#Cool gay uncles that commit thievery
asavt · 4 years
Okay! For your Darkoach! Or whatever the ship name for Dark Meta Knight X Daroach is called... Since their victory picture in star Allies consists of them drawing on a large sheet of paper along side Adeleine and Ribbon, I need to ask... What is Daroach and Dark Meta Knight's relationship with the artist and her fairy friend? Do they act like father figures to them? Or like the cool uncles?
Either darkroach (how I’ve seen people tag it as) or darodame (in my case lol) works~
I like to think they are the cool gay uncles that commit thievery every once and then.
Like, Adeleine wants some pricey art supplies?  Ribbon needs help with some bad people back at ripple star?? Leave it up to the gay ratman and mirrorman to handle (though I’m pretty sure she would tell them to give it back even if she appriciates it lol). Daroach would be a little more talkative to them than Darme (dark meta), he still has a few trust issues but he is getting there <3
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