#Colver seems to be the perfect example of when bastard father and mad scientist mix
goron-king-darunia · 3 years
Amane Nishiki and Relius Clover Bio's
Annon-Guy: Here’s bio’s on Amane Nishiki (support protagonist) and Relius Clover (one of the main antagonists) from the BlazBlue series.
Amane Nishiki
Amane Nishiki (アマネ=ニシキ), also known as the Uzume, is the current Onlooker of the world. He runs a small troupe consisting of orphans of war that he has adopted, and ventures across the world. He is a mysterious figure, but once he has his eyes set on something, or someone, he wants, it is difficult to dissuade him.
Very honest about his own desires, and a dogged and relentless opponent of anything he deems wrong or dishonest. He looks after the boys—mostly war orphans—that he’s recruited to his troupe with a great deal of kindness.[1][2][3]
Straightforward and honest about nearly everything, Amane is true to his beliefs and has an unstoppable determination. When he sees something, or someone, he desires for his troupe, he will never take ‘no’ for an answer. This can grating, and some people have even tried to runaway from being scouted into the group. When he is not being straightforward, Amane speaks in riddles, dancing around a subject and using various terms associated with performing troupes to mask his intentions. It does not take long for this mask to fall, and then he will tell his victim what he desires from them.
Amane cares for those in his troupe as if they were his own family. He’s adopted war-orphans, giving them a family, job, and home with him, and goes far out of his way to oppose what he considers an injustice. Nothing fazes Amane - even when someone is holding him by his throat, an aura of cockiness and subtle arrogance in his abilities remains.
There are times where Amane makes innocent mistakes and does not notice until a long time afterwards. He once taught Bullet’s Mercenary Squad dancing techniques when he mistook them for being a “troupe” instead of “troops”; he did not realise until three days and nights after he had started. This incident scarred Bullet for years because of Amane’s harsh dance teaching and regime.[4]
Side Note:
All of Amane’s special attacks are named after Super Sentai.
Amane is an Observer like Rachel Alucard and is immune to her Slave Red Ability.
Rachel refers to Amane as “Uzume”.
Amane’s seeks out Carl Clover to recruit in his Dancing Troupe in the story due to his Bishonen and cute appearance. In Gag Reels, this aspect is flanderized to make Amane look like he’s Gay for Carl. Sadly, when Carl turns the the dark side like his father, Amane loses interest in him.
He likes beautiful things (especially handsome men), dislikes social withdrawal, and his hobby is making Japanese Sweets.
His dream is to witness a stage filled with the strongest fighters who can change the world. As Amane puts it, the perfect dance and the the perfect fight are one and the same.
Drive Ability: Spiral - Can turn the ribbons on his robes into drills that can pierce and destroy an enemy’s gaurd. It can go up to 3 levels. If you try to block a level Spiral Drill, you will be defeated by INSANE chip damage!
Relius Clover
Relius Clover (レリウス=クローバー), known to many as the Mad Puppeteer (狂気の人形師), is the patriarch of the Clover family and the former Colonel of the Novus Orbis Librarium’s Engineering Department. He was once the leader of the Ten Sages, known as The One (ザ・ワン) and formerly belonged to the Immortal Breakers, having worked alongside Valkenhayn R. Hellsing. He wants to destroy the world and rebuild it as its architect.
Consistently self-centered. He has barely any interest in things that are unrelated to his research, and detests wasting time. He can be social, but aside from his research it’s only to “maintain appearances.” It’s not that he doesn’t experience changes to his mood, but rather that he won’t let himself lose his calm and collected demeanor. He behaves extremely coldly to the ignorant, whom he regards as fools.[3][4][5]
Apathetic to everything and everyone that is not research or the fulfilment of his own goals. Relius is a self-centered individual who surrounds himself in the pursuits of every science and Art, giving everything he has to understand what is presented to him. His research mainly concerns the soul and anything related to the Boundary, but he has expressed interest in a wide variety of subjects. Because Relius only sees people as souls, which he further sees as reducible elements, the lives of others are trivial to him. Relius does not care for emotions, bar hatred and determination, two things which can strengthen the soul.
Relius’ fascination in his own research and lack of interest in anything else also extends to his family. He has demonstrated no love towards Carl, seeing him as an annoyance and not a son. It is only when Carl began to demonstrate hatred towards him that Relius finally acknowledged the boy and began to educate him in his research. His love towards Ignis and Ada also seems questionable at best, having only ever complimented them on their souls and willingness to commit to his research.
Professionally, Relius maintains a social facade in order to fulfil his goals, but that does not mean that he feels genuine affection or connection to any of his colleagues. There are times when their actions interest him, such as Hazama wanting to fulfil his wish and Izanami’s desire to know if she has a soul. Other than the arts and science, Relius has expressed an interest in other subjects such as philosophy and literature.
When he is not researching, Relius enjoys opera.
Side Note: The Fluctus Redactum: Ignis, the Automaton at Relius’ side, is his OWN wife (Ignis Clover? that Relius transformed into a replica Nox Nyctores called a Detonator.
He was also responsible for transferring Ada Clover’s (his daughter) soul into the Nox Nyctores, Nirvana. Nirvana/Ada currently travels with her brother, Carl Clover.
In Naoto Kurogane’s World (The Bloodedge Experience World), Relius is not the evil man he is in the BlazBlue World. He’s a calm and kinder man. He even built Naoto’s prosthetic arm and leg.
In the Gag Reels where he and Hazama go to a parallel world, Relius shows that under different circumstances, he’s a legitimately good father and husband to the Clover Family.
It’s heavily implied that because he can see a person’s soul, he’s gone blind. No confirmation though.
Father of the years, ladies and gentlemen (Intense Sarcasm inserted)!
Drive Ability: Detonator - Summons Ignis. She’ll follow Relius wherever he goes and can perform attacks unique to her until Relius teleports her away or until the Ignis Meter drains from using her too much or takes too much damage. If Ignis becomes immobile, the Ignis Meter needs to refill before you can use her again.
Hope you like them.
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