illusorybutterfly · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Dockside Restaurant  With: Garth @originxlaqualad
Chou knew it was important to expand his charitable repertoire as much as possible while he resided in Star City. The clandestine activities he headed were in capable hands but for endearing others to his environmental causes it was necessary to do most of the work himself. Hence, he’d contacted a figure of authority regarding the sea to meet with him for a lunch to hopefully see their ideologies aline.
He sat waiting at a table outside the fairly humble dock side seafood restaurant, idly drinking a less then perfect green tea and watching the waves lap back and forth while he waited for the other to arrive. When he did, Chou rose to his feet and offered the other respectful bow in greeting before speaking, “It is a pleasure to meet with you, Garth. Thank you for agree to speak with me.” his words soft, slow and polite as he rose up and smiled gently at the taller man.
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illusorybutterfly · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Boat - Ocean Outside Star City With: Garth @seawavcs​
“I’m so pleased you had the time to meet with me again, Garth.” Chou smiled, the expression subtle and patient as he sat with a practiced elegance on the built-in bench the modest boat had. It was a small vessel, but had a strong motor and was easy enough to use. When the other had arrived at the docks at the allotted time, Chou had explained he’d hired the boat himself, wanting the to have privacy to talk; it was easier for him to manipulate a conversation to his liking without an audience after all. 
The craft wasn’t difficult to man so he’d had them out to sea within a few minutes; they didn’t go far, the city still in view but it seemed small now, the waves lapped placidly around them, gently rocking the boat and he looked over the edge into the waters below, unable to see a thing yet a cavalcade of life was no-doubt abuzz beneath the surface. 
“I cannot help but find it humbling,” he said quietly, “Humans think they own and understand so much of the world yet we’re practically children before the ocean; it’s mysteries are boundless to us, but not to you.” he added, turning back to Garth and smiling, “I should love to see you in your natural homeland. And if you’d enjoy the chance to, by all means go ahead.” he gestured to the sea slightly, “I doubt it will interrupt our conversation.” 
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illusorybutterfly · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Cafe With: Garth @seawavcs​
It was prudent to always seize an opportunity when one arose to ensure success. As such when Chou had realised an envoy of the sea was making himself known in the city it seemed only prudent to reach out so that they might exchange ideas to better the planet. While his more clandestine activities may not fit with one of such a heroic reputation, Garth and himself both shared a deep love for the world around them; provided that was all they discussed this meeting should go very well.
He’d invited the other to join him for tea in a small, quiet cafe in the city, away from prying eyes and not overly luxurious. He had found these more independent establishments often served better tea than others of a higher profile. Chou was gently sipping a green tea infused to perfection when the other entered; he stood and bowed his head slightly in greeting, “Good morning.” his slow, quiet voice barely disturbed the gentle aura of the cafe, “I greatly appreciate your willingness to meet with me, Garth.”
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