poison-raika · 11 months
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生データを希望する方は下記リンクをご確認頂ける幸いです。 If you would like raw data, please check the link below. Patreon GIMP+PSD+Alpha https://www.patreon.com/posts/wu-ti-92092521 FanBox PSD+PNG https://poison-raika.fanbox.cc/posts/6925996 宜しくお願いします
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adeaver · 6 days
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raiden-genshin · 11 months
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Art and Language (collective created late 1960s) Shouting Men (details) 1975 Screenprint and felt pen on paper Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona collection Photo: Àngela Gallego © Art and Language via Artblart
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lirvaart · 1 year
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martagrimalt · 1 year
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La revista de reflexión y pensamiento crítico Article, nº 8, abril 2023, publicada por SAC - Sant Andreu Contemporani, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, con monográfico dedicado a la(s) masculinidad(es), (masculinitat(s) en catalán), ha contado con mi participación como fotógrafa, para quienes he cedido un fotograma de mi vídeo arte Stomach Protector, que realicé en 2018, junto a Cristian Robles y Craig Amromin. 
Muy contenta y agradecida de participar en esta publicación, de la que cito:
Textos: Bakea Alonso Fernández de Avilés, Roy Galán, Jordi Pino, Pablo G. Polite, Beatriz Ranea Triviño, Francesc Ruiz, Zaida Trallero
Fotos: Rubén González Calzada, Marta Grimalt Canals, Ciprian Homorodean, Jonathan Notario, Joan Pallé, Felipe Robles, Francesc Ruiz, Alex Solé
Ilustraciones: Alba Feito
Diseño gráfico: Jimmy Genovard
Link del vídeo promocional de Article 8, aquí.
Cuando hablamos de masculinidades alternativas o nuevas, nos referimos a una manera de ser hombre igualitaria, feminista, plenamente respetuosa de la diversidad y capaz de aceptar y valorar la propia idiosincrasia, tal vez divergente del modelo heteronormativo tradicional. Una apuesta vital que exige también un cambio de actitud frente a otros hombres, el reconocimiento de la pluralidad masculina, de las múltiples opciones vitales y sexuales, y un claro compromiso contra el machismo, la homofobia y la transfobia. Por eso es primordial que cada vez sean más los individuos dispuestos a cuestionar el modelo tradicional de masculinidad, a liberarse de las cargas de su hegemonía y a comprometerse activamente en la construcción de una sociedad renovada de personas más libres, sensibles e intuitivas, sin miedo a escuchar, a cuidar, a dar y recibir.
Nuestro objetivo con esta publicación es ofrecer un espacio abierto a las múltiples miradas que desbordan lógicas patriarcales y binarias, un pequeño impulso teórico que ayude a articular las transformaciones sociales inherentes al cuestionamiento de la masculinidad tradicional. Queremos contribuir a la liberación de los hombres atrapados por el muro de exigencias de la masculinidad hegemónica, a menudo violenta y autodestructiva, para que puedan integrarse en un mundo más igualitario y respetuoso. Aquí va nuestro agujero, nuestra fisura con voluntad deconstructiva.
Puedes encontrar la publicación en librerías especializadas.
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luvsirenne · 1 year
does the dessert miss the rain?
deşertul este rece noaptea
aşa cum şi gândul îşi răcoreşte ardoarea
ca atunci când îți conduci motocicleta vişinie
pe la unşpe într-o seară de mai târziu
sau când te prinde răsăritul cu o carte stufoasă în mână,
intimitatea acea dulce şi goală îți răvăşeşte mintea
şi tot ce-i neînțeles e dintr-o dată departe,
rezumându-te la tot ce-i trupesc:
o atingere, o lacrimă, un cântec în surdină.
florile de liliac îşi metamorfozează culoarea din lila extravagant în maro putrezit,
însă schimbarea nu te mai înspăimântă,
fiind singura constantă în natură
şi începi să reflectezi asupra problemelor apendicitare – oare de ce engleza nu are traducerea dorului?
Numai Crezul în teoria limbii ne este de ajuns
ea cu siguranță creează realități
deci absența unui singur cuvânt anulează
o infinitate de experiențe –
iar ploaia dintr-o dată se simte mai caldă,
te face să te gândeşti la cât de mult
acestea două îşi duc lipsa,
chiar te întristează,
dar nimic nu este cu adevărat trist,
dacă acest cuvânt nu-l cunoşteai
nu aveai capacitatea de a simți.
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levbolton · 2 years
i am once again asking people to consider a ballet version of their fav piece of media
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nonribbon · 27 days
The new work "Non Ribbon Art Lantern that connects the past and the present" is now on display! "Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond" will be held from today! + Introducing new works and photo spots of "Non Ribbon Art Lanterns that connect the past and the present"!
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"Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond" will be held from today, Saturday, August 24th! (Until November 24)
This event has been held annually since 2010 and has attracted a total of more than 520 artists, and is a contemporary art festival where you can enjoy the nature and art of Mt. Rokko, a mountain that symbolizes Kobe.
The concept this time is "a new field of vision". Non will exhibit new ribbon art in this exhibition.
The title of the exhibition is "Non Ribbon Art: A Lantern Connecting the Past and the Present".
Four new works of art by Non will be exhibited in the "ROKKO Mori no Oto Music", where antique music boxes that were born long before Non was born are on display.
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The venue on the 3rd floor. When you go up the stairs, you will be greeted by a "ribbon tied on the back (kokeshi lantern)" in collaboration with Tohoku traditional crafts. The front of the kokeshi lantern is painted by a kokeshi lantern craftsman based on the design drawing of non, and the back is decorated with non ribbon art.
■Non Comment It's been almost 7 years since I started my art activities. I still had a lot of desire to create, and I looked at my work to see if it was the next one, and finally found what I thought was the right one.
I've been making ribbon art for four years, but I'm still discovering that there are many more possibilities.
Ribbons that look like insects, ribbons that look like human bodies, ribbons that look like dust, and cute ribbons are eerily transformed to show various images.
I can't wait to exhibit the works with ribbons laid out in Rokko until I am satisfied.
I hope that the ribbon art will gradually be scattered and disturb everyone's emotions. Please come and be disturbed.
■ New goods are also on sale at the exhibition hall! Reference: https://nondesu.jp/23012/
【Event Summary】 Title: Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond Period: August 24 (Sat) – November 24 (Sun ), 2024 Venue: 9 venues on Mt. Rokko Non's work exhibition venue: ROKKO Mori no Oto Museum https://rokkomeetsart.jp/venue/rokkomorinonemuseum/
Time: 10:00~17:00* Varies depending on the venue (see official website for details) Official website URL: https://rokkomeetsart.jp/
Introducing new works and photo spots of "Non Ribbon Art Lanterns that connect the past and the present"!
At "Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond", Non's new ribbon art "Non Ribbon Art Lanterns Connecting the Past and the Present" is on display.
We will introduce you to the cute and slightly eerie space that spreads out in the "ROKKO Mori no Oto Musicum", where antique music boxes are exhibited, which was born long before Non was born.
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A new photo spot. A lot of ribbons are tied like a mesh.
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At "Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond", Non's new ribbon art "Non Ribbon Art Lanterns Connecting the Past and the Present" is on display.
We will introduce you to the cute and slightly eerie space that spreads out in the "ROKKO Mori no Oto Musicum", where antique music boxes are exhibited, which was born long before Non was born.
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A new photo spot. A lot of ribbons are tied like a mesh.
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A new trousseau work. Until now, the works have used the torso of the upper body, but in this exhibition, the torso of the lower body is used and four new works are exhibited.
In addition, there will be an exhibition of photo panels with ribbons attached to Non's own body, which are not listed in "Lula BOOKS Non", and goods will be sold at the venue store. Please come and visit us.
■ Non Ribbon Art and "Lula BOOKS Non" will be on sale at the exhibition hall and other shops!
New goods will be on sale at the shop "Museum Shop Toon" on the 1st floor of the exhibition venue, "ROKKO Mori no Sound Museum"!
We have released acrylic keychains (face and ribbon parts are newly drawn), clear files, and art books "Lula BOOKS Non".
In addition, it is also available at "Shop 737 Rokko Yuzan Information Center" at Rokko Cable Yamagami Station and at Kobe Select miscellaneous goods shop "Horty (Rokko Garden Terrace)". Please use it as a souvenir when you stop by the venue!
・Museum Shop Tokion (ROKKO Mori no Oto Music) https://www.rokkosan.com/top/goods/museum_shop/
・Shop737 Rokko Yuzan Information Office (Rokko Cable Yamagami Station) https://www.rokkosan.com/top/goods/shop737/
・Horti (Rokko Garden Terrace) https://www.rokkosan.com/top/goods/horti/
(1) Non Ribbon Art Acrylic keychain that connects the past and the present Price: ¥ 1,100 each (tax included)
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cristinaboncea · 1 month
Ali Smith - Toamna | Recenzie
Am devorat Toamna de Ali Smith, fiind una dintre puținele cărți pe care nu le-am putut lăsa jos din mână. Este posibil să fi descoperit o nouă autoare a cărei cărți să le colecționez cu sete. Această nuvelă a avut toate elementele care îmi plac la o lectură! Detalii tehniceDespre ce este Toamna de Ali Smith?Ce mi-a plăcut la Toamna de Ali Smith?Gânduri finale despre Toamna de Ali Smith Detalii…
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gabrielacalinoiu · 3 months
Peisaje in pastel cu marea
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poison-raika · 11 months
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生データを希望する方は下記リンクをご確認頂ける幸いです。 If you would like raw data, please check the link below. Patreon GIMP+PSD+Alpha https://www.patreon.com/posts/wu-ti-92092521 FanBox PSD+PNG https://poison-raika.fanbox.cc/posts/6925996 宜しくお願いします
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Apus de soare
“Yellow Sunset 5P”, 35×50 cm. Pictura în pastel.
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peniqueproductions · 6 months
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Lila by Penique productions Barcelona, Spain March 29 of 2024 10 x 10 x 9 m
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theaskew · 6 months
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Josep Maria de Sucre (Spanish 1886-1969), Autoretrat (Self-Portrait), 1965. Aniline and ink on paper, 70 x 49 cm. (Source: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona)
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lirvaart · 1 year
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Self portrait
31 x 22 cm
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