#Content Warning: Blood
m0r1bund · 3 months
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I am this great unstable mass of blood and foam And no one in her right mind would make her home my home
what if we kissed in the autoclave metaphor and we were both hyperthermophile bacteria. what then
as always... look at my lesbians boy
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talesofedo · 2 months
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Transparent version under the cut.
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eljeebee · 8 months
The vampire stepped out of the casket. It closed on its own. The elder vampires gathered around her. The vampire looked around her, hands clasped.
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"Lady Lenora," Valentina bowed her head.
"My dearest sister! How are you? How was your rest?" Lady Beau asked, delighted to see her sister again.
Straud only nodded to Lady Lenora.
"Oh, Straud," Lady Lenora said, ears twitching slightly. A small curl on her lips. She presented her hand.
Straud took her hand and kissed the back of it, "Lady Lenora."
Lady Beau wanted to push his head away but with Valentina's pointed look, she only frowned.
Lady Lenora took notice of Valentina's mark, smiling, "Oh my, you've grown, cousin. I'm proud of you."
Valentina only smiled. Lady Lenora looked back at her younger sister. "Aren't you proud of her, Lana? Isn't she your favorite cousin? You should be proud."
Lady Beau smiled, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Of course, Nora. Of course."
Suddenly, Helen let out a yell.
"Is that all? Is that all?! I thought we're supposed to kill that bastard but what the fuck are we doing here? What? Straud, you told me we'll kill him! You told me we'll avenge my family! What the fuck are we doing now? Just wake this — this —" Helen screamed, her memories that she pushed far, far from her mind resurfaced. Memories of the attacks on their estate. A group of vampires. All women, except one man: Percival. They were laughing while they drank the blood off of everyone in her home. They were laughing. Then she heard the women say, cute little humans, we should spare them! And eat them when they're ripe, someone whispered. She clutched her head, screaming.
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"No more no more no more I don't want to see it again no more no more—"
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Lady Lenora tilted her head, curious. "Is she alright?"
Valentina looked back, while Lady Beau looked at them with disgust. "Pay them no mind, sister. They're worthless. I don't even know why they're here."
Helen continued screaming. Her eyes only see what happened in the past. Her knees fell to the ground, Lilith and Caleb beside her, trying to calm her down. Straud approached them, kneeling.
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Percival looked away, his eyes unfocusing as he stared at nothing.
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archivalwrite · 4 months
She startles for a moment, blinking and lifting up her hand, craning her head down to try and see. The first impulse Liam might have is that Miranda would have cut herself — there's a sharp tang of blood in the air, and out between Miranda's fingers the fluid drips. A sizeable amount, it seems, for how long it took for Miranda to notice that there was something wet on her hand.
Miranda's not acting out in pain, however. She flares her fins and her eyes widen, startled, but not pained in any manner that Miranda might show, and the distress she shows just feels different. There's something in the way she shifts her phone to her other hand, glancing between it and her palm, that suggests she's figuring it out herself.
There's a crack in the glass. A fairly large one, one Miranda must have missed when she picked it up again, and maybe it was what cut her in the first place — except she wipes her hand off on a cloth one of her serfs hands her, and more doesn't replace it. More does, however, leak out through the crack in the glass, movement pushing something soft and meaty from the inside of the phone against the opening.
Again, Miranda doesn't seem all that distressed. There's a big dramatic huff as she fully pauses now, stopping to examine her phone, poking at the crack in its side. Everything smells so sharply of meat and of drained blood that it makes her comment of, "Wait a moment, Liam — ugh, and I will have to go get another this afternoon, then..." stand out harshly in the mundane irritation it carries.
liam's head quirked up at the smell of the blood, distracted from his phone where he'd been tying his very well thought out response in an argument online ( beyond the common and non-thought provoking reply as: L + RATIO + FUCKED YOUR MOM that had been sent to him ).
there was a moment of worry, as the blood was visible on miranda's hand, along with the phone shifted to her other hand. liam knew better than to assume it was miranda's blood, he'd managed to learn some of her reactions to things, spending so much time both with her, and simply admiring her in a studious way to learn her reactions to things. help study what she might react positively to, should he decide to be a bit of a romantic. the scent of the blood seemed .. wrong. perhaps he hadn't smelt the blood of many merfolk before ( he hasn't ) but he wouldn't assume it smell . . . like this.
forgive his curious horror when he found her phone to be bleeding. watching the way she pressed on it, messed with it. the smell of meat joined the blood, raw meat. liam, in very few instances, put his own phone down, and into his pocket. just staring at the phone.
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" miri . . . what happened to your phone? " liam had to fix his glasses, yellow eyes narrowing just a little bit, as if trying to tell what exactly was the mass of flesh within the screen, and whatever was leaking out in a way of casual, mundane annoyance to the princess. while also hoping to not make it too obvious that he was inquiring about - the blood. " that is quite the crack on the screen. "
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1ore · 9 months
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playing Path of Fire now. Yuri is having his edgy moment. Flirting with the inverse function of Blighted Trahearne AU, which is Yuri succumbing to his anger and hurt in killing Balthazar, and filling the void left behind as spirit of despair. spirit of revenge? spirit of unfinished business? spirit of the dispossessed? spirit of the vacuous emptiness left behind by war.
One thing about me you GOTTA know: I’m filling in the gaps. I’m extrapolating. I’m doing everything my damn self around here. Poking around at Yuri being Orrian-Ascalonian. Making up a whole Orrian diaspora. Making up reasons for Yuri to go after Balthazar like Junky Janker going after James Charles in Minecraft. Making up AUs and endings I haven’t even gotten to yet.
Yuri identifies with being Orrian and is compelled by the idea of healing Orr because of this, and yet has a fraught relationship with his family, the very people who taught him what that means. Holding up a mirror to that, he’s taught the generational pain that molded the diaspora’s cosmology… This idea that they can’t trust the Six Gods anymore. At best, they abandoned humanity, and at worst, they betrayed them by giving them magic, leaving them to be preyed upon by the Elder Dragons, and quitting the world while they were distracted. The sinking of Orr and Arah is their wound, and also the lens through which they see the world. Their survival as a scattered people is up to them and them alone.
Yuri might have a complicated relationship with his community, but he doesn’t need to be convinced of the Six’s incompetencies. It’s known to him as an urchin on the streets of Divinity’s Reach, and re-affirmed during his time with the Pact, at Orr, at Maguuma, during the ~3 year fallout of his fuckie wuckie with Mordremoth and Trahearne. In particular, he’s no stranger to the banality and evil of war. I think this makes a perfect storm when Balthazar appears—these experiences that otherwise guide him to be big-hearted, compassionate, and non-violent instead drive him to anger.
Rotating this in my head while the game puts that man in a situation. I think it’s fun that it parallels Trahearne’s ~unbecoming in HoT, getting so caught up in the big picture that everything spirals out of control until it reaches its sad, inevitable end. WHO is going to pull Yuri off of Balthazar’s wild ride………………….                 I’m still playing lol don’t answer that. in the mean time I imagine The Bad End.
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morganmerylhodgepodge · 11 months
Pages 10 11 and 12!
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lilyblackdraws · 1 year
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144 - You’ll be with Us in due time. We are patient.
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a-tsurugi-simp · 2 years
Can I have Teruya finding his sweet and motherly S/o self harming? It’s been kinda hard lately. Either drawings or fic is fine, you don’t have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable
I see. Hard stuff comes, my dear. Life is a roller coaster, and sometimes it has lows. But I trust in you, I am sure that you can overcome these dark stuff that is weighting you down, and... If it's unbearable, you can always found me in here, ready to try to send you a smile every time you request something.
I coloured the second one. Because you deserve the best, my dear. Stay strong. Thank you so much for requesting.
Warning: Blood. Self-Harm Implications.
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gusterindrag · 1 year
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"Airport Song" pairs well with Landon Cider
Bonus Landon appreciation (content warning: blood):
Bonus Bonus Landon appreciation:
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teafiend · 1 year
Content warning: Blood
Gifs source: @Nungchae (Twitter)
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m0r1bund · 4 months
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shoulda never let you go (everybody knows, everybody knows) three years and baby, don’tcha know, it’s time to let it go
My piece for the Commander of Your Heart zine. This was such a blast to be a part of, getting to see everyone’s pieces develop over the last few months and learning about their relationships with their Commanders… I only started playing Guild Wars 2 in ~May of last year, and yet the community has been so warm and welcoming to this newbie. Thank you for bringing me aboard, it was a pleasure and an honor!
As for this piece… I originally wanted to do something saccharine-sweet for Valentine’s Day, but Heart of Thorns won in the end. It’s been living rent-free in my brain since @snoodls and I finished it last year. I’ve been acting accordingly normal e.g. constructing elaborate Trahearne AUs and putting Commander Yuri Six-Cants into situations, which is outside the scope of this description, but if you want you can see it all here.
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talesofedo · 2 years
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eljeebee · 8 months
The woman dashed to them, and as she neared them, she pushed Percival away from the Overlord's hand. He almost flew with the push, but he landed on the ground with a grunt, ungracefully.
Straud never moved, his hand still raised. He sighed as he dropped it. Right in front of him was the woman.
"Valentina Asvang," Straud said. "You're awake."
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Valentina ignored him. "I will not let you kill him. He is of Asvang descent, and I will not let you kill him for he is my family. An oath with a little spellcaster isn't enough for me to stop you!"
His brows slightly raised. "I know."
Valentina was taken aback. "So you know."
He nodded. "And so it seems like you know about my spellcaster friend."
She scoffed. "I noticed your energy signatures around her."
"Only a vampire as strong as I, as strong as the noble families, will notice that, child," he said, solemnly. "For thousands of years, you only show that now?"
Confused, she asked, "What ever do you mean, Overlord?"
He chuckled lightly. "Look at your hand, Valentina. You have earned the Mark of the Beaus."
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Valentina softly gasped.
"Thana would be proud of you, child."
She can't help but scoff. She looked at her mark with contempt. Why now, she thought. Why hasn't it showed up before? Before, when she was the Beaus' servants? Before, where she stomached all of Lady Beau's games? Why now? She could've had this before, and she could've prove the others that she's powerful. That her clan is worth something.
"Do not worry yourself anymore, child," Straud said. "I hope this will make you stand up for yourself from Lana."
"I am standing up from her," Valentina defended.
"You are, but you can't help but continue following her whims," he said, shaking his head. "Why don't you start now, Valentina? Tell me, how did you know we were here?"
She thought for a moment.
"I will not kill you, child. I am exhausted from killing."
She laughed dryly. "I asked this spellcaster friend of yours. She bypassed the oath by...I don't know, but I heard whispers. The whispers probably protected her from the oath. Anyway, she told me the visions. Young vampires, an old man, and a newborn."
"Whispers, huh?" He looked away. He saw Percival laying down from where he landed. He saw Lilith still resting, and Caleb and Helen sitting side by side, watching them. He nodded at them.
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"Are they the young vampires and the newborn?"
"The blonde one is the newborn, yes," he nodded. "Is that all she said?"
Valentina nodded. Then, Percival stirred awake. He suddenly got up on his feet, and when he saw Helen, he growled. He was about run to her, pouncing, and Valentina was about to grab him, but Straud held her back. With his other hand, he casted a charm on Percival.
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Percival's knees buckled. Groaning, "Nnnghhh, no more talking. No more whispers. No more. I don't want this anymore. No more."
Caleb and Helen sat there dumbfounded.
"I assume you know that he was involved in the slaughter of two prominent families," he looked back at Valentina.
She nodded. He continued, "And I assume you know that the group who killed them was your brother's descendants."
"He was contracted to kill the newborn's family," he glanced at Helen. "I helped her escape, along with her niece. Sadly, my children and I had to terminate your other descendants."
"Yes, sadly," Valentina echoed.
"However, this...," he took a deep breathe. "Percival evaded us. He had grown strong, proving that greatness in your clan is true. You are not just an "isolated case", your blood had truly evolved."
Percival groaned again, shaking his head. He blinked, looking at his hands. "It's...it's quiet..."
All eyes were on him. Percival had glanced at Helen, and he feared that the cloud would be back again. His face contorted in confusion, when his head remained clear and silent.
"What...what did you do to me?"
"A charm to calm you down," Straud stated.
"Shit," he breathed. "Thanks. I...You've made my mind calm. I don't even go mad whenever I see that woman."
He pointed at Helen. Helen glared at him.
"What do you mean?" Valentina asked.
"It probably has to do with the contract," he replied. His shoulders sagged. "We were contracted to kill that woman's family. So, we did. But then the family that paid us to do it got angry when we couldn't present any proof that everyone was killed, even the baby. My sisters decided not to kill that woman and the baby, you see. They pitied them. Personally, we should have," He continued.
"Anyways, they belittled my sisters, they hurt them, so I killed them too. I don't know what came over me, I woke up with my sisters telling me to flee. Then I heard whispers, telling me to finish the job. The contract. Turns out that contract wasn't just measly paper. It was magical too. My sisters and I suffered with this...condition. But then you had to kill them. And I felt angry, and the whispers became louder. I figured this would stop if I finish the job. And then the rest is history."
Straud whispered another charm. "There. This shall last you for at least a year. We shall solve that "contract" of yours soon. For the meantime, Valentina, what do you need him for?"
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Valentina raised a brow. "What? I said he's family."
"There is more to it, is it not?"
She sighed. "Lady Beau. She wants to use Percival to wake her older sister."
"So she's awake, too," Straud shook his head. "And why wake her sister?"
"She plans to rebuild the House with her sister. I cannot let her do that. I've suffered enough, I do not want another Asvang to suffer, much more die from her."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Percival groaned, falling back to lay down. "I wish the old man killed me instead."
"What else is there to rebuild? Our age is done."
Valentina grimly nodded.
"Bring me to her," Straud said. "I will wake up her sister myself."
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misseydisfanblog · 1 year
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Model: MissEydis
Photographer: rf_taylor_photo
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1ore · 1 year
Working through the mysterious seed stuff in gw2 and hhrhgrnnhh…. baby vinetooth . (grips your lapels) Babey Vinetooth
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"fuck ya life. bing bong" is a video that's living rent-free in my brain.
Other related comics about covert seed operations idk where to put
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morganmerylhodgepodge · 11 months
Pages 5, 6 and 7
I know I already posted page 5, but the end of it leads into page 6, so...
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