
“Collin! I’m recording,”
“You can edit it out,” He replied grabbing Shauna by her waist and pulling her closer
“It’s live!” She stressed
“I’m live right now!” Not believing her, Collin got closer, and sure enough almost 2,000 people saw and heard the whole exchange. Many people in the comments were sending laugh emojis or commenting on how cute the two of them are.
“Oh shit,” He mumbled Shauna started to playfully nudge Collin out of the bedroom. “What up y’all.”
“You about to get me shadowbanned! Go get ready.” Shauna closed the bedroom door and went back to her stream
“Alright, everyone, here’s the look I’ll post pictures on my Instagram. As you’ve seen and heard, I got some things to do. See y’all later! Bye!” sshhauna.lewis has ended the Live Stream
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Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @blackpinup22 @iknowthekoolaidflavor @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @ramp-it-up @daveeds-wife @chattykathysquietsister @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @endless-romantic-stories @chrisevanswife0405 @gothic-slasherfan-weeb @pinkbonnetandglasses @cocobutterbaby @moxleys-fav @aonungmyaddiction
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iknowthekoolaidflavor · 10 months
Blindspotting - Collin HCs
Y/N was devastated when Collin left Oakland without a trace. Now it's New Years and he's back. Set after season 2 of Blindspotting.
You were dating Collin for two years before he disappeared
Miles was the one to break the news to you and Nancy called you right after
She was as heartbroken as you were
You were heartbroken to say the least. You tried to so hard to rationalize what he was dealing with, but after all you had been through together? Leaving without a goodbye or contact info?
The love you had for Collin didn't fade, but you were still angry as fuck
You were angry at Collin, the police officer and the system that often paints them as heroes as Collin as a criminal. You wanted it all to burn.
Janelle convinced to take boxing lessons with her to channel your anger.
Every minute in your shared apartment reminded you of him. You didn't have it in you to move his things
Collin left most of his items at the apartment. Only a few pairs of clothing were missing
When you came home the day he left, you noticed the framed photo of you two sitting on the dresser. The picture was supposed to be in the living room.
There were times you stressed, thinking about his whereabouts and if he was safe
Sean asked you about Collin all the time. He was convinced Uncle Collin was communicating with you while he was away
You and Ashley were stuck in a hard place. She didn't get to tell him about Miles yet, so you decided to pretend
Sean believed Collin was on an adventure for work, meeting new people, and saving the day (he came back with a biker gang, so you weren't completely wrong)
You spent more time with Nancy and Janelle because you all missed him and would often lean on each other for support
This led to road trips and yoga classes together. They didn't want you to forget you were still a part of their family whether Collin was there or not
On New Years, just as the clock struck midnight, you were on your fourth drink. Miles and Ashley were having a moment upstairs
Janelle convinced you you needed another shot and just as you were ready to down it, she froze
"Nelle? You good?"
You finally turned around to see Collin standing in the doorway of the kitchen
He looked different. Tired. Anxious. His braids were now locs that passed his shoulders and his beard reminded you of a caveman. He wore a leather jacket and boots that reminded you of a biker gang (unbeknownst to you)
Janelle was the first to move to greet her brother. Everyone else stepped in to greet him, asking how and where he's been
He answered their questions as efficiently as he, refusing to break eye contact with you. All Collin wanted in that moment was you
It was hot as fuck, but you were still upset
Once everyone left him alone, Janelle handed him her shot, threw a pointed look your way and left
Collin couldn't move and neither could you
After all this time, you were still the most beautiful women in the world
He raised his glass, then took his shot. You did the same
He finally moved from the doorway and pulled you close
"Please don't let me go", you begged
"I won't"
Collin held you for as long as he could, leaving a trail of soft kisses on your forehead
More people entered the kitchen to see you and Collin in your own world, holding each other in silence
All the anger and frustration faded, that was a conversation for another time
For now, you were happy to be back in his arms
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anotherhamiltonblog · 4 years
Start Again.
Collin Hoskins x Reader
Request:  “You're supposed to be yelling at me! And... and hitting me! Why aren't you doing that?! “ Thank you @rottendaisies​ !!!
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1.275
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an: computer is acting up so i couldn’t do a photo collage for this. im sorry! but i hope you enjoy this!
Weeks, that’s how long both Y/N and Collin have been at each other’s neck. Any little thing she would tell him off, the same with Collin.
“Take out? AGAIN?” he asked in disgust looking at the food on the table while Y/N was studying at the other end of the table.
“Yes, again! Did you forget that you haven’t gone food shopping?” she didn’t even bother lifting her head to reply. “The list is literally on the fridge and the money in the ‘Food Jar’ so… have fun with pizza.” She added as she lifted the glasses further up her nose.
“Why the fuck do I gotta go? Why can’t you fucking go food shopping? I work!”
Lifting her head up, shocked, Y/N turned her body slightly to look at Collin. “Excuse me Mr. I only work from 8 till 5.” She said sarcastically. “I go to fucking school at night and work all day! Remember that?” getting up and packing up her books, she couldn’t even look at Collin.
He didn’t reply, so Y/N didn’t bother in giving him any satisfaction. Once her things were put away, she went to their bedroom and made sure to slam the door closed.
“What? Not gonna fucking eat again?!” Collin yelled, close to punching the wall. Only no actually punching it cause then he would have to fix the damage.
“Shove it up your ass, Mr. Hard Worker!”
That was three weeks ago, things had only gone downwards after that. Y/N didn’t know what was wrong with him. From going to prison, she stuck by his side and visiting him when she could. Sticking with Collin the whole year of his probation. Not even caring when he got a job where his ex-girlfriend worked. Yet, a few months after the year was up and he was allowed to do more things and go out until past 11. Things were going all wrong for them.
It was up until they had gone to a party with Miles and Ashley, Sean being with a babysitter and the four of them were having fun. Y/N pretending like Collin and her hadn’t been yelling at each other just before coming out.
With fake smiles and laughs, Y/N didn’t bother drinking all that much. Sticking to mostly soda and water.
“Hey girl… you alright?” Ashley asked her when the guys went to get more drinks.
“Yeah, just not feeling too good…” Y/N sighed. “Honestly? I think Collin and I might break up. We can’t seem to stand the other anymore.” She told her friend, trying not to cry.
“What’s going on?” Collin asked as he returned to the table with Miles.
Excusing herself to go to the bathroom, Y/N rushed to the women’s room and splashed water on her face.
Once out, Y/N looked around for Collin. Wanting to tell him she was gonna head home. Yet as she walked around looking for him. Y/N stopped when seeing him standing close to Val. All smiles and laughs with her. It was like something broke in her.
Taking a step back, bumping into someone, Y/N apologized before rushing out of the bar. Ashley and Miles having been coming over to her when they saw what she did.
Miles’ POV:
“Collin! What the fuck?” the man yelled to the man he looked to as a brother.
Collin, who stepped back quickly from Val and looked at his two friends. “What? We were just talking?” he shrugged and couldn’t face Miles’ angry glare.
“Oh? Just talking? That’s why your hand was on her ass and the two of you had been grinding against each other?” Miles stepped closer to Collin, getting in his face. “Y/N saw you two. Now from what I gathered from you and what Y/N told Ashley… you’ve been a shit boyfriend. And that girl? She’s like my sister.” He said in a low voice. “Get your head out your ass! Why would you want someone like Val who up and left when things got tough instead of being with a girl who stuck by your side?”
Turning around and grabbing Ashley’s hand. The two left together.
Arriving home, they got nervous when the babysitters car wasn’t anywhere around. Rushing inside the house, the two sighed when they noticed Y/N laying with Sean in bed and the two sleeping.
Y/N’s POV:
Staying with Miles and Ashley for all of Sunday, she returned home that night and entered a quiet, eerie house and shrugged it off. But once she stepped into the living room, Y/N saw Collin laying on the couch watching tv.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he asked, tossing the control to the side and Y/N rolled her eyes.
Ignoring him, she moved past him to head upstairs.
“Y/N!” he yelled out and she froze.
“Excuse me? But who in the holy FUCK do you think you fucking are Collin fucking Hoskins?” she raised her eyebrows. “You come home every fucking NIGHT and you find something to fight with me about. The food, the way I clean and wash your fucking clothes.” Laughing now, trying to stop any tears from forming, Y/N tilted her head. “But then I fucking remembered. I AM NOT YOUR MAID YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”
Collin stood there, looking shocked as Y/N yelled at him.
“But then… then I see you last night with that whore, Val.” Y/N looked back at Collin, who looked uncomfortable. The man not knowing why but now she was even scarier.
“Tell me, are you fucking her? Or are you pushing me to the point of leaving your ass and finding a better man to treat me, right?”
“Girl shut the fuck up!” Collin seemed to snap out of it. “I ain’t fucking her! But I might as well be. Not like I’m getting any here!” he stepped closer to Y/N the two almost touching chest to chest now. “At least she cooked and did shit right!” he hissed.
“Well then, the two of you deserve each other. The ex-felon, ex-convict… with the whore!”
Flinching when Collin raised his hand to her, Y/N took a step back quickly. Not that his hand ever came down. Collin was too busy taking deep breaths and staring at his hand in horror. Horror that he would ever raise his hand to Y/N.
As if she was back with her ex, Y/N whimpered slightly “You're supposed to be yelling at me! And... and hitting me! Why aren't you doing that?!" she asked in the smallest voice Collin ever heard from her.
Gasping when arms wrapped around her body Y/N calmed down and melted into his embrace.
“I’m sorry babygirl…” he whispered. “I… I lost the fucking job at the movers.” He admitted. “The owner found out about me and… kicked my ass to the road. Val has been helping me find something new. I didn’t want you to worry… last night I was just helping her make her ex jealous. Guy was like your ex… nothing else. I don’t care about her. I’ve been stressed.”
Eyes shut tightly; Y/N took deep breaths. “Why didn’t you just fucking tell me?” she asked, though there was no more anger in her voice. “We live together Collin! We’re in a relationship. If somethings going on, I need to know!” she sniffled and wiped at her cheeks to dry them.
Being picked up by Collin, Y/N giggled softly and held onto him. The two ended up in bed that night, talking about where and what he could do for a job. The two held each tightly as they fell asleep together for the first time in weeks.
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daveedsfeet · 3 years
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pr0wlerpunk · 3 years
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛♡︎
(You may send in requests but idk when they’ll be finished)
Prompt List
Updated: 1/8/23
Only doing x reader at the moment
Will do: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Poly, Pet space, etc.
Won’t do: Rape, SA etc.
Nothing that involves bodily fluids/harm,(scat, piss etc)
Unless it’s specified as a kink (ex. Somnophilia, Blood play, Masochism, Dumification etc.
(Dm me privately if you have a request with one of these and I’ll see if I’m comfortable with it or not!)
Jus bc they don’t have their individual masterslists (ex. Mortal kombat masterlist) doesn’t mean their requests aren’t open, you may request anything you see on this list!
The last of us(games)
Until dawn🕕
The Quarry🛶
Mortal Kombat🗡
Apex legends🔫
Detroit Become Human🤖
Spider-Man into the spider verse/across the spider verse🕷️🕸️
The princess and the frog ✨
Jurassic World🦖
The Voyeurs🔭
All the bright places👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏽
Justice league🔱
Suicide Squad 1-2🐀
Black panther🐈‍⬛
Harry Potter franchise🪄
Let it Shine🌟
Jordan Fisher🐟
Daveed Diggs💋
Justice Smith🍀
Rami Malek👑
Tyler James Williams🧟‍♂️
Jason Momoa🔱
Tenoch Huerta🐍
Hamilton cast🎭
Chicago fire
My babysitters a vampire🩸
Black lighting
The last of us(tv)
Criminal minds🫡
Ink Master🖋
The Umbrella Academy☂️
The Challenge🪢
The Sparrow Academy🐦
The thundersmans⚡️
(the reader can be human, MorningStar(Related to Lucifer not Sabrina), demon, witch, vampire, and Hobgoblin or any other mythical creature you might want)
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Challenge Masterlist
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Rules here.
Date Night
Collin Hoskins x Reader x @elocinnicole
Daydreams in the Dark
Rafael Casal x Reader x @ramp-it-up
Give Up
Bucky Barnes x Reader x @fineanddandy
His Blood on Your Face
Bucky Barnes x Reader x @summerofsnowflakes
Too Close
Chris Evans x Reader x @afriendlyblackhottie
This was so much fun! Thanks to all who participated! ❤️
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alexander-hamilhoe · 3 years
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tacoespionage · 4 years
Falling In Love After Val
1 follower | Collin x reader | 262 words
request: Anonymous said: How does Collin deal with falling in love after Val?
a/n: this is the last of the requests in my inbox woo!! hope you enjoy these!
summary: some headcanons about what falling in love (both in general and specifically with reader) is like for Collin after he and Val break up!
warnings: none!
It's very difficult for him at first
Collin’s an affectionate person so not having somebody to love in that way feels very empty to him
That makes him even happier to have found you
However, he’s now much more aware of the fact that you can leave whenever you want
He's terrified of you seeing him get as violent as he did in front of Val
That's another reason why he tends to be much sweeter with you than anyone else
He definitely needs a bit of assurance that you still love him every once in a while
Since he and Val broke up, he missed having somebody to be soft with
Miles isn't exactly what you'd call soft
He’s more like a sea urchin actually but whatever
Now that he has somebody to really be affectionate with again, he does it as often as he can
It took a little while for Collin to reach that point, though
You both got a lot more emotionally close before you got physically close in any way
Saying “I love you” probably wouldn't be as much of a hurdle as you'd think
It takes Collin a while to sort out how he feels but once he knows, he knows
He's only nervous about whether you feel the same way
He would probably show you off to Val just a little bit, too
He just walks into work one day with his arm around your waist
And you just stare at him like?? boy?? why??
It bothers you sometimes but you always end up blushing
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itslocsdiggs · 4 years
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Thank you @braidedchallah
@iknowthekoolaidflavor something good has happened!
I am shamelessly lusting tonight. This is my Daddy
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elocinnicole · 1 year
Can you do a head cannon on Collin meeting Zan for the first time?
Collin was totally fine when he found out that Shauna had a child. She actually said it on their first date.
Shauna didn't bring up her child again for a while until she and Collin talked about seeing each other exclusively.
At first, Collin was excited to finally meet Zan. When he would pick her up for dates, Zan would already be asleep or at her mom's but Collin could see the toys that littered the living room and the Black Panther backpack that Shauna had a son and he wondered what he looked like. How does he act, would he like him?
He was completely fine until he woke up that morning.
AN overwhelming sense of nervousness floated around Collin the entire day.
Miles teased him of course, “I mean Zan and Sean are in the same martial arts class. Zan might beat yo ass. He gonna roundhouse kick you into next week.”
It was time to meet Shauna and Zan at the restaurant. Collin thought it would be better to meet rather than pick them up. Honestly, he was just scared as hell. There’s a reason his mom is Sean’s godparent and not him.
Collin walked into the restaurant and his eyes immediately caught Shauna he walked over to the table and smiled when he saw her.
Collin didn’t realize he was staring until Zan asked, “Are you the guy that Mommy talks to on the phone?”
Dinner is going surprisingly well. Zan talked most of the time telling Collin about his martial arts lessons.
When Shauna went to the bathroom, Zan told Collin that he had made his mom smile a lot. "Mommy hasn't smiled in a long time. When she talks about you with Aunite Ashley she smiles, then they tell me to go my room so they can keep talking."
Collin follows Shauna home, Zan's reasoning being so that next time Collin can come over to their house.
Zan excitedly shows Collin his dinosaur collection and explains each dinosaur.
“Mr. Collin do you want to play with me?” “Zan, Mr. Collin has to—” “Sure! Man I love dinosaurs!” Collin exclaimed sending a wink Shauna’s way.
Collin played with Zan for almost twenty minutes before Shauna made Zan go to bed. “Thanks for playing with him. You didn’t have to do that.” “You don’t have to thank me, I wanted to.”
Shauna thought she put Zan to bed when she was kissing Collin goodnight until they heard a giggle from behind them.
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Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @blackpinup22 @iknowthekoolaidflavor @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs s @ramp-it-up @daveeds-wife @chattykathysquietsister @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @endless-romantic-stories @chrisevanswife0405 @gothic-slasherfan-weeb @pinkbonnetandglasses @cocobutterbaby @moxleys-fav @aonungmyaddiction @slashersluxsworld
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The Hoskins: Fingerpainting with Junie
Collin fingerpaints with Junie and makes a mess
Junie is three for this one
Working from home had its perks, especially when your husband took the day off. You were one conference call away from being able to spend the rest of the day with Collin and Junie. As the call dragged on with information that could have been sent via email, you could hear your daughter’s unabashed laughter from the office. 
It made you yearn for your own freedom from your work. Finally, the call ended, and you headed to the living room. Papers were scattered across the floor with the TV on, even though no one watched it. You always had to remind Collin to turn it off for the sake of your bill. 
“Mommy’s gonna love it”, you heard Collin say from the kitchen
As you stepped in, the first thing you noticed was the paint. It was on the floor, table, Junie and Collin’s hands and faces.
“It’s exactly what it looks like, but for a good cause”, Collin started before you could open your mouth, “Junie show mommy what you made”
Junie looked at you with a shy smile and purple paint scattered across her nose. She jumped out her chair and handed you her painting as she looked away. You got on your knees to accept her gift. 
“I love it June bug”, you cooed, pulling her into a hug 
You watched her face light up as she turned to her father. 
“See? I told you”, Collin boasted
“Mommy, look”, she explained, “The flowers and your favorite color. Daddy said it’s your favorite”
“Daddy’s right. That is mommy’s favorite color. What color is it?”
“Purple”, Junie cheered
“Good job baby”, Collin smiled, matching her energy
“I like purple. My favorite is blue. Like daddy”
Collin smiled proudly as he moved closer to his favorite girls. 
“You and daddy are matching”, you laughed as you noted the same shade of purple that scattered their noses
As Junie tried to look at her nose, confused that she couldn’t see it, you placed the drawing on the front of the fridge. You had half a mind to put it in a frame. 
“Mommy’s going to give you a bath”
“And daddy is going to clean up this mess”, you reminded him
Collin sheepishly agreed as he gave you a kiss. Junie writhed in your arms on the way to the bathroom. Bath time was always a process. She would fight you and Collin until the moment her feet touched the water. It was smooth sailing from there until it was time to take her out. The girl was an enigma. 
You finally got her in the water after cleaning her face and hands when Collin appeared. 
“How’s my babygirl?”
“I’m all clean now”, Junie grinned as she blew the bubbles out the palms of her hand
You both decided to give her five more minutes before taking her out and putting on her pajamas. She was skeptical, but the moment you mentioned her Magenta stuffed animal, she all but jumped out the tub. 
Post bath, Junie sat on the bed between your husband’s legs, waiting for him to finish putting her hair in a ponytail. You sat next to him on the bed. 
“Mommy?”, you heard your baby’s voice quietly call
“Yes, June Bug?”
“Daddy’s still dirty”
“He sure is”
“Hey”, chimed in
“Listen to her. She speaks the truth”
Collin wrapped an arm around you, hand trailing down your backside until he reached your butt, squeezing as rough as he could. 
“Wait until she’s asleep”, he whispered in your ear, “I’ll show you dirty”
“Is that a promise?”
Collin pulled away, finishing his daughter’s hair. This was Junie’s time, then he would take care of you soon enough. 
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anotherhamiltonblog · 4 years
Stick Together.
Collin Hoskins x Reader one shot!
Prompt Request from HERE: Situation Comforting the other Sentence “I just want to let you know that I love you. A lot. Never forget that.”
Warnings: Sadness, heartbreak, blood, cursing, miscarriage, happy ending.
Word Count: 1.985
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Staring ahead, Collin never thought he would ever feel this… sad. This heartbroken. The one girl he loved more than anything was alive, she survived. Recovering, but how could be bring himself to put a smile back on her face? The news they received had been one that neither one of them was prepared to hear. He wasn’t even sure what to say, he didn��t blame Y/N. It wasn’t her fault, yet Y/N still blamed herself for something that was out of her control.
One Month Earlier:
Y/N’s POV:
“Alright, alright!” Miles yelled out as the group stood around at the fourth of July barbeque Miles was having at his house. With Ashley pregnant, the thought it was better to do something at home. “Get some Collin ma maaan!”
Laughing, Y/N pushed Collin away from the kiss and flipped Miles off. “Go be with your wife! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!” she laughed and wrapped an arm around her boyfriend. “Your friend is very irritating.”
Snorting, Collin looked over to Miles who was tending to his wife’s every need. The women didn’t have to do anything. “Yeah, he’s a good guy though.”
With one more kiss, he went back to manning the grill and Y/N went to get the other food ready. Seeing they needed more ice, Y/N went inside the house and looked in the freezer.
Walking to the door that led to the backyard, she grinned at her friends. “Hey! I’m gonna rush over to the store real quick! We’re out of ice.” She called to them and waved her hand when Miles asked if she wanted him to go.
“Be careful! OK?” Collin yelled out and Y/N laughed nodding.
“I will… love you!” she blew him a kiss and moved to grab her purse from the counter.
Walking out of the house, she pulled her hair up and used a hair clip to hold it up. The July sun coming down strong and the last thing Y/N wanted was her hair at her neck.
Arriving at the store, Y/N entered and waved to the man sitting behind the desk. “Not gonna celebrate?” she asked him with a grin, moving to the back where the freezer of Ice was.
“No… taking care of the store today!” was his reply and Y/N just laughed.
“Well, I’ll bring you a plate of food. How does that sound Mr. Jones?”
“You are too sweet Y/N. Thank you.” Was his reply.
The sound of the store bell chimed, and Y/N didn’t mind it, she kept looking for those stupid candies that Ashley liked so much. ‘Pregnant women…’ Y/N thought with a soft giggle and shook her head.
By the time she had two bags of ice and a bunch of Laffy Taffy, she moved to the front of the store. “Mr. Brown, do you still-“
Y/N fell back too the ground, everything she had been holding now forgotten on the floor alongside her.
The voices around her becoming muffled as she felt an unbearable pain in her stomach. It was a hot, glowing pain. She could barley keep her eyes opened as she laid there. Mr. Jones calling out to her, Y/N catching glimpse and pieces of his words.
“Y/N…. ok…. You’ll…. Hospital…”
Not remembering much after that.
Collin’s POV:
We heard the gunshot and looked at each other. “Yo.. Ashley!” Collin yelled out to the women who was inside the house. “Is Y/N back yet?” he asked nearing the house.
“No... not yet…” Ashley too looked nervous.
Dashing out the house, hearing Ashley yell to Miles to go with him. The two men rushed to the store. Seeing three guys rush out, each with a gun and a mask covering their face.
“no…” Collin whispered and ran faster.
Bursting through the door of the store, the first thing Collin saw was Mr. Jones talking rapidly on the phone asking for an ambulance, explaining that there was a girl shot.
That’s when Collin saw her, on the floor soaked in her own blood with the ice and candy sprawled around her.
“Y/N… stay awake ok? You’ll be fine! The ambulance is coming to take you to the hospital!” Mr. Jones called to the girl and Collin rushed over to her.
Miles entering a little bit after him, Collin barely noticed as all he saw was Y/N laying there. “Wake up baby… come on.” he whispered and put pressure on the bullet wound, grabbing the cloth that Miles handed him to cover it.
By the time the ambulance arrived, Collin was allowed into the back with Y/N as long as he wasn’t in the way.
“Ten minutes to the hospital!” the driver called back to the EMTs and all they could do was keep an eye on her vitals and keep her alive.
“You can talk to her…” one of them told Collin who nodded and got closer to his girl.
“Hey baby girl… please stay alive for me. I can’t lose you…” he whispered to her and looked down at her with eyes filled with tears. “I love you… OK? I just want to let you know that I love you. A lot. Never forget that.” He added.
“I… I love yo-“ but she couldn’t continue and Collin moved out of the way when Y/N flatlined, the EMTs had to take over.
Thankfully they arrived at the hospital as they brought her back and had a heartbeat. Collin was a mess as he tried to follow them into the emergency room.
“Sir! Please! You have to wait in the waiting room!” A nurse told him and had to push him back. “SIR! Let the doctors do their job!” she tried to reason with him but Collin couldn’t hear he wanted to see his girl. Make sure she was ok.
“Collin!” Miles voice broke him from his inner thoughts, turning to see his best friend. The two met in a hug and Miles brought the man over to the waiting room.
Seconds turned to minutes that turned to hours. He just wanted to know how Y/N was. Where was she? Why hasn’t anyone come to get him yet?
“Yo, is someone gonna give us any fucking information on our girl?” Miles stood up yelling, only calming when Ashley placed a hand on his arm.
Collin got up and went to the nursed station. “Excuse me… I would like to know how Y/N L/N is doing? She came in with the ambulance with a gunshot wound.” He asked the nurse, voice of pure exhaustion.
As she typed away on the computer, she glanced up at the man. “What are you of hers?” she asked.
“Her fiancé.” He simply said, and the nurse nodded.
Being told to wait, she got up to go grab the doctor.
“Her surgery just ended.” He told his friends and paced around.
By the time the doctor came and told them Y/N was going to be ok, that she was just sleeping and under a lot of medication for the pain. He looked at Collin.
“Were you aware that, Ms. L/N was with child?” the doctor asked, a sad look in his eyes. When Collin shook his head, the doctor sighed. “I’m sorry… but the fetus… there was nothing we could do.” With that he left and Collin looked at his friends.
“Oh… Collin..” Ashley stepped forward.
Shaking his head, Collin rushed out of the hospital and started punching the wall outside. Miles had to rush over to him and pull him away, but Collin couldn’t hear anything his friend was saying. His mind was on his girl and the baby he didn’t even know about. The baby who never even had a chance to survive.
Being led back inside, Collin was taken to a room to have his hand looked at and wrapped. Knuckles bloody and the skin was broken and bleeding from the assault on the brick wall.
By the time he was allowed to see Y/N, Collin sat beside her bed and held her hand. Trying to keep it together for the two of them.
“Collin…” a shaky voice called out to him, causing the man to sit up quickly and see that he had fallen asleep in the chair and it was morning already.
“Hey sweety… you’ll be ok. Don’t move… do you remember what happened?” he asked her as he pressed the button to call the nurse. Not wanting to leave her side.
“I… I was shot.” She managed to get out and coughed, only to cry out in pain.
A nurse soon entered and went to fix the IV drip, saying she would give a little more for the pain.
The next few days, Collin, Miles and Ashley took turns being with Y/N at the hospital. By the time came they were allowed to go home, Y/N looked at Collin confused as to why the doctor was telling her about the bleeding and spotting and what to expect.
“What… but I wasn’t-“ Collin cut her off by grabbing her hand.
“You… it looks like you were pregnant babygirl… Around three months.” He whispered and placed a hand on her cheek, thumb brushing a tear that made its way from her eye and down her cheek.
“It’s not your fault… OK? The gunshot… it…” but he didn’t know what to say. Only wrap his arms around her body and kissed the top of her head. Allowing her to cry into his chest.
“You can leave whenever you want. The paperwork has been taken care of. Just make sure she takes it easy.” The doctor told Collin who nodded and went back to cradling his girl in his arms.
“How… how can you mourn someone you never even knew existed?” Y/N voice broke his train of thoughts. “I didn’t even… I thought I might be… there was tests at home for me to take… but.” She glanced up at Collin who was frowning.
“Like I said, it’s not your fault. OK?” he tilted his head as he looked down at Y/N. “We still have so much time to have a family. SO many milestones to reach together.” He added and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Present Time:
That’s how the couple became stronger. Though Collin could see her moments of sadness every now and again. Hand placed on her stomach where a small bump should have been.
Taping the box up, Collin got up and wrapped his arms around Y/N. “You ok, princess?” he asked softly. The two in the process of getting ready to move from their town to the city.
Collin had been accepted in UCLA and Y/N had gotten a job at one of the nicest hotels in the city there. The two were moving up in life. Not that Miles was very happy, but after what had happened so close to his home. Both Miles and Ashley were looking into moving out with them soon. In the end they were like family, both Y/N and Collin also had to be around for the birth of their godson.
“I will be ok. I promise.” She assured her boyfriend and turned around to face him. “I love you.” She smiled and giggled when Collin pressed their foreheads together. “Come on… lets finish packing up.” She pushed him away, only to laugh when Y/N was pulled back in and the two shared a kiss.
“We’re gonna be ok, babygirl.” He assured her and she nodded in agreement, the two kissing once again before going to finish packing up the home they had been sharing. Ready for the big move.
“Yeah… we are.” She said softly, looking down to the engagement ring on her left hand and smiled before going back to packing.
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daveedsfeet · 3 years
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someday i’m gonna see him perform live. someday
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Always Be There (Collin Hoskins [Blindspotting] x Reader)
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@terrazure   cause I promised them I would. 
You'd been there for Collin through thick and thin. You'd been there for Miles as well. But most of the time you'd always been there for Collin. You'd met him when you three were in college and they'd been skipping classes just hang out at the park and 'busting rhymes'. It hadn't been too hard to miss them, especially Miles – loud mouth that he is. Shouting at the tops of their voices, making some people gawk at them. You'd been fascinated by them. Just watching them let the words come out of their mouths so easily, as though they were saying it off by heart. When they'd gotten close to you, Miles had stumbled a little, trying to think of what to say next. Then, for some reason, you'd cut in. The two males stared at you. And from that moment, you'd been friends. Even though, you had been friends with the two, you'd always felt closer with Collin. Soon the friendship had grown into a one sided love for the male.
Then two things happened that completely changed your life.
First, you'd found out that Collin had gotten himself a girlfriend. The night you'd met her, you'd tried your best to be happy for Collin but it didn't work. You complained of a headache and said your goodbyes. Ashley, Miles' girlfriend, said she would go with you. In the taxi, she got you to confess your feelings for him.
Then the world flipped again when Ashley told you about Collin's arrest. You hurried down to the station to find him in one of the holding cells. Val, his so-called girlfriend, had not set foot inside. After your visit, you stormed off to find Miles and almost beaten him to a pulp, shouting curse words at the top of your voice, berating him, screaming that Miles should have been in that jail cell with him.
“Some bloody friend you are!”
“(Y/N), I'm sorry. It just got out of hand.”
“Out of hand?! Out of fucking hand!?!?”
The shouting had escalated and had become so loud that it woke Ashley's son. You'd ran out in tears.
Since Collin had convicted, you visited him when you were able to. Sometimes with Miles, or Ashley, just sometimes alone. It made you happy to see that he was okay. To know that he was safe. According to Miles, Val never visited. Not that you were bothered by this. Just to know he was fine and doing as he was told in order to get out, you were happy. Once he was out, you happily went to see Collin out of prison. As soon as he was near, you hugged him for dear life, not wanting to let go. You both went to the safe house for him to get settled in and the next day, you both went to see Miles, Ashley and their son.
As time went by, and for Collin it seemed too slow, you helped him get back on his feet; although you'd not been happy when Collin had landed himself a job in the same vicinity as his ex.
Collin deserved better.
On the last day of Collin's probation, everything spiralled for you. Again.
You were sitting at the kitchen table with Ashley as she calmed herself down. Thankfully, Sean was in bed asleep.
“Why the fuck would that moron bring a gun into this house?” you asked, incredulously.
“Fuck knows why.” Ashley hissed, wiping away her tears. “Stupid hipster wannabe trying to act tough, thinking a gun is the best option.”
“The gun wasn't loaded was it?”
“Yeah, it was.”
“Shit.” you breathed. “Why didn't Collin talk him out of it?”
“You know what Miles is like: goes in one ear and out the other.”
“So, they're both getting rid of the gun?”
“Yeah. I hope so, anyway.”
Suddenly, you both heard the front door slam open and closed and the hurry of footsteps.
It was Miles.
“What have you done now, you asshole?” Ashley snapped.
You both looked round to see Miles standing there, a few cuts on his face and hands. And he was alone.
Ashely's eyes widened at the state he was in. “What the fuck?”
Ashley bounded over to him. You looked behind Miles, right at the doorway, waiting for Collin to follow on behind. But as the seconds passed, Collin never showed up.
“Where's Collin?” you asked, not taking your eyes off that one spot.
“He walked off after we argued.”
You stared at Miles. “And you didn't follow him?” Your heart was racing, your stomach churning into knots. “You mean that he's still out there?! With that officer?!”
“(Y/N), I'm sure he's fine. He's just...”  
But what else Miles said you didn't hear. Everything was muffled, Miles talking, the every now and then traffic that went by. Your breath was becoming hitched, uneven, too quick.
You were hyperventilating!
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me? Look at me.”
You tried to hold on to Ashley's voice as the panic attack rang through you. Your vision was obscured...
...Then everything went black for you.
You woke up in a small room with a curtain shutting off the outside world to you. But you weren't alone. Ashley was there, sitting at your bedside. She glanced over at you and smiled when she noticed you were awake.
“Morning, sleepy head.” she chirped.
“H-hey.” you said, groggily. “What-what happened?”
“You passed out on us, sweetie.”
“I passed out?”
“Yeah, you had us worried.”
“Where's Miles?”
“Staying at home with Sean.”
“And does Collin...?”
“Yes, I rang him when we got here. He's worried but he's coming to see you tomorrow...if you're still here.”
“And he's o-okay?”
“Yeah, he's fine. He's home, safe and sound.”
You nodded.
The doctor came in with Ashley on his heels and checked you over. He told you that the fainting spell had been brought on by stress and resulted in a panic attack enough to make you pass out. They also wanted to keep you in for overnight observation until you were better.
You said goodbye to Ashley as you were being transferred to a small ward and slept well knowing that Collin was safe.
The next morning, you woke up to find a sleeping Collin by your bed. He was leaning over at your bedside with his head on top of his folded arms. He looked so peaceful. You shuffled onto your left side, being careful not to disturb him and gently ran your fingers through his braids. But sensation made him stir.
He blinked his eyes awake and looked up at you. “Hey.”
“Sorry. Didn't know I fell asleep.”
“It's okay. Are you okay? What happened last night with you and Miles?”
“We got into an argument and I went off home. I just...I just reached boiling point and...”
He trailed off. Noticing his discomfort, you cupped his cheek and soothed it with your thumb.
“And then Ashley called me when I was home and I've been nothing but worried.”
“You don't have to be worried about me, Collin. As long as you're safe--.”
“But I do anyway. (Y/N), you've always been by my side. You've always been a good friend to me, (N/N). I honestly don't know how you can put up with me.”
“With a lot of alcohol.” you teased.
Collin laughed at your joke. After a small comfortable silence, he spoke again.
“(Y/N), there's something I need to tell you.”
“I...I...I really don't know how to put this but...since I was in prison, I've...I've started to feel something for you.”
“You-you mean?”
“I think it maybe more than friendship.” Collin said. “I know I've put you through a lot. And I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure it out.”
You slowly sat up, your body aching with lack of movement from the night before. You stared at Collin, bewilderedly what he had said. “You-you—?”
“I understand if you don't feel the same way.”
“Don't feel the same way?! Collin, I've had feelings for you, longer than you had feelings for Val. I've loved you since we'd left college. When you introduced me to Val, I was heartbroken. Didn't you even notice how off I was that day? Ashley could see it a mile away. But I still wanted to be near you despite you and Val being together. Did it not even occur to you when I always coming to prison, no matter what day it was, I was always came? I had to know if you were okay. When you were locked away, I was constantly worried for you. Throughout this whole parole, I've been worried about you. Almost making myself sick because I still loved you and I was always thinking of you. I've been terrified that I was going to lose you again, and since that guy got shot I've been scared shitless because I thought you'd be next.”
You could feel tears coming down your cheeks as you spoke, your vision blurring but it didn't stop you from talking.
“I was scared that I wouldn't see you again if that cop saw you, recognised you and put bullets in you. I've been scared that you would never feel the same about me. That you loved Val, more than you loved me. So, yes, Collin, I do love you--.”
Collin sprang in his seat, moving in towards you and hugging you, tightly. The tears spilling from your eyes and you clung to him, desperately. He was hushing you, stopping you from crying.
“Don't make yourself even more ill, babe. I'm not really that worth it.”
“You've always been worth it.” you whimpered, trying to steady yourself to breathe calmly.
When he managed to calm you down, you pulled back a little, allowing Collin to brush the tears away with his thumb.
“And so are you, (Y/N). I'm an idiot for not realising sooner.”
“You're not an idiot, sweetie.”
“Yeah, but I'm yours.”
Giggling at his terrible joke, you pulled him in for your first kiss.
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im-hqlover · 4 years
Weekly Update Post.
(Okay, doing this a second time because tumblr bugged, I hope it works now.) 
Soooo, I decided that I will do an update post every week, reporting on the status of what I'm writing, along with a little spoiler of what I've already written, so, spoiler alert!
As you can see I have written a lot of things, but my problem is that somehow i can't get some of my ideas down on paper, because of that i'm writing several things at the same time, but it comes to a point that i just don't know how to unfold the story, and this is annoying me a lot. I hope you understand why I haven't posted anything recently.
Arkham Knight (AK) - Chapter 2 
Words written so far: 1473
Status: Last edition 40 days ago / Very hard written block / Hiatus / I may have to rewrite this
- Baby, I'm going to have to go back to Bludhaven.
- Can I go with you? - I asked him while turning off my cell phone and paying attention to him. 
- No, you better stay here, it's safer. 
- But- 
- No, you will stay here, it is the best, and you know it. - He approaches me and I get up from the couch and stand in front of him. 
- Okay… just be careful. 
- I promise. - He takes my hand and kisses it softly, he always did that when he promised me something. - I'll be back tomorrow, okay? 
Arranged marriage/Royal AU (AM/RAU) - Chapter 4 
Words written so far: 2693 
Status: Last edition a week ago (or are there two? I don't remember)/ Writing block / Little hiatus / May I need to rewrite.
Spoiler: I had my suspicions that this was supposed to be a gift from Jason, since he was the only option for me to have left a gift on our bed, but why would he give me a gift? Maybe I was wrong and he just left it there to deliver to someone else later. 
Dinosaur Trainer (DT) - Chapter 2 
Words written so far: 5827
Status: Last edition yesterday / Little Tiny Writing Block / Thinking about what the other characters would say is a very difficult task.
- Owen Grady, it's nice to meet you. - He extends his hand, I shake it too and return the smile. 
- It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grady. - We pulled our hands away, and again, I don't know how I didn't stutter to answer. 
- Call me Owen. - I nod, and muttered an "ok", he greeted Mr. Masrani and then the four of us sit at the round table, Simon was still sitting across from me, with Hoskins at his left side, and Owen standing between Hoskins and me. Kodi continued to lie on my left side, occasionally taking cold water from the glass bowl. 
DT - Fallen Kingdom - A new life (part 2 of Mistakes) 
Words written so far: 1230 
Status: Last edition 3 days ago / Little Written Block 
- Look, Sleeping Beauty woke up. - He approached the two of us with a bag and coffee cups, I just roll my eyes at what he said and hear Maisie laugh.
- My prince charming didn't come to wake me with a kiss of true love. - I answer him by joining the game, and Owen and Maisie laugh, I try to sit up with a lot of effort, but it seems to me that I was still a little weak. 
- Wait. Maisie, can you hold this for me? - He handed her the bag and the coffees, and then put a hand on my back to help me adjust. - How are you? 
Outer Space is the Limit (OSitL) - Chapter 1 
Words written so far: 3450 
Status: Last edition 5 days ago / Little Writing Block
- I am Groot! - That being on my leg raised its head looking at me with big eyes, and in a way I found it kind of cute? Okay, maybe that was weird. Peter approaches me and crouches in front of me, close to where was what it said was Groot.
- Well, it seems to me that you already knew Groot - Peter removes the small being from my leg and puts it on his shoulder, and then offers his hand which I took nervously, and then he helps me to stand again. 
- I am groot! - The little one raises its hands in the air when saying its name animatedly. 
There's an alien in my bed (TAB) - Chapter 1 
Words written so far: 4360
Status: Last edition 4 or 5 days ago / Little Writing Block 
- Why the hell do you think he's gonna come because of me? - I feel my throat burn as I speak. 
- Because apparently you're the only one he really cares about. - As soon as he said, more tears fell. 
- If he really cared about me, he wouldn't have left me without telling me. - I whisper, saying it more to myself than to anyone else.  
Ideas I had but I don't know when or if I will actually write 
Passengers - Jim Preston x reader
What I have in mind: Six months after Jim Preston woke up, another hibernation capsule gave problem, y/n l/n awakens from hibernation almost 90 years before reaching Homestead II, when she woke up everything looked confused, but it got worse when she didn't see anyone there, if they were about to arrive at Homestead II, how was she the only one awake? Or she thought she was the only one awake, until she finds Jim Preston. 
Back to the Wild West (BWW)- The Magnificent Seven - Joshua Faraday x reader
What I have in mind: Y/n L/n and Marty Collins are fanatical about the Back to the Future trilogy, and when the boredom of Social Isolation due to the pandemic hits them, Marty, who is a scientist, decides that he would create a time machine, of course y/n said he was crazy to think that would be possible, but he did, but then regret knocks on his door when he makes it work, that would be a mistake, they would have to destroy it, leave no trace and not let anyone know. But y/n had other plans, she wanted to go back to the wild west, just stay a day or two to see what it was like and then come back. Marty hesitantly accepted, and so they took what was needed and y/n went back to the wild west, but she ends up getting stuck there, how would she get back to her time? What wrong could happen? 
PrattPack Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons. 
I'm kind of stealing the idea from @im-an-octopus where she does some headcanon about some Chris Pratt's characters, and I really wanted to do something like that, but I don't know if I'm really going to do this or when I'm going to do this, but it's been on my mind for a few days now. (And maybe accept requests from them)
Characters that would include:
Peter Quill
Owen Grady
Josh Faraday
Jim Preston 
Andy Dwyer (maybe, I need to watch more Parks and Recreation to find out more about him)
Onward - Barley Lightfoot x Reader
I'm divided into three ideas, and I don’t know if I write them all or choose only one. 
First: Y/n is a mermaid, coming from a special lineage with several stories, and perhaps one of the only families that continues with her ancient traditions, so she along with her father, mother and brother ended up moving away from the rest of the family and moving to Mushroom Town, but when she finds out that her family is in danger, an unknown person says that she must find two people, a wizard and a knight, she was very confused because of this, and said that wizards no longer exist, but not long after she sees a news about Ian Lightfoot she went to find him, because she believed he was who that unknown person was talking to. Maybe this will be a long journey. What surprises await for you?
(both the second and the third would happen kind of in an AU where it happens in the real world, and everyone is human)
Second: Y/n is new to the city, and is in the penultimate year of High School, she feels out of place and alone, in the beginning some people even tried to be friends with her, but when y/n realized that they were assholes she walked away and decided it was better to be alone, who needs friends, right? Everything seemed to be going well, or at least the best possible, until school literature work needed to be done in pairs, the pairs were drawn and she ended up with Barley Lightfoot, she wasn't very comfortable with that, not because of the things she had heard about him, but because she really didn't want to do that to other people, because she was afraid that she could do something and he would end up making fun of her and she would suffer again, but things were much better than she expected and maybe that was the beginning of a new friendship? Or something else? 
Third: Y/n's younger brother got hooked by QoY, and because of that, he and his friends would go to an event that would take place in the city, where it would be kind of a rpg but with everyone acting and dressing properly instead of being on the board, with their father traveling, y/n is responsible for taking his brother there and waiting until everything is over, but maybe with some events the heart of y/n will end up being stolen by a handsome knight. 
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