elsawiththegoodhair · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: District X -Remy’s Place With: Remy @voleur-de-coeurs​
Things weren’t going badly with Kurt, not by a long shot. But Bobby couldn’t help but feel... out of his depth. When he’d dated girls he’d dropped little compliments, sent them looks and just made them feel loved and engaged; he’d been good at it. With Kurt he constantly felt like he was tripping over his own awkwardness and worried the fuzzy elf would only be charmed by his gooberish behaviour for so long. 
So he’d decided to be proactive. 
Hearing Remy was in town he’d asked around, tracked down the guy’s place and knocked on the door, twiddling his thumbs a little till the other answered. “Hey Dude,” Bobby raised a hand, between that greeting, the tank drop, three-quarter cargo shorts and backwards baseball cap he looked like a college jock who’d lost on his way to the football stadium. Even more worryingly, he’d be the last one to notice. “I was uhr, hoping I could ask ya a favour if you’d got a little time?” A hand rose up to rub the back of his neck as he spoke. 
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inthenameofnova · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Bar With: Remy @kineticplayingcards​
She hated when these confrontations had to happen in places filled with citizens, they presented so many additional risks and the potential for further harm. She had half a dozen agents stationed around the bar, it had been confirmed the mutant Remy Lebeau was currently inside and they couldn’t pass up this opportunity to try and bring him in given his past reputation. She’d decided after much deliberation she’d go in and attempt to bring him out peacefully, with the place already surrounded she doubt he’d be getting out without a fight. 
“All of you, wait on my signal.” she said, pulling her jacket off to leave her in a light blouse, skirt and heels and pulled a clip from her hair to let it tumble down, she needed to blend in with the other bar patrons to try and minimise panic. Jihl walked into the bar and spotted the man in question drinking alone at a small table. She didn’t hesitate to slide in across from him and smile lightly, “Mr. Lebeau, I wonder if I might have a moment of your time.” 
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therapisttothedevil · 5 years
Linda knew that not acknowledging traumatic events in ones life never ended well but, frankly, what had happened at the carnival (while traumatic and life-changing) was nothing she’d not dealt with before. Kidnapping and the threat of death... that was her third time. So, rather than dwell she’d thought to focus on something a little more entertaining, like keeping her poker game plans with Remy. The man had been charming, surely this would be a night of fun conversation and cards if little else.
He’d given his address so she turned up a little after eight with a bottle of tequila (her shot of choice) ready to have a some fun. When she answered she grinned and held the bottle out, “I figured and good game of cards needs good booze to go with it.” she said in lieu of a greeting. 
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felixthebern · 8 years
Heh. Biggest butt.
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and don’t you forget it.
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elsawiththegoodhair · 5 years
Honestly, the carnival hadn’t been that bad for him, Bobby’d been handling crap like that since he was fifteen so it was just another weekend shindig. More importantly, thanks to the wonders of Amazon Prime he was now in possession of a (blown up) inflatable hammer complete with a squeaker in the face. He planned on having some fun pranking Scott with it later, but first things first, Remy had put the idea in his head and what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t try it out with him first?
So, he’d rung the other’s doorbell and was hiding against the wall, inflatable hammer held high a few giggles escaping while he waited. It probably wasn’t the best idea to try this on a master thief but hey, Bobby liked to live in the moment.
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elsawiththegoodhair · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: District X - Remy’s Apartment With: Remy @kineticplayingcards​
So, he and Kurt were officially dating. It was exciting and wonderful and... utterly terrifying. While he’d done an excellent job (if he did say so himself) at not freaking out he was beginning to feel it coming on. He was just so used to being pretty suave, his natural charm and wit had come into play around girls so easily but around any guy (including Kurt) he felt like an idiot. Luckily, he recalled Remy, their last meeting at a bar might’ve ended very embarrassingly... him freezing a not insignificant portion of the bar but he hoped the guy would still be willing to offer him a little advice.
So, after finishing his last class of the day he stopped by the guy’s place and knocked on the door, “Remy, it’s Bobby!” he called, waiting a few moments for him to answer the door, as handsome as ever. “Hi!” he dorkily raised a hand to wave, “Sorry to interrupt whatever you had going on but I was hoping I could ask you for some advice?” 
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