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dtplabs99 · 9 months
We are ‘DTP LABS’, offering Multilingual DTP, PDF to Word conversions, e-Learning localization and PDF Remediation Services to localization/translation agencies worldwide. In operation since 2004, our team comprises of 70+ in-house DTP Specialists, handling more than 950 DTP projects monthly. We work with all languages, including Middle-Eastern, Asian, Indic, Cyrillic, Baltic etc. If you require any further information, please visit our website at www.dtplabs.com or contact us at [email protected]
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dtplabs01 · 2 years
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dtplabs100 · 2 years
How to Use Desktop Publishing Services for International Growth
You're undoubtedly aware that desktop publishing is a service closely related to technical translation.
DTP services are an essential component in the localization process. It's helpful to understand why it's such a vital service in the language sector.
Design and Text: A (Not So) Perfect Combination
Isn't your multilingual content more than just text? You develop technical publications such as product catalogs, user manuals, product descriptions, and so on. Your company also creates marketing literature, which may contain extremely technical vocabulary. Is there anything in this collateral that you wish to keep consistent regardless of the language it's translated into?
DTP comes in handy here. Your localization firm ensures that your documents are translated correctly into the languages you require. They also offer desktop publishing services to ensure that the text and design are compatible.
In any of your market segments, your company's documentation, marketing content, and anything associated with your brand should be aesthetically recognised.
It only appears to be simple. After instance, in one language, a one-word expression could be a five-word one in another. And this really messes up the layout from the start. In your documentation, using a different language will move graphics about, create space where it shouldn't be, and so on. This can be prevented by collaborating with a language services business that not only provides translation but also DTP.
As there are so many DTP tools to choose from and you don't have to be a DTP specialist to utilize them, it's beneficial to have a translation business on your side who can advise you and use the tools that are most effective for you.
Translation Services and You - A Perfect Match
There is something you must provide ahead of time in order for your files to be correctly handled in terms of desktop publishing.
The images you wish to include in the design – whether they are distinct for each language or the same for everyone.
Files compatible with CAT tools
Additional information, such as fonts used and any preferences you have for brand colors, emblems, and so on
You must send these to your language translation services partner, along with any other relevant information, preferences, or ideas, to maintain consistency.
Should you require any advice or guidance, your localization business should be able to provide it. You don't need to be an expert in translation or desktop publishing to participate. For that, you have your translation partner.
Furthermore, because your branded materials have an impact on how your target audiences perceive you, you should choose the correct localization services partner. One that provides a comprehensive set of services and skills for multilingual content.
For more Details contact us at: [email protected]
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dtplabs01 · 2 years
Desktop Publishing Services DTP Labs: 5 Essential Services Provided By Us
The roles and competencies of DTP specialists have expanded dramatically in recent years. It is used not just in education, marketing, and web design, but it also has significant benefits in the translation and localization industry, and we have professionals doing this for us!
1. Localization and Translation
When compared to the original, the volume of translated texts can vary by up to 40%. This comprises word and line length, writing style, punctuation, and so on. Unless carefully and correctly controlled, such variances have a negative impact on the overall presentation of the document.Our desktop publishing professionals can format translated content to look as close to its source as possible.
Furthermore, many statistical graphical elements, such as tables, charts, and infographics, have complex labels, captions, and measurement units. Effective communication requires adequate and precise localization of these aspects. Hence, our DTP specialists use linguistic resources to ensure proper text layout while adhering to linguistic rules and providing you with the best translations possible.
2. Marketing
Graphic designers are no longer the only ones who need desktop publishing, and as a result, people with limited graphic design experience frequently require DTP services. Its demand is growing by the day, and our team of professionals is ready to assist you whenever you require us to handle all of your "paperwork."
Our marketers swiftly and effectively develop visual and digital communication products such as webpages, newsletters, flyers, and so on.
Teachers and students need to create a variety of presentations, homework assignments, and projects. Our multilingual desktop publishing abilities entail using a computer to create appealing layouts and more effectively transmit ideas and thoughts, making learning more personal, illustrative, and meaningful for students.
4. Business
In the office environment, word processing is one of the foremost parts of desktop publishing, and we provide just that, making your office life much simpler. We can design an onboarding form for newcomers, format reports or direct mail templates, create a ready-for-use handbook, etc.
5. Graphic Design
Our desktop publishing services can be used by advertising firms, publishing houses, color separation companies, printers, and other relevant sectors. Our experts will be responsible for converting graphic designers' work into digital ready-to-print or digital publishing files.
Need qualified DTP specialists?
Our desktop publishing team has over a decade of expertise working on different localization and translation projects. We have successfully completed numerous multilingual DTP projects over the years. We would be delighted to work with your firm to provide high-quality, ready-to-use documents.
Please contact us for further information.
Web   : www.dtplabs.com
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