#Columbo KNOWING they’re a killer going so so so far with the bit
When the murderer gives Columbo a compliment and Columbo gets all bashful and starts saying things like “aw, jeez… it’s really nice of you to say that, really nice of you…” I just go a little insane is all.
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nyrator · 7 years
also writing down another dreammmm
it was also strangely detailed and real and involved a fry place and a serial killer
okay so I vaguely remember it starting with like
my mother being all “you better get ready for work so you’re not late” and I’m like “it’s Thursday I still don’t know if I go in at 2PM or 4PM (I legit don’t), I have time to get ready”, then somehow or another I’m in my costume down by some supermarket near my house/work with my friend T, and we’re both in costume (I’m Kairi and he was Saix)
and anyway some way or another we were leaving something that I forget, and he was like “well, want to get something to eat” and I was looking at two restaurants standing right in front of us, one was something like ____’s Fries, and the other was one I was more familiar with (still forgot) and it also had french fries, and we were joking since it’s a joke that the only thing I ever eat is french fries (because when I go out it is, my diet is terrible and food is awful to eat)
so he wanted to go to Denny’s (note our conversation sounds exactly like one we’d have in real life), but we end up deciding to go to the Fry place though he wasn’t as interested in it. So to get in, apparently it was connected to this bar, which was sort of like a mansion/museum, where you go to the end of the bar, to the right, and go through all these weird rooms to reach a small old fashioned restaurant that served fries
so we’re going through these rooms and like, one was just a wall full of paintings of a guy’s face, and they were all fancy small rooms open and incomplete, kind of like a furniture store for stereotypical evil rich people mansions. And T is telling me a story like, about how there are rumors going around about this old guy at the bar, how apparently he killed his aunt or something and I was thinking to myself “rumors are terrible things, I have no idea if it’s true or not but I don’t want to judge people based on that alone” which is what I normally think to myself whenever I hear people gossiping or ill-speaking anyone (I tend to play devil’s advocate in my head a lot)
anyway so like we get to the fry stand and suddenly I had to go to the bathroom, and I’m all thinking about all these things like “well I don’t have to go that bad but what if I wet myself in my costume god no I can feel that’s going to happen somehow” (anyone who knows me knows I’m like hypersensitive/self conscious about my bathroom habits), so this is the part of the dream where my mind gets all drunk and that “whoa I dropped my pen but can’t pick it back up feeling”, where like, there were two doors on the wall near the exit, but like, one seemed like it wasn’t a bathroom or something, and the other was like, a small room with a toilet covered in glass where like people could see you and stuff and I was like “aaaa neverrrr” but my friend ended up going into the bathroom himself, so after doing a Kaiji-esque struggle of trying to figure out where to go, I eventually wandered off through another door that I thought had a normal bathroom, all the while challenging myself with weird self challenges like “how far can I go before wetting myself” which is also something I would probably do in real life (I always self impose dumb challenges on myself from things like “counting down slowly to see if I make it to the bathroom on time” to things like “do something like climb all these stairs in ten long seconds and if you don’t then stab yourself in the arm” kinda things, though I can also say they’re usually pretty forgiving and never actually failed them) 
somehow I end up back at the entrance of the bar, and paying more attention to it, it was like a western bar, dim, two pool tables on the sides, and sinister looking people in vests talking to each other. One was this senile old man, who I figured who the story was about, who when I listened to him seemed to be talking about drugs or something, but seemed harmless or at least senile.
Then walking through the mansion-y rooms again (they were like white halls that led to more fire-place-lit brown rooms, kind of like in a 3x3 grid where the halls were more like entrances to a gazebo or something)
and like, there are a few other people admiring the sights, and I’m looking at the paintings of faces like “whoa, this guy is pretty creepy”, and then suddenly these two guys in trench coats with light blonde hair come (Kinda Columbo esque), they’re detectives and they want to talk to someone, and I’m hoping it’s not be because I feel like I’m always suspicious even though I know I have nothing to do with anything, so they talk to this older light haired lady next to me, asking about “Druuuugs?” So she starts talking, and they’re looking for this old guy who was into drugs, who was also a serial killer. He pulls out these four photos, and god, each face was such clear detail I swore it was real. They were older photos, sepia toned, but one was of a curly, dark-haired little girl, one was of two people, one was a blonde who looked like the lady he was talking to, and two other women, and I’m like, “whoa”, there was this chill going down my spine that these people were dead and like, their entire existence is just gone and stuff
then I’m like “wait I know bits of this story” but just like normal me, dream me forgets all the details and things start blending together and I’m like “wait there was... something about an aunt?” and they were like “well he murdered his grandkids, we didn’t hear anything about an aunt” and I’m all like “no, I’m not going to say anything to put someone’s life/freedom at jeopardy who I don’t even know based on some rumors alone” then eventually my cat jumped on my chest and woke me up and yeah
I forgot a lot of the details but there were a lot of faces and conversations and I was like whoa that’s super detailed for one of my dreams and yeah
also the previous nights I’ve been barely getting any sleep because I’m trapped against the wall between my bed and my wall, having Blacky sleep on my pillow/at my side and never letting me sleep and we cuddle as he sticks his claws into me while he washes himself/washes my hair (also I can’t breathe at night anymore since I’m deathly allergic to cats, and Blacky sleeps right in my face and on my pillow), Bootsie being jealous at my feet and not letting me roll over, and My Melody plush getting in the way (also having not slept with a plush since middle school, cuddling with one is much more comforting than I thought, I can understand the appeal of body pillows now)
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