#Cornelis Mahu
joseandrestabarnia · 2 years
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Artista desconocido. Pintor de Amberes, círculo de Anthonie Victorijns y Cornelis Mahu
Escena interior con violinista y bebedores, c. 1640
Óleo sobre tabla, 39 x 57 cm.
Número de inventario: 0043NMK
Comprado en 1906 a un marchante de arte en Ámsterdam
Una luz brillante cae sobre un grupo de campesinos alegres en una granja por lo demás oscura. En el centro de la escena se sienta un campesino satisfecho, mientras su esposa a su derecha agarra firmemente su jarra de cerveza.
Detrás de ellos, un violinista está luchando por afinar su violín, para diversión del hombre a su lado. Un niño se sienta en el suelo sucio, totalmente indiferente al espectáculo que se desarrolla a su alrededor. En cambio, su atención se centra en el perro de la granja al que acaricia suavemente. Aunque no se conoce al artista detrás de esta pintura, la influencia de las primeras pinturas de género de Adriaen van Ostade es claramente evidente tanto en el idioma como en el contenido. Tanto la fuerte iluminación como la representación humorística de campesinos ingenuos que se divierten es un tema recurrente en las pinturas de género de van Ostade de la primera mitad del siglo XVII.
Información e imagen de la web de Nivaagaards Malerisamling.
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Cornelis Mahu - Dessert - 
Cornelis Mahu (1613 – 16 November 1689) was a Flemish painter of still lifes, genre paintings and seascapes who showed a very high level of craftsmanship in his compositions.
An important influence on his still lifes were the monochromatic "breakfast pieces" (ontbijtjes) or 'banquet pieces' (banketjes) of the Haarlem school of still life painters such as Pieter Claesz and Willem Claeszoon Heda. He stressed realism in his still lifes. He also painted Flemish style still lifes more in the style of Jan Pauwel Gillemans the Elder.
A good example of his still lifes is the Still life with an orange on a pewter plate, a porcelain pitcher, a glass, bread and a box of tobacco on a table (sold at the De Jonckheer Master Paintings). It shows in its arrangement of the various elements an influence of the Haarlem style. The work captures the spectator's eye with its vibrant contrasts of light and dark (chiaroscuro). The still life conveys the implicit message of vanitas so typical for northern European still lifes of the time. This message is conveyed through the usual symbols of the genre: the cut orange, which evokes the passing of life that is bitter in essence, and meaningless if not combined with a higher spiritual reality, and the burning candle, which inexorably measures time and the limits of our material and sensual aspirations.
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thatsbutterbaby · 7 years
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Cornelis Mahu, A coastal landscape with shipping caught in tempestuous seas.   
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
'Saya ingin bantu adik Ainul' - Aliff Syukri
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"Siapa kenal adik ini? Saya amat kasihan dengan nasib adik ini dan ingin membantu apa yang perlu untuk beliau. 
"Siapa yang kenal atau mempunyai nombor telefon adik ini sila PM saya. InsyaAllah saya cuba yang terbaik dengan rezeki apa yang saya ada," demikian kapsyen usahawan kosmetik, Dato' Aliff Syukri yang baru dimuat naik di Instagramnya sebentar tadi. 
Kisah penderitaan bayi perempuan berusia lapan bulan, Ainul Mardhiah, yang menghidap kanser 'Germ Cell Tumor' tular media sosial baru-baru ini mengundang rasa simpati orang ramai. 
Bapanya, Ahmad Safiuddin Ahmad Razak, 24, berkata, dia dan isterinya, Nurul Erwani Zaidi, 24, sentiasa berharap agar anak sulung mereka itu sembuh. 
Menurutnya, Ainul dilahirkan ketika kandungan isterinya berusia tujuh bulan dan ketika itu Ainul sudah diserang kanser berkenaan. 
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"Ainul Mardhiah yang dirawat di Hospital Melaka sebelum ini sudah stabil, lalu dipindahkan ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk menjalani pembedahan membuang ketumbuhan di mulut ketika berusia 10 hari. 
"Selepas menjalani pembedahan, dia seperti bayi lain, mampu tersenyum dan kembali normal. 
"Bagaimanapun pada Oktober lalu, kami dimaklumkan terdapat ketumbuhan baharu di bahagian leher anak dan tidak menjangka keadaan menjadi sebegini," katanya memetik laporan dari Harian Metro. 
Doktor juga menyarankan Ainul mengikuti kitaran kemoterapi Disember lalu bagi mengelakkan ketumbuhan itu terus merebak. Tetapi tiada perubahan positif biarpun Ainul sudah menjalani kemoterapi dua kali dan ketumbuhan di mulutnya terus membesar. 
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"Bayangkan dengan saiznya yang kecil dan berat kira-kira 1.2 kilogram terpaksa menjalani kemoterapi. Hanya Allah SWT sahaja tahu perasaan saya saat melihat dia menanggung kesakitan itu. 
"Selain itu, doktor memberitahu kanser pada mulutnya itu tidak boleh dibuang. Kami kini mencuba perubatan alternatif dengan menggunakan ubat memerlukan perbelanjaan tinggi selain kos peralatan menukar tiub pada leher dan minum susu. 
"Untuk bekalan ubatnya selama tiga hari, saya memerlukan kira-kira RM1,000 dan baru-baru ini pernah terputus bekalan selama dua minggu kerana masalah kewangan. 
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"Kos kelengkapan menukar tiub pada leher dan susu pula memerlukan kira-kira RM1,500 sebulan dan saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk anak dan kami ketika ini menjual bertih jaung "Pop Corn Ainul Mardhiah' untuk mendapatkan pendapatan sampingan," katanya. 
Bagi yang mahu membantu, boleh menghubungi pasangan ini di talian 012-2456220 / 012-3518615. Sumbangan anda boleh disalurkan ke nombor akaun Maybank 554110509928 - Ahmad Safiuddin Ahmad Razak. 
Sumber: Harian Metro, Aliff Syukri, Khai Rosli
from The Reporter http://bit.ly/2VHbmdK via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://bit.ly/2WWp6Sn via IFTTT
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roxied6178320-blog · 6 years
The Account Responsible for The Story.
Often a gal only must let go as well as have a little bit effectively that is actually simply what Abbey and I carried out today. They also prepare to release Outryder American Whiskey. Jersey Craftsman Distilling, Fairfield, NJ. This whiskey is actually organizing to make Busted Gun barrel Diehard and also whiskey for launch in 2015 and James F.C. Hyde sorghum scotch. Wishkah Stream Whiskey, Aberdeen, WA. This whiskey is working with a number of spirits, consisting of Thirteen Corners, an unaged malt scotch.
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He stayed in Hamilton, Illinois, U.S.A 1857 (Land Ownership record). He got married to Mary HEARD May 05, 1830 in Hamilton, Illinois, U.S.A. She was hosting my butt precarious and after a couple of minutes she started" Please reduce. They are additionally making Berrien Spine Bourbon, a corn located bourbon and Baroda Diehard. Best of the Hill Whiskey (also known as Topo Distillery), Chapel Hillside, NC. This whiskey, opened through a North Carolina brewpub, is actually organizing making Topo Carolina Bourbon, a wheat whiskey. Saya tidak sedar rupa-rupanya beliau pergi mengambil parang panjang dan cuba menyerang saya. Yayasan al-Bukhary juga membina 12 buah mosque di serata negara.Sumbangan dalam bidang pendidikanPada tahun 2000, Yayasan al-Bukhary mendermakan sejumlah RM7.75 juta kepada Oxford Center for Islamic Researches, iaitu pusat pengajian Islam yang terkenal di serata dunia. Catherine WALLER was born 1826 in Franklin, Illinois, USA. William Grant & Sons obtained the Hudson line of scotches in 2010 and afterwards acquired the whiskey in 2017. Terlalu sukar saya mengecapi nikmat Islam tetapi orang di sini yang memang lahirnya dalam Islam dengan mudah mahu membuang Islam.
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Once my mommy became exasperated as well as told her, after listening to every particular from my auntie's supper preparations that day, I scent your pork burning." My auntie mentioned, Oh really?" and also swiftly knocked down the phone to take care of the emergency situation.
Buzzballz LLC, Carrollton, TX. This bottler of all set to consume alcohol mixed drinks plannings to release Alexander's Ruse Diehard, distilled in South Carolina, as well as Crooked Fox Blended Bourbon. Selepas dua hari, wanita itu masih juga tidak sedarkan diri. Saya menyoalnya, Jesus Christ itu Tuhan atau Nabi?" Beliau menjawab, Dia Tuhan. American Fifth Spirits Co., Lansing, MI. This whiskey prepares to release Fat Five White Scotch as well as Diehard and also I-Wish Riskey, a malt bourbon. Dia tidak diberi peluang langsung untuk berehat atau dilepaskan daripada hukuman sepanjang masa koma itu dilaluinya dengan azab yang amat pedih.
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They likewise plan to discharge Punjabi Group, a rye scotch, Chinook Whisky, Chinook Rye, Okey's Bourbon as well as Wisconsin Group Whisky, a combined rye. Their very first set of wheat or grain whiskey was created through them, to their specs, utilizing the stills at Sin city Distillery, however they currently create it all at their very own distillery. I have heard at once or one more, all the following: he is actually not dark, he's Dominican"; I am actually certainly not white, I am actually Portuguese", I'm certainly not black http://alex-sport19.info/verstehen-testo-ultra-sie-die-mittel or even white, I am actually Puerto Rican". Negeri Johor adalah negeri tiang seri UMNO dan Barisan Nasional namun balasan kepada kesetiaan dan ketaatan kepada Barisan Nasional yang rakyat Johor dapat ialah harga air yang dulling mahal di Malaysia. Dominance Whiskey, Colville, WA. This whiskey is actually dealing with a "three-way malt" made coming from malted barley, malted wheat and peated barley. . She passed away Sep 11, 1939 in Hamilton, Illinois. Business Metropolitan Area Whiskey, Brooklyn, NY. This whiskey is actually intending to launch Lone Wolf malt whiskey under the Arcane Distilling label and Fort Hamilton Rye under the Alex Clark Sens tag, which might be sourced.
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kerahlekung · 4 years
The Ballad of Azamin...
The Ballad of Azamin....
Sembang2 politik... Katakanlah, PH bawa usul undi tak percaya terhadap Muhyidin dalam sidang parlimen 18 Mei depan.... Baik, usul itu terhadap PM, ini bukan soal pakatan atau perikatan. Katakanlah, usul itu diluluskan untuk dibentangkan, dibahaskan, kemudian dibuat undian.... Baik. Benda ni tak pernah berlaku di Malaysia. Setelah diundi, hanya ada dua kemungkinan saja, samada Muhyidin menang, atau kalah... Kalau Muhyidin menang, tak ada apa yang berubah, PN akan terus perintah sampai PRU-15 tahun 2023. Tetapi kalau Muhyidin kalah, apa jadi...? Speaker akan umumkan bahawa Muhyidin telah hilang sokongan dan kerajaan PN jatuh... Anwar akan bawa keputusan undian ahli parlimen itu ke hadapan YDP Agong dan memaklumkan dia cukup sokongan majoriti untuk jadi PM.... Kalau Agong perkenankan, bolehlah Anwar mengangkat sumpah sebagai PM bagi kerajaan Pakatan Harapan... Kalau ini berlaku, bermakna Bersatu akan jadi pembangkang.... Jadi, Tun sebagai MP Langkawi juga akan turut berada di blok pembangkang. Persoalannya, benarkah kalau Muhyidin hilang sokongan bermakna secara otomatik Anwar akan cukup sokongan...? Besar kemungkinan YDP Agong akan memutuskan Muhyidin dan kerajaan PN sudah jatuh, tetapi di pihak PH baginda mahu pastikan orang yang dilantik itu mesti mempunyai cukup sokongan, iaitu sekurang-kurangnya mendapat majoriti mudah dari 222 ahli dewan rakyat. Maka kemungkinan akan berlaku temuduga sorang-sorang bagi semua ahli parlimen tidak kira parti apa, adakah dia sokong Anwar jadi PM.... Jawab sokong atau tidak sahaja... Kalau ini berlaku, besar kemungkinan Anwar tidak akan punya cukup sokongan. Kalau ini berlaku, mungkin YDP Agong meminta PH kemukakan lebih dari seorang calon untuk dipilih oleh seluruh MP, PH pun tak ada calon lain yang dikira boleh dapat sokongan majoriti MP.... Nak calonkan Tun pun tak boleh, sebab Tun bukan lagi ahli PH... Kalau boleh dicalonkan pun, mengamuk lagi orang PKR.... Jadi nak buat macam mana...? Muhyidin dah jatuh, tapi calon dari PH tak dapat cukup sokongan, apa nak buat..? Apa lagi, bubar parlimen lah.
Kalau tak mahu parlimen dibubarkan, hanya ada satu cara saja, iaitu Tun jadi PM.... Sebab hanya Tun saja yang boleh dapat sokongan yang cukup ahli dewan rakyat.... Masalahnya, Tun tak nak jadi PM dalam kerajaan PN yang ada UMNO... Inilah senario yang sudah pun berlaku pada 23 Februari lalu. Pusing-pusing ulangkaji benda yang sama... Tun dah bagi hint dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan secara langsung : "Semua orang sokong saya, tapi saya tak mahu jadi PM sebelah sini, sebab Muhyidin berpakat dengan UMNO, saya tak setuju ada UMNO...." Tun bagi hint tapi pemimpin PH tak faham... Takkan Tun nak cakap terus-terang : "Hangpa sokonglah aku, aku boleh jadi PM lagi..." Takkan nak kena kabo gitu baru nak paham. Kita kena faham kedudukan Tun ketika itu, Tun tidak bermusuh dengan sesiapa... Muhyidin isytihar Bersatu keluar PH pun bukan sebab dia marahkan Tun... bahkan dia nak suruh Tun jadi PM bagi kerajaan PN.... Tapi Tun tak nak, sebab dalam PN sana ada UMNO... Sebab itu Tun letak jawatan, untuk dapat mandat baru jadi PM dengan sokongan dari ahli parlimen PKR, DAP, Amanah dan parti-parti lain yang menyokong Tun sebagai PM. Kita tak boleh expect perasaan Tun sama dengan kita yang marahkan Muhyidin yang kita percaya telah khianat terhadap PH... Tun letak jawatan sebab tak setuju dengan tindakan Muhyidin, dan Tun tak mahu khianati PH, Tun tidak mahu bersekongkol dengan Muhyidin... Itu saja. Tun sendiri sebut beberapa kali, apa boleh buat, orang PH pun tak nak sokong saya, depa sokong Anwar, itu tak apa lah, tapi Anwar tidak dapat cukup sokongan. Jadi, untuk akan datang, kalau pun berjaya undi tidak percaya, politik kita akan hadapi masalah yang sama juga....... Pilihan terakhir ialah bubar parlimen. Kalau parlimen bubar sekarang, boleh agak apa akan berlaku dalam pilihanraya umum...? PKR habis, Amanah habis, silap gaya DAP pun habis. - Umo Bin Othman
Saya Diserang Penyokong PAS Yang Taksub!
Kabar bertiup kencang... Kesan dari tak puas hati terhadap Muhyidin dan Azmin.... UMNO akan keluar dari PN.. Kalau keluar, PN automatik akan tergulin jd pembangkang. Kalau UMNO keluar, PAS nk pilih yg mana? Nak kekal bersama BERSATU, PN dh tak jadi kerajaan. Nk ikut UMNO, UMNO pun jadi pembangkang... Habis....Mcm mana PAS nk jd menteri, kalau duduk dgn pembangkang?...nk buat hudud mcm mana.. nk tutup sekolah cina pun tak sempat, nk roboh kilang Carlsberg pun belum lg... Pub... Kasino.... ishhhh.. bnyk lg yg PAS tak sempat nk buat... Dah nk jd pembangkang balik... Kwn2 fb.... korang dh boleh order siap2 pop corn barang dua tiga kilo sorang... menarik wayang kali ni...- Muhammad Yahaya
Bila Cina sama Cina bersembang 
pasai politik agak2 apa depa bincang...
Ha ha ... aku dapat peluang mendengarnya pada petang semalam. Cerita pasal kerajaan pintu belakang tu ok ke atau tak ok !! Di sebuah gerai food court berhampiran pasaraya Yawata, aku duduk sedang minum teh tarik di sebuah meja bersebelahan dgn meja lain yg diduduki pula oleh tiga lelaki cina dewasa. Dgn membuat rujukan kpd satu surat khabar bahasa cina mereka bertiga pun seolah2 berbincang utk merumus satu isu politik semasa yg sangat panas. Mereka berbincang dgn cara yg bersungguh2 dan yakin tetapi dgn mood yg relax secara bersantai .. sebab mereka sangat yakin hujah2 dan sindiran mereka tak akan dapat difahami oleh pelanggan2 melayu yg duduk berada di meja2 lain. Sebab hujah dan perbincangan politik mereka berlangsung dlm bahasa cina (mandarin). Padahal mereka tidak perasan yg aku yg duduk bersebelahan meja mereka sebenarnya telah lama sudah menguasai dan faham berbahasa mandarin ... sejak lebih 20 tahun yg lalu. Intipati cerita mereka ialah penubuhan kerajaan baru secara pintu belakang, rata2 hampir semua orang cina tak boleh terima. Katanya 'sangat kotor dan jijik with a very low standard in political moral and justice'. Semua mereka ketiga2nya ada berkata kerajaan baru PN ini susah nak jadi stabil dan boleh runtuh pada bila2 masa. Mereka percaya pilihanraya yg baru akan berlaku tak sudah tidak dapat dielakkan lagi dlm tahun ini mungkin selepas bulan Jun. Seorang darinya berkata kalau undi pilihanraya diadakan pada masa sekarang besar kemungkinan parti dari Muafakat Nasional akan menang dan boleh tubuh kerajaan. Tapi jangan ingat ini undi mau menang banyak senang .. sebab itu parti PH pun sama2 very strong punya sambutan. Tapi itu parti gabungan umno dgn Pas (MN) masih ada sikit kelebihan, sebab banyak melayu di kampung2 dan felda2 sudah kena 'ubat bius' .. ha ha. Cina yg seorang lagi ada beri hujah .. sekiranya pilihanraya diadakan pada pru15 (2023) itu parti PH boleh menang dgn mudah .. sebab PH ada cukup masa boleh bina semula persepsi yg sebenar yg sudah pun teruk di lencongkan oleh puak umno dan Pas. Seorang lagi cina pulak berkata .. paling kesian ialah nasib parti Bersatu termasuk puak2 dlm Kartel pada bila2 masa saja sekiranya diadakan pilihanraya bermula dari sekarang. Sebab itu Kartel punya group sudah kasi cemar nama baik parti Bersatu. Apa yg aku rumuskan dlm perbualan mereka ialah cina memang tidak suka tubuh kerajaan cara pintu belakang. - Man Toba
Masa Muhyidin Yasin buat siaran Langsung tentang Covid..aku dah rasa ada yang tak kena.. Keesokan harinya baca muka depan Sinar, Muhyidin kata wabak ini mungkin akan berpanjangan 2-3 Bulan lagi... masa tu aku dah rasa ada yg kita tak tahu.. mungkin kerajaan tahu.. Dan hari kita dikejutkan kes positif Covid-19 Paling Tinggi dalam sehari.. 190 positif Covid-19 dalam sehari..Malah kes dalam sehari ini melebihi kes di Singapura... Ia betul betul membimbangkan... Cuma kita bernasib baik, Kes tersebut majoritinya dari kumpulan dari Himpunan Jamaah Tabligh...
Bayangkan jika Menteri Kesihatan dia hari ini itu namanya Dr Dzulkifli ? Kerajaannya PH... dah tentu berbeza reaksi depa.. Hatta Dr Dzul dalam tempoh 37 hari berjaya kawal hanya dengan 25 kes, dan 22 darinya pulih.. selepas itu 11 hari tanpa kes Baru... Masa tu bukan saja depa takat suruh sekat pelancong China.. Tuan Ibrahim sampai suruh batal Visa Pelancong India dan China.. dah sampai nak batalkan Perjanjian Diplomatik..lepas dah jadi Kerajaan Takiri nak pergi India nak eratkan hubungan Malaysia-India pulak..
Tapi biasa lah.. Bila depa jadi Kerajaan..Depa hanya kata kematian ini cuma 1%.. Dan kematian itu pasti... Kata pulak Ulama depa.. Kita lebih takutkan Kuman dari takutkan Allah... Nampak tak mudah nya depa menukar nada dan dalil dail agama...  Ada nampak depa salahkan Kerajaan sekarang walaupun kes dah capai 428 orang pertambahan 400 kes dalam tempoh 15 hari...? Sepatutnya Virus itu tidak dinamakan sebagai COVID-19, Tetapi DAP-19.. baru depa betul betul takut.. dalam hidup depa selama ini, depa cuma takut kan DAP.. bukan takut Allah.. - Ipohmali
Partial Shutdown...
Story kat SINI dan SINI
Mahathir’s last go-round...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad never answers a political question directly. When journalists asked whether he would make a comeback in the next general election, he said maybe – only if the people will it. He told the press that many people still visit him every day, telling him to contribute his experience to the country. Every time the country dips into a crisis, only one man could “save” her. And it seems that nobody but the man who held the highest office in the country for 24 years could do so. Like every politician, the answer of “the people’s will” is a convenient escape. When Pakatan Harapan lost power in early March, they called the new government illegitimate because it was formed against the people’s will. When Perikatan Nasional (PN) came into power, they said this was the government of the people’s will. Every politician wants to claim they hold the key to the masses. Having the people’s will is a sacred validation; misusing the people’s will is a sacrilegious violation. The “people’s will” gives Mahathir two choices: Fight back or sit back.
Fight back...
Always keeping an open mind about rules and principles, Mahathir is a keen proponent of “anything works”. He prefers if you discounted his comeback so he could orchestrate a surprise. A surprise is every tactician’s favourite necessity. Mahathir’s foray into politics was marred with a sacking. He was thrown out of Umno by Tunku Abdul Rahman’s team, who thought his line of politics was extreme and unpalatable to the taste of Malay-English male and gentry. During his exile, he wrote a book that cemented his political thinking about race in Malaysia – The Malay Dilemma. When the tide turned in his favour, he rode it with Tunku’s rivals and returned to mainstream politics. The expedition from exile to elitism took a mere four years. That was his first political comeback. Between then and now, Mahathir was at the epicentre of numerous comebacks. If his party members didn’t like him, he would find a faction to get rid of the rival faction. If his party leader didn’t like him, he would find a way to get rid of the party leader. If the party didn’t like him, he would find a way to get rid of the party altogether. If Umno didn’t work, there could be Umno Baru. If Umno Baru didn’t work, there could be Bersatu.
A tool to achieve power...
To the party members, a political party represents the struggle and the cause. To the highest leaders, a political party is but a tool to achieve power. History tells us that Mahathir is always capable of a comeback. But history is also ageless and limitless. Mahathir is 95 and left with limited options. We have gone through this before. In the last election, we thought a 93-year-old man could not take the demands of an election campaign – five to six events a day, long hours of standing, pressures of the public spotlight and an eager crowd. But he did. In fact, he did what most of our younger bodies could not have done. Pakatan Harapan politicians were so dependent on him that, for a moment, we were made to believe we could not have won without Mahathir. At that point, we knew that Mahathir was a different species. Age is not a problem for Mahathir – but time is. It took Mahathir three to four years to oust Najib Abdul Razak (above) from the highest position, and only two to lose it again. Muhyiddin Yassin’s government may have many cracks within, but they are a collection of experienced warlords who understand the importance of holding power. Even if Mahathir pushes his bodily limits to make a comeback against Muhyiddin, he would have been 98 by then. The Palace has closed its doors, the politicians of Harapan have developed a newfound mistrust, and the people have come to their senses that the country depends on more personalities than just one grandmaster. A comeback is forever possible for we are fearful of history, but a comeback is unlikely, given our poverty in age and options.
Time to sit back and jaga cucu...
Many people would have designed Mahathir’s legacy differently. We all say the same thing: If Mahathir had simply won power for the coalition of hope, and handed over power to a younger leader in Anwar, the country would remember him as a heroic saviour. Since we are a country of high filial piety and timeless respect for our elders, we would even go so far as to erase his 22-year misdeeds from our memories. We can be selective and we can be short-term if we want to do others a favour. But Mahathir didn’t. His two-year tenure as prime minister reminded us more of the less flattering remarks we shared of him during his first term. He didn’t sit back the first time; it’s not too late to sit back now. And I suspect that he is single-minded in building that final legacy of having his version of events retold so that we could remember him fondly. He has little else to lose. Mahathir hopes you remember that he was free of fault in the seemingly illegitimate rise of the PN. He said it was Muhyiddin and Anwar’s fault – both were power-crazy without constraint. Muhyiddin's fault was worse, for he “betrayed” Mahathir. A few days later, Mahathir also blamed Najib, who manufactured a country-wide hate campaign against the non-Malays. Mahathir also hopes you remember that Anwar was not the right person for the top job. When he was prime minister, Mahathir promised that Anwar would be his successor – implying Anwar’s suitability for the role. But when he lost power, Mahathir said Anwar might not have the right “character” for prime ministership – not even the deputy prime ministership. According to Mahathir, Anwar was too “political” than administrative. Most of all, Mahathir hopes you remember that he is a reluctant leader. His half-a-century long involvement in active politics was out of the people’s wants and needs. He never wanted power for himself; the people wanted it for him. He had always acted out of the sacred reservoir of the “people’s will”. Now it is empty. - James Chai,mk
Gerombolan kudeta katakan mahu "Selamatkan Malaysia" dari PH yang Cina DAP berkuasa kononnya, tapi apa yang mereka nak selamatkan ialah kawan-kawan penyamun mereka yang berkoyan-koyan kes jenayah rasuah dan mengubah wang haram.Lihatlah apa jadi pada RINGGIT kita..- f/bk
Sumber asal: The Ballad of Azamin... Baca selebihnya di The Ballad of Azamin...
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sonderfulrose · 5 years
The perfect size pillows for your loveseat, sofa or sectional. I was viciously attacked just after I turned 17, as I was preventing my attacker,.two good friends I had absent to higher education with that died a little while in advance of that night and also my grandfather who died about 3 several years prior, came to me and advised me to battle and I might be ok. I fought but lost consciousness and was likely into a peaceful tunnel of light <a href="https://diningchairslipcoversforsale.appspot.com/crumley-storage-platform-bed317-review.html">Reviews of Moduluxe Upholstered Platform Bed Wood Furniture Trends 2019</a>, instantly it was like I was rapidly pulled again out and came to. I got to basic safety and he was caught a brief time later, I knew him from substantial faculty.I have experienced so many spirits over the a long time, I've encountered several points high-quality and undesirable.
Latest-day worker decry the abhorrent performing circumstances in the areas of employment; people, several of them, women of all ages, at dwelling, are bored to dying with the redundant housework, and currently being unemployed, and in numerous conditions, her husband and grown up little ones, far too, are not capable to contribute a little something to housekeep of their families-Except for Federal government Grant(Mdende). Inside of weeks, the case of the Soledad Brothers emerged as a political induce célèbre for all sorts of people demanding alter at a time when just about every American institution was shaken by Black rebellions in extra than a hundred metropolitan areas and the mass movement towards the Vietnam War. And I wondered considerably at all those miracles, and prayed to be informed of a certainty of the meaning thereof-and shortly afterwards, whilst laboring in the field, I discovered drops of blood on the corn as though it were being dew from heaven-and I communicated it to may, equally Black and White,in the neighborhood-and then I found on all those leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters, and numbers, with the forms of men in diverse attitudes,portrayed in blood, and representing the people I had noticed just before in the heavens. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. It follows then that South Africans should not have been surprised at the drastic go by the governing occasion from the modest social democratic elements of the redistributive Reconstruction and Advancement Program to the far a lot more distributively conservative Progress, Employment and Redistribution policy. But in share, as the export of cotton became of vital desire to those people states, the overworking of the Negro and once in a while the using up of his life in seven a long time' of labor grew to become a factor in a calculated and calculating system". Then when I wandered into the lobby, the boy witch was singing his music to a girl by now, so I made a decision to examine the room and then I watched the porter a bit, then some white mask dude visibly appeared me up and down then attempted to slow dance with me but I pushed him away and the porter saw this so I determined I might hold out and see if he'd choose me. The witch came above and the girl he had just sang to was standing sorta in front for easy hand grabbing, but then his hand shot out and grabbed mine and I wiped his experience and went into the phonebooth.
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73oss-blog · 5 years
If you might be a very long-time reader, you may possibly don't forget when 3 years ago I showcased a property furnished by Houston interior designer Tami Owen of The Owen Group. My sister has been very bewildered and assumed she was going crazy when her dwelling keys have <a href="https://diningchairslipcoversforsale.appspot.com/hirano-traditional-dining-hutch362-review.html">Top 10 Wayfair 's Furniture Design Trend 2019</a> been disappearing from the table just within just the front door, every morning in advance of viewing work , she reveals her keys are absent , and she can not lock her door ahead of leavening, when she arrives household the keys are back on the table.
Perhaps the gridlock helped to earn them out of their cars, buses and Combis, and onto the roadways of Orlando East, see its people, houses and existence and seeing the "it" that will make Soweto without the need of remaining explained to, but personally seeing, feeling hearing and clasped within is rhythms and pulse. In weeks, the case of the Soledad Brothers emerged as a political bring about célèbre for all sorts of folks physically demanding transform at a time when just about every American institution was shaken by Black rebellions in far more than one hundred cities and the mass movement versus the Vietnam War. And I wondered drastically at these miracles, and prayed to be explained to of a certainty of the indicating thereof-and shortly afterwards, whilst laboring in the field, I found drops of blood on the corn as though it had been dew from heaven-and I communicated it to may, equally Black and White,in the neighborhood-and then I located on all those leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters, and numbers, with the paperwork of men in distinctive attitudes,portrayed in blood, and representing the people I had viewed in advance of in the heavens. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. It follows then that South Africans need to not have been surprised at the drastic go by the governing occasion from the modest social democratic elements of the redistributive Reconstruction and Advancement System to the far more distributively conservative Development, Employment and Redistribution policy. What is actually of desire this is the apparent willingness of sure American-based multinational corporations to inter into joint-challenge deals or partnerships with Black South African groups while they have demonstrated minimal or no interest in generating this kind of deals with African Us citizens. Then when I wandered into the lobby, the boy witch was singing his music to a girl already, so I resolved to discover the room and then I watched the porter a bit, then some white mask dude visibly appeared me up and down then experimented with to gradual dance with me but I pushed him away and the porter saw this so I made a decision I might dangle out and see if he'd decide me. The witch came above and the girl he had just sang to was standing sorta in front for straightforward hand grabbing, but then his hand shot out and grabbed mine and I wiped his deal with and went into the phonebooth.
0 notes
gus-the-icreamman · 5 years
If you might be a extensive-time reader, you may try to remember when 3 a long time ago I showcased a property furnished by Houston interior designer Tami Owen of The Owen Group. My sister has been very confused and considered she was going outrageous when her home keys have <a href="https://diningchairslipcoversforsale.appspot.com/hartfo-sofa389-review.html">Dining Table Chair Seat Covers</a> been disappearing from the table just inside the front door, each individual morning in advance of checking out employment , she reveals her keys are absent , and she can not lock her door right before leavening, when she will come dwelling the keys are again on the table.
Present-day-day staff decry the abhorrent performing issues in the places of employment; folks, a lot of of them, women, at Room, are bored to death with the redundant housework, and becoming unemployed, and in numerous situations, her husband and grown up young children, way too, are not able to direct some thing to housekeep of their families-Except for Government Grant(Mdende). We actually by no means had 'freedom of speech', economic self sufficiency; academic growth wherever training and discovering really should take area; we do not have our individual corporations and are attacked from any imaginable angle; we are the most deprived of expertise, documents and at the tail-stop of those technologically disempowered people, that we are; as a people, that , we have people decry the point that we should not be chatting South Africa, with all all those social maladies and wretched conditions and existence we are going through as of the producing of this Hub. And I puzzled greatly at all those miracles, and prayed to be explained to of a certainty of the indicating thereof-and shortly afterwards, whilst laboring in the field, I uncovered drops of blood on the corn as though it had been dew from heaven-and I communicated it to may well, both equally Black and White,in the neighborhood-and then I found on people leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters, and figures, with the paperwork of men in different attitudes,portrayed in blood, and representing the people I had seen ahead of in the heavens. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. "Individuals unexciting-witted, self-centered Africans are, in the top evaluation, as guilty of the arrest of progress as their White friends for it truly is from these types of groups that the 'theory of gradualism' emanates aGod will stage from heaven to fix their difficulties. But in proportion, as the export of cotton became of vital curiosity to individuals states, the overworking of the Negro and once in a while the driving up of his life in seven yrs' of labor became a element in a calculated and calculating system". W. E. B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, the Honorable Elijah Mohammad, Martin Luther King, far too as some of the now embattled brothers and sisters, Rap Brown(re-imprisoned as of now for some other charges), Bobby Seale, Angela Davis, Assatta Shakur(exiled to Cuba), Ahmed Evans, Erica Huggins, The Soledad Brothers and Cleveland Sellers.
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king-shrug · 5 years
Loads of persons say that attaining an business office seat pre-loaded with the armrest may possibly be the ideal matter they can obtain. Howard Zinn has pointed out in A Folks's Heritage of the United Suggests that "the record of any country, presented as the history of a household <a href="https://diningchairslipcoversforsale.appspot.com/wattisham-sofa140-review.html">King Size Platform Bed Frame With Storage</a>, conceals fierce conflicts of desire (sometimes exploding, most often repressed) involving conquerors and conquered, masters and slaves, capitalists and workforce, dominators and dominated." U.S. history is primarily that variety of hidden history.
Maybe the gridlock helped to gain them out of their cars and trucks, buses and Combis, and onto the streets of Orlando East, see its people, residences and existence and seeing the "it" that helps make Soweto without the need of currently being explained to, but personally seeing, feeling hearing and clasped within just is rhythms and pulse. Within just weeks, the case of the Soledad Brothers emerged as a political lead to célèbre for all sorts of folks challenging alter at a time when each individual American institution was shaken by Black rebellions in a lot more than a hundred metropolitan areas and the mass movement from the Vietnam War. And I wondered enormously at all those miracles, and prayed to be advised of a certainty of the this means thereof-and shortly afterwards, while laboring in the field, I identified drops of blood on the corn as though it were being dew from heaven-and I communicated it to may, both of those Black and White,in the neighborhood-and then I uncovered on individuals leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters, and figures, with the forms of gentlemen in diverse attitudes,portrayed in blood, and representing the figures I had found before in the heavens. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. It follows then that South Africans really should not have been surprised at the drastic move by the governing occasion from the modest social democratic elements of the redistributive Reconstruction and Development System to the far extra distributively conservative Progress, Employment and Redistribution policy. The finished pieces can be classics reborn, a delightful modern day infusion on a traditional style, or a small bit of both of those; if you can desire it, they can help you comprehend it with a absolutely unique, fully you sofa or occasional chair. Progress of Self-Federal government For Native Nations around the world in South-West Africa Act: This Act presented for the establishment of six Bantustans in South-West Africa - Ovamboland, Damaraland, Hereroland, Okavangoland, Eastern Caprivi and Kaokoland.
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Cornelis Mahu - Shipping in stormy waters near a coast - 
oil on panel, Height: 41.6 cm (16.3 in); Width: 57.2 cm (22.5 in)
Cornelis Mahu (1613 – 16 November 1689) was a Flemish painter of still lifes, genre paintings and seascapes who showed a very high level of craftsmanship in his compositions.
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claraoswald81 · 5 years
If you want to obtain dining home furniture that is both of those suitable and likable; i.e. the kind that you can dwell happily with for a long time to appear, it pays to put some believed into what you obtain. The ANC, Blatter and some crooks swayed the electing of the whole saga of the World Cup South Africa's way. You can even incorporate soft cushions on the seat so that it can be a lot more snug. Picket dining space chairs are accessible in engaging variations. Classic Dining Room Sets - m Classic Dining Room Sets: Locate the dining room table and chair set that satisfies both equally.
I wandered into the woods for the 1st time and the nurse in the hut was staring a white masked gentleman down, so I went over to watch to see if she was traveling to deliver him in the hut, but then when she came out and kept staring at him, she grabbed me and dashed me in, then slammed the door and window. Ahead of I talk about that, I hope the visitors know that the most significant poulation of Africans outside Africa are Africans in Brazil. I quickly saw a shadowy figure in the doorway ahead Review of Wayfair 's Ashley Furniture Commercial 2019 of the bed moved as though a person had jumped on it. I was sitting up at this time and I saw impressions in the mattress right before I was thrown flat and pinned. And I puzzled significantly at people miracles, and prayed to be advised of a certainty of the meaning thereof-and shortly afterwards, while laboring in the field, I discovered drops of blood on the corn as though it had been dew from heaven-and I communicated it to may, both Black and White,in the neighborhood-and then I uncovered on those people leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters, and numbers, with the paperwork of men in diverse attitudes,portrayed in blood, and representing the people I had viewed right before in the heavens. In this case, the preceding upholsterer had just coated above the original material and padding. Apabila dia kelihatan seperti mahu mencium ku, aku mengelak dengan mencium buah dadanya atau lehernya. Also you need to have to contemplate how quite a few chairs you have to have, which will count largely upon the shape of the table (which in transform could possibly depend on the shape of the room). The confined number of impressive and dignified images of African-Us residents in the media and the general public as a whole lowers our sense of self-respect. I'm getting rid of so A good deal rest at night, I come to feel fine until I feel a person coming into bed. White Folding Chair Addresses - Party Metropolis Canada. Green Check Padded Seat Cushions for Indoor & Outside Chairs Benches Furnishings: Amazon. If a table is evidently made of an old picket barn door, then amassing chairs that search like milking stools keeps the region decor theme dependable, with no acquiring to get a matching set. Not only do these beliefs persist immediately in the deal with of contradictory evidence, they persist in the face of consistent detrimental consequences resulting from their being held.""The self-hatred of heart-class Africans is often disclosed in the keen levels of competition which exists among them for status and acceptance.
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kemungkinan-blog · 6 years
'Projek bilion-bilion, aku dapat hamper tak sampai RM50'
"Projek bilion-bilion, aku dapat hamper tak sampai RM50. B*tuh laa" demikian reaksi pengadu yang berang dengan tindakan kontraktor dari syarikat China yang didakwa telah menceroboh kawasan tanahnya sejak 18 Disember lalu. 
Menurut Rizal, dia telah menghubungi dua kakitangan syarikat berkenaan bagi menuntut penjelasan. Namun kedua-duanya menekankan bahawa mereka sedang menjalankan projek untuk Kerajaan Malaysia. 
Di bawah adalah kronologi kejadian yang ditulis oleh Rizal:
KRONOLOGI PENCEROBOHAN syarikat dari republik China ini ke dalam kawasan tanah aku begini ceritanya. Sedapnya baca ni kalau ada pop corn. Pasal aku yang kena, kau kat sana sedaplah melunjur kaki je.
1. Pada 18 Disember 2017, Isnin (ketika ini aku masih berada di Kuala Lumpur). Satu gerombolan pekerja Cina datang ke rumah aku di Kampung Senggora dan menyatakan hasrat utuk melakukan kerja boring. Kerja boring ini adalah satu fasa di mana kerja mengorek tanah untuk mengkaji struktur tanah tersebut sebelum dilakukan sebarang construction. Jadi, di situ mereka dapat menilai kos yang akan terlibat setelah hasil kerja boring diserahkan. 
Mereka menyerahkan surat meminta kebenaran masuk dan adik aku sign. PAP! Di situlah cerita bermula. Pemilik tanah, bukan adik aku dan disitulah pencerobohan bermula. Mereka akan desak dan terus menggunakan ayat "Ini projek Kerajaan Malaysia mahu bikin kereta api laju", jadi nampak benda itu gempak dan suci. 
Menambahkan lagi kelakar, mereka menyerahkan saguhati berupakan hamper sekitar harga tak sampai RM50 sebagai tanda penghargaan bagi membenarkan mereka 'menceroboh'. 
2. Jadi, penceroboh ini terus membawa masuk lori ke dalam kawasan rumah aku dan loading mesin boring. Kalau tak percaya, kau Google sekarang Boring Machine. Geram juga ni, dengar kau gelak. 
3. Maka mereka pun terus melakukan kerja mengkaji tanah dengan meletakkan mesin boring ini. Mesin ini pula agak besar dan dengan selamba menggunakan kawasan rumah aku. Kedua, berlaku pencemaran udara dan bunyi yang terhasil dari mesin tersebut. Ternyata amat mengganggu kegiatan harian kami sekeluarga. Ketiga, tanaman pisang juga ditebang dengan hanya meminta kebenaran daripada unauthorized person. 
4. Jadi pada 18 Disember 2017 itu, seharian aku berkonfrontasi dengan boss mereka bernama Along (Cina) melalui panggilan telefon. Aku ada rakaman tetapi untuk wartawan suratkhabar power la, jumpa di Starbucks kalau nak. 
Lemas dengan desakan aku, Along kemudian menyerahkan panggilan telefon aku kepada boss lagi tinggi bernama Mr Chua. Mr Chua beberapa kali menggunakan point "Ini projek Kerajaan Malaysia!". 
Sebagai seorang bersifat profesional, aku masih control perbualan dan hanya mencarut dalam bahasa inggeris di dalam hati. 
5. Di akhir perbualan, Mr Chua menawarkan saguhati RM200 sebagai pampasan. Aku balas dan jawab, 
"Zaman Najib ni, RM200 nilaiannya sangat kecil berbanding zaman Tun Razak."
Jadi aku berkeras meminta mereka membuat perjanjian baru dan menyatakan bentuk kerja, timeline dantawaran pampasan kepada kami. Jika kami bersetuju, barulah kerja-kerja itu diteruskan. Cadangan saya itu dibalas dengan gelak ketawa Mr Chua. Katanya, bajet dia hanya RM200 sahaja. Sekali lagi aku mencarut dalam hati. Konfrontasi kami tiada kata putus. 
6. Keesokan harinya, 19 Disember 2017, melalui risikan kawan-kawan kampung, mereka WhatsApp kepada aku mengatakan gerombolan pekerja kereta api ini sudah berlonggok di depan rumah aku. Dengan kadar berang dan teramat marah, aku menghubungi Along dan mengugut akan membuat laporan polis jika pekerja dan mesinnya masih berada dalam kawasan rumah aku. Aku akan caj parking mesin itu per day jika ia masih berada di dalam kawasan rumah. 
Along bersetuju untuk keluar dari kawasan rumah. Aku beri timeline sehari untuk mengosongkan kawasan. Along berjanji ban keluar pada hari tersebut dan mereka telah mengosongkan premis. 
7. Pada 20 Disember 2017, aku balik ke Kampung Senggora di Maran, Pahang dan melihat kerosakan serta mengambil gambar dan video untuk bahan bukti kelak. Petang itu bertemankan Tok Empat Kampung Senggora yang steady, aku buat laporan polis. 
8. Begitulah perkembangan terkini. Konsep dia senang saja, no money no talk. Hulur sedap, kita kawtim. Projek bilion-bilion, aku dapat hamper tak sampai RM50. B*TUH LAA !
Sumber: Rizal Gunx
from The Reporter http://ift.tt/2BrK69k via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://ift.tt/2Bte0d0 via IFTTT
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kylehargraves-blog · 6 years
Lupita Nyong' o Points out Weinstein Pushed Her To Massage Him.
Often a gal simply should let go as well as have a bit well that is actually only what Friary and I performed today. One time, while the family members was actually down in the living room, I saw that Mother had actually gone to the bathroom upstairs. Michter's Whiskey, Shively, KY. Each of the Michter's bourbon currently on the shelf stems from other whiskeys, yet in 2015, Michter's started distilling at their brand-new distillery in Kentucky. When he was 21, He wed Bridget NELSON, child of John NELSON as well as Katherine BOZMAN, 1683 in Stepney Parish, Somerset, Maryland, UNITED STATE. Byroad Vintners, Indianapolis, IN. This distributor markets Foundation Bourbon, Old Bone Fragments Whiskey and also Bone Tissue Snapper Rye, all which are actually distilled through MGP and also bottled through Tough Spirits. Based upon the updates clip our experts see the other half is actually discharged from the hospital 5 times after being actually planet is astounded by the thought the white colored American female has actually possibly been actually shot through an Islamic revolutionary. One wonderful little grandchild of Claude and also Tressie, Crystal Ann Waller, which was actually born 1958 and also died in 1959, rests in Herrin City Cemetery. Basically the myth has to do with the seasonal attributes from appeal, as Adonis died merely to be born-again in the underworld. Varun answered "Auntie that was my initial caress as well as I will definitely constantly jewel this whatever comes I can certainly not help however adore you more and more every day, and also no you are actually certainly not old, don't ever before phone on your own outdated satisfy" "Varun stop this, typically I will certainly have to tell your mom to place you in the hotel". Almighty Spirits Distiller, Northbrook, IL. This firm plans to discharge Stray Rye Whiskey, an unaged rye with a 95% rye mashbill (the same utilized through MGP) as well as Alcoholic Drinks Within Whiskey, Rye and also Diehard. Padahal almarhum meninggal dunia akibat diserang jantung dan waktu kematiannya dalam tempoh yang begitu singkat mayatnya sudah menjadi demikian rupa? Belmont Farms, Culpeper, VA. This distillery which previously produced Virginia Bleaching corn whiskey and Kopper Teakettle 3 grain whiskey seems to have altered hands. For several years, this whiskey made Platte Valley Corn Scotch at their Missouri plant.
prettyandhealthyyou.info Catherine WALLER was born 1826 in Franklin, Illinois, USA. William Grant & Sons purchased the Hudson pipe from bourbons in 2010 and afterwards purchased the distillery in 2017. Terlalu sukar saya mengecapi nikmat Islam tetapi orang di sini yang memang lahirnya dalam Islam dengan mudah mahu membuang Islam. Journeyman Distillery, Three Oaks, MI. This natural whiskey makes WR Bourbon, a white colored rye bourbon, Ravenswood Rye, the initial batch which was made at Koval in Chicago with successive batches being created at the Michigan distillery, Featherbone Bourbon, Silver Cross Scotch, a four surface scotch, Buggy Whip Wheat Whiskey and also Three Oaks Singular Malt. They are additionally planning to release a wheated bourbon and Old Line Single Malt, distilled at Golden Distillery in Washington. Ketika itu seakan ada satu kekuatan dalam diri saya. They likewise prepare to create diehard and also malt whiskey. Long times, in the course of our love making I would certainly raise these thoughts as well as come in a matter of secs. He passed away Feb 23, 1786 in Sussex, Delaware, USA. Ascendant Sens, Buellton, CA. This Santa clam Barbara County distillery markets Buster Diehard, sourced from LDI, SemperFi Corn Scotch and Silver Super Moonshine, a corn scotch. North Texas Distillers, Fortress Really Worth, TX. This company brings in vodka and has actually released 1835 Diehard as well as combined bourbon and Prohibition 1920 Bourbon. ' I remember all of the day's false information incredibly clearly,' Didion creates, 'and I additionally remember this, and wish I performed certainly not: I remember that no one was actually startled.'". I locate your original "Top secret Sorcerers" article much more persuasive on re-read than the very first time 'cycle.
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delmar7402004-blog · 6 years
Kisah Mayat Keluar Ulat Dan Kain Kafan Jadi Singkat.
Just recently I composed a considerable write-up on the key canons from Sun-Pluto get in touches with. Raat ko main phir healthcare facility gia or even wo task every will certainly room major uncle ko check kerne aai to uncle therefore rahe the use mari lagai hoi perfume bohat pasand aai or us ne mere seene k qareeb apna naaak ker k soongha or kaha good cologne lo g our company ki is actually harkat se mera dill taiz or even lun khara hogia jise principal ne bari mushkil chupaya. Cotherman Distilling Co., Dunedin, FL. This distillery prepares to create Cotherman's and also Dunedin Highland, malt bourbons. Recently, WhistlePig released Farmstock, its own 1st bourbon to feature rye distilled in Vermont, Farmstock is actually a combination of rye from Vermont, Indiana as well as Canada. Tidak keterlaluan kalau saya katakan ia seperti kain kafan itu tidak mahu menerima mayat tadi. Hands Ponds Distilling, Burdett, NY. This upstate The big apple microdistillery is actually presently advertising Glen Thunder Corn Whiskey, White Pike Whiskey, McKenzie Diehard and also Rye Whiskeys and Primordial Rye. Kalifornia Distilleries, Temecula, CA. This provider organizes to release Moonshine 100 Unaged Corn Whiskey, Kalifornia Whiskey and also Kalifornia Bourbon, distilled from bourbon mash. Nevada H&C Distilling, Co., Sin City, NV. This provider bottles Smoke cigarettes Wagon Diehard, an Indiana whiskey. He got married to Mary THRELKELD 1715 in Stepney, Somerset, Maryland, USA. Windy Ridge Whiskey, Cayuga, IN. This vineyard opened a whiskey in 2015 as well as organizes to create Wind Shear Corn Scotch and also a rye bourbon. 2 Loons Whiskey, Loon Pond, WA. This whiskey is working on a corn whiskey, a bourbon and also 2 Crazies Bourbon. They are additionally organizing to release a set under the label Shifter singular malt ( each launch will definitely include a various type single malt and also will be actually named a various "Gear" i.e., 1st Gear, 2nd Equipment, 3rd Equipment, etc.) and also Struggle Bus, an unaged malt. Toddy Blends, Katy, TX. This business sells Wild Dick Whiskey and also Toddy Scotch, though each case to be ONE HUNDRED% grain neutral spirits. The Broyhill Household has expanded as well as diversified its business rate of interests much as well as beyond the household furniture sector. At Safia and Kenneth's interfaith and multi-cultural service, the bride-to-be's younger sibling opened up with a stirring performance from the Andrew Lloyd Webber's part, "I'll pick You." At Michael and also Amanda's service the bridegroom's sis rocked our home when she ended the service along with the soulful noises from "I'll Consistently Passion You." At Mary Anne and Barry's weddings, the new bride's household culture was honored having a bosom friend vocalize "Ave Maria" for the processional. Still 630, St. Louis, MO. This whiskey brings in Huge Jake White Dog Whiskey, an unaged rye, Rally Aspect Rye and Barrel Owner, a property whiskey aging package. Their initial release was actually a jump flavorful bourbon distilled by Charbay. He died Jul 26, 1831 in Bethel, Morgan, Illinois, USA. Oleh sebab itu peruntukan untuk di sana sudah tidak ada lagi. Door Region Whiskey, Sturgeon Bay, WI. This whiskey is actually servicing a single malt whisky. Distillery 291, Colorado Springs, CO. This distillery creates 291 Colorado Bourbon Aspen Stave Finished, 291 Colorado http://julia-today-slim.info/vor-allem-Dass-idealica-es-nicht-die-ubliche Rye Scotch White Canine, 291 New Colorado Scotch, 291 E (Experimental) Scotch, 291 Human Resources (High Rye) Bourbon and also 291 American Bourbon.
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lloydcrace5622-blog · 6 years
Preemie Patterns.
Often a girl just needs to let go and also possess a little effectively that is actually merely exactly what Friary and I did today. They produce Devil's Portion malt whiskey and also diehard and California Moonshine Corn Scotch. Dalton Distillers, Dalton, GA. This whiskey creates corn bourbon under the tags Genuine Georgia Moonshine, Raymond's Reserve, Dixie Motorway and Made Great in the Forest. E. Wright & C. Wallace Distilleries, Hillsville, VA. This whiskey intends to produce Boar Spring Scotch. Saya telah mengurus banyak jenazah tetapi tidak pernah saya bertemu dengan mayat yang sebusuk ini. Cascade Top State Of Minds, Ashland, OR. This organic vodka whiskey has actually released Waterfall Optimal Rye, Oldfield Rye as well as is additionally working on Whiskey and corn scotch. They were bottling Original Moonshine Clear Corn Bourbon and also are actually now organizing a brand-new Kopper Teakettle Virginia Whiskey, Wheat Bourbon and also Big Barrel Bourbon and Puncheon Whiskey and also Butcher Holler corn whiskey. Millstone Moods Team, Philly, PA. This business has a small whiskey however also launches sourced bourbons, including Kinsey Whiskey, Rye as well as Whiskey. Northern Seas Distillery, Minocqua, WI. This whiskey brings in Lakeside corn bourbon as well as is actually preparing making Jimmy's Area Bourbon, Old 51 Wheat Or Grain Scotch as well as Dual Barrel Bourbons. They are additionally organizing to launch an amount of bourbons under their Barrel Rumormonger collection consisting of unusual grains. Timbul di fikiran saya bagaimana saya sebagai manusia biasa bisa mengampunkan dosa manusia lain sedangkan para Nabi dan Rasul yang diutuskan Allah, mereka ini tidak sanggup mengampun dosa manusia dan tidak mampu mengampunkan dosa manusia. If the whiskey is distilled in-house or even sourced, this is actually not crystal clear from the coloralabel. Apa yang saya mahu, hari ini saya mahu peluk Islam." Seterusnya imam tersebut berkata lagi, Awak tak boleh masuk Islam sekarang sebab awak perlu mengisi borang, tandatangan surat akuan sumpah dahulu, baru awak boleh masuk Islam." Dengan agak kasar saya katakan kepadanya, Kalau beginilah caranya untuk memeluk Islam, lebih baik orang masuk Kristian. Status Imports, Mt. Clemens, MI. This provider markets Rod & Rifle Diehard (distilled in Tennessee), Blended Bourbon as well as Rye (probably distilled through MGP) which are bottled by Georgia Distilling Firm. Saya pergi menemuinya, dia katakan kepada saya Islam tidak benar, hanya Kristian agama yang benar kerana umatnya boleh melihat Tuhan. In the privacy of my room I masturbated with the pictures of her bust as well as I arrived thus challenging my penis merely kept snagging staying tough click for source some time. He died Nov 15, 1899 in Hamilton, Illinois, U.S.A. Solar Moods, Richland, WA. This distillery considers to discharge Solar State of minds Produced Scotch. She married Mahlon RICH 1926 in Illinois, USA. He resided in Franklin Area, Illinois, USA 1818 (Franklin came to be a county in 1818, prior was Indian area). Given that 2012, they possess had their own whiskey (view Willett Whiskey), yet most of their products still use sourced scotch. Mystic Hill State Of Minds, Larkspur, CO. This distillery make a variety of "moonshines" and also Aces High Diehard as well as is organizing to bottle Hoodlum Bourbon, a diehard, and Mystic Heritage Straight Whiskey, both which could be sourced. Scotch Hollow, Valley Viewpoint, TX. This distillery intends to discharge Texas Double Thumper White Whiskey, a bourbon mash whiskey and also Texas Gold Diehard. Wildrye Distilling, Bozeman, MT. This whiskey creates Five Decrease Bourbon. Tidak lama kemudian saya diterima bertugas di Majlis Agama Islam Melaka hingga ke hari ini. Trick West Distilling, Trick West, FL. This whiskey is operating Bourbon Tango Foxtrot, a malt whiskey. She perished 1773 in Manokin Waterway, Somerset, Maryland, UNITED STATE (Almodington). Smooch Beverages, Downey, CA. This provider considers to discharge Smooch American Moonshine, a corn bourbon.
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