#Constantinople by Night is some Wild Shit
strikeslip · 4 years
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Sometimes you diablerize a 6th generation malkavian while in a hunger frenzy brought on by getting a little too into impersonating a baali cult leader with fleshcrafting and a demonic knife someone handed you, and THAT’S VALID.
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souridealist · 2 years
ace attorney characters at karaoke
Phoenix and Maya: going HOG WILD on the classic Disney back catalog and all the best duets of the 80s.
Phoenix can actually sing quite well; he’s not going to have a side gig as a rock star but he was definitely good enough to be an actual singer at the Borscht Bowl Club instead of a shitty pianist if he’d wanted to
(he perhaps did not want to do something he actually cared about for money at that point in his life)
Maya cannot sing for SHIT but by God she’s not going to let that stop her
they do a great “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and take turns with who takes which role (Meg or the Muses) on “(I Won’t Say) I’m In Love”
they also do “Friends on the Other Side” because they think they’re funny
only in the first half of the evening, though, otherwise they end up kind of weepy drunk about it
If Miles is there: Phoenix will, at some point near the end of the evening, break out an incredibly sappy dad rock ballad. absolutely everyone can tell what’s going on, he’s not even trying to be subtle about it.
like, we’re talking “Faithfully” by Journey and “Just the Way You Are” by Billy Joel levels of sappy
I find it hard to picture a karaoke bar in Japanifornia having “Long Time Running” by the Tragically Hip in its repertoire but if I remember that this is a goofy tumblr post and there are no gods or kings, he would absolutely do that too, and if he did, Miles would break sufficiently to kiss him in front of all of their employees
Miles does actually come to karaoke a lot but he absolutely does not sing, he’s just here to be an appreciative audience.
on exactly one occasion, he’s been successfully dragged up to the mic. it took the combined forces of
Maya Fey
the absence of anyone who works for him
the Steel Samurai theme song
the extremely incorrect assumption that a Long Island Iced Tea is to a regular iced tea as Irish coffee is to regular coffee
incidental PSA: It Is Not
the resulting video is an heirloom of the Fey clan and one of Phoenix Wright’s most precious possessions
Franziska: tags along when she’s visiting Miles. allegedly this is against her will but she sure does keep showing up
if she could sing, you wouldn’t get her off the mic all night, but she can’t carry a tune in a bucket and she knows it, and a von Karma is not bad at things in public
but she does keep showing up
did once whip Larry Butz senseless for the hatchet job he did on a Billie Eilish song
originally I was going to have this be Tori Amos or somebody and then I remembered that Franziska von Karma is a fucking zoomer 
Larry was not invited, by the way
Gumshoe: canonically a reggae guy! kind of sheepish and bashful until talked into his first song of the night, after which he has a really great time
Maggey Byrde: I consulted @ozawamitsuko for this and got an excellent answer which is
breaks out the classic Britney and for three minutes is suddenly EXTREMELY SEXY as well as adorable
the hearts orbiting Gumshoe’s head must be seen to be believed
then immediately trips over the mic cord and lands face-first on the ground
she is stone cold sober
Ema Skye: every single thing about this woman indicates that she listens to an absolute fuck ton of They Might Be Giants
who basically have one song that shows up on karaoke setlists so at this point she absolutely KILLS “Istanbul Not Constantinople”
Lana Skye, out of jail by this point: doesn’t get near the mic until she’s had at least two drinks and a great deal of friendly persuasion, at which point she, with the most deadpan facial expression ever seen on Earth, selects “Jailhouse Rock.”
she actually has a very weak voice and no range whatsoever but no one actually hears that much of her singing because they are, after an initial beat of shock, losing their fucking minds
Klavier Gavin: always checks to see if his own songs are available, but he's way too much of a perfectionist to enjoy doing karaoke performances of them, so he doesn’t
also, like. he does have a sense of sportsmanship and that’s just not on
honestly being at karaoke when you’re an actual charting rockstar is kind of unsportsmanlike by default, and as much as he likes being the center of attention he also likes being liked and likes it when people have fun, so he mostly gets everyone else in the room to pick what they think would be funny to make him sing
he does a pretty good “Uptown Funk” and a damn solid “Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under”
Ema Skye has tried him on “I Feel Pretty” and he did not hesitate a second
Apollo Justice: regards the microphone with such profound trepidation that everyone assumes he cannot sing a note
naturally him acting like the mic is a guillotine makes every single one of his friends and colleagues decide that it is their highest calling in life to make him do it
at which point Thalassa “Lamiroir” Gramarye’s son sighs, loosens his tie, and breaks out an effortless note-perfect rendition of Nina Simone’s “Feelin’ Good” that leaves Klavier Gavin literally incapable of speech
and mysteriously disinclined to stand up 
(after taking that first plunge Apollo gets a lot more willing to sing but he’s still kind of shy about it)
Athena Cykes: okay I’m actually only halfway through Dual Destinies but I nonetheless feel this in my heart to be true.
Sober: Call Me Maybe -- Carly Rae Jepsen
Lightly buzzed: Woman -- Kesha
Fucking wasted: Thot Shit -- Megan Thee Stallion
she skips the n-words because she has manners but she does not change a single other lyric
as drunk karaoke rapping goes, she’s not half bad
and speaking of karaoke rapping: you know that Simon Blackquill listens to Linkin Park. you know. I do not give a shit about the timeline, that is a fundamental fact of the universe.
honestly “Bleed It Out” does still kind of slap in 2022 and will still do so at karaoke in 2027
Taka has of course tagged along to karaoke and is EXTREMELY offended at how bad a perch Simon has suddenly become
I’m picturing a (Japanese-style) karaoke bar for all of this which is why Trucy and Pearl are Madames Not Appearing In This Text Post but should a family-friendly karaoke location make a convenient appearance
I just feel like Pearl’s go-to is Celine Dion
no, she cannot hit those notes, but she’s going to give it an earnest attempt
meanwhile Trucy and Phoenix have a shared love of classic showtunes and are having a FANTASTIC time
“wait, go back a few poionts, how is Athena in the bar and drinking, then” we don’t ask questions about Japanifornia law
actually if you’re prominently wearing a defense attorney’s badge the bartender probably assumes you’re old enough to drink
“so she’s committing underage drinking in a room filled with every branch of law enforcement” technically they don’t know what’s in that glass. could be juice.
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