#Conn: Vera Jane Pryce
@parvumchao from x
"I have been thinking about you all day." he grinned, underselling the fact that Vera had been occupying his thoughts for considerably longer. She was a busy woman, with a demanding job, which gave him ample time to look forward to their next rendezvous since they'd last been able to meet up.
"And you know what? You're somehow even more stunning than I'd been picturing."
She was also more clothed than he'd been picturing, but he thought better of saying so when he took a seat beside her at the bar, waving down the bartender to get his customary cola. Her taste in expensive lingerie had made quite an impression on his imagination since the first time he'd helped her out of her clothes, and he couldn't help but wonder what she had on beneath her dress right that moment.
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“Maybe you’re being too subtle.” (Vera @parvumchao)
He nodded solemnly as she spoke, carefully considering the implication with his eyes locked on hers. He had to admit that there was a strong possibility that Vera was dead-on in her assessment. Without breaking his serious façade, Ben reached out and began unbuttoning Vera's top, fingers moving deliberately but deftly from her collar on down.
"I appreciate the feedback. I'm always looking for ways to improve my performance." Despite the smirk that was threatening to tug at the corners of his mouth, Ben's tone was completely (and performatively) businesslike, with no acknowledgement paid to the way he was slowly stripping her.
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"How do you feel about older women, hm?" (idk but i don't deny anybody anything)
"I don't know if I've done enough feeling to form an opinion." Despite his smirk and his snark, when he thought about it critically, it was clear that Ben was exclusively into older women, given that he was technically created less than ten years ago. He wasn't going to get into the semantics of it with Vera, however.
"If this is your way of subtly implying that you just caught me looking, though, then I guess I'd have to wonder how you feel about younger guys."
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When Ben's phone buzzed with a notification coming from the newest number he'd entered into it, he didn't have any expectation of what Vera might've sent him, though he was hoping it'd prove complimentary.
If it wasn't a token of appreciation, then the picture she'd sent him must've been an enticement instead.
She certainly looked comfortable in the bath, bubbles obscuring much of her body, save for her breasts cresting the surface of the bathwater. Ben could see a glass of wine in the background, half-full or half-empty depending on one's perspective, but what he didn't see was the location of Vera's free hand, hidden somewhere under the bubbles.
As an enticement, it worked wonders.
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